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The Sverdlovsky region takes the fourth place among the 89 subjects of the Russian Federation by the number of registered cases of HIV infection. Drug addiction has reached an excessive scale in this region: according to the data of express evaluation carried out by the Regional Narcological Hospital and the Regional AIDS Center, not less than 7-8% of persons aged 15-30 years constantly use injection drugs. The large-scale epidemic of injection drug addiction has led to the rapid spread of HIV among addicts. The first penetration of HIV into this population took place in 1996 and, starting from the year 2000, rapid, development of the epidemic began, taking the character of an avalanche. The peak of new cases of HIV infection fell on 2001 (9,230 cases were registered). The concentrated stage of the epidemic development is observed in the region at present, the prevalence of HIV infection among drug addicts being 13.8%. Children born from HIV-infected drug addicted mothers now represent a new risk group due to great difficulties in the prophylaxis of the vertical virus transmission.  相似文献   

The data on the spread of HIV infection in Irkutsk and Irkutsk Province, starting from March 9, 1999, are presented. The simultaneous appearance of 17 multiple morbidity foci of HIV infection, involving 2,227 persons into the epidemic, within the period of 8 months was noted. The age structure of the epidemic process was represented by 1,846 adults aged 18-50 years (83%), 256 adolescents aged 16-17 years (12.9%), 78 children aged 10-15 years (3.5%) and 17 persons of other ages (0.53%). The leading role in the age structure of the epidemic process belonged to young people aged 10-29 years (90.4% of cases). The epidemiological analysis made it possible to establish the fact that the epidemic was linked with the intravenous injection of heroin. The viral contamination of the drug is not excluded also in the process of its preparation for injection.  相似文献   

The analysis of the dynamics of the epidemic process for 10 years made it possible to find out the presence of two separate epidemic waves of HIV infection. The first wave (1987-1994) was manifested as the slow type of the development of the epidemic, characterized mainly by sexual transmission. During this period 398 persons with HIV infection were detected, 24 persons were found to have AIDS; of these, 13 persons died. The second epidemic wave began in 1995 and was due to the spread of HIV among users of drugs introduced by injection. By the end of 1995 the number of HIV carriers was 34 times greater than that of 1994, reaching 1490 persons. In 1996-1997 this figure increased 8 times (annually). The number of AIDS patients rose to 420 persons. The most unfavorable regions with respect to HIV infection and AIDS morbidity were determined. The western regions of the Ukraine were noted to be in a more favorable situation in this respect with infection indices being lower more than 30 times. Up to 80% of all infected persons were found to be addicts introducing drugs intravenously. Growing morbidity in sexually transmitted disease, particularly in syphilis, contributed to the deterioration of the epidemiological situation. The conclusion was made on the necessity of introducing new prophylactic programs and expanding current ones. The signs of stabilization in Odessa and Nikolayev were observed; in these cities pilot programs aimed at the strategy of the "decrease of harm" have been introduced (in collaboration with UNAIDS) since 1996.  相似文献   

A total of 178 cases of HIV infection were diagnosed in the Osh region of the Kyrgyz Republic for January 1, 2003, the intensity of the prevalence of HIV infection being 14.5 per 100,000 of the population with this figure for the whole republic being equal to 5.9. In the dynamics of the HIV infection epidemic two periods were detected. During the first 3 years (1998-2000) a few individual imported cases of HIV infection were registered in the region. During the last 2 years (2001-2002) 98.8% of all cases of HIV infection registered in the region, as well as the presence of an epidemic outbreak among injection drug users (IDU), were detected. The risk factors of getting HIV infection were the intravenous use of drugs and a low level of information among young people concerning the routes of transmission of this infection and means of protection from HIV/AIDS: the promotion of healthy life style among young people, the introduction of the programs of "harm reduction" among IDU and the rules of safe sex.  相似文献   

The presence of the epidemic of drug addiction in the Russian Federation is stated: for the recent 10 years the number of drug addicts increased 3.5-fold. The questioning of several thousand drug addicts has revealed that 60% of them have hepatitis B, 80% have hepatitis C, 10% have syphilis. The strategy of controlling HIV infection among drug addicts is proposed. It includes, in the first place, the prevention of the secondary infection from HIV-infected addicts; in the second place, the detection of HIV-infected persons in groups of drug addicts, difficult to establish contacts with; in the third place, the primary prophylaxis within the program "Harm reduction" in the most susceptible groups of drug addicts. The thesis that the prevention of HIV infection must become the prevention of drug addiction by rendering multi-stage assistance to HIV-infected persons, including mainly drug addicts, is substantiated.  相似文献   

