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Field surveys were conducted from 2008 to 2011 in the Khabarovsk and Vladivostok regions of Russia to investigate the occurrence of emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, and mortality factors affecting its immature stages. We found emerald ash borer infesting both introduced North American green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall) and native oriental ashes (F. mandshurica Rupr. and F. rhynchophylla Hance) in both regions. Emerald ash borer densities (larvae/m(2) of phloem area) were markedly higher on green ash (11.3-76.7 in the Khabarovsk area and 77-245 in the Vladivostok area) than on artificially stressed Manchurian ash (2.2) or Oriental ash (10-59). Mortality of emerald ash borer larvae caused by different biotic factors (woodpecker predation, host plant resistance and/or undetermined diseases, and parasitism) varied with date, site, and ash species. In general, predation of emerald ash borer larvae by woodpeckers was low. While low rates (3-27%) of emerald ash borer larval mortality were caused by undetermined biotic factors on green ash between 2009 and 2011, higher rates (26-95%) of emerald ash borer larval mortality were caused by putative plant resistance in Oriental ash species in both regions. Little (<1%) parasitism of emerald ash borer larvae was observed in Khabarovsk; however, three hymenopteran parasitoids (Spathius sp., Atanycolus nigriventris Vojnovskaja-Krieger, and Tetrastichus planipennisi Yang) were observed attacking third - fourth instars of emerald ash borer in the Vladivostok area, parasitizing 0-8.3% of emerald ash borer larvae infesting Oriental ash trees and 7.3-62.7% of those on green ash trees (primarily by Spathius sp.) in two of the three study sites. Relevance of these findings to the classical biological control of emerald ash borer in newly invaded regions is discussed.  相似文献   

Emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), a phloem-feeding pest native to Asia, was identified in June 2002 as the cause of widespread ash (Fraxinus spp.), mortality in southeastern Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada. Localized populations of A. planipennis have since been found across lower Michigan and in areas of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Maryland, and Ontario. Officials working to contain A. planipennis and managers of forestlands near A. planipennis infestations must be able to compare alternative strategies to allocate limited funds efficiently and effectively. Empirical data from a total of 148 green ash, Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marsh., and white ash, Fraxinus americana L., trees were used to develop models to estimate surface area of the trunk and branches by using tree diameter at breast height (dbh). Data collected from 71 additional F. pennsylvanica and F. americana trees killed by A. planipennis showed that on average, 88.9 +/- 4.6 beetles developed and emerged per m2 of surface area. Models were applied to ash inventory data collected at two outlier sites to estimate potential production of A. planipennis beetles at each site. Large trees of merchantable size (dbh > or = 26 cm) accounted for roughly 6% of all ash trees at the two sites, but they could have contributed 55-65% of the total A. planipennis production at both sites. In contrast, 75- 80% of the ash trees at the outlier sites were < or =13 cm dbh, but these small trees could have contributed only < or =12% of the potential A. planipennis production at both sites. Our results, in combination with inventory data, can be used by regulatory officials and resource managers to estimate potential A. planipennis production and to compare options for reducing A. planipennis density and slowing the rate of spread for any area of interest.  相似文献   

Emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis (Fairmaire) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), plays a significant role in the health and extent of management of native North American ash species in urban forests. An economic analysis of management options was performed to aid decision makers in preparing for likely future infestations. Separate ash tree population valuations were derived from the i-Tree Streets program and the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers (CTLA) methodology. A relative economic analysis was used to compare a control option (do-nothing approach, only removing ash trees as they die) to three distinct management options: 1) preemptive removal of all ash trees over a 5 yr period, 2) preemptive removal of all ash trees and replacement with comparable nonash trees, or 3) treating the entire population of ash trees with insecticides to minimize mortality. For each valuation and management option, an annual analysis was performed for both the remaining ash tree population and those lost to emerald ash borer. Retention of ash trees using insecticide treatments typically retained greater urban forest value, followed by doing nothing (control), which was better than preemptive removal and replacement. Preemptive removal without tree replacement, which was the least expensive management option, also provided the lowest net urban forest value over the 20-yr simulation. A "no emerald ash borer" scenario was modeled to further serve as a benchmark for each management option and provide a level of economic justification for regulatory programs aimed at slowing the movement of emerald ash borer.  相似文献   

