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四川葱属一新种及其核型   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文分析了该新种的核型,其核型公式为K(2n)=2x=16=14m+2st(2SAT),具一对居间随体,有时该居间随体不明显。核型的不对称性为2A型。  相似文献   

The new species of Allium L. , A. maowenense J. M. Xu, from Sichuan Province is described in this paper. It is similar to A. eusperma Airy-Shaw, but differs from the latter by white flowers and filaments about 2 times longer than tepals. The present paper also reports the karyotype of the new species. The karyotypic formula was K (2n) = 2x = 16 = 14m +2st (2SAT) with one pair of intercalary satellites, which sometimes were not found clear-ly. The karyotypic asymmetry belongs to Stebbins’ 2A type.  相似文献   

描述了自西藏发现的荨麻科二新种:拉格艾麻(Laportea lageensis)和拉格冷水花(Pilea lageensis),并给出了与其近缘种的区别特征。  相似文献   

描述了自西藏发现的荨麻科二新种:拉格艾麻(Laportea lageensis)和拉格冷水花(Pilea lageensis),并给出了与其近缘种的区别特征。  相似文献   

报道了紫金牛科紫金牛属的一个新变种:窄叶山血丹Ardisia lindleyana D.Dietr.var.angustifolia C.M.Hu&X.J.Ma,并比较了此变种与本属中具有类似叶形种类的区别。  相似文献   

报道了广西石灰岩地区苦苣苔科唇柱苣苔属(Chirita Buch.-Ham.ex D.Don)1新种--假烟叶唇柱苣苔(C.pseudoheterotricha T.J.Zhou.B.Pan & W.B.Xu).该种在叶型上与烟叶唇柱苣苔(C. heterotricha Merr.)较相近,但不同在于根状茎节间长2~8 mm,叶片和叶柄两面密被腺毛,侧脉3~4条,整个花序被开展的腺毛,花萼裂片披针形,花冠裂片长圆形,花丝在中部扭曲,密被紫色腺毛.  相似文献   

Manglietia lawii N. H. Xia & W. F. Liao, a new species of Manglietia from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. It is closely related to M. forrestii W. W. Smith, but differs by having villous gynoecium and glabrous tepals.  相似文献   

Magnolia polytepala Law, R.Z. Zhou & R.J. Zhang sp. nov. (Magnoliaceae) a new species from Fujian, south-east China, is described and illustrated. The species was found growing only in the evergreen broad-leaved forests of Mount Wuyishan at altitudes of 500–1200 m. Notes are also presented on the phenology and conservation status of the new species. It is closely related to Magnolia liliiflora Desr., but differs from the latter in its stunted habit (less than 2 m tall) and tepals, which are more numerous (12–16) and not contorted at the base.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 289–292.  相似文献   

描述了产于中国新疆的黄耆属(Astragalus)丁字毛类群2新种,即额尔齐斯黄耆(Astragalus eerqisiensis Z.Y.Chang,L. R. Xu & D.Podlech)和沙地黄耆(A.shadiensis L. R. Xu,Z.Y.Chang & D.Podlech).其中,额尔齐斯黄耆仅见于新疆布尔津县的额尔齐斯河流域,与哈巴河黄耆(A.habaheensis)近缘,区别在于前者小叶菱形、倒卵形或椭圆形,长15~25(30)mm,宽(3)7~12(15)mm,旗瓣长20~22(25)mm,翼瓣顶端2裂;沙地黄耆产于新疆托克逊县东北部,散生于沙地荒漠,形态上与变异黄耆(A. variabilis Bunge ex Maxim.)接近,区别在于小叶5~7(9)枚而非11~19枚,旗瓣在中部收缩,植株全体被灰色毛而呈灰色.2新种均系中国特有种,其中额尔齐斯黄耆隶属于乌拉尔组(A. Sect.Helmia Bunge),沙地黄耆隶属于旱生组[A. Sect.Craccina(Stev.)Bunge].  相似文献   

Magnolia denudata var. glabrata Y. L. Wang et S. Z. Zhang var. nov. is described and illustrated from Hunan, China. The variety occurs mainly in semi‐evergreen forest of south Hunan at altitudes between 700 and 1260 m a.s.l. It differs from M. denudata var. denudata by its green and glabrous twigs and leaves which are glabrous above and have some white pubescence underneath. With its white flowers consisting of mostly 9 tepals, it differs from M. sprengeri Pamp. which mainly has 12 tepals in various shades of red/pink to white. The new variety is rare and considered endangered due to habitat destruction.  相似文献   

