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A dynamical neural network model of binocular stereopsis is proposed to solve the problem of segmentation which remains ambiguous even when the problem of binocular correspondence is solved. Being compatible with the recent neurophysiological findings (Engel et al. 1991), the model assumes that neural cells show oscillatory activities and that segmentation into a coherent depth surface is coded by synchronization of activities. Employing appropriate constraints for segmentation, the present model shows proper segmentation of depth surfaces and also solves segmentational ambiguity caused by a gap. It is newly shown that binocularly-unmatched monocular cells are discriminated in temporal segmentation of monocular cells caused by recurrent interactions between monocular and binocular cells. Integrative interactions with the other visual components through temporal segmentation are also discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The relationships between habitat depth, eye diameter relative to body length, and the dimensions of rhabdoms and crystalline cones have been examined for 13 species of three oceanic euphausiid genera with habitats ranging from near-surface waters to the deep-sea. Rate of eye growth decreases with depth. Longer rhabdoms may increase the visual sensitivity to point and extended light sources by an eye of a particular size with depth. Larger interommatidial angles suggest that visual acuity decreases at depth. Depth-related changes in euphausiid eyes are considered with respect to the probable roles of vision and bioluminescence in the deep-sea. Unusual features of the eyes of several species are described.  相似文献   

An assemblage of individual motoneurons constituting a synthetic motoneuron pool has been studied from the standpoint of relating monosynaptic reflex responses to frequency of afferent stimulation. Intensity of low frequency depression is not a simple function of transmitter potentiality. As frequency of stimulation increases from 3 per minute to 10 per second, low frequency depression increases in magnitude. Between 10 and approximately 60 per second low frequency depression apparently diminishes and subnormality becomes a factor in causing depression. At frequencies above 60 per second temporal summation occurs, but subnormality limits the degree of response attainable by summation. At low stimulation frequencies rhythm is determined by stimulation frequency. Interruptions of rhythmic firing depend solely upon temporal fluctuation of excitability. At high frequency of stimulation rhythm is determined by subnormality rather than inherent rhythmicity, and excitability fluctuation leads to instability of response rhythm. In short, whatever the stimulation frequency, random excitability fluctuation is the factor disrupting rhythmic response. Monosynaptic reflex response latency is stable during high frequency stimulation as it is in low frequency stimulation provided a significant extrinsic source of random bombardment is not present. In the presence of powerful random bombardment discharge may become random with respect to monosynaptic afferent excitation provided the latter is feeble. When this occurs it does so equally at low frequency and high frequency. Thus temporal summation is not a necessary factor. There is, then, no remaining evidence to suggest that the agency for temporal summation in the monosynaptic system becomes a transmitting agency in its own right.  相似文献   

1. Cross sections from the middle of the gluteus medius were removed from 10 adult horses and used to evaluate changes in histochemically determined muscle fiber type and biochemically determined metabolic enzyme activities as a function of sample depth. 2. Muscle fiber types determined using histochemical methods for myosin ATPase (pH 9.4) and succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) activity indicated percent fast-twitch glycolytic (FG) muscle fibers decreased and slow-twitch oxidative (SO) fibers increased as a function of increasing sampling depth. 3. Percent histochemically determined fast-twitch oxidative glycolytic (FOG) fibers decreased slightly only in the deepest region of the gluteus medius. 4. Citrate synthase (CS) enzymatic activity, used as a marker for mitochondrial oxidative potential, increased 2.5-fold in activity per g of muscle protein from 1 to 8 cm sampling depth. 5. 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase (HAD) enzymatic activity, used as a marker for lipid oxidation potential, increased 3-fold in activity per g of muscle protein when the depth increased from 1 to 8 cm. 6. Phosphorylase (PS) enzymatic activity, used as a marker for potential glycogen utilization, decreased 50% in activity per g of muscle protein when going from 1 to 8 cm. 7. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) enzymatic activity, used as a marker for anaerobic glycolytic potential, decreased about 50% in activity as the sampling depth increased from 1 to 8 cm. 8. In summary, the superficial portion of the equine gluteus medius was found to be more glycolytic and less aerobic in its metabolic profile than deeper regions. The muscle became progressively more aerobic and less glycolytic with increasing sampling depth.  相似文献   

