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Many cell surface proteins are anchored to the membrane via a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) moiety, which is attached to the C terminus of the proteins. The core of the GPI anchor is conserved in all eukaryotes but is modified by various side chains. We cloned a mouse phosphatidylinositol glycan-class N (Pig-n) gene that encodes a 931amino acid protein expressed in the endoplasmic reticulum, which is homologous to yeast Mcd4p. We disrupted the gene in F9 embryonal carcinoma cells. In the Pig-n knockout cells, the first mannose in the GPI precursors was not modified by phosphoethanolamine. Nevertheless, further biosynthetic steps continued with the addition of the third mannose and the terminal phosphoethanolamine. The surface expression of Thy-1 was only partially affected, indicating that modification of the first mannose by phosphoethanolamine is not essential for attachment of GPI anchors in mammalian cells. An inhibitor of GPI biosynthesis, YW3548/BE49385A, inhibited transfer of phosphoethanolamine to the first mannose in mammalian cells but only slightly affected the surface expression of GPI-anchored proteins. Biosynthesis of GPI in the Pig-n knockout cells was not affected by YW3548/BE49385A, and yeast overexpressing MCD4 was highly resistant to YW3548/BE49385A, suggesting that Pig-n and Mcd4p are targets of this drug.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases are regulators of signaling pathways that control actin organization and cell polarity processes in all eukaryotic cells. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Rho4p is involved in the regulation of septum degradation during cytokinesis. Here we show that Rho4p participates in the secretion of the glucanases Eng1p and Agn1p, which are responsible for the septum degradation. First, eng1+ or agn1+ overexpression suppressed the rho4delta multiseptation phenotype, and simultaneous overproduction of Rho4p and Eng1p or of Rho4p and Agn1p caused a dramatic lysis. Second, Rho4p was not necessary for Eng1p-mediated glucanase activity as measured in cell extracts; however, rho4delta cells have a lower level of (1,3)-beta-D-glucanase activity in the culture medium. Additionally, Eng1- or Agn1-green fluorescent protein did not properly localize to the septum in rho4delta cells grown at 37 degrees C. There was a decreased amount of these enzymes in the cell wall and in the culture medium of rho4delta cells at 37 degrees C. These results provide evidence that Rho4p is involved in the regulation of Eng1p and Agn1p secretion during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The ppb1(+) gene encodes a fission yeast homologue of the mammalian calcineurin. We have recently shown that Ppb1 is essential for chloride ion homeostasis, and acts antagonistically with Pmk1 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway. In an attempt to identify genes that share an essential function with calcineurin, we screened for mutations that confer sensitivity to the calcineurin inhibitor FK506 and high temperature, and isolated a mutant, its3-1. its3(+) was shown to be an essential gene encoding a functional homologue of phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase (PI(4)P5K). The temperature upshift or addition of FK506 induced marked disorganization of actin patches and dramatic increase in the frequency of septation in the its3-1 mutants but not in the wild-type cells. Expression of a green fluorescent protein-tagged Its3 and the phospholipase Cdelta pleckstrin homology domain indicated plasma membrane localization of PI(4)P5K and phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate. These green fluorescent protein-tagged proteins were concentrated at the septum of dividing cells, and the mutant Its3 was no longer localized to the plasma membrane. These data suggest that fission yeast PI(4)P5K Its3 functions coordinately with calcineurin and plays a key role in cytokinesis, and that the plasma membrane localization of Its3 is the crucial event in cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Ohishi K  Inoue N  Kinoshita T 《The EMBO journal》2001,20(15):4088-4098
Many eukaryotic cell surface proteins are anchored to the plasma membrane via glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI). The GPI transamidase mediates GPI anchoring in the endoplasmic reticulum, by replacing a protein's C-terminal GPI attachment signal peptide with a pre-assembled GPI. During this transamidation reaction, the GPI transamidase forms a carbonyl intermediate with a substrate protein. It was known that the GPI transamidase is a complex containing GAA1 and GPI8. Here, we report two new components of this enzyme: PIG-S and PIG-T. To determine roles for PIG-S and PIG-T, we disrupted these genes in mouse F9 cells by homologous recombination. PIG-S and PIG-T knockout cells were defective in transfer of GPI to proteins, particularly in formation of the carbonyl intermediates. We also demonstrate that PIG-S and PIG-T form a protein complex with GAA1 and GPI8, and that PIG-T maintains the complex by stabilizing the expression of GAA1 and GPI8. Saccharomyces cerevisiae Gpi16p (YHR188C) and Gpi17p (YDR434W) are orthologues of PIG-T and PIG-S, respectively.  相似文献   

