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In spite of numerous investigations of regenerating salamander limbs, little attention has been paid to the details of how joints are reformed. An understanding of the process and mechanisms of joint regeneration in this model system for tetrapod limb regeneration would provide insights into developing novel therapies for inducing joint regeneration in humans. To this end, we have used the axolotl (Mexican Salamander) model of limb regeneration to describe the morphology and the expression patterns of marker genes during joint regeneration in response to limb amputation. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that the mechanisms of joint formation whether it be development or regeneration are conserved. We also have determined that defects in the epiphyseal region of both forelimbs and hind limbs in the axolotl are regenerated only when the defect is small. As is the case with defects in the diaphysis, there is a critical size above which the endogenous regenerative response is not sufficient to regenerate the joint. This non-regenerative response in an animal that has the ability to regenerate perfectly provides the opportunity to screen for the signaling pathways to induce regeneration of articular cartilage and joints.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) isozymes in developing Mexican axolotl, A mbystoma mexicanum was investigated by thin-layer isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide gel. The isoelectric points (pI values) of the isozymes were determined. The minor components generally remained masked during conventional electrophoresis, but became sharp as isofocusing progressed.
We identified in developing eggs and embryos five major LDH isozymes, which could also be traced in the ovarian eggs. All these isozymes, except LDH-1, consisted of one major and one minor component. Heterogeneity in axolotl LDH is reported for the first time. The separated isozymes had pI values from 5.24–6.60. Contrary to observations made by others, it was found that the anodal forms of LDH (pIs 5.24–5.80) were prominent throughout, while the remainder (pIs 6.16–6.60) gradually lost their stain ability.
It thus appears that isoelectric focusing is a possible method for the analysis of protein mixtures and can be successfully applied to problems of differentiation.  相似文献   

The vascular supply of red, intermediate and white fibres in the axial muscle of axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum Shaw) was visualized with Indian ink-injections and quantified with morphometrical methods on semithin sections. Red fibres were surrounded by 1.4 ± 0.6 capillaries (mean + SD), the intermediate fibres by 1.2 ± 0.9 capillaries and white fibres by 0.3 ± 0.6 capillaries. The mean vascularized surface area per unit volume of fibre was 0.0159, and 0.0068 and 0.0007 (μm2/μm3) for red, intermediate and white fibres, respectively. A unit volume of mitochondria within each type of fibre was supplied by 0.15, 0.17 and 0.08 μm2 vascularized surface for red, intermediate and white fibres, respectively. This indicates that there exist a good balance between oxygen demand represented by mitochondrial content and oxygen supply represented by the vascularized surface.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) has been known to regulate the proliferation and differentiation of a variety of cell types via interaction with a specific FGF receptor on the cell surface. In the present study, Fgf8 cDNA of Mexican axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, was expressed in Escherichia coli as an MBP-FGF8 fusion protein. The cell proliferation activity of the recombinant FGF8 (rFGF8) was measured by 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazoliumbromide (MTT) assay. The addition of rFGF8 to the culture medium enhanced proliferation of BALB/c 3T3 and BHK21 cells about 1.4-1.5 fold. To analyze the binding activity of rFGF8 to the cell surface, cell surface enzyme linked immunosorbent assay was developed. Comparison of the structure of basic FGF with the computer-simulated structure of FGF8 suggested that Tyr-58, Glu-132, Tyr-139, and Leu-179 might be the potential receptor binding sites. Amino acid substitution muteins of FGF8 were constructed by PCR-derived directed mutagenesis and the muteins were overexpressed in E. coli. The rFGF8 muteins were purified and their binding activities were analyzed. Substitution of Tyr-58 or Glu-132 or Leu-179 of the FGF8 with alanine reduced the binding affinity, while substitution of Tyr-139 with alanine did not alter the binding affinity. These results imply that Tyr-58, Glu-132, and Leu-179 of FGF8 might be involved in its binding to the cell surface.  相似文献   

We have modified and optimized the technique of organotypic slice culture in order to study the mechanisms regulating growth and pattern formation in regenerating axolotl limb blastemas. Blastema cells maintain many of the behaviors that are characteristic of blastemas in vivo when cultured as slices in vitro, including rates of proliferation that are comparable to what has been reported in vivo. Because the blastema slices can be cultured in basal medium without fetal bovine serum, it was possible to test the response of blastema cells to signaling molecules present in serum, as well as those produced by nerves. We also were able to investigate the response of blastema cells to experimentally regulated changes in BMP signaling. Blastema cells responded to all of these signals by increasing the rate of proliferation and the level of expression of the blastema marker gene, Prrx-1. The organotypic slice culture model provides the opportunity to identify and characterize the spatial and temporal co-regulation of pathways in order to induce and enhance a regenerative response.  相似文献   

