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Rhodopseudomonas globiformis is able to assimilate both sulfur moieties of thiosulfate. During growth on 35S-labelled thiosulfate the amino acids cysteine, homocysteine and methionine were labelled. The bulk of thiosulfate, however, was oxidized to tetrathionate and accumulated in the medium. A thiosulfate: acceptor oxidoreductase was partially purified and characterized. The enzyme oxidized thiosulfate to tetrathionate in the presence of ferricyanide. A c-type cytochrome isolated from this organism was reduced by this enzyme.  相似文献   

Toluene and related aromatic compounds are anaerobically degraded by the denitrifying bacterium Thauera sp. strain K172 via oxidation to benzoyl-CoA. The postulated initial step is methylhydroxylation of toluene to benzyl alcohol, which is either a free or enzyme-bound intermediate. Cells grown with toluene or benzyl alcohol contained benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase, which is possibly the second enzyme in the proposed pathway. The enzyme was purified from benzyl-alcohol-grown cells and characterized. It has many properties in common with benzyl alcohol dehydrogenase from Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas species. The enzyme was active as a homotetramer of 160kDa, with subunits of 40kDa. It was NAD+-specific, had an alkaline pH optimum, and was inhibited by thiol-blocking agents. No evidence for a bound cofactor was obtained. Various benzyl alcohol analogues served as substrates, whereas non-aromatic alcohols were not oxidized. The N-terminal amino acid sequence indicates that the enzyme belongs to the class of long-chain Zn2+-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases, although it appears not to contain a metal ion that can be removed by complexing agents.Dedicated to Prof. Achim Trebst  相似文献   

Threonine dehydrogenase from Clostridium sticklandii has been purified 76-fold from cells grown in a defined medium to a homogeneous preparation of 234 units · mg-1 protein. Purification was obtained by chromatography on Q-Sepharose fast flow and Reactive green 19-Agarose. The native enzyme had a molecular mass of 67 kDa and consisted of two identical subunits (33 kDa each). The optimum pH for catalytic activity was 9.0. Only l-threo-threo-nine, dl--hydroxynorvaline and acetoin were substrates; only NAD was used as the natural electron acceptor. The apparent K m values for l-threonine and NAD were 18 mM and 0.1 mM, respectively. Zn2+, Co2+ and Cu2+ ions (0.9 mM) inhibited enzyme activity. The N-terminal amino acid sequence revealed similarities to the class of non-metal short-chain alcohol dehydrogenases, whereas the threonine dehydrogenase from Escherichia coli belongs to the class of medium chain, zinc-containing alcohol dehydrogenases.Abbreviations PMSF phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride - Dea diethanolamine - Tris tris-(hydroxy-methyl)-aminomethane - Nbs 2 5,5-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid) - ApADN 3-acetylpyridine adenine diucleotide - thio-NAD thionicotinamide adenine dinucleotide - NBT nitro blue tetrazolium chloride  相似文献   

In Nocardia sp. 239 d-phenylalanine is converted into l-phenylalanine by an inducible amino acid racemase. The further catabolism of this amino acid involves an NAD-dependent l-phenylalanine dehydrogenase. This enzyme was detected only in cells grown on l- or d-phenylalanine and in batch cultures highest activities were obtained at relatively low amino acid concentrations in the medium. The presence of additional carbon- or nitrogen sources invariably resulted in decreased enzyme levels. From experiments with phenylalanine-limited continuous cultures it appeared that the rate of synthesis of the enzyme increased with increasing growth rates. The regulation of phenylalanine dehydrogenase synthesis was studied in more detail during growth of the organism on mixtures of methanol and l-phenylalanine. Highest rates of l-phenylalanine dehydrogenase production were observed with increasing ratios of l-phenylalanine/methanol in the feed of chemostat cultures. Characteristic properties of the enzyme were investigated following its (partial) purification from l- and d-phenylalanine-grown cells. This resulted in the isolation of enzymes with identical properties. The native enzyme had a molecular weight of 42 000 and consisted of a single subunit; it showed activity with l-phenylalanine, phenylpyruvate, 4-hydroxyphenyl-pyruvate, indole-3-pyruvate and -ketoisocaproate, but not with imidazolepyruvate, d-phenylalanine and other l-amino acids tested. Maximum activities with phenylpyruvate (310 mol min-1 mg-1 of purified protein) were observed at pH 10 and 53°C. Sorbitol and glycerol stabilized the enzyme.Abbreviations RuMP ribulose monophosphate - HPS hexulose-6-phosphate synthase - HPT hexulose-6-phosphate isomerase - FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography  相似文献   

