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王文采   《广西植物》2007,27(1):1-28
(1)对毛莨科铁线莲属Clematis的铁线莲组sect.Viticella进行了分类学修订,确定此组包含13种,1亚种和2变种(包括2新种和1新变种等级),写出此组的分类学简史和地理分布;将此组划分为3亚组,4系,写出区分组下各级分类群的检索表,以及各种植物的形态描述,地理分布,生长环境等,并附有多幅插图。(2)特产我国东部的单型毛萼铁线莲亚组subsect.Hancockianae(花具4枚平展,不展宽的萼片,雄蕊无毛)被认为此组的原始群。铁线莲亚组subsect.Floridae(花具5-8枚平展,强烈展宽的萼片,雄蕊无毛,花粉具散孔)和湖州铁线莲亚组subsect.Viticellae(花具4枚渐升,多少展宽的萼片,雄蕊花丝常被缘毛,花粉具3沟)可能均由毛萼铁线莲亚组衍生而出。(3)在我国东部集中分布此组的3亚组,3系的8种,1亚种和1变种,这里是此组的分布中心,也可能是此组的起源中心。  相似文献   

铁线莲属单性铁线莲组修订   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对毛茛科铁线莲属Clematis L.的单性铁线莲组sect. Aspidanthera Spach s.l.进行了全面修订,确定此组共含72种和15变种,这些被归类于6个亚组中,其中包括首次描述的1系、5种和2变种,以及做出的2新等级。对单性铁线莲组的分类学简史和地理分布做了介绍。写出了组、亚组、系的形态特征和地理分布,分亚组检索表及各亚组的分种检索表;以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等,并附有多幅插图。在研究了此组全部种类的标本之后,观察到此组几个重要形态特征的演化趋势:(1)萼片在数目上由  相似文献   

对毛茛科铁线莲属Clematis L.的单性铁线莲组sect. Aspidanthera Spach s.l.进行了全面修订,确定此组共含72种和15变种,这些种被归类于6个亚组中,其中包括首次描述的1系、5种和2变种,以及做出的2新等级.对单性铁线莲组的分类学简史和地理分布做了介绍.写出了组、亚组、系的形态特征和地理分布,分亚组检索表及各亚组的分种检索表;以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等,并附有多幅插图.在研究了此组全部种类的标本之后,观察到此组几个重要形态特征的演化趋势(1)萼片在数目上由4枚演变到8枚,在开展方向上由平展到直上展,在形状上由长圆形到狭条形,在长度上由比雄蕊稍长到2-4倍长于雄蕊,其卷叠式由镊合状到次生的覆瓦状;(2)花药药隔顶端由不具突起到具短或长的突起;(3)雌花退化雄蕊的数目由多数到定数、少数,以至完全消失;(4)花序自当年生枝的叶腋发生演变到与数叶同自老枝的一腋芽中发出.根据上述演化趋势推断本组各亚组间的亲缘关系如下subsect. Dioicae (34种,广布于北美洲和南美洲)的花构造(萼片4,镊合状排列,平展,通常呈长圆形,稍长于雄蕊或近等长,外面边缘被短绒毛;雄蕊花药呈长圆形,药隔顶端无突起;雌花具多数退化雄蕊;花序自当年生枝的叶腋发出)与具两性花的威灵仙组欧洲铁线莲亚组sect. Clematis subsect. Clematis 的花极为相似,区别主要在于本亚组的花为单性,由此判断subsect. Dioicae可能是单性铁线莲组sect. Aspidanthera的原始群,源出于欧洲铁线莲亚组.本组的第二亚组subsect. Lasianthae(2种,分布于北美西南部)与subsect. Dioicae 在亲缘关系上极为相近,区别只在于其花序或具花当年生枝与数叶一同由老枝的一个腋芽中发出,此亚组当是从subsect. Dioicae衍生出的一个小群.第三亚组subsect. Microphyllae(7种,特产澳大利亚)也与subsect. Dioicae相近缘,但此亚组的萼片变狭长,多呈条形或狭条形,常2-4倍长于多少变短的雄蕊,雌花的退化雄蕊数目变少,16-2枚,根据这些进化特征,推测此亚组也源出于subsect. Dioicae.第四亚组subsect. Aristatae (16种,分布于澳大利亚、新几内亚及邻近岛屿)与subsect. Microphyllae 在亲缘关系上相近,但本亚组的花药药隔顶端具短或长的突起而不同,根据此进化特征,推测本亚组系由后者演化而出.第五亚组subsect. Hexapetalae (11种,特产新西兰)的花构造与分布于澳大利亚的subsect. Microphyllae相似,但其萼片为覆瓦状排列,外面边缘不被短绒毛,在多数种多于4枚,为5-8枚而不同.据Godley 的研究,本亚组中的C. afoliata的花有4枚萼片,排成2轮,每轮的2枚萼片均为近镊合状排列;另外,在C. paniculata花的6枚萼片中,4枚为覆瓦状排列,其他2枚有时内向镊合状排列.从上述情况可见此亚组的萼片覆瓦状卷叠式可能是由镊合状卷叠式演变而来的一种次生现象,并由此推测,此亚组可能与subsect. Microphyllae相同,也源自美洲的subsect.Dioicae.最后一个亚组subsect. Insidiosae(2种,特产马达加斯加)的雌花萼片直上展,退化雄蕊完全消失,具有这些进化特征,当是单性铁线莲组的进化群,可能源出自具定数或少数退化雄蕊的subsect. Microphyllae.  相似文献   