The electrophoretic spectrum of 'newly synthesized' proteins in early developmental stages (2-cell through gastrula) of axolotl development was characterized with acrylamide gradient gels and analyses of 3H/14C ratios. An increased relative rate of synthesis of low molecular weight proteins was detected in blastulae. This apparent increased rate of synthesis of certain proteins was localized in the animal hemisphere of the blastulae. The low molecular weight proteins which displayed increased synthetic rates were tentatively identified as histones.  相似文献   



A major step during the evolution of tetrapods was their transition from water to land. This process involved the reduction or complete loss of the dermal bones that made up connections to the skull and a concomitant enlargement of the endochondral shoulder girdle. In the mouse the latter is derived from three separate embryonic sources: lateral plate mesoderm, somites, and neural crest. The neural crest was suggested to sustain the muscle attachments. How this complex composition of the endochondral shoulder girdle arose during evolution and whether it is shared by all tetrapods is unknown. Salamanders that lack dermal bone within their shoulder girdle were of special interest for a possible contribution of the neural crest to the endochondral elements and muscle attachment sites, and we therefore studied them in this context.


We grafted neural crest from GFP+ fluorescent transgenic axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) donor embryos into white (d/d) axolotl hosts and followed the presence of neural crest cells within the cartilage of the shoulder girdle and the connective tissue of muscle attachment sites of the neck-shoulder region. Strikingly, neural crest cells did not contribute to any part of the endochondral shoulder girdle or to the connective tissue at muscle attachment sites in axolotl.


Our results in axolotl suggest that neural crest does not serve a general function in vertebrate shoulder muscle attachment sites as predicted by the “muscle scaffold theory,” and that it is not necessary to maintain connectivity of the endochondral shoulder girdle to the skull. Our data support the possibility that the contribution of the neural crest to the endochondral shoulder girdle, which is observed in the mouse, arose de novo in mammals as a developmental basis for their skeletal synapomorphies. This further supports the hypothesis of an increased neural crest diversification during vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The Mexican axolotl, a neotonous salamander, has foundwidespread use as an experimental animal for studies in embryologyand physiology. The convenience with which the axolotl can bemaintained as a laboratory animal and the high quality of theeggs it produces contribute to its popularity in laboratoryresearch. A large array of mutant genes has been recognizedin the axolotl. These genes affect one or another process duringdevelopment of the organism, and have provided a basis for carryingout research in developmental genetics. Approximately threedozen mutant genes in the axolotl are known. These genes havebeen grouped into 5 different categories which reflect, forthe most part, the developmental stage at which the mutant phenotypecan first be recognized. One group of mutant genes, the autonomous cell-lethals, is discussedin detail. These genes share the common feature that homozygousembryos cannot be rescued by parabiosis with normal embryos.In addition, grafts of mutant tissue (e.g., gill or limb primorida)do not survive on normal hosts. These genes probably are responsiblefor metabolic or regulatory defects which affect all cells andtissues in the organism. The mutant phenotypes and potentialusefulness of these genes are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The segmental series of somites in the vertebrate embryo gives rise to the axial skeleton. In amniote models, single vertebrae are derived from the sclerotome of two adjacent somites. This process, known as resegmentation, is well‐studied using the quail–chick chimeric system, but the presumed generality of resegmentation across vertebrates remains poorly evaluated. Resegmentation has been questioned in anamniotes, given that the sclerotome is much smaller and lacks obvious differentiation between cranial and caudal portions. Here, we provide the first experimental evidence that resegmentation does occur in a species of amphibian. Fate mapping of individual somites in the Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) revealed that individual vertebrae receive cells from two adjacent somites as in the chicken. These findings suggest that large size and segmentation of the sclerotome into distinct cranial and caudal portions are not requirements for resegmentation. Our results, in addition to those for zebrafish, indicate that resegmentation is a general process in building the vertebral column in vertebrates, although it may be achieved in different ways in different groups. J. Morphol. 275:141–152, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Concordant changes in the level of energy metabolism and specific growth rate of axolotls have been revealed. Several periods of ontogeny are distinguished, which differ in the ratio of energy metabolism to body weight and, therefore, are described by different allometric equations. It is suggested that the specific growth rate of an animal determines the type of dependence of energy metabolism on body weight.  相似文献   

Explants of cranial neural crest from neurula-stage Ambystoma mexicanum embryos form cartilage nodules in 10-14 days, when cultured with pharyngeal endoderm. The time course of formation of the nodules, and their appearance, correspond closely to that observed for visceral cartilage in vivo. Endoderm from any area of the sheet surrounding the pharyngeal cavity can induce cartilage formation, but endoderm from regions posterior to the pharyngeal cavity cannot. No other tissues are required for induction in vitro. Cranial neural crest cultured without inductive endoderm did not yield cartilage when taken prior to the stage at which migration begins, indicating that the crest was not determined for cartilage formation at this time. However, a small proportion of the cultures from neural crest taken during the early migratory phase did form cartilage, suggesting that interactions leading to their determination had begun.  相似文献   

