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Seasonal variations of colony numbers of Microcystis aeruginosa(Kütz.) Kütz. and M. wesenbergii(Komárek) Komárek in N. V. Kondrat. in sediments of Lake Biwa were investigated over a period of 1 year. At two stations located in the shallow South Basin of Lake Biwa (ca. 4 m water depth), the colony number of Microcystisfluctuated seasonally. The number had a tendency to gradually decrease from winter to early summer, while it increased through mid-summer and autumn. Since the Microcystispopulation in sediment was rather small, intensive growth and accumulation in the water column should be important for the formation of Microcystisblooms in Lake Biwa. Microcystiscolonies in the sediment samples after June were observed to be floating in a counting chamber under a microscope. The observation suggests that the recruitment of Microcystis colonies into the water column mostly occurs in early summer. The number of Microcystiscolonies in the deep North Basin of Lake Biwa (70 – 90 m water depth) was larger than in the South Basin. Because the seasonal variation of colony numbers was not observed in the North Basin, and Microcystiscells do not have gas vesicles, these colonies will not return into the water column. The colonies isolated from the sediment of the North Basin were able to grow in cultured conditions, in the same way as those from the sediment of the South Basin. Therefore, Microcystiscolonies may survive for a long time under stable conditions of low temperature (ca. 8 °C) and darkness, in the sediment of the deep North Basin, accumulating gradually each year.  相似文献   

Seasonal characteristics of surface water fulvic acids (FAs) isolated from Japanese clear-water lakes were investigated. Qualitative changes in Lake Biwa and Lake Tankai FAs were determined and compared. Although the relative molecular weights determined by high-performance size-exclusion chromatography did not change remarkably, the elemental compositions, E6001% E_{600}^{1\% } values and 1H- and 13C-NMR spectral properties varied with the season. Both the H/C and N/C ratios for Lake Biwa FAs tended to be higher than those for Lake Tankai FAs, but O/C ratios were lower and decreased from spring to winter. The E6001% E_{600}^{1\% } values suggested that Lake Biwa FAs contained lower levels of unsaturated structures than Lake Tankai FAs, and the amounts of these structures increased in winter. The 1H and 13C NMR spectra indicated that Lake Biwa FAs are richer in saturated aliphatic chains, especially in spring. Overall, Lake Biwa FAs exhibited clearer seasonal changes in these characteristics than Lake Tankai FAs, suggesting that the seasonal variation may depend on changes in aquatic microbial activities.  相似文献   

Release of phosphorus from sediments in Lake Biwa   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Two sulfur-mediated reactions are resulting in the eutrophication of Lake Biwa, Japan. The iron (II) phosphate mineral vivianite is dissolving in sulfide-enriched sediments that in places results in porewater concentrations of phosphate exceeding 3 mg l−1. The dissolution of phosphate is evident in profiles of total phosphorus where zones of dissolution and a zone of precipitation in the most oxic surface sediments are visible. At times sulfate reduction in these surface sediments results in pH values as high as 9.9, which can dissolve phosphate adsorbed to iron (III). This release of phosphorus from sediments is at least partially responsible for the recent appearance of blue-green algal blooms. Received: August 4, 2000 / Accepted: March 19, 2001  相似文献   

We examined monthly changes in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment trap samples collected from the northern basin of Lake Biwa, Japan, from September 2003 to July 2004 to elucidate the sources of PAHs in the lake. The most abundant concentrations were those of pyrene and fluoranthene, at μg g−1 levels throughout the sampling period, with a strong positive relationship (r = 0.996, n = 10, P < 0.01). From the monthly changes in each PAH concentration and their ratios, we suspected two different sources: petroleum sources of lighter PAHs and combustion sources of middle to heavier PAHs. Because pyrene and fluoranthene decreased significantly with time during the sampling period (P < 0.05) and an abnormally high ratio of phenanthrene to anthracene was reported in September 2003, it appears that petroleum was accidentally spilled in September 2003. Although perylene was commonly found at μg g−1 levels in the sediment, its concentration was comparable with those of the other PAHs in sediment trap samples. As perylene showed no significant relationship with other PAHs or other indicator molecules, we suspect that the source of perylene was different from those of other PAHs, and the perylene was mainly formed from its precursors after deposition.  相似文献   