Improved detection tools are needed for the emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), an invasive forest insect from Asia that has killed millions of ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees in North America since its discovery in Michigan in 2002. We evaluated attraction of adult A. planipennis to artificial traps incorporating visual (e.g., height, color, silhouette) and olfactory cues (e.g., host volatiles) at field sites in Michigan. We developed a double-decker trap consisting of a 3-m-tall polyvinyl pipe with two purple prisms attached near the top. In 2006, we compared A. planipennis attraction to double-decker traps baited with various combinations of manuka oil (containing sesquiterpenes present in ash bark), a blend of four ash leaf volatiles (leaf blend), and a rough texture to simulate bark. Significantly more A. planipennis were captured per trap when traps without the rough texture were baited with the leaf blend and manuka oil lures than on traps with texture and manuka oil but no leaf blend. In 2007, we also tested single prism traps set 1.5 m above ground and tower traps, similar to double-decker traps but 6 m tall. Double-decker traps baited with the leaf blend and manuka oil, with or without the addition of ash leaf and bark extracts, captured significantly more A. planipennis than similarly baited single prism traps, tower traps, or unbaited double-decker traps. A baited double-decker trap captured A. planipennis at a field site that was not previously known to be infested, representing the first detection event using artificial traps and lures. In 2008, we compared purple or green double-decker traps, single prisms suspended 3-5 m above ground in the ash canopy (canopy traps), and large flat purple traps (billboard traps). Significantly more A. planipennis were captured in purple versus green traps, baited traps versus unbaited traps, and double-decker versus canopy traps, whereas billboard traps were intermediate. At sites with very low A. planipennis densities, more A. planipennis were captured on baited double-decker traps than on other traps and a higher percentage of the baited double-decker traps captured beetles than any other trap design. In all 3 yr, peak A. planipennis activity occurred during late June to mid-July, corresponding to 800-1200 growing degree-days base 10 degrees C (DD10). Nearly all (95%) beetles were captured by the end of July at approximately 1400 DD10.  相似文献   

Ash (Fraxinus spp.) logs, infested with fully developed, cold-acclimated larval and prepupal emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), were fumigated with methyl bromide (MeBr) at 4.4 and 10.0 degrees C for 24 h. Concentrations X time dosages of MeBr obtained were 1579 and 1273 g-h/m3 (24-h exposure) at 4.4 and 10.0 degrees C after applied doses of 112 and 96 g/m3, respectively. MeBr concentrations were simultaneously measured with a ContainIR infrared monitor and Fumiscope thermal conductivity meter calibrated for MeBr to measure the effect of CO2 on Fumiscope concentration readings compared with the infrared (IR) instrument. The presence of CO2 caused false high MeBr readings. With the thermal conductivity meter, CO2 measured 11.36 g/m3 MeBr per 1% CO2 in clean air, whereas the gas-specific infrared ContainIR instrument measured 9.55% CO2 as 4.2 g/m3 MeBr (0.44 g/m3 per 1% CO2). The IR instrument was 0.4% as sensitive to CO2 as the thermal conductivity meter. After aeration, fumigated and control logs were held for 8 wk to capture emerging beetles. No A. planipennis adults emerged from any of the fumigated logs, whereas 262 emerged from control logs (139 and 123/m2 at 4.4 and 10.0 degrees C, respectively). An effective fumigation dose and minimum periodic MeBr concentrations are proposed. The use of a CO2 scrubber in conjunction with nonspecific thermal conductivity instruments is necessary to more accurately measure MeBr concentrations.  相似文献   

