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Wild flower seed predation by Pterostichus madidus (Carabidae: Coleoptera)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The objective of the study was to investigate the ability of Pterostichus madidus, one of the most abundant carabid beetles in the United Kingdom, to consume wildflower seeds. The plant species chosen are commonly included in wildflower seed mixes sown to enhance the biodiversity of arable field margins, and hence any seed predation could potentially reduce successful seedling establishment. The study combined cafeteria style laboratory feeding experiments with predation studies in an established field margin. In laboratory studies the Pterostichus madidus consumed both unimbibed and imbibed seeds of Centaurea scabiosa, Galium verum, Leucanthemum vulgare and Primula veris. Seed consumption was still evident when Drosophila pupae were also supplied, although there was significant preference for the pupae. Placement of seeds in the field showed high levels of seed consumption, although part of this was attributed to slugs. Carabid beetles may have a significant role as wild flower seed predators and thus may affect establishment of re‐seeded flower‐rich meadows.  相似文献   

Adult carabids that ingest particles of food have a muscular proventriculus lined internally with an intima that bears sclerotized projections. In experiments where six species of carabid were allowed to feed upon Drosophila, the average size of cuticular remains found in post-proventricular regions of the gut was generally significantly smaller than those in the crop. This reduction in size of cuticular particles is likely to be due to proventricular trituration rather than prolonged exposure to digestive secretions. There is no evidence that material is triturated by the proventriculus and returned to the crop, the main seat of digestion in carabids, so proventricular trituration is unlikely to enhance digestion. By crushing large, potentially abrasive, cuticular particles, the proventriculus may serve to protect midgut epithelial tissue.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the trait-specific response of ground beetles in terms of abundance, species richness, and composition for habitat fragmentation in temperate forests. In addition, we examined how different ecological groups and species of ground beetles responded to environmental variables. During middle May to early November in 2013, ground beetles were sampled using pitfall traps in 27 sites (18 patches and 9 continuous forests) in central Korea. A total of 51 species were identified from 17,845 ground beetles in the 27 study sites. Continuous forests had generally higher abundance and species richness of ground beetles than forest patches. Canonical correspondence analysis for ground beetles was significant, and the proportion of variance explained by environmental variables, such as patch size, elevation, organic matter (C), and soil moisture and pH, was 43.61%. In addition, species composition of ground beetles in continuous forests was grouped distinctively away from those in medium and small-sized patches. In conclusion, both small (1.1–9.6 ha) and medium patches (12.8–51.2 ha) were failed to preserve similar ground beetle biodiversity compared to continuous forests. However, our study revealed that medium-sized forest patches clearly had higher conservation value for forest specialist ground beetles than small-sized forest patches irrespective of forest type.  相似文献   

Predation is a key source of seed mortality in many weed species and thus is a part of natural control. In the field, the intensity of seed predation by invertebrates varies during the course of a year. One source of this variation is fluctuations in ambient temperature. Here, the effect of temperature on seed consumption is investigated for the first time, using two abundant carabid seed predators, Pseudoophonus rufipes and Harpalus affinis (Coleoptera: Carabidae), and dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) as a model system. Field collected individuals were sexed, kept at one of six constant temperatures between 10 and 28 °C and provided with a surplus of seed. Seed consumption was recorded over a period of 4 days. Averaged over all the temperatures, the smaller H. affinis consumed 12.2 seeds day?1 and larger P. rufipes 29 seeds day?1. On average, females consumed more seeds than males. Seed consumption by both species increased with temperature. In H. affinis the increase was linear and different for males and females. In P. rufipes the consumption was similar in both sexes but curvilinear because there was no further increase in consumption above 20 °C. Assuming a linear relationship between temperature and consumption at up to 20 °C we calculated the temperature at which seed consumption ceased (?0.1 to 0.3 °C in H. affinis and 6.3–6.9 °C in P. rufipes) and the increment in seed consumption per 1 °C increase in temperature above this threshold (0.4–1.0 and 1.5–4.2 seeds individual?1 day?1, respectively) for the two species. Thus, it is possible to calculate the average daily consumption of each species over a range of temperatures up to 20 °C.  相似文献   

