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Structural characteristics of algal communities in thermally altered artificial streams 总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0
Algal community structure on natural substrates of thermally altered artificial streams was studied for one year. The streams were fed by a natural blackwater stream near Aiken, South Carolina. Temperature-related shifts in the abundance of major species were demonstrated. Red algae were absent from a stream heated 12·5°C above ambient, but remained abundant in streams heated 7·5°C or less. Water temperatures above 30°C produced blue-green algal dominance and eliminated several indigenous species. Substrate specificity was exhibited by all major taxa. Several taxa were abundant only on the bottom sediments and some showed a distinct affinity for either sand or silt, the principal bottom types. 相似文献
Patrizia Albertano 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(3):386-392
Abstract The dominant algae colonizing hypogean sites are usually epilithic cyanophytes which are often associated with chlorophytes and diatoms, and sometimes mosses. High relative humidity and extremely low photon fluxes characterize the environment in which a prevalence of shade-adapted species is supposed. The interactions with the substrate and the light adaptation of the algae encountered is discussed also in relation to biodeterioration processes. The taxa occurring in hypogea are reported in comparison with cave vegetation. The phototrophic communities support the growth of abundant bacterial populations. 相似文献
BELINDA J. ROBSON TY G. MATTHEWS PETER R. LIND NIGEL A. THOMAS 《Freshwater Biology》2008,53(12):2385-2401
1. In semi‐arid climates, seasonally‐flowing streams provide most of the water required for human use, but knowledge of how water extraction affects ecological processes is limited. Predicted alterations in stream flows associated with the impacts of climate change further emphasize the need to understand these processes. Benthic algae are an important base for stream food webs, but we have little knowledge of how algae survive dry periods or respond to altered flow regimes. 2. We sampled 19 streams within the Grampians National Park, south‐eastern Australia and included four components: a survey of different drought refuges (e.g. permanent pools, dry biofilm on stones and dry leaf packs) and associated algal taxa; a survey of algal regrowth on stones after flows recommenced to determine which refuges contributed to regrowth; reciprocal transplant experiments to determine the relative importance of algal drift and regrowth from dry biofilm in recolonization; direct measurement of algal drift to determine taxonomic composition in relation to benthic assemblage composition. 3. Algae showed little specificity for drought refuges but did depend on them; no species were found that were not present in at least one of the perennial pool, dry biofilm or leaf pack refuges. Perennial pools were most closely correlated with the composition of algal assemblages once flows resumed, but the loss or gain of perennial pools that might arise from stream regulation is unlikely to affect the composition of algal regrowth. However, regulated streams were associated with strong increases in algal density in dry biofilm, including increased densities of Cyanobacteria. 4. A model for algal recolonization in seasonally‐flowing streams identified three pathways for algal recolonization (drift‐dependent, dry biofilm‐dependent and contributions from both), depending on whether streams are diatom‐dominated or dominated by filamentous algae. The model predicted the effects of changes to stream flow regimes on benthic algal recolonization and provides a basis for hypotheses testable in streams elsewhere. 相似文献
