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The biclustering method can be a very useful analysis tool when some genes have multiple functions and experimental conditions are diverse in gene expression measurement. This is because the biclustering approach, in contrast to the conventional clustering techniques, focuses on finding a subset of the genes and a subset of the experimental conditions that together exhibit coherent behavior. However, the biclustering problem is inherently intractable, and it is often computationally costly to find biclusters with high levels of coherence. In this work, we propose a novel biclustering algorithm that exploits the zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams (ZBDDs) data structure to cope with the computational challenges. Our method can find all biclusters that satisfy specific input conditions, and it is scalable to practical gene expression data. We also present experimental results confirming the effectiveness of our approach.  相似文献   

Wu Z  Ao J  Zhang X 《Bioinformation》2007,2(5):207-215
Biclustering, or the discovery of subsets of samples and genes that are homogeneous and distinct from the background, has become an important technique in analyzing current microarray datasets. Most existing biclustering methods define a bicluster type as a fixed (predefined) pattern and then trying to get results in some searching process. In this work, we propose a novel method for finding biclusters or 2-dimensional patterns that are significantly distinct from the background without the need for pre-defining a pattern within the bicluster. The method named Distinct 2-Dimensional Pattern Finder (D2D) is composed of an iterative reordering step of the rows and columns in the matrix using a new similarity measure, and a flexible scanning-and-growing step to identify the biclusters. Experiments on a large variety of simulation data show that the method works consistently well under different conditions, whereas the existing methods compared may work well under some certain conditions but fail under some other conditions. The impact of noise levels, overlapping degrees between clusters and different setting of parameters were also investigated, which indicated that the D2D method is robust against these factors. The proposed D2D method can efficiently discover many different types of biclusters given that they have distinctive features from the background. The computer program is available upon request.  相似文献   

We propose and study the notion of dense regions for the analysis of categorized gene expression data and present some searching algorithms for discovering them. The algorithms can be applied to any categorical data matrices derived from gene expression level matrices. We demonstrate that dense regions are simple but useful and statistically significant patterns that can be used to 1) identify genes and/or samples of interest and 2) eliminate genes and/or samples corresponding to outliers, noise, or abnormalities. Some theoretical studies on the properties of the dense regions are presented which allow us to characterize dense regions into several classes and to derive tailor-made algorithms for different classes of regions. Moreover, an empirical simulation study on the distribution of the size of dense regions is carried out which is then used to assess the significance of dense regions and to derive effective pruning methods to speed up the searching algorithms. Real microarray data sets are employed to test our methods. Comparisons with six other well-known clustering algorithms using synthetic and real data are also conducted which confirm the superiority of our methods in discovering dense regions. The DRIFT code and a tutorial are available as supplemental material, which can be found on the Computer Society Digital Library at http://computer.org/tcbb/archives.htm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe an approach for identifying 'pathways' from gene expression and protein interaction data. Our approach is based on the assumption that many pathways exhibit two properties: their genes exhibit a similar gene expression profile, and the protein products of the genes often interact. Our approach is based on a unified probabilistic model, which is learned from the data using the EM algorithm. We present results on two Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene expression data sets, combined with a binary protein interaction data set. Our results show that our approach is much more successful than other approaches at discovering both coherent functional groups and entire protein complexes.  相似文献   



One frequent application of microarray experiments is in the study of monitoring gene activities in a cell during cell cycle or cell division. A new challenge for analyzing the microarray experiments is to identify genes that are statistically significantly periodically expressed during the cell cycle. Such a challenge occurs due to the large number of genes that are simultaneously measured, a moderate to small number of measurements per gene taken at different time points, and high levels of non-normal random noises inherited in the data.  相似文献   

Finding statistically significant communities in networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Community structure is one of the main structural features of networks, revealing both their internal organization and the similarity of their elementary units. Despite the large variety of methods proposed to detect communities in graphs, there is a big need for multi-purpose techniques, able to handle different types of datasets and the subtleties of community structure. In this paper we present OSLOM (Order Statistics Local Optimization Method), the first method capable to detect clusters in networks accounting for edge directions, edge weights, overlapping communities, hierarchies and community dynamics. It is based on the local optimization of a fitness function expressing the statistical significance of clusters with respect to random fluctuations, which is estimated with tools of Extreme and Order Statistics. OSLOM can be used alone or as a refinement procedure of partitions/covers delivered by other techniques. We have also implemented sequential algorithms combining OSLOM with other fast techniques, so that the community structure of very large networks can be uncovered. Our method has a comparable performance as the best existing algorithms on artificial benchmark graphs. Several applications on real networks are shown as well. OSLOM is implemented in a freely available software (http://www.oslom.org), and we believe it will be a valuable tool in the analysis of networks.  相似文献   