We examined various methods of trapping emerald ash borers (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, using solely visual cues based on previous work that has documented the importance of visual cues in EAB mate location. Here, we give the results of two of these methods, coloured sticky cards (yellow or blue), or live ash leaves covered with spray-on adhesive to which dead male EAB visual lures had been pinned. Feral male beetles were captured effectively on the sticky traps made from dead male EAB on ash leaves. These sticky-leaf-traps captured more male EAB when deployed in high-population density areas than low-density areas, but did capture EAB even at lower population densities. More feral males were captured on these traps when they were placed higher in the trees, regardless of the population density of EAB. Very few feral female EAB were captured using the sticky-leaf-traps. This novel method of EAB trapping may allow 'real-time' population detection and monitoring of EAB adults during the active flight period rather than locating larval galleries during the autumn and winter after adult flight and attack. Feral male beetles were also captured using standard yellow- or blue-coloured sticky cards to which male EAB had been affixed with adhesive; however, this type of trap was much less effective overall than using the sticky-leaf-traps. Furthermore, Agrilus cyanescens , a species similar in colour to EAB but smaller in size, showed a strong response to blue-coloured sticky traps to which dead male EAB had been affixed with adhesive, suggesting a general use of visual cues in the mating systems of some of the other Buprestidae as well.  相似文献   

Field trapping assays were conducted in 2009 and 2010 throughout western Michigan, to evaluate lures for adult emerald ash borer, A. planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Several ash tree volatiles were tested on purple prism traps in 2009, and a dark green prism trap in 2010. In 2009, six bark oil distillate lure treatments were tested against manuka oil lures (used in 2008 by USDA APHIS PPQ emerald ash borer cooperative program). Purple traps baited with 80/20 (manuka/phoebe oil) significantly increased beetle catch compared with traps baited with manuka oil alone. In 2010 we monitored emerald ash borer attraction to dark green traps baited with six lure combinations of 80/20 (manuka/phoebe), manuka oil, and (3Z)-hexenol. Traps baited with manuka oil and (3Z)-hexenol caught significantly more male and total count insects than traps baited with manuka oil alone. Traps baited with manuka oil and (3Z)-hexenol did not catch more beetles when compared with traps baited with (3Z)-hexenol alone. When compared with unbaited green traps our results show that (3Z)-hexenol improved male catch significantly in only one of three field experiments using dark green traps. Dark green traps caught a high number of A. planipennis when unbaited while (3Z)-hexenol was seen to have a minimal (nonsignificant) trap catch effect at several different release rates. We hypothesize that the previously reported kairomonal attractancy of (3Z)-hexenol (for males) on light green traps is not as obvious here because of improved male attractancy to the darker green trap.  相似文献   

The emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, is an exotic invasive insect causing extensive mortality to ash trees, Fraxinus spp., in Canada and the United States. Detection of incipient populations of this pest is difficult because of its cryptic life stages and a multiyear time lag between initial attack and the appearance of signs or symptoms of infestation. We sampled branches from open-grown urban ash trees to develop a sample unit suitable for detecting low density A. planipennis infestation before any signs or symptoms are evident. The sample unit that maximized detection rates consisted of one 50-cm-long piece from the base of a branch ≥6 cm diameter in the midcrown. The optimal sample size was two such branches per tree. This sampling method detected ≈75% of asymptomatic trees known to be infested by using more intensive sampling and ≈3 times more trees than sampling one-fourth of the circumference of the trunk at breast height. The method is less conspicuous and esthetically damaging to a tree than the removal of bark from the main stem or the use of trap trees, and could be incorporated into routine sanitation or maintenance of city-owned trees to identify and delineate infested areas. This research indicates that branch sampling greatly reduces false negatives associated with visual surveys and window sampling at breast height. Detection of A. planipennis-infested asymptomatic trees through branch sampling in urban centers would provide landowners and urban foresters with more time to develop and implement management tactics.  相似文献   