1 BrieftaxonomichistoryInthefirstrevisionofthegenusClematisL .madebydeCandolle (1818) ,some 17unisexualspecieswererecognizedandallputinthelargeheterogeneoussectionFlammulaDC .,andtogetherwithotherbisexualspecieswereclassifiedintofivegroups:C .peruvianaDC .andC .caracasanaH .B .K .(=C .guadeloupaePers.)with 14speciesofsect.Clematis,sect.Brachiatae ,sect.Meclatis,andsect.Viornasubsect.Connataewereplacedintothefirstgroup ,whichwasdiag nosedas“Floribuspaniculatis,foliispinnatimbipinnatim…  相似文献   

(1) In the overwhelming majority of genera of the family Ranunculaceae, includ ing its primitive genera, Caltha, Calathodes, and Trollius and the primitive genus of trib. Anemoneae, Anemone, the sepals are spreading and the stamens are glabrous. So, the as cending or upright sepals and hairy stamens of the sections Meclatis, Tubulosa, Viorna, and Atragene of the genus Clematis are secondary, and are accordingly considered as advanced characters, and those sections and the genus Archiclematis, closely related to Sect. Viorna Subsect. Connatae, more or less advanced groups. (2) In the sections Cheiropsis, Fruticella, and Viticella, which have glabrous stamens,some species have spreading sepals, and the others have ascending or upright sepals. In Sect. Clematis, all the species have spreading sepals and glabrous stamens, except for Clematis pinnata, which has ascending sepals and usually hairy stamen filaments. In Sect. Lasiantha with 2 species restricted to western U. S. A., C. lasiantha has glabrous stamens, while C. paucifiora has stamens hairy on fliaments. In Sect. Naraveliopsis with spreading sepals,the majority of species have glabrous stamens, but one species, C.liboensis, endemic to Guizhou Province, China, has hairy stamens. These facts just mentioned indicate that the evolution of sepals and stamens took place in several lineages independently in Clematis. (3) In Clematis, glabrous stamens of C.apiifolia, C.grata, and C.montana with linear filaments and oblong anthers, are similar to those of Caltha, Calathodes, Trollius, and Anemone. Thus, the linear filaments and oblong anthers are considered primitive characters in Clematis. On the other hand, lanceolatelinear filaments of C. tangutica and C. aethusifolia or oblanceolate -linear filaments of C. courtoisii and C. loureiriana and linear anthers of C. meyeniana and C. uncinata, and narrow-linear anthers of C. courtoisii and C. lanuginosa are considered advanced ones. In ease of stamens with hairs, stamens of C. henryi with densely villous filaments and those of C. kweichowensis with both filaments and anthers densely pubescent show more advanced condition than those of C. pinnata, C. heracleifolia, and C. tangutica, with sparsely puberulous filaments and glabrous antbers(Fig. 1 ). (4)The pedunculate, 2-bracteate dichasial cyme with several flowers may represent the primitive type of inflorescences in Clematis. Manyflowered panicle-like cymes as in C.gouriana and C. tsaii, or few-l-flowered cymes as in C. henryi and C. repens, and cymes lacking peduncles and bracts as in C. montana and C. pogonandra are all considered advanced. Besides, the fact that flowers arise from axillary buds of old branches shows also an advanced condition. (5)Sect. Clematis subsect. Pinnatae, with leaflets, inflorescence ramification, and stamens similar to those of C. heracleifolia, is considered intermediate between Sect. Clematis and Sect. Tubulosa. (6) Subsect. Clematis and Subsect. Rectae, and Subsect. Connatae and Subsect. Crispae are so closely related to each other respectively that it is difficult to ascertain the systematic position of some intermediate species between the two subsections of each pair in the absence of seedlings. So, in the present paper, following the classification of Clematis proposed by Tamura in 1967, I put Subsect. Clematis and Subsect. Rectae in Sect. Clematis, and Subsect. Connatae and Subsect. Crispae in Sect. Viorna. (7)According to the evolutionary tendencies mentioned above, a realignment of the sections and the infrasectional taxa of the Chinese Clematis is made. (8) Six subsections, 6 serise, 2 species, and 4 varieties are described as new, and 5 new combinations, 4 new ranks, and 2 new names are given. (9)The specific rank of C. tenuipes W.T. Wang, reduced to varietal renk in 1980, is restord. C. taiwaniana Hayata, reduced to synonomy of C. grata Wall. in 1991, is considered distinct from the latter in hairy adaxial surface of sepal and narrower achene with tapering apex. C. kerriana Drumm. & Craib and C. laxipaniculata Pei are proved to be conspecific to C. subumbellata Kurz and reduced to syn-onymy.  相似文献   

