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Plasma membrane fractions from rat liver isolated by different methods contain NADH- ferricyanide reductase and NADH-semidehydroascorbate reductase activities which are too high to be due to contamination by mitochondria or microsomes. Both enzymes are inhibited by insulin in a concentration range of 30 to 70 μU insulin/ml down to 20% residual activity. While ferricyanide reductase returns to near normal activity, semidehydroascorbate reductase inhibition persists at higher insulin concentrations. Despite variations in basal enzyme activities, degree of inhibition and amount of hormone needed for maximal effect, it can be consistently observed. Inhibition of semidehydroascorbate reductase is discussed in terms of the enzyme's function in regenerating ascorbate as antioxidant and oxidant-like insulin effects.  相似文献   

We have isolated various phospholipids from adrenal mitochondria of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-treated (stimulated) and cycloheximide/ACTH-treated (unstimulated) rats. When the effects of these phospholipids were examined on the formation of pregnenolone from endogenous cholesterol by adrenal mitochondria of unstimulated rats, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylserine from stimulated mitochondria were effective in enhancing the cleavage reaction in unstimulated mitochondria, whereas these phospholipids from unstimulated mitochondria were all ineffective. Cardiolipins from both stimulated and unstimulated mitochondria were effective. When the compositional changes in fatty acid moiety of phospholipids were examined, a significant increase in C22:4 (adrenic) acid was observed only for phosphatidylethanolamine under the influence of ACTH. A linear relationship between the contents of C22:4 acid in various phospholipids and respective steroidogenic activities was obtained (r = 0.880), suggesting an important role of this fatty acid moiety. The separation of active phosphatidylethanolamine by high performance liquid chromatography revealed that a fraction containing 25% C22:4 acid was most effective in the activation. Based on these results, it is most likely that 1-stearoyl-2-adrenoyl phosphatidylethanolamine is an active species. C22:4 acid was liberated together with C20:4 acid from adrenal triglycerides by the action of ACTH but the liberation was insensitive to cycloheximide inhibition. Finally, cardiolipin which enhances the transfer of cholesterol to cytochrome P-450scc may not be a physiological mediator of ACTH action.  相似文献   

Cholesterol sulfate inhibits (K1/2, 6 microM) the side chain cleavage of exogenous cholesterol in intact rat adrenal mitochondria. Inhibition is at a site other than cytochrome P-450scc: the spin state of the hemoprotein is not perturbed, and its activity is unaffected as judged by the failure to inhibit the metabolism both of 25-hydroxycholesterol and of endogenous cholesterol in a mitochondrial "steroidogenic pool." In contrast, 25-hydroxycholesterol, known to interact with the cytochrome, prevented the cleavage of both endogenous and exogenous cholesterol and produced the expected optical changes in the hemoprotein. Inhibition was specific, since a variety of related compounds including pregnenolone sulfate were not effective. Metabolic conversion to other species was insufficient to account for inhibition, indicating that cholesterol sulfate is the effective molecule. A hallmark of an inhibitor of a transport system is that disruption of the barrier to transport eliminates inhibition. Sonic disruption of mitochondria abated by 70% the effect of cholesterol sulfate, but did not affect inhibition by 25-hydroxycholesterol. Thus, the cholesterol sulfate appears to inhibit an intramitochondrial cholesterol translocation system that functions to move cholesterol into a steroidogenic pool. The high content of cholesterol sulfate in adrenal cortex (Drayer, N.M., Roberts, K.D., Bandi, L., and Lieberman, S. (1964) J. Biol. Chem. 239, 3112-3114) suggests a possible regulatory role for this molecule.  相似文献   

Cholesterol side-chain cleavage activity in mitochondria isolated from the outer and inner zones of the guinea pig adrenal cortex was evaluated in order to clarify the role of the zona reticularis in steroidogenesis. It was found that side-chain cleavage activity was three times higher in the outer zone. In addition, ether stress increased side-chain cleavage activity in the outer zone but not the inner zone. The concentration of total and free cholesterol was also found to be higher in the outer zone. However, when exogenous cholesterol was added to mitochondria, there was no enhancement in side-chain cleavage activity in either zone.  相似文献   