Bark volatiles from green ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica were tested for electrophysiological activity by Agrilus planipennis using gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and for behavioral activity using baited purple traps in Michigan. GC-EAD analysis of the headspace volatiles of bark tissue samples from 0- and 24-h-old fully girdled (stressed) ash trees showed that the latter had elevated sesquiterpene levels. Six of the elevated compounds consistently elicited antennal responses by both male and female A. planipennis. Five of the antennally active compounds were identified as alpha-cubebene, alpha-copaene, 7-epi-sesquithujene, trans-beta-caryophyllene, and alpha-humulene (alpha-caryophyllene). The sixth EAD-active compound remains unidentified. We monitored capture of adult A. planipennis on traps baited with several combinations of ash tree volatiles. Treatments included two natural oil distillates (Manuka and Phoebe oil) that were found to contain, respectively, high concentrations of four and five of the six antennally active ash bark volatiles. A four-component leaf lure developed by the USDA Forest Service and Canadian Forest Service was also tested. In three separate field studies, Manuka oil-baited traps caught significantly more adult beetles than unbaited traps. Lures designed to release 5, 50, and 500 mg of Manuka oil per day all caught more insects than unbaited traps. In a field test comparing and combining Phoebe oil with Manuka oil, Phoebe oil-baited traps caught significantly more beetles than either Manuka oil-baited traps or unbaited traps. We hypothesize that the improved attractancy of Phoebe oil to A. planipennis over Manuka oil is caused by the presence of the antennally active sesquiterpene, 7-epi-sesquithujene.  相似文献   

We conducted a 3-yr study to compare the susceptibility of selected North American ash and an Asian ash species to emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, an invasive wood-boring beetle introduced to North America from Asia. Because of a coevolutionary relationship between Asian ashes and emerald ash borer, we hypothesized an Asian ash species, Manchurian ash, is more resistant to the beetle than its North American congeners. Consistent with our hypothesis, Manchurian ash experienced far less mortality and yielded far fewer adult beetles than several cultivars of North American green and white ash. Surprisingly, a black ash (North American) x Manchurian ash hybrid was highly susceptible to emerald ash borer, indicating this cultivar did not inherit emerald ash borer resistance from its Asian parent. A corollary study investigated the efficacy of soil-applied imidacloprid, a systemic, neonicotinoid insecticide, for controlling emerald ash borer in each of the five cultivars. Imidacloprid had no effect on emerald ash borer colonization of Manchurian ash, which was low in untreated and treated trees. In contrast, imidacloprid did enhance survival of the North American and hybrid cultivars and significantly reduced the number of emerald ash borer adults emerging from green and white ash cultivars. We identify a possible mechanism of resistance of Manchurian ash to emerald ash borer, which may prove useful for screening, selecting, and breeding emerald ash borer-resistant ash trees.  相似文献   

The biological control agent Tetrastichus planipennisi Yang (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is a gregarious larval endoparasitoid of the emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), an invasive cambium-feeding species responsible for recent, widespread mortality of ash (Fraxinus spp.) in North America. T. planipennisi is known to prefer late-instar emerald ash borer, but the cues used to assess host size by this species and most other parasitoids of concealed hosts remain unknown. We sought to test whether vibrations produced by feeding emerald ash borer vary with larval size and whether there are any correlations between these cues and T. planipennisi progeny number (i.e., brood size) and sex ratio. The amplitudes and rates of 3-30-ms vibrational impulses produced by emerald ash borer larvae of various sizes were measured in the laboratory before presenting the larvae to T. planipennisi. Impulse-rate did not vary with emerald ash borer size, but vibration amplitude was significantly higher for large larvae than for small larvae. T. planipennisi produced a significantly higher proportion of female offspring from large hosts than small hosts and was shown in previous work to produce more offspring overall from large hosts. There were no significant correlations, however, between the T. planipennisi progeny data and the emerald ash borer sound data. Because vibration amplitude varied significantly with host size, however, we are unable to entirely reject the hypothesis that T. planipennisi and possibly other parasitoids of concealed hosts use vibrational cues to assess host quality, particularly given the low explanatory potential of other external cues. Internal chemical cues also may be important.  相似文献   