对毛茛科Ranunculaceae铁线莲属Clematis的菝葜叶铁线莲组sect. Naraveliopsis进行了全面修订, 确定此组共含21种1亚种和1变种; 写出此组的分类学简史和地理分布, 并讨论了此组在铁线莲属中的系统位置; 将此组划分为3亚组, 写出分亚组、分种检索表, 以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等, 并附有多数种的墨线图。根据对此组植物形态特征的分析, 观察到以下重要演化趋势: (1)叶从单叶演变到二回羽状复叶或二回三出复叶; (2)花从两性到单性, 从无退化雄蕊到有退化雄蕊; (3)雄蕊从无毛到有毛; (4)药隔突起从短(0.5-0.7 mm)到长(8.5-10 mm)。根据上述演化趋势,花两性、雄蕊被毛、退化雄蕊存在的荔波铁线莲亚组subsect. Liboenses(1种,特产贵州荔波)和花由两性变为单性的亚组subsect. Macgregorianae(2种,特产菲律宾)被认为是菝葜叶铁线莲组的进化群。在原始的菝葜叶铁线莲亚组subsect. Smilacifoliae(花两性,雄蕊无毛; 18种,广布亚洲热带地区)中,具单叶,花无退化雄蕊,药隔突起较短的菝葜叶铁线莲C. smilacifolia和滇南铁线莲C. fulvicoma被认为是较原始的种,而具三出复叶和退化雄蕊的C. vietnamensis和丝铁线莲C. loureiriana,以及具羽状复叶和长药隔突起(长达10 mm)的C. papillosa等3种则被认为是此亚组的进化种。自中南半岛北部山地向西经云贵高原南部至喜马拉雅东部山区集中分布有菝葜叶铁线莲组的13种植物,这一山区地带被认为是此组的分布中心。在此山区地带中,菝葜叶铁线莲的分布区和滇南铁线莲的分布区重叠部分的山区可能是此组的起源中心。  相似文献   

越南铁线莲属一新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文描述的产于越南的毛茛科Ranunculaceae铁线莲属Clematis一新种C. hagiangensis N. T. Do是欧亚大陆第一个具单性花的种, 在花构造方面与单性铁线莲组单性铁线莲亚组sect. Aspidanthera Spach subsect. Dioicae (Prantl) W. T. Wang的种类近缘, 但叶均为单叶, 萼片呈卵形或宽卵形而不同。在单性铁线莲亚组的种, 叶通常为复叶, 只在C. dimorphophylla W. T. Wang和C. variifolia W. T. Wang同时为单叶和复叶, 此外萼片呈长圆形、倒披针形或狭卵形。  相似文献   