Following simple homogenization, significant amounts of mitochondrial-derived, cholesterol side chain cleaving enzyme (desmolase) activity are recovered in rat adrenal 105 000 X g-supernatant fraction. Corticotropin administration enhances soluble desmolase activity, and cycloheximide potentiates this effect. The lipid droplet fraction which has no desmolase activity markedly enhances pregnenolone synthesis in the soluble desmolase preparations, presumably by supplying free cholesterol substrate. Corticotropin particularly with cycloheximide pretreatment, enhances lipid fraction activity. Thus increased cholesterol availability may largely explain the corticotropin effect on the soluble desmolase system. Since protein synthesis is required for corticotropin activity in intact mitochondria, but not in calcium-swollen mitochondria or the soluble enzyme system, the labile protein apparently required during corticotropin action may function to overcome a "barrier" which exists only in the intact mitochondria and restrains cholesterol side chain cleavage.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450 was purified from bovine adrenal cortex mitochondria by affinity chromatography using an octylamine-substituted Sepharose column. The resulting optically clear preparation was stable at -20 degrees for months. The specific concentration of cytochrome P-450 in the preparation was about 5 nmol of heme per mg of protein. The preparations were free of adrenodoxin, adrenodoxin reductase, phospholipids, and other heme contaminations. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified cytochrome P-450 preparation treated with sodium dodecyl sulfate and mercaptoethanol showed a single major band with a molecular weight of about 60,000. The optical absorption spectra of the preparation exhibited Soret maxima at 416, 416, and 448 nm for the Fe3+, Fe2+ and the C.Fe2+ complex, respectively. The EPR spectrum showed the characteristic features of the low spin form of ferric cytochrome P-450 with principal components 1.914, 2.241, and 2.415 of the g-tensor. The circular dichroism spectrum revealed two large negative ellipticities at 412 and 350 nm. Fluorescence spectra showed an excitation maximum at 285 nm and an emission maximum at 305 nm with a shoulder at 330 nm as the cytochrome P-450 molecule is excited at 285 nm, or an emission maximum at 335 nm when the cytochrome molecule is excited at 305 nm. After reconstitution with adrenodoxin and its reductase, this cytochrome P-450 was highly active for cholesterol desmolase with an NADPH-generating system as electron donor but was not active for steroid 11beta-hydroxylase.  相似文献   

Engineered yeast cells efficiently convert ergosta-5-eneol to pregnenolone and progesterone provided that endogenous pregnenolone acetylase activity is disrupted and that heterologous sterol delta7-reductase, cytochrome P450 side chain cleavage (CYP11A1) and 3beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/isomerase (3beta-HSD) activities are present. CYP11A1 activity requires the expression of the mammalian NADPH-adrenodoxin reductase (Adrp) and adrenodoxin (Adxp) proteins as electron carriers. Several parameters modulate this artificial metabolic pathway: the effects of steroid products; the availability and delivery of the ergosta-5-eneol substrate to cytochrome P450; electron flux and protein localization. CYP11A1, Adxp and Adrp are usually located in contact with inner mitochondrial membranes and are directed to the outside of the mitochondria by the removal of their respective mitochondrial targeting sequences. CYP11A1 then localizes to the plasma membrane but Adrp and Adxp are detected in the endoplasmic reticulum and cytosol as expected. The electron transfer chain that involves several subcellular compartments may control side chain cleavage activity in yeast. Interestingly, Tgl1p, a potential ester hydrolase, was found to enhance steroid productivity, probably through both the availability and/or the trafficking of the CYP11A1 substrate. Thus, the observation that the highest cellular levels of free ergosta-5-eneol are found in the plasma membrane suggests that the substrate is freely available for pregnenolone synthesis.  相似文献   

