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The spatial distribution of larval and adult thrips (Thysanoptera) was studied on mango panicles, Mangifera indica L., on Penang Island, Malaysia, during two consecutive mango flowering seasons from December 2008 to March 2009 and from August to September 2009. Larval and adult thrips were sampled from mango panicles using the carbon dioxide (CO2) collection technique weekly in treated and untreated orchards. Seasonal abundance and dispersion pattern of thrips were investigated on weed host plants in the treated orchard between June 2008 and March 2009. Spatiotemporal dynamics of larvae and adults was analyzed using Taylor’s Power Law (TPL), Lloyd’s Index (LI), and Green’s Index (GI). Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan) was the dominant thrips species recovered from mango panicles and weeds in the treated orchard, whereas Scirtothrips dorsalis (Hood) was the most abundant species captured in the untreated orchard. Thrips adults and larvae analyzed via dispersion indices were found to be aggregated in mango panicles in both orchards. The value of the aggregation index (b) of TPL for the total number of adult thrips was significantly higher in the treated orchard than in the untreated orchard, whereas slopes of TPL for the total number of larval thrips did not differ significantly between treated and untreated orchards. All adult thrips species were distributed regularly on the weed plants; however, their larvae were aggregated. It is concluded that pesticide treatment caused adult thrips to become more aggregated on mango panicles, hiding in flower parts that were less exposed to the chemicals.  相似文献   

Development of a control strategy for thrips attacking nectarine trees depends on an understanding of their phenology, distribution, and life history as related to characteristics of nectarine orchards. To this end, we compared the overwintering behavior, distribution, and abundance of western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), among 11 nectarine orchards located in the dry central interior of British Columbia, Canada, during 1993 and 1994. Western flower thrips emerged from areas not previously used for agriculture (wild areas) and from within orchards before trees were out of dormancy. Flight of thrips within and around orchards peaked during early bud development, with a second major peak several weeks later after husk fall as the next generation emerged. Orchards protected from wild areas by other orchards had the lowest densities of thrips in buds. Density estimates of western flower thrips on trees were not affected by location of trees within orchards or buds within trees, but most thrips were found in the most developed buds on a tree at any one time. Thrips were not found within buds until petal was first visible on the buds. Larval feeding on buds at early petal fall resulted in serious surface russetting of fruit.  相似文献   

Populations of several thrips species were estimated using yellow sticky traps in an orchard planted with mango, Mangifera indica L. during the dry and wet seasons beginning in late 2008-2009 on Penang Island, Malaysia. To determine the efficacy of using sticky traps to monitor thrips populations, we compared weekly population estimates on yellow sticky traps with thrips population sizes that were determined (using a CO(2) method) directly from mango panicles. Dispersal distance and direction of thrips movement out of the orchard also were studied using yellow sticky traps placed at three distances from the edge of the orchard in four cardinal directions facing into the orchard. The number of thrips associated with the mango panicles was found to be correlated with the number of thrips collected using the sticky trap method. The number of thrips captured by the traps decreased with increasing distance from the mango orchard in all directions. Density of thrips leaving the orchard was related to the surrounding vegetation. Our results demonstrate that sticky traps have the potential to satisfactorily estimate thrips populations in mango orchards and thus they can be effectively employed as a useful tactic for sampling thrips.  相似文献   

