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根据对乐都锦鸡儿Caragana leduensis Y.Z.Zhao,Y.H.Wu&L.Q.Zhao和玉树锦鸡儿CtanguticaMaxim.ex Kom.var.yushuensis Y.H.Wu模式标本的观察及对国内标本馆大量标本的研究,将它们分别处理为青甘锦鸡儿C.tangutica Maxim.ex Kom.和沧江锦鸡儿C.kozlowi Kom.的新异名,并对二者的地理分布范围进行了讨论。  相似文献   

卷叶锦鸡儿——锦鸡儿属(豆科)一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了产于蒙古、内蒙古、宁夏和甘肃的锦鸡儿属(豆科)一新种--卷叶锦鸡儿。该种因叶轴全部宿存,荚果里外均被毛,植株垫状而与Caragana tibetica Kom.相近,但因小叶内卷,管状,横切面呈"O"形,翼瓣耳圆钝而不同。  相似文献   

常朝阳  石福臣 《植物研究》2011,31(2):134-138
对甘肃锦鸡儿(Caragana kansuensis Pojark.)及其易混种进行了探讨,认为甘肃锦鸡儿与短脚锦鸡儿(C.brachypoda Pojark.)是两个不同的物种。在陕西北部、山西西北部等地被鉴定为甘肃锦鸡儿的类群,实为错误鉴定,其与甘蒙锦鸡儿(C.opulens Kom.)相近,区别在于前者小叶较狭,两面被毛较密,背面干后常发红色,也与白毛锦鸡儿(C.licentiana Hand.-Mazz.)相近,区别在于前者叶柄较长,小叶较长而狭,荚果近光滑。同意赵一之教授的观点,将其作为C.opulens的一个变异类型处理,发表新变种狭叶甘蒙锦鸡儿(C.opulens Kom. var. angustifolia Y. Z. Zhao ex Zhao. Y. Chang et F. C. Shi)。  相似文献   

The taxonomic treatment of Caragana davazamcii Sancz. has been a controversial matter, as its relationship with C. microphylla Lam. and C. korshinskii Kom. is not clear. It was treated as an independent species, or a variety under C. microphylla or C. korshinskii. This study is to examine the interspecific relationship of these three species and the origin of C. davazamcii based on internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and non-coding region of chloroplast trnL-F, combined with morphological data and geographical distribution. The trnL-F sequence of C. davazamcii is identical to that of C. microphylla but differs distinctly from that of C. korshinskii. The high congruence of ITS copies through both direct and cloning sequencing rejects the recent hybridization hypothesis of C. davazamcii between C. microphylla and C. korshinskii. In contrast, two different ITS sequence copies were found respectively in each individual of C. microphylla and C. korshinskii. One of the two ITS sequences in C. microphylla is identical to that of C. davazamcii. This result indicates that C. davazamcii might have taken part in the hybridization of C. microphylla as one parent , or that extensive gene flow might have occurred between these two species, thus resulting in the morphological similarity of them. However, the similarity of some morphological characters of C. davazamcii to those of C. korshinskii might result from the convergent adaptation to their common ecological environment.  相似文献   

中间锦鸡儿Caragana davazamcii Sancz.的分类处理一直存在争议, 它与小叶锦鸡儿C. microphylla Lam.和柠条锦鸡儿C. korshinskii Kom.的关系尚不清楚。该种被处理为一个独立的种或后两个种的变种。本文利用ITS序列和叶绿体trnL-F序列, 综合形态和地理分布, 探讨了中间锦鸡儿的起源及与另外两个种的种间关系。结果显示, 中间锦鸡儿的trnL-F序列与小叶锦鸡儿完全一致, 而与柠条锦鸡儿有明显差异。中间锦鸡儿的ITS序列高度纯合, 不支持该种可能是杂交起源的假设。相反, 另外两个种的ITS序列均出现多个位点杂合, 克隆后均得到2种不同的序列。中间锦鸡儿的ITS序列与小叶锦鸡儿2种序列中的1种完全一致。该结果表明, 中间锦鸡儿可能作为亲本之一参与了小叶锦鸡儿的杂交起源, 或者基因流是造成这两个种形态相似的主要原因。中间锦鸡儿与柠条锦鸡儿形态上的相似可能是趋同进化的表现。  相似文献   