Magnolia bawangensis Law, R. Z. Zhou & D. M. Liu (Magnoliaceae), a new species from the Mount Bawangling, Hainan Province, China, is described and illustrated. It is closely related to M. paenetalauma Dandy, but differs by being a smaller tree with fewer spathe scars, absence of pedicels, pubescent and more numerous tepals, white pubescent and more numerous stamens.  相似文献   

Manglietia guangzhouensis A. Q. Dong, Q. W. Zeng & F. W. Xing, a new species of Magnoliaceae from Guangdong province, China, is described and illustrated. It is closely related to M. pachyphylla H. T. Chang, but differs primarily in its brown villose lower surface of leaves, brown tomentose and stout brachyblasts (peduncles), absence of pedicels, sparsely brown pubescent outer tepals and more numerous ovules (12–14) in each carpel. It is a very rare species with a highly restricted distribution.  相似文献   

描述了四川无心菜属(石竹科)一新种——道孚无心菜Arenaria dawuensis A. J. Li&Q. Ban。该种具纺锤形根,聚伞花序,花柱2,线形而与纟遂瓣无心菜A. fimbriata(E. Pritz. )Mattf. 相近,但叶匙形,萼片边缘具长缘毛,花瓣短于萼片,顶端细流苏状而不同。  相似文献   

报道了广西苦苣苔科细筒苣苔属Lagarosolen W.T.Wang一新种——陆氏细筒苣苔L.lui Yan Liu&W.B.Xu。该种与靖西细筒苣苔L.jingxiensis Yan Liu,H.S.Gao&W.B.Xu在叶型上较相近,但不同在于叶片上面光滑无毛或疏被微柔毛,下面被微柔毛,聚伞花序1~2回分支,花序梗长4~8cm,花冠裂片长圆形、倒卵形至近圆形,顶端圆钝,花丝长2.5~3.5mm,花期1~3月。  相似文献   

报道了广西苦苣苔科细筒苣苔属Lagarosolen W.T.Wang一新种——陆氏细筒苣苔L.lui Yan LiuW.B.Xu。该种与靖西细筒苣苔L.jingxiensis Yan Liu,H.S.GaoW.B.Xu在叶型上较相近,但不同在于叶片上面光滑无毛或疏被微柔毛,下面被微柔毛,聚伞花序1~2回分支,花序梗长4~8cm,花冠裂片长圆形、倒卵形至近圆形,顶端圆钝,花丝长2.5~3.5mm,花期1~3月。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):209-210
描述了自广西发现的荨麻科赤车属一新种,来宾赤车。此种与特产云南东南部的富宁赤车相近缘,与后者的区别在于本种茎的毛开展或向上弯曲,叶片长椭圆形,基部斜楔形,雌花具3~4枚花被片,其中1~2枚较大花被片在背面顶端具一长筒状突起。  相似文献   

靖西细筒苣苔—中国广西苦苣苔科一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
描述了广西苦苣苔科细筒苣苔属Lagarosolen W.T.Wang-新种-靖西细筒苣苔L.jingxiensis Yan Lin,H S.Gao & W.B xu.该种与细筒苣苔L.hispidus W.T.Wang相近,但叶片边缘具圆齿,苞片线形或狭披针形,长4~8 mm,宽0.5~1 mm,花丝较长,约6~7 mm,花冠裂片卵形,内面具2条淡黄色条纹可与后者区别.靖西细筒苣苔的分布范围较狭窄,目前仅见于广西靖西县地州乡和龙邦镇的几个岩溶洞穴的洞口带.  相似文献   

描述了中国广西石灰岩地区苦苣苔科(Gesneriaceae)1新种--鹿寨唇柱苣苔(Chirita luzhaiensis Yah Lin,Y.S.Huang & W.B.Xu).该种与桂林唇柱苣苔(Chirita gueilinensis W.T.Wang)相似,但叶面被长柔毛和短柔毛,花药无毛,花丝近基部膝状弯曲,退化雄蕊3枚,无毛,花期12月至次年1月可与后者区别.目前,鹿寨唇柱苣苔仅见于广西鹿寨县中渡镇的两个石灰岩山洞中.  相似文献   

本文报道了产自吉林省的小菇属(Myceno)三个新种:具核小菇(M.nucleata X.He et X.D.Fang),黄囊小菇(M.xanthocystidium X.He et.X.D.Fang)和棘囊小菇(M.brevispina X.He et X.D.Fang)。  相似文献   

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