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The skin epidermis is a stratified epithelium that forms a barrier that protects animals from dehydration, mechanical stress, and infections. The epidermis encompasses different appendages, such as the hair follicle (HF), the sebaceous gland (SG), the sweat gland, and the touch dome, that are essential for thermoregulation, sensing the environment, and influencing social behavior. The epidermis undergoes a constant turnover and distinct stem cells (SCs) are responsible for the homeostasis of the different epidermal compartments. Deregulation of the signaling pathways controlling the balance between renewal and differentiation often leads to cancer formation.  相似文献   

The lateral line system is simple (comprising six cell types), its sense organs form according to a defined and reproducible pattern, and its neurons are easily visualized. In the zebrafish, these advantages can be combined with a wealth of genetic tools, making this system ideally suited to a combined molecular, cellular and genetic analysis. Recent progress has taken advantage of these various qualities to elucidate the mechanism that drives the migration from head to tail of the sense organ precursor cells, and to approach the questions surrounding axonal guidance and target recognition.  相似文献   

The epidermis from 11-day-old chick embryo shank skin was cultured with 11-day-old chick embryo extract. The growth and the differentiation of the epidermis in culture were studied histologically, electron microscopically and with polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of keratin proteins. The epidermis cultured with the chick embryo extract proliferated and stratum structures developed simultaneously with the increase in epidermal cell layers. Finally, a keratinized layer was observed after 10 days in culture. Electron microscopic observations revealed that tonofilaments were produced after 2 days in culture and increased thereafter with culture time, becoming condensed with desmosomes. Keratohyaline granules were observed in 7-day cultures. These keratinization characteristics occurring during culture showed the general characteristics of the alpha stratum observed in the skin of in ovo embryos during the early stages of development. However, the development of peridermal and subperidermal granules was poor and the stratum granulosum, which develops at the late stages between the stratum intermedium and the stratum corneum, was not observed. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of S-carboxymethylated keratin proteins showed that the keratin protein band patterns of the culture differed from those of in ovo skin epidermis.  相似文献   

An epidermis surrounds all vertebrates, forming a water barrier between the external environment and the internal space of the organism. In the zebrafish, the embryonic epidermis consists of an outer enveloping layer (EVL) and an inner basal layer that have distinct embryonic origins. Differentiation of the EVL requires the maternal effect gene poky/ikk1 in EVL cells prior to establishment of the basal layer. This requirement is transient and maternal Ikk1 is sufficient to allow establishment of the EVL and formation of normal skin in adults. Similar to the requirement for Ikk1 in mouse epidermis, EVL cells in poky mutants fail to exit the cell cycle or express specific markers of differentiation. In spite of the similarity in phenotype, the molecular requirement for Ikk1 is different between mouse and zebrafish. Unlike the mouse, EVL differentiation requires functioning Poky/Ikk1 kinase activity but does not require the HLH domain. Previous work suggested that the EVL was a transient embryonic structure, and that maturation of the epidermis required replacement of the EVL with cells from the basal layer. We show here that the EVL is not lost during embryogenesis but persists to larval stages. Our results show that while the requirement for poky/ikk1 is conserved, the differences in molecular activity indicate that diversification of an epithelial differentiation program has allowed at least two developmental modes of establishing a multilayered epidermis in vertebrates.  相似文献   

Lymphangiogenesis results in the formation of a vascular network distinct from arteries and veins that serves to drain interstitial fluid from surrounding tissues and plays a pivotal role in the immune defense of vertebrates as well as in the progression of cancer and other diseases . In mammals, lymph vessels are lined by endothelial cells possibly sprouting from embryonic veins, and their development appears to be critically dependent on the function of PROX1 and VEGFC signaling . The existence of a lymphatic system in teleosts has been a matter of debate for decades. Here we show on the morphological, molecular, and functional levels that zebrafish embryos develop a lymphatic vasculature that serves to retrieve components of the interstitium to the lymph system. We demonstrate the existence of vessels that are molecularly and functionally distinct from blood vessels and show that the development of these vessels depends on Vegfc and VEGFR-3/Flt4 signaling. These findings imply that the molecular components controlling lymphangiogenesis in zebrafish and mammals are conserved and that the zebrafish lymphatic system develops early enough to allow in vivo observations, lineage tracing, and genetic as well as pharmacological screens.  相似文献   

