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多样化松林中昆虫群落多样性特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
刘兴平  刘向辉  王国红  韩瑞东  戈峰 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2976-2982
马尾松和湿地松是我国南方的2种主要松树。通过对6种不同林分结构下的马尾松林和湿地松林内昆虫群落调查与多样性指数分析,表明2种松树内的昆虫种类和数量无显著差异,混交林中的昆虫群落的种类和数量比纯林多,尤其以捕食天敌类群的种类和数量更为明显。整个昆虫群落和植食类群多样性指数以湿地松林内较大,而天敌(捕食类群和寄生类群)多样性指数则以马尾松林较高。从不同林分结构下昆虫多样性的比较来看,混交林内昆虫群落多样性指数波动较小,明显地高于纯林。但不同林分结构下昆虫多样性随水平分布和垂直分层格局而变化,松树北面和东面各样地之间的昆虫群落多样性指数差异显著,而南、西面之间差异较小;树冠层各样地之间的差异达极显著水平,而枯枝落叶层和树干层之间差异不显著。由此,还进一步讨论了混交林中昆虫群落稳定性问题。  相似文献   

采用样线法调查了东辽河河岸带草本植物群落,分析了物种多样性特征,利用组平均聚类法和除趋势对应分析(DCA)分别对植物群落进行了分类和排序,探讨了影响东辽河河岸带草本植物群落分布的主要环境因子。结果表明:东辽河河岸带共有草本植物118种,属36科70属,草本植物的物种多样性自上游向下游呈现先增加后降低的变化趋势,而丰富度指数变化规律不显著,这与河流水文特征、河岸土壤基质类型、土壤含水量和人为干扰有关。聚类分析结果显示,东辽河河岸带草本群落可划分为11种类型,其中湿生植物群落占据优势。DCA排序轴与环境因子的相关性分析表明,海拔和河流等级是东辽河河岸带草本植物群落分布的重要影响因子。  相似文献   

应用样方法研究了辽宁太子河河岸带草本物种组成特征。结果表明:1)太子河河岸带共有草本植物207 种,隶属于36 科125 属。其中菊科物种最多,水蓼出现的频率最高;2)太子河河岸带草本植物属级区系组成丰富,以温带分布区类型为主,其次为热带分布区类型;3)所有物种中,水生或湿生植物120 种,旱生或中生植物87 种,分别占总物种数的58.0%和42.0%;4)根据物种在样方中出现与否,将样点分为2 类;一类分布于高海拔地区,物种以旱生或中生植物为主,物种数多,而另一类分布于低海拔地区,物种以水生或湿生植物为主,物种数较少;5)河岸带草本物种中有杂草和人类伴生种出现,且频率较高,表明太子河河岸带受到人类活动,如农田开发、挖沙和人类居住的影响。  相似文献   

张锋  张淑莲  陈志杰  赵惠燕 《生态学报》2007,27(11):4555-4562
通过对纸房沟流域不同植被恢复区昆虫进行调查,结果表明:昆虫种类数以天然灌木林最高,混交林次之,单纯林分较低,个体数量以柠条林昆虫数量最高,其次为混交林和沙棘林,天然灌木林变化幅度最小。各植被昆虫种类和数量季节变化符合y=ax3 bx2 cx d函数变化规律。从特征指数来分析:昆虫群落多样性指数5~9月份大小次序均为天然灌木林>混交林>单纯林分,均匀度以单纯林和混交林的昆虫群落变化幅度较大,天然灌木林变化幅度最小。群落的优势度与均匀度值的变化呈相反趋势。主分量分析表明:植物类型不同的昆虫群落,其主导因素和时间格局不同,且结构越复杂,主导因素和时间格局越明显;相反,则主导因素和时间格局分化不明显;通过排序植食性昆虫、捕食性昆虫、寄生性昆虫在各植被昆虫群落变化的不同时期占主导因素。  相似文献   

广州市昆虫群落结构及动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005-2006年对广州市全区域的昆虫群落进行6次调查,对该区域昆虫群落结构、多样性及时间动态进行了分析.共记述22个目、216个科.鞘翅目的类群最丰富,双翅目、鳞翅目、膜翅目和半翅目次之;鞘翅目昆虫的个体数量最多(30.45),其次为鳞翅目(18.89)和膜翅目(14.78).6~7月昆虫类群数和个体数量最多,12月最少;6~7月的种类丰度最高,其次为3~4月、9~10月,12月最低;Shannon-Wiener指数从高到低依次为6~7月、9~10月、3~4月、12月;Pielou均匀度指数从高到低依次为6~7月、9~10月、12月、3~4月;12月的种类优势度最高,其次为3~4月、9~10月,最低为6~7月.  相似文献   

