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Mature Brangus donor cows were superovulated with follicle stim-ulating hormone administered twice daily in intramuscular injections. On day 6.5 to 7 post-estrus, embryos were collected non-surgically using a phosphate-buffered saline medium. A total of 37 ova was collected, of which 28 were advanced morulae and early blastocysts. Twenty of these embryos were selected for micromanipulation with a radial-type Leitz micromanipulator. While the embryos were in a holding medium containing 10% fetal calf serum, three glass microinstruments were used to open the zona pellucida, remove the mass of blastomeres and bisect the embryo on a vertical plane. Halved embryos were inserted into bovine zonae and placed either as single half-embryos or twin half-embryos in 0.25 ml French straws with fresh holding medium. The micromanipulated embryos (demi-embryos) were then non-surgically transplanted, either as a single demi-embryo or as a twin demi-embryo pair, into the uterine horn of day 6.5 to 8 recipient beef females ipsilateral to the existing corpus luteum. Of the 14 micromanipulated embryos that were transplanted to recipients, pregnancy rates were 16.6% for the single demi-embryos and 62.5% for the twin demi-embryos. No pregnancies resulted from bisected blastocysts.  相似文献   

The development rate of bovine chimeric embryos reconstituted at the 4-cell stage is relatively low. If chimerism is to be used as an approach in producing transgenic livestock, it is important to investigate whether this rate is affected by the sex of the blastomeres being combined and if all blastomeres survive equally well. In Experiment 1, blastomeres from 4-cell stage embryos were inserted into surrogate zonae pellucidae either in pairs to reconstitute 4-cell chimeras, or as the original sets of four to make handled controls. The development of chimeras with one pair of blastomeres labelled with PKH26-GL was also investigated. The rate of development into blastocysts was similar in chimeras with unlabelled blastomeres (23%) and in those in which one pair of blastomeres was labelled (26%) and was lower (P < 0.001) than in the handled and IVF control groups (43 and 58%, respectively). Labelled cells were distributed approximately evenly between ICM and trophoblast. In Experiment 2, the effect of sex differences between pairs of blastomeres in chimeras was investigated; chimeras were reconstituted from pairs of blastomeres taken from 4-cell embryos in which the remaining pair was sexed by PCR. No significant differences according to the sex of constituent blastomeres were detectable (mixed sex, 27%; males, 24%; females, 21%; P > 0.05). These results suggest that, in addition to the negative effects of micromanipulation, factors other than the sex of the blastomeres are involved in the reduced rate of development of chimeric bovine embryos. They also confirm the usefulness of PKH26-GL labelling for tracking the progeny of cleaving bovine blastomeres at least to the blastocyst stage.  相似文献   

Sex determination of bovine morula stage embryos was possible in only 33% of embryos manipulated when 15 to 17 cells were removed for analysis. These results, in contrast to those of Moustafa etal. (1) who reported a sexing rate of 63% for bovine morulae on the basis of analyzing 8 to 10 cells, cast doubt on the practicality of sexing embryos for transfer at this developmental stage. The question thus raised was investigated by analyzing the mitotic indices of bovine, rabbit and mouse embryos. The figures obtained were in agreement with other studies and indicated that only 50% of embryos could be expected to have one of ten aspirated cells in division, and that not every metaphase spread would be suitable for sexing. It was concluded that until methods of sex determination other than chromosomal analysis are developed, the sexing of morula stage embryos is not to be recommended. It is technically more complicated and much less successful than sexing later staged embryos.  相似文献   

Bovine ova (n = 326) collected at the 1-4-cell stage were cultured in TCM-199 + 10% foetal calf serum with or without oviducal cells. The bovine oviducal cells were collected and seeded either on the day of ovum recovery (BOC-0) or 3 days earlier (BOC-3). In Exp. 1, the effect of age of oviducal cells in co-culture on ovum development was examined. In the BOC-0 and BOC-3 treatments, respectively, 36/46 (78%) and 30/37 (81%) of ova developed to morulae or blastocysts, while no ova developed past the 8-16-cell stage in the absence of oviducal cells. In Exp. 2, the effect of age of oviducal cells and of physical contact between the oviducal cells and ova on ovum development was examined. In the BOC-0 and BOC-3 treatments, respectively, 29/42 (69%) and 23/43 (53%) of the ova developed to morulae or blastocysts, while 1/42 (2%) developed to the morula stage in the absence of oviducal cells. Physical separation of the ova using a microporous membrane inserted between the oviducal cells and the ova did not affect ovum development, with 26/42 (62%) and 22/42 (52%) of ova developing to morulae or blastocysts in the BOC-0 and BOC-3 treatments, respectively. A high proportion of the morulae and blastocysts in Exp. 1 (57/66, 86%) and Exp. 2 (67/100, 67%) were of quality grades 1 or 2, with mean nuclei counts of 85 for morulae and 111 for blastocysts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

