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The aim of this study was to allow nonhuman animals to control their environment using operant conditioning procedures and to assess the effect of control on cognitive tasks. The study tested 4 predictions: (a) rats (Rattus norvegicus) will control a light stimulus; (b) animals will exhibit preferences for particular stimulus strengths; (c) animals who exert control over environmental stimuli will show improved performance on cognitive tasks compared with animals who lack control; and (d) at the end of the operant phase, experimental subjects will have lower corticosterone levels than animals who lack control. Experimental subjects did show control over a light stimulus and performed significantly better over time in a discrimination task compared with subjects who could not control their environment. There was no difference in corticosterone levels between control and experimental subjects. The results will both contribute to our understanding of how control of environmental stimuli affects the welfare of animals in captive environments and aid in designing experimental conditions that will increase validity and reliability in research.  相似文献   

Several previous papers have indicated that MSH/ACTH-like neuropeptides facilitate the reversal of brightness discrimination in a runway task. The present experiment was undertaken to explore the development during both acquisition and reversal of stimulus control over an operant response. Male albino adult rats were treated daily with either 10 micrograms of MSH, 500 micrograms of corticosterone or a placebo in a double blind procedure during the establishment of an on-light control over availability of reinforcement. Having completed this regime the conditions were reversed so that reinforcement was present only when the chamber-light was off. The results indicated that treatment with MSH during acquisition produced a significant decrease in % correct responses compared to animals treated with either the placebo or corticosterone with neither of these latter groups differing from the other. During the reversal phase of training there was a trend for both MSH and corticosterone to lower % correct responses. The discussion focuses on other literature which has shown opposite effects of corticosterone on aversive and appetitively motivated tasks.  相似文献   

In intensive farming systems, the animals have little control over important elements in their environments. For instance, food of a pre-set type is delivered at set times, and the lighting schedule is controlled by the farmer. It has been suggested that low levels of environmental control over important events may reduce welfare by increasing passivity and stress. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of providing control over food and lighting additional to a restricted regime on the behaviour of small groups of laying hens (Gallus gallus domesticus). Twelve pens, each containing five birds, were paired to give six controlling and six non-controlling pens. These pairs of pens were yoked, such that birds in the controlling pens were able to make an operant response to gain access to extra food and light, whilst the yoked pens also received these outcomes but were unable to control their occurrence. The birds were kept continuously in the experimental conditions for 9 weeks. Records were made of general behaviour and activity, aggression and plumage damage scores, every 2 weeks. Data on key-pecking and egg production were continuously recorded throughout the experiment. The controlling birds used the operant keys to open the feeder for an average of 92min and to turn on the light for 46min per pen per day. The high number of key-pecks indicates that the birds were motivated to make use of the keys to control access to additional food and light. The non-controlling treatment pens showed significantly higher levels of preening and resting. Contrary to previous studies the use of operant feeders in this experiment did not induce a high level of feather pecking or aggressive interactions, as there was no significant difference between treatments. During the experiment the non-controlling hens laid significantly more eggs than the controlling hens. The results suggest that lack of control over these particular environmental events induced mild stress in the non-controlling pens of birds, and that further investigations into the effect of lack of control on welfare would be warranted.  相似文献   

