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A generic index (GI) utilizing epilithic diatom assemblages as abioindicator of water pollution in subtropical rivers in Taiwan was applied toastudy of a tropical river. Seven sites on the River Tsanwun were sampledseasonally from August 1995 to June 1998. Although there is a marked differencein water chemistry between tropical and subtropical rivers in Taiwan, thedominant genera of their diatom assemblages are quite similar. The six generaused for the calculation of GI in the subtropical rivers were also the maincomponents of diatom assemblages in the River Tsanwun. The calculated valuesdisplayed a close correlation with water quality, evaluated on the basis ofphysical and chemical variables. A strong correlation was found between this GIand other diatom-based indices of water quality.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled at six stations in the Athabasca River near Ft. Mackay, Alberta, during the 1977 open water season. Fluctuating discharge of the river effected changes in the nature of the sediments as well as the abundance and composition of invertebrate communities. During most of the summer, coarse sand was dominated by chironomids of the Harnischia complex and an undescribed Orthocladiinae. Stoneflies and mayflies invaded the coarse sand in autumn when decreasing discharge led to greater stability of the substrate. The invertebrate fauna of silt and mud resembled that of similar substrates in lakes. Bedrock supported communities similar to those of stony streams. The average abundances of invertebrates on sand and mud were similar but estimates from mud were somewhat more variable. These results are discussed with respect to substrate stability and compared with published records from other large rivers.  相似文献   

Identifying seasonal shifts in community assembly for multiple biological groups is important to help enhance our understanding of their ecological dynamics. However, such knowledge on lotic assemblages is still limited. In this study, we used biological traits and functional diversity indices in association with null model analyses to detect seasonal shifts in the community assembly mechanisms of lotic macroinvertebrates and diatoms in an unregulated subtropical river in China. We found that functional composition and functional diversity (FRic, FEve, FDis, MNN, and SDNN) showed seasonal variation for macroinvertebrate and diatom assemblages. Null models suggested that environmental filtering, competitive exclusion, and neutral process were all important community assembly mechanisms for both biological groups. However, environmental filtering had a stronger effect on spring macroinvertebrate assemblages than autumn assemblages, but the effect on diatom assemblages was the same in both seasons. Moreover, macroinvertebrate and diatom assemblages were shaped by different environmental factors. Macroinvertebrates were filtered mainly by substrate types, velocity, and CODMn, while diatoms were mainly shaped by altitude, substrate types, and water quality. Therefore, our study showed (a) that different biological assemblages in a river system presented similarities and differences in community assembly mechanisms, (b) that multiple processes play important roles in maintaining benthic community structure, and (c) that these patterns and underlying mechanisms are seasonally variable. Thus, we highlight the importance of exploring the community assembly mechanisms of multiple biological groups, especially in different seasons, as this is crucial to improve the understanding of river community changes and their responses to environmental degradation.  相似文献   

1. Macroinvertebrate assemblages were studied in the glacial river West-Jökulsá, originating from the Hofsjökull Ice Cap in central Iceland at an altitude of 860 m. Sampling sites were distributed from the source to 45 km downstream at 160 m a.s.l. Comparative studies were carried out on non-glacial rivers and tributaries in the area, at similar altitudes and distances from the glacial source.
2. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) demonstrated that species composition of benthic macroinvertebrates was related to the distance from the glacier. Assemblages at sampling sites furthest from the glacier were similar in species composition to sites in non-glacial rivers. Temporal variation was small compared with longitudinal zonation.
3. Based on canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) of data from the main glacial river, distance from the glacier, altitude, bryophyte biomass and the Pfankuch Index of channel stability were the measured explanatory variables having a significant effect on the structure of macroinvertebrate assemblages, accounting for 31% of the total variation in the data set. When data from all the rivers were analysed, altitude, bryophyte biomass, channel slope, suspended sediment concentration and maximum water temperature explained 21% of the variance.
4. Macroinvertebrate communities were in general agreement with the predictions of the conceptual model of Milner & Petts (1994) for the upstream reaches. The assemblages consisted mainly of Orthocladiinae and Diamesinae (Chironomidae), although other taxa such as Simuliidae, Plecoptera and Trichoptera were also found in low numbers. Shredders were lacking from the benthic communities, apparently because of continued glacial influence in the river even 45 km downstream from the glacier and lack of allochthononus inputs from riparian vegetation.  相似文献   

