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The nest and population genetic structures of the Argentine ant, Linepithema humile were investigated using eight microsatellite loci. Genotypes of the sperm from spermathecae of 87 queens were consistent with all queens being singly inseminated. The probability of a double mating remaining undetected was low (0.012) suggesting that no queens or only a very low proportion mate multiply. The relatedness between the queens and their mates was negative (R = -0.164 +/- 0.044) and significantly different to zero (P = 0.020). However, the high negative relatedness value was caused by a significant allele frequency difference between the sexes at a single locus (Lhum-28). When this locus was removed from the analyses, the relatedness was not significantly different from zero (R = 0.013 +/- 0.050, P = 0.812). Analysis of 10 nests revealed that the genetic differentiation among nests was weak (FST = 0.003) and not distinguishable from zero (P = 0.468). Similarly, the overall relatedness among nestmate females was not significantly different from zero (R = 0.007 +/- 0.018, P = 0.706). These results are consistent with the lack of distinct nest boundaries and the large number of queens per nest in the population studied. Although mating takes place inside the nest, the inbreeding coefficient was close to zero (F = 0.007 +/- 0.025, P = 0.786). Overall, these data indicate substantial local gene flow mediated by movement of reproductives among colonies.  相似文献   

Although workers might increase their inclusive fitness by favoringcloser over more distant kin, evidence suggest that nepotismgenerally does not occur within colonies of social insects.It has been suggested that this may be due to the cost of recognitionerrors. We tested whether recognition occurs in a system wherea better than random ability to recognize kin should be selected for. Using DNA microsatellites, we show that sexuals of theArgentine ant Linepithema humile fail to use genetic cues toavoid sib-mating. When offspring of two queens were allowedto mate, the percentage of matings among siblings was not significantlylower than expected under the hypothesis of random mating.The finding that sexuals fail to use genetic cues to avoid sib-matings cannot be attributed to the cost of recognitionerrors because any recognition system that would lead to abetter than random ability to avoid sib-mating should be selectedfor when there are costs to inbreeding. These data are thusconsistent with the view that kin recognition mediated solelyby genetic cues might be intrinsically error prone within coloniesof social insects.  相似文献   

Every spring, workers of the Argentine Ant Linepithema humile kill a large proportion of queens within their nests. Although this behaviour inflicts a high energetic cost on the colonies, its biological significance has remained elusive so far. An earlier study showed that the probability of a queen being executed is not related to her weight, fecundity, or age. Here we test the hypothesis that workers collectively eliminate queens to which they are less related, thereby increasing their inclusive fitness. We found no evidence for this hypothesis. Workers of a nest were on average not significantly less related to executed queens than to surviving ones. Moreover, a population genetic analysis revealed that workers were not genetically differentiated between nests. This means that workers of a given nest are equally related to any queen in the population and that there can be no increase in average worker–queen relatedness by selective elimination of queens. Finally, our genetic analyses also showed that, in contrast to workers, queens were significantly genetically differentiated between nests and that there was significant isolation by distance for queens.  相似文献   

The formation of droplets of ants Linepithema humile (Mayr) is observed under certain experimental conditions: a fluctuating aggregate forms at the end of a rod and a droplet containing up to 40 ants eventually falls down. When the flux of incoming ants is sufficient, this process can continue for several hours, leading to the formation and fall of tens of droplets. Previous work indicates that the time series of drop-to-drop intervals may result from a nonlinear low-dimensional dynamics, and the interdrop increments exhibit long-range anticorrelations. A model of aggregation and droplet formation, based on experimental observations, is introduced and shown to reproduce these properties.  相似文献   