Sampling studies were conducted on grass thrips, Anaphothrips obscurus (Müller) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), in timothy, Phleum pratense L. These studies were used to compare the occurrence of brachypterous and macropterous thrips across sampling methods, seasons, and time of day. Information about the population dynamics of this thrips was also revealed. Three absolute and two relative methods were tested at three different dates within a season and three different daily times during four harvest periods. Thrips were counted and different phenotypes were recorded from one of the absolute methods. Absolute methods were the most similar to one another over time of day and within seasonal dates. Relative methods varied in assessing thrips population dynamics over time of day and within seasonal dates. Based on thrips collected from the plant and sticky card counts, macropterous individuals increased in the spring and summer. Thrips aerially dispersed in the summer. An absolute method, the beat cup method (rapping timothy inside a plastic cup), was among the least variable sampling methods and was faster than direct observations. These findings parallel other studies, documenting the commonality of diel and diurnal effects on sampled arthropod abundance and the seasonal effects on population abundance and structure. These studies also demonstrate that estimated population abundance can be markedly affected by temporal patterns as well as shifting adult phenotypes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present research work was to investigate the population density and species composition of thrips infesting crops of onion in South Poland. The flight activity of thrips was monitored using blue sticky traps and plant samples were taken to record the number of adult and Larvae of thrips on onion. In 2004 the thrips were caught into blue sticky traps from the start of June to the end of the first decade of September. The peak flight activity was noticed in the middle of July. In 2004 the significant growth of the numerousness of adult thrips on onion grown from seeds was recorded in the middle and in the third decade of August, whereas on onion grown from sets in the first decade of August. Thrips larvae were not observed during the whole vegetation season. In 2005, the thrips were caught into blue sticky traps form the half of June to the first decade of September. The peak flight activity was noticed in the first decade of August. In 2005 the rapid growth of the numerousness of adult thrips on onion grown from seeds was recorded in the third decade of July. The highest number of adult thrips on onion grown from sets was noticed at the beginning of August. Thrips larvae were observed on onion grown from seeds in the third decade of July and at the end of the second decade of August. In both years of observations the most numerous species was Frankliniella intonsa Tryb. The second most numerous species was Thrips tabaci Lindeman. In 2004, the most numerous species was predacious Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall.  相似文献   

The understanding of how environmental factors and agricultural practices affect population dynamics of insect pests is necessary for pest management. Here, we provide insight into the ecology of the banana rind thrips Elixothrips brevisetis (Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) by collecting and analysing a spatiotemporal database of population estimates in Martinique (West French Indies). We assessed the influence of climatic variables (which were rainfall and temperature) and biotic variables (which were banana and three weed species) on the adult thrips abundance for different components of the banana plant (sucker, mother plant and bunch) and evaluated the effect of thrips abundance and standard bunch covers on damages. The abundance of thrips on the sucker, the mother plant, and the bunch was significantly related to the abundance on neighbouring banana plants, and spatial autocorrelation indicated that E. brevisetis dispersed for only short distances. The number of thrips on the mother plant and on the bunch was positively related to the number of thrips on the sucker, suggesting that the thrips may disperse from the sucker to the mother plant and then to the bunch. The abundance of thrips on the sucker increased with sucker height and was positively correlated with the mean daily rainfall during the 17 days before sampling; the length of that period might correspond with the time required for an individual to complete its life cycle. Covered bunches had 98% fewer thrips than non‐covered bunches, and the damage caused by thrips was linearly related to the number of thrips present between the 2nd and 4th week after flowering. Finally, we found that the presence of Alocasia cucullata, Dieffenbachia seguine and Peperomia pellucida is significantly related with a decrease in thrips abundance on banana plants, suggesting the use of these weeds as potential trap plants.  相似文献   

蓟马是芒果的重要害虫,研究其在田间的时空分布旨在探讨成虫在栖息地的迁移规律。试验于2016年1月7日-8月9日在海南省儋州市中国热带农业科学院热带作物品种资源研究所芒果种质圃进行。以黄色和蓝色粘虫板进行诱捕取样,点算粘虫板上蓟马个体数,以地学统计学方法研究蓟马的时空分布动态。试验期间蓟马种群在寄主植物集中开花期有一明显高峰;其半变异函数在种群密度高时多为高斯模型,密度低时为线性模型;在调查范围内,空间格局在密度高时为聚集分布、密度较低时为中度聚集分布、密度低时为均匀分布或随机分布;种群密度高时,空间异质性是由空间自相关引起。密度等值线图清楚地反映出蓟马分布随寄主植物花期的变化而变化,呈现出受寄主植物花吸引,当一种寄主谢花后迅速向其它开花寄主转移的变动特征。表明蓟马的空间分布受其种群密度影响,其种群密度及转移扩散在很大程度上受寄主植物花期的影响。  相似文献   

Pollen-feeding in thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Eight species of thrips in three families fed readily on individual grains of pollen. Feeding behaviour is described. Thrips fed on the contents of the grains, but left the pollen wall. In Thrips fuscipennis Halid., the feeding time per grain increased in direct proportion to grain volume up to a grain volume of about 60,000 μm'. but then began to level off. Large grains and tetrads were usually abandoned before all the contents were removed. Mean feeding times ranged from 3 s to 120 s per grain.
Thrips appeared to have alternate periods of feeding and non-feeding. Drops of fluid were sometimes deposited from the end of the abdomen after non-feeding periods. Large amounts of pollen can be consumed; one thrips fed on more than 100 pollen grains in less than 15 min. Pollen-feeding appears to be widespread among flower thrips. The implications for pollination ecology are discussed.  相似文献   