The specific features of the epidemiological situation in St. Petersburg at the first stage (1987-1995) and the second stage (1986-1999) of the development of HIV infection are described. During this period morbidity in HIV infection, starting from the insignificant rate of growth, sharply increased. For the first time injecting drug users were noted to come out to the foreground in the structure of the contingent of persons affected by HIV infection (57.5% and 72.6% in 1998 and 1999 respectively). Such change on the epidemic situation requires corrections in the strategy and tactics of preventive measures and medical assistance. To control HIV infection among drug users, only the combination of medical assistance given by narcologists with the realization of all elements of the program "Harm Reduction" can be effective.  相似文献   

The main aspects of the spread and intravenous use of drugs in the city, contributing to the transmission of HIV infection among users of intravenous drugs (UID) have been studied. Anonymous questionnaires were distributed among 61 UID; of these, 50 were males (82%) and 11 were females (18%), mainly at the age of 19-35 years. In addition, sociological study was carried out among 582 persons; 61% of them were under 18 years of age, 18% were aged 19-25 years, 13% were aged 26-35 years. The drug users regarded their individual risk of getting HIV infection as insignificant in 23% of cases, slight in 21% of cases, high in 15% of cases, and 15% believed they were at no risk. As shown by the results of the sociological study, 91% of the respondents believed that the problem of drug addiction was topical in the city. The analysis of data obtained from physicians treating drug addicts and from the Head Office of Public Health made it possible to calculate that the number of UID in the city was about 9,000-10,000 persons. Taking into account the results of the rapid evaluation of the situation, the development of the draft program of "diminishing the harm" of the intravenous use of drugs is now in progress.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To examine the contribution of HIV infection to the apparently increasing incidence of tuberculosis in central Africa. DESIGN--Cross sectional study. SETTING--Outpatient clinic in teaching hospital, Lusaka, Zambia. PATIENTS--346 Adult patients with tuberculosis. RESULTS--Overall, 206 patients (60%; 95% confidence interval 54% to 65%) were positive for HIV--in one or both assays used. The peaks for both tuberculosis and HIV infection were among men aged 25-34 years and women aged 14-24 years. Of patients with confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis, 73/149 (49%; 41% to 57%) were positive for HIV; 67/83 (81%; 70% to 89%) patients with pleural disease and 16/19 (84%; 60% to 97%) patients with pericardial disease were positive. HIV positive patients with positive sputum culture were less likely to have had a positive sputum smear, and their chest x ray films less often showed classic upper zone disease or cavitation. Of 72 patients who fulfilled clinical criteria for AIDS, 17 were negative for HIV. CONCLUSIONS--The high prevalence of HIV in patients with tuberculosis suggests that an epidemic of reactivating tuberculosis is arising in those who are infected with HIV. The redirection of public health priorities towards tuberculosis would focus on a major treatable and preventable complication of the AIDS epidemic.  相似文献   

The main tendencies in the development of drug addiction in the Ukraine, the dynamics of the spread of HIV among drug addicts introducing drugs intravenously, epidemiological data on HIV, AIDS and drug addiction, as well as prognoses on the development of HIV infection are presented. Since 1995 the number of HIV-infected persons grew 34-fold, the number of cases of HIV infection resulting from the intravenous use drugs rose to 70% simultaneously with the rise (about 34-fold) of the number of persons infected with HIV through sexual contacts (about 13 fold). In 1996-1997 such tendency increased. On the whole, the proportion of drug addicts introducing drugs by intravenous injection was 83% in the Ukraine. By April 1, 1998, official registration covered 18,800 HIV-infected persons, including 270 foreign nationals, as well as 499 AIDS patients, including 487 Ukrainian citizens, among them 28 children. Out of 18,800 HIV-infected persons, 78.3% were drug addicts, most of them young people aged 15-30 years; about 18% were young people under 20 years of age, 80% being males. According to the model the rapid spread of HIV from the group of drug addicts to the heterosexual population, the total number of HIV-infected persons reaching 1,500,000 is expected in the country by 2014.  相似文献   

Studies of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccines in animal models suggest that it is difficult to induce complete protection from infection (sterilizing immunity) but that it is possible to reduce the viral load and to slow or prevent disease progression following infection. We have developed an age-structured epidemiological model of the effects of a disease-modifying HIV vaccine that incorporates the intrahost dynamics of infection, a transmission rate and host mortality that depend on the viral load, the possible evolution and transmission of vaccine escape mutant viruses, a finite duration of vaccine protection, and possible changes in sexual behavior. Using this model, we investigated the long-term outcome of a disease-modifying vaccine and utilized uncertainty analysis to quantify the effects of our lack of precise knowledge of various parameters. Our results suggest that the extent of viral load reduction in vaccinated infected individuals (compared to unvaccinated individuals) is the key predictor of vaccine efficacy. Reductions in viral load of about 1 log(10) copies ml(-1) would be sufficient to significantly reduce HIV-associated mortality in the first 20 years after the introduction of vaccination. Changes in sexual risk behavior also had a strong impact on the epidemic outcome. The impact of vaccination is dependent on the population in which it is used, with disease-modifying vaccines predicted to have the most impact in areas of low prevalence and rapid epidemic growth. Surprisingly, the extent to which vaccination alters disease progression, the rate of generation of escape mutants, and the transmission of escape mutants are predicted to have only a weak impact on the epidemic outcome over the first 25 years after the introduction of a vaccine.  相似文献   

