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The primary structure of the broad specificity proteinase inhibitor from dog submandibular glands was elucidated. The inhibitor consists of a single polypeptide chain of 117 amino acids which is folded into two domains (heads) connected by a peptide of three amino acid residues. Both domains I and II show a clear structural homology to each other as well as to the single-headed pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitors (Kazal type). The trypsin reactive site (-Cys-Pro-Arg-Leu-His-Glx-Pro-Ile-Cys-) is located in domain I and the chymotrypsin reactive center (-Cys-Thr-Met-Asp-Tyr-Asx-Arg-Pro-Leu-Tyr-Cys-) in domain II, cf. the Figure. The inhibitor is thus double-headed with two independent reactive sites. Whereas head I is responsible for the inhibition of trypsin and plasmin, head II is responsible for the inhibition of chymotrypsin, subtilisin, elastase and probably also Aspergillus oryzae protease and pronase. Remarkably, the structural homology exists also to the single-headed acrosin-trypsin inhibitors from seminal plasma[12] and the Japanese quail inhibitor composed of three domains[13].  相似文献   

Cat and lion submandibular glands each contain a double-headed secretory proteinase inhibitor. Their amino-acid sequences were determined, and the amino-acid sequence of the inhibitor of dog submandibular glands was revised. Extensive homologies were found between these inhibitors in both domains. The trypsin-inhibiting domains of cat and lion inhibitors, however, contain a Lys residue in the reactive site in contrast to an Arg residue in the dog inhibitor. Domains I and II of cat, lion, and dog inhibitors are structurally related both to each other and to the sequenced monovalent secretory pancreatic trypsin inhibitors, Notable differences in inhibitory properties of canine and feline inhibitors are discussed with respect to sequence differences.  相似文献   

The canine submandibular inhibitor is double-headed with two independent reactive sites. Whereas the trypsin-reactive center (-Ala-Cys-Pro-Arg26-Leu-His-) is located in domain I, the chymotrypsin-reactive site (-Met-Cys-Thr-Met78-Asp-Tyr-) is located in domain II. The presence of a methionine residue in this inhibition center is supported by the findings that nitration with tetranitromethane abolishes neither trypsin nor chymotrypsin inhibition, whereas after alkylation of the methione residues, only trypsin inhibition is retained. Remarkably, another inhibitor from microbial sources [10] which also contains a methionine residue in the presumed reactive site also inhibits subtilisin but not chymotrypsin (or trypsin).  相似文献   

A low-molecular-weight protein, induced in rats following prolonged isoproterenol treatment, has been purified from rat submandibular glands by chromatography on columns of Sepharose CL-6B, DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B, and Sephadex G-75. The purified protein is homogeneous based on gel electrophoresis and Ouchterlony double diffusion. The molecular weight of the purified protein was 14,000 and 15,500 as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and gel filtration on a Superose 12 column, respectively. This protein contains 31% glutamic acid/glutamine and aspartic acid/asparagine, 3.6% cysteine, and 2.5% proline. This protein is shown to be an inhibitor of several cysteine proteinases, papain and ficin being inhibited very strongly in approximately 1:1 molar ratio of enzyme to inhibitor. The protein is not detected in normal rat tissues but is induced in submandibular and sublingual glands even after 1 day of isoproterenol treatment of rats as early as 7 days after birth. Based on cysteine proteinase inhibitor activity, molecular size, and chemical composition this protein appears to belong to the cystatin superfamily.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of a Bowman-Birk type proteinase inhibitor (FBI) from seeds of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) was determined by analysis of peptide fragments generated by reduction and S-carboxymethylation of enzymatically modified inhibitors, which were obtained from native FBI by limited proteolysis with TPCK-trypsin or TLCK-chymotrypsin at pH 3.5. The established sequence showed that FBI is highly homologous with Vicia angustifolia inhibitor (VAI0 but lacks the portion corresponding to the C-terminal 9 amino acids of VAI. The trypsin reactive-site peptide bond in FBI was also indicated to be Lys(16)-Ser(17) and the chymotrypsin reactive-site peptide bond to be Tyr(42)-Ser(43) by limited proteolysis with TPCK-trypsin or TLCK-chymotrypsin and by sequence comparison with other Bowman-Birk type inhibitors.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of subunit A of the potato chymotryptic inhibitor I was determined. The sequence was deduced from analysis of fragments and peptides derived from the protein by cleavage with cyanogen bromide, N-bromosuccinimide and dilute acid, and by digestion with trypsin, thermolysin, pepsin and papain. The molecule consists of a single polypeptide chain of 84 residues, which contains two homologous regions each of 13 amino acids. The protein does not appear to be homologous with any other known proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

