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Smales L. R. The life history of Labiostrongylus eugenii, a nematode parasite of the Kangaroo Island Wallaby (Macropus eugenii): development and hatching of the egg and the free living stages. International Journal for Parasitology7: 449–456. Labiostrongylus eugenii (Trichonematidae) occurs in the stomach of the Kangaroo Island Wallaby. Egg morphology is similar to that of other strongyloids. When incubated at 25°C embryogenesis is completed in about 30 h. An incomplete moult occurs within the egg, and larvae hatch at a sheathed second-stage 4312–8312 h later. Development occurred at all temperatures between 2° and 37°C with an optimum about 25°C and an upper limit near 37°C. The hatching process is very rapid, taking about 2 min. It is signalled by increased larval activity followed by a change in shell permeability. The larva hatches at that pole of the shell which has become plastic.The sheathed second-stage larva measures 659.50 ± 22.54 μm by 27.98 ± 1.22 μm. Its internal structures are concealed by a mass of opaque granules which were demonstrated as neutral lipid by oil red O staining. A second incomplete moult at 3–4 days results in a doubly sheathed infective larva from which the lipid gradually disappears. The mouth never appears patent and the larvae neither feed nor grow but rather decrease in size with age. Optimal temperatures for larvae range between 15°–25°C with 37°C about the upper limit. The significance of this developmental pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

The infective larva of L. eugenii is enveloped in two cuticles which are discarded when the larva exsheaths in the sacculated portion of the wallaby's stomach. In vitro larvae exsheathed in a 0·85% solution of sodium chloride at 37°C, buffered to pH 7 with bicarbonate ion and 40% carbon dioxide. Survival was enhanced if the liquid phase contained medium 199 and serum, and exsheathment was quicker if exposure to carbon dioxide was 1 h rather than 1 day or 7 days. As larvae exsheathed, contractions of the pharynx commenced, and medium was ingested, even when larvae were enveloped in both cuticles. The stimuli for exsheathment and the subsequent pattern of events are like those already recognised in some trichostrongyles.  相似文献   

Mapes C.J. and Coop R.L. 1973. The fate of multiple doses of infective larvae of Nematodirus battus in 8-month-old lambs and their effect on intestinal enzyme activity. International Journal for Parasitology3: 363–370. The fate of five daily doses of 60,000 infective larvae of Nematodirus battus was studied in 8-month-old lambs. On 18, 26 and 34 days after the last larval dose 4.0, 3.3 and 1.0 per cent of the total infective dose was recovered. Approximately 50 per cent of the worms recovered on these days were fourth-stage larvae. It is suggested that L5 and adult stages were preferentially lost from the hosts and that male worms were developing at a faster rate than the females. The populations of N. battus were smaller, contained higher proportions of fourth-stage larvae and shorter L5 and adult worms than those developing from similar infective doses in 3-month-old lambs. A transient decrease in alkaline phosphatase and maltase levels was found in the mucosa of the small intestine and was compared with the marked and persistent changes in mucosal enzyme activities found with similar infective doses in 3-month-old hosts.  相似文献   

Waller P. J., Dash K. M. and Major G. W. 1979. Observations on the Occurrence of crystal-like structures in nematode parasites of sheep and cattle. Internationl Journal for Parasitology9: 147–151. Intracellular rod-like inclusions were found in a high percentage of inhibited fourth-stage larvae of H. contortus in sheep with naturally acquired infections. Artificial infections showed inclusions occurred in developing as well as inhibited fourth-stage larvae. The presence of these structures was associated with degenerative changes of the parasites and serial worm counts showed that larvae with large numbers of inclusions failed to persist within the host.Large refractive hexagonal crystals were observed in the gut lumen of fourth-stage and adult O. ostertagi acquired by previously worm-free lambs grazed on cattle pastures. The crystals tended to accumulate in the posterior gut region where they may cause gut blockage and lead to early mortality of the parasites in the abnormal host. No inclusions or crystals were observed in O. ostertagi from cattle or goats, or in O. circumcincta from sheep.  相似文献   

Mapes C.J., Coop R.L. and Angus K.W. 1973. The fate of large infective doses of Nematodirus battus in young lambs. International Journal for Parasitology3: 339–347. The fate of 300,000 and 5 × 60,000 infective larvae of Nematodirus battus during the 2–3 weeks after patency was studied in 3-month-old lambs. The proportions of the infective doses recovered after 18, 26 and 34 days were 37, 6 and 3.5 per cent in the single dose and 29,12 and 4.7 in the multiple dose groups. Fifth-stage larvae and adults, especially females, were preferentially lost from the hosts. The numbers of worms present and the percentage of fourth-stage larvae present were similar in both the single and multiple dose groups.  相似文献   

