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Three pairs of nonspiking giant interneurons (NGIs; G1, G2, and G3) of the crayfish brain responded with depolarizing and hyperpolarizing graded potentials to body tilt in roll to the ipsi- and contralateral sides in the dark. The higher and the larger the angle of body tilt, the larger was the amplitude of the geotactic responses. In ipsilaterally statocystectomized animals, all the NGIs responded with hyperpolarizing potentials only to the contralateral side-down tilt, whereas in contralaterally statocystectomized animals, they responded with depolarizing potentials only to the ipsilateral side-down tilt. In bilaterally statocystectomized animals, none of the NGIs responded to body tilt in the dark, but in the presence of an overhead light, they exhibited depolarizing and hyperpolarizing potentials in response to body tilt to the ipsi-and contralateral sides, respectively. All the NGIs responded with depolarizing and hyperpolarizing graded potentials to illumination of the contra- and ipsilateral eyes, respectively. The amplitude of these visual responses, however, varied in association with the amplitude of the geotactic response produced by body tilt. These results indicate that the NGIs integrate the sensory inputs from eyes and statocysts and that the interaction between sensory inputs from the left and right sensory organs with either the same modality or with different modalities enhance the directional sensitivity of NGIs as premotoneurons in the compensatory oculomotor system.  相似文献   

Studies of crayfish chemical ecology have been conducted in both day and night conditions. This variation may hinder the comparison of data among studies, if the responses by crayfish to chemical cues are dependent upon the time at which the cues are encountered. We tested the hypothesis that responses to chemical cues are dependent on observation time using the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. Procambarus clarkii is known to exhibit a light-regulated circadian rhythm, with nocturnal activity peaks. Habitat use differed significantly between non-stimulated periods and periods of exposure to a food stimulus, but no effects of photoperiod (normal vs. reversed) or laboratory conditions (dark vs. light) were observed. The results suggest that, all else being equal, (1) studies of crayfish chemical ecology can be successfully conducted in a variety of experimental conditions, and (2) previous studies conducted at various times of the day should have comparable results.  相似文献   

Six longitudinal ridges span the length of the intestine in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii. A simple columnar epithelium with tetralaminar cuticle lines the lumen. Folds of the epithelium overlie a dense irregular connective tissue packed with mixed acinar (alveolar) glands. Mucous secretions are probably involved with formation and lubrication of faecal strings; neither the nature nor the role of the serous secretions is immediately apparent. Aggregations of cells with large cytoplasmic vacuoles, called bladder cells, appear in the subepithelial connective tissue near the tops of the intestinal ridges. The bladder cells are suitably positioned to bolster the integrity of the ridges. Striated muscle of the intestine occurs in inner longitudinal and outer circular layers. The inner longitudinal layer consists of six strips, with one strip associated with the base of each intestinal ridge. The outer circular layer is essentially complete, but there are periodic apertures in this layer on the left and right sides of the intestine, providing nerves and haemolymph vessels with access to the interior of the gut. Based on histological features, and consistent with reports on other crayfish, we conclude that the intestine of P. clarkii has a proctodeal (ectodermal) origin.  相似文献   

Studies of crayfish chemical ecology have been conducted in both day and night conditions. This variation may hinder the comparison of data among studies, if the responses by crayfish to chemical cues are dependent upon the time at which the cues are encountered. We tested the hypothesis that responses to chemical cues are dependent on observation time using the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. Procambarus clarkii is known to exhibit a light-regulated circadian rhythm, with nocturnal activity peaks. Habitat use differed significantly between non-stimulated periods and periods of exposure to a food stimulus, but no effects of photoperiod (normal vs. reversed) or laboratory conditions (dark vs. light) were observed. The results suggest that, all else being equal, (1) studies of crayfish chemical ecology can be successfully conducted in a variety of experimental conditions, and (2) previous studies conducted at various times of the day should have comparable results.  相似文献   

