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回顾盆距兰属(Gastrochilus)与囊唇兰属(Saccolabium)两个混淆属的简史。它们为彼此明显不同的独立属。盆距兰属的唇瓣为半球形囊状,侧裂片不明显,中裂片甚大;蕊柱无足;花粉团具孔隙。囊唇兰属的唇瓣为圆筒状距形,侧裂片明显,中裂片很小;蕊柱有短足;花粉团实心。前者广泛分布于亚洲热带与亚热带地区;后者则只局限于印度尼西亚的爪哇与苏门答腊。因此,建议在国际命名法规中取消保留名Saccolabium以及作为其异名的废弃名Gastrochilus(1822号)。  相似文献   

The present paper is an attempt to make a taxonomic study of the little known orchid genus Holcoglossum, as well as a comparison of the genus with its allies, such as Vanda, Papilionanthe, Ascolabium, Ascocentrum, Aěrides, Neofinetia and Saccolabium. Holcoglossum was established by Schlechter in 1919 (Orchideologiae Sino-Japonicae Prodromus) as a monotypic genus, based upon Saccolabium quasipinifolium Hayata. Five years later he published another true Holcoglossum as Aěrides flavescens, which was referred by Tang et Wang to Saccolabium in 1951. Further investigation of this genus was by Garay in 1972 who added two species, H. kimballiana and V. rupestris (synonymy of Aěrides flavescens), but considered Neofinetia, a quite different taxon, to be congeneric. It is shown that the demarcation of Holcoglossum remains cofused. During the course of our study, the species of Holcoglossum and its allied genera are carefully examined, we come to the conclusion that Ho lcoglossum is a distinct genus. It is characterized by the short stem; fleshy terete or subterete, sulcate above leaves, with their apex acute and non-lobed; thickening or keeled costa on the back of sepals, 3-lobed lip, with erect sidelobes, paralled to the column; slender and recurved spur; footless column usually with prominent wings; 2 notched pollinia attached to linear stipe which is tapered toward the base. In addition to Ascolabium, it differs from Vanda, Papilionanthe, Ascocentrum, Aěrides, Neofinetia and Saccolabium by its terete or subterete leaves on their ventral side with a furrow, from Papilionanthe by lacking footless column, from Ascolabium by sepals and spur characters, from Ascocentrum by slender and recurred spur, from Aěrides by the absence of a column-foot and the appearance of spur, from Neofinetia by stipe tapered toward the base, from Saccolabi-um by both aspects of the vegetative organs and the flowers.  相似文献   

Liu Z J  Chen L J  Liu K W  Li L Q  Ma X Y  Rao W H 《农业工程》2008,28(6):2433-2444
Chenorchis, a new orchid genus belonging to C. singchii with tropical orchid features, was found in subtropical regions of Gaoligong Mountain in Yunnan Province, China. This taxon undoubtedly belongs to Trib. Vandeae due to its comparatively advanced epiphytic and monopodial characteristics with very hard pollinia and long stipe. It is akin to Ascocentrum and Holcoglossum, from which it differs by its lip lacking appendage, side-lobes arising from both sides of the mid-lobe rather than the entrance to the spur; large stigmatic cave; very large rostellum, conspicuously broader than the column, spreading downward; pollinia each with a distinct caudicle attached to the incurved subterminal portion of a common stipe. Phylogenetic analysis shows that it may be of tropical region originally and evolve into a new genus due to changed environment, indicating that the main motivation of angiosperm differentiation is to bring forth more ecological opportunities. A further examination of reproductive ecology, especially pollination mechanism and breeding system, proved that this species has formed many mechanisms to promote selfing and inbreeding, such as symbiosis with ants (Temnothorax sp.), utilization of ants for short-distant pollination, opening of flowers simultaneously to increase the frequency of geitonogamy, efficient dispersal and growth of seeds, and crowded communities to improve the possibility of inbreeding. All the adaptive changes above turn into necessary conditions for their survival in subtropical regions. The reproductive strategy of this unique life history shows that this immigrant species autonomously passes the genes on to future generations to remain their adaptability, by quickly occupying the habitat. It is a successful strategy in habitat expansion that inflorescence produces a lot of flowers to facilitate geitonogamy, whose significance may extend to provide evidence that the occurrence of plants' sex results from the trade-offs of the fluctuation of habitat in evolution.  相似文献   