1. The physiological characteristics of nitrogen uptake by sublittoral and eulittoral (splash zone) epilithic periphyton as well as epipelic periphyton in N-deficient Castle Lake, California were determined by evaluating the half-saturation constants (Kt) and initial slopes (Vmax/Kt) of uptake kinetics curves. These results were compared to similar studies of phytoplankton nitrogen uptake in this lake. 2. The strategies of nitrogen uptake differed among the various communities and were largely determined by the proximity of each to pools of available dissolved inorganic N (DIN). 3. The sublittoral algae did not have a high biological affinity for either NH4 or NO3 and depended on nitrogen fixation for their N supply. The eulittoral community showed an increased capacity for DIN uptake at low substrate concentration, but not as high as measured for the phytoplankton community. Epipelic algae live immediately adjacent to a large pool of interstitial sediment NH4 and showed no physiological adaptations for surviving in a N-deficient environment. 4. Kt values for all benthic communities were approximately two orders of magnitude greater than ambient substrate levels. In contrast, the half-saturation constants for NH4+ NO3 uptake by phytoplankton were very similar to in situ levels of these nutrients. 相似文献
广州地区淡水水体尿素的分布特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
近年来,随着农业的发展,化学肥料尿素的使用量逐年攀升,由于土壤中氮肥的流失,导致水体中尿素含量偏高,对浮游植物的生长繁殖起到了重要的作用。于2007年8月~2008年7月对广州市区、从化市、花都区和增城区四个地区的具有代表性的河涌、河流、人工湖和水库等47个样点的尿素含量进行了一年的监测。结果表明,这四个地区河涌、河流、人工湖和水库都不同程度的受到了尿素的污染,其中广州市区尿素污染最严重,其次是花都区和增城区,污染最轻的是从化市;从水体类型来看,人工湖和大多数水库尿素污染较轻,而人口居住较密集地区和农田附近的河涌和河流污染较严重,可能与人类活动和农业生产关系较大。 相似文献
Modern data on competitive relationships and their role in the succession of natural and artificial algal communities are reviewed. The mechanisms of macroalgae competition and the factors that affect the competitive outcomes are considered. The conception of competitive interactions between seaweeds in the field and culture is suggested. (1) Competitive relationships are possible only between seaweeds which live together and are able to exchange signals. (2) Success in the competition for light is the basis for wins in the competition for space. (3) The competition for nutrients never results directly in the exclusion of the competitor from the community. It inhibits the competitor and allows the winner to overgrow, shade, act allelopathically, and to displace the inferior competitor in the community. (4) People, creating an artificial monodominant community, either increase the competitive potential of cultivated species by selection of growth conditions or exclude the competitors. 相似文献
1. Algal-community metrics were calculated for periphyton samples collected from 976 streams and rivers by the U.S. Geological Survey's National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Programme during 1993–2001 to evaluate national and regional relations with water chemistry and to compare whether algal-metric values differ significantly among undeveloped and developed land-use classifications.
2. Algal metrics with significant positive correlations with nutrient concentrations included indicators of trophic condition, organic enrichment, salinity, motility and taxa richness. The relative abundance of nitrogen-fixing algae was negatively correlated with nitrogen concentrations, and the abundance of diatom species associated with high dissolved oxygen concentrations was negatively correlated with both nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Median algal-metric values and nutrient concentrations were significantly lower at undeveloped sites than those draining agricultural or urban catchments.
3. Total algal biovolume did not differ significantly among major river catchments or land-use classifications, and was only weakly correlated with nitrate (positive) and suspended-sediment (negative) concentrations. Estimates of periphyton chlorophyll a indicated an oligotrophic–mesotrophic boundary of about 21 mg m−2 and a mesotrophic–eutrophic boundary of about 55 mg m−2 based on upper and lower quartiles of the biovolume data distribution.
4. Although algal species tolerance to nutrient and organic enrichment is well documented, additional taxonomic and autecological research on sensitive, endemic algal species would further enhance water-quality assessments. 相似文献
2. Algal metrics with significant positive correlations with nutrient concentrations included indicators of trophic condition, organic enrichment, salinity, motility and taxa richness. The relative abundance of nitrogen-fixing algae was negatively correlated with nitrogen concentrations, and the abundance of diatom species associated with high dissolved oxygen concentrations was negatively correlated with both nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Median algal-metric values and nutrient concentrations were significantly lower at undeveloped sites than those draining agricultural or urban catchments.