1. Dam removal has great potential for restoring rivers and streams, yet limited data exist documenting recovery of associated biota within these systems following removals, especially on larger systems. This study examined the effects of a dam breach on benthic macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages in the Fox River, Illinois, U.S.A. 2. Benthic macroinvertebrates and fish were collected above and below the breached dam and three nearby intact dams for 1 year pre‐ and 3 years post‐breach (2 years of additional pre‐breach fish data were obtained from previous surveys). We also examined the effects of the breach on associated habitat by measuring average width, depth, flow rate and bed particle size at each site. 3. Physical habitat at the former impoundment (IMP) became comparable to free‐flowing sites (FF) within 1 year of the breach (width and depth decreased, flow rate and bed particle size increased). We also found a strong temporal effect on depth and flow rate at all surveyed sites. 4. Following the breach, relative abundance of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (largely due to hydropsychid caddisflies) increased, whereas relative abundance of Ostracoda decreased, in the former IMP to levels comparable to FF sites. High variation in other metrics (e.g. total taxa, diversity) precluded determination of an effect of the breach on these aspects of the assemblage. However, non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) ordinations indicated that overall macroinvertebrate assemblage structure at the former IMP shifted to a characteristically FF assemblage 2 years following the breach. 5. Total fish taxa and a regional fish index of biotic integrity became more similar in the former IMP to FF sites following the breach. However, other fish metrics (e.g. biomass, diversity, density) did not show a strong response to the breach of the dam. Ordinations of abundance data suggested the fish assemblage only slightly shifted to FF characteristics 3 years after the breach. 6. Effects of the breach to the site immediately below the former dam included minor alterations in habitat (decreased flow rate and increased particle size) and short‐term changes in several macroinvertebrate metrics (e.g. decreased assemblage diversity and EPT richness for first post‐year), but longer‐term alterations in several fish metrics (e.g. decreased assemblage richness for all three post‐years; decreased density for first two post‐years). However, NMDS ordinations suggested no change to overall assemblage structure for both macroinvertebrates and fish following the breach at this downstream site. 7. Collectively, our results support the effectiveness of dam removal as a restoration practice for impaired streams and rivers. However, differences in response times of macroinvertebrates and fish coupled with the temporal effect on several habitat variables highlight the need for longer‐term studies.  相似文献   

In southwestern British Columbia (BC, Canada) and within a relatively small geographic area, lotic environments range from streams in coastal rainforests, to streams in arid continental grasslands, to very large rivers. Little is known about the invertebrate communities in large rivers in general, or in the streams of continental BC. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the benthic invertebrate community structure changes spatially between small coastal and small interior streams; between small streams versus large rivers; and whether changes in the benthic community are related to the environmental conditions. Kicknet samples and environmental data were collected from three coastal streams, three continental streams and two large rivers (discharge of 781 and 3620 m3/s, respectively). The large river sites had low invertebrate abundance, species richness and diversity, relative to the small streams. The coastal streams had the highest species richness and the continental streams had the highest invertebrate abundance. A number of taxa were specific to each class of stream. Invertebrate abundance decreased with river size, and increased with elevation, pH, conductivity, alkalinity, NO2NO3-N, total Kejldahl nitrogen and percent carbon in suspended solids.  相似文献   

Diatoms and macroinvertebrates are both commonly used for biological assessment of stream condition. As the use of biological assessment techniques increases, resource managers will need to make decisions on which biological tool to use for a particular study. In a study of the Kiewa River, Victoria, Australia we assessed these two components of the biota—macroinvertebrates and diatoms—using indices and pattern analysis, and comparing them with an a priori landscape classification. We also assessed the relationship exhibited between the biological results and environmental variables which are usually significant in stream ecosystems. To make the data comparable we used categorical abundances for both data sets. The pattern analyses showed complementary results, with diatoms more closely related to water quality variables, whereas macroinvertebrates were primarily related to catchment and habitat features. An analysis of a combined data set (diatoms plus macroinvertebrates) showed no extra information was gained. Using categorisation to create consistency between data sets was shown to reduce the information and affect results from the diatom analyses. The results suggested that the locally derived bioassessment models and indices provided a more accurate assessment of the sites than the overseas-derived diatom index. The outcomes are complicated by issues of data weighting, whereby a presence/absence diatom index may have performed better than abundance-weighted indices due to strong dominance of one or two species at a site. Future comparisons will benefit from an increase in the knowledge of regional diatom taxonomy and autecology.  相似文献   