In operant conditioning experiments, two methods are commonly used to motivate laboratory rats to perform designated tasks. The first is restricting food so that rats are forced to lose 20% of body weight within one week, followed by maintenance at 80% of the baseline weight for the remainder of the experiment. The second is restricting access to water to 15 min in each 24 h period. These methods are effective in motivating the animals. There is, however, little information available on the effects on performance in tests of behaviour that are not related to operant conditioning. In addition, it is not clear if these commonly used methods of food and water restriction will lead to physiological stress as indicated by an elevation of serum corticosterone. Male rats were either food-restricted to reduce and maintain their weight at 80% of baseline weight, or were restricted to 15 min access to water every 24 h. Activity in the open field was significantly greater in food-restricted rats than in water-restricted or control rats, but freezing behaviour was similar in all experimental groups. Food-restricted rats had a higher mean serum corticosterone level than water-restricted and control rats 37 days after the start of the experimental period. These data suggested that chronically restricting food and maintenance of body weight at 80% of baseline body weight led to significant behavioural changes and physiological stress. In contrast, water restriction did not lead to changes in behaviour or corticosterone levels. A second experiment was conducted to compare the effects of food restriction to 80% of baseline body weight, as described above, with a less stringent protocol in which test rats were initially reduced to 80% of baseline weight, but were then maintained at 80% of an ad libitum fed control rat's weight. Serum corticosterone levels and adrenal gland weights were measured after the initial week of forced weight loss and after maintenance for 21 days. Forced loss of 20% of body weight in the first week led to significantly increased serum corticosterone levels and adrenal gland weights compared to ad libitum fed controls. Serum corticosterone levels and adrenal gland weights in rats maintained at 80% of their initial body weight for 21 days remained higher than ad libitum fed control rats. However, rats maintained at 80% of an ad libitum fed control rat's weight did not differ from control rats in serum corticosterone levels or adrenal gland weights at the end of the 21-day study period. Adjustment of the feeding regimen in this manner eliminated physiological evidence of chronic stress.  相似文献   

Understanding how nonhuman animals such as swine respond to their environment and understanding how to provide them with a good quality of life involves using a range of experimental approaches. More and more, ethological researchers are turning to operant methods to answer some of these questions. Employing an operant such as a lever, researchers can assess how hard animals will work to get access to environmental resources: increased space or social contact. It is difficult, however, to determine how the effort made by the animals relates to the degree to which they need the resource and, in particular, how to interpret intermediate levels of responding. One approach to understanding the level of need is to compare it with familiar states of deprivation such as hunger. Food is an environmental resource known to range from low to high value depending on deprivation level. Depriving animals of a fixed proportion of their daily ad libitum intake allows the animals to demonstrate the levels of responding produced at satiation: 23 hr deprivation and a range of intermediate points. The resulting scale has both empirical and intuitive value and can help in understanding the value of various degrees of operant effort. Ultimately, this information will help in deciding which environmental conditions should be provided to swine as part of routine husbandry.  相似文献   

Understanding how nonhuman animals such as swine respond to their environment and understanding how to provide them with a good quality of life involves using a range of experimental approaches. More and more, ethological researchers are turning to operant methods to answer some of these questions. Employing an operant such as a lever, researchers can assess how hard animals will work to get access to environmental resources: increased space or social contact. It is difficult, however, to determine how the effort made by the animals relates to the degree to which they need the resource and, in particular, how to interpret intermediate levels of responding. One approach to understanding the level of need is to compare it with familiar states of deprivation such as hunger. Food is an environmental resource known to range from low to high value depending on deprivation level. Depriving animals of a fixed proportion of their daily ad libitum intake allows the animals to demonstrate the levels of responding produced at satiation: 23 hr deprivation and a range of intermediate points. The resulting scale has both empirical and intuitive value and can help in understanding the value of various degrees of operant effort. Ultimately, this information will help in deciding which environmental conditions should be provided to swine as part of routine husbandry.  相似文献   