为探讨黄土高原植被恢复过程中植物与昆虫群落的关系,评价人工植被和自然恢复植被种类搭配的合理性,为退化生态系统的植被恢复提供依据。采用样地调查法,在黄土丘陵沟壑区纸坊沟流域研究比较了不同植被恢复类型昆虫群落组成、结构及多样性的变化。结果表明,2种不同植被恢复类型区昆虫有189种(含蜱螨目),分别隶属13目84科。而不同植被恢复类型昆虫群落的物种数、丰富度、多样性、均匀度及优势度指数值均有明显差异。以20a自然封育植被恢复区昆虫群落的物种数、丰富度、多样性、均匀度指数值均较高,其值分别为160、21.17、1.4914和0.6918。优势度则以人工治理区(0.7251)>自然封育区(0.5845)。说明从人工治理区到自然封育区,随着植被种类增加,昆虫种类相应增加,优势种由突出降至不明显,昆虫群落稳定性提高。  相似文献   

为揭示中亚热带典型河岸带阔叶林群落的结构特征、数量特征和干扰强度的耦合关系,根据干扰强度的不同,在江西武夷山保护区内选取3条主要水系进行阔叶林群落调查,共统计到河岸带维管束植物93科174属304种,分别占保护区维管束植物总数的41.5%、18.0%、11.9%。物种组成以壳斗科(6属22种)、山茶科(7属22种)、樟科(6属16种)、蔷薇科(8属16种)为主。不同干扰强度下的河岸带植被群落相似性Jaccard系数均在0.2-0.3之间,各群落优势种完全不同,且存在特有分布的物种,但群落乔木层优势种优势度(重要值)差异不显著(P〉0.05)。不同干扰强度下,物种数量、群落Jaccard系数、丰富度指数、多样性指数、均匀度指数总体上为:轻微干扰〉中等干扰〉无干扰;而乔木的平均高度和平均胸径却为:无干扰〉中等干扰〉轻微干扰。研究结果表明,江西武夷山河岸带阔叶林以常绿阔叶树种为主,但不同干扰梯度下群落的结构和数量特征差异性较大。  相似文献   

果园生态系统的植物多样性是害虫天敌多样性的基础。以广西横县境内莲州路荔枝果园为样本,调查其中草本植物的种类和数量,从群落物种的4个特征指数(丰富度指数、多样性指数、均匀度指数及优势集中性指数)来分析果园植被多样性状况及季节性变化规律;同时调查分析果园栖生昆虫的种类、数量和4个相关性指数,探讨果园植被多样性与昆虫多样性的相关关系。结果表明,4~9月间,果园植物多样性指数在0.842~1.370之间;物种均匀度指数在0.445~0.659之间;优势集中性指数在0.326~0.518之间。昆虫与植被多样性指数峰值出现的时间基本同步,都在5~6月间。植被多样性指数较小起伏可导致昆虫多样性指数较大波动,说明栖息地植被多样性变化对昆虫群落的结构和组成产生较大影响,昆虫多样性与栖息地植被多样性密切相关。  相似文献   

以江西武夷山国家级自然保护区河岸带阔叶林群落为研究对象,对其物种组成进行调查,并采用物种丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数分析物种多样性。结果表明,保护区河岸带物种极丰富,三条水系10个样方中共调查到维管束植物93科174属304种,群落建群种和灌木层优势种均以常绿阔叶树种为主,物种组成具有典型的亚热带植被特色,以壳斗科、樟科、山茶科物种最多。保护区不同海拔河岸带物种丰富度指数、多样性指数的变化规律基本一致。  相似文献   

济南地区直翅目昆虫群落多样性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
济南地区位于鲁中丘陵山区和黄河冲积平原交接地带 ,境内生境丰富多样。研究不同生境中直翅目昆虫群落的组成及多样性既有重要的理论意义又有现实的应用价值。近来对该地区直翅目昆虫的研究成果已有报道[2 ,3 ,6 ],但有关多样性的工作还少有研究。作者于 1 994年对本地区的直翅目昆虫做了较为全面的调查 ,应用生境型的概念[9,13],将直翅目昆虫分布的 1 3种生境划分为 5个生境型[2 ]。在此基础上本文着重研究了直翅目昆虫群落的多样性及环境等因素与群落多样性的关系。1 自然条件概况济南位于山东省中部 ,整个地势南高北低。南部为鲁中丘陵…  相似文献   

