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报道了中国列蛾属Autosticha 33种昆虫,其中有23新种和中国3新纪录种.新种包括:连斑列蛾A.conjugiopuncla sp.nov.,茨坪列蛾A.cipingensis sp.nov.,小喜列蛾A.microphilodema sp.nov.,多斑列蛾A.maculosa sp.nov.,勐仑列蛾A.menglunica sp.nov.,粗鳞列蛾A.squarrosa sp.nov.,南昌列蛾A.nanchangensis sp.nov.,淡黄列蛾A.flavida sp.nov.,二瓣列蛾A.valvifida sp.nov.,复瓣列蛾A.complexivalvula sp.nov.,迷列蛾A.fallaciosa sp.nov.,直斑列蛾A.rectipunctata sp.nov.,齿瓣列蛾A.valvidentata sp.nov.,天目山列蛾A.tianmushana sp.nov.,异域列蛾A.heteramalla sp.nov.,沈氏列蛾A.shenaesp.nov,五峰列蛾A.wufengensis sp.nov.,奇异列蛾A.mirabilis sp.nov.,弓瓣列蛾A.arcivalvaris sp.nov.,刺列蛾A.oxyacantha sp.nov.,棒列蛾A.bacilliformis.sp.nov.,赤水列蛾A.chishuiensis sp. nov.和涉县列蛾A.shexianicasp.nov..中国新纪录种有:和列蛾A.modicella(Christoph,1882),粗点列蛾A.pachysticta(Meyrick,1936)和截列蛾A.truncicola Ueda,1997.此外,还报道了1个新组合--喜列蛾A.philodema(Meyrick,1938),comb.nov..文中提供了新种的外生殖器特征图.模式标本保存在南开大学生物系.  相似文献   

本文报道鞘蛾属宽棘鞘蛾组(Coleophorasalicorniaegroup)分布于中国的29个种,其中包括12个新种和15个中国新纪录种:小瓣连棘鞘蛾ColeophoraarmeniaebaldizzoneetPatzak新纪录于新疆(乌鲁木齐、精河、察布查尔、塔城、北屯),国外分布于乌克兰、亚美尼亚、哈萨克斯坦和吉尔吉斯斯坦;直连棘鞘蛾C.artaFalkovitsh新纪录于青海(循化),国外分布蒙古;驼绒基连棘鞘蛾C.ceratoidis(Falkovitsh)新纪录于新疆(塔城),同外分布于蒙古和俄罗斯;小蓬连棘鞘蛾C.diogenesFalkovitsh新纪录于新疆(乌鲁木齐),国外分布乌兹别克斯坦;骨茎连棘鞘蛾(新种)C.ossaedeagasp.nov.分布青海(湟源);垂瓣连棘鞘蛾(新种)C.pendulivalvulasp.nov.分布新疆(乌鲁木齐);毛角连棘鞘蛾C.pilicornisRebel新纪录于陕两(杨陵)、内蒙古(赤峰、锡林浩特)、黑龙江(黑河),国外分布匈牙利、罗马利亚、南斯拉夫、俄罗斯(乌苏里)和蒙古;韦氏连棘鞘蛾C.weymarniToll分布于内蒙古(扎兰屯、锡林浩特、东乌珠穆沁)、黑龙江(黑河、五大连池);宽瓣束棘鞘蛾(新种)C.lativalvasp.nov.分布新疆(乌鲁木齐)、内蒙古(锡林浩特、东乌珠穆沁)、黑龙江(五大连池);新散棘鞘蛾(新种)C.novisqualorell  相似文献   