Since some colonies of Argentine ant Linepithema humile were discovered in Japan in 1993, populations of this invasive alien ant species have been expanding their distribution. To resolve the number of invasions and the genetic structure in the early stages of introduction, we inferred the genetic structure and relationships among colonies from eight localities, from analyses of eight nuclear microsatellite DNA markers. F ST analysis, principal component analysis and assignment test showed that at least three highly genetically differentiated groups of Argentine ants are present in Japan. Populations from Hiroshima Bay were grouped together (Hiroshima, Hatsukaichi, Otake, Iwakuni Central and Iwakuni Kuroiso), while those from Kobe and Yanai were both genetically distant from each other and from the Hiroshima Bay group. Hatsukaichi and Kobe are international seaports, suggesting that the by-ship invasion occurred at least twice. The invasion route of the Yanai population is unknown at this moment. The Aichi population was genetically distant from that of the Hiroshima Bay group by the difference in allele frequencies, and it was plausible that the Aichi population was introduced from the Hiroshima Bay group by human-mediated jump dispersal.  相似文献   

Reuter M  Pedersen JS  Keller L 《Heredity》2005,94(3):364-369
WOLBACHIA are maternally inherited bacteria, which are very common in arthropods and nematodes. Wolbachia infection may affect host reproduction through feminisation, parthenogenesis, male-killing, cytoplasmic incompatibility and increased fecundity. Previous studies showing discrepancies between the phylogenies of Wolbachia and its arthropod hosts indicate that infection is frequently lost, but the causes of symbiont extinction have so far remained elusive. Here, we report data showing that colonisation of new habitats is a possible mechanism leading to the loss of infection. The presence and prevalence of Wolbachia were studied in three native and eight introduced populations of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile. The screening shows that the symbiont is common in the three native L. humile populations analysed. In contrast, Wolbachia was detected in only one of the introduced populations. The loss of infection associated with colonisation of new habitats may result from drift (founder effect) or altered selection pressures in the new habitat. Furthermore, a molecular phylogeny based on sequences of the Wolbachia wsp gene indicates that L. humile has been infected by a single strain. Horizontal transmission of the symbiont may be important in ants as suggested by the sequence similarity of strains in the three genera Linepithema, Acromyrmex, and Solenopsis native from South and Central America.  相似文献   

Interactions between the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, and native ant species were studied in a 450-ha biological reserve in northern California. Along the edges of the invasion, the presence of Argentine ants significantly reduced the foraging success of native ant species, and vice versa. Argentine ants were consistently better than native ants at exploiting food sources: Argentine ants found and recruited to bait more consistently and in higher numbers than native ant species, and they foraged for longer periods throughout the day. Native ants and Argentine ants frequently fought when they recruited to the same bait, and native ant species were displaced from bait during 60% of these encounters. In introduction experiments, Argentine ants interfered with the foraging of native ant species, and prevented the establishment of new colonies of native ant species by preying upon winged native ant queens. The Argentine ants' range within the preserve expanded by 12 ha between May 1993 and May 1994, and 13 between September 1993 and September 1994, with a corresponding reduction of the range of native ant species. Although some native ants persist locally at the edges of the invasion of Argentine ants, most eventually disappear from invaded areas. Both interference and exploitation competition appear to be important in the displacement of native ant species from areas invaded by Argentine ants.  相似文献   

Some ants have an extraordinary unicolonial social organization, whereby individuals mix freely among physically separated nests. Recently, it was shown that the European population of Linepithema humile consisted of two enormous unicolonial supercolonies. Workers of the same supercolony are never aggressive to each other. In contrast, aggressiveness is invariably high between workers from different supercolonies. Here we investigated whether gene flow occurs between two supercolonies. We identified a contact zone in which we sampled 46 nests. For each nest, aggression tests were conducted against workers from reference nests from both supercolonies. Workers were always very aggressive towards workers of one of the supercolonies but not to workers of the other. Thus, all nests could be clearly assigned to one of the two supercolonies. For 22 of the 46 nests, we genotyped 15-16 workers at five microsatellite loci. A four-level hierarchical analysis of variance revealed very strong genetic differentiation between the two supercolonies (F(SUPERCOLONY-TOTAL) = 0.541) and low differentiation between sectors (i.e. group of nests connected together with trails) within supercolonies (F(SECTOR-SUPERCOLONY) = 0.064). The very high differentiation between the two supercolonies indicates a lack of ongoing gene flow, a conclusion further bolstered by the finding that the two supercolonies share no common alleles at two of the five microsatellite loci. A Bayesian clustering method also revealed the occurrence of two distinct clusters. These clusters exactly match the grouping obtained by aggression tests. None of the 332 genotyped individuals were admixed despite the fact that some nests of the two supercolonies were separated by less than 30 m. These results demonstrate that the two supercolonies have completely separate gene pools.  相似文献   