Lateral asymmetry is found widely among vertebrates, but is scarcely observed in invertebrates. Here, morphological asymmetry and behavioral laterality of a wild crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, was investigated. The carapace morphology of crayfish showed left–right differences; in some, the right side of the carapace was larger than the left side, while in others, the left side was larger. A bimodal distribution in the direction of escape behaviors induced by a tactile stimulus was also observed. Experimental crayfish were definitively divided into two groups: individuals that frequently jumped leftward (right type) and those that jumped rightward (left type). Moreover, carapace asymmetry and lateralized escape responses were significantly correlated. These results suggest that crayfish exhibit left–right dimorphism in natural populations. The ecological advantages and maintenance mechanisms underlying these behaviors are also discussed.  相似文献   

Porras MG  De Loof A  Breuer M  Aréchiga H 《Peptides》2003,24(10):1581-1589
The undecapeptide corazonin (pGlu-Thr-Phe-Gln-Tyr-Ser-His-Gly-Trp-Thr-AsnNH(2)) elicits a retraction of erythrophore pigment granules and dispersion of leucophore pigment granules in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii. The effects are dose-dependent from 10(-10) to 10(-5)M. Influence on erythrophores is lower than that of Red Pigment Concentrating Hormone (RPCH), which is inactive on leucophores. Corazonin effects are partly blocked by an anti-corazonin antibody, and even less by an anti-RPCH antibody. Corazonin effects are completely suppressed by the calcium chelator BAPTA. Immunoreactive somata and fibers were identified in various regions of the eyestalk (medulla terminalis, medulla interna and medulla externa) with the anti-corazonin antibody. These results suggest the possible existence of a corazonin-like peptide in crustaceans.  相似文献   

This study aimed at investigating the extent of accumulation of selenium in the hepatopancreas of the crayfish Procambarus clarkii and its effects on the enzymatic activities of catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase. Crayfish were fed for 15 days either a diet enriched in Se, ED (1.21 mg kg-1) or a standard diet, SD (0.30 mg kg-1). Results showed that Se accumulation is higher in the sample subject to ED rather than to SD. A sexual difference was found for the response of the analyzed enzymes in the ED sample only. Catalase activity and glutathione peroxidase activity decreased in females and males, respectively, whereas glutathione reductase activity showed significant reductions in both sexes. These preliminary data might provide information about prooxidant effects of Se on P. clarkii when fed a Se enriched diet.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic calcium binding protein (SCP) is an invertebrate EF-hand calcium buffering protein that has been proposed to fulfill a similar function in muscle relaxation as vertebrate parvalbumin. We have identified three SCP variants in the freshwater crayfish Procambarus clarkii. The variants (pcSCP1a, pcSCP1b, and pcSCP1c) differ across a 37 amino acid region that lies mainly between the second and third EF-hand calcium binding domains. We evaluated tissue distribution and response of the variants to cold exposure, a stress known to affect expression of parvalbumin. Expression patterns of the variants were not different and therefore do not provide a functional rationale for the polymorphism of pcSCP1. Compared to hepatopancreas, expression of pcSCP1 variants was 100,000-fold greater in axial abdominal muscle and 10-fold greater in cardiac muscle. Expression was 10-100 greater in fast-twitch deep flexor and extensor muscles compared to slow-twitch superficial flexor and extensors. In axial muscle, no significant changes of pcSCP1, calmodulin (CaM), or sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase (SERCA) expression were measured after one week of 4°C exposure. In contrast, large decreases of pcSCP1 were measured in cardiac muscle, with no changes in CaM or SERCA. Knockdown of pcSCP1 by dsRNA led to reduced muscle activity and decreased expression of SERCA. In summary, the pattern of pcSCP1 tissue expression is similar to parvalbumin, supporting a role in muscle contraction. However, the response of pcSCP1 to cold exposure differs from parvalbumin, suggesting possible functional divergence between the two proteins.  相似文献   