The development of the epidemic of HIV infection among the intravenous injecting users of psychotropic substances in Russia in 1994-1999 is described on the basis of the data provided by territorial centers for the prevention and control of AIDS. In addition, the results of the screening in individual groups of the population of Russia for antibodies to HIV, carried out at the period of 1994 to the first half of 1999, are presented. In 1999 a considerable rise in the number of newly detected cases of HIV infection, mainly among persons injecting psychotropic drugs intravenously for non-medical purposes, was noted. The conclusion was made that the spread of HIV among drug addicts led to its passage to other groups of the population, mainly by heterosexual transmission.  相似文献   

Data on the study of the epidemiology of rotavirus infection in Leningrad   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The results obtained in the study of rotavirus infection in Leningrad in 1984-1987 are presented. Enzyme immunoassay techniques were used for the examination of 4,715 children aged 0-14 years and 1,162 adults with diagnosed acute enteral infection of unknown etiology, as well as the control group of 556 of healthy children aged 0-6 years and 77 healthy adults. The rotavirus antigen was detected in 1.210 sick children (25.7%) and 133 sick adults (11.4%), as well as in 6 healthy children (1.1%), but not detected in healthy adults. The following epidemiological regularities of rotavirus infection were established: the highest sick rate among children aged 0-2 years and a low level of rotavirus carriership among healthy persons; the seasonal character of rotavirus infection, its outbreaks occurring in winter and the epidemic periods varying in their character and duration in different years; the prevailing role of rotaviruses in the development of winter rises of acute enteral infection of unknown etiology in the city among children aged 0-2 years. The problem of the respiratory syndrome in rotavirus diarrhea is discussed. The rotavirus antigen was detected in 39 out of 144 children (27%) with diagnosed acute respiratory virus diseases and in 4 out of 99 nasopharyngeal washings (4%) from diarrhea patients. Adenoviruses were shown to play an insignificant role in the etiology of diarrhea (10% of cases).  相似文献   

Croatia has a low-level HIV epidemic; 553 persons were diagnosed with HIV infection in the period 1985-2005. The principal mode of transmission was sex between men (40% of cases) and heterosexual contact (40%). Only about 10% of cases were injecting drug users. Testing data also suggest a low prevalence of HIV infection in Croatia, even in vulnerable groups. Behavioral data indicate risky sexual behaviors, with the clear need for interventions. National policy towards HIVIAIDS is operated through the National Committee on HIV/AIDS, a multisectorial advisory body to the Government of Croatia. Croatia applied to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria in 2002 which resulted in a 4,9 million USD grant for scaling up prevention interventions. Croatia has a centralized system of treatment and care which is provided at the University Hospital for Infectious Diseases in Zagreb. Highly active antiretroviral treatment is provided free of charge from April 1998.  相似文献   

The analysis of the morbidity dynamics of HIV infection, hepatitis B and C in the Krasnodar territory for 1996-2003 is presented. The tendency of strengthening direct correlation between age-dependent rates in these groups of diseases has been established. The correlation coefficient (rxy) is at present +0.851 (HIV infection-virus hepatitis B) and +0.892 (HIV infection-virus hepatitis C). The highest levels of primary morbidity are registered in persons aged 20-39 years. The established epidemiological parallels between HIV infection and parenteral hepatitis require the development of the unified strategy of the prophylaxis of these diseases on the federal and regional levels.  相似文献   

If health care reform is implemented in states and nationally, the safety of this process needs to be examined for persons with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection or the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). Reform should assure ongoing prevention and transmission control of HIV and continuous coverage of medical costs for persons ill with HIV or AIDS. These persons currently benefit from various state and federal categoric programs designed to assure access to preventive and personal care services. Washington State has passed health care reform legislation that envisions integrating these programs to provide a system of population-based and personal health care. This legislation was analyzed using existing epidemiologic and entitlement information about persons with HIV infection or AIDS in the state to assess its effect. The relationship between public health and personal care services will be a central concern for those with HIV infection or AIDS, and complete coverage of this group may be achieved relatively late in the process of implementing health care reform. Health personnel planning under health care reform will affect the delivery of HIV- and AIDS-related services. Including treatment of AIDS in the basic benefit package merits particular attention. These issues parallel those being faced by the nation as a whole as it seeks to ensure epidemic disease control and compassionate care for long-term disabling illness if health care reform is implemented.  相似文献   