Thiosulfate-reductase activity (TSR) measured as sulfide release from thiosulfate was detected in crude extracts of Chlorella using dithioerythritol (DTE) as electron donor. Purification of this activity by ammonium-sulfate precipitation between 35% and 80% followed by Sephadex G-50 gel filtration, diethylaminoethyl-cellulose chromatography, and gel filtration on Biogel A 1.5 M led to four distinct proteins having molecular weights of: TSR I, 28000; TSR II, 26500; TSR IIIa, 55000; TSR IIIb, 24000 daltons. These thiosulfate reductases were most active with DTE; the monothiols glutathione, l-cysteine, and -mercaptoethanol had little activity towards this system. The following pH optima were obtained: for TSR I and TSR II, 9.0; for TSR IIIa, 8.5; and for TSR IIIb, 9.5. The apparent-Km data for DTE and thiosulfate were determined to: TSR I, 0.164 mmol·l-1 and TSR II, 0.156 mmol·l-1; KmDTE TSR I, 1.54 mmol·l-1 and TSR II 1.54 mmol·l-1. The thiosulfate reductases IIIa and IIIb were further stimulated by addition of thioredoxin. All TSR fractions catalyzed SCN formation from thiosulfate and cyanate and thus had rhodanese activity; this activity, however, could only be detected in the presence of thiols.Abbreviations DTE dithioerythritol - TSR thiosulfate reductase Dedicated to Professor Dr. Hubert Ziegler on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

Trimethylamine dehydrogenase (TMADH, EC, an iron-sulfur flavoprotein that catalyzes the oxidative demethylation of trimethylamine to form dimethylamine and formaldehyde, was purified fromMethylophaga sp. strain SK1. The active TMADH was purified 12.3-fold through three purification steps. The optimal pH and temperature for enzyme activity was determined to be 8.5 and 55°C, respectively. TheV max andK m values were 7.9 nmol/min/mg protein and 1.5 mM. A genomic DNA of 2,983 bp fromMethylophaga sp. strain SK1 was cloned, and DNA sequencing revealed the open reading frame (ORF) of the gene coding for TMADH. The ORF contained 728 amino acids with extensive identity (82%) to that ofMethylophilus methylotrophus W3A1.  相似文献   

The enzymes nicotinate dehydrogenase and 6-hydroxynicotinate dehydrogenase from Bacillus niacini could be purified to homogeneity by means of anion exchange chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography, gel filtration, and chromatography on hydroxylapatite. During enrichment procedures both enzymes showed a significant loss in specific activity. The molecular weight of nicotinate dehydrogenase and 6-hydroxynicotinate dehydrogenase was determined to be about 300,000 and 120,000, respectively. They were highly substrate specific and transferred electrons only to artificial acceptors of high redox potential. The K m for their specific substrates was about 1.0 mM for both enzymes, and their pH optimum was determined to be 7.5. For nicotinate dehydrogenase a content of 8.3 mol iron, 1.5 mol acid-labile sulfur, 2.0 mol flavin, and 1.5 mol molybdenum per mol of enzyme was determined. Both enzymes contained FAD and Fe/S center. After inhibition by KCN, thiocyanate was detected, and subsequently the initial nicotinate dehydrogenase activity was restored by the addition of Na2S indicating the presence of cyanolyzable sulfur. 6-Hydroxynicotinate dehydrogenase seemed to contain the same type of constituents as determined for nicotinate dehydrogenase. A partial immunological identity of the enzymes could be shown by antibodies raised against nicotinate dehydrogenase.Abbreviations DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenol-indophenol - EEO electroendosmosis - FTTC fluorescein isothiocyanate - HAP hydroxylapatite - 6-HDH 6-hydroxynicotinate dehydrogenase - NBT nitroblue tetrazolium chloride - NDH nicotinate dehydrogenase - MTT thiazolyl blue - PES phenazine ethosulfate - PMSF phenylmethyl sulfonyl fluoride - TEMED N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-ethylenediamine  相似文献   