Wu YL  Pan X  Mudumana SP  Wang H  Kee PW  Gong Z 《Gene》2008,408(1-2):85-94
In the present study, a zebrafish hsp27 promoter was isolated and used to develop heat shock inducible gfp transgenic zebrafish. The endogenous hsp27 mRNAs were constitutively expressed from 4 hpf and increased in several regions of brain, heart and somites in early embryogenesis until 24 hpf. Subsequently, the expression was reduced significantly but maintained in the heart and ears. Heat shock induced hsp27 mRNAs in the blastoderm from 6 hpf and later in somites, branchial arches and several regions of brain. Similarly in hsp27-gfp transgenic zebrafish, constitutive GFP expression was observed from 11 hpf. GFP expression was mainly in the skin cells and increased to the peak level at 7 dpf, followed by a reduction. The constitutive GFP expression in the heart was initiated from 50 hpf and maintained even in the adult fish. After heat shock, GFP expression was mainly induced in the muscle in addition to a mild increase in the skin and heart. The early stages of the embryos were more sensitive than late stages as the time required for induced GFP expression in the muscle is shorter. Thus, the hsp27-gfp transgenic line generally recapitulates the expression pattern and heat shock inducibility of endogenous hsp27 RNAs. We also tested the potential of using the hsp27-gfp transgenic zebrafish embryos for heavy metal induction and demonstrated the inducibility of GFP expression by arsenic; this pattern of induction was also supported by examination of endogenous hsp27 mRNA.  相似文献   

Epithelial integrity requires the adhesion of cells to each other as well as to an underlying basement membrane. The modulation of adherence properties is crucial to morphogenesis and wound healing, and deregulated adhesion has been implicated in skin diseases and cancer metastasis. Here, we describe zebrafish that are mutant in the serine protease inhibitor Hai1a (Spint1la), which display disrupted epidermal integrity. These defects are further enhanced upon combined loss of hai1a and its paralog hai1b. By applying in vivo imaging, we demonstrate that Hai1-deficient keratinocytes acquire mesenchymal-like characteristics, lose contact with each other, and become mobile and more susceptible to apoptosis. In addition, inflammation of the mutant skin is evident, although not causative of the epidermal defects. Only later, the epidermis exhibits enhanced cell proliferation. The defects of hai1 mutants can be phenocopied by overexpression and can be fully rescued by simultaneous inactivation of the serine protease Matriptase1a (St14a), indicating that Hai1 promotes epithelial integrity by inhibiting Matriptase1a. By contrast, Hepatocyte growth factor (Hgf), a well-known promoter of epithelial-mesenchymal transitions and a prime target of Matriptase1 activity, plays no major role. Our work provides direct genetic evidence for antagonistic in vivo roles of Hai1 and Matriptase1a to regulate skin homeostasis and remodeling.  相似文献   

Zebrafish possess all of the classic sensory modalities: taste, tactile, smell, balance, vision, and hearing. For each sensory system, this article provides a brief overview of the system in the adult zebrafish followed by a more detailed overview of the development of the system. By far the majority of studies performed in each of the sensory systems of the zebrafish have involved some aspect of molecular biology or genetics. Although molecular biology and genetics are not major foci of the paper, brief discussions of some of the mutant strains of zebrafish that have developmental defects in each specific sensory system are included. The development of the sensory systems is only a small sampling of the work being done using zebrafish and provides a mere glimpse of the potential of this model for the study of vertebrate development, physiology, and human disease.  相似文献   

During posthatching development the fins of fishes undergo striking changes in both structure and function. In this article we examine the development of the pectoral fins from larval through adult life history stages in the zebrafish (Danio rerio), describing in detail their pectoral muscle morphology. We explore the development of muscle structure as a way to interpret the fins' role in locomotion. Genetic approaches in the zebrafish model are providing new tools for examining fin development and we take advantage of transgenic lines in which fluorescent protein is expressed in specific tissues to perform detailed three-dimensional, in vivo fin imaging. The fin musculature of larval zebrafish is organized into two thin sheets of fibers, an abductor and adductor, one on each side of an endoskeletal disk. Through the juvenile stage the number of muscle fibers increases and muscle sheets cleave into distinct muscle subdivisions as fibers orient to the developing fin skeleton. By the end of the juvenile period the pectoral girdle and fin muscles have reoriented to take on the adult organization. We find that this change in morphology is associated with a switch of fin function from activity during axial locomotion in larvae to use in swim initiation and maneuvering in adults. The examination of pectoral fins of the zebrafish highlights the yet to be explored diversity of fin structure and function in subadult developmental stages. J. Morphol. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