Hayles J  Aves S  Nurse P 《The EMBO journal》1986,5(12):3373-3379
The gene suc1 encodes a product which suppresses certain temperature sensitive mutants of the cell cycle control gene cdc2 of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Mutants in the suc1 gene or over-expression of its product leads to delays in mitotic and meiotic nuclear division. Deletion of the suc1 gene is lethal and generates some cells blocked in the cell cycle and others impaired in cellular growth. It is likely that the suc1 gene product binds and forms unstable complexes with the cdc2 protein kinase and with other proteins necessary for the cell cycle and cellular growth. suc1 may have a regulatory role in these processes.  相似文献   

Synthetic lethal mutants have been previously isolated in fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, which genetically interact with spmex67, in order to identify the genes involved in mRNA export. The nup211 gene was isolated by complementation of the growth defect in one of the synthetic lethal mutants, SLMex2, under synthetic lethal condition. We showed that Nup211, fission yeast homolog of Mlpl/Mlp2/Tpr, is essential for vegetative growth and Nup211-GFP proteins expressed at endogenous level are localized mainly in nuclear periphery. The accumulation of poly(A)+ RNA in the nucleus is exhibited when expression of nup211 is repressed or over-expressed. These results suggest that the Nup211 protein plays a pivotal role of mRNA export in fission yeast.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,133(6):1307-1319
A novel gene, designated byr4, was identified in Schizosaccharomyces pombe that affects the mitotic cell cycle and shows genetic interactions with the ras1 signaling pathways. Null alleles of byr4 cause cell cycle arrest in late mitosis and permit multiple rounds of septation. The multiple septa typically divide two nuclei, but the nuclei frequently do not stain equally with 4',6-diamidino-2- phenylindole (DAPI), suggesting that byr4 is required for proper karyokinesis. Overexpression of byr4 inhibits cytokinesis, but cell cycle progression continues leading to multinucleate cells. When byr4 is overexpressed, the early steps in the cytokinesis pathway, including formation of the medial F-actin ring, occur normally; however, the later steps in the pathway, including contraction of the F-actin ring, septation, and rearrangement of the medial F-actin following mitosis, rarely occur, byr4 shows two genetic interactions with ras1. The inhibition of cytokinesis by byr4 overexpression was exacerbated by null alleles of ras1 and scd1, suggesting a link between pathways needed for cell polarity and cytokinesis. Overexpression of byr4 also partially bypasses the need for ras1 for sporulation. The electrophoretic mobility of the byr4 protein varied in response to mutants that perturb cytokinesis and karyokinesis, suggesting interactions between byr4 and these gene products. A more rapidly migrating byr4 protein was found in cells with mutations in cdc16, which undergo repeated septation, and in cdc15, which fail to form a medial F-actin ring in mitosis. A slower migrating byr4 protein was found in cells with a mutation in the beta-tubulin gene, which arrests cells at the metaphase-anaphase transition.  相似文献   

We have isolated Glel homologue (named as spglel) as a partial multicopy suppressor of the synthetic lethality of rael-167 elfl-21 in fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The spglel is also able to complement partially temperature-sensitive phenotype of rael-167 only at a lower restrictive temperature. The spglel gene contains one intron and encodes a 480 amino-acid protein with predicted molecular weight of 56.2 kDa. We showed that spglel gene is essential for vegetative growth and functional Glel-GFP protein is localized mainly in NPC. The accumulation of poly(A)(+) RNA in the nucleus is exhibited when expression of spglel is repressed or over-expressed. These results suggest that the spGle1 protein is also involved in mRNA export in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis is a temporally and spatially regulated process through which the cellular constituents of the mother cell are partitioned into two daughter cells, permitting an increase in cell number. When cytokinesis occurs in a polarized cell it can create daughters with distinct fates. In eukaryotes, cytokinesis is carried out by the coordinated action of a cortical actomyosin contractile ring and targeted membrane deposition. Recent use of model organisms with facile genetics and improved light-microscopy methods has led to the identification and functional characterization of many proteins involved in cytokinesis. To date, this analysis indicates that some of the basic components involved in cytokinesis are conserved from yeast to humans, although their organization into functional machinery that drives cytokinesis and the associated regulatory mechanisms bear species-specific features. Here, we briefly review the current status of knowledge of cytokinesis in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe and animal cells, in an attempt to highlight both the common and the unique features. Although these organisms diverged from a common ancestor about a billion years ago, there are eukaryotes that are far more divergent. To evaluate the overall evolutionary conservation of cytokinesis, it will be necessary to include representatives of these divergent branches. Nevertheless, the three species discussed here provide substantial mechanistic diversity.  相似文献   

