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The long-tailed mouse, Oligoryzomys longicaudatus (Cricetidae: Sigmodontinae), is the major host of Andes hantavirus, the etiological agent of hantavirus pulmonary syndrome in the south of Argentina and Chile. Studying the ecology of this species is necessary to understand how Andes hantavirus is maintained in nature. In this study, we examine the home range size and intra- and intersexual overlap degree of male and female O. longicaudatus in order to elucidate the mating system of this species. To our knowledge, this research provides the first documentation, obtained from a specific design, of spacing and mating systems in this species in Argentina. The study was conducted seasonally from April (autumn) 2012 to October (spring) 2013 in a shrubland habitat of Cholila, Andean region, Argentina. We studied spacing patterns using 59 and 51 home ranges established by adult males and females, respectively, in two 3.24 ha capture-marked and recapture grids. Significant differences between sexes in home range size and overlap degree were found. Male home ranges were always larger than those of females. We observed exclusive space use both among males and females (13.15 ± 18.67, and 3.60 ± 3.43%, respectively). Considering only those males that get access to receptive females (40%), average intersexual overlap value was about 30.82 ± 19.73%. Sexual differences in home range sizes and the spatial avoidance between breeding males, that would reflect intrasexual competition for receptive females, allows us to propose a polygynous mating system for O. longicaudatus.  相似文献   

Body-size-specific variation in male mating success has been demonstrated in the milkweed beetle, Tetraopes tetraophthalmus by several authors. This study attempts to identify the behavioural components of this variable mating success and partition them into intrasexual and intersexual selective events. In laboratory studies, no evidence was found for an intersexual component of mate selection; neither female choice nor a variable propensity of males to mate. In both laboratory and field studies, however, male-male fighting was shown to play a large role in determining the mating success of individuals. Body-size-related variation in mating success results, in part, as a consequence of the high probability that the larger of two interacting males will deny the smaller male access to any nearby females.  相似文献   

Sexual selection is believed to play a major role in speciation processes of cichlid fishes in the East African Great Lakes, in particular Lakes Malawi and Victoria, by driving diversification in male nuptial coloration. In Lake Tanganyika, a high rate of color pattern diversification is found in the genus Tropheus, where more than 100, mostly allopatric, color morphs have been described. Whether color pattern differentiation in Tropheus could follow from sexual selection as well, has not yet been conclusively shown. Unlike typical sexually selected species, Tropheus are sexually monomorphic, establish temporary pair bonds and spawn monogamously. Variance in mating success among individuals would still allow for sexual selection, but due to their high population census sizes, parentage data from natural populations are difficult to obtain. Simulations designed according to existing data on mating behavior in Tropheus suggested that variance in male reproductive success can be substantial and lead to levels of opportunity for selection, which are similar to values estimated, for example, from natural populations of sexually dimorphic songbirds. Variance in male success was mostly affected by the way females perceived and reacted to differences between males, and to a lesser extent by the duration of components of the reproductive cycles of males and females. These results indicate that future work on the importance of sexual selection in Tropheus should concentrate on mate choice cues and female mate choice behavior, but does not depend critically on the acquisition of more detailed life history data.  相似文献   

The males of the species of frogs Engystomops pustulosus produce simple and complex calls to lure females, as a way of intersexual selection. Complex calls lead males to a greater reproductive success than what simple calls do. However, the complex calls are also more attractive to their main predator, the bat Trachops cirrhosus. Therefore, as M. Ryan suggests in (The túngara frog: a study in sexual selection and communication. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1985), the complexity of the calls lets the frogs keep a trade-off between reproductive success and predation. In this paper, we verify this trade-off from the perspective of game theory. We first model the proportion of simple calls as a symmetric game of two strategies. We also model the effect of adding a third strategy, males that keep quiet and intercept females, which would play a role of intrasexual selection. Under the assumption that the decision of the males takes into account this trade-off between reproductive success and predation, our model reproduces the observed behavior reported in the literature with minimal assumption on the parameters. From the model with three strategies, we verify that the quiet strategy could only coexists with the simple and complex strategies if the rate at which quiet males intercept females is high, which explains the rarity of the quiet strategy. We conclude that the reproductive strategy of the male frog E. pustulosus is rational.  相似文献   