As a part of a core project of IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme), distribution, production, oxidation and transport processes of methane in bottom sediments and lake water in a mesotrophic lake (Lake Biwa) have been studied with special reference to the spatial heterogeneity of each process. In this study, we attempted to synthesize previously reported results with newly obtained ones to depict the methane dynamics in the entire lake. The pelagic water column exhibited subsurface maxima of dissolved methane during a stratified period. Transect observation at the littoral zone suggested that horizontal transportation may be a reason for the high methane concentration in epilimnion and thermocline at the offshore area. Tributary rivers and littoral sediments were suggested to be the source. Observations also showed that the internal wave caused resuspension of the bottom sediment and release of methane from the sediment into the lake water. The impact of the internal waves was pronounced in the late stage of a stratified period. The littoral sediment showed much higher methanogenic activity than the profundal sediments, and the bottom water of the littoral sediments had little methanotrophic activity. In the profundal sediment, most of the methane that diffused up from the deeper part was oxidized when it passed through the oxic layer. Active methane oxidation was also observed in the hypolimnetic water, while the lake water in the epilimnion and thermocline showed very low methane oxidation, probably due to the inhibitory effect of light. These results mean a longer residence time for methane in the epilimnion than in the hypolimnion. Horizontal inflow of dissolved methane from the river and/or littoral sediment, together with the longer residence time in the surface water, may cause the subsurface maxima, which have also been observed in other lakes and in the ocean.  相似文献   

Filamentous, gliding, sulfide-oxidizing bacteria of the genus Thioploca were found on sediments in profundal areas of Lake Biwa, a Japanese freshwater mesotrophic lake, and were characterized morphologically and phylogenetically. The Lake Biwa Thioploca resembled morphologically Thioploca ingrica, a brackish water species from a Danish fjord. The diameters of individual trichomes were 3 to 5.6 microm; the diameters of complete Thioploca filaments ranged from 18 to 75 micro m. The cell lengths ranged from 1.2 to 3.8 micro m. In transmission electron microscope specimens stained with uranyl acetate, dense intracellular particles were found, which did not show any positive signals for phosphorus and sulfur in an X-ray analysis. The 16S rRNA gene of the Thioploca from Lake Biwa was amplified by using newly designed Thioploca-specific primers (706-Thioploca, Biwa160F, and Biwa829R) in combination with general bacterial primers in order to avoid nonspecific amplification of contaminating bacterial DNA. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of the three overlapping PCR products resulted in single DGGE bands, indicating that a single 16S rRNA gene had been amplified. With the same method, the Thioploca from Lake Constance was examined. The 16S rRNA sequence was verified by performing fluorescence in situ hybridization targeted at specific motifs of the Lake Biwa THIOPLOCA: Positive signals were obtained with the bacterial probe EUB-338, the gamma-proteobacterial probe GAM42a, and probe Biwa829 targeting the Lake Biwa THIOPLOCA: Based on the nearly complete 16S rRNA sequence and on morphological similarities, the Thioploca from Lake Biwa and the Thioploca from Lake Constance are closely related to T. ingrica and to each other.  相似文献   