The hatching of eggs of thrips (Insecta: Thysanoptera) was investigated for three thripids, Thrips tabuci Lindeman, Frankliniella fusca (Hinds) and Kakothrips pisivorus (Westwood), and for a phlaeothripid, Haplothrips leucanthemi (Schrank). An embryonic cuticle with hatching spines was found in these thripids, and distinct lids were discovered on eggs of the first two species of thripid. At least one species of phlaeothripid lacks hatching spines. Haplothrips leucanthemi eggs did not have a distinct lid; the eggs split along lines of weakness following the pattern left by the follicle cells.
Kakothrips pisivorus was observed and photographed during hatching. The larva emerged most of the way out of the egg while still enclosed in embryonic cuticle. Expansion and contraction of the pronotum split the embryonic cuticle, which was then forced down to the tip of the abdomen by peristaltic movements, freeing in turn the antennae and legs. The embryonic cuticle was left poking out of the oviposition hole.  相似文献   

Onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman, are an economic pest of alliums worldwide. In Ontario onion-growing regions, seasonal abundance and population trends of onion thrips are not well known. The objectives of this research were to investigate onion thrips population dynamics by using both white sticky traps and plant counts, to gain insight into flight height, and to determine the genus and sex of thrips fauna present in monitored fields. Adult thrips were captured on white sticky traps placed in two commercial onion fields in the Thedford-Grand Bend Marsh region as early as mid-May in 2001, 2002, and 2003. Thrips were not recorded on onion plants in these fields until late June and early July. A comparison of sticky trap captures to plant counts revealed a strong, positive correlation, indicating that sticky traps, which consistently detected thrips earlier than plant counts, could be used instead of plant counts early in the season to monitor onion thrips populations. Pole traps placed in onion and an adjacent soybean, Glycine max (L.) Merr., field revealed that regardless of crop type, most thrips were captured 0.7-0.95 m above the soil surface. During this study, 70% of 137,000 thrips captured on sticky traps and 89% of 1,482 thrips captured in pan traps were female onion thrips. No male onion thrips were identified in this study: most of the remaining thrips were Frankliniella spp.  相似文献   

Thrips were sampled from six nectarine orchards in the Dry Central Interior, British Columbia, Canada, between April and June 1993 using yellow sticky cards on posts spaced around the perimeter of each orchard. Although 12 identified species of thrips were captured, >90% of individuals were the western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande). The flight patterns and abundances of western flower thrips were compared between orchards located in two differently oriented valleys (N-S and E-W) and between orchards located close to or far from areas of wild land. Results indicate that densities of western flower thrips entering orchards, and their direction of movement, were related more to the external vegetation than either location within the two different valleys or general wind flow patterns. Western flower thrips tended to move into orchards close to ground level in early spring (late April and early May) but flew higher as ground cover grew taller and temperatures increased. Densities of western flower thrips at ground level were highest in an orchard with the densest dandelion ground cover. We conclude that the location of nectarine orchards in relation to wild areas is a major determinate of western flower thrips densities.  相似文献   

We investigated the species composition of phytophagous thrips and spider mites on cultivated chrysanthemum in Okinawa, southwestern Japan. Eight thrips species belonging to the genera Frankliniella, Microcephalothrips, Scirtothrips and Thrips were found on chrysanthemum leaves. Among them, Thrips nigropilosus was the predominant species irrespective of season, island or cultivation environment (meshed greenhouse or open field), with its infestation frequency being 89% of the fields in which thrips occurred. This high frequency of occurrence suggests that T. nigropilosus is a major pest of chrysanthemum in Okinawa, even though this species has rarely been regarded as an important pest of chrysanthemum or other crops in any other areas. Thrips palmi was the second most dominant (infestation frequency 36%) and other species were scarce (<14%). Tetranychus urticae (green form) was the only tetranychid species on chrysanthemum in our survey. This lack of diversity among spider mites on chrysanthemum is peculiar considering that eight Tetranychus species have been found on vegetables in the same area. Since T. urticae (green form) has been shown to be resistant to a number of pesticides, severe pesticide applications might have simplified the spider mite fauna on chrysanthemum in Okinawa.  相似文献   