S Ogawa  S Tomoda 《Jikken dobutsu》1976,25(4):273-282
Preimplantation stage (16-celled and morula) rabbit embryos were successfully frozen to -196 degrees C. The cooling rate (from a room temperature to 0 degrees C), the presence of the mucin layer surrounding embryos, the ice-seeding treatment and the thawing procedure were examined to determine their effects on the survival of the frozen embryos of Japanese white, New Zealand white and Dutch-Belted rabbits. A high proportion (51%; 16-celled, 69%; morula) of Dutch-Belted rabbit embryos developed in vitro, when they were frozen to -196 degrees C, applying the ice-seeding at -4 degrees C in the presence of 12.5% DMSO, after being cooled to 0 degrees C at the rate of 7-9 degrees C/min, and were diluted by a stepwise addition of 4 different strength PBS on thawing. The highest rate of in vitro development (81%; Japanese white, 75%; New Zealand white, 82%; Dutch Belted embryos) was obtained when the morula stage embryos were frozen to -196 degrees C applying seeding at -4 degrees C after being cooled to 0 degrees C at the rate of 1 degrees C/2.5 min and were diluted, on thawing, by stepwise addition of 6, 3 and 1% DMSO solution and a culture medium. No great difference was found in the survival rate between the embryos covered with the mucin layer and those which had not the coat. All the embryos frozen without applying seeding treatment failed to develop in vitro after being thawed and diluted. Nine out of 27 does each of which received 6 reimplantations of the embryos frozen-thawed became pregnant and were found to be carrying 37 normal fetuses on the 12th day of pregnancy.  相似文献   

In swine, five to six days post-insemination, morulae and blastocysts are collected together after uterine flushing. The purpose of this study was to vitrify zona pellucida-intact morulae with Open Pulled Straw (OPS) technology and obtain piglets after transfer. Morulae (200) were vitrified after a two-step equilibration in ethylene glycol, dimethyl sulfoxide and sucrose in Hepes-buffered TCM199 + 20% NBCS medium (TCM). 2-6 morulae were loaded into OPS and plunged into liquid nitrogen. At embryo warming, a three-step dilution with decreasing concentrations of sucrose was applied. In each of 10 recipients, 20 morulae were transferred surgically. Day 25, gestation rate and the farrowing rate were 80% and 70%, respectively. The pregnant recipients farrowed from 1 to 8 piglets and the survival of total transferred embryos was 13%. Although survival rates are still compromised, OPS technology is therefore appropriate to cryopreserve porcine morulae with intact zona pellucida.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine the optimal developmental stage to vitrify in vitro cultured porcine parthenogenetically activated (PA) embryos. Embryos were vitrified by Cryotop on Day 4, 5 or 6 after oocyte activation (Day 0), and immediately after warming they were either time-lapse monitored for 24h or analyzed by differential staining. After warming, the embryos had to be cultured for at least 8h before their survival rates were stabilized. Both the survival rate at 8h and the hatching rate at 24h of Day 4 embryos were significant higher than those vitrified on Day 5 or 6 (P<0.05), no matter if they were morulae or blastocysts. These results demonstrate that porcine PA embryos can survive successfully after vitrification/warming, that the optimal time for vitrification was Day 4 for both morulae and blastocysts, and that 8h after warming was the time needed to make an early evaluation of porcine PA embryo survival.  相似文献   

A total of 1018 rabbit embryos at different developmental stages were incubated in uterine fluids from rabbits or rats or in fractions obtained by ultrafiltration of these fluids. Rabbit and rat uterine fluids inhibited the development of rabbit embryo pronuclei but supported the development of morulae. The embryotoxicity of uterine fluid is not restricted to unicellular embryos. Embryos at the 2-, 4- and 8-cell stages do not develop correctly in rabbit uterine fluid. The embryotoxic factor seems to be of low molecular weight (< 500 daltons).  相似文献   