3. Total algal biovolume did not differ significantly among major river catchments or land-use classifications, and was only weakly correlated with nitrate (positive) and suspended-sediment (negative) concentrations. Estimates of periphyton chlorophyll a indicated an oligotrophic–mesotrophic boundary of about 21 mg m
4. Although algal species tolerance to nutrient and organic enrichment is well documented, additional taxonomic and autecological research on sensitive, endemic algal species would further enhance water-quality assessments. 相似文献
Katsuyuki Sakamoto Norio Furuya Hiroshi Kanai Naoaki Kanai 《Journal of Biorheology》2011,25(1-2):52-63
The transmitted light strength (TS) through a thin blood layer changes with variation in blood flow, such as positive streaming transparency for low hematocrits and negative streaming transparency for high hematocrits. These phenomena are examined theoretically and experimentally. Maxwell’s equations are solved assuming that erythrocytes are oblate spheroids to investigate these phenomena due to flowing blood. The theoretical results reveal that the scattering and absorption cross sections for flowing blood are larger than those for stagnant blood. Experimental results indicate that the TS for both oxygenated and deoxygenated flowing blood, with a hematocrit of up to approximately 20%, was stronger than that for stagnant blood. The TS decreased for flowing blood with a hematocrit of approximately 20% or greater. Applying the theoretical scattering and absorption cross sections to the absorption and multiple scattering theory of Victor Twersky, the changes in the TS due to flowing blood are obtained theoretically. From the theoretical and experimental results, the positive streaming transparency phenomenon of flowing blood with a low hematocrit and the negative streaming transparency phenomenon with a high hematocrit are found to result from increased scattering and absorption cross sections because of the orientation of flowing erythrocytes. 相似文献
Claude E. Boyd 《Hydrobiologia》1973,41(3):357-390
The paper presents data on primary productivity and phytoplankton communities in new experimental ponds which received the following treatments; ammonium nitrate and triplesuperphosphate, triplesuperphosphate, cracked corn (10% crude protein) and Auburn No. 3 fish feed (36% crude protein). Comparative data on algal communities were also obtained from production ponds which received feeds or fertilizers. Basic ecological data on macro-algae are also presented.
- All nutrient additions to experimental ponds resulted in higher levels of gross photosynthesis and greater concentrations of chlorophyll a than were found in the control treatments. Fertilization with both nitrogen and phosphorus gave the highest values. Chlorophyll a and gross photosynthesis were higher in ponds receiving high protein content feed (Auburn No. 3) than in ponds to which low protein content feed (corn) was applied.
- Persistent blooms of blue-green algae occurred in ponds receiving nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Phosphorus only fertilization produced blooms of blue-greens, but these blooms did not persist as in the ponds to which nitrogen was also added. Control ponds were dominated by green algae. Blue-green algae were seldom abundant in feed treatments.
- Production ponds had high level of gross photosynthesis and large concentrations of chlorophyll a.
- Many of the production ponds which received feed applications developed heavy blooms of blue-green algae.
- The major species of blue-green algae observed in the present study were Oscillatoria sp., Raphidiopsis curvata, Anacystis nidulans, A. aeruginosa, Spirulina sp., and Anabaena circinalis. Heterocyst bearing forms, which can presumably fix nitrogen, were seldom noted in ponds that received continuous additions of nitrogen from fish feeds.
- Macro-algae are abundant in many fish ponds. Data illustrating the competition of macro-algae with phytoplankton are presented.