报道了中国展足蛾属5新种和1新纪录种,绘制了新种的外生殖器特科。模式标本保存在南开大学生物系。  相似文献   

The species of Scleropactidae from America are revised and redescribed. A phylogeny hypothesis based on an analysis of morphological characters is presented. The genera are redefined and the generic placement of several species is corrected. The Neotropical Scleropactidae include Colomboscia , Scleropactes , Circoniscus , Neosanfilippia , Sphaeroniscus , Richardsoniscus , Spherarmadillo , Colomboniscus , Amazoniscus and Protosphaeroniscus . The genus Chileoniscus is excluded from the Scleropactidae. Sphaerobathytropa is excluded from the Scleropactidae and its previous record from Argentina is revealed to be erroneous. Synuropus is revalidated and excluded from the Scleropactidae. The following new genera are introduced: Scleropactoides gen. nov. , Globopactes gen. nov. , Caecopactes gen. nov. , and Troglopactes gen. nov. Thirteen species are described as new: Caecopactes minimus sp. nov. , Colomboscia parva sp. nov. , Globopactes falconensis sp. nov. , Globopactes hispidus sp. nov. , Globopactes meridae sp. nov. , Scleropactes cotopaxii sp. nov. , Scleropactes ecuadoriensis sp. nov. , Scleropactes pululahua sp. nov. , Scleropactoides curvatus sp. nov. , Circoniscus hirsutus sp. nov. , Sphaeroniscus quintus sp. nov. , Spherarmadillo nebulosus sp. nov. , and Chileoniscus armadillidioides sp. nov. Identification keys to all species are provided.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 151 (Suppl. 1), 1–339.  相似文献   

记述中国真叶蝇属6新种:短须真叶蝇P.brevipalpis sp.nov.,瘤突真叶蝇P.gangliiformisa sp.nov.,李氏真叶蝇P.lii sp.nov.,长毛真叶蝇P.longisetae sp.nov.,黑腹真叶蝇P.melanogastera sp.nov.和黑缘真叶蝇P.nigrimarginata sp.nov.,编制了本属中国种类的检索表.  相似文献   

The genus Parapsylla (Homoptera: Psylloidea) is redescribed and placed in the Diaphorininae of the Family Aphalaridae. Its relationships within this subfamily are discussed. The genus Agmapsylla syn. nov. is placed into the synonymy of Parapsylla , and Pennavena syn. nov. and Eudiaphorina syn. nov. are placed into the synonymy of Diaphorina. The eight known species of Parapsylla are distributed in southern Africa and upland areas of East Africa. Host plant relationships are not clearly established but the genus appears to be associated with species of Maytenus (Celastraceae), Olinia (Oliniaceae) and possibly Olea (Oleaceae) and Syzygium (Myrtaceae). Parapsylla relicta syn. nov, and A. aureus syn. nov. are placed into the synonymy of Arytaina capensis. Parapsylla capensis comb. nov. is transferred from Arytaina, Parapsylla valens comb. nov. is transferred from Diaphorina , and the following new species are described: P. angolensis sp. nov., P. eafra sp. nov., P. huila sp. nov., P. marginipennis sp. nov., P. rufa sp. nov. and P. theroni sp. nov.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships amongst the Arminidae were analysed based upon morphological characters of 58 presently described species or nudibranchs, including 35 previously described Arminidae and 20 new species of Dermatobranchus. From the literature review and anatomical examinations, 43 characters were considered for 78 taxa. These characters were polarized using Berthella canariensis as the outgroup taxon and the type species of several other genera identified from recent publications. The resulting phylogeny supports the monophyly of Arminidae, Dermatobranchus, Doridina, and Proctonotidae. The paraphyly of the Arminina is further demonstrated in this study. Two previously described, but poorly known, species of Indo-Pacific Armina are redescribed, Armina magnaBaba, 1955 and Armina paucifoliataBaba, 1955. The anatomy and taxonomic status of nine previously described species of Dermatobranchus were examined in this study. The anatomy of Dermatobranchus pustulosus (van Hasselt, 1824) has been overlooked since Bergh (1888) illustrated the radula of van Hasselt's specimen. It is redescribed and its range is extended to several new localities in the western Pacific. Dermatobranchus pulcherrimus Miller & Willan, 1986 is considered here as a new synonym of Dermatobranchus rubidus (Gould, 1852). The following 20 species of Dermatobranchus are new and are described in the present paper: Dermatobranchus albineus sp. nov., Dermatobranchus arminus sp. nov., Dermatobranchus caesitius sp. nov., Dermatobranchus caeruleomaculatus sp. nov., Dermatobranchus cymatilis sp. nov., Dermatobranchus dendonephthyphagus sp. nov., Dermatobranchus diagonalis sp. nov., Dermatobranchus earlei sp. nov., Dermatobranchus fasciatus sp. nov., Dermatobranchus funiculus sp. nov., Dermatobranchus kalyptos sp. nov., Dermatobranchus kokonas sp. nov., Dermatobranchus leoni sp. nov., Dermatobranchus microphallus sp. nov., Dermatobranchus oculus sp. nov., Dermatobranchus phyllodes sp. nov., Dermatobranchus piperoides sp. nov., Dermatobranchus rodmani sp. nov., Dermatobranchus semilunus sp. nov., and Dermatobranchus tuberculatus sp. nov. Eighteen of these new taxa are found in the Indo-Pacific tropics and two are found in temperate South Africa, D. albineus and D. arminus. Unique combinations of morphological characters distinguish these as new species of Dermatobranchus. Several species that are externally similar have radically divergent internal morphology, are members of different clades of Dermatobranchus, and represent cryptic species. Especially important is the radular morphology, which shows remarkable diversity of form, probably related directly to the diversification of feeding of members of this clade on various octocorals.  相似文献   

