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Covert infections as a mechanism for long-term persistence of baculoviruses   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The prevalence of pathogens in wild populations has often been estimated by the appearance of overt symptoms in the host, and this is typically used as the sole gauge of the impact of the pathogen on host dynamics. However, the development of molecular methods has increased the sensitivity with which we can detect asymptomatic infections. Baculoviruses are insect pathogens that, like many microparasites, are usually only found when their hosts reach outbreak densities, when a disease epizootic occurs. Conventional wisdom is that the long‐term persistence of baculoviruses relies on their survival in the external environment in the form of occlusion bodies. These are proteinaceous matrices in which the virus particles are embedded, and which provide a degree of protection from UV irradiation. However, Mamestra brassicae has also been shown to harbour a persistent, non‐lethal baculovirus infection (M. brassicae nucleopolyhedrovirus) in laboratory culture, which may represent another putative persistence mechanism. Here, we present evidence that such covert infections are also present and frequent in natural populations of the moth. The persistent infections were triggered into the lethal overt state by exposure to another baculovirus, and two closely related but different baculoviruses were subsequently identified as persistent infections within the populations sampled. These results have broad‐ranging implications for our understanding of host pathogen interactions in the field, in the use of pathogens as biocontrol agents, and in the evolution of virulence.  相似文献   

Global change is shifting the timing of biological events, leading to temporal mismatches between biological events and resource availability. These temporal mismatches can threaten species’ populations. Importantly, temporal mismatches not only exert strong pressures on the population dynamics of the focal species, but can also lead to substantial changes in pairwise species interactions such as host–pathogen systems. We adapted an established individual‐based model of host–pathogen dynamics. The model describes a viral agent in a social host, while accounting for the host''s explicit movement decisions. We aimed to investigate how temporal mismatches between seasonal resource availability and host life‐history events affect host–pathogen coexistence, that is, disease persistence. Seasonal resource fluctuations only increased coexistence probability when in synchrony with the hosts’ biological events. However, a temporal mismatch reduced host–pathogen coexistence, but only marginally. In tandem with an increasing temporal mismatch, our model showed a shift in the spatial distribution of infected hosts. It shifted from an even distribution under synchronous conditions toward the formation of disease hotspots, when host life history and resource availability mismatched completely. The spatial restriction of infected hosts to small hotspots in the landscape initially suggested a lower coexistence probability due to the critical loss of susceptible host individuals within those hotspots. However, the surrounding landscape facilitated demographic rescue through habitat‐dependent movement. Our work demonstrates that the negative effects of temporal mismatches between host resource availability and host life history on host–pathogen coexistence can be reduced through the formation of temporary disease hotspots and host movement decisions, with implications for disease management under disturbances and global change.  相似文献   

Intense, long droughts have increased in occurrence since the 1970s and have been linked with global climate change. Extreme climate alters the risk of pathogen infections and diseases in both animals and plants, although little is known about the impact of any single event on host–pathogen dynamics in a wide range of species. Evaluating past climatic events can provide valuable information on complex interactions that occur between hosts, pathogens, and the environment, thereby paving the way for predictive models and ultimately early and efficient response to disease threats. The present study reviews the substantial impact of the 1976 UK drought on climate-driven host–pathogen associations. This 16-month drought had a devastating effect on flora and fauna and is considered a benchmark for dry conditions in this country. Changes to the occurrence of infections in farmed and wild animals and plants are presented in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems and the implications for pathogen transmission under extreme climate conditions are assessed.  相似文献   

Myxomatosis is a leporipoxvirus that infects the european rabbit, inducing a high mortality rate. Observations lead us to hypothesize that a rabbit carrying maternal antibodies (or having recovered) can be infected (or re-infected) upon being exposed (or re-exposed) to the virus. Infection will lead to mild disease, boosting host immune protection. Using a modelling approach we show that this phenomenon may lead to a difference of impact of myxomatosis according to its transmission rate. Young are exposed when they still carry maternal antibodies and develop a mild disease in high transmission populations. Our results show that the impact of myxomatosis is generally higher in epidemic situations compared to populations where the virus circulates all the year. As a consequence, waning of acquired immunity and the continuous supply of newborn along the year may reduce the impact of the disease.  相似文献   

