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The ongoing IgE antibody formation against ovalbumin (OA) in high responder mice was depressed by i.v. injections of either native or urea-denatured ovalbumin (UD-OA). Adoptive transfer experiments to determine the helper function of spleen cells from the treated animals showed that helper function for both IgE and IgG antibody responses diminished after treatment. Evidence was obtained that treatment suppressed the expansion of IgE-G memory cells. When the same treatment with OA or UD-OA was given to OA-primed mice before the appearance of IgE antibody in their serum, OA-specific splenic suppressor T cells were demonstrable. Thus, the transfer of splenic T cells from treated mice into normal mice suppressed the primary IgE and IgG antibody responses of the recipeints to DNP-OA. It was also found that the transfer of the splenic T cells from UD-OA-treated mice into OA-primed mice depressed ongoing IgE antibody formation in the recipients. The results suggested strongly that the decrease of helper function and the depression of ongoing IgE antibody formation by repeated injections of UD-OA was caused by generation of antigen (OA)-specific suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

The kinetics of IgE antibody response to alum-absorbed dinitrophenyl derivatives of ovalbumin (DNP-OA) was dependent on the dose of immunogen. A persistent IgE antibody response was obtained when high responder BDF1 mice were immunized with a minimum (0.05 microgram) dose. An increase of the immunogen to 10 microgram depressed IgE antibody responses but enhanced IgG antibody responses of both hapten and carrier specificities. Determination of T helper cell activity and B memory cells after immunization with different doses of antigen indicated that minimum immunogen was favorable for developing helper activity, whereas 1 to 10 microgram immunogen were more favorable than a 0.05-microgram dose for developing both IgE and IgG B memory cells. Nevertheless, neither helper T cells nor B memory cells in the spleen explains a transient IgE antibody response to a high (10 microgram) dose of DNP-OA. Evidence was obtained that immunization with 10 microgram OA induced generation of antigen-specific suppressor T cells, which were not detectable after immunization with 0.05 microgram OA. Transfer of suppressor T cells to DNP-OA-primed mice depressed both anti-hapten and anti-carrier IgE antibody responses. The results suggested strongly that suppressor T cells are involved in a transient IgE antibody response to a high-dose immunogen.  相似文献   

The major antigenic determinants in ovalbumin molecules (OA) were lost following denaturation in 8 M urea. The urea-denatured antigen (UD-OA) failed to combine with anti-OA antibody, but was capable of priming mouse T cells specific for OA. BDF1 mice primed with alum-precipitated OA were given three intravenous injections of 100 μg UD-OA at 3, 5, and 7 days after the primary immunization. The treatment with UD-OA suppressed both IgE and IgG antibody responses to OA. The same treatment of OA-primed animals with intravenous injections of OA resulted in suppression of IgE antibody response but enhanced IgG antibody response. Intravenous injections of either OA or UD-OA suppressed both IgE and IgG anti-DNP antibody responses of DNP-OA-primed animals but failed to suppress anti-hapten antibody responses to DNP-keyhole limpet hemocyanin. The effect of the treatment on helper T cells and B memory cells in OA-primed animals was studied by adoptive transfer experiments. The results showed that the OA-treatment as well as UD-OA-treatment suppressed the development of both helper function of T cells and B memory cells in the spleen, but the UD-OA treatment was more effective than OA-treatment for the suppression of B cell development. Possible mechanisms for the suppression of the development of immunocompetent cells were discussed.  相似文献   