Our objective was to characterize the rate at which ash (Fraxinus spp.) trees decline in areas adjacent to the leading edge of visible ash canopy thinning due to emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Trees in southeastern Michigan were surveyed from 2003 to 2006 for canopy thinning and dieback by comparing survey trees with a set of 11 standard photographs. Freeways stemming from Detroit in all directions were used as survey transects. Between 750 and 1,100 trees were surveyed each year. A rapid method of sampling populations of emerald ash borer was developed by counting emerald ash borer emergence holes with binoculars and then felling trees to validate binocular counts. Approximately 25% of the trees surveyed for canopy thinning in 2005 and 2006 also were sampled for emerald ash borer emergence holes using binoculars. Regression analysis indicates that 41-53% of the variation in ash canopy thinning can be explained by the number of emerald ash borer emergence holes per tree. Emerald ash borer emergence holes were found at every site where ash canopy thinning averaged > 40%. In 2003, ash canopy thinning averaged 40% at a distance of 19.3 km from the epicenter of the emerald ash borer infestation in Canton. By 2006, the point at which ash trees averaged 40% canopy thinning had increased to a distance of 51.2 km away from Canton. Therefore, the point at which ash trees averaged 40% canopy thinning, a state of decline clearly visible to the average person, moved outward at a rate of 10.6 km/yr during this period.  相似文献   