A gonococcal inhibitor produced by Staphylococcus haemolyticus was separated into three components by reverse-phase h.p.l.c. The amino acid composition analysis of each of the three components indicated extensive similarities. N-Terminal sequence analysis of all three components allowed the identification of the first 27-30 residues of each. The complete primary structure of each component was determined from the sequence analysis of trypic peptides and peptides generated by mild acid hydrolysis. Each component is composed of 44 amino acid residues, with evidence suggesting the presence of an N-terminal formylmethionine residue in each. The components I, II and III have respectively 33, 29 and 33 identical amino acid residues in their sequences, which represents 75%, 65.9% and 75% homology. These components contain a high proportion of hydrophobic amino acids, and their hydrophobicity profiles are closely related. Also, each of the three components contains a positively charged residue (lysine) as the third residue, followed by a core of hydrophobic residues. These results suggest that the three components are possible signal sequences of one or more secreted or membrane-associated proteins.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic hemoglobin III from the gill of the symbiont-harboring clamLucina pectinata consists of 152 amino acid residues, has a calculated Mm of 18,068, including heme, and has N-acetyl-serine as the N-terminal residue. Based on the alignment of its sequence with other vertebrate and nonvertebrate globins, it retains the invariant residues Phe45 at position CD1 and His98 at the proximal position F8, as well as the highly conserved Trp16 and Pro39 at positions A12 and C2, respectively. The most likely candidate for the distal residue at position E7 is Gln66.Lucina hemoglobin III shares 95 identical residues with hemoglobin II (J. D. Hockenhull-Johnsonet al., J. Prot. Chem. 10, 609–622, 1991), including Tyr at position B10, which has been shown to be capable of entering the distal heme cavity and placing its hydroxyl group within a 2.8 Å of the water molecule occupying the distal ligand position, by modeling the hemoglobin II sequence using the crystal structure of sperm whale metmyoglobin. The amino acid sequences of the twoLucina globins are compared in detail with the known sequences of mollusc globins, including seven cytoplasmic and 11 intracellular globins. Relative to 75% homology between the twoLucina globins (counting identical and conserved residues), both sequences have percent homology scores ranging from 36–49% when compared to the two groups of mollusc globins. The highest homology appears to exist between theLucina globins and the cytoplasmic hemoglobin ofBusycon canaliculatum.  相似文献   

Trypsin inhibitors from winter pea seeds (c.v. Frilene) have been purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation, gel filtration, and anion and cation exchange chromatography and shown to consist of six protease inhibitors (PSTI I, II, III, IVa, IVb, and V). Their molecular weights were determined by electrospray mass spectrometry as 6916, 6807, 7676, 7944, 7848, and 7844 D, respectively, and the sequences of the first 20 N-terminal amino acid residues of these six inhibitors were found to be identical. The complete amino acid sequence of PSTI IVa was determined. This protein comprises a total of 72 residues and has 14 cysteines, all involved in disulfide bridges. Comparison of the sequence of PSTI IVa with those of other leguminous Bowman-Birk type inhibitors revealed that PSTI could be classified as a group III inhibitor, closely related toVicia faba andVicia angustifolia inhibitors.  相似文献   

