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Recombinant Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin was produced inEscherichia coli. A complete backbone NMR assignment for the two-electronreduced protein revealed significant changes of chemical shift valuescompared to the oxidized protein, in particular for the flavinemononucleotide (FMN)-binding site. A comparison of homo- and heteronuclearNOESY spectra for the two redox states led to the assumption that reductionis not accompanied by significant changes of the global fold of the protein.The backbone dynamics of both the oxidized and reduced forms of D. vulgarisflavodoxin were investigated using two-dimensional15N-1H correlation NMR spectroscopy.T1, T2 and NOE data are obtained for 95%of the backbone amide groups in both redox states. These values wereanalysed in terms of the model-free approach introduced by Lipari andSzabo [(1982) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 104, 4546-;4559, 4559-;4570]. Acomparison of the two redox states indicates that in the reduced speciessignificantly more flexibility occurs in the two loop regions enclosing FMN.Also, a higher amplitude of local motion could be found for the N(3)H groupof FMN bound to the reduced protein compared to the oxidized state.  相似文献   

Structure of oxidized flavodoxin from Anacystis nidulans   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The structure of oxidized flavodoxin from the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans has been determined at 2.5 A resolution with phases calculated from ethylmercury phosphate and dimercuriacetate derivatives. The determination of partial sequences, including a total of 85 residues, has assisted in the interpretation of the electron density. Preliminary refinement of a partial model (1072 atoms) has reduced R to 0.349 for the 10.997 reflections between 2.0 and 5.0 A with 1 greater than 2 sigma. The polypeptide backbone, which comprises 167 residues in the current model, adopts the familiar beta-alpha-beta conformation found in other flavodoxins and in the nucleotide-binding domains of the pyridine-nucleotide dehydrogenases, with five parallel strands in the central sheet. Comparison with flavodoxin from Clostridium MP (138 residues) shows that extra residues of A. nidulans flavodoxin are accommodated in a major insertion about 20 residues in length, which forms a lobe adjacent to the fifth strand of parallel sheet, and in additions to several external segments. Residues added between the fourth sheet strand and the start of the third helix alter the environment of the pyrimidine end of the flavin mononucleotide ring. The flavin mononucleotide phosphate binds to the start of helix 1, interacting with hydroxyamino acids and with main-chain amide groups. Two hydrophobic residues, both tentatively identified as Trp, enclose the isoalloxazine ring; the solvent-exposed Trp is nearly parallel to the flavin ring. The hydrophobic environment provided by these residues must be partly responsible for the pronounced vibrational resolution of the flavin spectrum near 450 nm. The flavin ring is tilted relative to its orientation in Clostridium MP flavodoxin. In addition, atoms N-3 and O-2 alpha of the isoalloxazine appear to form hydrogen bonds to the backbone at CO97 and NH99 in a conformation entirely different from that found in Clostridium MP flavodoxin but structurally analogous to Desulfovibrio vulgaris flavodoxin.  相似文献   

Flavodoxin from Anacystis nidulans (Synechococcus PCC 7942) was the first member of the flavodoxin family to be characterized, and is the structural prototype for the "long-chain" flavodoxins that have molecular masses of approximately 20 kDa. Crystal structure analyses and refinements of three orthorhombic forms of oxidized A. nidulans flavodoxin are reported, and salient features of the fold and the FMN binding site are compared with other flavodoxins. The structure of form I (wild-type: P212121, a=57.08 A, b=69.24 A, c=45.55 A), determined initially by multiple isomorphous replacement, has been refined to R=0.183 and R(free)=0.211 for data from 10.0 to 1.7 A resolution. Structures of form II (wild-type: P212121, a=60.05 A, b=65.85 A, c=51.36 A) and form III (Asn58Gly: P212121, a=51.30 A, b=59.15 A, c=94.44 A) have been determined by molecular replacement and refined versus data to 2.0 A and 1.85 A, respectively; the R values for forms II and III are 0.147 and 0.150. Changes in the molecular contacts that produce the alternative packings in these crystalline forms are analyzed. Deletion of the Asn side-chain in the mutant Asn58Gly removes an intermolecular stacking interaction and allows the alternative packing found in form III crystals. The functionally important 50's loop of the FMN binding site is less restrained by intermolecular contacts in these crystals but maintains the same conformation as in oxidized wild type protein. The structures reported here provide the starting point for structure-function studies of the reduced states and of mutants, described in the accompanying paper.  相似文献   