1. Differing responses in riparian species richness and composition to disturbance have been reported as a possible explanation for the differences along and between rivers. This paper explores the role of physical disturbance in shaping landscape‐scale patterns of species distribution in riparian vegetation along a free‐flowing river in northern Sweden. 2. To test whether sensitivity to disturbance varies across large landscapes, we experimentally disturbed riparian vegetation along an entire, free‐flowing river by scouring the soil and the vegetation turf, cutting vegetation, applying waterborne plant litter, and after a period of recovery we measured vegetation responses. The experiment was repeated for two consecutive years. 3. We found no significant effect of disturbance on species composition, but all three forms of disturbance significantly reduced species richness. There was no downstream variation in community responses to disturbance but morphological groups of species responded differently to different kinds of disturbance. Graminoids were most resistant, suppressed only by litter burial. All forms of disturbance except cutting reduced the density of herbaceous species, and species density of trees + shrubs and dwarf shrubs was negatively affected by both scouring and cutting. We also evaluated the effects of disturbance in relation to varying levels of species richness. In nearly all cases, responses were significantly negatively correlated with control plot species richness, and relative responses indicated that species‐rich plots were less resistant to scouring and cutting. 4. Our results suggest that although all disturbance treatments had an effect on species richness, variation in sensitivity to disturbance is not the most important factor shaping landscape‐scale patterns of riparian plant species richness along rivers.  相似文献   

1. Willows, Salix spp., have been widely introduced as a riparian species in temperate Australia and New Zealand. The present study was a broad-scale observational survey to document the differences between reaches of river lined with willows and native vegetation in the community structure of benthic invertebrates and the resources which these plants use.
2. Nine rivers in south-eastern Tasmania were examined on three occasions in autumn, spring and summer. Taxa were identified to family level, with the exception of Oligochaeta and Acarina, and benthic organic matter (CPOM and FPOM) and epilithic biomass were measured for each reach.
3. Taxon diversity and evenness were lower in willowed reaches in autumn, and total macroinvertebrate density and number of taxa were lowest in willowed reaches in summer. No differences in the fauna between willowed and native reaches were observed in spring. Measures of community similarity of the fauna in willowed and native reaches were significantly different in autumn and summer, but not in spring.
4. The taxa responsible for the significant differences seemed to be responding to differences in food availability and habitat quality in reaches of each vegetation type. Organic matter standing stock was higher in willowed reaches in autumn although the influence of these litter inputs on the fauna were not marked. Epilithon biomass was highest in autumn and spring in willowed reaches when shading in these reaches was least.
5.  The most marked differences between willowed and native reaches were during summer low flows, when the instream fauna appeared to be responding to changes to shading, water quality and the quality of the habitat.  相似文献   

The Njoro River riparian vegetation species composition, distribution, disturbances and uses are presented and discussed. Montane Juniperus procera-Olea europaea spp. africana and submontane Acacia abyssinica forests were identified as the main riparian vegetation groups. Approximately 55% of the riparian vegetation species are used for herbal medicine, treating more than 330 health problems, and only 11% of the plants are edible. Albizzia gummifera in the Syzygium cordatum-Pittosporum abyssinicum-Hibiscus diversifolius forest is cut selectively for herbal medicine preparations. Disturbances on the riparian vegetation zone are broadly classified as those induced by man, livestock and wildlife. Comprehensive effects of disturbance included loss of vegetation vertical strata, increase/decrease of species diversity, introduction of alien plant species, and reduction of plant sizes and vegetation hectarage. The effects of grazing on the vegetation were severe around livestock watering points. Grazing and browsing by wildlife were the main disturbances of the vegetation near the Njoro River estuary at the Lake Nakuru National Park. Periodic flooding, as a natural disturbance, regulates growth and survival of vegetation at the Lake Nakuru drawdown. Quantification of species diversity and the extent of disturbance by humans and livestock is important for future management of the vegetation and, consequently, the river.  相似文献   

The vegetation within the riparian zone performs animportant ecological function for in-stream processes.In Australia, riparian zones are regarded as the mostdegraded natural resource zone due to disturbancessuch as river regulation and livestock grazing. Thisstudy looks at factors influencing vegetation dynamicsof riparian tree species on two contrasting riversystems in Western Australia. The Blackwood River insouth-western Australia is influenced by aMediterranean type climate with regular seasonalwinter flows. The Ord River in north-western Australiais characterized by low winter base flows andepisodic, extreme flows influenced by monsoon rains inthe summer. For both rivers, reproductive phenology ofstudied overstory species is timed to coincide withseasonal river hydrology and rainfall. An evendistribution of size classes of trees on the BlackwoodRiver indicated recruitment into the population iscontinual and related to the regular predictableseasonal river flows and rainfall. In contrast, on theOrd River tree size class distribution was clustered,indicating episodic recruitment. On both rivers treeestablishment is also influenced by elevation abovethe river, microtopography, moisture status and soiltype. In terms of vegetation dynamics riparianvegetation on the Ord River consists of long periodsof transition with short lived stable states incontrast to the Blackwood river where tree populationstructure is characterized by long periods of stablestates with short transitions.  相似文献   

