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Peptide YY is a highly potent emetic when given intravenously in dogs. We hypothesized that the area postrema, a small brain stem nucleus that acts as a chemoreceptive trigger zone for vomiting and lies outside the blood-brain barrier, might have receptors that PYY would bind to, in order to mediate the emetic response. We prepared [125I]PYY and used autoradiography to show that high affinity binding sites for this ligand were highly localized in the area postrema and related nuclei of the dog medulla oblongata. Furthermore, the distribution of [125I]PYY binding sites in the rat medulla oblongata was very similar to that in the dog; the distribution of [125I]PYY binding sites throughout the rat brain was seen to be similar to the distribution of [125I]NPY binding sites.  相似文献   

1. Meptazinol is an interesting opioid-producing naloxone-reversible analgesia with few cardiovascular and respiratory effects. Recent studies indicate that mu 1 opioid receptors mediate meptazinol analgesia. Using a computerized autoradiographic subtraction technique, we have examined the regional distribution of meptazinol-sensitive [3H][D-Ala2,MePhe4,Gly(ol)5]enkephalin (DAGO) binding and compared this with the distribution of mu 1 binding determined by competition with low [D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin (DADL) concentrations. 2. Meptazinol and DADL lowered [3H]DAGO to similar extents in most brain regions studied. The greatest levels of inhibition were observed in the periaqueductal gray, interpeduncular nucleus, thalamus, hypothalamus, and hippocampus. Low levels of inhibition were found in the temporal and frontal cortex. The correlation between the inhibition of [3H]DAGO binding by meptazinol and that by DADL was high (r = 0.83), consistent with the binding of meptazinol to mu 1 sites.  相似文献   

Iodinated FSH was injected to 18- and 36-day-old rats of 3 strains (03, 04 and 12) with different sensitivity to FSH (12 less than 03 less than 04) and autoradiography was performed on histological sections of the labelled ovaries. Specific labelling was quantified by microphotometry on histological slides, on granulosa cells of individual follicles with different sizes (greater than 80 micron diameter) and qualities. In small preantral follicles (less than 160 micron diameter) the labelling was low and homogeneous within the granulosa; it increased between 18 and 36 days of age in the 3 strains. At 36 days, ovaries were characterized by the presence of large preantral and antral follicles with a higher labelling in the outer layers of granulosa (near the theca), compared to the inner layers. In definitely atretic follicles, a loss of binding sites was detected in the outer layers. In rats of Strains 03 and 04, the number of binding sites for FSH in the outer layers of granulosa of follicles with a diameter of greater than 160 micron increased with follicular size; no change was detected in follicles of Strain 12 rats. The low number of binding sites for FSH and the lack of terminal maturation which characterize the follicles of strain 12 rats can be related to the poor and delayed follicular development, the low sensitivity to exogenous FSH and the low fertility of the animals of this strain.  相似文献   

[3H]Neurotensin ([3H]NT) appears to bind specifically to a single class of sites in slide-mounted rat kidney sections (KD = 8.3 nM; Bmax = 31.6 fmol/mg tissue). Bound [3H]NT can be displaced by nonradioactive NT and a series of its fragments and analogues with relative potencies that correlate well (r = 0.91; p less than 0.005) to their potencies in the rat stomach strip bioassay. These results suggest that NT receptors are similar in both systems. However, they are probably slightly different from those present in the guinea pig atria (r = 0.78; p less than 0.1). We visualized these sites by using the tritium-sensitive LKB film technique analysed by computerized densitometry. [3H]NT binding sites are highly concentrated in the renal cortex while low levels are observed in the renal medulla. The possible physiological and/or pathophysiological significances of the presence of [3H]NT binding sites in the kidney are discussed.  相似文献   