Birds respond to deterioration in environmental conditions by elevating their corticosterone levels, which can enhance their survival. It is less clear if animals constantly living in energetically challenging environment show similar increases in adrenocortical function. Previous work has demonstrated that under controlled conditions black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapilla) from northern latitudes cache more food and perform better on spatial memory tasks than their southern conspecifics. As elevated levels of corticosterone have been shown previously to correlate with spatial memory performance in chickadees, this study aimed to investigate whether black-capped chickadees from northern latitudes have elevated baseline levels of corticosterone and/or a stronger adrenocortical stress response than their southern conspecifics, irrespective of their immediate environment. We found no differences between Alaskan and Colorado chickadees maintained under identical conditions for 3 months in either baseline levels of corticosterone or maximum levels of corticosterone achieved during the stress response. Baseline corticosterone levels were negatively correlated with relative body mass across both groups of birds. Our results suggest that the population differences in food catching behavior and spatial memory were not related to differences in corticosterone levels. We conclude that many reported population differences in baseline levels and in strength of adrenocortical stress response may often reflect differences in local environmental conditions rather than population-specific physiological traits.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the influence of social isolation during infancy on learning behavior in rats. Rats, reared isolated (n = 55) or paired (n = 60) for a period of 50 days following weaning, were tested on different learning tasks in an operant conditioning chamber. Isolation rearing produced significantly better learning when the training period directly followed the different housing conditions. After a 28 day period of social isolation for the subjects raised paired during infancy no differences in learning between isolated and paired reared animals could be observed. The differences are discussed in relation to the effects of stimulus deprivation.  相似文献   

Food ingestion has a variable influence on pituitary-adrenal hormone secretion depending on the species studied and/or the experimental design. In this study, changes in plasma concentrations of ACTH and corticosterone following 30 min of food ingestion were compared in both 24 h fasted and ad libitum fed rats tested during either the early light cycle or the early dark cycle. In the dark, food ingestion caused significant decreases in both ACTH (to 80% of control) and corticosterone (to 32% of control) in both fasted and ad libitum fed rats. In contrast, in the light, food ingestion by the fasted animal resulted in a doubling of corticosterone concentrations. Such a response was not seen in ad libitum fed animals; however, these animals ate very little during the test. There were no significant changes in ACTH during the light phase. These data indicate that time of day has a significant impact on the responses of the pituitary-adrenal system to food ingestion. This circadian effect may be due to the influence of the endogenous levels of ACTH/corticosterone existing at the time of food ingestion.  相似文献   

The experiment tested for stimulus specificity in extinguished operant responding. Eight pigeons pecked keys for food reinforcers delivered by a variable interval (VI) 60-s schedule. The key was illuminated with red light during some sessions and white light during others. Then, responding was placed on extinction. During some sessions of extinction, the color of the key light remained constant throughout the session (red or white). During other sessions the color changed at 30 min into the session (red to white or white to red). Response rate increased after the change of key color in extinction. If it is assumed that key color is part of the stimulus to which subjects habituate, then these results are consistent with McSweeney and Swindell's [J. Gen. Psychol. 129 (2002) 364] suggestion that responding declines in extinction partly because subjects habituate to the stimuli that support conditioned responding. Habituation is relatively specific to the exact nature of the stimulus presented. Therefore, changes in the stimulus violate stimulus specificity and restore habituated responding. The results are also consistent with other theories that attribute extinction to a reduction of stimulus control [e.g., Psychol. Bull. 114 (1993) 80; J. Exp. Psychol.: Anim. Behav. Process. 16 (1990) 235], but considerations such as parsimony and testability favor the habituation hypothesis over these theories.  相似文献   

The ability of humans to discriminate systolic blood pressure (BP) was investigated in two experiments. In Experiment 1, 14 normal subjects were asked to make estimates of their systolic BP while performing both BP-elevating and BP-lowering tasks. They were given intermittent feedback throughout all 10 45-min sessions. Results indicated significant correlations and small absolute differences between estimated and measured BP for all subjects in almost all sessions. Experiment 2, undertaken 6 months after Experiment 1, assessed whether estimation accuracy by subjects who had available both external and interoceptive cues surpassed that of subjects which access to external cues only. Three subjects from the original group who showed consistently high motivation, and who improved in accuracy across the 10 sessions in the previous experiment, made estimates of BP while performing novel tasks with no feedback. Correlations between estimated and measured BP remained high for 2 of the 3. These results were compared with the accuracy of control subjects (3 for each experimental subject) who were asked to estimate experimental subjects' BP using only the cognitive information available to the experimental subjects. Control subjects also had high correlations between their estimates and the experimental subjects' measured BP but at lower levels than two experimental subjects. These findings are discussed in relation to subjects' possible use of interoceptive information.  相似文献   