Filamentous, gliding, sulfide-oxidizing bacteria of the genus Thioploca were found on sediments in profundal areas of Lake Biwa, a Japanese freshwater mesotrophic lake, and were characterized morphologically and phylogenetically. The Lake Biwa Thioploca resembled morphologically Thioploca ingrica, a brackish water species from a Danish fjord. The diameters of individual trichomes were 3 to 5.6 μm; the diameters of complete Thioploca filaments ranged from 18 to 75 μm. The cell lengths ranged from 1.2 to 3.8 μm. In transmission electron microscope specimens stained with uranyl acetate, dense intracellular particles were found, which did not show any positive signals for phosphorus and sulfur in an X-ray analysis. The 16S rRNA gene of the Thioploca from Lake Biwa was amplified by using newly designed Thioploca-specific primers (706-Thioploca, Biwa160F, and Biwa829R) in combination with general bacterial primers in order to avoid nonspecific amplification of contaminating bacterial DNA. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis of the three overlapping PCR products resulted in single DGGE bands, indicating that a single 16S rRNA gene had been amplified. With the same method, the Thioploca from Lake Constance was examined. The 16S rRNA sequence was verified by performing fluorescence in situ hybridization targeted at specific motifs of the Lake Biwa Thioploca. Positive signals were obtained with the bacterial probe EUB-338, the γ-proteobacterial probe GAM42a, and probe Biwa829 targeting the Lake Biwa Thioploca. Based on the nearly complete 16S rRNA sequence and on morphological similarities, the Thioploca from Lake Biwa and the Thioploca from Lake Constance are closely related to T. ingrica and to each other.  相似文献   

Light environment variability was investigated in the two Japanese lakes Biwa and Kasumigaura, which offer a broad range of optical conditions in the water bodies due to their diverse morphometries and limnological characteristics. To elucidate their light environments, Secchi depths (SDs) were related to long-term monitored datasets of concentrations of optically active substances (OASs) using two approaches based on statistical and mechanistic models. A good estimate for the nonphytoplanktonic suspended solids (NPSS) concentration gained using a monthly factor ?? (which represents the phytoplanktonic portion in total suspended solids) from a long-term analysis was utilized to develop robust models. Using the mechanistic model, the contribution of each OAS to the SD can be understood and investigated in more detail than possible with a statistical approach, but the statistical model yields better results in terms of SD prediction. Based on the results of an analysis of the contribution of each OAS to the SD, it was clear that NPSS was the component that exerted the most influence on the light environments in the two lakes; in this respect, this study agrees with other studies that show the importance of suspended inorganic particles as the main contributor to the SD in inland waters. Using ANOVA, we analyzed how specific inherent optical properties may have changed spatially and temporally, and the results indicated that the temporal (monthly) effect was primarily responsible for the loss of accuracy in the models. In addition, the ANOVA analysis suggested that grouping the data improved the predictive performances of the statistical models. Finally, we concluded that combining the two models yields the most reliable results in terms of SD prediction and determining the contribution of each OAS to the SD at present.  相似文献   

Production-to-respiration (P:R) ratio was estimated at an offshore site of Lake Biwa in order to examine whether the plankton and benthic community is subsidized with allochthonous organic carbon, and to clarify the role of this lake as potential source or sink of carbon dioxide. The respiration rate of protozoan and metazoan plankton was calculated from their biomass and empirical equations of oxygen consumption rates, and that of bacterioplankton was derived from their production rate and growth efficiency. In addition, the carbon mineralization rate in the lake sediments was estimated from the accumulation rate of organic carbon, which was determined using a 210Pb dating technique. On an annual basis, the sum of respiration rates of heterotrophic plankton was comparable to net primary production rate measured by the 13C method. However, when the mineralization rate in the lake sediments was included, the areal P:R ratio was 0.89, suggesting that Lake Biwa is net heterotrophic at the offshore site with the community being subsidized with allochthonous organic carbon. Such a view was supported by the surface water pCO2 that was on average higher than that of the atmosphere. However, the estimate of net CO2 release rate was close to that of carbon burial rate in the sediments. The result suggests that the role of Lake Biwa in relation to atmospheric carbon is almost null at the offshore site, although the community is supported partially by organic carbon released from the surrounding areas.  相似文献   

Tsuchiya  Kenji  Tomioka  Noriko  Komatsu  Kazuhiro  Sano  Tomoharu  Kohzu  Ayato  Imai  Akio  Hayakawa  Kazuhide  Nagata  Takamaru  Okamoto  Takahiro  Ohara  Tomoyuki 《Limnology》2022,23(1):231-243
Limnology - To clarify horizontal variability and regulation of bacterial production (BP), we investigated BP and environmental variables along three east–west transects (lines 12, 15, and...  相似文献   