Male courtship behavior and displays influence female mating decisions, and therefore affect mating success in a diverse range of organisms. While there is substantial evidence confirming that females prefer males who invest more in courtship, less attention has been paid to the relative importance of individual behaviors, and the discrete sequences of courtship that result in mating success. The small hairy maggot blow fly, Chrysomya varipes, performs stereotyped courtship behaviors, involving orienting, tapping, waving, arching, wing vibration and mounting. This study aimed to quantify male investment in specific courtship behaviors, and compare courtship investment and behavioral transitions between males who gained mating success (successful males) and those that did not (unsuccessful males). Our results show that mating success was influenced by the behaviors orienting, tapping, arching and mounting. Behavioral transitions revealed a distinct pattern of behaviors leading to a mating attempt, and some differences were observed between successful and unsuccessful males. Overall, our findings suggest that female mating decisions were based on differences in specific male courtship behaviors. This detailed observational study has quantified multiple courtship behaviors for the first time in C. varipes, and highlights the importance of considering multiple behavioral traits when exploring the influence of male courtship on mating success.  相似文献   

Bactrocera carambolae and B. dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) are extremely destructive pests of fruits and vegetables in the Asia-Pacific region. Earlier reports have described that B. carambolae and B. dorsalis, respectively, use mainly star fruit and mango, suggesting a certain level of host partitioning which can be ascribed neither to differences in larval food qualities nor host-specific parasitoid mortality. This study specifically examined reproductive interference (antagonistic sexual interaction) between B. carambolae and B. dorsalis as a potential factor strongly affecting their host partitioning. We observed mating behaviors, especially interspecific courtships and mating, by cohabiting the conspecific and heterospecific pairs together. Consequently, we quantified their effects on the reproductive success of females. Males of both species frequently courted their own females, but they also courted females of other species. Courtship refusal by females was not selective in males of either species. This incomplete discrimination of both sexes led to frequent occurrences of interspecific sexual interactions in both species, but only B. carambolae females showed reduced reproductive success. These results suggest that B. dorsalis, superior in reproductive interference, can occupy high-quality mango, whereas B. carambolae, inferior in reproductive interference, must use low-quality star fruit.  相似文献   

A trade-off between flight capability and reproduction is well known in adult females of the wing-dimorphic cricket Velarifictorus ornatus, but it is not clear whether such a trade-off exists in adult males of the species. In the present study, we investigated sexual maturation time, mating frequency, and the fertilization success of spermatophores after sequential mating in long-winged (LW) and short-winged (SW) adult males of V. ornatus to evaluate the potential reproductive advantage of the SW over the LW male morph. We found that the SW males of V. ornatus attained sexual maturity earlier and produced heavier spermatophores during the early stage after adult emergence than their LW counterparts. Additionally, within a 24-h mating period, the SW males showed a higher mating frequency, greater spermatophore weight, and shorter intermating time interval compared with their LW counterparts. Although females copulated with the two male morphs produced eggs of similar size, fertilization success by SW males was significantly higher than by the LW males. These results provide support for a trade-off between dispersal capability and reproduction success in wing-dimorphic males of V. ornatus.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of kinship on mate selection by males of the neotropical primitively eusocial paper wasp Polistes versicolor. By conducting short-time, paired, consecutive, dyadic encounters, in which a male was randomly introduced separately to a related and an unrelated female in a small glass arena, we were able to observe and measure the male sexual display. We found that male sexual interest toward a female was not affected by kinship, even after controlling the differences in female behavior. Despite our finding that males were as eager to harass females, regardless of kinship, previous evidence suggested that incestuous copulation (inbreeding) in natural populations of P. versicolor appeared to be avoided. We suggest that in the natural mating habitat of the native population that we studied, in which many colonies were able to produce males and reproductive females in a short time window, the probability of finding related sexual partners was low, hence, intersexual kin discrimination did not evolve.  相似文献   

Alternative mating tactics (AMT) occur in several animal taxa as a way to respond to physiological or environmental factors that affect reproductive success. In other words, males can exhibit different mate acquisition tactics associated with phenotypic variations. Here we present the case of Epipleoneura williamsoni, a non-territorial Neotropical damselfly in which larger males actively search for females along the margins of streams and smaller males remain perched on the vegetation and adopt a sit-and-wait strategy. Males were captured, marked and behavioral observations were conducted to take notes on the spatial displacement of individuals. We then measured male body size and agility to test whether these traits could be used to predict flight ability and thus AMT’s. Agility was measured by the ?2(S) coefficient, which is a surrogate of flight ability and maneuverability. The results show that body size was positively correlated with male flight ability and agility. However, male agility did not predict the adopted AMT. These results suggest that the strategies adopted by E. williamsoni males may be a reflection of body condition. This study adds evidence on how selection may act on different phenotypes within a population and how body size variations may result in different displacement capacities and flight agility.  相似文献   