We have isolated a new gene, psu1(+), from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The predicted amino acid sequences shows that this protein has striking homology to the SUN family of the budding yeast, hence designated Psu1 (S. pombe homologue of the SUN family). Disruption of the psu1(+) gene revealed that it is essential for growth, and the null phenotype showed the swelling of cells followed by eventual lysis. We introduced psu1(+) gene in the disruptant strain and repressed it giving resistance to 1, 3-beta-glucanase digestion. Our results suggest that Psu1 plays an essential role in cell wall synthesis in S. pombe.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells contain many actin-interacting proteins, including the alpha-actinins and the fimbrins, both of which have actin cross-linking activity in vitro. We report here the identification and characterization of both an alpha-actinin-like protein (Ain1p) and a fimbrin (Fim1p) in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Ain1p localizes to the actomyosin-containing medial ring in an F-actin-dependent manner, and the Ain1p ring contracts during cytokinesis. ain1 deletion cells have no obvious defects under normal growth conditions but display severe cytokinesis defects, associated with defects in medial-ring and septum formation, under certain stress conditions. Overexpression of Ain1p also causes cytokinesis defects, and the ain1 deletion shows synthetic effects with other mutations known to affect medial-ring positioning and/or organization. Fim1p localizes both to the cortical actin patches and to the medial ring in an F-actin-dependent manner, and several lines of evidence suggest that Fim1p is involved in polarization of the actin cytoskeleton. Although a fim1 deletion strain has no detectable defect in cytokinesis, overexpression of Fim1p causes a lethal cytokinesis defect associated with a failure to form the medial ring and concentrate actin patches at the cell middle. Moreover, an ain1 fim1 double mutant has a synthetical-lethal defect in medial-ring assembly and cell division. Thus, Ain1p and Fim1p appear to have an overlapping and essential function in fission yeast cytokinesis. In addition, protein-localization and mutant-phenotype data suggest that Fim1p, but not Ain1p, plays important roles in mating and in spore formation.  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins are cell surface-localized proteins that serve many important cellular functions. The pathway mediating synthesis and attachment of the GPI anchor to these proteins in eukaryotic cells is complex, highly conserved, and plays a critical role in the proper targeting, transport, and function of all GPI-anchored protein family members. In this article, we demonstrate that MCD4, an essential gene that was initially identified in a genetic screen to isolate Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants defective for bud emergence, encodes a previously unidentified component of the GPI anchor synthesis pathway. Mcd4p is a multimembrane-spanning protein that localizes to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and contains a large NH2-terminal ER lumenal domain. We have also cloned the human MCD4 gene and found that Mcd4p is both highly conserved throughout eukaryotes and has two yeast homologues. Mcd4p's lumenal domain contains three conserved motifs found in mammalian phosphodiesterases and nucleotide pyrophosphases; notably, the temperature-conditional MCD4 allele used for our studies (mcd4-174) harbors a single amino acid change in motif 2. The mcd4-174 mutant (1) is defective in ER-to-Golgi transport of GPI-anchored proteins (i.e., Gas1p) while other proteins (i.e., CPY) are unaffected; (2) secretes and releases (potentially up-regulated cell wall) proteins into the medium, suggesting a defect in cell wall integrity; and (3) exhibits marked morphological defects, most notably the accumulation of distorted, ER- and vesicle-like membranes. mcd4-174 cells synthesize all classes of inositolphosphoceramides, indicating that the GPI protein transport block is not due to deficient ceramide synthesis. However, mcd4-174 cells have a severe defect in incorporation of [3H]inositol into proteins and accumulate several previously uncharacterized [3H]inositol-labeled lipids whose properties are consistent with their being GPI precursors. Together, these studies demonstrate that MCD4 encodes a new, conserved component of the GPI anchor synthesis pathway and highlight the intimate connections between GPI anchoring, bud emergence, cell wall function, and feedback mechanisms likely to be involved in regulating each of these essential processes. A putative role for Mcd4p as participating in the modification of GPI anchors with side chain phosphoethanolamine is also discussed.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis, the final stage of eukaryotic cell division, ensures the production of two daughter cells. It requires fine coordination between the plasma membrane and cytoskeletal networks, and it is known to be regulated by several intracellular proteins, including the small GTPase Rho and its effectors. In this study we provide evidence that the protein Nir2 is essential for cytokinesis. Microinjection of anti-Nir2 antibodies into interphase cells blocks cytokinesis, as it results in the production of multinucleate cells. Immunolocalization studies revealed that Nir2 is mainly localized in the Golgi apparatus in interphase cells, but it is recruited to the cleavage furrow and the midbody during cytokinesis. Nir2 colocalizes with the small GTPase RhoA in the cleavage furrow and the midbody, and it associates with RhoA in mitotic cells. Its N-terminal region, which contains a phosphatidylinositol transfer domain and a novel Rho-inhibitory domain (Rid), is required for normal cytokinesis, as overexpression of an N-terminal-truncated mutant blocks cytokinesis completion. Time-lapse videomicroscopy revealed that this mutant normally initiates cytokinesis but fails to complete it, due to cleavage furrow regression, while Rid markedly affects cytokinesis due to abnormal contractility. Rid-expressing cells exhibit aberrant ingression and ectopic cleavage sites; the cells fail to segregate into daughter cells and they form a long unseparated bridge-like cytoplasmic structure. These results provide new insight into the cellular functions of Nir2 and introduce it as a novel regulator of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Through the coordinated action of diverse actin-binding proteins, cells simultaneously assemble actin filaments with distinct architectures and dynamics to drive different processes. Actin filament cross-linking proteins organize filaments into higher order networks, although the requirement of cross-linking activity in cells has largely been assumed rather than directly tested. Fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe assembles actin into three discrete structures: endocytic actin patches, polarizing actin cables, and the cytokinetic contractile ring. The fission yeast filament cross-linker fimbrin Fim1 primarily localizes to Arp2/3 complex-nucleated branched filaments of the actin patch and by a lesser amount to bundles of linear antiparallel filaments in the contractile ring. It is unclear whether Fim1 associates with bundles of parallel filaments in actin cables. We previously discovered that a principal role of Fim1 is to control localization of tropomyosin Cdc8, thereby facilitating cofilin-mediated filament turnover. Therefore, we hypothesized that the bundling ability of Fim1 is dispensable for actin patches but is important for the contractile ring and possibly actin cables. By directly visualizing actin filament assembly using total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy, we determined that Fim1 bundles filaments in both parallel and antiparallel orientations and efficiently bundles Arp2/3 complex-branched filaments in the absence but not the presence of actin capping protein. Examination of cells exclusively expressing a truncated version of Fim1 that can bind but not bundle actin filaments revealed that bundling activity of Fim1 is in fact important for all three actin structures. Therefore, fimbrin Fim1 has diverse roles as both a filament "gatekeeper" and as a filament cross-linker.  相似文献   