The urgency to find efficient indices and indicators to prevent further deterioration of coastal areas is one of the hot topics in today’s scientific publication. However, a detailed knowledge of community responses to anthropogenic impacts is essential to sustain those indices. The studies on the response of benthic community to sewage pollution on intertidal rocky shores are generally based on visual census and do not take into account the tidal levels. In order to fulfil this gap in this study: (i) the sampling was performed by destructive sampling, with all individuals identified to the species level; (ii) the sampling was done at all levels of the intertidal (sublittoral fringe, eulittoral, and littoral fringe). Sewage pollution changed the environmental variables and the abundance of macroinvertebrates, being Mytilus galloprovincialis, Melarhaphe neritoides, and Chthamalus montagui the species most responsible for the dissimilarities observed. Effects were different on the three intertidal zones: community structure changed in the sublittoral fringe; suspension-feeders abundances and species richness increased in the eulittoral; no differences were detected in the littoral fringe. Moreover, the results confirm that the presence of sewage discharges tended to benefit suspension feeders, and that the sensitive species were replaced by opportunistic ones.  相似文献   

以海南岛主要水系的30个样点的河流底栖硅藻为对象, 分析了其枯水期的群落组成, 并探讨了群落的地理分布特征。在鉴定出的55属174种底栖硅藻中, 曲壳藻属是优势属, 占52.3%。聚类分析及非度量多维尺度分析(NMDS)显示, 底栖硅藻群落表现出明显的地理分布差异, 可划分为西部坝王岭、西部尖峰岭、中部的鹦哥岭和五指山以及东部的吊罗山4大群系。其中西部山区昌化江水系的硅藻多样性最低, 中部山区为昌化江水系和南渡江水系的发源地, 其硅藻多样性最高, 东部山区硅藻也表现出一定独特性, 说明本研究中底栖硅藻群落分布很可能受季风及地理空间因素的影响。大多数样点的优势种为清洁指示种, 少数样点出现了Gomphonema parvulumAulacoseira ambigua等高营养盐指示种, 表明大部分河流水质良好, 仅少部分河流由于人类活动而出现了富营养化趋势。  相似文献   

Limnology - Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages are used to assess anthropogenic stressors and pressures globally—although considerable spatial and temporal variability in those assemblages...  相似文献   

The responses of benthic macroinvertebrates to land-use-induced changes in water quality and habitat because of contrasting land-use types along the Umfurudzi River, Zimbabwe, were investigated in 2013. Five stations in a communal area upstream of Umfurudzi National Park, four on the edge of the park and six in the park were sampled monthly from April to July 2013 for physico-chemical variables and aquatic macroinvertebrates. Phosphates and siltation levels were significantly higher at stations in the communal area, compared to those in the park. Vegetation cover and conductivity were significantly higher at stations in the park compared to those in the communal area. Recovery of macroinvertebrate communities along a disturbance gradient from the highly disturbed, silted, low percentage vegetation cover communal area stations through the semi-disturbed park edge area to the less disturbed, less silted, high percentage vegetation cover stations in the park was demonstrated. Consequently, the management of tropical catchments should include practices that minimise loss of riparian vegetation and that guard against siltation of aquatic systems. The study also demonstrates the capacity of macroinvertebrates to act as indicators of these disturbances.  相似文献   

Biotic indexes are one of several types of measures that are routinely used in biological monitoring in temperate streams and offer interesting possibilities to assess the environmental quality of rivers in the neotropics. Macroinvertebrate communities of seven southeastern Nicaraguan streams were monitored and seven ecological indexes were applied. The results suggest that information from the Indice Biótico Esteso (I.B.E.) is closely correlated to the results of other methods, but the I.B.E. index is easier to apply as well as avoiding high costs and time-consuming procedures. A calibration of the method is necessary for rapid assessment approaches in the neotropics.  相似文献   