Polygyny in social insects can greatly reduce within‐nest genetic relatedness. In polygynous ant species, potential rival queens in colonies with multiple queens are often executed by other queens, workers, or both. The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, native to South America, forms a “supercolony” that is composed of a large number of nests and is considered to contribute to the ant's invasion success. Currently, four mutually antagonistic supercolonies are contiguously distributed within a small area of Japan. Here, we analyzed the genetic structure and relatedness within and among the four supercolonies using microsatellite markers to clarify how L. humile maintains its supercoloniality. The results of AMOVA and BASP, the FST values, and the existence of several private alleles indicated that the L. humile population in the Kobe area had a characteristic genetic structure. Within a given supercolony, there was significant genetic differentiation (FST) among workers collected in May and those collected in September. The significant deviation from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium increased, and the relatedness among workers significantly increased from May to September in all supercolonies. This result suggested that the supercolonies replaced old queens with new ones during the reproductive season, thus supporting the plausibility of queen execution. From the perspective of kin selection, workers collectively eliminate queens, thereby increasing their own inclusive fitness. Restricted gene flow among supercolonies, together with mating with sib and queen execution, could help to maintain the unique social structure of L. humile, the distribution of which is expanding worldwide.  相似文献   

We studied avian frugivory and seed dispersal in a dioecious shrub, Rhamnus alaternus, focusing on the quantitative and qualitative components of effectiveness. The study took place at three locations in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, and examined bird behaviour, intensity of feeding, and the consequences for seedling emergence. The coincidence between the bird breeding season and fruit ripening of R. alaternus in the absence of other ripe fruit, generates a monospecific interaction. The extant frugivorous species were mainly legitimate seed dispersers and their abundance was low. Sylvia melanocephala and S. undata were the most important at one site whereas S. atricapilla, Erithacus rubecula and Turdus merula predominated at the other two sites. Fruit handling took place directly on the branches. Bird species used microhabitats differently as first post-feeding perch, which usually was a short distance away. The low density of frugivorous birds in all localities, among others factors, resulted in satiation of the disperser community and many mature fruits unconsumed. Both adults and juveniles feed upon the plants and their foraging patterns are similar. Adults of S. melanocephala were observed to feed fruit to nestlings and consequently a second phase of dispersal potentially arises from the transport of fecal sacs. Pulp removal and passage through the digestive tract increased the probability of seedling emergence. This plant-dispersal interaction has important consequences, both positive and negative for the plant. Positively, the fruiting of R. alaternus at a time when other ripe fruits are not available avoids interspecific competition for seed dispersers. In addition, a low density of seed rain may reduce intraspecific competition. Negatively, the low density and small size of the breeding frugivorous bird community limit fruit handling and removal away from the parent plants, while the territorial behaviour of birds at that time of the year reduces the potential distances of seed dispersal.  相似文献   