刘仲健    陈利君    刘可为  李利强    麻学勇    饶文辉   《生态学报》2008,28(6):2433-2433~2444
在云南的高黎贡山的亚热带区域发现了具热带兰科种类特征的兰科新属心启兰属(Chenorchis)(属模式种心启兰C. singchii).该属种具有附生、单轴生长,花粉团坚硬,粘盘柄存在等兰科较为进化的特征无疑是热带万代兰族(Trib. Vandeae)的成员,与鸟舌兰属(Ascocentrum)和槽舌兰属(Holcoglossum)有亲缘关系.区别点在于新属的唇瓣不具附属物;侧裂片生于中裂片两侧而非距口两侧;柱头腔大;蕊喙甚大,明显宽于蕊柱,向下伸展;花粉团具明显的柄,附着于一个共同的粘盘柄近顶端内弯处.系统学分析结果显示其祖先可能来自热带,因环境改变演化为新属种,体现了被子植物分化的主要动力可能是开拓了更多的生态学机遇;进一步的繁殖生态学特别是传粉机制和繁育系统的检测表明,该物种发展出多个促进自交或近交的机制,如选择有切胸蚁(Temnothorax sp.)栖息的生境,利用蚂蚁近距离传粉;花朵同时开放增加同株异花授粉发生机率;种子有效的就近散播和生长,产生局域拥挤效应以增加近亲繁殖的可能,这些适应性改变成为它们在亚热带生存下来的必要条件,特殊的生活史(繁殖)策略展示了它作为迁移种通过迅速增长抢占生境,自动地将遗传基因传递给后代以保持对当地的适应性,花序进化出大量花并同时开放便于同株异花传粉是成功开拓生境的一种对策,其意义的延伸可能为植物的性的产生是进化上应对生境波动的权衡提供一个证据.  相似文献   

中国兰科植物研究杂记   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了中国兰科植物一个新记录属和三个新记录种,短距兰属(Penkimia)、短距兰(P.na-galandensis)、长序大苞兰(Sunipia cirrhata)、白花叉喙兰(Uncifera thailandica).短距兰属(Penkimia)区别与鸟舌兰属(Ascocentrum)在于侧萼片合抱蕊柱,唇瓣没有任何附属物以及锥形的距;长序大苞兰的花序长于叶,唇瓣基部具一个胼胝体;白花叉喙兰唇瓣的距后弯并朝向子房.  相似文献   

Singchia Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, a new orchid genus, is established based on the new species S. malipoensis Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen found in southeast Yunnan, China. The new genus is related to Pteroceras, from which it differs by having a lip with its basal margins immovably adnate to the lower part of the pendent column foot, a thin-walled spur, and very unequally and deeply split pollinia, each with a distinct caudicle. In addition to a discussion on Ascocentrum pusillum, a species of questionable placement, another new genus, namely Gunnaria S. C. Chen ex Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, is set up and a new combination, namely G. pusilla (Aver.) Z. J. Liu & L. J. Chen, is made. The new genus Gunnaria differs from its allyAscocentrum by having a cross-shaped pollinarium, sulcate or split pollinia, each with a distinct caudicle attached to a common linear stipe much longer than either pollinia or viscidium, and strongly incurved side lobes of the lip.  相似文献   

Maxillariella prostrata, a new species from Costa Rica and Panama is described and illustrated. This species is similar to M. acervata but differs in having a prostrate habit, elliptic leaves up to 2 cm long, pseudobulbs with two unequal apical leaves, one larger and the other smaller, a red-spotted lip, the column apex entire, and the pollinarium made up of two small globose pollinia on an oblong stipe. Maxillariella prostrata also resembles M. dichaeoides from Ecuador and Peru but differs in having yellow to white flowers spotted with red, and the lip with a well-defined callus.  相似文献   