Gene expression profiling offers a great opportunity for studying multi-factor diseases and for understanding the key role of genes in mechanisms which drive a normal cell to a cancer state. Single gene analysis is insufficient to describe the complex perturbations responsible for cancer onset, progression and invasion. A deeper understanding of the mechanisms of tumorigenesis can be reached focusing on deregulation of gene sets or pathways rather than on individual genes. We apply two known and statistically well founded methods for finding pathways and biological processes deregulated in pathological conditions by analyzing gene expression profiles. In particular, we measure the amount of deregulation and assess the statistical significance of predefined pathways belonging to a curated collection (Molecular Signature Database) in a colon cancer data set. We find that pathways strongly involved in different tumors are strictly connected with colon cancer. Moreover, our experimental results show that the study of complex diseases through pathway analysis is able to highlight genes weakly connected to the phenotype which may be difficult to detect by using classical univariate statistics. Our study shows the importance of using gene sets rather than single genes for understanding the main biological processes and pathways involved in colorectal cancer. Our analysis evidences that many of the genes involved in these pathways are strongly associated to colorectal tumorigenesis. In this new perspective, the focus shifts from finding differentially expressed genes to identifying biological processes, cellular functions and pathways perturbed in the phenotypic conditions by analyzing genes co-expressed in a given pathway as a whole, taking into account the possible interactions among them and, more importantly, the correlation of their expression with the phenotypical conditions.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the discovery of patterns in gene expression matrices, in which each element gives the expression level of a given gene in a given experiment. Most existing methods for pattern discovery in such matrices are based on clustering genes by comparing their expression levels in all experiments, or clustering experiments by comparing their expression levels for all genes. Our work goes beyond such global approaches by looking for local patterns that manifest themselves when we focus simultaneously on a subset G of the genes and a subset T of the experiments. Specifically, we look for order-preserving submatrices (OPSMs), in which the expression levels of all genes induce the same linear ordering of the experiments (we show that the OPSM search problem is NP-hard in the worst case). Such a pattern might arise, for example, if the experiments in T represent distinct stages in the progress of a disease or in a cellular process and the expression levels of all genes in G vary across the stages in the same way. We define a probabilistic model in which an OPSM is hidden within an otherwise random matrix. Guided by this model, we develop an efficient algorithm for finding the hidden OPSM in the random matrix. In data generated according to the model, the algorithm recovers the hidden OPSM with a very high success rate. Application of the methods to breast cancer data seem to reveal significant local patterns.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Recently, a new type of expression data is being collected which aims to measure the effect of genetic variation on gene expression in pathways. In these datasets, expression profiles are constructed for multiple strains of the same model organism under the same condition. The goal of analyses of these data is to find differences in regulatory patterns due to genetic variation between strains, often without a phenotype of interest in mind. We present a new method based on notions of tight regulation and differential expression to look for sets of genes which appear to be significantly affected by genetic variation. RESULTS: When we use categorical phenotype information, as in the Alzheimer's and diabetes datasets, our method finds many of the same gene sets as gene set enrichment analysis. In addition, our notion of correlated gene sets allows us to focus our efforts on biological processes subjected to tight regulation. In murine hematopoietic stem cells, we are able to discover significant gene sets independent of a phenotype of interest. Some of these gene sets are associated with several blood-related phenotypes. AVAILABILITY: The programs are available by request from the authors.  相似文献   



Time series gene expression data analysis is used widely to study the dynamics of various cell processes. Most of the time series data available today consist of few time points only, thus making the application of standard clustering techniques difficult.  相似文献   