Pitfall trapping is a standard sampling method to compare the abundance or community structure of ground beetles. However, effects of sampling duration on biodiversity estimation of ground beetles according to different trap sizes have not been experimentally evaluated in temperate forests in Korea. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the interaction between trap sizes (SB, small‐sized bottle; MB, medium‐sized bottle; PC, plastic cup; PJ, plastic jar; PT, perforated type trap; FT, funnel‐type trap) and sampling duration (T1, 2 weeks × 2 sessions, 28 days; T2, 2 weeks × 4 sessions, 56 days; T3, 4 weeks × 2 sessions, 56 days) on estimation of ground beetle assemblages in Naejangsan National Park, a temperate forest in Korea. Funnel type and larger pitfall traps collected higher numbers of individuals and species than other trap sizes. Species composition of ground beetles was different by size of traps (SB, MB, and PC vs. PJ, PT, and FT). In particular, ground beetle composition in larger traps (PJ, PT, and FT) appeared to be influenced by environmental characteristics according to localities (e.g., soil characters and dominant tree species). These findings from our study support that pitfall trapping of ground beetles can be influenced by trap sizes per se as well as sampling durations and environmental characteristics. Thus, biodiversity monitoring in temperate forests should be conducted with long sampling duration (at least 28 days) using large‐sized traps (> 7.5 cm in diameter of trap mouthpart) considering expenses and study aims.  相似文献   



Harpalinae is a species rich clade of carabid beetles with many unusual morphological forms and ecological interactions. How this diversity evolved has been difficult to reconstruct, perhaps because harpalines underwent a rapid burst of diversification early in their evolutionary history. Here we investigate the tempo of evolution in harpalines using molecular divergence dating techniques and explore the rates of lineage accumulation in harpalines and their sister group.  相似文献   

大步甲主要分布于北半球,全世界大约有1000余种。因大步甲后翅退化,不能飞行,其移动能力和扩散范围都受到很大程度的限制,因此,容易产生地理隔离和遗传分化,从而成为研究物种分化和生物多样化的好材料。近年来,通过对大步甲分子系统的详细研究,不仅很大程度上解明了大步甲各分类群间的系统发育关系,而且对大步甲的系统演化过程和形态进化模式也有了较深的理解,获得了很多重要的见解。在此做一个简单的综述。  相似文献   

Sites at various distances from eutrophic and mesotrophic lakes and fens on the island Öland in southern Sweden were systematically surveyed in summer (May–August) and autumn (late September–October) to elucidate the hibernation sites of wetland carabid beetles. Thirty-five of 47 wetland species were found in their winter quarters. In areas ≤50 m from the lakes and fens, the observed as well as the estimated number of hibernating wetland species was higher in mesic to dry sites than in wet or moist open sites. Very few overwintering beetles were detected far (≥120 m) from the water. There was no significant difference in the frequencies of macropterous and dimorphic (brachypterous) species and individuals hibernating close to, and more distantly from, water. Individuals of small species hibernated closer to water than larger ones. At least in Scandinavia, there is no convincing evidence that wetland species hibernate far away from water, migrating by flight. A considerable number of the species that were collected in their winter quarters are rare and red- listed in at least one of the Scandinavian countries. Winter quarters situated in mesic and dry meadows and woodland close to lakes and fens had the highest number of red-listed species. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to protect such sites. Threats to the integrity of the current habitats are logging and various transformations of meadows, e.g. digging and removal of large objects such as stones. Cessation of grazing by cattle may also have a negative effect.  相似文献   

Aims and methods Ground beetle and satellite‐derived land cover data from 1687 United Kingdom 10 km national grid squares were used to assess the relationship between species pool and cover data in Great Britain using fuzzy classification and constrained ordination. Results Ground beetle species pools classified into nine groups which were related to land cover variables using constrained ordination. There was a strong relationship between upland land cover and three ground beetle groups. Deciduous woodland, coastal and tilled land were associated with three other groups. Three further groups did not appear to be strongly associated with any particular cover, but differed in geographical position. Conclusion The distribution of species pools derived from the British national recording scheme at the 10 km scale was strongly related to satellite‐derived land cover data. There appears to be considerable potential for the use of a synthesis of land cover and ground beetle data in the monitoring of environmental change over a large, countrywide, area.  相似文献   

Contrary to members of the suborder Polyphaga, ground beetles have been found to possess tripartite mushroom bodies, which are poorly developed in members of basal taxa and maximally elaborated in evolutionarily advanced groups. Nevertheless, they do not reach the developmental stage, which has been previously found in particular families of beetles. It has been pointed out that a new formation of the Kenyon cells occurs during at least the first months of adult life, and inactive neuroblasts are found even in one-year-old beetles. It has been suggested that there is a relation between the Kenyon cell number and development of the centers of Kenyon cell new-formation.  相似文献   