Five new species (Gastrochilus yei, Gastrochilus minimus, Luisia simaoensis, Taeniophyllum xizangense, Tuberolabium subulatum) and two newly recorded species (Cleisostoma tricornutum, Luisia inconspicua) of Vandeae (Orchidaceae) from China are described and illustrated. Gastrochilus yei is similar to G. affinis and G. nepalensis, but differs from them by having an epichile not lobed, the apex of the hypochile not bilobed, and a tine on the apex of the leaf. Gastrochilus minimus is similar to G. acinacifolius, but can be distinguished from the latter by having a flabellate epichile that is densely hirsute on the adaxial surface and an inconspicuous central cushion; in addition, the hypochile of G. minimus has a keel that extends to the apex of the epichile. Taeniophyllum xizangense is similar to T. stella and T. radiatum, but it is distinguished from them by having much bigger flowers, inflorescences densely covered with short-bristly hairs, papillae on the external surface of sepals, and bigger triangular-ovate viscidium. Luisia simaoensis is similar to L. magniflora and L. ramosii, but can be easily distinguished from them by having lateral sepals longer than dorsal sepals and petals, lip with irregular and waved margins, and lip with bilobed apex. Luisia inconspicua is moved from Gastrochilus to Luisia based on phylogenetic analyses of plastid matK sequence data. Tuberolabium subulatum is similar to T. carnosum, but it can be easily distinguished from the latter by having an inflorescence much shorter than the leaves, yellow sepals and petals, and many small papillae outside the lip lobes.  相似文献   

In the present study, we formally describe Liparis pingxiangensis as a new species from Guangxi, China on the basis of morphological and molecular phylogenetic analyses. It is easily distinguished from closely related species by strongly curved column without column wings, and broadly rhombic-elliptic lip with 2 uncinate calli at the base. In particular, it differs most markedly from its congeners in possessing two pollinia attached by long and prominent caudicles (not stipes), to a distinct sticky disc. This type of pollinarium, as far as we know, is not found in any other species of Liparis, and is also unique among the orchids with waxy pollinia. We then proceeded to a phylogenetic analysis to ascertain the systematic position of this enigmatic species. Molecular study based on nuclear ribosomal ITS and plastid matK DNA sequence data supports L. pingxiangensis as a distinct species, which forms an independent lineage sister to L. nervosa and its allies (93% BS, 1.00 BPP). In the light of previous work, the findings have important implications for a better understanding of the well-supported pattern mainly based on vegetative features in Malaxideae.  相似文献   

In Cymbidium flowers, emasculation by removal of the pollinia and the anther cap leads within 24 hours to red coloration of the labellum (lip). Lip coloration, being the first sign of senescence in these flowers, has been ascribed to the action of ethylene in the lip. When a small incision in the base of the lip is made prior to emasculation, or when the lip is excised and placed in water within 10 to 15 hours after emasculation, coloration is considerably delayed. This indicates that a coloration-associated factor is moving in or out of the lip. Measurements of ethylene production of excised flower parts, isolated at different times after emasculation, showed an increase only in the central column; the other flower parts, including the lip, did not show a measurable change. In contrast, in situ measurements of the ethylene production of the central column and the remaining portion of the flower revealed a simultaneous increase in all the flower parts following emasculation. Similarly, application of radiolabeled 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) to the top of the central column in situ leads to the production of radiolabeled ethylene by all the flower parts. In addition, the ethylene production of isolated lips, measured immediately after excision, was initially high but ceased within 10 to 15 minutes. Treatment of the central column in situ with ethylene or ethephon did not stimulate ACC production but did stimulate lip coloration and this was accompanied by an increased internal ethylene concentration in the lip. The data indicate that endogenously produced as well as applied ACC is rapidly translocated from the site of production or application to all the other flower parts where it is immediately converted into ethylene. By excision of a flower organ, the influx of ACC is prevented, causing a rapid decrease in ethylene production. In addition, it was found that ethylene may also be translocated in physiologically significant amounts within the flower. The roles of ACC and ethylene as mobile senescence or wilting factors in emasculation- and pollination-induced senescence is discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant physiology》2014,171(18):1782-1786
The early visible effects of pollination in orchids are likely due to pollinia-borne chemicals. In Dendrobium we tested whether such compounds were water soluble and would diffuse in solid-aqueous phase, and determined both 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) concentrations and auxin activity. Following pollination, the flower peduncle showed epinastic movement, followed by yellowing of the flower lip, flower senescence and ovary growth. Placing pollinia on agar blocks for 3, 6, 9 or 12 h, prior to transferring them to the stigma, increased the time to these early postpollination effects or prevented them. Placing agar blocks that had been used for contact with the pollinia on the stigma also induced the early postpollination effects. The concentrations of ACC, the direct precursor of ethylene, in pollinia was lower the longer the pollinia had been in contact with the agar blocks, whilst the ACC content in the agar blocks increased with the period of contact. The auxin activity of the agar blocks also increased with the time of contact with pollinia. It is concluded that chemicals in the pollinia are responsible for the early visible postpollination effects, and that these (a) rapidly diffuse in aqueous media, and (b) comprise at least ACC and compounds with auxin activity. The idea is discussed that ACC plus auxin is adequate for the production of the early postpollination effects.  相似文献   