Pattern formation and ommatidial differentiation in the crayfish retina were analyzed using confocal, light and electron microscopy. Optic primordia first appear in the embryo as round elevations covered by a surface epithelial layer. Retinal differentiation begins with a wave of mitotic activity that moves across this epithelium from lateral to medial. Ommatidial cell clusters are visible at the surface along a transition zone, which lies at the interface of the medial undifferentiated retina and the lateral patterned retina. This zone is 8–10 cells wide and composed of small uniform cell profiles. Lateral to the transition zone the initial ommatidial cell clusters form staggered rows across the surface. Each first row cluster contains eight retinula cells surrounded by four cone, two corneagenous and two distal pigment cells. Ommatidial clusters in the first nine rows show significant changes in their organization, which are visible at the surface of the retina. In row 10 the retinula cells recede from the surface and the cone cells close in above them creating a constant cell pattern at the surface. Rhabdome development begins distally and extends downward as the retinula cluster recedes from the surface. Movement of the retinula cells inward and enlargement of the cone and corneagenous cells at the surface creates a two-tiered organization characteristic of each ommatidium. Comparison of retinal pattern formation and differentiation in the crayfish with retinal morphogenesis in Drosophila and other insects show several similarities between the two arthropod groups.  相似文献   

A numerical model was developed to determine advective-diffusive transport of odorant molecules to olfactory appendages of the crayfish, Procambarus clarkii. We tested the extent of molecule transport to the surfaces of aesthetasc sensilla during an antennule flick and the degree of odorant exchange during subsequent flicks. During the rapid downstroke of a flick, odorant molecules are advected between adjacent aesthetascs, while during the slower return stroke, these odorants are trapped between the sensilla and molecular diffusion occurs over a sufficient time period to transport odorants to aesthetasc surfaces. During subsequent flicks, up to 97.6?% of these odorants are replaced with new odorant molecules. The concentration of molecules captured along aesthetasc surfaces was found to increase with increased gap spacing between aesthetascs, flick speed, and distance from the proximal end of the aesthetasc, but these changes in morphology and flicking kinematics reduce the animal's ability to take discrete samples of the odorant-laden fluid environment with each flick. Results suggest that antennule flicking allows discrete sampling of the time- and space-varying odorant signal, and high concentration odorant filaments can be distinguished from more diffuse, low concentration filaments through changes in both the timing and the encounter rate of odorant molecules to aesthetasc surfaces.  相似文献   

Summary The morphological features of descending interneurons that responded to the artificial bending of statolith hairs were assessed with intracellular recording and staining techniques. Seven statocyst interneurons were identified on the basis of their structure and response characteristics and designated as interneurons S1 to S7. All seven identified interneurons project to the optic lobe, where the optic nerve also projects, and to the dorsal part of the tritocerebrum, where the eyestalk motoneurons originate. All except interneuron S6 also extend their major branches to other neuropilar regions. S2 projects to the dorsal part of the deutocerebrum, where the statocyst nerve terminates, and S3 to the dorsal part of deutocerebrum and the antennal lobe. Four other interneurons (S1, S4, S5, S7) also extend their branches to the parolfactory lobe to which the statocyst nerve projects as well as to the deutocerebrum and antennal lobe. The extensive dendritic projections of S1–S7 suggest that they are complex multimodal interneurons rather than simple relay interneurons, receiving at least visual and statocyst sensory information. The function of the antennal lobe branches, however, has yet to be determined since the functional role of antennal input in equilibrium control is unknown.  相似文献   

  • 1.1.|The high-energy phosphorylation metabolism in crayfish, Procambarus clarkii eggs during brooding and juvenile crayfish after hatching was studied by in vivo31P nuclear magnetic resonance (31P NMR) spectroscopy.
  • 2.2.|Inorganic phosphoric acid (Pi) and adenosine-5′-triphosphate ATP(γ-,α-,β-) were detected in the dark brownish red eggs after oviposition.
  • 3.3.|In orange unhatched eggs, only sugar phosphate (SP), Pi and resolved phosphometabolite from ATP were observed.
  • 4.4.|Peaks of SP, Pi, arginine phosphate (Arg-P), and ATP (γ,α,β) appeared in larvae of crayfish after hatching (nauplius, zoea and juvenile crayfish).
  • 5.5.|The high-energy phosphorylation metabolism changed to an anaerobic condition along with a decrease in the concentration of dissolved oxygen in fresh water.