A widespread epidemic of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in the United Kingdom occurred over a 30-month period in 1970-72. A small epidemic may also have occurred in 1967-68. Though the incidence of M. pneumoniae infection is known to change from year to year in small communities, a varying epidemicity in the population of a country has not previously been demonstrated.As expected, lower respiratory tract infection was the most common manifestation of infection; and the highest attack rates were in children aged 5-9 years. Elderly persons appear to be affected uncommonly.  相似文献   

In connection with a sharp increase of the number of HIV-infected persons in the Ukraine the natural growth of the number of such persons in penitentiary institutions was registered, starting from 1995 (455 persons in 1995, 2,937 persons in 1996, 2,779 persons in 1997 and 173 persons during 5 months of 1998). 83% of HIV infection persons were drug addicts introducing drugs intravenously. In 1997 the strategy of decreasing the risk of infection in penitentiary institutions was worked out in collaboration with UNAIDS experts: repressive and isolation measures were replaced with measures aimed at the "decrease of harm". Special attention is given to circumstances aggravating the epidemic situation in HIV infection, and particularly at the sharp growth of morbidity in tuberculosis and syphilis (10.6 and 10.3 times respectively in 1997 in comparison with 1993). In addition, in 1997 the number of person having drug addiction was noted to increase 2.3 times in comparison with 1993. The necessity of taking constant information and educational measures aimed at decreasing the risk of the spread of HIV infection is emphasized.  相似文献   

Kawamura T 《Uirusu》2011,61(1):59-65
Sexual transmission of HIV is the most common mode of infection in the global HIV epidemic. In the absence of an effective vaccine, there is an urgent need for additional strategies to prevent new HIV infections. An emerging body of evidence now indicates that Langerhans cells (LC) are initial cellular targets in the sexual transmission of HIV, and CD4- and CCR5-mediated infection of LC plays a crucial role in virus dissemination. I focus on the recent advances regarding the cellular events that may occur during heterosexual transmission of HIV.  相似文献   

The epidemic situation in HIV infection in the northwestern region of this country has been analyzed. The ways of the spread of HIV infection among the infected persons, residents of the St. Petersburg region, Kaliningrad, Novgorod and Murmansk, have been studied. The infection is transmitted mainly through sexual contacts, both homosexual and heterosexual. High migration activity of HIV-infected persons, homo- and heterosexuals, has been established, and a great number of unknown (casual) sexual contacts among them was noted. The results of these observations may be useful in the prognostication of the epidemic situation in HIV infection not only in the northwestern region, but also beyond its boundaries, and later in the optimization of screening.  相似文献   

The data on diphtheria morbidity and the occurrence of carrier state for its causative agent at the period of 2001-2002 were analyzed. The rates of morbidity and detected carrier state for these years were 0.63-0.55 and 0.65-0.64 respectively. Nevertheless, in spite of the relatively low morbidity rates the presence of the toxic forms of diphtheria (400 patients for two years) and lethal cases (with lethality rate reaching 5.4%) indicated that the epidemic situation in diphtheria remained tense. The most unfavorable situation was observed in the North-Western and Central regions of Russia. In urban areas morbidity rates were still 2- to 3-fold higher in than in rural ones, but the latter showed a higher percentage of severe cases (46.6% in 2001 and 39.7% in 2002) and lethal outcomes (13.6% and 19.2%). The latter was indicative of drawbacks in the immunoprophylaxis, diagnostics and treatment of diphtheria in rural areas. In the total structure of diphtheria patients adults prevailed: 75%. The highest morbidity rates were registered among children aged 3-6 years, among adults in the age groups of 18-19 years and 50-59 years. The epidemic process developed mainly among the immunized population, which was indicated by a high proportion of vaccinated persons among those affected by this infection (62.8-66.6%) and a mild course of the disease in the majority of them. The present epidemiological situation in diphtheria was determined by patients not vaccinated against this infection. The proportion of severe cases among nonvaccinated children was 42.4-51.6% and lethal outcomes, 12.9-15.1%. Among nonimmunized adults these figures were equal to 43.1% and 9.3% respectively. The highest percentage of children, not vaccinated during the first years of their life, was registered among those in the asocial families, refugees and homeless persons. Among adults these were persons above 50 years old, as well as jobless persons of working age, pensioners and invalids, who had limited possibilities of undergoing vaccination due to their social position. It was these social and age groups that should be regarded as risk groups with respect to the severity of the course of diphtheria and lethality. To stabilize diphtheria morbidity, the full complex of prophylactic and antiepidemic measures, and primarily the immunization of the population, should be systematically carried out.  相似文献   

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