For the Argentine ant Linepithema humile, bioclimatic models often predict narrower optimal temperature ranges than those suggested by behavioural and physiological studies. Although water balance characteristics of workers of this species have been thoroughly studied, gaps exist in current understanding of its thermal limits. We investigated critical thermal minima and maxima and upper and lower lethal limits following acclimation to four temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30 degrees C; 12L:12D photoperiod) in adult workers of the Argentine ant, L. humile, collected from Stellenbosch, South Africa. At an ecologically relevant rate of temperature change of 0.05 degrees Cmin(-1), CTMax varied between 38 and 40 degrees C, and CTMin varied between 0 and 0.8 degrees C. In both cases the response to acclimation was weak. A significant time by exposure temperature interaction was found for upper and lower lethal limits, with a more pronounced effect of acclimation at longer exposure durations. Upper lethal limits varied between 37 and 44 degrees C, whilst lower lethal limits varied between -4 and -10.5 degrees C, with an acclimation effect more pronounced for upper than lower lethal limits. A thermal envelope for workers of the Argentine ant is provided, demonstrating that upper thermal limits do likely contribute to distributional limits, but that lower lethal limits and limits to activity likely do not, or at least for workers who are not exposed simultaneously to the demands of load carriage and successful foraging behaviour.  相似文献   

The Argentine ant (Linepithema humile) is an invasive species that disrupts the balance of natural ecosystems by displacing indigenous ant species throughout its introduced range. The mechanisms by which Argentine ants effectively compete against native ant species have been previously addressed in field studies that centered on interference and exploitation competition at baits and mainly examined the colony-level performance of Argentine ants. Detailed behavioral observations explaining the basis for the strong competitive ability of L. humile are comparatively rare. To gain a better understanding of the mechanisms by which Argentine ants displace native ants we examined the aggressive interactions between the Argentine ants and the odorous house ant, Tapinoma sessile in four different aggression assays: (1) worker dyad interactions, (2) symmetrical group interactions, (3) intruder introductions into an established resident colony, and (4) a resource competition assay which focused on competition for food and nesting space. Our results demonstrate a clear disparity between worker-level and colony-level fighting ability of Argentine ants and provide behavioral evidence to explain the superior interference ability of Argentine ants in group assays. Argentine ants experienced mixed success in fighting against odorous house ants in dyad interactions, but gradually gained a numerical advantage in symmetrical group interactions by active cooperation among nestmates. Results of the resource competition assay indicate that Argentine ants recruit rapidly, numerically dominate food and nesting sites, and aggressively displace T. sessile from baits. Taken together, the results of these assays allow us to pinpoint the behavioral mechanisms responsible for the remarkable competitive ability of Argentine ants.  相似文献   

In many polygynous social insect societies, ecological factors such as habitat saturation promote high queen numbers by increasing the cost of solitary breeding. If polygyny is associated with constrained environments, queen number in colonies of invasive social insects should increase as saturation of their new habitat increases. Here I describe the variation in queen number, nestmate relatedness, and nest size along a gradient of time since colonization in an invading population of Argentine ants (Linepithema humile) in Haleakala, Hawaii. Nest densities in this population increase with distance from the leading edge of the invasion, reaching a stable density plateau approximately 80 m from the edge (> 2 years after colonization). Although the number of queens per nest in Haleakala is generally lower than previously reported for Argentine ants, there is significant variation in queen number across this population. Both the observed and effective queen numbers increase across the density gradient, and nests in the center of the population contain queen numbers three to nine times higher than those on the edge of the invasion. The number of workers per nest is correlated with queen number, and nests in the center are six times larger than nests at the edge. Microsatellite analysis of relatedness among nestmates reveals that all nests in the Haleakala population are characterized by low relatedness and have evidence of multiple reproducing queens. Relatedness values are significantly lower in nests in the center of the population, indicating that the number of reproducing queens is greater in areas of high nest density. The variation in queen number and nestmate relatedness in this study is consistent with expectations based on changes in ecological constraints during the invasion of a new habitat, suggesting that the social structure of Argentine ant populations is strongly influenced by ecological factors. Flexibility in social structure may facilitate persistence in variable environments and may also confer significant advantages to a species when introduced into new areas.  相似文献   