Normal splenic lymphocytes from BDF1 mice were cultured on ovalbumin (OA)-bearing syngeneic peritoneal adherent cells for 5 days and their subsequent helper function was tested by an adoptive transfer technique. Lymphocytes harvested from the culture were mixed with DNP-KLH-primed spleen cells and transferred into irradiated syngeneic mice followed by challenge with DNP-OA. The results showed that the cultured lymphocytes has helper function for both IgE and IgG anti-DNP antibody responses. Depletion of mast cells and T cells in the peritoneal adherent cell preparations did not affect the generation of helper cells in the culture. The helper function of the cultured lymphocytes was abolished by the treatment with anti-theta antiserum and complement and was specific for ovalbumin. The OA-specific helper T cells were generated in vitro by the culture of a T cell-rich fraction of normal spleen on T cell-depleted OA-bearing peritoneal cells. If the normal splenic lymphocytes or T cell-rich fraction were cultured with 10 mug/ml of OA in the absence of macrophages, cultured lymphocytes lacked helper function. The transfer of splenic lymphocytes or splenic T cells cultured with soluble OA to normal non-irradiated mice, however, suppressed both IgG and IgE antibody responses of the recipients to subsequent immunization with DNP-OA. The suppressor cells were sensitive to anti-theta antiserum and complement and their activity was specific for OA. The cultured cells transferred into normal mice did not suppress anti-hapten antibody response to DNP-KLH. Normal lymphocytes cultured on OA-bearing macrophages and had helper function in adoptive transfer experiments failed to suppress antibody response of non-irradiated recipients to DNP-OA. The results indicate that OA-bearing macrophages primed T cells and generated helper T cells, whereas the culture of normal lymphocytes with soluble OA in the absence of macrophages generated suppressor T cells.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to increase the activity of suppressor cells in vitro. Antigen-specific suppressor cells were induced by i.v. injections of urea-denatured ovalbumin (UD-OA) into OA-primed mice. Nonadherent splenic lymphocytes from the UD-OA-treated mice were incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 hr with either OA or OA-bearing macrophages and lymphocytes harvested from the culture were examined for the ability to suppress primary anti-hapten antibody response on nonirradiated mice to DNP-OA. The results showed that the suppressive activity of the lymphocytes increased after culture of the cells with OA or OA-bearing macrophages. Similar results were obtained when nylon column-purified T cell-rich fraction of the lymphocytes were similarly cultured. The suppressive activity was associated with theta-bearing lymphocytes and was specific for OA. Suppressor cells were not induced by the culture of OA-primed lymphocytes with OA. The helper function of splenic lymphocytes from both UD-OA-treated mice and OA-primed mice was enhanced by the culture of the cells with OA-bearing macrophages but not by culture with OA in the absence of macrophages.  相似文献   

Mice of the inbred strains SJL (H-2s) and AKR (H-2k) are "non-responders" and "low-responders," respectively, in terms of their capacity to develop antibody responses of the IgE class when immunized with conventional proteins and hapten-protein conjugates under conditions optimal for eliciting IgE responses in "high-responder" mice, such as BALB/c (H-2d), to these same antigens. For example, BALB/c mice preimmunized with ASC and then challenged 7 days later with DNP-ASC develop peak augmented primary IgE anti-DNP antibody responses of 320 PCA units, whereas SJL and AKR mice develop responses which are 16-fold and 4-fold lower, respectively. However, pretreatment of the latter two strains with appropriate doses of either x-irradiation (150 R), cyclophosphamide (100 mg/kg) or ALS (150 mul) before carrier-preimmunization strikingly enhances the magnitude of IgE antibody responses in such mice to levels as high as 64-fold above those of untreated control mice of the same strains. Evidence obtained in these experiments indicates that the capacity of such maneuvers to to convert poor IgE responders to high responder status reflects elimination of nonantigen-specific suppressor T lymphocytes which are naturally present and normally function to suppress or "dampen" the IgE antibody response in a relatively selective manner. It appears that these cells modulate IgE responses by acting at least at two distinct points: 1) The most effective activity seems to be at the level of induction of carrier-specific helper T cells; 2) A second locus of inhibitory activity is more distal in the response, either impeding helper T cell-B cell cooperative interactions or suppressing B cell differentiation and/or function directly. Taken collectively, these observations demonstrate that the state of poor responsiveness of the SJL and AKR strains for the IgE antibody class is not a reflection of a genetic inability to develop IgE responses but rather a manifestation of a genetic capability to actively inhibit IgE antibody synthesis.  相似文献   