An original classification of the life cycles of ground beetles from Western Palaearctic is proposed. The classification is based on a combination of five criteria: duration, number of generations per season, phenology of reproduction, stability, and repeatability of reproduction. According to the individual lifespan, the cycles are subdivided into annual and biennial ones. The annual life cycles may be uni-and bivoltine, whereas biennial ones are always univoltine. By the time of reproduction, winter-spring, spring, spring-summer, early summer, summer, late summer, summer-autumnal, autumnal, autumn-winter, winter, and aseasonal species are distinguished. The biennial and bivoltine cycles may be of both facultative and obligate nature. Species living only one season and having a continuous reproductive period are designated as semelparous, while those breeding during two or more years or having several distinct periods of reproduction in one season, as iteroparous. By now, 30 variants of life cycles in Carabidae from western Palaearctic have been established. Repeated similarly directed modifications of the life cycle may produce essentially different seasonal rhythms in some individuals. In this case, two subpopulation groups usually appear within the population. Under the most unfavorable conditions, these groups become practically isolated and hibernate at different ontogenetic stages. The individual development in each of these groups takes two years with the same seasonal rhythm. Among the types considered, only obligate-bivoltine life cycles are always polyvariant, but annual univoltine and obligate-biennial ones are always univariant. The facultative-bivoltine and biennial life cycles may be realized as uni-and polyvariant ones, depending on the environmental conditions.  相似文献   

A survey of invertebrates on exposed riverine sediments (ERS) in four catchments of rivers in Scotland and northern England was carried out in 1996 and 1997 using pitfall traps. The resulting 179 lists of ground beetle species were used in ordination and classification analyses to determine the different types of habitats and the environmental factors influencing species assemblage distribution. Types of ERS habitat differed between highland and lowland catchments; there were also different numbers of habitat types in each catchment. The distribution of ERS within catchments was related to geology, position in catchment, sediment composition and the amount of vegetation. Evidence of the positive nature of river engineering was identified and the role of river management is discussed. The numbers of nationally rare and scarce ground beetle species recorded from the ERS habitats in each catchment are reported and the factors affecting their distribution discussed.  相似文献   

Many ecological studies have used diversity indices to assess the impact of environmental disturbance. In particular, ground beetles have been advocated as a good group for assessing disturbance. Most studies on various organisms have used only one or two indices. For our study of the impact of tillage disturbance on carabid beetles in farm fields in southern Ontario, Canada, we used seven different diversity indices (richness, Shannon–Wiener, Berger–Parker, Q-statistic, Margalef, and evenness). Few studies have used deviation from diversity abundance models as a measure of disturbance; however, we use three that are applicable to our data (geometric, log-normal and log-series). The indices and models were used to test the null hypothesis that there is no change in diversity with increasing tillage disturbance, and that there is no difference in diversity with different crops or years. We were not able to reject the null hypothesis that there is any diversity difference among farms. We also found that there was no single diversity index or model that was better than any other at detecting disturbance. These results are supplemented by a meta-analysis of 45 published data sets for the same taxon but in different habitats. The meta-analysis supports the conclusions from our field research that diversity indices and models are not useful for detecting the possible effect of disturbance on assemblages of carabid beetles.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the large genus Bembidion and related genera is inferred from four nuclear protein-coding genes (CAD, wingless, arginine kinase, and topoisomerase I), ribosomal DNA (28S and 18S), and the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI). 230 of the more than 1200 species of Bembidion are sampled, as well as 26 species of five related genera, and 14 outgroups. Nuclear copies (numts) of COI were found sparsely scattered through sampled species. The resulting phylogeny, based upon individual gene analyses and combined analyses using maximum likelihood and parsimony, is very well supported at most nodes. Additional analyses explored the evidence, and corroborate the phylogeny. Seven analyses, each with one of the seven genes removed from the combined matrix, were also conducted, and yielded maximum likelihood bootstrap trees sharing over 92% of their nodes with the original, well-resolved bootstrap trees based on the complete set of seven genes. All key nodes were present in all seven analyses missing a single gene, indicating that support for these nodes comes from at least two genes. In addition, the inferred maximum likelihood tree based on the combined matrix is well-behaved and self-predicting, in that simulated evolution of sequences on the inferred tree under the inferred model of evolution yields a matrix from which all but one of the model tree's clades are recovered with bootstrap value >50, suggesting that internal branches in the tree may be of a length to yield sequences sufficient to allow their inference. All likelihood analyses were conducted under both a proportion-invariable plus gamma site-to-site rate variation model, as well as a simpler gamma model. The choice of model did not have a major effect on inferred phylogenies or their bootstrap values. The inferred phylogeny shows that Bembidarenas is not closely related to Bembidiina, and Phrypeus is likely distant as well; the remaining genera of Bembidiina form a monophyletic group. Lionepha, formerly considered a subgenus of Bembidion, is shown to be outside of the clade of Asaphidion+Bembidion, and is separated as its own genus. B. (Phyla) obtusum is quite isolated within Bembidion, and there is some evidence that the remaining Bembidion form a clade. Within Bembidion, there are three large clades that are well-supported, the Bembidion, Odontium, and Ocydromus Series. The Bembidion Series contains Bembidion (s. str.), Notaphus, Furcacampa, Emphanes, Trepanedoris, Diplocampa, and related Holarctic species; all species from South America, Australia, New Zealand; and most species from southern Africa and Madagascar. All species in South America, except for members of Notaphus and Nothocys, form a clade, the Antiperyphanes Complex, which has independently radiated into body forms and niches occupied by multiple, independent Northern-Hemisphere forms. All species from New Zealand, including Zecillenus, and Australian species formerly placed in Ananotaphus together form a clade. Bembidion (s. str.) and Cyclolopha are in a clade with the Old World, Southern Hemisphere lineages Notaphocampa, Sloanephila, and Omotaphus. The large subgenus Notaphus appears to have originated in South America, with all Northern Hemisphere Notaphus arising from within a south-temperate grade. All major variation in frontal furrows on the head is contained within the Bembidion Series. The Odontium Series contains subgenera Hirmoplataphus and Hydriomicrus, which together are the sister clade of Odontium, Bracteon, Ochthedromus, Pseudoperyphus, and Microserrullula. The very large Ocydromus Series, dominant in the Holarctic region, includes the Ocydromus Complex, with many subgenera, including Hypsipezum and Leuchydrium; the phylogeny within this group is notably at odds with the current classification. Also included in the Ocydromus Series are Nepha and Bembidionetolitzkya, as well as the Princidium Complex, in which the intertidal B. (Cillenus) laterale falls. Outside these three series are a number of smaller groups, including the Plataphus Complex (containing Blepharoplataphus, Plataphus, the latter including Plataphodes); the Hydrium Complex (Metallina, Chlorodium, and Hydrium, which contains Eurytrachelus), whose sister group might be subgenus Andrewesa; Trechonepha and Liocosmius, which might be sisters; and B. (Melomalus) planatum, which is not close to Plataphus. There is some evidence that these groups plus the Ocydromus and Odontium Series form a clade. A few enigmatic groups were harder to place. The sister group of the pair Philochthus plus Philochthemphanes might be B. wickhami; Eupetedromus is well outside the three major series and not related to Notaphus; the high-elevation Asian group Hoquedela is a very isolated lineage. Notaphiellus is removed from synonymy with Nothocys, and placed in synonymy with Notaphus; Plataphodes is synonymized with Plataphus, as Plataphus is paraphyletic otherwise; Eurytrachelus is synonymized with Hydrium. A new subgenus, Lindrochthus, is described to house the distinctive B. wickhami. The implications of the inferred phylogeny for some morphological characters used in Bembidiina systematics are explored, and some of the most widely used (e.g., location of discal seta ed3 on the elytron, and shape of the shoulder) are shown to be notably homoplastic. For example, the location of elytral seta ed3 has undergone at least nine transitions between two states.  相似文献   