Potato proteinase inhibitor II (PI2) is a serine proteinase inhibitor composed of two domains that are thought to bind independently to proteinases. To determine the activities of each domain separately, various inactive and active domain combinations were constructed by substituting amino acid residues in the active domains by alanines. These derivatives were expressed as soluble protein inEscherichia coli and exposed on M13 phage as fusions to gene 3 in a phagemid system for monovalent phage display. Inactivation of both active domains by Ala residues reduced binding of phage to trypsin and chymotrypsin by 95%. Ten times more phage were bound to proteinases by domain II compared to domain I, while a point mutation (Leu5 Arg) altered the binding specificity of domain I of PI2 phage from chymotrypsin to trypsin. The mutants were used to show that functional PI2 phage mixed with nonfunctional PI2 phage could be enriched 323 000-fold after three rounds of panning. Thus, these results open up the possibility to use phage display for the selection of engineered PI2 derivatives with improved binding characteristics towards digestive proteinases of plants pests.The nucleotide sequence data reported will appear in the EMBL, GenBank and DDBJ Nucleotide Sequence Databases under the accession number L37519 (p303.51).  相似文献   

An acid-resistant trypsin inhibitor from human urine and serum is released in vivo by limited proteolysis from the high molecular acid-labile inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor. The inhibitor shows an apparent molecular mass of 30 000 Da and is composed of two Kunitz-type domains. The domains are released in vitro by prolonged tryptic hydrolysis. The C-terminal domain is responsible for antitryptic activity. For the other domain no inhibitory activity towards proteinases, i.e. chymotrypsin, trypsin, pancreatic and leucocytic elastase has been demonstrated so far. The polypeptide chain comprising both domains consists of 122 residues and has a molecular mass of only 13 400 Da. In this work we have found that both, the N-terminal extension peptide with 21 residues and the "inactive" domain are linked O-glycosidically and N-glycosidically, respectively, with large carbohydrate moieties. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the human urinary trypsin inhibitor was determined by solid-phase Edman degradation of a single peptide. The molecular mass calculated for the total polypeptide chain of 143 residues should be 15 340 Da; from the difference to the measured value (30 000 Da) it is concluded that the glycopeptide contains a considerable carbohydrate moiety.  相似文献   

The extracellular proteinase of Staphylococcus aureus strain V8 was used to digest the NADP-specific glutamate dehydrogenase of Neurospora crassa. Of 35 non-overlapping peptides expected from the glutamate content of the polypeptide chain, 29 were isolated and substantially sequenced. The sequences obtained were valuable in providing overlaps for the alignment of about two-thirds of the sequences found in tryptic peptides [Wootton, J. C., Taylor, J, G., Jackson, A. A., Chambers, G. K. & Fincham, J. R. S. (1975) Biochem. J. 149, 739-748]. The blocked N-terminal peptide of the protein was isolated. This peptide was sequenced by mass spectrometry, and found to have N-terminal N-acetylserine by Howard R. Morris and Anne Dell, whose results are presented as an Appendix to the main paper. The staphylococcal proteinase showed very high specificity for glutamyl bonds in the NH4HCO3 buffer used. Partial splits of two aspartyl bonds, both Asp-Ile, were probably attributable to the proteinase. No cleavage of glutaminyl or S-carboxymethylcysteinyl bonds was found. Additional experimental detail has been deposited as Supplementary Publication SUP 50053 (5 pages) with the British Library (Lending Division), Boston Spa, Wetherby, W. Yorkshire LS23 7BQ, U.K, from whom copies may be obtained under the terms given in Biochem. J. (1975) 1458 5.  相似文献   