Glutathione reductase (GR) from the cyanobacterium Anabaena PCC 7120 was heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli SG5. Silent random mutations were introduced in the 5' region of DNA encoding the enzyme in order to generate a high-level expression clone. To maximize protein expression, the culture conditions were also optimized. In the high-level expression clones selected, E. coli-preferred codons were selectively used at certain positions. Under the optimal expression conditions, a yield of 17 mg recombinant protein per liter was obtained, which is about 10-fold higher than that of the wild-type enzyme. A hexahistidine tag was added at the C-terminal of the protein in order to allow IMAC affinity purification. This strategy simplified the purification process and provided a homogeneous enzyme for functional characterization. Anabaena GR uses NADPH as a coenzyme, like most of the GRs from other sources, but the KM values for NADPH and GSSG are higher than those of enzymes previously studied. The Anabaena enzyme also shows significant activity when NADH is used as a reductant.  相似文献   

The structure of the long-chain flavodoxin from the photosynthetic cyanobacterium Anabaena 7120 has been determined at 2 A resolution by the molecular replacement method using the atomic coordinates of the long-chain flavodoxin from Anacystis nidulans. The structure of a third long-chain flavodoxin from Chondrus crispus has recently been reported. Crystals of oxidized A. 7120 flavodoxin belong to the monoclinic space group P2(1) with a = 48.0, b = 32.0, c = 51.6 A, and beta = 92 degrees, and one molecule in the asymmetric unit. The 2 A intensity data were collected with oscillation films at the CHESS synchrotron source and processed to yield 9,795 independent intensities with Rmerg of 0.07. Of these, 8,493 reflections had I > 2 sigma and were used in the analysis. The model obtained by molecular replacement was initially refined by simulated annealing using the XPLOR program. Repeated refitting into omit maps and several rounds of conjugate gradient refinement led to an R-value of 0.185 for a model containing atoms for protein residues 2-169, flavin mononucleotide (FMN), and 104 solvent molecules. The FMN shows many interactions with the protein with the isoalloxazine ring, ribityl sugar, and the 5'-phosphate. The flavin ring has its pyrimidine end buried into the protein, and the functional dimethyl benzene edge is accessible to solvent. The FMN interactions in all three long-chain structures are similar except for the O4' of the ribityl chain, which interacts with the hydroxyl group of Thr 88 side chain in A. 7120, while with a water molecule in the other two. The phosphate group interacts with the atoms of the 9-15 loop as well as with NE1 of Trp 57. The N5 atom of flavin interacts with the amide NH of Ile 59 in A. 7120, whereas in A. nidulans it interacts with the amide NH of Val 59 in a similar manner. In C. crispus flavodoxin, N5 forms a hydrogen bond with the side chain hydroxyl group of the equivalent Thr 58. The hydrogen bond distances to the backbone NH groups in the first two flavodoxins are 3.6 A and 3.5 A, respectively, whereas in the third flavodoxin the distance is 3.1 A, close to the normal value. Even though the hydrogen bond distances are long in the first two cases, still they might have significant energy because their microenvironment in the protein is not accessible to solvent.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Protein ubiquitination involves a cascade of enzymatic steps where ubiquitin (Ub) is sequentially transferred as a thiolester intermediate from an E1 enzyme to an E2 enzyme and finally to the protein target with the help of a Ub-protein ligase. Protein ubiquitination brought about by the Ubc13-Mms2 (E2-E2) complex has a unique role in the cell, unrelated to protein degradation. The Mms2-Ubc13 heterodimer links Ub molecules to one another through an isopeptide bond between its own C-terminus and Lys-63 on another Ub. The role of Mms2 is to orient a target-bound Ub molecule such that its Lys-63 is proximal to the C-terminus of the Ub molecule that is covalently linked to the active site of Ubc13. To gain insight into the influence of protein dynamics on the affinity of Ub for Mms2, we have determined pico- to nanosecond time scale fluctuations of the main chain and methyl side chains of human Mms2 in the free and Ub-bound states using solution state (15)N and (2)H nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation measurements. Analysis of the relaxation data allows for a semiquantitative estimation of the conformational entropy change (TDeltaS(NMR)) for the main chain and side chain methyl groups of Mms2 upon binding Ub. The value of TDeltaS(NMR) for the main chain and side chain methyl groups of Mms2 is -8 +/- 2 and -2 +/- 2 kcal mol(-)(1), respectively. The experimental DeltaG(binding) for the Mms2.Ub complex is -6 kcal mol(-)(1). Estimation of DeltaG(binding) using an empirical structure-based approach that does not account for changes in main chain entropy yields a value of -17 +/- 2 kcal mol(-)(1). However, inclusion of TDeltaS(NMR) for the main chain of Mms2 increases the estimated DeltaG(binding) to -9 +/- 3 kcal mol(-)(1). Assuming that changes in Ub main chain dynamics contribute to TDeltaS(NMR) to the same extent as Mms2, the estimated DeltaG(binding) is further reduced to -1 +/- 4 kcal mol(-)(1), a value close to the experimental DeltaG(binding).  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, flavodoxin is the physiological electron donor for the reductive activation of the enzymes pyruvate formate-lyase, anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase, and B12-dependent methionine synthase. As a basis for studies of the interactions of flavodoxin with methionine synthase, crystal structures of orthorhombic and trigonal forms of oxidized recombinant flavodoxin from E. coli have been determined. The orthorhombic form (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 126.4, b = 41.10, c = 69.15 A, with two molecules per asymmetric unit) was solved initially by molecular replacement at a resolution of 3.0 A, using coordinates from the structure of the flavodoxin from Synechococcus PCC 7942 (Anacystis nidulans). Data extending to 1.8-A resolution were collected at 140 K and the structure was refined to an Rwork of 0.196 and an Rfree of 0.250 for reflections with I > 0. The final model contains 3,224 non-hydrogen atoms per asymmetric unit, including 62 flavin mononucleotide (FMN) atoms, 354 water molecules, four calcium ions, four sodium ions, two chloride ions, and two Bis-Tris buffer molecules. The structure of the protein in the trigonal form (space group P312, a = 78.83, c = 52.07 A) was solved by molecular replacement using the coordinates from the orthorhombic structure, and was refined with all data from 10.0 to 2.6 A (R = 0.191; Rfree = 0.249). The sequence Tyr 58-Tyr 59, in a bend near the FMN, has so far been found only in the flavodoxins from E. coli and Haemophilus influenzae, and may be important in interactions of flavodoxin with its partners in activation reactions. The tyrosine residues in this bend are influenced by intermolecular contacts and adopt different orientations in the two crystal forms. Structural comparisons with flavodoxins from Synechococcus PCC 7942 and Anaebaena PCC 7120 suggest other residues that may also be critical for recognition by methionine synthase.  相似文献   