Analysis of cell lineage in two- and four-cell mouse embryos   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Compared with other animals, the embryos of mammals are considered to have a highly regulative mode of development. However, recent studies have provided a strong correlation between the first cleavage plane and the future axis of the blastocyst, but it is still unclear how the early axes of the preimplantation embryo reflect the future body axes that emerge after implantation. We have carried out lineage tracing during mouse embryogenesis using the Cre-loxP system, which allowed us to analyze cell fates over a long period of development. We used a transgenic mouse strain, CAG-CAT-Z as a reporter line. The descendants of the manipulated blastomere heritably express beta-galactosidase. We examined the distribution of descendants of a single blastomere in the 8.5-day embryo after labeling at the two-cell and four-cell stages. The derivatives of one blastomere in the two-cell embryo randomly mix with cells originating from the second blastomere in all cell layers examined. Thus we find cells from different blastomeres intermingled and localized randomly along the body axis. The results of labeling experiments performed in the four-cell stage embryo fall into three categories. In the first, the labeled cells were intermingled with non-labeled cells in a manner similar to that seen after labeling at the two-cell stage. In the second, labeled cells were distributed only in the extra-embryonic ectoderm layers. Finally in the third category, labeled cells were seen only in the embryo proper and the extra-embryonic mesoderm. Manipulated embryos analyzed at the blastocyst stage showed localized distribution of the descendants of a single blastomere. These results suggest that incoherent clonal growth and drastic cell mixing occurs in the early mouse embryo after the blastocyst stage. The first cell specification event, i.e., partitioning cell fate between the inner cell mass and trophectoderm, can occur between the two-cell and four-cell stage, yet the cell fate is not determined.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of beta-mercaptoethanol (a stimulator of glutathione synthesis) and Trolox (an hydrosoluble analogue of Vitamin E) on bovine embryos cultured from the morula stage (Day 5 post-insemination; pi) under oxidative stress conditions. Culture of embryos with increased doses of Trolox showed a dose-dependent embryotoxicity on Day 8 pi. The use of 400 microM Trolox as well as beta-mercaptoethanol at 100 microM prevented at least partly (P < 0.05) the prooxidant-induced blastocyst degeneration on Day 8. Hatching rates of surviving blastocysts were significantly increased by both antioxidants and beta-mercaptoethanol alone improved their mean cell numbers, which was significant in the ICM (P < 0.05). Analysis of their effect on Day 7 pi showed that both the antioxidants significantly reduced the prooxidant-induced apoptosis and beta-mercaptoethanol diminished the physiological level of apoptosis as well as it stimulated the glutathione synthesis (P < 0.05). In addition, a comparison between in vitro- and in vivo-produced embryos showed that the levels of apoptosis were similar at the same age post-insemination (morulae and blastocysts) but increased steadily with the embryonic age in in vitro ones. In conclusion, beta-mercaptoethanol and Trolox added separately from the morula stage protected embryos against oxidative stress and improved the quality of the resulting blastocysts.  相似文献   

In this preliminary work, using pig embryos ultrastructural immunocytochemistry with polyclonal antibodies against purified histones was used to demonstrate both their localization and the time of their appearance in pronuclei, from 15 h after ovulation (pronuclear stage) to 48 h postinsemination (4-cell stage). In pronuclei, the histones H2B, H3, and H4 were located in the heterochromatin as soon as it appeared. Usually, one of the pronuclei seemed to be more heavily labelled. The chromatin facing the zone of pronuclear contact formed a bowl-shaped region in each pronucleus heavily labelled for these histones. The so-called pseudo-nucleoli were present in both pronuclei and contained H2B. In 4-cell stages, the labelling intensities of heterochromatin for H2B, H3 and H4 were equal in all the nuclei. H2B was still evident in the pseudo-nucleoli, but in a lower quantity than before. The condensed chromatin located either under the nuclear envelope or surrounding the pseudo-nucleoli was heavily labelled for H2B, H3 and H4.  相似文献   

Frozen-thawed bovine semen contaminated with Mycoplasma bovis (M. bovis) or Mycoplasma bovigenitalium (M. bovigenitalium) at either a high (10(6) CFU/mL) or low (10(4) CFU/mL) concentration was used for bovine oocyte insemination. The resulting embryos were washed 10 times as recommended by the International Embryo Transfer Society (IETS) prior to isolation of agent. A total of 1494 oocytes was inseminated with contaminated sperm cells and 855 oocytes with uninfected control semen. There was a significantly higher proportion of embryos that developed to the blastocyst stage in control than in the mycoplasma exposed groups (P<0.05). Isolation of motile spermatozoa by swim-up procedure prior to insemination did not render sperm cells free of Mycoplasma spp. Although M. bovis was isolated from all washed embryos after the high exposure level, it was found in only 60% of the samples after the low exposure level. In contrast, M. bovigenitalium was isolated from 70 and 12% of washed embryos exposed to the high and low levels of microorganism, respectively. Using scanning electron microscopy, both microorganisms were detected in association with the surface of zona pellucida-intact embryos and with sperm cells. These results indicate that mycoplasmas present in semen can be transmitted through the IVF system and infect embryos. Furthermore, the experiments showed that supplementation of culture media with standard antibiotics and washing embryos as recommended by IETS were not effective in rendering IVF embryos free from M. bovis and M. bovigenitalium.  相似文献   