Ammonia assimilation in Bacillus fastidiosus proceeds via the NADP-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase. The enzyme, purified to homogeneity, is composed of identical subunits with a molecular weight of about 48 000 dalton. Presumably the enzyme is a hexamer. The enzyme is specific for NADP (H). The pH optima for the amination and deamination reactions are 7.7 and 8.6, respectively. The temperature optimum is 60°C. Furthermore, temperature stability and apparent Km values for substrates of both the amination and deamination reactions were determined. Several metabolites were tested for their effect on the enzyme activity. Only malate and fumarate showed some inhibitory effect.Abbreviation GDH glutamate dehydrogenase  相似文献   

Growth rate stimulation of marine pseudomonads by thiosulfate   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The oxidation of thiosulfate to tetrathionate exerts a definite growth rate stimulation in glucose, acetate, and yeast extract cultures of some marine pseudomonads. The failure to find this effect in earlier studies with terrestrial isolates may lie in the particular conditions used in the present experiments (constant pH, high ratio of thiosulfate to organic substrate) or in the different metabolic characteristics of the marine isolates.Contribution No. 3220 from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.  相似文献   

Alanine dehydrogenase was purified to near homogeneity from cell-free extract of Streptomyces aureofaciens, which produces tetracycline. The molecular weight of the enzyme determined by size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography was 395 000. The molecular weight determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate gel electrophoresis was 48 000, indicating that the enzyme consists of eight subunits with similar molecular weight. The isoelectric point of alanine dehydrogenase is 6.7. The pH optimum is 10.0 for oxidative deamination of L-alanine and 8.5 for reductive amination of pyruvate. K M values were 5.0 mM for L-alanine and 0.11 mM for NAD+. K M values for reductive amination were 0.56 mM for pyruvate, 0.029 mM for NADH and 6.67 mM for NH4Cl.Abbreviation AlaDH alanine dehydrogenase  相似文献   

高媛  曾伟主  周景文  陈坚 《微生物学报》2017,57(10):1546-1554
【目的】对源于普通生酮基古龙酸菌(Ketogulonicigenium vulgare WSH-001)的山梨糖脱氢酶(Sorbose dehydrogenase,SDH)和山梨酮脱氢酶(Sorbosone dehydrogenase,SNDH)的酶学性质进行分析。【方法】以K.vulgare WSH-001基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增得到山梨糖脱氢酶基因(sdh)和山梨酮脱氢酶基因(sndh),构建重组表达质粒p ET28a-sdh、p ET28a-sndh,并分别转入大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中。利用镍柱亲和层析和凝胶过滤层析得到纯化的SDH和SNDH。【结果】成功构建产SDH和SNDH的大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)并对目的酶进行纯化。SDS-PAGE分析结果表明,SDH和SNDH的大小分别为64 k Da和48 k Da,与理论预测值一致。显色法测得SDH酶活为3.15 U/mg,最适反应温度为30°C,最适反应pH为8.0左右;SNDH酶活为6.12 U/mg,最适反应温度为35°C,最适反应pH为8.0左右。在pH 3.0、4.0、5.0的偏酸性条件下,2个酶的酶活受到显著影响。【结论】表达并纯化了来源于普通生酮基古龙酸菌来源的SDH、SNDH,并进行了酶学性质分析,为利用SDH、SNDH实现维生素C前体2-酮基-L-古龙酸的一步法发酵生产提供了必要的参考。  相似文献   

An enzymatic complex from Rhodotorula was characterized and it was indicated that it possessed thiosulfate-oxidizing activity, forming tetrathionate as well as sulfite oxidase activity. Both activities coupled with ferricyanide and native cytochrome c but no with mammalian cytochrome c. Activities of these enzymes were inhibited by thiol inhibitors. Chelating agents did not affect thiosulfate oxidizing activity and only moderately inhibited sulfite oxidase. Both activities disappeared after treatment with proteolytic enzymes or sodium deoxycholate which indicates an essential role played not only by protein but also by phospholipids in the enzymatic activity of the complex. Thiosulfate oxidizing enzyme had a K m for thiosulfate of 0.16 mM with ferricyanide as electron acceptor and of 14 M with native cytochrome c and of 0.34 mM for ferricyanide. Optimum pH for this activity was 7.8. Other properties of this enzyme were similar to those of thiobacilli and heterotrophic bacteria. The activity of sulfite oxidase was inhibited by 50% with 10 M AMP. The K m values of this enzyme were 1 mM with ferricyanide as electron acceptor and 60 M with native cytochrome c for sulfite and 0.42 mM for ferricyanide. The enzyme did not show a specific optimum pH value with ferricyanide as electron acceptor. However, with native cytochrome c optimum pH was 7.8 for its activity. In many properties the sulfite oxidase from Rhodotorula was similar to the enzyme from Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, T. concretivorus, T. thioparus and T. novellus.Abbreviations CSH reduced glutathion - APS reductase, adenosine-S-phosphosulfate reductase - pHMB p-hydroxymercuribenzoate - NEM N-ethylmalcimide - TCA trichloroacetic acid - PPO 2,5-diphenyloxazole - POPOP 2,2-p-phenylen-bis 5-phenyloxazol  相似文献   