A detailed characterization of the main chain and side chain dynamics in R. capsulatus ferrocytochrome c(2) derived from (2)H NMR relaxation of methyl group resonances is presented. (15)N relaxation measurements confirm earlier results indicating that R. capsulatus ferrocytochrome c(2) exhibits minor rotational anisotropy in solution. The current study is focused on the use of deuterium relaxation in side chain methyl groups, which has been shown to provide a detailed and accurate measure of internal dynamics. Results obtained indicate that the side chains of ferrocytochrome c(2) exhibit a wide range of motional amplitudes, but are more rigid than generally found in the interior of nonprosthetic group bearing globular proteins. This unusual rigidity is ascribed to the interactions of the protein with the large heme prosthetic group. This observation has significant implications for the potential of the heme-protein interface to modulate the redox properties of the protein and also points to the need for great precision in the design and engineering of heme proteins.  相似文献   

Backbone and side chain dynamics of mutant calmodulin-peptide complexes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Igumenova TI  Lee AL  Wand AJ 《Biochemistry》2005,44(38):12627-12639
The mechanism of long-range coupling of allosteric sites in calcium-saturated calmodulin (CaM) has been explored by characterizing structural and dynamics effects of mutants of calmodulin in complex with a peptide corresponding to the smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase calmodulin-binding domain (smMLCKp). Four CaM mutants were examined: D95N and D58N, located in Ca2+-binding loops; and M124L and E84K, located in the target domain-binding site of CaM. Three of these mutants have altered allosteric coupling either between Ca2+-binding sites (D58N and D95N) or between the target- and Ca2+-binding sites (E84K). The structure and dynamics of the mutant calmodulins in complex with smMLCKp were characterized using solution NMR. Analysis of chemical shift perturbations was employed to detect largely structural perturbations. 15N and 2H relaxation was employed to detect perturbations of the dynamics of the backbone and methyl-bearing side chains of calmodulin. The least median squares method was found to be robust in the detection of perturbed sites. The main chain dynamics of calmodulin are found to be largely unresponsive to the mutations. Three mutants show significantly perturbed dynamics of methyl-bearing side chains. Despite the pseudosymmetric location of Ca2+-binding loop mutations D58N and D95N, the dynamic response of CaM is asymmetric, producing long-range perturbation in D58N and almost none in D95N. The mutations located at the target domain-binding site have quite different effects. For M124L, a local perturbation of the methyl dynamics is observed, while the E84K mutation produces a long-range propagation of dynamic perturbations along the target domain-binding site.  相似文献   