Viral disease persistence in species without a reservoir host is of importance for public health and disease management. But how can disease persistence be explained? We developed a spatially‐explicit individual‐based model that takes into account both ecological and viral traits as well as variable space to test disease persistence hypotheses under debate. We introduce a novel concept of modeling alternative disease courses at the individual level, causing transient infections or killing infected animals, with the lethally infected having a variable life‐expectancy. We systematically distinguish between disease invasion and persistence. We use classical swine fever (CSF), an economically very important livestock disease in a social host, the wild boar, as a reference system to test and rank the persistence hypotheses under debate. Parameter values for host population demographics and CSF epidemiology reflect current knowledge. Sensitivity analysis of the model parameters revealed that the most important factor for disease persistence is a disease profile with mostly transient, i.e. surviving individuals requiring immunity, and some chronically, long‐term infected animals. Immune individuals can constantly produce susceptible offspring, while some chronically infected individuals act as ‘super spreaders’ in time. Thus, variations in the course of the disease at the individual level are important factors determining persistence, which is usually not taken into account in the prominent measure of epidemiology, i.e. the basic reproductive number R0, which reflects the ‘reproductive potential’ of the infected sub‐population. We discuss our results with regard to the general issues of modeling epidemics and disease management issues.  相似文献   

Seasonal patterns in pathogen transmission can influence the impact of disease on populations and the speed of spatial spread. Increases in host contact rates or births drive seasonal epidemics in some systems, but other factors may occasionally override these influences. White-nose syndrome, caused by the emerging fungal pathogen Pseudogymnoascus destructans, is spreading across North America and threatens several bat species with extinction. We examined patterns and drivers of seasonal transmission of P. destructans by measuring infection prevalence and pathogen loads in six bat species at 30 sites across the eastern United States. Bats became transiently infected in autumn, and transmission spiked in early winter when bats began hibernating. Nearly all bats in six species became infected by late winter when infection intensity peaked. In summer, despite high contact rates and a birth pulse, most bats cleared infections and prevalence dropped to zero. These data suggest the dominant driver of seasonal transmission dynamics was a change in host physiology, specifically hibernation. Our study is the first, to the best of our knowledge, to describe the seasonality of transmission in this emerging wildlife disease. The timing of infection and fungal growth resulted in maximal population impacts, but only moderate rates of spatial spread.  相似文献   

Mixed‐genotype infections are common in many natural host–parasite interactions. Classical kin‐selection models predict that single‐genotype infections can exploit host resources prudently to maximize fitness, but that selection favours rapid exploitation when co‐infecting genotypes share limited host resources. However, theory has outpaced evidence: we require empirical studies of pathogen genotypes that naturally co‐infect hosts. Do genotypes actually compete within hosts? Can host ecology affect the outcome of co‐infection? We posed both questions by comparing traits of infections in which two baculovirus genotypes were fed to hosts alongside inocula of the same or a different genotype. The host, Panolis flammea, is a herbivore of Pinus sylvestris and Pi. contorta. The pathogen, PfNPV (a nucleopolyhedrovirus), occurs naturally as mixtures of genotypes that differ, when isolated, in pathogenicity, speed of kill and yield. Single‐genotype infection traits failed to predict the ‘winning’ genotypes in co‐infections. Co‐infections infected and caused lethal disease in more hosts, and produced high yields, relative to single‐genotype infections. The need to share with nonkin did not cause fitness costs to either genotype. In fact, in hosts feeding on Pi. sylvestris, one genotype gained increased yields in mixed‐genotype infections. These results are discussed in relation to theory surrounding adaptive responses to competition with nonkin for limited resources.  相似文献   