Tissue, cellular, and subcellular distributions of OM cytochrome b-mediated NADH-semidehydroascorbate (SDA) reductase activity were investigated in rat. NADH-SDA reductase activity was found in the post-nuclear particulate fractions of liver, kidney, adrenal gland, heart, brain, lung, and spleen of rat. Liver, kidney, and adrenal gland had higher NADH-SDA reductase activity than other tissues, and OM cytochrome b-dependent activity was 60-70% of the total activity. On the other hand, almost all of the reductase activity of heart and brain cells was mediated by OM cytochrome b. The ratio of the OM cytochrome b-mediated activities of NADH-SDA reductase to rotenone-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase varied among these tissues. OM cytochrome b-mediated NADH-SDA reductase and rotenone-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase activities were mainly present in the parenchymal cells of rat liver. The localization of the cytochrome-mediated reductase activities in the outer mitochondrial membrane was confirmed by subfractionation of liver mitochondria. Among the submicrosomal fractions, OM cytochrome b-mediated NADH-SDA reductase activity was highest in the cis-Golgi membrane fraction, in which monoamine oxidase activity was also highest. On the other hand, OM cytochrome b-mediated rotenone-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity showed a slightly different distribution pattern from the NADH-SDA reductase activity. Thenoyltrifluoroacetone (TTFA), a metal chelator, effectively inhibited the NADH-SDA reductase activity, though other metal chelators did not affect the activity. TTFA failed to inhibit rotenone-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c reductase activity at the concentration which gave complete inhibition of NADH-SDA reductase activity.  相似文献   

The role of cytochrome P-450 in the side chain cleavage of 20S,22R-dihydroxycholesterol was investigated by examining the effect of carbon monoxide on the conversion of this substance to pregnenolone by cytochrome P-450 from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria; the effect of carbon monoxide on the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone by the same enzyme also was examined. Fifty per cent inhibition of side chain cleavage was produced by gas mixtures with the following ratios: CO:O2,1.5 for cholesterol and 1.2 for 20S, 22R-dihydroxycholesterol. Photochemical action spectra revealed that light of wavelength 451 nm decreased the inhibition of side chain cleavage of both substrates to a greater extent than light of other wavelenghts. It is concluded that the heme moiety of P-450 is involved in the cleavage of 20S,22R-dihydroxycholesterol.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial metabolism depends on movement of hydrophilic metabolites through the mitochondrial outer membrane via the voltage-dependent anion channel (VDAC). Here we assessed VDAC permeability of intracellular mitochondria in cultured hepatocytes after plasma membrane permeabilization with 8 μM digitonin. Blockade of VDAC with Koenig’s polyanion inhibited uncoupled and ADP-stimulated respiration of permeabilized hepatocytes by 33% and 41%, respectively. Tenfold greater digitonin (80 μM) relieved KPA-induced inhibition and also released cytochrome c, signifying mitochondrial outer membrane permeabilization. Acute ethanol exposure also decreased respiration and accessibility of mitochondrial adenylate kinase (AK) of permeabilized hepatocytes membranes by 40% and 32%, respectively. This inhibition was reversed by high digitonin. Outer membrane permeability was independently assessed by confocal microscopy from entrapment of 3 kDa tetramethylrhodamine-conjugated dextran (RhoDex) in mitochondria of mechanically permeabilized hepatocytes. Ethanol decreased RhoDex entrapment in mitochondria by 35% of that observed in control cells. Overall, these results demonstrate that acute ethanol exposure decreases mitochondrial outer membrane permeability most likely by inhibition of VDAC.  相似文献   