We conducted phylogenetic analyses using two DNA sequence data sets derived from matK, the maturase-coding gene located in an intron of the plastid gene trnK, and the internal transcribed spacer region of 18S–26S nuclear ribosomal DNA to examine relationships in subtribe Aeridinae (Orchidaceae). Specifically, we investigated (1) phylogenetic relationships among genera in the subtribe, (2) the congruence between previous classifications of the subtribe and the phylogenetic relationships inferred from the molecular data, and (3) evolutionary trends of taxonomically important characters of the subtribe, such as pollinia, a spurred lip, and a column foot. In all, 75 species representing 62 genera in subtribe Aeridinae were examined. Our analyses provided the following insights: (1) monophyly of subtribe Aeridinae was tentatively supported in which 14 subclades reflecting phylogenetic relationships can be recognized, (2) results are inconsistent with previous classifications of the subtribe, and (3) repeated evolution of previously emphasized characters such as pollinia number and apertures, length of spur, and column foot was confirmed. It was found that the inconsistencies are mainly caused by homoplasy of these characters. At the genus level, Phalaenopsis, Cleisostoma, and Sarcochilus are shown to be non-monophyletic.  相似文献   

报道了中国云南兰科植物一新记录种,岩生玉凤花(Habenaria vidua E.C.Parish &Rchb.f).该种主要特点是生长在腐殖质比较丰富的石灰岩缝隙中,不同于属内其它物种.在植株和花部特征相似于丛叶玉凤花H.tonkinensis,但侧萼片与唇瓣绿色、唇瓣侧裂片明显上举而区别于后者.  相似文献   

In Cymbidium flowers emasculation by removal of the anther capand the pollinia, led to rapid colouration of the lip and advancedwilting of the petals and sepals. The ethylene production ofwhole flowers showed an emasculation-induced early peak in ethyleneevolution followed some days later by a second increase concomitantwith the wilting of the flower. In non-emasculated flowers theethylene production increased later and simultaneously withcolouration of the lip and wilting of the petals and sepals.At all stages of senescence, the contribution of the lip, petals,and sepals to the total amount of ethylene produced was negligible. Parallel to the increase in ethylene production of whole flowers,an increase in 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid (ACC) andmalonyl-ACC (MACC) in the central column and, to a lesser extent,in the ovary was observed. Also an increase in internal ethyleneconcentration was demonstrated and this, in contrast, was apparentin all the different flower parts. The activity of the ethylene-formingenzyme in lips, petals, and sepals showed an increase afteremasculation and such an effect could also be induced by treatmentof isolated lips with low concentrations of ethylene. The data indicate that senescence in Cymbidium flowers is regulatedby the central column and perhaps the ovary and that both ACCand ethylene may play a signalling role in inter-organ communication. Key words: 1-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid, ethylene, Cymbidium, senescence  相似文献   