Most studies on the sexual behaviour of tephritid fruit flies are conducted in laboratory or field cage settings. Here, we present field data on the mating behaviour of the melon fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett). A number of Tephritidae are lekking species, forming aggregations in which males fight to defend a small territory where they court females and mate. Our results confirm that males of the melon flies congregated and engaged in wing vibration in the late afternoon on non-host plants, such as Ficus carica, Cydonia oblonga and Prunus persica which bordered cucurbit fields. The nature and outcome of male-male aggressive encounters are described, and a high degree of female mate selectivity is documented.  相似文献   

Sexual selection involves two main mechanisms: intrasexual competition for mates and intersexual mate choice. We experimentally separated intrasexual (male-male interference competition) and intersexual (female choice) components of sexual selection in a freshwater fish, the European bitterling (Rhodeus sericeus). We compared the roles of multiple morphological and behavioural traits in male success in both components of sexual competition, and their relation to male reproductive success, measured as paternity of offspring. Body size was important for both female choice and male-male competition, though females also preferred males that courted more vigorously. However, dominant males often monopolized females regardless of female preference. Subordinate males were not excluded from reproduction and sired some offspring, possibly through sneaked ejaculations. Male dominance and a greater intensity of carotenoid-based red colouration in their iris were the best predictors of male reproductive success. The extent of red iris colouration and parasite load did not have significant effects on female choice, male dominance or male reproductive success. No effect of parasite load on the expression of red eye colouration was detected, though this may have been due to low parasite prevalence in males overall. In conclusion, we showed that even though larger body size was favoured in both intersexual and intrasexual selection, male-male interference competition reduced opportunities for female choice. Females, despite being choosy, had limited control over the paternity of their offspring. Our study highlights the need for reliable measures of male reproductive success in studies of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Long-termed intersexual friendly relationships between males and females of the Brauner’s lizard are characterized by high levels of spatial association and high frequency of affiliative behavior between partners (see report 1). In present article we consider changes in the frequency of affiliative behavior in males (Am) and females (Af) after the first appearance of female on the male’s territory and conditions for the transition of lizard to stable residency (SR). Generally, Am becomes stable during the first days of initial period and does not change later. This fact suggests that in most instances male’s choice criteria are some peculiarities of the female’s exterior. In the initial period, Af is always low, however, gradually rises to the level of Am if Am is high. The main condition of female’s SR is high Am of the owner of the territory where female establishes her comfort areas. Hence, social partner choice in female is based on male’s behavior, and high Am triggers the formation of friendly interrelations. Significant correlation between social and sexual interrelations is absent. As can be judged by female’s reactions to male’s sexual behavior, his sexual activity is rather a factor of social disintegration. Structure of costs for social partner search is different in males and females, and these differences well harmonize with differences in gender strategies of partner choice. The social strategies are well interpreted in terms of the optimal foraging theory.  相似文献   

Ritualized courtship behaviors are used to recognize potential mates and behavioral patterns are inevitably different among populations that demonstrate reproductive incompatibility. We characterized and compared the courtship behaviors of two morphotypes of the cryptic species complex Anastrepha fraterculus: Brazil-1 morphotype and Brazil-3 morphotype. Courtship behaviors were filmed to analyze the behavioral sequences of these two morphotypes during homotypic crossings. The behavioral units Alignment (AL) and Abdominal movements (AB and AB-call) were newly recognized in the courtship ethogram of Anastrepha fraterculus males. The two morphotypes show distinct behavioral sequences leading up to copulation. Some behaviors were repeated frequently during the courtship process, while others were more restricted to the final moments of courtship. The three behavioral units that contributed most to copulation success were Contact, Alignment, and Arrowhead 1 in the Brazil-1 morphotype and Alignment, Arrowhead 1, and Fanning in the Brazil-3 morphotype. Some behavioral routines differed across the two morphotypes. Significant differences were also noted between the frequencies of the behavioral units displayed during courtship in the two morphotypes. The relationships between the pre-zygotic incompatibilities of the Brazil-1 and Brazil-3 morphotypes and the differences between the courtship behaviors of their males are discussed. Our results indicate that behavioral isolation is involved in the process of pre-zygotic reproductive isolation of Brazil-1 and Brazil-3 morphotypes.  相似文献   