The recruitment of algae is a critical process during algal colonization and invasions, including coral-to-algal phase shifts. Although algae are widely assumed to colonize and kill corals, there is very little known about the recruitment dynamics of coral reef algae. This study tested the ability of two dominant macroalgae (Fucales including
Sargassum spp. and Lobophora variegata) to settle and grow on healthy coral tissue. The study also explored the effects of interactions with prior occupants, and of abiotic substrate properties (texture, and ceramic and carbonate material). The results indicate that healthy corals were able to prevent attachment or survival of recruits of these macroalgae. This is a significant point, since it suggests that the replacement of corals by algae may often require prior stress or death in the coral tissue. Pre-conditioning of plates at different sites had some effects, but these were relatively minor, whereas there was considerable variation within sites. Some of this variation appeared to be related to the amount of turf algae or crustose coralline algae on the plates. Recruitment was generally, but not always, higher on plates with rougher texture. Overall, this preliminary exploration indicates considerable potential for variability in outcomes of algal colonization, with implications for the dynamics of algal invasions. In particular, the results do not support suggestions that planktonic algal propagules can directly settle on and colonize healthy coral tissue.Communicated by Topic Editor D. Barnes 相似文献
While researchers commonly use similarity measures to compare algal communities, very few researchers have considered the variability of these estimated measures. This paper discusses a recent method for estimating the variance of and confidence intervals for similarity measures proposed by Johnson & Millie (1982, Hydrobiologia 89: 3–8). Applications of this method to data have produced confidence intervals that are too narrow. Two alternative methods, the jackknife method and the bootstrap, are shown to provide superior estimates of the variability. 相似文献
Disturbance is integral to the organisation of riverine ecosystems. Fluctuating low flows caused by supra-seasonal drought
and water management periodically dewater habitat patches, potentially creating heterogeneity in the taxonomic composition
and successional dynamics of benthic communities. The frequency of disturbance induced by low flows is contingent upon the
topography of the river bed and thus varies among patches. We investigated whether the frequency of patch dewatering influenced
the structure and temporal dynamics of benthic algal communities attached to the upper surfaces of stones in stream mesocosms
(4 m2). In a 693-day disturbance experiment, we applied short dewatering disturbances (6 days) at high (33-day cycles) and low
frequencies (99-day cycles) and compared algal assemblages with undisturbed controls at 21 endpoints. In the absence of disturbance,
epilithic space was dominated by the green encrusting alga Gongrosira incrustans. However, drying disturbances consistently reduced the dominance of the green alga, and crust abundance decreased with increasing
disturbance frequency, thereby opening space for a diversity of mat-forming diatoms. The response of mat diatoms to disturbance
varied markedly during the experiment, from strong reductions in the abundance of loosely attached mats in mid-late 2000 to
the exploitation of open space by closely adhering mats in 2001. Contrary responses were attributed to changes in the species
composition of mat diatoms, which influenced the physiognomy and hence stress-resistance and resilience of the assemblage.
Our results indicate that patchy dewatering of habitat patches during periods of low flow influences the successional dynamics
of algae, thereby creating distinctive mosaics on the stream bed.
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
2004年9月—2007年6月,对古夫河受大型水电站影响的GF04样点及高岚河的参照样点GL03进行逐月采样,研究了大型水电站对古夫河底栖藻类的影响.结果表明:研究期间,两样点主要理化指标差异均不显著(P>0.05);两样点水动力学差异显著(P<0.05),研究期间GL03样点基本处于缓流状态,其季节变化显著(P<0.05),而GF04样点由于受水库放水影响,采样期间60%以上时间处于急流状态,没有明显的季节节律,说明水动力学及生境的变化是影响研究区底栖藻类群落的重要因素;群落相似性以及非着生型硅藻、直立型硅藻、有柄型硅藻的相对丰度在两样点间的差异显著,可很好地反映大型水电站不定期放水对河流生态系统的影响. 相似文献
Edward W. Wilde 《Hydrobiologia》1982,94(2):135-138