These studies describe the conditions under which antibody-forming cells and TDTH cells are selectively induced in vitro. TDTH cells are preferentially stimulated when high doses of antigen are included in the culture. Antibody-forming cells, on the other hand, are optimally stimulated with a 100 to 1000-fold less concentration of antigen. The conditions that optimally stimulate TDTH cells also induce a population of suppressor T cells that inhibit the antibody response. However, although their inductive requirements are similar, the suppressor T cells of antibody formation are a distinct subpopulation of cells from the TDTH cells. Whereas the suppressor T cells are LY-1-, 2+, 4-, 6+, and Ia+; the TDTH cells are Ly-1+, 2+/-, 4-, 6+, and Ia-. Furthermore, the DTH cells are sensitive to high doses of irradiation, whereas the suppressor cells are resistant. Based on the Ly phenotype and the kinetics of suppression, the suppressor T cells are not the "feedback suppressors" that have been identified in other systems. The system described in this paper provides a means whereby the cells that regulate humoral and CMI can be studied in vitro.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to generate Ag-specific suppressor T cells from Ag-primed spleen cells by using glycosylation inhibiting factor (GIF). BDF1 mice were primed with alum-absorbed OVA and their spleen cells were stimulated with OVA. Ag-activated T cells were then propagated in IL-2-containing conditioned medium. Incubation of the T cells with OVA-pulsed syngeneic macrophages resulted in the formation of IgE-potentiating factor and glycosylation-enhancing factor that has affinity for OVA, i.e., OVA-specific glycosylation-enhancing factor. However, if the same Ag-activated splenic T cells were propagated in the IL-2-containing medium in the presence of GIF T cells obtained in the cultures formed IgE-suppressive factors and OVA-specific GIF on antigenic stimulation. Thus we constructed T cell hybridomas from the Ag-activated T cells propagated by IL-2 in the presence of GIF. A representative hybridoma, 71B4, formed OVA-specific GIF on incubation with OVA-pulsed macrophages of BDF1 mice or C57B1/6 mice. However, if the same hybridoma cells were incubated with OVA alone or with OVA-pulsed macrophages of H-2k or H-2d strains, they produced GIF that had no affinity for OVA. The OVA-specific GIF bound to OVA-Sepharose but did not bind to BSA-Sepharose or KLH Sepharose. Intravenous injections of the OVA-specific GIF from the hybridoma suppressed the IgE and IgG1 anti-DNP antibody response of BDF1 mice to DNP-OVA, but failed to suppress the anti-hapten antibody responses of the strain to DNP-keyhole limpet hemocyanin, indicating that the factors suppressed the antibody response in a carrier-specific manner. However, the same OVA-specific GIF failed to suppress the anti-hapten antibody response of DBA/1 mice to DNP-OVA, suggesting that the immunosuppressive effects of the factors is MHC restricted.  相似文献   

In vitro induction of anti-DNP IgE as well as IgG1, IgG2a antibody responses was shown in murine spleen cell culture. Spleen cells primed three times with 1 mug of DNP-OA or DNP-Asc produced significant amounts of anti-DNP IgE as well as IgG antibodies by the in vitro stimulation with DNP-OA or DNP-Asc, respectively. Collaboration between DNP-primed B cells and carrier-primed T cells was required for the induction of both IgE and IgG antibodies with DNP-coupled T-dependent antigen. Carrier-specific T cells induced with a low dose of Asc (0.01 mug) showed helper function only on IgE antibody response, whereas T cells primed with a higher dose of Asc (10 mug) cooperated only with IgG-B cells. T cells primed with Asc in CFA showed helper function mainly on IgG antibody response but not on IgE antibody response. The result indicated the presence of a distinct population of T helper cells for IgE and IgG antibody responses. T-independent antigen (DNP-Ficoll) induced both anti-DNP IgE and IgG antibody responses in DNP-primed spleen cell population without the requirement of the collaboration of helper T cells.  相似文献   

In order to explore idiotypic, anti-idiotypic, and anti-anti-idiotypic responses to allergens, BALB/c mice were immunized with affinity-purified human idiotypic antibodies directed against a highly purified shrimp allergen. This resulted in the production of anti-idiotypic antibodies which were quantitated by using rabbit idiotypic antibodies raised against the same purified allergen. The mouse anti-idiotypic antibodies recognized shrimp-specific human idiotypic antibodies of the IgE isotype from 18 of 20 individuals, and IgG antibodies from 14 of 20 shrimp-sensitive patients. Immunization of BALB/c mice with affinity-purified, allergen-specific anti-idiotypic antibodies induced anti-allergen IgE and IgG responses in the absence of the allergen. This paper thus presents evidence that anti-idiotypic antibodies raised against allergen-specific idiotypic antibodies may substitute for the original allergen in the induction of allergen-specific idiotypic antibodies. The demonstration of shared idiotopes on IgG and IgE antibodies in the sera of shrimp-sensitive patients supports the use of allergen-specific anti-idiotypic antibodies as surrogate allergens.  相似文献   