NADH-dependent 3,4-benzpyrene hydroxylase activity was detected in the purified mitochondrial outer membrane fraction from the livers of rats treated with 3-methylcholanthrene. The specific activity in the outer membrane fraction is nearly equal to that of microsomes, a level too high to be accounted for only by the microsomal contamination. On the other hand, the NADPH-dependent 3,4-benzpyrene hydroxylase activity in the outer membrane fraction is about 50% of that of microsomes. The ratio of the specific activity of NADPH- to NADH-dependent 3,4-benzpyrene hydroxylase in microsomal fraction was about 3.5, while that of the outer membrane fraction was about 1.5. Moreover, it was found that NADH-dependent 3,4-benzpyrene hydroxylase activity in mitochondrial outer membrane from control rat liver was cyanide-insensitive, while that in microsomes was cyanide-sensitive. These results suggest the presence in the mitochondrial outer membrane fraction of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase activity which uses as electron donor NADH nearly to the same extent as NADPH. The hydroxylase system is composed of cyanide-insensitive cytochrome P-450 and is inducible markedly by 3-methylcholanthrene treatment. The probable electron transfer pathways in the mitochondrial outer membrane cytochrome P-450 oxidase system are discussed.  相似文献   

The identification of post-translational modifications is difficult especially for hydrophobic membrane proteins. Here we present the identification of several types of protein modifications on membrane proteins isolated from mitochondrial outer membranes. We show, in vivo, that the mature rat liver mitochondrial carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I enzyme is N-terminally acetylated, phosphorylated on two threonine residues, and nitrated on two tyrosine residues. We show that long chain acyl-CoA synthetase 1 is acetylated at both the N-terminal end and at a lysine residue and tyrosine residues are found to be phosphorylated and nitrated. For the three voltage-dependent anion channel isoforms present in the mitochondria, the N-terminal regions of the protein were determined and sites of phosphorylation were identified. These novel findings raise questions about regulatory aspects of carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I, long chain acyl-CoA synthetase and voltage dependent anion channel and further studies should advance our understanding about regulation of mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in general and these three proteins in specific.  相似文献   

S A Sholl  R C Wolf  A E Colás 《Steroids》1977,29(2):237-248
Cholesterol side-chain cleavage (CSCC) and aromatase activities were measured in luteal mitochondria and tissue pieces, respectively, from rhesus monkeys on days 22, 49, 128 and 160 of gestation. CSCC activity did not vary significantly during gestation and thus probably does not respond to chorionic gonadotropin which is elevated on day 22 of pregnancy. It is not known, however, whether CSCC can be stimulated prior to day 22 when the corpus luteum is steroidogenically more active. Both 3H-pregnenolone and 3H-progesterone were synthesized from [1,2-3/]cholesterol. Aromatase activity declined from high levels on days 22 and 49 to a nadir on day 128 of pregnancy. Utilizing either [1beta-3H]androstenedione or [1beta-3H]testosterone as substrate yielded comparable results throughout gestation.  相似文献   

An analog of 20alpha-hydroxycholesterol, (20R)-20-phenyl-5-pregnene-3beta,20-diol, which is completely substituted at C-22 was prepared with radioisotopes at various positions. The analog labeled with 3H at C-M and 14C at C-4 and C-IU was converted into radioactive pregnenolone by an enzyme preparation derived from adrenal mitochondria. Cleavage of the phenyl analog labeled with 3H in the aromatic ring by the same enzyme preparation led to the formation of [3H]phenol. Using the substrate doubly labeled with 14C at C-4 and 3H in the aromatic ring, it appeared that the products of the reactions, pregnenolone and phenol, were formed in equal amounts. During incubation of the side chain labeled substrate, another labeled fragment was formed. It was identified as acetophenone, a product resulting from cleavage of the C17,20 bond. The steroidal fragment corresponding to this C8 ketone was traced using nuclear label analog. From its nonpolar chromatographic properties it appears to be a C-17-deoxy-C19 steroid.  相似文献   

The general preprotein translocase of the outer mitochondrial membrane (TOM complex) transports virtually all mitochondrial precursor proteins, but cannot assemble outer-membrane precursors into functional complexes. A recently discovered sorting and assembly machinery (SAM complex) is essential for integration and assembly of outer-membrane proteins, revealing unexpected connections to mitochondrial evolution and morphology.  相似文献   

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