选取铁线莲属 (Clematis) 尾叶铁线莲组(sect. Campanella)中37个种以及西南铁线莲组 (sect. Bebaeanthera) 中的2个种为内类群, 以Clematis alternata作为外类群, 通过对全世界10个标本馆的近2 000份腊叶标本的形态学特征统计, 选取了35个性状进行编码, 利用PAUP 4.0 beta 10 软件进行系统发育重建。通过最简约法(maximum parsimony)分析共得到182棵最简约分支树, 树长为182步, 一致性指数(CI)=0.385, 保持性指数(RI)=0.685。结果表明: (1)尾叶铁线莲组并非是一个单系类群; (2)以花序发生位置这一性状建立的sect. Bebaeanthera不能成立, 应并入尾叶铁线莲组; (3)本研究结果不支持 在尾叶铁线莲组中建立subsect. Henryianae或ser. Henryianae; (4) C. ranunculoides等萼片外面具纵翅的一群植物与本组中萼片红色的种类C. lasiandra和C. dasyandra有较近的亲缘关系; (5)C. otophora、C. pogonandra、C. repens和C.barbellata等几个种聚为一支, 且支持率很高, 它们具有一系列的共衍征, 即萼片质地较厚, 花丝扁平, 宽条形, 被短柔毛, 花药被黄色短毛, 药隔先端凸起, 因此不支持建立Ser. Pogonandrae; (6)本组中非洲分布的2个种无论从形态上还是从地理分布和生境上都十分特殊, 是本组植物的特化类群。  相似文献   

铁线莲属威灵仙组修订   总被引:21,自引:11,他引:10  
对铁线莲属铁线莲亚属 Clematis subgen. Clematis 中的欧洲铁线莲 C. vitalba L.演化干的原始群威灵仙组sect. Clematis 进行了全面修订,确定此组共含有73种和45变种。写出了威灵仙组的分类学简史及地理分布;对威灵仙组中各亚组的亲缘和主要区别特征以及铁线莲亚属欧洲铁线莲演化干中各群的亲缘关系进行了讨论。将威灵仙组分为5个亚组,写出了分亚组检索表和各亚组的分种检索表,以及各种植物的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等,并附有多幅插图。在5亚组中,欧洲铁线莲亚组(钝萼铁线莲亚组) subsect. Clematis 为此组的原始群,其主要特征:藤本;小叶通常草质或纸质,通常边缘具齿,有时全缘;萼片4,外面的毛长1 mm以下;花药长圆形、椭圆形或狭长圆形,稀条形,药隔顶端不突起,稀稍突起。此亚组的瘦果两侧扁压,但多数不扁平,不具边缘,只在短毛铁线莲 C. puberula Hook. f. &; Thoms.强烈扁压,扁平,周围具宽边缘。在铁线莲属中,除短毛铁线莲外,特产朝鲜的 C. brachyura Maxim. (sect. Pterocarpa Tamura)也具有近似这种进化类型的瘦果。铁线莲组的其他4个亚组各含有较进化的特征,可能均自欧洲铁线莲亚组演化而出:单种的厚叶铁线莲亚组subsect. Crassifoliae (Tamura) Tamura为藤本;小叶革质,全缘,很像威灵仙亚组的小叶;雄蕊花丝皱缩,花药宽长圆形或长圆形。单种的长毛铁线莲亚组subsect. Baominianae (W. T. Wang) W. T. Wang为藤本;小叶纸质,具齿;花大,具6枚萼片;萼片外面的毛长1.6-3 mm; 花药长圆形。棉团铁线莲亚组subsect. Angustifoliae 的主要特征:茎直立;花常具5-6枚萼片。威灵仙亚组subsect. Rectae Prantl的主要特征:藤本,稀茎直立;小叶常革质,全缘,稀具齿;萼片通常4枚,稀较多,外面的毛长在1 mm以下;花药条形,有时狭长圆形,药隔顶端常突起。此亚组的威灵仙系ser. Rectae Prantl具有进化类型的瘦果,其瘦果强烈扁压,扁平,有膨胀的框状边缘。主要分类学处理为:(1)披针叶铁线莲 C. lancifolia Bur. &; Franch.、准噶尔铁线莲 C. songarica Bunge、 C. ispahanica Boiss.、银叶铁线莲 C. delavayi Franch.和 C. phlebantha Williams 5种过去被Tamura和其他学者与灌木铁线莲 C. fruticosa Turcz.等同置于灌木铁线莲组sect. Fruticella Tamura中,但这5种的花构造(萼片水平方向开展,白色,边缘不展宽;花丝条形或狭条形)与灌木铁线莲(萼片斜上方开展,黄色,在花开放后边缘展宽成狭翅;花丝较宽,条状披针形)不同,而与棉团铁线莲 C. hexapetala Pall.的花构造相似。据此,本修订将此5种从灌木铁线莲组移到威灵仙组的棉团铁线莲亚组subsect. Angustifoliae Tamura中。(2)在欧洲铁线莲群 C. vitalba group与威灵仙群C. flammula group之间有不少过渡类型,因此,这两个群不易区分。根据这种情况,本修订将这两个群作为亚组处理,同置于威灵仙组sect. Clematis 中,而未采用Tamura和Grey_Wilson将这两个群分别置于两个亚属中,以及Johnson将这两个群分别置于两个组中的分类学处理。描述了2新系、6新种和1新变种;建立了5个新等级。  相似文献   