1. Growth rates were examined as potential controlling agents of unionid distributions.
2. Analyses of long-term growth in unionid shells revealed two distinct patterns. Species which dominate rivers with forested riparian vegetation (e.g. Elliptio dilatata ) show slow growth throughout life, whereas species which dominate grassy rivers (e.g. Pyganodon grandis ) show rapid growth during early life and achieve a smaller maximum size at a younger age.
3.  Pyganodon grandis , which occurs in both river types but is much more abundant in grassy habitats, demonstrates a single growth pattern in both basin types. In contrast, Lasmigona complanata (Barnes, 1823), which occurs equally in both basin types, demonstrates two growth patterns which differ depending upon which river is inhabited. In forested rivers, L . complanata grow slow and steady, whereas in grassy rivers, these unionids grow faster and achieve maximum size earlier.
4. Short-term transplant studies of P . grandis and E . dilatata confirmed this pattern of growth for specialist species.  相似文献   

丹江口水库水滨带植物群落空间分布及环境解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘瑞雪  陈龙清  史志华 《生态学报》2015,35(4):1208-1216
探讨了环境因素对丹江口水库(南水北调中线水源地)水滨带植物群落空间分布的影响。通过对水滨带植物群落和环境因素的实地调查,用双向指示种分析(TWINSPAN)对201个水滨带植物群落进行分类;结合地形、土壤和水文因素用除趋势典范对应分析法(DCCA)分析环境因素对水滨带植物群落的影响;并对环境因素的解释能力进行定量分离。结果表明:(1)水滨带植物群落包括7种类型,分别是萹蓄群落、苘麻群落、细叶水芹+狗牙根群落、狗牙根群落、响叶杨-狗牙根群落、杜梨-白刺花-狗牙根群落和侧柏-牡荆-三穗苔草群落;(2)海拔和水淹影响对水滨带植物群落空间分布具有主导作用。海拔升高,水淹影响减弱,植物群落呈现由草本植物群落向木本植物群落变化的格局;(3)土壤因素的解释能力大于地形因素,水文因素的解释能力最小。各类环境因素之间存在交互作用,地形、水文和土壤因素三者间的交互作用最大,地形和土壤因素之间的交互作用最小。环境因素共解释水滨带植物群落空间分布的21.99%,未解释部分为78.01%。结果证明环境对植被的解释能力是由植被的复杂程度决定的,植被越复杂,环境的解释能力越低。  相似文献   

Coniferous forests of the Pacific Northwest provide a unique setting for stream ecology research because of the great age of the forests and the important role of wood debris in structuring aquatic systems. The composition and diversity of the insect community in Mack Creek, a stream in a 450 yr conifer forest, was compared with that in Grasshopper Creek where it flowed through a recent clearcut, and at Quartz Creek, which had a 40 yr deciduous canopy. Of the 256 taxa identified, Mack Creek had the highest species richness (196) and evenness. The open site had 191 taxa but high dominance of a few grazer taxa. The deciduous-canopy site had 165 taxa with abundant detritivores. Despite differences in density, the biomass of emergence was similar at the three sites, ranging from 1.53 to 1.65 g m–2 yr–1.The importance of disturbance in structuring stream communities was demonstrated in phenomenological studies after a debris torrent at Quartz Creek, and by monitoring stream recovery following the eruption of Mt. St. Helens in 1980. At Quartz Creek, the debris torrent eliminated the fauna from a 300 m reach, but there was rapid recovery. Emergence density in the same year was similar to that of the control site. The major shift in populations was a decrease in detritivores and moss associates and an increase in grazers, especially Baetis mayflies.At Ape Creek on Mt. St. Helens, over 200 taxa were recorded by 1987 but most occurred in very low densities. This site is reset by winter freshets and by infilling with glacial fines in the summer so the fauna continues to be dominated by weedy, or early successional species. At Clearwater Creek, the presence of wood debris as a stable substrate and limited inputs of fine sediment after 1980 have hastened population recovery. A decade after the eruption this site can be characterized as being in the mid-stages of succession with high insect productivity from an algal-based food web. With further growth of the riparian vegetation I predict a shift towards a detritus-based food web and fauna more similar to Mack Creek than it is at present.  相似文献   

麦田昆虫群落结构及多样性的季节动态   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
通过2年对麦田昆虫群落的系统调查,共查得昆虫11目、62科1、13种,其中植食类51种、捕食类23种、寄生类24种、腐食和食血类15种,种类数和个体数分别占群落总数的45.13,20.35,21.24,13.27%和92.89,2.19,3.63,1.35%。麦田昆虫群落可划分为4个营养层、6个功能团和19个类群,麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae(Fabricius)是绝对的优势种,其数量变动决定着总群落结构和多样性的季节动态。麦田昆虫群落多样性表现为前期和后期高、中期低的时间格局,类群多样性与物种多样性的变化趋势最为相似,可用类群多样性代替物种多样性进行群落分析。  相似文献   

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