Unicellular autofluorescent picoplankton ranging from 0.4 to 1.5 µm in diameter were found to be a significant component of phytoplankton in the North Basin of Lake Biwa during early summer in 1989 and 1990. The abundance of these picoplankton varied seasonally by about three orders of magnitude with one maximum of up to 106 cells ml–1. Bloom-forming picoplankton were isolated by dilution and further cultivated in liquid medium. Three clones were found to be representative species of the bloom. Using epifluorescence and electron microscopy as well as absorption and fluorescence emission spectroscopy, we examined these clones according to shape and pigment composition. They have ringlike thylakoids, are photosynthetically active and have no nuclear envelope. The cyanobacterial clones isolated represent three types containing phycobilisomes with either phycocyanin or phycoerthrin as the dominant accessory pigment. They are described here as three new species, two phycoerythrin-rich types and one phycocyanin-rich type, all of them belonging to the Synechococcus group. The differences found by fluorescence emission of isolated clones are discussed with respect to in situ strain identification.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution and seasonal variation in the concentrations in Lake Biwa of pesticides used in paddy fields were studied. Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan and is a recognized water resource for 14 million people in the Kinki district. Samples were collected nine times from April to December 2001 at ten sites within the lake and at the mouths of six influent rivers. Weekly sampling was also carried out at a single site on an effluent river. Among the 20 pesticides analyzed, the detection frequencies in surface water were almost 100% for simetryn, bromobutide, and isoprothiolane; around 75% for molinate and pyroquilon; around 30% for three herbicides and one fungicide; and almost zero for the remaining substances. The maximum concentrations of pesticides detected frequently in the lake were in the range 0.1–0.4µgl–1. The occurrence of a few pesticides below the thermocline may be explained by thermal stratification and vertical circulation. Although the thermocline suppressed vertical diffusion in spring and summer during pesticide application periods, a few pesticides remaining at the surface of the lake in winter were transported to the hypolimnion by vertical circulation and remained there even after the reestablishment of the thermocline. The half-lives of pesticides in the lake were estimated to be more than a year for simetryn, half a year for bromobutide, 1.5 months for molinate, and 1 month for dimepiperate. The main cause of elimination for molinate and dimepiperate was estimated to be degradation, that for simetryn was outflow, and for bromobutide both degradation and outflow were significant.  相似文献   

The seasonal distribution of the cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3) in Lake Biwa, Japan, was investigated. CyHV-3 was distributed all over the lake 5 years after the first outbreak. The mean concentration of CyHV-3 in water showed annual oscillation, with a peak in the summer and a trough in winter. Our results suggested that CyHV-3 is present at high density in reductive environments, such as reed zones and turbid or eutrophic water.A novel fatal disease of fish caused by cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3), also known as koi herpesvirus or carp interstitial nephritis and gill necrosis virus, which infects the common carp (Cyprinus carpio carpio) and ornamental koi (Cyprinus carpio koi) was reported at the end of the 1990s, and it has spread rapidly worldwide (13). In 2003, the first mass mortality in Japan was observed in Lake Kasumigaura, Ibaraki Prefecture (17), and the disease immediately spread all over the country.Lake Biwa is the largest and oldest freshwater lake in Japan. It occupies 670 km2, and the total length of the coastline is 241 km. The first and relatively small-scale mortality caused by CyHV-3 was observed in the autumn of 2003 in Lake Biwa, and mass mortality occurred in the following spring, in which more than 100,000 carp died (10). Thus, the disease is a great threat not only to the cultivation industry and koi collectors but also to the natural carp population. Carp is regarded as an ecological engineer that has an impact on freshwater ecosystems, and therefore, mass mortality will affect the entire lake ecosystem (10).The pathogenesis and diagnosis of the disease have been studied intensively, but the dynamics of CyHV-3 has not been clarified. Recently, the major portal of CyHV-3 entry was reported to be fish skin (2), which means that infection via water is possible. Thus, to determine the method by which the virus spreads and to evaluate the infectious risk in the environment, one must clarify the CyHV-3 dynamics in the natural environment. In the present study, we surveyed the seasonal distribution pattern of CyHV-3 in Lake Biwa, Japan, using a quantitative method.  相似文献   