Clematis sect. Clematis is revised in this paper. Seventy-three species and 45 varieties are recognized. They are keyed, described, and illustrated in some cases, and are classified into five subsections. Brief taxonomic history and geographical distribution of the section are given, and the relationships of its subsections and with its close allies of the C. vitalba evolutionary stock of the subgenus Clematis are discussed. Main taxonomic changes are made as follows: (1) C. lancifolia Bur. & Franch., C. songarica Bunge, C. ispahanica Boiss., C. delavayi Franch. and C. phlebantha Williams, which have been previously regarded to be close to C. fruticosa Turcz. and its allies, and placed in sect. Fruticella Tamura by Tamura and some other authors, are here transferred to subsect. Angustifoliae Tamura according to the floral structure. (2) The existence of intermediate forms between the C. vitalba group and the C. flammula group indicates that these two groups are closely related to each other and should not be treated as two sections or even two subgenera. They are treated as two subsections within sect. Clematis . Two series, six species, and one variety are described as new, and five new ranks are made.   相似文献   

描述了自四川东南部发现的毛茛科铁线莲属二新种:黄荆铁线莲和古蔺铁线莲。  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the history of taxonomy, groos morphology, pollen morphology, distribution, system and taxonomic treatment of the genus Polygala L. from China. Three subgenera, 4 sections, 41 species and 8 varieties are recognized in this treatment, of which 2 sections are described as new. The system of Chinese species of Polygala L. is proposed as follow: Subgen. 1. Chamaebuxus (DC.)Duchartre (Typus: Polygala chamaebuxus L.) Sect. 1. Arillus S. K. Chen, sect. nov. (Typus: Polygala arillata Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don). This section consists of about 20 species, distributed in the tropics and subtropics of Asia and Africa, with 7 species found in South China. Subgen. 2. Pseudosemeiocardium (Adema) J. Chetek et B. Krisa( Typus: Polygala furcata Royle). Sect. 1. Villososperma C. Y. Wu et S. K. Chen (Typus: Polygala wattersii Hance ). There are 3 species in this section, distributed in S. China and N. Vietnam. Sect. 2. Saxicola S. K. Chen, sect.nov. (Typus: Polygala saxicola Dunn). This section consists of 8 species, among which P. tricornis Gagnep. and P. saxicola Dunn are distributed in both Vietnam and China, and the other 6 species are endemic to China. Sect. 3. Pseudosemeiocardium ( Typus: Polygala furcata Royle). This section consists of about 7 species, distributed in SW China, extending from Indo-China Peninsula, southward to Malay, the Philippines, Indonesia and New Guinea, westward to the southern slope of the Himalayas and N. India, northward to Japan. Subgen. 3. Polygala (Typus: Polygala vulgaris L. ). 400 species or more belong to this cosmopolitan subgenus. Most species are found in America and Africa, with 18 species discovered in China. Taxonomic evidence: The characters of flowers, fruits and seeds, the indumentum of seeds and presence or absence of caruncles are stable and also correlated with one another. There is a certain combination of the above-mentioned characters in a given group, which provide reliable evidence for the infrageneric division. A good example is the Polygala arillata group, grown under the tropical and subtropical forests, which has large, yellow flowers, with sepals fallen after blossom. The flower has carinas with a cristate appendix, which is of 2-9 long narrow pieces. The seeds are spherical, with a hooded caruncle. Its fruits are of annuloid stripes. (Fig. 1). The Polygala tenuifolia Willd. group, cosmopolitan in distribution, has a middle-sized, purple or yellow flower with persistent sepals. Cristate appendix of carina is usually fimbricate. The seed in the group is oblong or subovoid, with a trilobate caruncle. Carpels of the fruits of this group are without annuloid stripes(Fig. 3). The third group, Polygala saxicola group, is between the two as indicated above. The group has a small, yellow or occasionally purplecolored flower, with sepals fallen after blossom or sometimes with a persistent outer sepal. The cristate appendix of carina is lamellar or cucullate. The seed of the group is sometimes with pubescences and hooded caruncles sometimes with hirtoselike villoses and no caruncle (Fig. 2) pollen morphology and systematic treatments: The pollen morphology of the domestic Polygala seems to support division of Polygala L. into three groups as follows: A. Pollen grains subspheroidal, 10-19-colpate, colpi usually rather wide, relatively psilate in the polar area; B. Pollen grains reniform, 22-26-colpate, sculptural in the polar area; C. Pollen grains long-spheroidal or subspheroidal, 9- 23-colpate, with long and deep colpi, which usually extend to the relatively psilate polar area. The pollen morphology is naturally correlated with the morphology of flowers, fruits and seeds. Based on these, three subgenera and four sections no subdivision in Subgen. Polygala)are recognized.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two types of structures previously unrecorded in Erodium petals are investigated. Spherical hairs filled with liquid resembling nectar droplets are exclusive to an ibero-mauritanic group of species included in Erodium subsect. Romana. Broad flat hairs which reflect light, shining as do nectar droplets, are restricted to most of the species included in Erodium sect. Malacoidea. Long, simple hairs in petals and sepals are involved in collection of nectar droplets. Some of them are arranged at the margin of the petal claw, just over the nectaries. Others are on the internal surface of sepals or on the upper surface of petals, serving apparently the same function. Their shape is aciculate or flattened. The nectar collected among the hairs forms shining spherical droplets, perceptible to insects. The glistening flat hairs and spheres shine in a similar way, probably mimicking nectar and attracting insects. Species with these special nectar-like structures produce nectar in quantities that can be observed by the naked eye, suggesting that these structures increase the attraction efficiency of flowers. Some taxonomic and biogeographic consequences are also discussed.  相似文献   