The mere presence of elevated plasma levels of corticosterone is generally regarded as evidence of compromised well-being. However, environmental stimuli do not necessarily need to be of a noxious or adverse nature to elicit activation of the stress response systems. In the present study, the physiological and neuroendocrine responses to repeated social stimuli that can be regarded as emotional opposites, i.e. social defeat and sexual behavior, were compared. Similar corticosterone responses were observed in animals confronted for the first time with either a highly aggressive male intruder or a receptive female, but a decrease was noticed in defeated rats tested during a third interaction. Only if animals are being physically attacked does the corticosterone response remain similar to the one observed during sexual behavior. In addition, the number of activated cells in the parvocellular hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus, as visualized by c-Fos immunocytochemistry, shows no difference between rats 1h after the third exposure to defeat or sex. Finally, biotelemetric recordings of heart rate, body temperature and locomotor activity show a robust response to both social stimuli that is generally, however, higher in animals being confronted with a receptive female. The data clearly indicate that acute plasma corticosterone levels are not reflecting the emotional valence of a salient stimulus. The magnitude of the response seems to be a direct reflection of the behavioral activity and hence of the metabolic requirements of activated tissues. Next to its direct metabolic role, acute increases in plasma corticosterone will have neurobiological and behavioral effects that largely depend on the neural circuitry that is activated by the stimulus that triggered its release.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) plays a key role in stress and coping responses. Fecal sampling permits assessment of hormone-behavior interactions reliably and effectively, but no previous study has compared circadian- or stress-dependent alterations between serum DHEA and its fecal metabolites. In the current study, young (28 d of age) male rats were assigned to either an experimental (n = 6) or control (n = 6) group. Rats in the experimental group were exposed to a forced swim test to assess their behavioral and physiologic response to an environmental stressor; blood samples were drawn before the test (baseline), immediately after the test, and at 2 later time points. Only fecal samples were collected from control animals. Fecal DHEA and corticosterone metabolites were monitored in all animals for 24 h. DHEA metabolites in control rats exhibited significant diurnal variation, showing a similar temporal pattern as that of corticosterone metabolites. In addition, fecal and serum DHEA levels were highly correlated. Significant peaks in both DHEA and corticosterone metabolite levels were detected. These data suggest that measures of fecal DHEA can provide a complementary, noninvasive method of assessing adrenal gland function in rats.  相似文献   

In small laboratory species, steroid measures can be obtained more frequently and less invasively from urine than blood. Insofar as urinary levels reflect systemic levels, they could provide advantages particularly for measurement of glucocorticoids, whose blood levels react rapidly to handling and stress. In Experiment 1, urinary samples were collected from male mice every second hour over a 14:10 h light:dark cycle. Samples were analyzed via enzyme immunoassay for corticosterone, testosterone, and creatinine. Corticosterone had peak concentrations 1 h after light offset and a trough 1 h after light onset. Testosterone showed peak concentrations 5-7 h after light onset and lowest concentrations during the dark phase of the cycle. Creatinine showed some variation over the light-dark cycle, but steroid measures showed similar trends with and without adjustment for creatinine. In Experiment 2, mice were stressed via an injection at times close to the determined peak and trough levels of corticosterone. In urinary samples taken 90 min after injection, corticosterone was significantly higher in injected animals at both times relative to levels in control animals, but testosterone was unaffected by injection stress. In Experiment 3, serum and urine samples were collected from mice every sixth hour across the diurnal cycle. Corticosterone peaked in urine and serum immediately after light offset, and urinary measures predicted those in serum. These data indicate that urinary corticosterone reflects systemic levels in mice, document circadian variation in urinary testosterone, and indicate that circadian variation in creatinine is minimal, but potentially relevant in stressed animals.  相似文献   