青龙河底栖无脊椎动物群落结构及其水质评价   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:14  
本文论述了青龙河底栖生物种类、数量、分布和结构等特点及其与环境因子间的关系。应用Beck、Gleason、Shannon、Simpson等生物指数对水质状况进行评价。结果表明青龙河除个别断面受污染外,大部分河段属尚清洁水。  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrates were sampled and environmental variables measured at Langeni Forest and Kambi Valley, two sites of varying degrees of human impact in the upper Mthatha River, South Africa, in 2010–2011. Four species, Simulium adersi Pomeroy, Baetis harrisoni Barnard, Pseudocloeon sp. and Tricorythus sp., occurred at all site sampling units. Specimen counts increased from the rainy months of January to April/May, and higher numbers of individuals occurred at Langeni. Species occurrences per site were directly or indirectly affected by season, substrate and habitat heterogeneity. Canonical correspondence analysis results showed that conductivity, pH, flow, substrate and marginal vegetation were important in determining species distribution patterns. Both rare/habitat-restricted and common/widespread benthic macroinvertebrates identified in this study can be used as indicators for assessing the ecological integrity of the Mthatha River. Habitat management along the river should aim at preserving indigenous vegetation, especially during the summer season when habitat requirements are optimal for growth stages of most benthic macroinvertebrate fauna. The practicality of using species-level surveys on a routine basis can be challenging, given the lack of taxonomic expertise and time constraints. It might be advisable to select a few indicator species and to monitor them as surrogates for the whole community.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages, water chemistry variables and environmental degradation were investigated in an Atlantic Forest region in Brazil. Seven sites of the Guapimirim river basin were studied during three sampling periods based on the rain regime: end of wet season (May 1998), dry season (August 1998), and wet season (January 1999). Four substrates were collected at each site: sand, stony substrates, litter in pool areas and litter in riffle areas. Relationships between macroinvertebrate assemblages, water chemistry variables and environmental degradation were examined using canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). According to CCA, concentrations of dissolved oxygen and chloride, and the environmental degradation, measured by the Riparian Channel Environment index, exhibited the strongest relationship to macroinvertebrate assemblages. Overall, the loss of community diversity measured by the Shannon Index along the degradation gradient was observed. Some taxa were shown to be sensitive to water pollution, especially among Plecoptera, Trichoptera, Coleoptera and some Ephemeroptera, while others such as Simuliidae, Odonata and molluscs were tolerant to moderate levels of pollutants. The Chironomidae were the only group tolerant to a high level of pollutants and degradation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the environmental factors that best explain the distribution and community composition of benthic diatoms in undisturbed mountain streams in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe. Benthic diatoms were sampled during the dry season from 21 sampling sites established along altitudinal gradient of the study rivers. A total of 119 diatom species belonging to 38 genera and twelve families were recorded for all the 21 sites sampled. No significant differences were observed in species diversity and equitability amongst the three river systems. However, species richness, diversity and equitability decreased significantly along the longitudinal gradient of the rivers, with the highest richness, diversity and evenness being recorded in the upper reaches. Temperature, velocity, NO3? and Ca2+ levels were strongly associated with changes in diatom communities in the three rivers. Inventory of diatom communities has applications in many fields of biological research including conservation and biological monitoring of ecosystem changes.  相似文献   

The delivery of consistent and accurate fine-resolution data on biodiversity using metabarcoding promises to improve environmental assessment and research. Whilst this approach is a substantial improvement upon traditional techniques, critics note that metabarcoding data are suitable for establishing taxon occurrence, but not abundance. We propose a novel hierarchical approach to recovering abundance information from metabarcoding, and demonstrate this technique using benthic macroinvertebrates. To sample a range of abundance structures without introducing additional changes in composition, we combined seasonal surveys with fish-exclusion experiments at Catamaran Brook in northern New Brunswick, Canada. Five monthly surveys collected 31 benthic samples for DNA metabarcoding divided between caged and control treatments. A further six samples per survey were processed using traditional morphological identification for comparison. By estimating the probability of detecting a single individual, multispecies abundance models infer changes in abundance based on changes in detection frequency. Using replicate detections of 184 genera (and 318 species) from metabarcoding samples, our analysis identified changes in abundance arising from both seasonal dynamics and the exclusion of fish predators. Counts obtained from morphological samples were highly variable, a feature that limited the opportunity for more robust comparison, and emphasizing the difficulty standard methods also face to detect changes in abundance. Our approach is the first to demonstrate how quantitative estimates of abundance can be made using metabarcoding, both among species within sites as well as within species among sites. Many samples are required to capture true abundance patterns, particularly in streams where counts are highly variable, but few studies can afford to process entire samples. Our approach allows study of responses across whole communities, and at fine taxonomic resolution. We discuss how ecological studies can use additional sampling to capture changes in abundance at fine resolution, and how this can complement broad-scale biomonitoring using DNA metabarcoding.  相似文献   