总状花序组隶属于凤仙花亚属凤仙花属,以具多花的总状花序、侧生萼片2枚、子房5室、果实为线状圆柱形、种子多数、迈卵形、种皮表面具指状突起等特征区别于该亚属的其他类群。前人对凤仙花花粉形态的研究表明凤仙花属的花粉形态对于属下分类及种间界定具有重要的分类学价值。而对于总状花序组来说,有关花粉形态方面的研究少有报道,为了进一步探讨该组花粉S的形态特征及其分类学意义,该研究应用扫描电镜技术对总状花序组的21种植物的花粉进行了观察。结果表明:总状花序组植物的花粉粒均具4条萌发沟,两侧对称,极面观为矩圆形、长矩圆形或近方形;长赤道面观多为椭圆形至矩圆形,短赤道面观为椭圆形;长、短赤道轴比值多在1.4~2.4范围内;表面具网状纹饰,网眼在花粉粒表面均匀分布或赤道面的网眼较极面观的小,网脊边缘光滑或具波状突起,网眼内具不同密度的颗粒状突起。该组的花粉形态与宏观形态性状相关性较小,但花粉极面观形状、长短赤道轴的比值、网眼的分布、网脊边缘形状、网眼内颗粒物密度等特征具有种水平上的稳定性和特异性,对该组植物种间界定具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Clematis stans is dioecious semi-arboreal, with pale purple–blue, nodding, tubulous flowers in a paniculate inflorescence. Both male and female flowers produce nectar from the base of the calyx tube during a flowering period of 3 or 4 days, and are pollinated by two bumblebee species, Bombus diversus and B. honshuensis, with different proboscis lengths. When the flowers open, four sepals constructing a calyx tube separate at the top and their respective tips gradually curl up, so that a tubular part shortens. Observations at two field sites showed that B. diversus (with a longer proboscis) most often visits the flowers with a longer calyx tube, and B. honshuensis (with a shorter proboscis) the flowers with a shorter calyx tube, i.e., later in the flowering period. By changing the calyx tube length, the flowers of C. stans accept the two bumblebee species with different proboscis length as pollinators and thus increase the chance of pollination for each flower. It was also found that the two bumblebee species prefer the male flowers to the female flowers, although the female flowers secrete more nectar as a reward than male flowers. This is likely because they visit the male flowers to collect pollen grains in addition to nectar. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The largest section of the genus Saxifraga (Saxifragaceae), sect. Ciliatae, consists of 175 morphologically diverse species. This section is mainly distributed in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and adjacent regions of southwest China and more than 80% of the total number of species are endemic to this region. It remains unknown whether this section is monophyletic and up to now no study has been conducted on the infra-sectional phylogeny. In this study, ITS sequences of the nuclear ribosomal DNA were firstly determined for 33 species mainly from this section and related sections. We further downloaded the corresponding sequences of the same DNA region for the other 22 species of Saxifraga and Mitella from GenBank. All sequences were together used to construct the phy-logenetic trees. The main implications of the phylogenetic analyses include: (1) sect. Ciliatae, as traditionally defined, constitutes as a monophyletic clade and its sister group is a well supported clade that includes species from 8 sections such as sect. Porphyrion, sect. Saxifraga and sect. Mesogyne; (2) three morphological subsections, i.e., subsect. Gemmiparae, subsect. Hirculoideae and subsect. Rosulares were tentatively recovered despite the relatively low statistic bootstrap support for the last one; however, subsect. Flagellares and subsect. Hemi-sphaericae were not recognized as separate entities, and nested within subsect. Gemmiparae; (3) subsect. Hircu-loideae and subsect. Rosulares clustered together as sister subclades while subsect. Gemmiparae diverged early. In addition, our results suggest that the paired variation of ITS sequences in sect. Ciliatae is relatively low between the sampled species in spite of their diverse morphology. It is suggested that such a scenario may mirror rapid speciation in this section that probably trigged by the uplifts of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and the extensive selection pressure under the alpine environments.  相似文献   