Bird A.F. and Stynes B.A. 1981. The life cycle of Anguina agrostis: Development in the host plant. Internationaljournal for Parasitology11: 431–440. The growth and development of the infective second stage “dauer” larvae (DL2) of Anguina agrostis into adults have been followed under field conditions in rye grass (Lolium rigidum). Three moults were observed to occur during the parasitic phase of development. From the third (second parasitic) moult onwards, there was much more variability in the size of the female nematodes than in the males and sexual dimorphism became very pronounced. The transition from the DL2 to the second stage parasitic larva (PL2) is marked by the disappearance of the numerous lipid storage granules which are characteristic of the DL2, and the development in the PL2 of an intestine which becomes more pronounced in each succeeding stage, particularly in the adult female. Anguina agrostis is unusual among parasitic nematodes in that the DL2 has the thickest cuticle of all stages, including adults. The L4 and adult males have thicker cuticles than the females at the same stages of development. Moulting appears to involve resorption of the innermost basal zone of the shed cuticle as well as morphological and chemical changes to the epicuticle.  相似文献   

Maung M. 1978. The occurrence of the second moult of Ascaris lumbricoides and Ascaris suum. International Journal for Parasitology 8: 371–378. Eggs of Ascaris lumbricoides and A. suum were cultured at 28°C and observed daily. Larvae were released by pressure, by artificial hatching with CO2, and by natural hatching after infection of laboratory mice. The early stages of development in the egg were observed to comprise two moults, one occurring immediately after the other. Both moults were initiated within the egg, but the time of completion of the second moult varied considerably, and in some instances was not completed until the larvae reached the liver of experimentally infected animals.  相似文献   

Larval and adult life stages are described for Contortylenchus brevicomi (Massey) Rühm parasitizing a Mississippi population of Dendroctonus frontalis, the southern pine beetle. Fourth-stage larvae and free-living adult females of this species are identified and described for the first time. The life cycle of C. brevicomi can be reconstructed from this study. The adult female nematode lays eggs in a mature beetle. Larval development progresses within the hemocoel until fourth-stage larvae exit the host. Mating occurs in beetle galleries and only females enter an immature beetle host.  相似文献   

Michel J. F., Lancaster M. B. and Hong C. 1978. The length of Ostertagia ostertagi in populations of uniform age. International Journal for Parasitology8: 437–441. The conclusion that, in calves exposed to daily infection with larvae of Ostertagia ostertagi, adult worms are constantly lost and replaced was based, in part, on the observation that the length of the worms present decreased with time. The underlying assumption that worms do not shrink was examined in an experiment in which groups of calves received 8300, 25,000 and 75,000 larvae respectively in a single occasion and were killed at various times between the 20th and 132nd day thereafter.The length of the worms was inversely related to the initial worm burden but as worm burdens declined the worms did not grow. Instead, in the groups that received 25,000 and 75,000 larvae, decreases in worm length of 7% and 8% respectively were seen when most of the worms had been lost. Although it appears very probable that this was due to the more rapid loss of large worms than of small, the point could not be conclusively demonstrated.  相似文献   

Bpird A. F. and Sptynes B. A. 1981. The life cycle of Anguina agrostis: embryogenesis. International Journal for Parasitology11: 23–33. Egg development, from laying to hatching, of two widely separated populations of Anguina agrostis, has been followed over a range of temperatures. Development rates for these two populations have been shown to be identical with a thermal optimum between 18 and 20°C. The minimum time recorded for embryogenesis through to hatching was 9–10 days.Embryogenesis was inhibited by temperatures of 27°C and above and hatching by temperatures greater than 23°C.No significant differences were detected in the dimensions of eggs from either population. These eggs have an average length of 95 μm and an average width of 38 μm.Electron microscope studies of sections through eggs undergoing synchronous development show that the first and apparently only moult of the larva in the egg commences about 7 days after the start of embryogenesis under optimal conditions. The sequence of morphological events that occur throughout embryogenesis are described and recorded for whole specimens observed at low resolution and the moulting sequence is described from high resolution electron micrographs of the cuticles of synchronously developing embryos and larvae.  相似文献   

Berry G. N. and Cannon L. R. G. 1981. The life history of Sulcascaris sulcata (Nematoda: Ascaridoidea), a parasite of marine molluscs and turtles. International Journal for Parasitoiogy11: 43–54. The morphology, development and hatching of Sulcascaris sulcata eggs are described. Two moults occurred in the egg. Third stage larvae spontaneously hatched and were found to develop in marine bivalves and gastropods. Larvae grew steadily and after three to four months, when about 5 mm long, they moulted to fourth stage larvae characteristic of natural infections in bivalves from commercial catches. Experimentally, when fed to laboratory-reared Caretta caretta, the fourth stage larvae first attached at the oesophago-gastric junction where they moulted to adults in 7–21 days. Subsequent growth to mature adults was obtained by at least 5 months after infection. It is suggested that under natural conditions the life history may take up to 2 years to complete. These findings are discussed in relation to the predatory mode of feeding and the breeding habits of C. caretta and the significance of a possible health hazard to man.  相似文献   