The acid-resistant 14-kDa inhibitor BI-14, released from bovine inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor, consists of two tandem Kunitz-type domains, and is of a double-headed nature. The Arg-Thr bond connecting both domains was cleaved and the two inhibitory domains were separated. The N-terminal domain is an inhibitor of bovine chymotrypsin and elastases from porcine pancreases and human polymorphonuclear granulocytes, whereas the C-terminal domain interacts with trypsin, plasmin, and chymotrypsin. In the intact inhibitor BI-14 both domains interact independently with the proteinases.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of barley trypsin inhibitor   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The amino acid sequence of barley trypsin inhibitor has been determined. The protein is a single polypeptide consisting of 121 amino acid residues and has Mr = 13,305. No free sulfhydryl groups were detected by Ellman's reagent, which indicates the presence of five disulfide bridges in the molecule. The primary site of interaction with trypsin was tentatively assigned to the arginyl-leucyl residues at positions 33 and 34. On comparison of the sequence of this inhibitor with those of other proteinase inhibitors, we found that the barley trypsin inhibitor could not be classified into any of the established families of proteinase inhibitors (Laskowski, M., Jr., and Kato, I. (1980) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 49, 593-626) and that this inhibitor should represent a new inhibitor family. On the other hand, this trypsin inhibitor showed a considerable similarity to wheat alpha-amylase inhibitor (Kashlan, N., and Richardson, M. (1981) Phytochemistry (Oxf.) 20, 1781-1784) throughout the whole sequence, suggesting a common ancestry for both proteins. This is the first case of a possible evolutionary relationship between two inhibitors directed to totally different enzymes, a proteinase and a glycosidase.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of proteinase B inhibitor 1 (IB1) from bakers' yeast has been established by automated Edman degradation up to position 42. A comparison with the sequence of proteinase B inhibitor 2 (IB2) revealed two differences: LEU-32 and GLU-34 in IB2 are replaced by VAL-32 and LYS-34 in IB1. Identity of the COOH-terminal region of IB1 with that of IB2 was proved by degradation with the carboxypeptidases A and Y. Furthermore, a chymotryptic peptide was isolated from each of the 74 residues containing inhibitors. The two fragments, ranging from position 42 to the COOH termini of the inhibitors, were found to be identical with respect to electrophoretical mobility, end groups, amino acid composition and peptide pattern after tryptic digestion. It is concluded, that the two inhibitor sequences are identical beyond position 42. IB1 and IB2 are isoinhibitors, because they are coded by different genes.  相似文献   

Amino acid sequence of rat epidermal thiol proteinase inhibitor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The complete amino acid sequence of rat epidermal thiol proteinase inhibitor was determined. The unique 103-residue sequence was derived by analysis of two peptides generated by limited proteolysis of the native inhibitor with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease and of three cyanogen bromide fragments. The protein has a high degree of sequence homology to either rat liver or human leucocyte inhibitor but is not identical and may represent a new type of low molecular weight thiol proteinase inhibitors.  相似文献   

The cell-wall-bound proteinase from Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei NCDO 151 was purified to homogeneity by anion-exchange and hydrophobic-interaction chromatography, chromatofocusing and gel-filtration. The purification resulted in a 600-700-fold increase in specific activity of the proteinase and the final yield was approximately 20%. Upon chromatofocusing, two proteolytically active components, termed pro135 and pro110, were detected. pro135 had an isoelectric point of 4.2. It had an Mr of about 300,000 as determined by gel-filtration and 135,000 as judged by SDS-PAGE, indicating that it may exist as a dimer in its native state. pro110 had an isoelectric point of 4.4, and an Mr of about 150,000 as determined by gel-filtration and 110,000 as judged by SDS-PAGE. pro110 appears to be a degradation product of pro135 as they have the same N-terminal amino acid sequence. The first N-terminal amino acid was ambiguous for both components, whereas the sequence from the second to the ninth amino acid was Ala-Lys-Ala-Asn-Ser-Met-Ala-Asn. This is identical to the corresponding sequence of the lactococcal cell-wall-bound proteinases. Although the Lactobacillus proteinase was a little smaller than the lactococcal proteinase, their purification characteristics were very similar, suggesting that these proteinases are related.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of a novel inhibitor of cathepsin D from potato   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The amino acid sequence of a cathepsin D inhibitor isolated from potato is described. It was determined by analysis of peptides generated by use of the glycine-specific proteinase PPIV. The order of the peptides was established by examination of tryptic peptides derived from the two cyanogen bromide peptides. The inhibitor comprises 187 amino acid residues, and has a calculated Mr of 20,450.  相似文献   

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