Intraspecific aggression is rare within introduced populations of the Argentine ant Linepithema humile, and colonies exhibit a structure known as unicoloniality, in which aggression among nests is atypical. We document a similar form of colony structure in an introduced population of Argentine ants in Victoria, Australia, in which aggression is extremely rare among nests ranging over hundreds of kilometres. However, using a highly sensitive behavioural bioassay we found that workers display subtle differences in their behaviour towards non-nestmates and nestmates. In particular, non-nestmates consistently engage in antennating behaviour with greater frequency than nestmates, perhaps providing a mechanism for homogenization of nest odour. Further, we found that non-nestmates at seaport sites (where populations may derive from multiple introductions) antennate each other with greater frequency than their counterparts from non-seaport sites. These data suggest that the Victorian population of L. humile may comprise multiple independent introductions. Received 4 July 2007; revised 15 January and 4 March 2008; accepted 4 March 2008.  相似文献   

To assess the importance of competition in the advance of invasive species, bait stations have been used to determine the dominance hierarchy of a community of native ants in Doñana National Park, southern Spain, and the status of the introduced species Linepithema humile (Argentine ant). Some native species, e.g. Cataglyphis floricola or Camponotus pilicornis, seem to be subordinate, i.e. occupy a low position in the competitive hierarchy; some are dominant (e.g. Pheidole pallidula), and others (e.g. Aphaenogaster senilis) occupy an intermediate position in the hierarchy. The Argentine ant is a competitively dominant species, because of its aggressive behavior and relative abundance. Irrespective of their position in the dominance hierarchy, L. humile and some native species adopt what games theory terms “the bourgeois strategy” during agonistic encounters with other species. Lone workers tend to be submissive in encounters whereas workers in the presence of other colony members are aggressive. L. humile was the only species which aggressively displaced large numbers of ants of other species from the bait. L. humile also expanded its range in the course of the experiment, displacing native species from parts of the study area.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Little attention has been given to the effect of physiological limitations on the ability of introduced species to invade ecological communities. In the present study, the water balance of the invasive Argentine ant ( Linepithema humile ) is compared with five common ant species native to southern California. Total and critical water contents are measured, as well as rates of water loss and survival times. The results show that the body size of ant species has a strong effect on water balance, explaining between 99% of total and 90% of critical water content (i.e. the amount of water remaining when the ant becomes moribund). The measured survival times at 40 °C and approximately 0% relative humidity are shorter for L. humile than for the other five native ant species. The area-independent water-loss rate is higher for L. humile than for the other native ant species studied. This finding is corroborated by independent data using two different methods (i.e. gravimetric measurement and open-flow respirometry). Somewhat surprisingly, significant differences in the water-loss rates of different sizes of Solenopsis xyloni workers are found, even after adjusting for surface area. The area-independent water-loss rate is significantly lower for larger than for smaller workers. Consistent with circumstantial evidence from the field, the results suggest that the physiological constraints of invasive species, such as water-loss rates and critical water content, can limit their distribution and abundance not only at regional scales, but also at fine scales.  相似文献   

Invasive species, where successful, can devastate native communities. We studied the dynamics of the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, for 7 years in Jasper Ridge, a biological preserve in northern California. We monitored the distributions at the hectare scale of native ant taxa and L. humile in the spring and fall from 1993 to 1999. We also studied the invasion dynamics at a finer resolution by searching for ants in 1-m2 plots. Our results are similar at both scales. The distributions of several native species are not random with regard to L. humile; the distributions of several epigeic species with similar habitat affinities overlap much less frequently than expected with the distribution of L. humile. We found that season had a significant influence on the distributions of L. humile and several native taxa. Over the 7-year period, L. humile has increased its range size in Jasper Ridge largely at the expense of native taxa, but there is seasonal and yearly variation in this rate of increase. Studies of invasions in progress which sample across seasons and years may help to predict the spread and effects of invasive species.  相似文献   

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