铁线莲属茴芹铁线莲组修订   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对毛茛科铁线莲属Clematis L.的茴芹铁线莲组sect.Pseudanemone进行了分 类学修订,确定此组包含约16种、3亚种和2变种;写出了此组的分类学简史和地理分布,讨论 了此组在铁线莲属的系统位置;将此组划分为3系,写出了分系、分种检索表,以及各种植物 的形态描述、地理分布、生长环境等,并附有多幅插图。(2)本组植物的花具4枚平展的萼 片,雄蕊花丝条形,被柔毛。在铁线莲属中,这样的花构造与对枝铁线莲组sect.Brachiata e的花较为相似。但本组植物为直立的亚灌木或小灌木,萼片常部分镊合状排列,部分覆瓦状 排列,通常呈卵形或宽卵形,内面常密被短柔毛或短绒毛,雄蕊花药通常条形,较长,常长 达5-9.5mm。因为具有这些较为特化的特征,此组遂比对枝铁线莲组为进化(在对枝铁线莲组 ,所有的种均为木质藤本植物,萼片4枚镊合状排列,通常呈长圆形,内面常被短柔毛,但不 被短绒毛,雄蕊花药通常长圆形,较短,长1-3mm),可能由后者演化而来,因此,茴芹铁线 莲组和对枝铁线莲组一样,也是属于铁线莲属中欧洲铁线莲演化干的一个成员。(3)如前所 述,本组的萼片常部分镊合状排列,部分覆瓦状排列。在铁线莲属中,绣球藤组sect.Cheir opsis特产日本的单型亚组subsect.Williamsianae和单性铁线莲组sect.Aspidanthera特产新 西兰的亚组subsect.Hexapetalae的萼片卷叠式也有类似情况,这说明在铁线莲属中不同演化 干上出现的部分萼片呈覆瓦状排列的情况应当是次生的,而不是原初的现象。(4)根据萼片 的毛被和花药的长度,本组被划分为3系:第1系,茴芹铁线莲系ser.Pimpinellifoliae,是本 组的原始群,含7种,特产马达加斯加中亚山区,其特征为萼片薄纸质,内面无毛或多少疏被 短柔毛,花药条形或狭长圆形,长2.2-4mm。第2系,绒毛铁线莲系ser.Villosae,含3种,特 产非洲大陆中部及南部,其特征为萼片常较厚,呈纸质或亚革质,内面密被短绒毛或密短柔 毛,花药通常条形,有时狭长圆形,长2.5-4(-5)mm。第3系,黄果铁线莲系ser.Chrysoca rpae,含6种,特产非洲大陆中部之南,其特征为萼片较厚,呈纸质或亚革质,内面通常被密 短柔毛或短绒毛,只1种无毛,花药条形,在多数种长5.8-7mm,在特产扎伊尔南部的C.kata ngensis则长8-9.5mm,是茴芹铁线莲组中最长的花药。  相似文献   