The sulfate-reducing bacterimDesulfovibrio strain HDv (DSM 6830) grew faster on (S)- and on (R, S)-1,2-propanediol (μmax 0.053 h) than on (R)-propanediol (0.017 h−1) and ethanol (0.027 h−1). From (R, S)-1,2-propanediol-grown cells, an alcohol dehydrogenase was purified. The enzyme was oxygen-labile, NAD-dependent, and decameric; the subunit mol. mass was 48 kDa. The N-terminal amino acid sequence indicated similarity to alcohol dehydrogenases belonging to family III of NAD-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases, the first 21 N-terminal amino acids being identical to those of theDesulfovibrio gigas alcohol dehydrogenase. Best substrates were ethanol and propanol (K m of 0.48 and 0.33 mM, respectively). (R, S)-1,2-Propanediol was a relatively poor substrate for the enzyme, but activities in cell extracts were high enough to account for the growth rate. The enzyme showed a preference for (S)-1,2-propanediol over (R)-1,2-propanediol. Antibodies raised against the alcohol dehydrogenase ofD. gigas showed cross-reactivity with the alcohol dehydrogenase ofDesulfovibrio strain HDv and with cell extracts of six other ethanol-grown sulfate-reducing bacteria.  相似文献   

Rhodopseudomonas palustris cells, characterized by a lamellar type intracytoplasmic chromatophore membrane system after phototrophic growth, yielded a crude supernatant cell-free fraction (S-144) after ultracentrifugation which retained the contents of both the cell compartments. After thiosulfate-dependent growth, a protein system was isolated from S-144 which catalyzed the thiosulfate-linked reduction of an endogenous c-type cytochrome. — The colorless oxidoreductase protein, after purification to homogeneity, revealed a molecular weight of 93,000 and, after SDS treatment, a particle weight of 48,000. It was focused at an average pI of 5.45. Apparent K m values for several substrates were in the M range. The electron acceptor for thiosulfate oxidation was found to be a cytochrome c from S-144. The homogeneous acceptor protein, at liquid nitrogen temperature, exhibited absorption maxima at 549.0, 518.5 and 418.0 nm, and shoulders at 525.5, 512.0 and 508.0 nm. Its molecular weight was found to be 17,000 (gel filtration) and 16,000 (SDS gel electrophoresis). It was characterized by a pI of 10.0. Its midpoint redox potential of E m,7.0=+228 mV was determined by redox titrations and the value of +205 mV by spectrophotometric calculations.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - HiPIP high potential nonheme iron protein - IEF isoclectric focusing - SDS dodecylsulfate, sodium salt - Temed N,N,N,N-tetramethylethylenediamine  相似文献   

Chromatium vinosum cells form a vesicular type intracytoplasmic membrane system during phototrophic growth on thiosulfate.—An enzyme protein transferring electrons from thiosulfate to cytochromes of type c was enriched from S-144. The colorless thiosulfate: cytochrome c oxidoreductase was characterized by a molecular weight of 36,000 (after dodecylsulfate treatment) and 35,000 (by gel filtration). Isoelectric focusing revealed a pI range of 4.4 to 4.7. Apparent K m values for the cytochromes tested were in the M range. — The endogenous electron acceptor compound, isolated from the chromatophore fraction P-144, was found to be a membrane-bound cytochrome c-552. The homogeneous cytochrome protein had an average pI value of 4.65 and a molecular weight of 71,500 determined by gel filtration. By dodecylsulfate electrophoresis it was cleaved into two proteins representing particle weights of 45,000 and 20,000.Abbreviations HiPIP high potential nonheme iron protein - IEF isoelectric focusing - SDS dodecylsulfate, sodium salt - Temed N,N,N,N-tetramethylethylenediamine  相似文献   