白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire是近年来发生和危害严重的国际性检疫害虫.为了了解不同饲养条件和种内个体间相互感知对成虫生物学的影响,本研究采用群体饲养、单对饲养、无隔离单雌饲养、视觉隔离单雌饲养和嗅觉隔离单雌饲养等5种处理,在室内测定了白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命、取食量、产卵量和产卵历期等参数的变化.结果显示:隔离饲养降低了白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和繁殖力,且不同处理下白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和取食量均存在显著差异(P<0.05),但产卵量的差异不明显(P>0.05).其中无隔离单雌饲养时成虫的平均寿命最长,为32.40 d,群体饲养的寿命最短,为20.77 d,且单雌饲养的寿命均比单对饲养和群体饲养的长.单雌饲养的3种情况下,视觉隔离条件下的日均取食量最大,为156.16 mm2,嗅觉隔离的最小,为107.35 mm2;无隔离饲养条件下雌虫的产卵量最大,产卵历期也最长,分别为98.33 d和21.33 d.这些研究结果表明,白蜡窄吉丁种内个体间相互感知的阻断对成虫的取食、发育和繁殖活动存在明显影响,且嗅觉在其种群内的交流活动中作用最重要,其次是视觉.此外,个体之间的相互干扰或竞争对白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和繁殖力也可能存在一定的影响.这为生产上采用隔离措施如营造混交林带防治该虫提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire是近年来发生和危害严重的国际性检疫害虫。为了了解不同饲养条件和种内个体间相互感知对成虫生物学的影响, 本研究采用群体饲养、 单对饲养、 无隔离单雌饲养、 视觉隔离单雌饲养和嗅觉隔离单雌饲养等5种处理, 在室内测定了白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命、 取食量、 产卵量和产卵历期等参数的变化。结果显示: 隔离饲养降低了白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和繁殖力, 且不同处理下白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和取食量均存在显著差异(P<0.05), 但产卵量的差异不明显(P>0.05)。其中无隔离单雌饲养时成虫的平均寿命最长, 为32.40 d, 群体饲养的寿命最短, 为20.77 d, 且单雌饲养的寿命均比单对饲养和群体饲养的长。单雌饲养的3种情况下, 视觉隔离条件下的日均取食量最大, 为156.16 mm2, 嗅觉隔离的最小, 为107.35 mm2; 无隔离饲养条件下雌虫的产卵量最大, 产卵历期也最长, 分别为98.33 d和21.33 d。这些研究结果表明, 白蜡窄吉丁种内个体间相互感知的阻断对成虫的取食、 发育和繁殖活动存在明显影响, 且嗅觉在其种群内的交流活动中作用最重要, 其次是视觉。此外, 个体之间的相互干扰或竞争对白蜡窄吉丁成虫的寿命和繁殖力也可能存在一定的影响。这为生产上采用隔离措施如营造混交林带防治该虫提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Spathius agrili Yang (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) can be successfully reared on emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), larvae feeding in chambers drilled in small ash twigs that are wrapped with floral tape. Females maintained in groups with males for one week can receive enough sperm for production of female progeny throughout their lives. Volatiles released by emerald ash borer adults feeding on ash foliage increased parasitoid fecundity over ash foliage alone or no stimulus. The temperature at which the parasitoids were reared ranged from 20 to 25 degrees C in a daily cycle; however, raising the daily maximum temperature to 28 degrees C did not affect parasitoid longevity or fecundity. Adult females lived between 12 and 127 d, with an average of 60.8 +/- 4.5 d. Males lived slightly longer, with an average of 66 +/- 4.5 d. The first clutch of eggs was laid when the female was between 2 and 42 d old, with the average preoviposition period lasting 11.4 +/- 1.4 or 19.5 +/- 2.0 d in 2007 and 2009 trials, respectively. A higher proportion of the emerald ash borer larvae were feeding and thus attractive to parasitoids in the 2009 trial, and female S. agrili laid an average of 9.5 +/- 1.0 clutches containing 5.4 +/- 0.2 eggs, for an average of 51.2 eggs per female. Approximately three quarters of the progeny were female. The number of eggs per clutch was significantly greater when deposited on larger emerald ash borer larvae, further highlighting the need for quality larvae in rearing. Chilling S. agrili pupae at 10 degrees C to stockpile them for summer release was not successful; chilling resulted in lower survival and lower fecundity of emerging progeny. Female S. agrili proved capable of attacking emerald ash borer larvae through even the thickest bark of an ash tree that was 30-cm diameter at breast height. Even emerald ash borer larvae that were creating overwintering chambers in the outer sapwood of the tree were successfully attacked, suggesting that S. agrili could be reared on field collected logs infested with emerald ash borer.  相似文献   

Emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), an invasive phloem-feeding pest, was identified as the cause of widespread ash (Fraxinus) mortality in southeast Michigan and Windsor, Ontario, Canada, in 2002. A. planipennis reportedly colonizes other genera in its native range in Asia, including Ulmus L., Juglans L., and Pterocarya Kunth. Attacks on nonash species have not been observed in North America to date, but there is concern that other genera could be colonized. From 2003 to 2005, we assessed adult A. planipennis landing rates, oviposition, and larval development on North American ash species and congeners of its reported hosts in Asia in multiple-choice field studies conducted at several southeast Michigan sites. Nonash species evaluated included American elm (U. americana L.), hackberry (Celtis occidentalis L.), black walnut (J. nigra L.), shagbark hickory [Carya ovata (Mill.) K.Koch], and Japanese tree lilac (Syringa reticulata Bl.). In studies with freshly cut logs, adult beetles occasionally landed on nonash logs but generally laid fewer eggs than on ash logs. Larvae fed and developed normally on ash logs, which were often heavily infested. No larvae were able to survive, grow, or develop on any nonash logs, although failed first-instar galleries occurred on some walnut logs. High densities of larvae developed on live green ash and white ash nursery trees, but there was no evidence of larval survival or development on Japanese tree lilac and black walnut trees in the same plantation. We felled, debarked, and intensively examined >28 m2 of phloem area on nine American elm trees growing in contact with or adjacent to heavily infested ash trees. We found no sign of A. planipennis feeding on any elm.  相似文献   