Flavodoxins (Flds) are mobile electron carriers containing flavin mononucleotide as the prosthetic group. They are isofunctional with the ubiquitous electron shuttle ferredoxin (Fd), mediating essentially the same redox processes among a promiscuous lot of donors and acceptors. While Fds are distributed throughout all kingdoms from prokaryotes to animals, Flds are only found in some bacteria and oceanic algae, in which they are induced to replace Fd functions under conditions of iron starvation and environmental stress that cause Fd decline. They thus play a key adaptive role in photosynthetic microorganisms, allowing survival and reproduction under adverse situations. The Fld gene disappeared from the plant genome somewhere between the green algal ancestor and the first terrestrial plants, and the advantages of this adaptive resource were irreversibly lost. However, reintroduction of a cyanobacterial Fld gene in the chloroplasts of transgenic tobacco resulted in remarkably enhanced tolerance to iron starvation and abiotic stress, indicating that the compensatory functions of Fld were still valuable in higher plants. A hypothesis is formulated to explain why Fld, in spite of its proven advantage, was lost from the plant genetic pool. The contention is based on two tenets: (i) iron availability was the major imperative for Fld conservation and adaptive value, and (ii) photosynthetic eukaryotes followed a succession of ecological adaptations, from the open oceans to coastal regions, and from there to the firm land, facing very different scenarios with respect to iron abundance and accessibility.  相似文献   

Crystals of the oxidized form of flavodoxin from a red alga, Chondrus crispus, have been grown in ammonium sulfate solution by the dialysis method. The crystals belong to the orthorhombic system, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit cell dimensions of a = 63.6, b = 48.8, and c = 56.8 A. The asymmetric unit contains one molecule of flavodoxin. The crystals diffract X-rays to about 2.0 A resolution and are stable to X-ray beams. The diffraction patterns changed significantly upon soaking the crystal in a solution of a platinum complex. The major heavy-atom sites in the platinum derivative crystal have been identified from the difference Patterson function calculated at 4 A resolution.  相似文献   

We have recently completed systematic molecular dynamics simulations of 807 different proteins representing 95% of the known autonomous protein folds in an effort we refer to as Dynameomics. Here we focus on the analysis of side chain conformations and dynamics to create a dynamic rotamer library. Overall this library is derived from 31,000 occurrences of each of 86,217 different residues, or 2.7 × 10(9) rotamers. This dynamic library has 74% overlap of rotamer distributions with rotamer libraries derived from static high-resolution crystal structures. Seventy-five percent of the residues had an assignable primary conformation, and 68% of the residues had at least one significant alternate conformation. The average correlation time for switching between rotamers ranged from 22 ps for Met to over 8 ns for Cys; this time decreased 20-fold on the surface of the protein and modestly for dihedral angles further from the main chain. Side chain S(2) axis order parameters were calculated and they correlated well with those derived from NMR relaxation experiments (R = 0.9). Relationships relating the S(2) axis order parameters to rotamer occupancy were derived. Overall the Dynameomics rotamer library offers a comprehensive depiction of side chain rotamer preferences and dynamics in solution, and more realistic distributions for dynamic proteins in solution at ambient temperature than libraries derived from crystal structures, in particular charged surface residues are better represented. Details of the rotamer library are presented here and the library itself can be downloaded at http://www.dynameomics.org.  相似文献   

R T Clubb  V Thanabal  C Osborne  G Wagner 《Biochemistry》1991,30(31):7718-7730
Proton and nitrogen-15 sequence-specific nuclear magnetic resonance assignments have been determined for recombinant oxidized flavodoxin from Anacystis nidulans (169 residues, Mr 19,048). Assignments were obtained by using 15N-1H heteronuclear three-dimensional (3D) NMR spectroscopy on a uniformly nitrogen-15 enriched sample of the protein, pH 6.6, at 30 degrees C. For 165 residues, the backbone and a large fraction of the side-chain proton resonances have been assigned. Medium- and long-range NOE's have been used to characterize the secondary structure. In solution, flavodoxin consists of a five-stranded parallel beta sheet involving residues 3-9, 31-37, 49-56, 81-89, 114-117, and 141-144. Medium-range NOE's indicate the presence of several helices. Several 15N and 1H resonances of the flavin mononucleotide (FMN) prosthetic group have been assigned. The FMN-binding site has been investigated by using polypeptide-FMN NOE's.  相似文献   