Effective population size (N e) quantifies the effects of micro-evolutionary processes and the rate of loss of genetic diversity in a population. Several demographic and mating parameters reduce N e. Theoretical studies elucidate the impacts of various demographic and mating system parameters on N e, while empirical studies illustrate realized N e for species with differing life histories and mating systems. However, effect of intra-specific variation in mating system on effective size remains largely unexplored. In this paper we investigated the effect of promiscuous and polygynous mating on N e in two wild populations of the short-nosed fruit bat, Cynopterus sphinx. N e/N (ratio of effective population size to census size) was lower than unity in both populations, and much lower for the polygynous population compared to promiscuous population. Elasticity analyses reveal that N e/N was sensitive to deviations in the sex ratio. Variance in female reproductive success had a higher impact on N e compared to variance in male reproductive success in the promiscuous population. However, for the polygynous population, impact of variance in male reproductive success on N e was higher than that of variance in female reproductive success. Our results suggest that depending on mating system, different populations of the same species could have alternate evolutionary trajectories. The rate of loss of genetic diversity would be lower for the promiscuous population compared to the polygynous population. Our study is the first to highlight which parameters would most significantly impact population specific N e under different mating systems.  相似文献   

In sex-role-reversed species, females compete for resources (e.g., mates) more intensively than do males. However, it remains unclear whether these species exhibit sex differences in the intensity of aggressive behavior in the context of within-sex contests. Cichlid fish in the genus Julidochromis exhibit intraspecific variation in mating systems, ranging from monogamy to cooperative polyandry with sex-role reversal. In the study reported here, we observed aggressive interactions among three same-sex individuals in Julidochromis regani in the laboratory and tested whether inter-female aggression was more intense than inter-male aggression. Although difference in body size strongly determined the direction of aggression in fish, aggression by a smaller-sized individuals toward larger ones was occasionally observed. This type of aggression was common between individuals of a similar body size (≤5 mm) and occurred more frequently among females than males. In contrast, differences in body size and sex did not affect the frequency of aggression by larger-sized individuals against smaller ones. Bidirectional aggression (i.e., mouth fighting) occurred frequently when two individuals had similar body size, and there was no difference in its frequency between sexes. However, temporal analysis showed that females performed bidirectional aggression more persistently than males. These sex differences in the intensity of intrasexual aggression could be the behavioral mechanisms underpinning cooperative polyandry.  相似文献   

Rhagoletis zoqui Bush flies have a mating system in which males guard and defend walnut fruit-hosts from other males and mate, apparently without courtship, with females as they arrive to oviposit. Hypothetically, female selection of a particular fruit may be due to the quality of fruit for larval development (previously determined by guarding males), the quality of the male upon the fruit as a mate, or both, but this is not clear. We performed an experiment to determine if R. zoqui females or males select the fruit to oviposit or guard based on its quality for larval development (i.e., size, sugar-content [brix] or hardness), or following male-mediated cues such as chemical residues, related to prior fruit occupation by the male during guarding. Fruit choice by R. zoqui females and males were examined under semi-natural conditions on caged branches of English walnut trees, Juglans regia L., growing in the highlands of south-central Mexico. A single male or female was allowed to select a fruit and was then removed. An individual of the opposite sex was then introduced to the same branch and presented with the opportunity to choose among the same array of hosts. The pattern of fruit choice was consistent, with female choice on the basis of male presence, suggesting that males left a chemical cue that persisted in their absence. No fruit quality differences were detected between selected and non-selected fruit. Fruit features selected by females and males matched almost exactly, although males rarely select the same fruit as females. We conclude that females preferentially selected fruit previously occupied by males although additional studies are required to determine the cues used by R. zoqui for oviposition resource selection by both females and resource guarding males.  相似文献   