It was recently coincidentally discovered, using 1H NMR spectroscopy, that the erythrocytes of two species of Australian marsupials, Tammar Wallaby (Macropus eugenii) and Bettong (Bettongia penicillata), contain relatively high concentrations of the essential amino acid lysine (Agar NS, Rae CD, Chapman BE, Kuchel PW. Comp Biochem Physiol 1991;99B:575–97). Hence, in the present work the rates of transport of lysine into the erythrocytes from the Common Brushtail Possum (Dactylopsila trivirgata) and Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus) (which both have low lysine concentrations), and Tammar Wallaby were studied, to explore the mechanistic basis of this finding. The concentration-dependence of the uptake was studied with lysine alone and in the presence of arginine, which may be a competitor of the transport in some species. In relation to GSH metabolism, glutamate uptake was determined in the presence and absence of Na+. The data was analysed to yield estimates of the maximal velocity (Vmax) and the Km in each of the species. Erythrocytes from Tammar Wallaby lacked saturable lysine transport in contrast to the other two species. The glutamate uptake was normal in all three animals for adequate GSH biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Sullivan J. J. and Chernin E. 1976. Oral transmission of Brugia pahangi and Dipetalonema viteae to adult and neonatal jirds. International Journal for Parasitology6: 75–78. Confirming previous studies, anaesthetized adult jirds became infected after oral doses of 100 infective larvae of B. pahangi; 4 of 5 jirds became microfilaria-positive and all 5 harbored adult worms. Among 7 unanaesthetized adult jirds similarly exposed, none developed microfilaraemia although 5 each harbored a few adult worms. In these unanaesthetized jirds, presumably, rapid passage of the inoculum through the mouth permitted fewer larvae to penetrate the mucosa, and the rest were probably killed in the stomach. Unanaesthetized 4-day old jirds proved highly and equally susceptible to oral or subcutaneous infection with B. pahangi as indicated by microfilaraemias and large worm-burdens. Direct and indirect evidence suggest that the baby's stomach and small intestine are not inimical to swallowed larvae, thus accounting for the relatively numerous mature worms in the peritoneal cavity. Third-stage larvae of D. viteae, readily infective subcutaneously, succeeded relatively infrequently in maturing when given orally to anaesthetized adult or to unanaesthetized baby jirds. Consistent oral infectivity may thus be a feature of filariae more closely related to B. pahangi.  相似文献   

Lesions and antibody kinetics produced by inoculation of Gnathostoma binucleatum larvae into dogs are described, as well as the morphology of the recovered parasites. In four out of five infected bitches parasite phases were found in the stomach. Only one bitch eliminated eggs and adult parasite phases in feces. In this bitch, the prepatency period lasted 22 weeks and the patency period 14 weeks. Necropsy results showed a copiously vascularized 8-cm diameter fibrous nodule lodged in the greater curvature of the stomach. Two bitches that eliminated no eggs showed 1- to 2-cm diameter nodules on the gastric wall, with five juvenile phases in each. One bitch that eliminated no eggs and exhibited no gastric nodules showed juvenile parasites on the gastric wall. Results confirm dogs as definitive hosts of this parasite. New data on the pathological and parasitological aspects of canine gnathostomosis are presented.  相似文献   

Beverdge I. and Ppresidente P. J. A. 1978. Rugopharynx rosemarie sp. nov. (Nematoda: Pharyngostrongylidae) from grey kangaroos (Macropus giganteus and M. fuliginosus) with life cycle stages and associated pathology. International Journal for Parasitology8: 379–387. Rugopharynx rosemariae new species is described from the stomachs of grey kangaroos, Macropus giganteus Shaw, 1790 and Macropus fuliginosus (Desmarest, 1817) from south-eastern Australia. The new species differs from other species of the genus in spicule length and in the length and shape of the oesophagus. Parasitic life-cycle stages are described from natural infections; free-living life-cycle stages were obtained by culturing eggs from gravid females. Third stage larvae burrow into the gastric mucosa producing small elevated nodules resulting from a localized fibroplastic and inflammatory reaction in the lamina propria and submucosa. Fourth stage and adult worms occur in the stomach lumen. Rugopharynx brevis (Canavan, 1931) is made a synonym of Rugopharynx australis (Mönnig, 1926).  相似文献   