Only four prp (pre-mRNA processing) genes of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe have been reported. We exploited yeast genetics and identified and isolated the prp4 gene. Sequence analysis revealed that the splicing factor encoded by this gene contains the signature sequences that define the serine/threonine protein kinase family. This is the first kinase gene identified whose product is involved in pre-mRNA splicing. The prp4 gene contains one intron in the kinase domain. Gene replacement studies provided evidence that this gene is essential for growth and is located on chromosome III.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis is crucial for integrating genome inheritance and cell functions. In multicellular organisms, Rho-guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) and Rho GTPases are key regulators of division-plane specification and contractile-ring formation during cytokinesis, but how they regulate early steps of cytokinesis in fission yeast remains largely unknown. Here we show that putative Rho-GEF Gef2 and Polo kinase Plo1 coordinate to control the medial cortical localization and function of anillin-related protein Mid1. The division-site positioning defects of gef2Δ plo1-ts18 double mutant can be partially rescued by increasing Mid1 levels. We find that Gef2 physically interacts with the Mid1 N-terminus and modulates Mid1 cortical binding. Gef2 localization to cortical nodes and the contractile ring depends on its last 145 residues, and the DBL-homology domain is important for its function in cytokinesis. Our data suggest the interaction between Rho-GEFs and anillins is an important step in the signaling pathways during cytokinesis. In addition, Gef2 also regulates contractile-ring function late in cytokinesis and may negatively regulate the septation initiation network. Collectively, we propose that Gef2 facilitates and stabilizes Mid1 binding to the medial cortex, where the localized Mid1 specifies the division site and induces contractile-ring assembly.  相似文献   

FKBP12 is a ubiquitous and a highly conserved prolyl isomerase that binds the immunosuppressive drugs FK506 and rapamycin. Members of the FKBP12 family have been implicated in many processes that include intracellular protein folding, transport, and assembly. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in human T cells, rapamycin forms a complex with FKBP12 that inhibits cell cycle progression by inhibition of the TOR kinases. We reported previously that rapamycin does not inhibit the vegetative growth of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe; however, it specifically inhibits its sexual development. Here we show that disruption of the S. pombe FKBP12 homolog, fkh1(+), at its chromosomal locus results in a mating-deficient phenotype that is highly similar to that obtained by treatment of wild type cells with rapamycin. A screen for fkh1 mutants that can confer rapamycin resistance identified five amino acids in Fkh1 that are critical for the effect of rapamycin in S. pombe. All five amino acids are located in the putative rapamycin binding pocket. Together, our findings indicate that Fkh1 has an important role in sexual development and serves as the target for rapamycin action in S. pombe.  相似文献   

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