Parasites are known to exert strong selection pressures on their hosts and, as such, favour the evolution of defence mechanisms. The negative impact of parasites on their host can have substantial consequences in terms of population persistence and the epidemiology of the infection. In natural populations, however, it is difficult to assess the cost of infection while controlling for other potentially confounding factors. For instance, individuals are repeatedly exposed to a variety of parasite strains, some of which can elicit immunological memory, further protecting the host from subsequent infections. Cost of infection is, therefore, expected to be particularly strong for primary infections and to decrease for individuals surviving the first infectious episode that are re-exposed to the pathogen. We tested this hypothesis experimentally using avian malaria parasites (Plasmodium relictum-lineage SGS1) and domestic canaries (Serinus canaria) as a model. Hosts were infected with a controlled dose of P. relictum as a primary infection and control birds were injected with non-infected blood. The changes in haematocrit and body mass were monitored during a 20 day period. A protein of the acute phase response (haptoglobin) was assessed as a marker of the inflammatory response mounted in response to the infection. Parasite intensity was also monitored. Surviving birds were then re-infected 37 days post primary infection. In agreement with the predictions, we found that primary infected birds paid a substantially higher cost in terms of infection-induced reduction in haematocrit compared with re-exposed birds. After the secondary infection, re-exposed hosts were also able to clear the infection at a faster rate than after the primary infection. These results have potential consequences for the epidemiology of avian malaria, since birds re-exposed to the pathogen can maintain parasitemia with low fitness costs, allowing the persistence of the pathogen within the host population.  相似文献   

Borrelia burgdorferi is the causative agent of Lyme disease that persists in a complex enzootic life cycle, involving Ixodes ticks and vertebrate hosts. The microbe invades ticks and vertebrate hosts in spite of active immune surveillance and potent microbicidal responses, and establishes long‐term infection utilising mechanisms that are yet to be unravelled. The pathogen can cause multi‐system disorders when transmitted to susceptible mammalian hosts, including in humans. In the past decades, several studies identified a limited number of B. burgdorferi gene‐products critical for pathogen persistence, transmission between the vectors and the host, and host–pathogen interactions. This review will focus on the interactions between B. burgdorferi proteins, as well as between microbial proteins and host components, protein and non‐protein components, highlighting their roles in pathogen persistence in the mammalian host. A better understanding of the contributions of protein interactions in the microbial virulence and persistence of B. burgdorferi would support development of novel therapeutics against the infection.  相似文献   

Classical epidemic theory focuses on directly transmitted pathogens, but many pathogens are instead transmitted when hosts encounter infectious particles. Theory has shown that for such diseases pathogen persistence time in the environment can strongly affect disease dynamics, but estimates of persistence time, and consequently tests of the theory, are extremely rare. We consider the consequences of persistence time for the dynamics of the gypsy moth baculovirus, a pathogen transmitted when larvae consume foliage contaminated with particles released from infectious cadavers. Using field-transmission experiments, we are able to estimate persistence time under natural conditions, and inserting our estimates into a standard epidemic model suggests that epidemics are often terminated by a combination of pupation and burnout rather than by burnout alone, as predicted by theory. Extending our models to allow for multiple generations, and including environmental transmission over the winter, suggests that the virus may survive over the long term even in the absence of complex persistence mechanisms, such as environmental reservoirs or covert infections. Our work suggests that estimates of persistence times can lead to a deeper understanding of environmentally transmitted pathogens and illustrates the usefulness of experiments that are closely tied to mathematical models.  相似文献   

To assess potential immunomodulatory effects of a drug, pollutant, or natural product, an analysis of an exposed host's ability to resist challenge with a viable bacteria is one of the best gauges. Many factors govern whether a host exposed to a test agent and then infected becomes ill or dies at rates greater than infected control counterparts. Beyond the status of the host's immunocompetence, a bacterium's route of entry into the host and its inherent virulence are important variables determining how (and rate at which) an infection resolves. A pre-determination of endpoint(s) to be defined is critical during planning of resistance assays. If a study is to determine overall changes in immunocompetence due to exposure (regardless of regimen or dosage of test agent), then assessing shifts in morbidity/mortality at a defined lethal dose [LD(x)] value for the chosen route of infection would suffice. However, if a study is to define extent of immunomodulation in a particular body organ/cavity--or specific alterations in particular aspects of the humoral or cell-mediated immune responses--then careful selection of the pathogen, dose of the inoculum, means of infection of target site, and extent of the post-infection period to be examined, need to be made prior to host exposure to the test toxicant. This review will provide the Reader with background information about bacterial infections and how endpoint selection could be approached when designing resistance assays. An overview of protocols involved in the assays (e.g., bacterial preparation, host infection, post-infection endpoint analyses) and information about three bacteria that are among the most commonly employed in resistance assays is provided as well.  相似文献   