中国兰科玉凤花属一新记录种——勐远玉凤花   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了中国云南兰科植物一新记录种,勐远玉凤花(Habenaria myriotricha Gagnep)。该种主要特点是唇瓣侧裂片的外侧几乎至基部具多数深的线状裂条。其侧萼片反折,唇瓣上具有红色锈斑可与版纳玉凤花(H.medioflexa Turrill.)明显区别开。  相似文献   

通过野外考察和标本研究,将Gastrochilus fuscopuntuatus和Oberonia pumila分别处理为Gastrochilus pseudodistichus和Oberonia insularis的异名;将Gastrochilus somai处理为一个独立的种;并报道了中国兰科4个新记录种:毛唇石豆兰Bulbophyllum gyrochilum、独龙石斛Dendrobium praecintum、高山阔蕊兰Peristylus superanthus和狭瓣大苞兰Sunipia angustipetala。  相似文献   

Pennilabium yunnanense S. C. Chen&Y. B. Luo,a new species of Orchidaceae,is described and illustra ted. It is subsimilar to P. acuminatum(Ridley)Holttum,from which it dif-fers by having smaller flowers ca. 3cm across,white petals spotted with dark purple adaxially and fimbriate-tipped side-lobes of the lip.  相似文献   

对中国兰科植物新种云南巾唇兰Pennilabium yunnanense S.C.Chen&Y.B.Luo作了 描述和绘图。该新种与P.acuminatum(Ridley)Holttum较为接近,区别点在于具较小的花朵 ,直径仅3cm;花瓣白色且上面有深紫色斑点,以及唇瓣侧裂片顶端有流苏。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科Orchidaceae植物一新记录种——洛氏蝴蝶兰Phalaenopsis lobbii (Rchb. f.) H. R. Sweet.。它与P. gibbosa、P. parishii非常相似, 但本种的花白色, 不具"Z"字形花序轴, 可以区别于前者; 唇瓣上两侧裂片之间的横向半圆形附属物边缘具不规则细锯齿可以区别于后者。  相似文献   

Diplandrorchis is a very curious new orchid genus, containing only one species D. sinica S. C. Chen, found in Huan-ren County of Liaoning Province in northeastern China. It, as the genus name implies, has two fertile stamens, borne on the upper part of the column near the terminal stigma. One of them is opposite to the dorsal sepal, while the other to the median petal (lip). Thus, they represent two median stamens of both inner and outer whorls. This is quite unique in the whole family, including the diandrous group, in which the two stamens are opposite to the lateral petals and thus represent the lateral ones of the inner whorl. The flower is erect, with its pale greenish or whitish perianth nearly regular. Two lateral sepals are more or less oblique, showing some difference from the dorsal one, but the three petals, which are thinner and narrower, are very similar to each other. Neither rostellum nor any other appendages are found in its column, but a terminal stigma and two erect stamens. The pollinia are naked and granular, which, in almost all flowers examined, have naturally fallen out of their cells on to the stigma. Apparently, it is self-fertilised, as found in Tangtsinia and some other primitive orchids. Besides, this interesting orchid is a dwarf saprophyte, with its habit very similar to that of Neottia, another saprophytic genus assigned to the subtribe Neottiinae. The fact that the saprophytic orchids are largely found in the primitive subtribes, such as the Neottiinae, Limodorinae, Vanillinae and Pogoniinae, is worthy of special attention. Theoretically, the saprophytic plants must have developed from green-leaved plants. In the Orchidaceae, however, what ancestor are the most primitive saprophytes derived from ? This is indeed an interesting question closely related to the origin of the Orchidaceae. From the facts mentioned above, the present genus is a very primitive or relic one and of great phylogenetic interest. It is placed here as the most primitive member in the subtribe Neottiinae, although it is sharply distinct from the remaining generaof this subtribe. It may deserve a separate subtribe, but further study is needed.  相似文献   

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