Systematic substitution of the natural L-amino acids in neurotensin by their D isomers reveals that the COOH-terminal portion of this tridecapeptide is required for binding to mast cell receptors: D-amino acid replacements from Pro10 through Leu13 substantially decrease that binding. Either blockage of the COOH-terminal carboxyl group as with N-methylamidation, or formation of a cyclic structure by the inclusion of a disulfide bond, a Cys2,13 substitution, markedly reduces the specific binding to mast cell receptor sites. Modifications in the NH2-terminal portion of neurotensin do not affect the binding to mast cells. However, D-Arg8 and D-Arg9 substitutions increase binding by factors of 5- to 6-fold. The hydroxyl group at position 3 or 11 is not essential for binding since Phe3 or Phe11 is equivalent to Tyr3 or Tyr11. The COOH-terminal penta- and hexapeptides are able to displace approximately 70% 125I-neurotensin relative to the intact peptide. Of 18 other biologically active peptides tested, only xenopsin, a naturally occurring COOH-terminal analog of neurotensin, and bradykinin effectively compete in the binding assay to an extent of 60 and 100%, respectively. Histamine, diphenhydramine, and noradrenaline are ineffective in this regard.  相似文献   

Neurotensin was iodinated at equimolar concentrations of peptide, iodide, and chloramine-T, producing a labeled peptide with a specific activity of 1000 to 2000 Ci/mmol. Rat mast cells specifically and reversibly bound 1.27 pmol of neurotensin/10(6) cells with a reversible affinity, KD, of 154 nM. Optimum specific binding occurred betwen pH 6.8 and 7.2 under hypotonic conditions and dropped sharply as buffer concentration increased beyond 10 mM. The divalent cations Ca2+ and Mg2+ prevented binding with 50% inhibition at 1.5 and 4 mM, respectively. Binding was strongly and equally inhibited by the sodium and potassium salts of chloride, bromide, and iodide, and to a lesser degree by LiCl. Maximum binding of 125I-neurotensin occurred within 10 min at 0 degrees, and within 1.5 to 2 min binding was reduced to half-maximum in the presence of excess unlabeled neurotensin or upon 20-fold dilution in buffer. Both CaCl2 and NaCl were able to dissociate 60% of the total bound neurotensin: half the label bound was removed in 4 to 6 min. EDTA inhibited the binding only at high concentrations and no requirement was found for sulfhydryl groups, ATP, or a glycoprotein in the binding of neurotensin.  相似文献   

1. We have localized and quantified neuropeptide Y (NPY) binding sites in the rat pituitary gland after incubation of tissue sections in the presence of 125I-Bolton-Hunter NPY followed by autoradiography, computerized microdensitometry, and comparison to 125I-standards. 2. In the rat, NPY binding sites are localized exclusively to the part of the posterior pituitary lobe closer to the pituitary stalk. No NPY binding sites could be found in the intermediate or the anterior pituitary lobes. 3. Our results suggest a role for NPY in the regulation of pituitary function and, in particular, that of the neural lobe.  相似文献   

The distribution of androgen and estrogen binding sites in the mouse epididymis was assessed by autoradiography with 3H dihydrotestosterone (3H DHT) and 3H estradiol (3H E2). Nuclear labeling with 3H DHT in principal cells of the epithelium is high in the caput, low in the corpus, and high again in the cauda. 3H E2 also binds to the nuclei of principal cells. The pattern is distinct from 3H DHT: nuclear labeling is highest in the ductulus efferens and high in the caput, but low or absent in corpus and cauda. Apical cells in caput and clear cells in corpus and cauda are moderately labeled with 3H DHT but heavily labeled with 3H E2. Connective tissue cells show variable labeling with both hormones, being more pronounced with 3H E2. Smooth muscle cells are also labeled to varying degrees with both hormones. The different binding patterns of 3H DHT and 3H E2 and the results of the competition studies with unlabeled compounds demonstrate that in the epididymis besides the specific nuclear receptors for androgen also estrogen receptors are present.  相似文献   

Substance P binding sites were localized in rat thymus and spleen by incubation of tissue sections with [125I]Bolton-Hunter substance P, [3H]Ultrofilm autoradiography with image analysis coupled to computerized microdensitometry and comparison with 125I standards. The tissue localization of the binding sites was determined with emulsion autoradiography. A single type of specific, saturable, high affinity binding sites was found associated with the vasculature in the medulla of the thymus and the marginal sinus of the spleen, with a Kd of 0.10 and 0.14 nM, respectively. Of all the unlabeled tachykinins tested (substance P, physalaemin, substance K, eledoisin, kassinin, and neuromedin K) substance P was the most potent inhibitor of [125I]Bolton-Hunter substance P binding, with an IC50 of approximately 0.5 nM, indicating the presence of substance P-P binding sites. Our results support the hypothesis of a role for substance P in the modulation of the immune system.  相似文献   

