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In this study, we examined the age-related changes on morphometric parameters and ultrastructure of seminiferous tubules, and on the expression of extracellular matrix proteins in lamina propria of Syrian hamsters. A significant decrease in the percentage of normal tubules and an increase in the percentage of hypospermatogenic and arrested maturation tubules was observed with aging. Aged animals showed a decrease in tubular diameter, tubular lumen, seminiferous epithelium volume and total tubular volume. However, the total length of seminiferous tubules was significantly increased with aging. The most important ultrastructural changes with aging were the thickening of the lamina propria, the presence of diverse abnormalities in the spermiogenesis process, degeneration of germ cells, and vacuolization and flattening of Sertoli cells showing abundant lipofucsin droplets and residual bodies. Laminin immunoreactivity was found along the lamina propria of seminiferous tubules both in young and aged animals. Fibronectin immunoreactivity was found along the lamina propria and blood vessels. Both laminin and fibronectin total volume of immunostaining per testis was increased in aged hamsters. In conclusion, the age-related changes in seminiferous tubules of hamster include: a decrease in tubular width and an increase in tubular length; widening of the lamina propria caused by a more extensive connective matrix between the peritubular cells and the basal membrane; and a strong disarrangement of the seminiferous epithelium, including germ cell degeneration and important alterations in both spermiogenesis and Sertoli cell structure.  相似文献   

Androgen receptors (AR) were studied in seminiferous tubule cytosol and testicular nuclear extracts prepared from testes of previously untreated elderly men undergoing orchiectomy as therapy for prostatic carcinoma. Cytosol exhibited high affinity (Kd = 0.8 nM), saturable binding of [3H]methyltrienolone; however, the synthetic progestin, promegestone was a stronger competitor for MT binding sites than were 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or testosterone (T), suggesting the presence of progesterone-like binding sites. Addition of triamcinolone acetonide (TA) produced the usual relative steroid specificity for AR binding and reduced the measured AR binding capacity by 19 +/- 8% (Mean +/- SD, n = 3). The umber of MT binding sites was 30-40 fmol/mg protein, or an average of 65 fmol/g testis, and the equilibrium dissociation constant at 0 degrees C was 0.6-1.4 nM. In the presence of sodium molybdate, binding was stable for 40 h at 0 degrees C and the half-time of dissociation of the MT-AR complex was 12-16 h. The binding of salt extractable (600 mM KCl) nuclear sites to MT was saturable and was specific for androgens. The number of binding sites in nuclear extracts was 170 fmol/g testis and the apparent equilibrium dissociation constant was 4.2 nM. Thus, the binding of MT to human seminiferous tubule cytosol and testicular nuclear extract exhibits properties which are nearly identical to those of the prostate AR. Further study of this androphilic protein may provide insight into the role of androgen in normal and abnormal spermatogenesis in man.  相似文献   

Summary Seminiferous tubules from human testes were mechanically isolated, the cut edges were sealed, and the tubules were cultured in medium free of fetal calf serum (FCS). Degeneration of germ cells occurred during the culture period and was paralleled by a disruption of the seminiferous epithelium, a disturbance in morphology and function of Sertoli cells, and a thickening of the lamina propria. However, when tubules were cultured for 5 days in the presence of FCS, degeneration of the spermatogenic tissue was reduced. FCS increased the mitotic activity of germ cells, but did not maintain normal morphology and function of Sertoli cells and cellular elements of the lamina propria. The thickening of the tubular wall concurred with a change in phenotype of lamina-propria cells from myoid to fibroblastic. Addition of nerve growth factor (NGF) to the culture medium (i) maintained the myoid phenotype of lamina-propria cells, (ii) prevented thickening of the tubular wall, and (iii) stabilized Sertoli cell morphology and function. The effects of NGF appeared to depend on the trophic effects of FCS, since NGF alone had no influence on the maintenance of a regular morphology of the spermatogenic epithelium. The present results indicate a decisive role for NGF in stabilizing specific functions of seminiferous tubules.  相似文献   