This study reports four thrips species from Brazil for the first time: the terebrantians Aptinothrips rufus (Haliday) and Echinothrips caribbeanus Hood; and the tubuliferans Androthrips ramachandrai Karny and Gynaikothrips uzeli (Zimmermann). New data about biological aspects of some of these new records are presented.  相似文献   

The ovarian structure and oogenesis in the larval stages of 2 tubuliferan species, Bactrothrips brevitubus (Idolothripinae) and Holothrips yuasai (Phlaeothripinae) of the Thysanoptera were examined using ultrathin serial sections, with special reference to the cluster formation of germ cells. No cells identifiable as stem cells were found in the ovarian rudiments of the 1st and 2nd-instar larvae. The clusters of oogonial cells were observed frequently in the 1st-instar, but scarcely in the 2nd-instar larvae: all the oogonial clusters observed were composed of 2 cells. In the 2nd-instar larvae, the ovarian region posterior to the germarium, or the vitellarium, contained both solitary and clustered oocytes. The oocyte clusters were composed of less than 5 cells. The oocytes, located in the posterior region of the vitellarium, were all solitary and at the previtellogenic stages.A protuberance was found in some solitary germ cells. The structure may represent a remnant of the intercellular bridge, previously formed between the germ cells. The number of oocytes composing a cluster is small but does not always fit the 2n-rule. One possible explanation is the accelerated detachment process of oocytes from a cluster. The cluster formation of germ cells has been confirmed in the Tubulifera as well as in the Terebrantia, and this phenomenon can be recognized as a general feature of the panoistic ovaries of the Thysanoptera.  相似文献   

The flagellum of the thysanopteran spermatozoon has been examined by electron microscopy and computer-aided image analysis. The flagellum consists of 27 microtubular elements that probably are formed as outgrowths from three separate basal bodies. Nine of the elements are normal microtubular doublets that carry dynein arms and nine are doublets without dynein arms. The remaining nine elements are microtubular singlets that apparently bear dynein arms and have the same appearance as A-subtubules of microtubular doublets. The 27 elements are arranged in a fixed pattern that consists of nine groups, each of which begins with a microtubular singlet and ends with an arm-less microtubular doublet. Computer-aided image analysis has shown that the A-subtubules of the doublets and the microtubular singlets have lumens with very similar patterns. The sperm tail is known to have some motility; it generates fast waves running along its length. The amalgamated axonemes hence act as a functional flagellum. The thysanopteran sperm tail is the only type of flagellum known to us that consists of microtubules in a highly asymmetric array.  相似文献   

In 2002, the occurrence of banded thrips (Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall) and some other Thysanoptera species on white clover (Trifolium repens L.) was monitored at two locations in the continental part of Slovenia. White clover presents in many countries important intercrop in integrated vegetable production. Light blue sticky boards were placed on grasslands (one parcel on each location) with high percentage of white clover. Sticky boards were changed in about 10-days intervals from the end of April till the beginning of October. Number of caught individuals on the boards was counted. They were classified in three different groups: 1. Aeolothrips intermedius, 2. representatives of Haplothrips, Odontothrips and Frankliniella genera, 3. representatives of Thrips genus. We stated that, compared with the other Thysanoptera species in the open, predatory thrips occurs in lower number. Predatory species Aeolothrips intermedius was the most numerous during the flowering of white clover. It was established that other Thysanoptera species (the most of them are facultative phytophagous species) were more numerous also in the periods of less favourable weather conditions and during the non-flowering growing stages of white clover. Based on the results of present research we concluded that A. intermedius has a potential to control onion thrips (Thrips tabaci Lindeman), especially in July and August, when in the open both species occur in high numbers.  相似文献   