沙枣和柠条种子萌发期耐盐性研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用室内控制实验的方法,系统研究了沙枣和柠条种子萌发、生长、活力以及生理过程;对萌发、生长及活力指标与盐胁迫进行相关与回归分析,发现了实验室条件下沙枣和柠条种子萌发期的耐盐临界值;对生理指标与盐胁迫,生理指标与相应的萌发及生长指标进行相关性分析,在生理水平对沙枣和柠条种子萌发期对盐胁迫的响应进行了解释。主要结果包括:(1)胚根相对干重含水量与盐胁迫无相关性,初始萌发时间、休眠率以及死亡率与盐胁迫呈显著正相关,其它指标均与盐胁迫呈显著负相关;(2)胚根相对干重含水量与萌发种子初期生长无相关性,休眠率、死亡率与萌发率呈显著负相关,其它指标均与初期生长呈显著正相关;(3)受盐胁迫的抑制程度:萌发速度>萌发启动>萌发率;胚根生长>胚轴生长>萌发率;(4)种子萌发期,沙枣耐盐性强于柠条,两者耐盐临界值均高于0.1 mol·L-1。  相似文献   

Close examination of the type material of Podocarpium lancangense Y. Y. Qian has shown that this species is indistinguishable from Hylodesmum podocarpum (DC.) H. Ohashi & R. R. Mill ssp. podocarpum, and thus is reduced to synonymy herein.  相似文献   

中国黄鹌菜属一新种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
赵一之  马玲 《植物研究》2004,24(2):133-134
发表了黄鹌菜属一新种.  相似文献   

The floral morphogenesis and androecium developmental sequence of Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex DC. var. flore-minore Maxim. were observed under a scanning electron microscope (SEM)and by means of histological methods in order to expand our knowledge of the morphogenesis and development of the floral organs of the Ranunculaceae. The initiation of the floral elements is a centripetal spiral and the direction of the spiral is clockwise or anti-clockwise. However, the development of the androecium is highly unusual: in a longitudinal series of four stamens, the second stamen develops first from the inner to outer, then the third one, the fourth one and the first one in turn. The microsporogenesis and anther maturation follows the same developmental sequence. The tepals are different from the bracts and the stamens in both shape and size in the early developmental stage, but there is no difference between the stamens and carpels in the early developmental stage. Therefore, we established a spatio-temporal process of the floral morphogenesis of4. rivularis var.flore-minore and offer another meaning of the floral diversity patterns attributed to the level of the genus.  相似文献   

报道了产于贺兰山的顶冰花属(百合科)一新种——贺兰山顶冰花Gagea alashanica Y. Z. Zhao & L. Q. Zhao。该种因柱头头状,鳞茎外皮上端向上延伸成圆筒状,抱茎,无附属小鳞茎,植物除基生叶外,茎上具有3-4枚附生叶,无明显总苞片而与新疆顶冰花G. neopopovii Goloskokov相似,但基生叶2枚,半圆筒形;鳞茎外皮向上延伸较短,长约2. 5cm,易于区别。  相似文献   

摘要查阅了澜沧长柄山蚂蝗Hylodesmum lancangense (Y. Y. Qian) X. Y. Zhu & H. Ohashi的模式标本后,确认该种应归并入圆菱叶长柄山蚂蝗H. podocarpum (DC.) H. Ohashi & R. R. Mill ssp. podocarpum。  相似文献   

发表了甘肃绿绒蒿属一新变种,即光果红花绿绒蒿(Meconopsis punicea Maxim. var. glabra M .Z. Lu et Y.Sh.Lian)。  相似文献   

描述了棘豆属(豆科)刺叶柄棘豆(Oxytropis acipblla Ledeb.)的一个新变型:白花刺叶柄棘豆O.aciphylla Ledeb.f.albiflora Z.Y.Chang,Z.H.Wu et L.R.Xu。原变型的花冠为红紫色或蓝紫色,而新变型的花冠为白色。  相似文献   