Protein side chain dynamics is associated with protein stability, folding, and intermolecular interactions. Detailed dynamics information is crucial for the understanding of protein function and biochemical and biophysical properties, which can be obtained using NMR relaxation techniques. In this review, (13)C relaxation of methine, methylene and methyl groups with and without (1)H decoupling are described briefly for a better understanding of how spin relaxation is associated with motional (dynamics) parameters. Developments in the measurement and interpretation of (13)C auto-relaxation and cross-correlated relaxation data are presented too. Finally, recent progress in the use of (13)C relaxation to probe the dynamics of protein side chains is detailed mainly for the dynamics of non-deuterated proteins on picoseconds-nanosecond timescales.  相似文献   

A number of different dynamics models are considered for fitting 13C and 2H side chain methyl relaxation rates. It is shown that in cases where nanosecond time scale dynamics are present the extended Lipari–Szabo model which is explicitly parameterized to include the effects of slow motions can produce wide distributions of fitting parameters even in cases where the errors are relatively small and large numbers of relaxation rates are considered. In contrast, fits of 15N backbone dynamics using this model are far more robust. The origin of this difference is analyzed and can be explained by the different functional forms of the spectral density in these two cases. The utility of a number of models for the analysis of methyl side chain dynamics is presented.  相似文献   

Reductive titration curves of flavodoxin from Desulfovibrio vulgaris displayed two one-electron steps. The redox potential E-2 for the couple oxidized flavodoxin/flavodoxin semiquinone was determined by direct titration with dithionite. E-2 was -149 plus or minus 3 mV (pH 7.78, 25 degrees C). The redox potential E-1 for the couple flavodoxin semiquinone/fully reduced flavodoxin was deduced from the equilibrium concentration of these species in the presence of hydrogenase and H-2. E-1 was -438 plus or minus 8 mV (pH 7.78, 25 degrees C). Light-absorption and fluorescence spectra of flavodoxin in its three redox states have been recorded. Both the rate and extent of reduction of flavodoxin semiguinone with dithionite were found to depend on pH. An equilibrium between the semiquinone and hydroquinone forms occurred at pH values close to the neutrality, even in the presence of a large excess of dithionite, suggesting an ionization in fully reduced flavodoxin with a pK-a = 6.6. The association constants K for the three FMN redox forms with the apoprotein were deduced from the value of K (K = 8 times 10-7 M-1) measured with oxidized EMN at pH 7.0. Oxidized flavodoxin was found to comproportionate with the fully reduced protein (k-comp = 4.3 times 10-3 M-1 times s-1, pH 9.0, 22 degrees C) and with reduced free FMN (K-comp = 44 M-1 times s-1, pH 8.1, 20 degrees C). Fast oxidation of reduced flavodoxin occurred in the presence of O-2. Slower oxidation of semiquinone was dependent on pH in a drastic way.  相似文献   

The value of a three-dimensional (3D) non-selective total correlation/nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (TOCSY-NOESY) spectrum for making sequential resonance assignments in proteins is demonstrated using the relatively large Megasphaera elsdenii flavodoxin (molecular mass 15 kDa) in the oxidized state. An easy and concise method for the analysis of 3D-NMR spectra and a strategy for the resonance assignment of 3D-NMR protein spectra is introduced. In this context, non-selective TOCSY-NOESY is compared with selective TOCSY-NOESY and non-selective NOESY-TOCSY. Sequential assignments in various secondary structure elements of flavodoxin are made using the method of analysis introduced. NOEs not previously identified in 2D-NMR spectra due to resonance overlap are found in the 3D Clean-TOCSY-NOESY spectrum. Also additional side-chain assignments could be made.  相似文献   

The redox protein flavodoxin has been shown earlier to be reduced by the pyruvate-oxidoreductase (POR) enzyme complex of Helicobacter pylori, and also was proposed to be involved in the pathogenesis of gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid-tissue lymphoma (MALToma). Here, we report its X-ray structure, which is similar to flavodoxins of other bacteria and cyanobacteria. However, H. pylori flavodoxin has an alanine residue near the isoalloxazine ring of its cofactor flavin mononucleotide (FMN), while the other previously crystallized flavodoxins have a larger hydrophobic residue at this position. This creates a solute filled hole near the FMN cofactor of H. pylori flavodoxin. We also show that flavodoxin is essential for the survival of H. pylori, and conclude that its structure can be used as a starting point for the modeling of an inhibitor for the interaction between the POR-enzyme complex and flavodoxin.  相似文献   

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