1. During the spring of 1992, fifty-two quantitative diatom samples were collected from twenty-eight rivers located in the Tokyo Metropolitan area, Japan, to study the response of the diatom assemblages to water pollution (assessed using physical and chemical data determined monthly from April 1987 to March 1992). 2. Species composition was analysed by means of biotic indices (Pantle and Buck's saprobic index) and multivariate analyses [two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) for classification and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) for ordination]. Species-abundance relationships were analysed using diversity indices (species richness, Shannon's diversity index and Pielou's evenness index) and rank-abundance patterns (rank-abundance curves). 3. CCA revealed two major gradients. The first corresponded to organic pollution and eutrophication. The second corresponded to variables related to geographical location. Four main station groups were determined by TWINSPAN. The location of the indicator species of groups 1–3 along the CCA axis 1 is consistent with their known pollution tolerance characteristics. Indicator species for group 4 had larger scores on CCA axis 2, and are representative of brackish water environments. 4. Species richness tended to be higher in the intermediate range of water pollution. Pielou's evenness index and Shannon's diversity index followed the same tendency but only weakly. 5. The rank-abundance patterns of diatom assemblages were more or less constant in all stations. The curves were very similar in shape, differing only in length and gradient (directly related to species richness and evenness, respectively). 6. The results of this study indicate that the response of diatom assemblages to environmental change can be observed in species compositional variation. Multivariate analyses and pollution indices revealed this response and are to be preferred to species diversity measures.  相似文献   

北京河流底栖硅藻沿城乡梯度带空间分布及其季节变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈向  周伟奇  李伟峰 《生态学报》2017,37(10):3586-3595
研究了北京市区沿城乡梯度带河流底栖硅藻的空间分布及其季节变化特征。通过在2014年的春季、夏季和秋季在山区对照溪流、城市上游河道和城市下游河道3个样区,共23个样点进行了底栖硅藻样品采集。分析表明,主要优势种的空间差异明显。在对照溪流,主要优势种为极小曲丝藻(Achnanthidium minutissimum);在城市上游河道,主要优势种分别为短文假十字脆杆藻(Pseudostaurosira brevistriata)和连结十字脆杆藻腹面变种(Staurosira construens var.venter);在城市下游河道,主要优势种为谷皮菱形藻(Nitzschia palea)。然而,3个样区内的主要优势种相对丰度季节变化较小(P0.05)。其中,A.minutissimum及P.brevistriata的季节变化特征均为春季秋季夏季,而S.construens var.venter及N.palea的季节变化特征均为春季夏季秋季。结果发现,北京市城乡梯度带的河流硅藻种类组成差异较大,但主要优势属种季节变化相对较小,表明硅藻种类能较好地反映城乡梯度带的河流环境变化状况,可用于北京市河流水质生物监测。  相似文献   

Buffagni  Andrea  Crosa  Giuseppe A.  Harper  David M.  Kemp  Joanna L. 《Hydrobiologia》2000,435(1-3):213-225
The functional habitat concept was applied to a large Italian river for the first time. The characteristically wide range of hydraulic conditions present in this river (compared to previously-studied small, lowland, English rivers) were expected to be of central importance to biota and, therefore, to habitat definition. TWINSPAN analysis of the invertebrate assemblages sampled in the Ticino river identified five distinct habitats: two habitats in lotic areas (run-riffle and macrophytes in current), two along the river margins (with and without macrophytes) and one in backwater areas. These correspond to five of the functional habitats identified in U.K. lowland rivers. Each of these five functional habitats could be defined either in terms of hydraulics, substratum and/or presence/absence of macrophytes. Representative taxa are presented for each habitat and community structure discussed. Macrophyte and run-riffle habitats supported the most heterogeneous and abundant benthic fauna. No match was found between replicates grouped by invertebrate assemblage (the five functional habitats identified by TWINSPAN) and the grouping of the same replicates by PCA, carried out on the physical data matrix. While obvious velocity differences were found between the functional habitats, of particular note was the fact that the Froude number did not show any clear association with habitat type. In the future, improved river management will follow improved understanding of river habitats.  相似文献   

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