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1. The occurrence and characterization of acidic amino acid transport in the plasma membrane of a variety of cells and tissues of a number of organisms is reviewed. 2. Several cell types, especially in brain, possess both high- and low-affinity transport systems for acidic amino acids. 3. High-affinity systems in brain may function to remove neurotransmitter amino acid from the extracellular environment. 4. Many cell systems for acidic amino acid transport are energized by an inwardly directed Na+ gradient. Moreover, certain cell types, such as rat brain neurons, human placental trophoblast and rabbit and rat kidney cortex epithelium, respond to an outwardly directed K+ gradient as an additional source of energization. This simultaneous action may account for the high accumulation ratios seen with acidic amino acids. 5. Rabbit kidney has been found to have a glutamate-H+ co-transport system which is subject to stimulation by protons in the medium. 6. Acidic amino acid transport in rat brain neurons occurs with a stoichiometric coupling of 1 mol of amino acid to 2 mol of Na+. For rabbit intestine, one Na+ is predicted to migrate for each mol of amino acid. 7. Uptake in rat kidney cortex and in high-K+ dog erythrocytes is electrogenic. However, uptake in rabbit and newt kidney and in rat and rabbit intestine is electroneutral. 8. Na+-independent acidic amino acid transport systems have been described in the mouse lymphocyte, the human fibroblast, the mouse Ehrlich cell and in rat hepatoma cells. 9. In a number of cell systems, D-acidic amino acids have substantial affinity for transport; D-glutamate, in a number of systems, however, appears to have little reactivity. 10. Acidic amino acid transport in some cell systems appears to occur via the "classical" routes (Christensen, Adv. Enzymol. Relat. Areas Mol. Biol. 49, 41-101, 1979). For example, uptake in the Ehrlich cell is partitioned between the Na+-dependent A system (which transports a wide spectrum of neutral amino acids), the Na+-dependent ASC system (which transports alanine, serine, threonine, homoserine, etc.), and the Na+-independent L system (which shows reactivity centering around neutral amino acids such as leucine and phenylalanine). Also, a minor component of uptake in mouse lymphocytes occurs by a route resembling the A system. 11. Human fibroblasts possess a Na+-independent adaptive transport system for cystine and glutamate that is enhanced in activity by cystine starvation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The apparent Michaelis constant, Km, for transport of a number of neutral amino acids has been compared between intestine, heart, brain and erythrocytes among a variety of animals using values available in the literature. Neutral amino acids with side chains containing 3, 4, 7 and 9 carbon atoms had approximately equal mean Km values when tested for intestinal transport among a variety of species; alanine appeared to have a mean Km value that was larger than those found for the first group, and glycine had a significantly greater mean Km than all of the other compounds tested. Km values for phenylalanine and tryptophan measured in rat heart were found to be close to the means measured for these substrates in intestine. The mean Km values measured in mammalian brain for each of the neutral amino acid substrates were found not be significantly different from each other. When the means of Km values for the neutral amino acids tested were compared between intestine and brain, only the glycine means were shown to differ significantly between the organs. Based on data for several mammalian species, brain appears to have a greater average apparent affinity for glycine than does intestine. In the human erythrocytes and in a few other mammalian species, Km values for all neutral amino acids tested with exception of glycine were found to be similar in magnitude to each other and to the Km averages of neutral amino acids found in intestine for the series containing 3-9 carbon atoms. The Km value for glycine in the human erythrocyte was noted to be substantially lower in value than the averages for glycine in brain or intestine. Avian red blood cells appear to have high apparent affinity for neutral amino acid transport when compared with red cells of several mammalian species.  相似文献   