Steady-state pattern electroretinograms (PERGs) and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) in response to sinusoidal gratings (2 c/deg), sinusoidally counterphased at closely spaced temporal frequencies (TFs) between 4 and 28 Hz, were recorded from 11 patients with unilateral optic neuritis (ON; 11 affected eyes and 10 healthy fellow eyes) and 7 age-matched normal subjects (7 eyes). Amplitude and phase of responses' second harmonics were measured. Responses' apparent latencies were estimated from the rate at which phase lagged with TF. When compared to control values, mean PERG and VEP amplitudes of ON eyes were reduced (by about 0.4 log units) at both low (5–10 Hz) and high (16–20 Hz) TFs. Mean PERG amplitudes of fellow eyes were selectively reduced at low TFs (by about 0.3 log units). Mean PERG apparent latencies of both ON and fellow eyes were delayed (by 15 and 9 ms, respectively). Mean VEP apparent latency of ON eyes was delayed at both low and high TFs (by 24 and 30 ms, respectively), while that of fellow eyes was selectively delayed at high TFs (by 28 ms). The results in ON eyes indicate non-selective abnormalities of PERG and VEP generators responding at both low and high TFs. VEP TF losses may be in part accounted for by corresponding PERG losses. In the fellow eyes of patients, more selective PERG and VEP TF abnormalities may suggest differential impairment of retinal and postretinal subsystems responding better to low and high TFs (i.e. parvo-and magnocellular streams).  相似文献   

Biological indicators that signal changes in lake condition are essential tools for guiding resource management decisions. Macrophyte-based indicators have traditionally been selected and evaluated in the context of nutrient-based stressors, although the need to evaluate indicators that are sensitive to climate stressors has been increasingly relevant. Moreover, indicators should ideally exhibit minimal sampling variation and have low natural temporal variation so there is high power to detect changes in the mean value over time. Eight macrophyte indicators were estimated in 23 Minnesota (USA) lakes using four years of repeated surveys to estimate sampling and temporal variation, response to development (phosphorus concentration) and climate stress (annual growing degree days), and power to detect significant change at various annual sampling intervals. Indicators included a macrophyte index of biotic integrity, floristic quality index, maximum depth of growth, total species richness, common species richness, mean richness, and frequency occurrence of rooted species and Chara sp. Overall, regression and smoothed additive models indicated significant relationships of indicators to total lake phosphorus and mean annual growing degree days. The macrophyte index of biotic integrity, floristic quality index, and the frequency rooted species had minimal sampling variation in this study, were responsive to development or climate stress, and had low annual variation (coefficients of variation 0.08, 0.10, and 0.19, respectively) resulting in high to moderate power (>50%) for detecting significant change over a 20 year period. Results from these analyses will facilitate the use of precise and powerful indicators that respond to stressors that are of concern for the management of freshwater glacial lakes.  相似文献   

The importance of arbuscular mycorrhizae (AM) in plant and ecosystem responses to global changes, e.g. elevated atmospheric CO2, is widely acknowledged. Frequently, increases in AM root colonization occur in response to increased CO2, but also the lack of significant changes has been reported. The goal of this study was to test whether arbuscular mycorrhizae (root colonization and composition of root colonization) respond to plants grown in elevated CO2 as a function of soil depth. We grew Bromus hordeaceus L. and Lotus wrangelianus Fischer & C. Meyer monocultures in large pots with a synthetic serpentine soil profile for 4 yr in an experiment, in which CO2 concentration was crossed factorially with NPK fertilization. When analyzing root infection separately for topsoil (0–15 cm) and subsoil (15–45 cm), we found large (e.g., about 5-fold) increases of AM fungal root colonization in the subsoil in response to CO2, but no significant changes in the corresponding topsoil of Bromus. Only the coarse endophyte AM fungi, not the fine endophyte AM fungi, were responsible for the observed increase in the bottom soil layer, indicating a depth-dependent shift in the AM community colonizing the roots, even at this coarse morphological level. Other response variables also had significant soil layer * CO2 interaction terms. The subsoil response would have been hidden in an unstratified assessment of the total root system, since most of the root length was concentrated in the top soil layer. The increased presence of mycorrhizae in roots deeper in the soil should be considered in sampling protocols, as it may be indicative of changed patterns of nutrient acquisition and carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