We evaluated the use of fluorescent powders for tracking dispersal by the emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), of Beauveria bassiana isolates from an autocontamination device. Neither of the two DayGlow powders tested (Arc Yellow and Aurora Pink) interfered with fungal germination or growth, nor did they affect survival of beetles in the laboratory, or affect virulence of the fungus. The powders persisted at least 10 days out-of-doors on dead beetles in sticky band traps, and at least 14 days on pouches inside autocontamination traps. During field trials of autocontamination traps with powder-dusted fungal pouches in southwestern Ontario, 8.0% of the 4010 beetles captured in green prism and sticky-band traps were positive for fluorescent powders. Only half (46.2–57.8%) of the powder-positive beetles actually carried viable fungal conidia, as determined by plating of beetle rinses, possibly as a result of patchy growth of fungal isolates and reduced conidia production on pouch surfaces during the 16-day trapping experiment. The presence of viable conidia (either one or both isolates) on about 10% of beetles that did not carry any visible powder particles may be an indication of horizontal transmission of the fungus by beetles that had visited the autocontamination traps.  相似文献   

采用田间观察和室内观察相结合的方法,使用Leica MZ 16A研究型体视解剖镜,对柑桔爆皮虫Agrilus auriventris Saunders幼期各虫态的形态进行了系统的观察。结果发现:卵初产时为乳白色,后变为浅褐色并开始皱缩,末期变为黄褐色,孵化前部分卵壳分离为白色蜡质外层和黄褐色内层两层;幼虫孵化的同时直接从卵壳贴近树皮的一侧蛀入韧皮部,同时将大量虫粪排入卵壳;幼虫随着虫龄的增加钳状突的阶数和口上片的宽度发生有规律的变化,末龄幼虫在木质部作一椭圆形蛹室化蛹,身体的头部和尾部以3∶7的比例对折; 化蛹前的幼虫经历一个身体缩短的预蛹状态;刚化的蛹为乳白色,复眼颜色与身体相似,化蛹后蛹的颜色逐渐变为淡黄色,复眼颜色变为浅红褐色,后期复眼变为红褐色,口器变黑,羽化前蛹的复眼、口器和体表全部变黑;羽化过程中,成虫体表的膨胀导致蛹表皮脱裂,前翅变黑和腹部背面变成碧蓝色后羽化成完整的成虫。本结果进一步支持将柑桔爆皮虫幼虫期分为5龄。  相似文献   

为了探明影响白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire自然种群变化的关键因子, 本研究于2010-2011年采用当年秋季和翌年春季两个特定时间调查取样的方法, 组建了天津、 北京和辽宁3个地区白蜡窄吉丁的自然种群生命表。结果显示, 这3个地区白蜡窄吉丁的自然种群数量在今后几年均将呈增长趋势, 但不同地区的增长速率存在较大差异。北京地区白蜡窄吉丁的种群数量增长速率最快(种群趋势指数I=12.9997), 其次是天津地区(I=12.4388), 这两个地区的寄主植物相同, 均为绒毛白蜡。增长最慢的是辽宁地区(I=3.6394), 其寄主植物为水曲柳。另外, 通过3个地区白蜡窄吉丁生命表和排除控制指数可以看出, 天津地区白蜡窄吉丁最主要的致死因子是白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂Spathius agrili Yang(种群数量排除控制指数EIPC=1.5382), 对种群数量变动的贡献最大; 北京地区的是啄木鸟(EIPC=1.4515), 而辽宁地区白蜡窄吉丁最主要的致死因子是白蜡吉丁卵跳小蜂Oobius agrili Zhang et Huang的寄生作用(EIPC=1.4701)。这些研究结果表明, 寄主植物的差异是影响白蜡窄吉丁自然种群数量变动的主要因素, 同时寄生性天敌白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂对种群数量的影响作用也比较大。因此, 实际应用中可以通过培育抗性树种和人工繁育优势天敌等方法对该虫进行有效防治。  相似文献   

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