Mounting and maintaining an effective immune response in the face of infection can be costly. The outcome of infection depends on two host immune strategies: resistance and tolerance. Resistance limits pathogen load, while tolerance reduces the fitness impact of an infection. While resistance strategies are well studied, tolerance has received less attention, but is now considered to play a vital role in host–pathogen interactions in animals. A major challenge in ecoimmunology is to understand how some hosts maintain their fitness when infected while others succumb to infection, as well as how extrinsic, environmental factors, such as diet, affect defense. We tested whether dietary restriction through yeast (protein) limitation affects resistance, tolerance, and fecundity in Drosophila melanogaster. We predicted that protein restriction would reveal costs of infection. Because infectious diseases are not always lethal, we tested resistance and tolerance using two bacteria with low lethality: Escherichia coli and Lactococcus lactis. We then assayed fecundity and characterized bacterial infection pathology in individual flies at two acute phase time points after infection. As expected, our four fecundity measures all showed a negative effect of a low‐protein diet, but contrary to predictions, diet did not affect resistance to either bacteria species. We found evidence for diet‐induced and time‐dependent variation in host tolerance to E. coli, but not to L. lactis. Furthermore, the two bacteria species exhibited remarkably different infection profiles, and persisted within the flies for at least 7 days postinfection. Our results show that acute phase infections do not necessarily lead to fecundity costs despite high bacterial loads. The influence of intrinsic variables such as genotype are the prevailing factors that have been studied in relation to variation in host tolerance, but here we show that extrinsic factors should also be considered for their role in influencing tolerance strategies.  相似文献   

Thelohania solenopsae is a pathogen of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, which debilitates queens and eventually causes the demise of colonies. Reductions of infected field populations signify its potential usefulness as a biological control agent. Thelohania solenopsae can be transmitted by introducing infected brood into a colony. The social forms of the fire ant, that is, monogyny (single queen per colony) or polygyny (multiple queens per colony), are associated with different behaviors, such as territoriality, that affect the degree of intercolony brood transfer. T. solenopsae was found exclusively in polygyne colonies in Florida. Non-synchronous infections of queens and transovarial transmission favor the persistence and probability of detecting infections in polygynous colonies. However, queens or alates with the monogyne genotype can be infected, and infections in monogyne field colonies have been reported from Louisiana and Argentina. Limited independent colony-founding capability and shorter dispersal of alate queens with the polygyne genotype relative to monogyne alates may facilitate the maintenance of infections in local polygynous populations. Demise of infected monogyne colonies can be twice as fast as in polygyne colonies and favors the pathogen's persistence in polygyne fire ant populations. The social form of the fire ant reflects different physiological and behavioral aspects of the queen and colony that will impact T. solenopsae spread and ultimate usefulness for biological control.  相似文献   

Streptococcus pneumoniae (the pneumococcus) is a human respiratory tract pathogen and a major cause of morbidity and mortality globally. Although the pneumococcus is a commensal bacterium that colonizes the nasopharynx, it also causes lethal diseases such as meningitis, sepsis, and pneumonia, especially in immunocompromised patients, in the elderly, and in young children. Due to the acquisition of antibiotic resistance and the emergence of nonvaccine serotypes, the pneumococcus has been classified as one of the priority pathogens for which new antibacterials are urgently required by the World Health Organization, 2017. Understanding molecular mechanisms behind the pathogenesis of pneumococcal infections and bacterial interactions within the host is crucial to developing novel therapeutics. Previously considered to be an extracellular pathogen, it is becoming evident that pneumococci may also occasionally establish intracellular niches within the body to escape immune surveillance and spread within the host. Intracellular survival within host cells also enables pneumococci to resist many antibiotics. Within the host cell, the bacteria exist in unique vacuoles, thereby avoiding degradation by the acidic lysosomes, and modulate the expression of its virulence genes to adapt to the intracellular environment. To invade and survive intracellularly, the pneumococcus utilizes a combination of virulence factors such as pneumolysin (PLY), pneumococcal surface protein A (PspA), pneumococcal adhesion and virulence protein B (PavB), the pilus‐1 adhesin RrgA, pyruvate oxidase (SpxB), and metalloprotease (ZmpB). In this review, we discuss recent findings showing the intracellular persistence of Streptococcus pneumoniae and its underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cross-species transfers of pathogens (zoonoses) cause some of the most virulent diseases, including anthrax, hantavirus and Q fever. Zoonotic infections occur when a pathogen moves from its reservoir host species into a secondary host species. Similarly, commensal infections often have a primary reservoir location within their hosts' bodies from which they rarely cause disease symptoms, but commensals such as Neisseria meningitidis cause severe disease when they cross into a different body compartment from their normal location. Both zoonotic and commensal infections cause either mild symptoms or severe disease, but rarely intermediate symptoms. We develop a mathematical model for studying three factors that affect the probability of severe disease: the size of the inoculum, the route of inoculation and the frequency of naturally occurring infections that do not cause symptoms but do induce protective immunity (vaccinating inoculations). With a single route of infection, increasing pathogen density causes inoculations to develop more often into disease rather than asymptomatic vaccinations that provide protective immunity. With two routes of infection, it may happen that a lower density of a pathogen or of a particular antigenic variant leads to a relatively higher frequency of disease-inducing versus vaccinating inoculations. This reversal occurs when one route of infection tends to vaccinate against relatively common pathogens but less often vaccinates against relatively rare pathogens, whereas the other route of infection is susceptible to disease-inducing inoculation even at relatively low pathogen density.  相似文献   