Surgically constructed symmetrical double-anterior and double-posterior upper forelimbs of the axolotl were amputated immediately after surgery. Double-anterior limbs either failed to regenerate or formed single digits or spikes. Double-posterior limbs formed symmetrical double-posterior regenerates in 60% of the cases, thus extending the previous finding that the amount of distal transformation in surgically constructed double-half limbs is inversely proportional to the time between grafting and amputation (Tank and Holder, 1978). When these symmetrical regenerates were amputated through the forearm region, all but one formed a symmetrical secondary regenerate. The majority of the secondary regenerates had a larger number of digits than did their corresponding primary regenerates. Reamputation of the secondary regenerates resulted in symmetrical tertiary regenerates, and the majority of these also had a larger number of digits than did their corresponding primary regenerates. The results are compared to those of Slack and Savage (1978a, b) on embryonically derived double-posterior limbs and they are discussed in terms of a formal model for distal transformation (Bryant and Baca, 1978).  相似文献   

Chromosomes and nucleoli of the axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Changes in the lingual epithelium during ontogenesis and after induced metamorphosis in Ambystoma mexicanum are described as observed by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The epithelium of the tongue is always multilayered in the larva as well as in the adult. It consists of a stratum germinativum with little differentiated basal cells and a stratum superficiale (superficial layer) with specialized superficial cells and goblet cells. Usually, there are more than two layers because of a stratum intermedium consisting of replacement cells. The apical cell membrane of the superficial cells is perforated by fine pores. Its most typical feature are microridges. Maturing superficial cells possess microvilli. Goblet cells occur in early larvae primarily in the centre of the tongue. They spread throughout the dorsal face of the tongue as their numbers increase during ontogenesis. The small apices of the goblet cells are intercalated in the wedges between the superficial cells. Leydig cells are not found on the larval tongue but on that of adults. Due to metamorphosis, the epithelium of the tongue changes. It is furrowed in its anterior part. The furrows house the openings of the lingual glands. The surface is further modulated by ridges which are densely coated by microvilli and which bear the taste buds. The villi of the tongue which lack extrusion pores show cilia and microvilli but lack microridges. The Leydig cells disappear during metamorphosis. In addition to the two types of goblet cells found in different regions of the glandular tubules, goblet cells occur in the caudal part. They secrete directly into the cavity of the mouth. The posterior part is characterised by a dense coat of cilia.  相似文献   

Intercalary regeneration of stylopodial and zeugopodial skeletal elements takes place in axolotl limbs composed of normal wrist blastemas autografted or homografted to double half-anterior or half-posterior thighs. Analysis of the morphological pattern of the skeleton and, in homografts, of pigmentation pattern, shows that the intercalated elements are derived from the host double half-thigh. Intercalary regeneration from double half-posterior thighs is expected since they normally can undergo complete proximal-distal regeneration, but is not necessarily expected from double half-anterior thighs, since they normally do not regenerate more distal segments. These results demonstrate that (1) cells of double half-anterior thighs are not inherently incapable of undergoing distal transformation, (2) cells of a distal blastema grafted to a more proximal level do not form patterns proximal to their level of origin, and (3) there is an inhibitory interaction between blastema cells derived from double half-anterior thighs that is expressed after simple amputation, but not when these cells are in contact with a more distal, normal blastema. Using these and other data, a three-dimensional boundary model of limb regeneration is proposed.  相似文献   

Migration of trunk neural crest cells in axolotl embryos has been followed by autoradiography using grafts of [3H]thymidine-labeled neural folds. Crest cells form melanocytes, dorsal fin mesenchymal cells, spinal ganglion cells, and reach the sympathetic region. Sympathetic neurons, however, are not identifiable morphologically until about 6 weeks posthatching, in 24-mm larvae. At this stage, neurons, although few, have characteristic ultrastructure and receive synapses. The diffuse ganglia also contain innervated chromaffin cells; these differentiate earlier, a few days posthatching, in 14-mm larvae. A third type of cell is of morphologically indifferent appearance. Catecholamine-specific formaldehyde-induced fluorescence first appears clearly at 14 mm; with growth, the number of fluorescent cells increases. Series of larvae were injected intraperitoneally with nerve growth factor (NGF), six 30-unit injections over 2 weeks. NGF treatment increases the number of neurons apparent in 24-mm larvae. Furthermore, differentiated neurons occur in NGF-treated 20-mm larvae (about 4 weeks posthatching), when there are none in controls. The early appearance of differentiated chromaffin cells and the relatively late appearance of differentiated sympathetic neurons suggest that adrenergic functions during the first few weeks of larval life are controlled humorally by the chromaffin cells, and that at 24 mm, neurons begin to provide faster, finer control.  相似文献   

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