Two aspects of the within-plant distribution of Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on onion, Allium cepa L., plants were investigated: 1) diurnal variations in the distribution of adults and larvae between basal and upper sections of onion leaves, and 2) between-leaf and within-leaf distribution of the eggs. The diurnal investigations showed that higher proportions of larvae than of adults congregated at the basal sections of plants, particularly when plants were young and thrips density was low. As plants matured and thrips density increased, the larvae became more dispersed. Regardless of plant size, there were always more adults in the upper than basal plant sections. There were no clear time-windows during the 24-h diurnal cycle when more thrips were in the upper plant parts. T. tabaci eggs were laid everywhere in the plant. Leaves of intermediate ages had more eggs than older or younger leaves. Within leaves, the white leaf sheath received the least eggs and leaf tips received slightly more eggs than leaf sheaths. The highest egg density was found between the green leaf base and the leaf tips. Regardless of plant size, more than half of all eggs were laid above the basal sections. The percentage increased to >95% in mature plants. Except when plants were small the outer leaves were preferred over inner leaves and upper leaf sections preferred over lower leaf sections as egg-laying sites by adults. Implications of the results in the management of T. tabaci are discussed.  相似文献   

The systematic relationships between phlaeothripine Thysanoptera species suggest that moss-feeding is an uncommon and highly derived habit. It is restricted to a single sub-tribe, the Williamsiellina, which includes two genera, Lissothrips with 17 species and Williamsiella with 25 species. Although widely distributed, these genera are particularly common in the New World. Structural variation within and between populations of these small wingless insects is discussed and the conclusion reached that species cannot be defined satisfactorily in the common North American L. muscorum -group without experimental rearing. Trisclerothrips is synonymized with Lissothrips , and Prolissothrips, Microlissothrips and Phthirothrips are synonymized with Williamsiella . One specific synonym is established, and four new species are described: L. clayae from Trinidad, L. okajimai from Japan, W. tambopata from Peru and W. zaps from Fiji.  相似文献   

Sampling techniques for thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) were compared in preflowering tomato plants at the Coastal Plain Experiment Station in Tifton, GA, in 2000 and 2003, to determine the most effective method of determining abundance of thrips on tomato foliage early in the growing season. Three relative sampling techniques, including a standard insect aspirator, a 946-ml beat cup, and an insect vacuum device, were compared for accuracy to an absolute method and to themselves for precision and efficiency of sampling thrips. Thrips counts of all relative sampling methods were highly correlated (R > 0.92) to the absolute method. The aspirator method was the most accurate compared with the absolute sample according to regression analysis in 2000. In 2003, all sampling methods were considered accurate according to Dunnett's test, but thrips numbers were lower and sample variation was greater than in 2000. In 2000, the beat cup method had the lowest relative variation (RV) or best precision, at 1 and 8 d after transplant (DAT). Only the beat cup method had RV values <25 for all sampling dates. In 2003, the beat cup method had the lowest RV value at 15 and 21 DAT. The beat cup method also was the most efficient method for all sample dates in both years. Frankliniella fusca (Pergande) was the most abundant thrips species on the foliage of preflowering tomato in both years of study at this location. Overall, the best thrips sampling technique tested was the beat cup method in terms of precision and sampling efficiency.  相似文献   

Sperm ultrastructure of several species in each of the two suborders of Thysanoptera Tubulifera and Terebrantia shows a distinctive and unusual architecture. Members of the whole order share a bizarre axoneme consisting of 27 microtubular elements derived from the amalgamation of 3 (9+0) axonemes present in each spermatid at the beginning of spermiogenesis. The reciprocal shifting of these axonemes along the length of the sperm, together with their possible shortening and overlapping for short distances, could explain why in some species it is never possible to observe the complete set of 27 microtubular elements in any one cross section. Tubuliferan sperm have a small elliptical (in cross section) acrosome extending the length of the sperm. In Bolothrips insularis and Compsothrips albosignatus this structure is larger and is associated with an external, flattened vesicle throughout its length. Terebrantian sperm lack an acrosome, but display for half their length a dense body running parallel to the nucleus. The sperm, in members of this suborder, are also characterized by possession of a small mitochondrion and by the unusual bilobed outline of cross sections through the anterior sperm region, with the nucleus located in one of the two lobes. Structures serving to anchor sperm to the inner surface of the cyst cell have been observed at their anterior tips in the testes of tubuliferans. In B. insularis, an anterior appendage is formed in immature sperm and is maintained in the mature spermatozoon parallel to its long axis in the most anterior region. Such an anchoring structure has not been observed in sperm of the terebrantian species examined, probably because the testis of terebrantians contains only a single cyst of developing gametes.  相似文献   

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