Specific binding sites for somatostatin have been identified in cytosolic fraction of rabbit kidney (cortex and outer medulla) using 125I-Tyr11-somatostatin. The binding was saturable and reversible, as well as time and temperature dependent. Optimal pH for binding was observed at about 7.4. Scatchard plots were compatible with the existence of two classes of binding sites: a first class with a high affinity (Kd = 40 nM) and a low binding capacity (2.0 pmol somatostatin/mg protein) and a second class with a low affinity (Kd = 222 nM) and a high binding capacity (114.3 pmol somatostatin/mg protein). Vasoactive intestinal peptide, neurotensin, substance P, Leu-enkephalin and vasopressin had practically no effect on somatostatin binding. The properties of these binding sites strongly support the concept that somatostatin could behave as a regulatory peptide on the rabbit kidney.  相似文献   

The apparent densities of brain somatostatin (SRIF) receptor sites were compared in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats (SH) and their normotensive genetic counterparts (Wistar-Kyoto; WKY) using quantitative receptor autoradiography. Globally, the distribution of brain [125I][Tyr0, D-Trp8]SRIF14 binding sites was very similar in both strains. However, apparent densities of specific labeling were either higher (subfornical organ, 3.2 x; locus coeruleus, 1.9 x; lateroanterior hypothalamic nucleus, 1.3 x) or lower (basolateral amygdaloid nucleus, 0.8 x; spinal trigeminal sensory nucleus, 0.6 x) in SH than WKY rats in areas especially relevant to CNS cardiovascular integration. This provides further evidence for the possible involvement of brain SRIF neurons in cardiovascular regulation.  相似文献   

A single class of high-affinity binding sites for [125I]angiotensin III and [125I]angiotensin II were found in rat adrenal medulla and zona glomerulosa by quantitative autoradiography. In the medulla, Kd were 1.46 and 1.16 nM, and Bmax 1700 and 1700 fmol/mg protein, for [125I]angiotensin II and [125I]angiotensin III, respectively. In the zona glomerulosa, Kd were 0.86 and 0.90 nM, and Bmax 790 and 560 fmol/mg protein, for [125I]angiotensin II and [125I]angiotensin III, respectively. Unlabeled angiotensin III and angiotensin II displaced [125I]angiotensin III with similar potency in both adrenal zona glomerulosa and medulla. Our findings suggest that angiotensin III and angiotensin II might share the same binding sites in adrenal gland and support the hypothesis of a role for angiotensin III in the adrenal medulla and zona glomerulosa.  相似文献   

The binding of monoiodo [125I-Tyr3]-neurotensin to human brain was characterized and visualized using radioreceptorassay and autoradiographic techniques. Specific binding to homogenates of human substantia nigra at 25 degrees C was maximal at 20 min, reversible and saturable. Scatchard analysis of equilibrium data indicated the existence of two populations of binding sites with Kd values of 0.26 nM and 4.3 nM. Corresponding binding capacities were 26 and 89 fmol/mg of protein. Neurotensin analogs inhibited the binding of iodinated neurotensin with relative potencies that demonstrated the crucial role of the C-terminal hexapeptide portion of neurotensin for binding to its receptors. Autoradiography of human substantia nigra sections incubated with iodinated neurotensin revealed high levels of specific binding in the nucleus paranigralis and substantia nigra, pars compacta, and low levels in the substantia nigra, pars reticulata.  相似文献   