The floral morphogenesis and androecium developmental sequence of Anemone rivularis Buch.-Ham. ex DC. var.flore-rninore Maxim. were observed under a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and by means of histological methods in order to expand our knowledge of the morphogenesis and development of the floral organs of the Ranunculaceae. The initiation of the floral elements is a centripetal spiral and the direction of the spiral is clockwise or anti-clockwise. However, the development of the androecium is highly unusual: in a longitudinal series of four stamens, the second stamen develops first from the inner to outer, then the third one, the fourth one and the first one in turn. The microsporogenesisand ant her maturation follows the same developmental sequence. The tepals are different from the bracts and the stamens in both shape and size in the early developmental stage, but there is no difference between the stamens and carpels in the early developmental stage. Therefore, we established a spatio-temporal process of the floral morphogenesis ofA. rivularis var.flore-rninore and offer another meaning of the floral diversity patterns attributed to the level of the genus.  相似文献   

发现亚东黄耆Astragalus yatungensis Ni & P. C. Li和单花黄耆A. monanthus K. T. Fu实际上就是A. donianus DC.,因此予以归并。  相似文献   

罗强  刘建林  袁颖 《植物研究》2006,26(1):10-11
发表了白珠树属米易白珠一新变种,即大花白珠(Gaultheria miyienensis T. Z. Tsu var. macrantha J. L. Liu et Q. Luo)  相似文献   

卵唇山姜 新种 图版ⅠAlpiniaovataZ .L .ZhaoetL .S .Xu ,sp .nov .PlateⅠAbAlpiniastachyoidiHancediffertbracteolisoblongisetlabellisovatis.Herba ,1 .3~ 1 .5malta.Foliaelliptico lanceolata ,31~ 37cmlonga,3.5~ 7.5cmlata ,apiceacuminata,basiangustata ,utrinqueglabra ,marginedensetomentosa,n…  相似文献   

高海波  张淑静  沈应柏 《生态学报》2012,32(20):6520-6526
植物对昆虫取食活动进行成功防御的关键,取决于对昆虫口腔反吐物的激发子的快速识别。实验利用无损伤微测系统及激光共聚焦显微镜,研究了沙冬青细胞经灰斑古毒蛾口腔反吐物诱导后Ca2+流及H2O2的变化。结果发现:灰斑古毒蛾口腔反吐物诱导沙冬青细胞Ca2+内流及H2O2的积累,表明Ca2+内流及H2O2的积累是沙冬青细胞对口腔反吐物产生应答的早期响应事件;Ca2+钙通道阻断剂仅部分抑制Ca2+内流,说明Ca2+内流除经过质膜上的Ca2+通道进入细胞外,尚存在其他的内流途径;灰斑古毒蛾口腔反吐物中的某些成分与沙冬青细胞的质膜结合后,诱导质膜上形成允许Ca2+通过的孔道,而GdCl3不能抑制这类孔道的活性。胞外Ca2+螯合剂EGTA完全抑制H2O2的积累,GdCl3预处理仅部分抑制了H2O2的积累,说明灰斑古毒蛾诱导的沙冬青细胞内H2O2的积累依赖于Ca2+内流;抑制剂实验表明,H2O2的积累主要来源于质膜上NADPH氧化酶的作用。  相似文献   

描述了产于中国新疆的黄耆属(Astragalus)丁字毛类群2新种,即额尔齐斯黄耆(Astragalus eerqisiensis Z.Y.Chang,L. R. Xu & D.Podlech)和沙地黄耆(A.shadiensis L. R. Xu,Z.Y.Chang & D.Podlech).其中,额尔齐斯黄耆仅见于新疆布尔津县的额尔齐斯河流域,与哈巴河黄耆(A.habaheensis)近缘,区别在于前者小叶菱形、倒卵形或椭圆形,长15~25(30)mm,宽(3)7~12(15)mm,旗瓣长20~22(25)mm,翼瓣顶端2裂;沙地黄耆产于新疆托克逊县东北部,散生于沙地荒漠,形态上与变异黄耆(A. variabilis Bunge ex Maxim.)接近,区别在于小叶5~7(9)枚而非11~19枚,旗瓣在中部收缩,植株全体被灰色毛而呈灰色.2新种均系中国特有种,其中额尔齐斯黄耆隶属于乌拉尔组(A. Sect.Helmia Bunge),沙地黄耆隶属于旱生组[A. Sect.Craccina(Stev.)Bunge].  相似文献   

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