Four new species in the hermatypic scleractinian coral genus Acropora art described from southeast Africa. Two species, A. natalensis sp. nov. and A. mossambica sp. nov. , occur in both South Africa and Mozambique. Two species, A. sordiensis sp. nov. , and A. branchi sp. nov. , are only known from northern Natal in South Africa. A. branchi sp. nov. and A. mossambica sp. nov. are intertidal species and were collected from permanent tidal pools. A. sordiensis sp. nov. and A. natalensis sp. nov. are strictly subtidal species.  相似文献   

系统研究了中国苔麦蛾属Bryotropha,中国新纪录,记述6新种2中国新纪录种。文中提供了两性外生殖器特征图和分种检索表。模式标本保存于陕西师范大学动物研究所。拟寿苔麦蛾Bryotropha ambisenectella sp.nov.分布于甘肃和陕西,该种与寿苔蛾Bryotropha senectella(Zeller)相似,但雄性外生殖器抱器腹突出平缓;雌性外生殖器前阴片后缘凸起。短瓣苔麦蛾  相似文献   

武春生  方承莱 《昆虫学报》2008,51(8):861-867
首次报道铃刺蛾属Kitanola Matsumura及环铃刺蛾K. uncula (Staudinger)在中国有分布,并记述7新种,即针铃刺蛾K. spina sp. nov.,小针铃刺蛾K. spinula sp. nov.,线铃刺蛾K. linea sp. nov.,灰白铃刺蛾K. albigrisea sp. nov.,蔡氏铃刺蛾K. caii sp. nov.,短颚铃刺蛾K. brachygnatha sp. nov.和宽颚铃刺蛾K. eurygnatha sp. nov.。编制了本属中国已知种的检索表,提供了成虫彩色照片和外生殖器特征图。新种模式标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

Three new species of Nepalomyia henanensis species group are described from China, N. damingshanus sp. nov., N. dongae sp. nov., and N. shennongjiaensis sp. nov. A key to known species of this species group is presented.  相似文献   

中国稀切叶蚁属系统分类研究(膜翅目,蚁科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
记载中国稀切中蚁属Oligomsrmex Mayr18种,其中描述8新种。分别编制了兵蚁和工蚁的检索表。评论了该属中国种类的分类历史。18个已知种依是卷须稀切叶蚁O.capreolus Wheeler,高结稀切叶蚁O.altinodus sp.nov,弯刺稀切叶蚁O.curvispinus sp.nov,条纹稀切叶蚁O.striatus sp.nov,尖刺稀切叶蚁O.acutispinus sp.nov,惠勒稀切叶蚁O.wheeleri Ettershank,钝齿稀切叶蚁O.obtusi-dentus sp.nov,双角稀切叶蚁O.bihornatus sp.nov,多音稀切叶蚁O.polyphemus Wheeler,邵氏稀切叶蚁O.sauteri Forel,香港稀切叶蚁O.taiponicus Wheeler,直背稀切叶蚁O.rectidorsus sp.nov,湖南稀切叶蚁O.hunanensis Wu et Wang,纹头稀切叶蚁O.reticapitus sp.nov,拟亮稀切叶蚁O.pseudolusciosus Wu et Wang,光亮稀切叶蚁O.lusciosus Wheeler,江西稀切叶蚁O.jiangxiensis Wu et Wang,阿美稀切叶蚁O.amius Forel。  相似文献   