Cells dynamically adapt their gene expression patterns in response to various stimuli. This response is orchestrated into a number of gene expression modules consisting of co-regulated genes. A growing pool of publicly available microarray datasets allows the identification of modules by monitoring expression changes over time. These time-series datasets can be searched for gene expression modules by one of the many clustering methods published to date. For an integrative analysis, several time-series datasets can be joined into a three-dimensional gene-condition-time dataset, to which standard clustering or biclustering methods are, however, not applicable. We thus devise a probabilistic clustering algorithm for gene-condition-time datasets.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The analysis of genome-scale data from different high throughput techniques can be used to obtain lists of genes ordered according to their different behaviours under distinct experimental conditions corresponding to different phenotypes (e.g. differential gene expression between diseased samples and controls, different response to a drug, etc.). The order in which the genes appear in the list is a consequence of the biological roles that the genes play within the cell, which account, at molecular scale, for the macroscopic differences observed between the phenotypes studied. Typically, two steps are followed for understanding the biological processes that differentiate phenotypes at molecular level: first, genes with significant differential expression are selected on the basis of their experimental values and subsequently, the functional properties of these genes are analysed. Instead, we present a simple procedure which combines experimental measurements with available biological information in a way that genes are simultaneously tested in groups related by common functional properties. The method proposed constitutes a very sensitive tool for selecting genes with significant differential behaviour in the experimental conditions tested. RESULTS: We propose the use of a method to scan ordered lists of genes. The method allows the understanding of the biological processes operating at molecular level behind the macroscopic experiment from which the list was generated. This procedure can be useful in situations where it is not possible to obtain statistically significant differences based on the experimental measurements (e.g. low prevalence diseases, etc.). Two examples demonstrate its application in two microarray experiments and the type of information that can be extracted.  相似文献   



The four heterogeneous childhood cancers, neuroblastoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and Ewing sarcoma present a similar histology of small round blue cell tumor (SRBCT) and thus often leads to misdiagnosis. Identification of biomarkers for distinguishing these cancers is a well studied problem. Existing methods typically evaluate each gene separately and do not take into account the nonlinear interaction between genes and the tools that are used to design the diagnostic prediction system. Consequently, more genes are usually identified as necessary for prediction. We propose a general scheme for finding a small set of biomarkers to design a diagnostic system for accurate classification of the cancer subgroups. We use multilayer networks with online gene selection ability and relational fuzzy clustering to identify a small set of biomarkers for accurate classification of the training and blind test cases of a well studied data set.  相似文献   

Retroviral insertional mutagenesis screens, which identify genes involved in tumor development in mice, have yielded a substantial number of retroviral integration sites, and this number is expected to grow substantially due to the introduction of high-throughput screening techniques. The data of various retroviral insertional mutagenesis screens are compiled in the publicly available Retroviral Tagged Cancer Gene Database (RTCGD). Integrally analyzing these screens for the presence of common insertion sites (CISs, i.e., regions in the genome that have been hit by viral insertions in multiple independent tumors significantly more than expected by chance) requires an approach that corrects for the increased probability of finding false CISs as the amount of available data increases. Moreover, significance estimates of CISs should be established taking into account both the noise, arising from the random nature of the insertion process, as well as the bias, stemming from preferential insertion sites present in the genome and the data retrieval methodology. We introduce a framework, the kernel convolution (KC) framework, to find CISs in a noisy and biased environment using a predefined significance level while controlling the family-wise error (FWE) (the probability of detecting false CISs). Where previous methods use one, two, or three predetermined fixed scales, our method is capable of operating at any biologically relevant scale. This creates the possibility to analyze the CISs in a scale space by varying the width of the CISs, providing new insights in the behavior of CISs across multiple scales. Our method also features the possibility of including models for background bias. Using simulated data, we evaluate the KC framework using three kernel functions, the Gaussian, triangular, and rectangular kernel function. We applied the Gaussian KC to the data from the combined set of screens in the RTCGD and found that 53% of the CISs do not reach the significance threshold in this combined setting. Still, with the FWE under control, application of our method resulted in the discovery of eight novel CISs, which each have a probability less than 5% of being false detections.  相似文献   

In high-throughput studies of diseases, terms enriched with disease-related genes based on Gene Ontology (GO) are routinely found. However, most current algorithms used to find significant GO terms cannot handle the redundancy that results from the dependencies of GO terms. Simply based on some numerical considerations, current algorithms developed for reducing this redundancy may produce results that do not account for biologically interesting cases. In this article, we present several rules used to design a tool called GO-function for extracting biologically relevant terms from statistically significant GO terms for a disease. Using one gene expression profile for colorectal cancer, we compared GO-function with four algorithms designed to treat redundancy. Then, we validated results obtained in this data set by GO-function using another data set for colorectal cancer. Our analysis showed that GO-function can identify disease-related terms that are more statistically and biologically meaningful than those found by the other four algorithms.  相似文献   

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