The existence of an electrogenic Na+ pump in Ehrlich cells which substantially contributes to the membrane potential, previously derived from the distribution of the lipid soluble cation tetraphenylphosphonium (TPP+), could be confirmed by an independent method based on the quenching of fluorescence of a cyanine dye derivative, after the mitochondrial respiration had been suppressed by appropriate inhibitors. The mitochondrial membrane potential, by adding to the overall potential as measured in this way is likely to cause an overestimation of the membrane potential difference (p.d.). But since this error tends to diminish with increasing pump activity, the true p.d. of the plasma membrane should easily account for the driving force to drive the active accumulation of amino acids in the absence of an adequate Na+ concentration gradient. Accordingly, the F2-aminoisobutyric acid (AIB) uptake rises linearly with the distribution of TPP+ at constant Na+ concentrations, suggesting that each responds directly to membrane potential. There is evidence that the electrogenic (free) movement of Cl? is slow, at least at normal p.d., whereas a major part of the Cl? movement across the cellular membrane appears to occur by an electrically silent Cl?-base exchange mechanism. By such a mode Cl?, together with an almost stoichiometric amount of K+, may under certain conditions move into the cell against a high adverse electrical potential difference. This “paradoxical” movement of K+Cl? contributing to the deviation of the Cl? distribution from the electrochemical equilibrium distribution, is not completely understood. It is insensitive towards ouabain but can almost specifically be inhibited by furosemide. As a likely explanation a H+–K+ exchange pump was previously offered, even though unequivocal evidence of such a pump is so far lacking. According to available evidence the electrogenic movement of free Cl? is too small, at least at normal orientation of the p.d., to significantly shunt the electrogenic pump potential so that the establishment of such a potential is plausible. The evidence presented is considered strong in favor of the gradient hypothesis since even in the absence of an adequate Na+ concentration gradient, the electrogenic Na+ pump will contribute sufficient extra driving force to actively transport amino acid into the cells.  相似文献   

A sensitive chromatographic method for isolation and measurement of quinolinic acid from rat liver and kidney is described. The method is based on the isolation of quinolinic acid by ion-exchange chromatography. The extraction of quinolinic acid consisted of the freeze clamping of the organ in liquid nitrogen, followed by deproteinization in perchloric acid. The neutralized extract was concentrated by freeze-drying and submitted to the action of concentrated perchloric acid to hydrolyze the nucleotides which interfered in the chromatographic separation of quinolinic acid. The sample was applied to a column of Dowex (HCOO?) and eluted with a linear gradient of formic acid. The eluted fraction containing quinolinic acid was quantitatively measured by its absorbance at pH 2 and 268 nm in a spectrophotometer.  相似文献   

Effectors of amino acid transport processes in animal cell membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Various effectors, which act upon ion gradients, protein synthesis, membrane components or cellular functional groups, have been employed to provide insights into the nature of amino acid-membrane transport processes in animal cells. Such effectors, for example, include ions, hormones, metabolites and various organic reagents and their judicious use has allowed the following list of conclusions. Sodium ion has been found to stimulate amino acid transport in a wide variety of cell systems, although depending on the tissue and/or substrate, this ion may have no effect on such transport, or even inhibit it. Amino acid transport can be stimulated in some cell systems by other ions such as K+, Li+, H+ or Cl-. Both H+ and K+ have been found to be inhibitory in other systems. Amino acid transport is dependent in many cell systems upon an inwardly directed Na+ gradient and is stimulated by a membrane potential (negative cell interior). In some cell systems an inwardly directed Cl- and H+ gradient or an outwardly directed K+ gradient can energize transport. Structurally dissimilar effectors such as ouabain, Clostridium enterotoxin, aspirin and amiloride inhibit amino acid transport presumably through dissipation of the Na+ gradient. Inhibition by certain sugars or metabolic intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle may compete with the substrate for the energy of the Na+ gradient or interact with the substrate at the carrier level either allosterically or at a common site. Stimulation of transport by other sugars or intermediates may result from their catabolism to furnish energy for transport. Insulin and glucagon stimulate transport of amino acids in a variety of cell systems by a mechanism which involves protein synthesis. Microtubules may be involved in the regulation of transport by insulin or glucagon. Some reports also suggest that insulin has a direct effect on membranes. In addition, a number of growth hormones and factors have stimulatory effects on amino acid transport which are also mediated by protein synthesis. Steroid hormones have been noted to enhance or diminish transport of amino acids depending on the nature of the hormone. These agents appear to function at the level of protein synthesis. While stimulation may involve increased carrier synthesis, inhibition probably involves synthesis of a labile protein which either decreases the rate of synthesis or increases the rate of degradation of a component of the transport system.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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