Gamma radiation from isotopic sources has been used in sterile insect technique (SIT) programs worldwide, but it might be difficult to continue using these sources in future SIT programs because of social issues. Therefore, an alternative sterilization source to gamma rays, such as X-rays, needs to be developed. The physical properties of radiation are different between gamma rays and X-rays: for example, X-rays have a shorter penetration depth than gamma rays. Therefore, X-rays may not fully confer male sterility, depending on the target pest insects. The present study investigated whether the West-Indian sweetpotato weevil Euscepes postfasciatus (Fairmaire) and the sweetpotato weevil Cylas formicarius (Fabricius) are sterilized by X-rays generated in a low-energy X-ray irradiator, without deterioration of male mating ability, at the doses currently used in the eradication programs for E. postfasciatus (150 Gy) and C. formicarius (200 Gy) using gamma rays at Okinawa, Japan. The results demonstrated that it is possible to use X-rays in future SIT programs for E. postfasciatus and C. formicarius, because X-ray irradiated males were almost completely sterilized without deterioration of their mating ability.  相似文献   

Experiments were performed to document the existence of intersexual or intrasexual selection in the clam shrimp,Eulimnadia texana. Individuals within this species are either males or hermaphrodites. Hermaphrodites can self their own eggs or outcross with a male, but they cannot outcross with other hermaphrodites. Theoretical considerations suggest that both intrasexual and intersexual selection could be occurring on the part of the hermaphrodites and the males. When males were given a choice between two non-gravid hermaphrodites of different sizes, they did not exhibit a mating preference based upon size. When two males of different sizes were isolated with a single nongravid receptive hermaphrodite, the hermaphrodite showed no preference between the two males. There was evidence, however, of male-male competition for receptive hermaphrodites and of mate guarding on the part of the males. During aggressive encounters between twp males, the larger of the two had a significant advantage over the smaller, and larger males were always the victors hermaphrodite takeovers occurred as a result of male-male conflict. Hermaphrodites appear to control the mating process both by struglling with males when they are not receptive to them and by selfing in the presence of males. This suggests that hermaphrodites withhold receptivity cues from males, or produce non-receptivity cues, when they are going to self. Though hermaphrodites do not appear to select males based upon size, they make a selection between selfing and outcrossing by controlling the use of receptivity signals.  相似文献   

Colophon is an understudied, rare and endangered stag beetle genus with all species endemic to isolated mountain peaks in South Africa’s Western Cape. Geometric morphometrics was used to analyse intersexual and interspecific variation of size and shape in the mandibles, heads, pronota and elytra of two sympatric species: Colophon haughtoni and Colophon kawaii. All measured structures showed significant sexual dimorphism, which may result from male-male competition for females. Female mandibles were too small and featureless for analysis, but male Colophon beetles possess large, ornate mandibles for fighting. Males had significantly larger heads and pronota that demonstrated shape changes which may relate to resource diversion to the mandibles and their supporting structures. Females are indistinguishable across species, but males were accurately identified using mandibles, heads and pronota. Male C. kawaii were significantly larger than C. haughtoni for all structures. These results support the species status of C. kawaii, which is currently in doubt due to its hybridisation with C. haughtoni. We also demonstrate the value of geometric morphometrics as a tool which may aid Colophon conservation by providing biological and phylogenetic insights and enabling species identification.  相似文献   

Mating behaviour of four species of pill-millipedes under genus Arthrosphaera Pocock (Arthrosphaera dalyi Pocock and Arthrosphaera disticta Pocock, Arthrosphaera fumosa Pocock and Arthrosphaera magna Attems) endemic to the Western Ghats of Southern India was analyzed in mesocosms. Stridulation is a classical communication signal in males as well as females for mate selection. Conglobation (or volvation) is a mechanism of defence to protect from disturbance or avoid predation. If male touches female or vice versa they conglobate. To avoid disparity among individuals of the same species, volvating pill-millipedes evolved stridulation behaviour for communication. The male broadcasts appropriate signal to female through stridulation to advertise its interest in mating. The females test the male’s fitness by conglobation and suitable male uncoils the partner through stridulation signals. Male with its pygidium successfully uncoils the female and attains suitable orientation for courtship. Male pairs with female ventro–ventro contact in opposite direction to deposit sperm into the vulva of female. The duration of mating varies from species to species and usually a lapse from 3 to 30 min. Vibration generated by stridulation is species-specific and its perception mechanism in pill-millipedes is yet to be clearly understood. Present study emphasized the structure of stridulatory organs, mechanism of stridulation and pattern of mating behaviour in four species of pill-millipedes.  相似文献   

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