In older Aplysia, the central nervous system (CNS) (abdominal ganglion) exerts suppressive and facilitatory control over the peripheral nervous system (PNS) which initially mediates the gill withdrawal reflex and its subsequent habituation evoked by tactile stimulation of the siphon. In young animals, both the suppressive and facilitatory CNS control were found to be absent. In older animals, removal of branchial nerve (Br) input to the gill resulted in a significantly reduced reflex latency and, with ctenidial (Ct) and siphon (Sn) nerves intact, a significantly increased reflex amplitude and an inability of the reflex to habituate with repeated siphon stimulation. In young animals, removal of Br had no effect on reflex latency and with Ct and Sn intact, the reflex amplitude latency was not increased and the reflex habituated. Older animals can easily discriminate between different intensity stimuli applied to the siphon as evidenced by differences in reflex amplitude, rates of habituation, and evoked neural activity. On the other hand, young animals cannot discriminate well between different stimulus intensities. The lack of CNS control in young animals was found to be due to incompletely developed neural processes within the abdominal ganglion and not the PNS. The lack of CNS control in young Aplysia results in gill reflex behaviours being less adaptive in light of changing stimulus conditions, but may be of positive survival value in that the young will not habituate as easily. The fact that CNS control is present in older animals strengthens the idea that in any analysis of the underlying neural mechanisms of habituation the entire integrated CNS-PNS must be taken into account.  相似文献   

This experiment extends Pavlov's method of contrasts for training a stimulus discrimination to the case of the cardiac conditional response in the rhesus monkey. It explores the parameter of temporal placement of an additional stimulus ("CS2") within a 10-sec CS (or "CS1"), with the appearance of the former stimulus on any trial signalling the absence of UCS (electric shock) on that trial. This experimental paradigm is a parallel to that of the "intruded stimulus" studies in operant conditioning. In both cases, several ways of describing the function of the added stimulus are possible, but all seem reducible to the same operational terms. Data were taken in the present study with respect to the form and latency of the cardiac rate changes produced by intrusion of CS2 (light), across a range of placements varying from simultaneity with CS1 (a different light) onset to two sec before UCS would have been delivered. The control of CS2 over the cardiac rate CR was occasionally exhibited with a latency as short as three beats after stimulus onset. The order of CS2 temporal placements to which a subject was exposed was a factor in determining the form of the conditioned cardiac rate response to CS1.  相似文献   

Most current methods for assessing pain in animals are based on reflexive measures and require constant interaction between the observer and the animal. Here we explore two new fully automated methods to quantify the impact of pain on the overall behavior of the organism. Both methods take advantage of the animals' natural preference for a dark environment. We used a box divided into two compartments: dark and bright. In the motoric operant task, "AngleTrack", one end of the box was raised so that the animals had to climb uphill to go from the light to the dark compartment. In the thermal operant task, "ThermalTrack", the floor of the dark compartment was heated to a given temperature, while the light compartment remained at 25°C. Rats were individually placed in the light box and their crossing between chambers monitored automatically for 30 minutes. The angle of the box, or the temperature of the dark compartment, was altered to challenge the animals' natural preference. We test the hypothesis that different models of pain (inflammatory or neuropathic) can be differentiated based on performance on these devices. Three groups of rats were tested at five different challenge levels on both tasks: 1) normal, 2) neuropathic injury pain (Spared Nerve Injury), and 3) inflammatory pain (intraplantar injection of Carrageenan). We monitored the position of the animals as well as their rate of switching between compartments. We find significant differences between the three groups and between the challenge levels both in their average position with respect to time, and in their switching rates. This suggests that the angle-track and thermal-track may be useful in assessing automatically the global impact of different types of pain on behavior.  相似文献   