CH Chiu  CW Chou  S Takada  YW Liu 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43040


The early morphogenetic steps of zebrafish interrenal tissue, the teleostean counterpart of the mammalian adrenal gland, are modulated by the peri-interrenal angioblasts and blood vessels. While an organized distribution of intra-adrenal vessels and extracellular matrix is essential for the fetal adrenal cortex remodeling, whether and how an intra-interrenal buildup of vasculature and extracellular matrix forms and functions during interrenal organogenesis in teleosts remains unclear.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We characterized the process of interrenal gland vascularization by identifying the interrenal vessel (IRV); which develops from the axial artery through angiogenesis and is associated with highly enriched Fibronectin (Fn) accumulation at its microenvironment. The loss of Fn1 by either antisense morpholino (MO) knockdown or genetic mutation inhibited endothelial invasion and migration of the steroidogenic tissue. The accumulation of peri-IRV Fn requires Integrin α5 (Itga5), with its knockdown leading to interrenal and IRV morphologies phenocopying those in the fn1 morphant and mutant. fn1b, another known fn gene in zebrafish, is however not involved in the IRV formation. The distribution pattern of peri-IRV Fn could be modulated by the blood flow, while a lack of which altered angiogenic direction of the IRV as well as its ability to integrate with the steroidogenic tissue. The administration of Fn antagonist through microangiography exerted reducing effects on both interrenal vessel angiogenesis and steroidogenic cell migration.

Conclusions and Significance

This work is the first to identify the zebrafish IRV and to characterize how its integration into the developing interrenal gland requires the Fn-enriched microenvironment, which leads to the possibility of using the IRV formation as a platform for exploring organ-specific angiogenesis. In the context of other developmental endocrinology studies, our results indicate a highly dynamic interrenal-vessel interaction immediately before the onset of stress response in the zebrafish embryo.  相似文献   

The number and distribution of neurons within the vertebrate retina are tightly regulated. This is particularly apparent in the highly ordered, crystalline-like arrangement of the cone photoreceptors in the teleost. In this report, using a transgenic line of zebrafish, a novel and developmentally regulated mosaic pattern of the rod photoreceptors is described. The spatial and temporal expression of EGFP, under the control of the Xenopus rhodopsin gene promoter, was nearly identical to the endogenous rhodopsin. EGFP was first detected in the ventral nasal retinal in an area of precocious neurogenesis referred to as the "ventral patch". Subsequent expression of EGFP was observed in isolated cells sporadically distributed across the dorsal and central retina. However, confocal microscopy and spatial analysis of larval eyes or retinal explants from adults revealed a precise arrangement to the rod photoreceptors. The rod terminals were arranged in regularly spaced rows with clearly identifiable telodendria linking neighboring cells. The rod inner segments projected through the cone mosaic in a predictable pattern. In the adult, the rod mosaic originated near the retinal margin where clusters of rods differentiated around the immature short single cone. In the embryo, the sporadic differentiation of the rods led to the gradual formation of the mosaic pattern. With the growing interest in neuronal stem cells, revisiting this model of neurogenesis provides an avenue to uncover mechanisms underlying the precise integration of new neuronal elements into a preexisting neural network.  相似文献   

Development of axon pathways in the zebrafish central nervous system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The zebrafish has a number of distinct advantages as an experimental model in developmental biology. For example, large numbers of embryos can be generated in each lay, development proceeds rapidly through a very precise temporal staging which exhibits minimal batch-to-batch variability, embryos are transparent and imaging of wholemounts negates the need for tedious histological preparation while preserving three-dimensional spatial relationships. The zebrafish nervous system is proving a convenient model for studies of axon guidance because of its small size and highly stereotypical trajectory of axons. Moreover, a simple scaffold of axon tracts and nerves is established early and provides a template for subsequent development. The ease with which this template can be visualized as well as the ability to spatially resolve individual pioneer axons enables the role of specific cell-cell and molecular interactions to be clearly deciphered. We describe here the morphology and development of the earliest axon pathways in the embryonic zebrafish central nervous system and highlight the major questions that remain to be addressed with regard to axon guidance.  相似文献   

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