Post-thermal recovery of attached algae in six artificial streams subjected to three years of thermal pollution was studied for 20 months. Vaucheria, which had been reduced or eliminated by elevated temperatures in some of the streams, returned to pre-thermal abundance within one month. Schizothrix, which had been greatly augmented by heating, decreased to pre-thermal abundance within two months. However, Schizothrix also demonstrated a decreasing tendency to reappear during the late summer at above normal levels, in the stream previously heated the most (12.5 ° C). The epilithic red algae, Rhodochorton and Tuomeya were absent for three years in the stream heated 12.5 ° C above ambient, but returned to pre-thermal levels in three and five months, respectively, when the heating was terminated. 相似文献
Algal communities inhabiting four calamine mine spoils differing in time since cessation of exploitation and loaded with high
concentrations of zinc (20,284–61,599 μg g−1 soil DW), lead (2,620–3,885 μg g−1 DW) and cadmium (104–232 μg g−1 DW) were studied. In dump soils of slightly alkaline pH (7.28–7.52) and low nutrient (, , ) concentrations, chlorophyll a content ranged from 0.41 to 2.27 μg g−1 soil DW. In total, 23 algal species were recorded. Chlorophyta were the dominant taxonomic group (42–55% of all identified
species) followed by Cyanobacteria (28–36%) and Heterokontophyta (13–21%). The highest species richness (18) was observed
in the oldest dump (120 years old) with natural succession, while in younger dumps it was lower (11–15). Total algal abundance
ranged between 5.5 and 19.1 × 102 ind. g−1 soil DW, and values of Margalef’s diversity indices (1.59–2.25) were low. These results may suggest that both high concentrations
of heavy metals and low nutrient content influenced the algal communities in all the dumps studied. The differences in algal
microflora observed between tailing dumps may indicate that habitat quality improved with time and that algae isolated from
Zn/Pb-loaded soils may be Zn/Pb-resistant ecotypes of ubiquitous species. 相似文献
This study examines the influence of current velocity in the toxiceffect of copper in diatom-dominated biofilms grown in artificial channels.Effects on community structure, algal biomass and photosynthesis (carbonincorporation) caused by 15 g L–1 of copperwere tested at contrasting (1 and 15 cm s–1)velocities. Moreover, a possible threshold on the effect of copper on algalbiomass and photosynthesis related to current velocity was examined by usingprogressively increasing current velocity (1 to 50 cms–1) at 15 g L–1 Cu.Chlorophyll-a decreased ca. 50% as a result of addition of15 g L–1 Cu. Chlorophyll decrease occurredearlier at 15 cm s–1 than at 1 cms–1 when adding 15 g L–1Cu. Copper also caused a remarkable decrease in carbon incorporation(from 30 to ca. 50%), which was produced earlier at 15 cms–1 (three days) than at 1 cms–1 (seven days). Some taxa were affected by thecombination of copper and current velocity. Both Achnanthesminutissima and Stigeoclonium tenue becomedominant at 15 cm s–1 in the presence of copper.Significant inhibition of algal growth in 15 g L–1Cu occurred at low (1 cm s–1) and highvelocities (50 cm s–1), but not at intermediatevelocity (20 cm s–1). The experiments indicatethat current velocity triggers the effect that copper has on diatom-dominatedbiofilms, and that the effect is more remarkable at low and high than atintermediate current velocities. 相似文献
Benthic algal communities can play an important role in matter and energy flux of shallow lakes. Their contribution to total primary production of lakes has been largely unexplored. The aim of this study was to estimate the primary production of the epipsammic algal communities at different water depths in Lake Balaton (Hungary) with photosynthetic measurements performed in laboratory. The photosynthesis of the benthic algae of different origin was studied at nine different irradiance levels, in three replicates. The maximum photosynthetic rate (P max) was always higher in samples from the shallow parts than those from the deeper regions of the lake. Along the west–east longitudinal axis of the lake P max decreased in the southern part and increased in the middle of the lake as a consequence of differences in the chlorophyll-a concentrations. Knowing P max, I k, global radiation and extinction coefficient, the primary production (mg C m−2 day−1) of the epipsammic algal community was calculated at different water depths. In the shallow regions at 0.5 and 1 m water depth 75–95% and 60–85% of the production was attributable to the epipsammon. The percentage contribution of epipsammon was at 2 m water depth 20–65%. In the deeper pelagic region (>3 m) more than 85% of the primary production originated from the phytoplankton. 相似文献