Somatostatin binding sites were characterized in isolated rat adipocytes. The binding was found to be saturable, reversible, and time- and temperature-dependent. The somatostatin binding sites are principally located on the cell surface. 125I-[Tyr11]somatostatin binding was not inhibited by glucagon and angiotensin II. By contrast, native somatostatin and somatostatin-28 displaced labeled peptide with a similar ED50: 50 nM. Scatchard analysis pointed to the existence of two classes of binding sites, with a Kd of 7.64 nM for the high-affinity sites and a Kd of 295 nM for the low-affinity ones. Comparison of somatostatin receptor binding and its lipolytic action in isolated rat adipocytes suggested that the spare receptor phenomenon cannot be applied to the lipolytic action of somatostatin in rat adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Dergham P  Anctil M 《Tissue & cell》1998,30(2):205-215
Using [(3)H]-serotonin ([(3)H]-5-HT) as radiolabel and autoradiography, we have mapped the distribution of 5-HT uptake and binding sites in the sea pansy Renilla koellikeri in order to identify potential cellular pathways of 5-HT inactivation and to identify cellular substrates for the previously characterized 5-HT receptor involved in the modulation of peristaltic behavior. Uptake measured in fresh polyp tissues occurred via two processes: a high affinity (uptake(1)), clomipramine-sensitive process with a K(m) of 0.45 muM, and another of lower affinity (uptake(2)) with a Km of 11.6 muM. Autoradiograms of high affinity uptake sites revealed a diffuse distribution of label with higher density in the ectoderm and endoderm, and lower density in the mesoglea. No subsets of cells, including serotonergic neurons, appeared to retain label preferentially, thus suggesting that removal of 5-HT and its chemical conversion is a general property of sea pansy tissues. Under incubation conditions identical to those used in a previous radiobinding analysis, autoradiograms of binding sites were generated on sections from lightly fixed and cryosectioned polyps. In contrast to uptake sites, binding sites appeared as aggregations of label around neurons of the subectodermal, mesogleal and endodermal nerve nets. In the endoderm where the myoepithelia subtend peristalsis, myoepithelial cells appeared unlabeled, suggesting that 5-HT exerts its modulatory effect on peristalsis principally via neurons. Taken together, these results indicate that 5-HT is released as a neurohormone in the sea pansy and that it may act as a broad-range neuromodulator.  相似文献   

Using light and electron microscope autoradiography in vivo, the localization of 125I-(Arg 101-Tyr 126) atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)-binding sites was studied in the renal medulla of rats. At the light microscopic level, the autoradiographic reaction was mainly distributed in patches in the outer medulla, and followed the tubular architecture in the innermost part of the inner medulla. At the electron microscopic level, binding sites were mainly found in the outer medullary descending vasa recta and inner medullary collecting ducts. These results suggest that, in rats, the renal medulla may participate in the natriuresis and diuresis produced by ANF through vascular and tubular effects; the former by changing medullary blood flow at the level of descending vasa recta and the latter by acting on electrolyte and water transport at the level of collecting ducts.  相似文献   

Quantitative analysis of ribosome binding sites in E.coli.   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
185 clones with randomized ribosome binding sites, from position -11 to 0 preceding the coding region of beta-galactosidase, were selected and sequenced. The translational yield of each clone was determined; they varied by more than 3000-fold. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine the contribution to translation initiation activity of each base at each position. Features known to be important for translation initiation, such as the initiation codon, the Shine/Dalgarno sequence, the identity of the base at position -3 and the occurrence of alternative ATGs, are all found to be important quantitatively for activity. No other features are found to be of general significance, although the effects of secondary structure can be seen as outliers. A comparison to a large number of natural E.coli translation initiation sites shows the information profile to be qualitatively similar although differing quantitatively. This is probably due to the selection for good translation initiation sites in the natural set compared to the low average activity of the randomized set.  相似文献   

The outline of the arcuate nucleus in the human medulla oblongata was studied in a series of serial sections of brain stems of newborn and young children. The nucleus lies on the ventral aspect of the pyramid. At higher levels the nucleus lies on the ventral and medial aspect of the pyramid. In the upper regions of the medulla the two nuclei fuse together, giving rise to a median dorsal extension, which in the uppermost part of the medulla extends to the floor of the fourth ventricle. The nucleus sends numerous branches to the corticospinal portion of the pyramidal tract, while the dorsal extension of the arcuate nucleus sends numerous transverse rays on either side which consist of nerve fibres and cells. These rays extend in the areas of the medulla occupied by the medial lemniscus, tectospinal portion, and medial longitudinal bundle. The significance of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   

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