本文记述中国柱麦蛾属Athrips Billberg5种:无突柱麦蛾A;agnathos sp.nov.,双膨柱麦蛾A;bidilatata sp.nov.厚瓣柱麦蛾A.crassivaqlva sp.nov,七点柱麦蛾A.septempunctata sp.nov.和柴达木柱麦蛾A.saidamica Emelyanov et Piskunov,1982。  相似文献   

本文报道了我国鼎湖山牛肝菌20个种,其中4个新种,1个新变种以及15个国内新记录。褐小牛肝菌属 Fuscoboletinus Pomerleau et Smith 和南方牛肝菌属 Austroboletus(Corner)Wolf为新纪录属。4个新种是:辐射状条孢牛肝菌 Boletellus radiatus Bi sp. nov.,亚黄褐牛肝菌 Boletus subfulvus Bi sp. nov.,变红褐色牛肝菌 Boletus rufo-brunnescens Bi sp.nov.以及近浅灰色牛肝菌 Boletus subgriseus Bi sp. nov.。1个新变种为小近白褐疣柄牛肝菌Leccinum subleucophaeum Dick et Snell var. minimum Bi var. nov.。文中有分属和分种的检索表。新种和新变种均有汉文和拉丁文描述。  相似文献   

The genus Hemistola Warren from China is reviewed, and seven new species are described: H. viridimargo, sp. nov., H. glauca sp. nov., H. asymmetra sp. nov., H. arcilinea sp. nov., H. flavifimbria sp. nov., H. orbiculosoides sp. nov. and H. stueningi sp. nov. Two species, acyra and christinaria, are transferred from Hemistola to Maxates and Comostola, respectively: Maxates acyra comb. nov. and Comostola christinaria comb. nov. Including the 25 species previously known from China, a total of 32 species is now recorded. All Chinese species are redescribed. Generic characters based on all species are summarized. Illustrations of adults and genitalia are presented.  相似文献   

记述小石蛾属Hydroptila 的4新种,双钩小石蛾H.biuncialis Zhou et Yang,sp.nov.(江西),细角小石蛾H.leptocera Zhou et Yang,sp.nov.(江西,广西),内刺小石蛾H.introspinata Zhou et Sun,sp.nov.(黑龙江)和长板小石蛾H.longitabularis Zhou et Yang,sp.nov.(广西);编写了我国小石蛾属分种检索表.模式标本保存于南京农业大学昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

The Chinese cleptoparasitic bee genus Tetralonioidella Strand,1914 is studied.Fourteen species are found in China,with nine new species,namely T.damenglongensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.dinghuensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.emeiensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.goumenensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.leigongensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.longqiensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.maniwengensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,T.tianmuensis Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.and T.wuae Niu & Zhu,sp.nov.,respectively.T.pendleburyi (Cockerell,1926) is firstly recorded in China.An illustrated key to Chinese known species is provided.All type specimens of new species are deposited in the Institute of Zoology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing,China.  相似文献   

报道记述了采自马来西亚的蚱科28种,其中包括6新种(Phaesticus azemii sp. nov., Discotettix adenanii sp. nov, Discotettix selangori sp. nov.,Scelimena hafizaii sp. nov, Scelimena razalii sp. nov.和Gavialidium phangensum sp. nov.),并包括马来西亚新记录种11种。提供了马来西亚已记录属和种的检索表。  相似文献   

多菌蚊属研究及新种记述(双翅目,菌蚊科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述中国多菌蚊属6新种及中国1新纪录种,简单介绍了该属的形态特征、生活史及地理分布,模式标本保存在浙江林学院昆虫标本室。本属为中国新纪录属。  相似文献   

One new genus and six new species of palaeonemerteans are described and illustrated from Hong Kong and the New Territories; these are Hubrechtella sinimarinus sp. nov. and Parahubrechtia jillae gen. et sp. nov. in the Hubrechtidae, and Callinera bergendali sp. nov., Carinina sinensis sp. nov., Tubulanus hylbomi sp. nov. and Tubulanus longivasculus sp. nov. in the Tubulanidae. These bring the known number of pa-laeonemertean species from Hong Kong to 11; a key to these species, based primarily upon features distinguishable in the living animals, is provided.  相似文献   

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