A network of circumferentially oriented collagen fibrils exists in the periphery of the human cornea, and is thought to be pivotal in maintaining corneal biomechanical stability and curvature. However, it is unknown whether or not this key structural arrangement predominates throughout the entire corneal thickness or exists as a discrete feature at a particular tissue depth; or if it incorporates any elastic fibres and how, with respect to tissue depth, the circumcorneal annulus integrates with the orthogonally arranged collagen of the central cornea. To address these issues we performed a three-dimensional investigation of fibrous collagen and elastin architecture in the peripheral and central human cornea using synchrotron X-ray scattering and non-linear microscopy. This showed that the network of collagen fibrils circumscribing the human cornea is located in the posterior one-third of the tissue and is interlaced with significant numbers of mature elastic fibres which mirror the alignment of the collagen. The orthogonal arrangement of collagen in the central cornea is also mainly restricted to the posterior stromal layers. This information will aid the development of corneal biomechanical models aimed at explaining how normal corneal curvature is sustained and further predicting the outcome of surgical procedures.  相似文献   

Orientation anisotropy for suprathreshold gratings of different spatial frequencies was measured using a contrast matching procedure. Observers matched the contrast of sine-wave gratings of various orientations to a vertical reference grating set at different reference contrasts. At threshold, the size of the anisotropy increased with spatial frequency, confirming previous results. When the reference grating contrast was set above threshold, the anisotropy declined, and eventually disappeared for gratings of medium spatial frequencies. At higher spatial frequencies, although the relative anisotropy became smaller, it did not disappear within the range of contrasts used in this study. For medium, but not for high spatial frequencies, the data are consistent with Kulikowski's (1976) model of effective contrast constancy.  相似文献   

The fluorescence emission decays of single-tryptophan-containing peptides of different chain lengths in their unfolded state were investigated in the frequency domain. The data were analyzed using different functions, i.e., exponential fit and probability-density functions of different shape. We found that unimodal Lorentzian distributions best describe the fluorescence decays. This finding agrees with the point of view, now broadly accepted, that rapid motions exist in polypeptides. As a consequence of this flexibility, a large variety of conformations, with an unequal perturbation of tryptophan in its excited state, is generated. The lifetime distribution center was independent of the length of the polypeptide chain but strongly related to the nature of the amino acid residues located in the proximity of the tryptophan in the primary structure. The full width at half maximum, W, of the lifetime distribution was found to be related to the length of unfolded polypeptide by the empirical logarithmic relationship W = 0.83 log n, where n indicates the number of residues. For short peptides, a single lifetime or a narrow range of lifetimes is observed because of the fast relaxation of the tryptophanyl environment. On peptide lengthening, the spectrum of conformations, which the peptide can assume, increases; this causes a complex fluorescence decay represented by a lifetime distribution. For long polypeptide chains, the motions of the regions far from tryptophan do not significantly perturb the chromophore environment.  相似文献   

Allelic disequilibrium between closely linked genes is a common observation in human populations and often gives rise to speculation concerning the role of selective forces. In a previous treatment, we have developed a population model of the expected distribution of rare variants (including private polymorphisms) in Amerindians and have argued that, because of the great expansion of Amerindian numbers with the advent of agriculture, most of these rare variants are of relatively recent origin. Many other populations have similar histories of striking recent expansions. In this treatment, we demonstrate that, in consequence of this fact, a high degree of linkage disequilibrium between two nonhomologous alleles <0.5 cM apart is the "normal" expectation, even in the absence of selection. This expectation is enhanced by the previous subdivision of human populations into relatively isolated tribes characterized by a high level of endogamy and inbreeding. We also demonstrate that the alleles associated with a recessive disease phenotype are expected to exist in a population in very variable frequencies: there is no need to postulate positive selection with respect to the more common disease-associated alleles for such entities as phenylketonuria or cystic fibrosis.  相似文献   

CO2 elimination (VCO2) was monitored during high-frequency oscillation (HFO) over a frequency (f) range of 2-30 Hz in anesthetized and paralyzed rabbits to determine whether effective gas exchange could be achieved in this species, to determine the f and tidal volume (VT) dependence of gas exchange in this species, and to compare these results with those from dog and human studies. We were able to produce VCO2 levels during HFO that exceeded normal steady-state levels of CO2 production with VT's less than the total dead space volume. VCO2 was related to f in a curvilinear fashion, whereas in some rabbits VCO2 became independent of f at higher frequencies. This curvilinear relationship between f and VCO2 is similar to data from humans but contrasts with the linear relationship found in dogs. Evidence is presented indicating frequency-dependent behavior of gas exchange is correlated with a frequency-dependent decrease in respiratory system resistance. We propose that the frequency-dependent mechanical properties of the rabbit lung may also account for the species differences in HFO gas exchange.  相似文献   

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