Plasma corticosterone in chicks reared under several lighting schedules   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Plasma corticosterone was determined by radioimmunoassay in 6-7-week-old male broiler type chicks, reared under several carefully controlled lighting regimes. When subjects were grouped by photoperiod of rearing, chicks reared in darkness had significantly lower hormone levels than diurnal controls, or than subjects reared in continuous light. Around-the-clock sampling revealed a diurnal corticosterone rhythm, with high daytime levels and lower night-time levels. This rhythm appeared to be retained in constant light, although phase shifted or free running. Neither analysis by light intensity level nor by lights on/lights off status at the time of blood sampling revealed differences in plasma corticosterone between the experimental groups which could be attributed to these factors.  相似文献   

Translational cognitive neuroscience of dementia involves mainly two areas: the validation of newly developed dementia animal models and the preclinical assessment of novel drug candidates in such model animals. To validate new animal models, a multidomain panel (battery) approach is essential in that dementia is, by definition, not merely a memory disorder but rather a multidomain cognitive/behavior disorder: animal modeling with a certain type of dementia would develop cognitive impairments in multiple (two at minimum) domains in a specific order according to unique spreading patterns of its neuropathology. In new drug development, the availability of highly sensitive tools assessing animal cognition is crucial to the detection of cognitive decline at the earliest stage of the disease, which may be an optimal time point to test a drug candidate. Using interspecies translatable (analogous) cognitive tasks would also be necessary to successfully predict the efficacy of drug candidates in subsequent clinical trials. Currently, this translational prediction is seriously limited given discrepancies in behavioral assessment methods between animals and humans in the preclinical and clinical trials, respectively. Since neurodegenerative diseases are often accompanied by not only cognitive but also affective and movement disorders, simultaneous assessment of task-relevant locomotor behavior and motivation is also important to rule out the effects of potential confounders. The touchscreen operant platform may satisfy these needs by offering several advantages over conventional methodology. In this review, we discuss the touchscreen operant chamber system and highlight some of its qualities as a promising and desirable tool for translational research of dementia.  相似文献   

Research on the effects of self-regulation of slow potentials (SP) and event-related potentials (ERP) has failed to look at the possible interactions of these two kinds of brain potentials. The present study investigated such interactions by recording both ERP and SP potential changes in an operant ERP conditioning paradigm. Ten subjects participated in two conditions that were designed to differentially manipulate attention to the stimuli. In the operant conditioning task, subjects received auditory feedback as they attempted to increase the ERP amplitude at 180 msec poststimulus (P180), which was elicited by a subpainful shock stimulus to the forearm over 250 trials. In the distraction task, subjects were instructed not to attend to stimuli or feedback tones, but rather received and were tested on reading materials. Attention, as manipulated by these tasks, was not a determinant of changes in ERP amplitude since there were no significant differences in the size of P180 between attention conditions. While no significant change in the mean ERP amplitude occurred, subjects were able to produce ERPs above criterion threshold significantly more often during trials in the conditioning task than in the reading task. Thus, there was evidence of some learning. The difference in wave forms between hit and miss trials indicates a latency shift (with misses having a later ERP peak). This may indicate that latency, rather than, or in addition to, amplitude, is shaped during conditioning procedures. In addition, the CNV that developed between the shock stimulus and the feedback signal during conditioning was significantly larger in amplitude than in the distraction condition. This is taken as evidence of increased attention during conditioning. Since hit trials demonstrated larger contingent negative variation (CNV) amplitudes, production of CNVs may be instrumental in mediating hits. Therefore, attentional mechanisms may play a role in successful ERP self-regulation. No correlations were found involving P180, CNVs, or tonic slow potential shifts. Changes in tonic DC levels showed a suggestive trend between conditions. Although both conditions began with a negative shift, during conditioning the negativity increased, while during distraction the tonic level went to positivity. These trends support the hypothesis that attention and arousal increased during conditioning. The possible reasons for the lack of significant correlations between ERP and tonic or phasic slow potential changes in this paradigm are discussed.  相似文献   

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