Sertoli cells are the primary structural component of the fetal testis cords and postnatal seminiferous tubules. Live imaging technologies facilitate the visualization of cell morphologies and behaviors through developmental processes. A transgenic mouse line was generated using a fragment of the rat Gata4 gene to direct the expression of a dual-color fluorescent protein reporter in fetal and adult Sertoli cells. The reporter encoded a red fluorescent protein, monomeric Cherry (mCherry), fused to histone 2B and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) fused to a glycosylphosphatidylinositol sequence, with a self-cleaving 2A polypeptide separating the two fusion proteins. After translation, the red and green fluorescent proteins translocated to the nucleus and plasma membrane, respectively, of Sertoli cells. Transgene expression in testes was first detected by fluorescent microscopy around Embryonic Day 12.0. Sertoli cell division and migration were visualized during testis cord formation in organ culture. Initially, the Sertoli cells had mesenchyme-like morphologies and behaviors, but later, the cells migrated to the periphery of the testis cords to become epithelialized. In postnatal seminiferous tubules, Sertoli nuclei were evenly spaced when viewed from the external surface of tubules, and Sertoli cytoplasm and membranes were associated with germ cells basally in a rosette pattern. This mouse line was bred to previously described transgenic mouse lines expressing EGFP in Sertoli cytoplasm or a nuclear cyan fluorescent protein (Cerulean) and mCherry in plasma membranes of germ cells. This revealed the physical relationship between Sertoli and germ cells in developing testis cords and provided a novel perspective on Sertoli cell development.  相似文献   

Localization of snRNA at the ultrastructural level was studied in the nucleolus of CHO cells by EM autoradiography. In conditions where snRNA U3 is the only RNA species labelled in the nucleolus, silver grains were largely found at the periphery, over the granular ribonucleoprotein component and the perinucleolar condensed chromatin; this enrichment was quantitatively significant. Inhibition of pre-rRNA synthesis with actinomycin D did not alter the concentration or the distribution of U3 inside the nucleolus. The results are consistent with the demonstration that U3 is hydrogen-bonded to 28S pre-rRNA, and thus should be found in the granular compartment where 32S-28S pre-rRNA is assembled into 55s RNP.  相似文献   

The innervation pattern in the buffalo testis was determined by using histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. Nerves were concentrated in the tunica albuginea and septula testis, and did not show an uniform distribution. The tunica albuginea at the lateral and medial sides and at the free border of the testis is most densely innervated than at the epididymal border. At the cranial pole thick nerve bundles were observed between albugineal vessels and muscle bundles. Rare parenchymal nerves were found in perivascular position between seminiferous tubules and their occurrence is confined to lobules at the cranial and caudal testicular poles. An intense NPY immunoreactivity occurred in nerve bundles and in solitary varicose fibres. Nerves were concentrated in the tunica albuginea at the lateral and medial side and at the free border of the testis, and in the lobules at the cranial and caudal testicular poles. Sub P immunoreactivity was occasionally detected in some thicker nerve bundles and solitary fibers, in the tunica albuginea and in the wall of blood vessels, showing a similar distribution but less intensity and density than NPY immunoreactivity. TH immunoreactivity stained nerve fibers in the buffalo testis with a distribution pattern similar to that obtained with general neuronal markers. The histochemical reaction for AchE was negative, so cholinergic fibers cannot be detected in the buffalo testis. The histochemical NADPHd reaction stained rare nitrergic nerve bundles and solitary fibers. The majority of NADPHd activity was confined to the vascular endothelium, and rarely to the interstitial Leydig cells, whereas the Sertoli and germ cells did not show any reaction.  相似文献   