Leucine dehydrogenase (l-leucine: NAD+ oxidoreductase, deaminating, EC has been purified to homogeneity from a moderate thermophilic bacterium, Bacillus stearothermophilus. Am improved method of preparative slab gel electrophoresis was used effectively to purify it. The enzyme has a molecular mass of about 300,000 and consists of six subunits with identical molecular mass (Mr, 49,000). The enzyme does not lose its activity by heat treatment at 70° C for 20 min, and incubation in the pH range of 5.5–10.0 at 55° C for 5 min. It is stable in 10 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) containing 0.01% 2-mercaptoethanol at over 1 month, and is resistant to detergent and ethanol treatment. The enzyme catalyzes the oxidative deamination of branched-chain l-amino acids and the reductive amination of their keto analogs in the presence of NAD+ and NADH, respectively, as the coenzymes. The pH optima are 11 for the deamination of l-leucine, and 9.7 and 8.8 for the amination of -ketoisocaproate and -ketoisovalerate, respectively. The Michaelis constants were determined: 4.4 mM for l-leucine, 3.3 mM for l-valine, 1.4 mM for l-isoleucine and 0.49 mM for NAD+ in the oxidative deamination. The B. stearothermophilus enzyme shows similar catalytic properties, but higher activities than that from Bacillus sphaericus.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. G. Drews on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

6-Phosphogluconate dehyrogenase is evident at all developmental stages of Drosophila melanogaster. The activity level is highest in early third instar larvae and declines to a lower, but relatively constant, level at all later stages of development. The enzyme is localized in the cytosolic portion of the cell. The A-isozymic form of 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase was purified to homogeneity and has a molecular weight of 105,000. The enzyme is a dimer consisting of subunits with molecular weights of 55,000 and 53,000. For the oxidative decarboxylation of 6-phosphogluconate the Km for substrate is 81 µm while that for NADP+ is 22.3 µm. The optimum pH for activity is 7.8 while the optimum temperature is 37 C.This work was supported by National Research Council of Canada Grant A5860 and by the University of Calgary Research Policy and Grants Committee.  相似文献   

A NAD-dependent (R)-2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase (EC, selectively catalyzing the oxidation at the (R)-center of 2,3-butanediol irrespective of the absolute configuration of the other carbinol center, was isolated from cell extracts of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Purification was achieved by means of streptomycin sulfate treatment, Sephadex G-25 filtration, DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B chromatography, affinity chromatography on Matrex Gel Blue A and Superose 6 prep grade chromatography leading to a 70-fold enrichment of the specific activity with 44% yield. Analysis of chiral products was carried out by gas chromatographic methods via pre-chromatographic derivatization and resolution of corresponding diasteromeric derivatives. The enzyme was capable to reduce irreversibly diacetyl (2,3-butanediol) to (R)-acetoin (3-hydroxy-2-butanone) and in a subsequent reaction reversibly to (R,R)-2,3-butanediol using NADH as coenzyme. 1-Hydroxy-2-ketones and C5-acyloins were also accepted as substrates, whereas the enzyme was inactive towards the reduction of acetone and dihydroxyacetone. The relative molecular mass (M r) of the enzyme was estimated as 140 000 by means of gel filtration. On SDS-polyacrylamide gel the protein decomposed into 4 (identical) subunits of M r 35 000. Optimum pH was 6.7 for the reduction of acetoin to 2,3-butanediol and 7.2 for the reverse reaction.Abbreviations GC-MS gas chromatography-mass spectrometry - i.d. internal diameter - M r relative molecular mass - MTPA-Cl -methoxy--trifluoromethylphenyl acetic acid chloride - PEIC 1-phenylethylisocyanate  相似文献   

Periplasmic extract from Desulfovibrio desulfuricans (NCIMB 8372) was found to contain two different c-type cytochromes. One is tetraheme cytochrome c3 and the other is monoheme cytochrome c553. Cytochrome c3 could be purified by a procedure involving only one chromatographic step, whereas cytochrome c553 required several such steps. Cytochrome c3 was found to have a relative molecular mass of 14300 and an isoionic point higher than 9. Analysis of the redox potentials indicated one heme at -260 mV and three hemes around -330 mV. Cytochrome c553 had a relative molecular mass of 7200, an isoionic point higher than 9 and a redox potential of 0 mV.  相似文献   

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