Callinan A.P.L. 1978. The ecology of the free-living stages of Trichostrongylus axei. International Journal for Parasitology8: 453–456. The development and survival of the free-living stages of Trichostrongylus axei was studied in western Victoria in 1974–1976. For all plots in which development occurred, preinfective larvae (L1-L2) were recovered within 0–5 days, infective larvae (L3) in faeces within 4–28 days and L3 on herbage and soil within 4–21 days. The mean minimum development time to L3 on herbage and soil was 12.3 ± 0.7 days and the mean development time to maximum yield of these was 33.8 ± 7.4 days. A mean of 66.7 ± 6.6% of L3 on herbage and soil were actually found on herbage. Yields of L3 on herbage and soil varied from 0 to 8.9 % of the number of eggs put out on each plot. Yields varied approximately inversely as the mean daily temperatures for the period until maximum yield. No L3 were observed to survive over summer.  相似文献   

Bird A. F. and Riddle D. L. 1984. Effect of attachment of Corynebacterium rathayi on movement of Anguina agrostis larvae. International Journal for Parasitology 14: 503–511. The movement of freshly hatched larvae (FHL2) and dauer larvae (DL2) of Anguina agrostis was compared on ‘agarose’ plates. The DL2S moved faster and over greater distances. They were not attracted to Corynebacterium rathayi on agar plates, but contact with this bacterium, in most instances, markedly reduced their speed of movement. This reduction was found to be approximately proportional to the concentration of the bacteria (from 8 × 105 to 8 × 108 per ml) to which the DL2 were exposed prior to observation of their movement, as was the number of bacteria observed to be adhering when viewed under the light microscope. This type of bacterial attachment appeared to be largely stage specific as it was much more pronounced and characteristically different in the DL2 from that in the FHL2. This interaction between the DL2 and the bacterium was similar in material from fresh and from rehydrated nematode galls so that it was apparently not dependent on any surface cuticular changes associated with anhydrobiosis. Furthermore, pretreatment of the nematodes with the surfactant SDS did not influence attachment. An electron microscope study of sections cut through DL2 exposed to bacteria showed that this interaction was indeed not a surface phenomenon but that the bacteria exerted a pathological effect on the nematode. The bacterium's capsular material actually penetrated and broke down the nematode epicuticle and part of the cortical zone. These observations make it easier to understand the dramatic physiological responses of this nematode to these bacteria.  相似文献   

The emerging availability of microsatellite markers from mammalian sex chromosomes provides opportunities to investigate both male- and female-mediated gene flow in wild populations, identifying patterns not apparent from the analysis of autosomal markers alone. Tammar wallabies (Macropus eugenii), once spread over the southern mainland, have been isolated on several islands off the Western Australian and South Australian coastlines for between 10 000 and 13 000 years. Here, we combine analyses of autosomal, Y-linked and X-linked microsatellite loci to investigate genetic variation in populations of this species on two islands (Kangaroo Island, South Australia and Garden Island, Western Australia). All measures of diversity were higher for the larger Kangaroo Island population, in which genetic variation was lowest at Y-linked markers and highest at autosomal markers (θ=3.291, 1.208 and 0.627 for autosomal, X-linked and Y-linked data, respectively). Greater relatedness among females than males provides evidence for male-biased dispersal in this population, while sex-linked markers identified genetic lineages not apparent from autosomal data alone. Overall genetic diversity in the Garden Island population was low, especially on the Y chromosome where most males shared a common haplotype, and we observed high levels of inbreeding and relatedness among individuals. Our findings highlight the utility of this approach for management actions, such as the selection of animals for translocation or captive breeding, and the ecological insights that may be gained by combining analyses of microsatellite markers on sex chromosomes with those derived from autosomes.  相似文献   

Dalgliesh R. J. and Stewart N. P. 1982. Some effects of time, temperature and feeding on infection rates with Babesia bovis and Babesia bigemina in Boophilus microplus larvae. International Journal for Parasitology12: 323–326. Percentages of larval ticks in which Babesia bovis and B. bigemina parasites could be detected (infection rates) were determined after the larvae had been exposed to temperatures between 9°C and 27°C for periods of 1–35 days and then either fed on calves or heated at 37°C to stimulate babesial development. Infection rates with both species increased during 2–4 weeks after the larvae hatched, regardless of the temperature of exposure. Infection rates with B. bovis were higher after exposure of larvae to 14°C than to 27°C. This effect was less pronounced with B. bigemina. Infection rates were higher in fed larvae than in unfed, ‘heat stimulated’ larvae. The findings indicate that infected larval ticks become more efficient vectors of Babesia during the first 2–4 weeks after hatching and that repeated sampling of a tick population is necessary to determine valid infection rates.  相似文献   

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