For many infertile couples, intracytoplasmic germ cell/spermatozoon injection into unfertilized eggs may be their only hope for producing their own biological children. Thus far, success with injection of pre-spermatozoan germ cells such as round spermatids has not been as great as that of spermatozoon injection. This could be due in part to the difficulty of identifying younger (less mature) male germ cells in testicular biopsy dispersions. To improve the identification of various types of live, dispersed, human testicular cells in vitro, a comparative study of the morphological characteristics of human spermatogenic germ cells in vitro or in situ within seminiferous tubules was conducted. Live human testicular tissue was obtained from an organ-donating, brain-dead person with a high density of various germ cells. A cell suspension was obtained by enzymatic digestion, and cells were cultured for 3 days in an excessive volume (100-fold medium:cells; v:v) of HEPES-TC 199 medium at 5 degrees C and observed live with Nomarski optics (interference-contrast microscopy). For comparative purposes, testes from ten men obtained at autopsy were fixed, embedded in epoxy resin, sectioned at 20 microm, and observed unstained by Nomarski optics. This approach allowed comparison of morphological characteristics of individual germ cells seen in vitro or in situ in the human testis. In both live and fixed preparations from control men with varied daily sperm production rates, Sertoli cells have oval to pear-shaped nuclei with indented nuclear envelopes and large nucleoli, which makes their appearance distinctly different from germ cells. The size, shape, and chromatin pattern of nuclei, and the presence of meiotic metaphase figures, acrosomic vesicles/structures, tails, and/or mitochondria in the middle piece of germ cells are characteristically seen in live cells in vitro and in those cells observed in the fixed seminiferous tubules. Hence, this comparative approach allows verification of the identity of individual germ cells seen in vitro and provides a checklist of distinguishing characteristics of live human germ cells, to be used by scientists and technical staff in infertility clinics when selecting specific germ cells from a testicular aspirate or enzymatically digested biopsy.  相似文献   

Coffey  J. C  Mcdermott  K. W 《Brain Cell Biology》1997,26(3):149-161
Using an immunohistochemical approach we have characterized the in vivo developmental distribution of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein within the rat CNS. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein expression emerged in a non-uniform manner during the first 3 postnatal weeks. Although it was absent throughout the CNS of the newborn rat at postnatal day 0(P0), it had appeared in the spinal cord and brainstem by P7. The forebrain and cerebellum remained devoid of immunoreactivity until after P14. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein emerged at different times within the closely associated fasciculi of the dorsal funiculus. It appeared in the fasciculus cuneatus during the first postnatal week and in the fasciculus gracilis and corticospinal tracts during weeks 2 and 3 respectively. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein expression developed along a caudo-rostral gradient from spinal cord to forebrain and along an antero-posterior gradient within the CNS in general. The relationship between the onset of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein expression and myelinogenesis was also investigated. In most regions, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein expression lagged behind the initial appearance of myelin basic protein and Luxol Fast Blue-stained myelin by at least 1 week. These observations support the idea that myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein is the latest myelin protein to appear in development, only being expressed during the final stages of oligodendrocyte differentiation. Furthermore, the pattern of staggered expression within the dorsal columns indicates that localized, region-specific interactions may comprise a key element in the control of the terminal phases of oligodendrocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

By means of the electron microscopy method, testes of the human fetuses 6--9 weeks of the intrauterine development (the period, when the gonadal structure differentiates according to the sex) have been studied. In 6--7-week-old fetuses the anlages of the convoluted seminiferous tubules are formed, most of the cells being the supporting ones. They adjoin the basal membrane, while the germ cells do not contact with it and are divided from the latter with a thin processes of the supporting cells cytolasm. Already at early stages of the gonad formation according to the masculine type, many supporting cells form specific processes with a long thin peduncle and a pin-like dilatation at the end. They are situated, as a rule, in the intercellular spaces, sometimes--project into the cytoplasmic recess of the neighbouring supporting cell. These structures have common structural features with the tubulobulbar complexes occurring among the supporting cells of a mature testis. Since in the fetus there is no spermatogenesis, the formation mentioned should be considered as a morphological manifestation of specific differentiation of the supporting cells.  相似文献   

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