Putchkov A 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):503-515
A review of the ground beetles of the Ukrainian fauna is given. Almost 750 species from 117 genera of Carabidae are known to occur in the Ukraine. Approximately 450 species of ground beetles are registered in the Carpathian region. No less than 300 species of ground beetles are found in the forest zone. Approximately 400 species of Carabidae present in the forest-steppe zone are relatively similar in species composition to those in the forest territories. Some 450 species of Carabidae are inhabitants of the steppe zone. Representatives of many other regions of heterogeneous biotopes such as forest, semi desert, intrazonal, etc. can be found in the steppe areas. The fauna of Carabidae (ca. 100 species) of the lowlands of southern Ukraine (sandy biotopes), situated mostly in the Kherson region, is very peculiar. The fauna of the Crimean mountains contains about 300 species. Conservation measures for the Carabidae are discussed.  相似文献   

Fourteen species of carabids were studied throughout the snowfree season in outdoor arenas above the timberline at Finse, South Norway (60°36'N, 7°30'E). Ten species were nocturnal. Onset of nocturnal activity occurred after termination of twilight with peak activity before midnight, but in June, with less than 1 h of darkness, activity was extended into evening twilight, the peak being around midnight. Linear regressions between ground surface temperature and nocturnal activity predicted zero activity in the range −2.0 to0.8°C, mean −0.5°C, indicating that activity is possible on most nights throughout the snowfree season. Two diurnal species had activity threshold temperatures at 4 and 8°C, respectively, the former with a peak at 16°C and an upper threshold at 28°C.
The proportion of nocturnal species in the study area was significantly greater than in lowland open fields. Large and common species were mainly nocturnal, while small and rare species were mainly diurnal. It is suggested that nocturnalism in the South Scandinavian high mountains is a response to avoid bird predation and desiccation.  相似文献   

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