A comprehensive study on the dynamics of dissolved elements (Mg, Al, Si, P, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Zn, As, Sr, Y, W, and U) in Lake Biwa was carried out using a clean technique. Lake water samples (n = 523) were collected from six stations in the North Basin and three stations in the South Basin. River water samples (n = 178) were collected from 14 major rivers flowing into the North Basin. Rainwater samples (n = 89) were collected at Otsu. The river water was enriched with Mn, Al, Fe, P, and Zn and the rainwater was enriched with Zn, Al, Fe, and Mn compared to North Basin water during winter mixing. The residence times of dissolved species were estimated on the basis of input through the rivers and rain. The residence times for Ca, Mg, and Sr were about 8 years, the same as that for water. Mn, Al, Fe, and Zn showed the shortest residence times (0.05–0.19 year). A budget calculation suggested that more than 60% of the input of dissolved Si, P, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, and Zn was scavenged and retained in the lake sediments and/or discharged as suspended particles.  相似文献   

The status of the Mesocyclops from lake Biwa is reexamined and a new species, Mesocyclops dissimilis n. sp., distinct from M. thermocyclopoides Harada, 1931, is described.  相似文献   

Monthly observations performed on a typical harmonic-type lake, Lake Biwa (latitude 35°15′ N, longitude 136°05′ E, Japan), showed that the particulate aluminum concentration varied around a mean value of 0.8 μM, with occasional extraordinarily high values, whereas the dissolved aluminum concentration varied, in the surface layer of the whole lake, between a minimum of 0.01 μM and a maximum of 0.30 μM, depending on the season. Although the variation in dissolved aluminum paralleled the variation in the pH of the lake water, the variation in dissolved aluminum lagged behind the variation in pH by approximately 1 month. A series of laboratory incubation experiments suggested that the supply of dissolved aluminum from, and its removal by, the suspended particulate matter involved a slow, pH-dependent reaction. The stoichiometry and the apparent equilibrium constant of this reaction were evaluated by adopting a zeolite-like structure for the surfaces of the suspended particulates. Received: December 28, 2000 / Accepted: August 22, 2001  相似文献   

A recent diatom, Aulacoseira nipponica (Skvortzow) Tuji comb. et stat. nov., is described from Lake Biwa, Japan, where they had been identified previously as Aulacoseira solida (Eulenstein) Krammer. These forms are compared with populations of A. solida from North America. The Japanese species differs from the North American specimens in characteristics related to the density of striae and form of the rimoportulae.  相似文献   

The 13C and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (13C-GC-MS)method was applied to determine the day-night changes in thecomposition of photosynthetic products of the natural phytoplanktonpopulation from Lake Biwa, Japan. Glucose is the most abundantmonosaccharide in acid-hydrolyzable carbohydrate. The contributionof glucose was high in incubatesd samples in daytime and decreasedduring the night. Other monosaccharides (rhamnose, fucose, ribose,arabinose, xylose, mannose and galactose) and amino acids tendedto be produced throughout both day- and night-time. These resultssuggested that the carbon flows from glucose, which might constitutereserve glucan, to other monosaccharides and amino acids duringnight-time. The disproportionate production of glucose (reservedglucan) during daytime was thus partly cancelled out at night.  相似文献   

Carbon steady-state model of the planktonic food web of Lake Biwa, Japan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1. A steady‐state model of carbon flows was developed to describe the summer planktonic food web in the surface mixed‐layer of the North Basin in Lake Biwa, Japan. This model synthesised results from numerous studies on the plankton of Lake Biwa. 2. An inverse analysis procedure was used to estimate missing flow values in a manner consistent with known information. Network analysis was applied to characterise emergent properties of the resulting food web. 3. The system strongly relied on flows related to detrital particles. Whereas primary production was mainly by phytoplankton >20 μm, microzooplankton were active and mainly ingested detritus and bacteria. 4. The main emergent property of the system was strong recycling, through either direct ingestion of non‐living material by zooplankton, or ingestion of bacteria after degradation of detritus to release dissolved organic carbon.  相似文献   

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