During mouse preimplantation development, the cells of the mouse embryo undergo a progressive subcellular reorganization at compaction, which eventually results in the formation of two distinct cell types. We have investigated the effect that activators of the Ca2(+)-phospholipid-dependent protein kinase (PKC) have on mouse compaction. Phorbol ester activation of PKC caused premature compaction of four-cell embryos within a few minutes of addition followed by a prolonged decompaction phase after 1 hr. This response was dose-dependent to concentrations as low as 250 pg/ml. Diacylglycerides also caused compaction; however, it was more sustained than with phorbol esters and was not followed by a phase of decompaction. Inhibition of PKC with sphingosine blocks induced compaction in a dose-dependent manner and also blocks normal compaction of eight-cell embryos. A monoclonal antibody to the cell adhesion molecule, E-cadherin, which mediates mouse embryo compaction, completely blocks compaction induced by these activators of PKC. Indirect immunofluorescence with a monoclonal antibody to E-cadherin indicates that PKC activation causes a rapid shift in the localization of this cell adhesion molecule, which coincides with the observed compaction. These results suggest that PKC plays a role in the initiation of compaction through its effect either directly or indirectly on E-cadherin.  相似文献   

Maturation of porcine oocytes after cooling at the germinal vesicle stage   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Maturation of porcine oocytes was examined after oocytes were cooled at the germinal vesicle stage. Cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) collected from medium-sized follicles were cooled at 24 degrees C or 4 degrees C for 5, 30 or 120 min in a solution with or without 1.5 M dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). After rewarming, COCs were cultured in maturation medium at 39 degrees C, 5% CO2 in air for 44 h. Meiotic spindle organisation (by immunostaining and confocal microscopy), nuclear maturation (by orcein staining) and cytoplasmic maturation (by intracellular glutathione assay) of oocytes were examined after maturation. When COCs were cooled at 24 degrees C for various times in the medium without DMSO, a tendency to decreased spindle formation, nuclear maturation and cytoplasmic maturation was observed, but there was no statistical difference compared with controls. Addition of DMSO during cooling inhibited subsequent nuclear maturation and spindle formation. When COCs were cooled at 4 degrees C, both nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation as well as spindle formation were inhibited in most oocytes in a time-dependent manner. DMSO during cooling did not have any beneficial effect on subsequent oocyte maturation and spindle formation. These results suggest that porcine oocytes are very sensitive to a drop in the temperature before exposure to culture. Cooling oocytes before maturation inhibits their subsequent spindle organisation, nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation. Addition of DMSO to the cooling solution did not protect porcine oocytes from cooling-induced damage.  相似文献   

A tetrapeptide compound, derived from oviductal contents at 40 hours post-coitus, prevents ovulation when injected subcutaneously into cyclic hamsters (Kent, '73). The present experiments were designed to determine whether the source of the tetrapeptide is from the ova, embryos, oviducts or semen. Oviducts were either untouched or ligated at the ovarian or uterine end to limit contents to embryos, semen or ova and the contents then recovered at 40 hours pc and injected into cyclic hamsters. The results indicate that the source of the tetrapeptide is the embryos.  相似文献   

Hamster 4-cell stage embryos were cultured in a protein-free, glucose-free medium to study the nature of developmental inhibition by inorganic phosphate (Pi). In the absence of Pi, between 40 and 55% of embryos were able to develop to the blastocyst stage but addition of Pi to the medium reduced this proportion to 5-20%. The inhibition did not appear to be due to contamination of the Pi salt with heavy metals because EDTA did not relieve the effect. Inhibition by Pi showed no dose-response relationship over the range tested (1-350 microM). In contrast, another divalent anion (sulphate) produced no inhibition of 4-cell embryo development at concentrations as high as 5.6 mM. Embryos were less sensitive to inhibition by Pi after the third cleavage division had occurred, and development of mid or late 8-cell embryos was unaffected by Pi. After exposure to Pi for 1 h, embryos could recover and continue development but longer exposure was detrimental to subsequent development. These results indicate that the inhibitory effect is specific to phosphate ions, is not due to contaminants in the Pi salt, is evoked by very low concentrations of Pi, is stage-specific, and is reversible following brief exposure of embryos to Pi. These effects may be artifacts of the culture milieu, or they may reflect some unknown characteristic of the early cleavage stage hamster embryo.  相似文献   

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