CD8 T cell responses to viral infections in sequence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Our current understanding of virus-specific T cell responses has been shaped by model systems with mice, where naive animals are infected with a single viral pathogen. Paradigms derived from such models, however, may not always be applicable to a natural setting, where a host is exposed to numerous pathogens over its lifetime. Accumulating data in animal models and with some human diseases indicate that a host's prior history of infections can impact the specificity of future CD8 T cell responses, even to unrelated viruses. This can have both beneficial and detrimental consequences for the host, including altered clearance of virus, distinct forms of immunopathology, and substantial changes in the pool of memory T cells. Here we will describe the characteristics of CD8 T cells and the dynamics of their response to heterologous viral infections in sequence.  相似文献   

Common themes in microbial pathogenicity.   总被引:135,自引:6,他引:129       下载免费PDF全文
A bacterial pathogen is a highly adapted microorganism which has the capacity to cause disease. The mechanisms used by pathogenic bacteria to cause infection and disease usually include an interactive group of virulence determinants, sometimes coregulated, which are suited for the interaction of a particular microorganism with a specific host. Because pathogens must overcome similar host barriers, common themes in microbial pathogenesis have evolved. However, these mechanisms are diverse between species and not necessarily conserved; instead, convergent evolution has developed several different mechanisms to overcome host barriers. The success of a bacterial pathogen can be measured by the degree with which it replicates after entering the host and reaching its specific niche. Successful microbial infection reflects persistence within a host and avoidance or neutralization of the specific and nonspecific defense mechanisms of the host. The degree of success of a pathogen is dependent upon the status of the host. As pathogens pass through a host, they are exposed to new environments. Highly adapted pathogenic organisms have developed biochemical sensors exquisitely designed to measure and respond to such environmental stimuli and accordingly to regulate a cascade of virulence determinants essential for life within the host. The pathogenic state is the product of dynamic selective pressures on microbial populations.  相似文献   

Infectious pathogens compete and are subject to natural selection at multiple levels. For example, viral strains compete for access to host resources within an infected host and, at the same time, compete for access to susceptible hosts within the host population. Here we propose a novel approach to study the interplay between within- and between-host competition. This approach allows for a single host to be infected by and transmit two strains of the same pathogen. We do this by nesting a model for the host–pathogen dynamics within each infected host into an epidemiological model. The nesting of models allows the between-host infectivity and mortality rates suffered by infected hosts to be functions of the disease progression at the within-host level. We present a general method for computing the basic reproduction ratio of a pathogen in such a model. We then illustrate our method using a basic model for the within-host dynamics of viral infections, embedded within the simplest susceptible–infected (SI) epidemiological model. Within this nested framework, we show that the virion production rate at the level of the cell–virus interaction leads, via within-host competition, to the presence or absence of between-host level competitive exclusion. In particular, we find that in the absence of mutation the strain that maximizes between-host fitness can outcompete all other strains. In the presence of mutation we observe a complex invasion landscape showing the possibility of coexistence. Although we emphasize the application to human viral diseases, we expect this methodology to be applicable to be many host–parasite systems.  相似文献   

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