(1) In this paper, differences among the five genera constituting the tribe Cimi cifugeae of the family Ranunculaceae are discussed. Beesia, the first genus, with compound cymes and flowers bearing neither petals nor staminodes, is different from the other four genera with simple or compound racemes and flowers bearing either petals or staminodes, and may occupy a primitive position within the tribe. As to the other four genera, Souliea is characterized by the stem without basal leaf but with 2~5 sheath-like cataphylls, the sepals being deciduous but not caducous, moderate in size and petaloid, the petals being much smaller than sepals, but pink in color and more or less petaloid, the pollen grains being pan tocolpate or pantoporate, the carpels being 1~3 per flower, when mature forming dry linear follicles conspicuously reticulate on the surface and dehiscent along the ventral suture, and the seeds being reticulate-foveolate on the surface. These diagnostic characters indicate clear ly that Souliea might have deviated from the lineage formed by the next three genera, i. e. Anemopsis, Cimicifuga, and Actaea, which have their own well-recognizable diagnostic characters. Anemopsis is characterized by the normally developed basal leaf, the racemose inflorescence with sparse and few long pedicellate flowers, the sepals 7~10 in number, mod erate in size, and petaloid, the petals slightly smaller than sepals, the tricolpate pollen grains, the carpels 2~4 per flower, stalked, when mature forming dry oblong follicles with transverse veins on the surface, and the seeds with scaly membranous wings. Cimicifuga is distinguished by the normally developed basal leaf, the caducous, small, often sepaloid sepa ls, the organs of the second floral whorl sometimes with empty sterile anthers being stamin odes not petals, the tricolpate pollen grains, the carpels 1~8 per flower, when mature form ing dry oblong or ovoid follicles with transverse veins on the surface, and the seeds usually with scaly membranous wings. The last genus Actaea is different by the basal leaf trans formed into a small scale, the caducous, small, often sepaloid sepals, the organs of the sec ond floral whorl being clawed petals, the pollen grains with 3(4~6) colpi, carpel 1 per flow er, when mature forming a fleshy indehiscent berry smooth on the surface and without any veins, the seeds roughish or slightly rugose, neither foveolate nor winged on the surface, and the advanced most asymmetric karyotype. According to the diagnostic characters given above, we believe that Beesia, Souliea, Anemopsis, Cimicifuga, and Actaea do represent five independent genera, and the treatment of the tribe Cimicifugeae including these five genera in it by Hutchinson (1923), Janchen (1949) and some other authors, has precisely shown the taxonomic diversity within the tribe. We are therefore unable to accept the treatment published by Compton et al. (1998) to lump the two genera, Souliea and Cimicifuga, into the genus Actaea. (2) Compton et al. (1998, 1997) found out that the Chinese plants previously identified by various authors as Cimicifuga foetida L., in which the terminal and lateral racemes of the compound raceme flower more or less simultaneously, differ from the true C. foetida L. in northern Asia, in which the terminal raceme of the compound raceme flowers before the lateral ones, and thus restored the species name Cimicifuga mairei Lévl. , which was formerly reduced to the synonymy of C. foetida L. , for the Chinese plants. After examining the specimens collected from Siberia and from Southwest China we failed to find out any other differences in both vegetative and reproductive organs between the plants of the two regions, and we consider that it is better to treat the populations in Southwest and Central China as a geographical variety of Cimicifuga foetida L. A new combination, Cimicifuga foetida L. var. mairei (Lévl.) W. T. Wang & Zh. Wang, is thus made. (3) 3 species of Delphinium, 1 species and 1 variety of Clematis are described as new.  相似文献   

A revision of Hebeloma sect. Indusiata in the Nordic countries has been undertaken. The type species of the genus, Agaricus fastibilis , is interpreted as being a non-veiled species, and therefore sect. Indusiata is the correct name for the section comprising the veiled, non-rooting species of Hebeloma. Subsect. Amygdalina subsect. nov. is proposed for species in sect. Indusiata possessing amygdaloid, dextrinoid spores. The following new taxa and combinations are proposed: Hebeloma mesophaeum var. crassipes var. non., H. mesophaeum var. lacteum nom. et stat. nov., H. polare sp. nov., H. sordescens sp. nov., H. atrobrunneum sp. nov., H. monticola sp. nov. and Agrocybe elatella comb. nov.  相似文献   

(1) The evolutionary trends of sepals and stamens of the genus Clematis are discussed; (2) New classifications for sect. Cheiropsis DC. and sect. Aspidanthera Spach are proposed; (3) One subsection, 13 series, 5 species and 4 varieties are described as new; (4) Six new ranks and2 new combinations are made.  相似文献   

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