Induction of CD4 suppressor T cells with anti-Leu-8 antibody   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To characterize the conditions under which CD4 T cells suppress polyclonal immunoglobulin synthesis, we investigated the capacity of CD4 T cells that coexpress the surface antigen recognized by the monoclonal antibody anti-Leu-8 to mediate suppression. In an in vitro system devoid of CD8 T cells, CD4, Leu-8+ T cells suppressed pokeweed mitogen-induced immunoglobulin synthesis. Similarly, suppressor function was induced in unfractionated CD4 T cell populations after incubation with anti-Leu-8 antibody under cross-linking conditions. This induction of suppressor function by anti-Leu-8 antibody was not due to expansion of the CD4, Leu-8+ T cell population because CD4 T cells did not proliferate in response to anti-Leu-8 antibody. However, CD4, Leu-8+ T cell-mediated suppression was radiosensitive. Finally, CD4, Leu-8+ T cells do not inhibit immunoglobulin synthesis when T cell lymphokines were used in place of helper CD4 T cells (CD4, Leu-8- T cells), suggesting that CD4 T cell-mediated suppression occurs at the T cell level. We conclude that CD4 T cells can be induced to suppress immunoglobulin synthesis by modulation of the membrane antigen recognized by anti-Leu-8 antibody.  相似文献   

In vitro cooperative responses between hapten-primed anti-Thy-1.2 plus C-treated spleen cells and carrier-primed T cells have different isotypic patterns depending on the source of the T helper cells. T helper cells from primed lymph node induce IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG2b PFC responses, whereas T helper cells from primed spleen induce only an IgG1 type of response. The addition of activated spleen cells to the lymph node cells suppresses their ability to generate IgG2a and IgG2b PFC responses. The suppressor cells involved have been characterized. Functionally, they appear as nonantigen specific and isotype specific, because they never reduce the IgG1 response. They are Lyt-2.2 positive, Lyt-1 negative, and radiosensitive. Their relative resistance to anti-Thy-1.2 plus C treatment indicates that they express low amounts of this antigen or that they are heterogeneous concerning the expression of Thy-1.2.  相似文献   

Rabbits were immunized with dinitrophenyl-coupled Ascaris antigen (DNP-Asc) or ragweed antigen (DNP-Rag) included in aluminum hydroxide gel and their mesenteric lymph node cells were cultured for 24 hr in vitro in the presence of free homologous carrier. The cell-free supernatant thus obtained enhanced both IgG and IgE antihapten antibody responses of DNP-primed cells to DNP-heterologous carrier conjugate (DNP-keyhole limpet hemocyanin). Since the cell-free supernatant obtained from Rag-specific cells enhanced antibody response of hapten-primed cells raised by immunization with DNP-Asc, no carrier specificity was involved in the enhancement. It was found that treatment of primed cells with 10-5 M pactamycin suppressed the formation of the enhancing soluble factor, whereas the factor was readily formed in the presence of 2 mug/mol of cytosine arabinoside in the culture. The results indicated that cell proliferation was not required but de novo synthesis of protein was essential for the formation of soluble factor(s). The enhancing factor was not absorbed by either carrier-coated or anti-carrier antibody-coated immunosorbent. It was also found that the enhancing factor was formed by incubating primed cells with carrier-coated Sepharose. The cell-free supernatant containing no free carrier enhanced both IgG and IgE anti-hapten antibody responses. The activities of the cell-free supernatant to enhance IgG and IgE antibody responses were not absorbed by anti-Fab, anti-gamma-or anti-mu-chain antibody immunosorbent, indicating that the nonspecific enhancing factor did not possess immunoglobulin determinant. The cell-free supernatant was fractionated by sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation and by gel filtration with three radiolabeled proteins, i.e., IgG, ovalbumin, and cytochrome C as markers. Enhancing activity for IgG antibody response was recovered in a fraction between ovalbumin peak (40,000 m.w.) and cytochrome C peak (20,000 m.w.). The activity for IgE antibody response was recovered in a fraction containing IgG marker (150,000 m.w.). By block electrophoresis, both activities were detected in beta globulin fraction. The results suggested that different T cell factors are involved in the IgG and IgE antibody responses.  相似文献   

During the course of generating tetanus toxoid (TT)-specific T cell clones frm an HLA-DR2,7 donor, four clones were obtained which proliferated in the presence of autologous monocytes alone without the addition of TT antigen. This proliferation was specifically inhibited by anti-HLA-DR framework mouse monoclonal antibody, and appeared to be HLA-DR-restricted. Two of the clones proliferated in response to HLA-DR2-bearing monocytes, and the other two clones proliferated in response to HLA-DR7-bearing monocytes. The capacity of these four autoreactive human T cell helper clones to induce IgE synthesis in B cells was studied. All four clones stimulated autologous peripheral blood B cells to synthesize IgE and IgG antibody. Induction of IgE synthesis in B cells by the autoreactive T cell clones followed the same pattern of HLA-DR restriction which governed the proliferative response of these clones. These results suggest that the interaction of autoreactive helper T cells with B cell HLA-DR antigens may be important in the activation of IgE immune responses in humans.  相似文献   

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