Fresh water crayfish Procambarus clarkii is known to accumulate d-alanine remarkably in muscle after seawater acclimation, accompanied by an increase in alanine racemase activity. We have purified alanine racemase from crayfish muscle to homogeneity. The enzyme is a monomeric protein with a molecular mass of 58 kDa. It is highly specific to alanine and does not racemize l-serine, l-aspartate, l-glutamate, l-valine and l-arginine. The enzyme shows the highest activity at pH 9.0 in the conversion of l- to d-alanine and at pH 8.5 in the reverse conversion. Properties such as amino acid sequence, quaternary structure, pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP)-dependency, pH-dependency and kinetic parameters seem to be distinct from those of the microbial alanine racemases. Various salts including NaCl at concentrations around seawater level were potently inhibitory for the activity in both of l- to -d and d- to -l direction.  相似文献   

1. In the crayfish brain, the responses of local spiking interneurons to body roll simulated by bending of statocyst hairs, were investigated with intracellular recording and staining techniques. The neurons had two separate branching portions in the protocerebrum and the deutocerebrum. They were named as type-I local neurons and further classified into 5 types (ac-U, vplc-U, vplc-B, vupc-U, vupc-B). 2. Vupc-U neurons showed excitatory responses and vplc-U neurons showed inhibitory responses to inward hair deflection of the statocyst ipsilateral to their deutocerebral branches. The other 3 types were of mixed populations of the interneurons showing either excitatory or inhibitory responses to the stimulation. 3. Of 10 type-I local neurons showing excitatory responses to inward hair deflection, 6 interneurons had output effects on oculomotor and/or descending neurons. All these 6 interneurons showed large EPSPs and much higher frequency of spikes to the hair stimulation than those of the other 4. All 8 type-I local neurons that showed inhibitory responses had no output effects. 4. Type-I local neurons controlled two equilibrium responses, compensatory eye movement and righting reflex, either simultaneously or independently.  相似文献   

The intestinal muscles of Procambarus clarkii are striated and yet they are specialized to produce slow peristaltic waves of contraction, not unlike those seen in vertebrate visceral smooth muscle. These muscles cannot be tetanized either by repetitive stimulation or by elevated potassium saline. The excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling mechanism was explored and compared with that known in crustacean skeletal muscle. Contraction is dependent on external Ca2+ which triggers the release of intracellular calcium from the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) via calcium-induced calcium release (CICR). Whereas contraction force is proportional to [Ca2+]o up to that in normal saline (13.4 mM), higher levels of Ca2+ reduce force. Ryanodine, which blocks calcium release from the SR, abolishes electrically stimulated contractions and CICR. Relaxation is achieved by removal of calcium from the cytosol in at least two ways, first by the re-loading of calcium into the SR by Ca2+-ATPases and second by the movement of calcium out of the cell by extruding it across the sarcolemma via Na+/Ca2+-exchangers. It is hypothesized that the inability of this muscle to show tetanus arises from inactivation of the voltage-gated calcium channels by high calcium. This is supported by the result that caffeine application causes an increase in tonus and size of phasic contractions by circumventing the sarcolemma and dumping SR calcium stores.  相似文献   

Under hyper-salinity stress from freshwater to 17 and 25 ppt seawater, red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii largely accumulated D- and L-alanine together with glycine, L-glutamine, and L-proline in both muscle and hepatopancreas. The increases of D- and L-alanine in muscle were the highest in all amino acids and reached 6.8- and 5.4-fold, respectively, from freshwater to 25 ppt seawater. These results indicate that both D- and L-alanine are the most potent osmolytes for intracellular isosmotic regulation in crayfish as well as other crustaceans thus far examined. Under anoxia stress below 0.1 mg/l dissolved oxygen for 12 h and subsequent recovery in normoxia for 12 h in freshwater, 17 and 25 ppt seawater, muscle ATP decreased dramatically in all salinity levels and almost depleted in seawater. Along with the decrease of muscle glycogen level, the significant increase of L-lactate was found in muscle, hepatopancreas, and hemolymph for each salinity level, suggesting the transport of L-lactate from muscle into hepatopancreas via hemolymph. Under anoxia, D- and L-alanine also largely increased in both muscle and hepatopancreas for each salinity level. The increase was much higher in seawater than in freshwater. Thus, both D- and L-alanine are possible to be anaerobic end products during prolonged anaerobiosis of this species.  相似文献   

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