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Drosophila nasuta albomicans (with 2n = 6), contains a pair of metacentric neo-sex chromosomes. Phylogenetically these are products of centric fusion between ancestral sex (X, Y) chromosomes and an autosome (chromosome 3). The polytene chromosome complement of males with a neo-X- and neo-Y-chromosomes has revealed asynchrony in replication between the two arms of the neo-sex chromosomes. The arm which represents the ancestral X-chromosome is faster replicating than the arm which represents ancestral autosome. The latter arm of the neo-sex chromosome is synchronous with other autosomes of the complement. We conclude that one arm of the neo-X/Y is still mimicking the features of an autosome while the other arm has the features of a classical X/Y-chromosome. This X-autosome translocation differs from the other evolutionary X-autosome translocations known in certain species ofDrosophila.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of human chromosome 20 in primates was investigated using a panel of human BAC/PAC probes spaced along the chromosome. Oligonucleotide primers derived from the sequence of each human clone were used to screen horse, cat, pig, and black lemur BAC libraries to assemble, for each species, a panel of probes mapping to chromosomal loci orthologous to the loci encompassed by the human BACs. This approach facilitated marker-order comparison aimed at defining marker arrangement in primate ancestor. To this goal, we also took advantage of the mouse and rat draft sequences. The almost perfect colinearity of chromosome 20 sequence in humans and mouse could be interpreted as evidence that their form was ancestral to primates. Contrary to this view, we found that horse, macaque, and two New World monkeys share the same marker-order arrangement from which the human and mouse forms can be derived, assuming similar but distinct inversions that fully account for the small difference in marker arrangement between humans and mouse. The evolutionary history of this chromosome unveiled also two centromere repositioning events in New World monkey species.  相似文献   

The ability of feathers to perform many functions either simultaneously or at different times throughout the year or life of a bird is integral to the evolutionary history of birds. Many studies focus on single functions of feathers, but any given feather performs many functions over its lifetime. These functions necessarily interact with each other throughout the evolution and development of birds, so our knowledge of avian evolution is incomplete without understanding the multifunctionality of feathers, and how different functions may act synergistically or antagonistically during natural selection. Here, we review how feather functions interact with avian evolution, with a focus on recent technological and discovery-based advances. By synthesising research into feather functions over hierarchical scales (pattern, arrangement, macrostructure, microstructure, nanostructure, molecules), we aim to provide a broad context for how the adaptability and multifunctionality of feathers have allowed birds to diversify into an astounding array of environments and life-history strategies. We suggest that future research into avian evolution involving feather function should consider multiple aspects of a feather, including multiple functions, seasonal wear and renewal, and ecological or mechanical interactions. With this more holistic view, processes such as the evolution of avian coloration and flight can be understood in a broader and more nuanced context.  相似文献   

It is well established that many genes on the male-specific Y chromosome of organisms such as mammals are involved in male reproduction and may evolve rapidly because of positive selection on male reproductive traits. In contrast, very little is known about the function and evolution of W-linked genes restricted to the female genome of organisms with female heterogamety. For birds (males ZZ, females ZW), only one W-linked gene (HINTW) is sufficiently different from its Z-linked homolog to indicate a female-specific function. Here, we report that HINTW shows evidence of adaptive molecular evolution, implying strong positive selection for new functional properties in female birds. Moreover, because HINTW is expressed in the gonads of female birds just before sexual differentiation and is thus a candidate for sex determination, it suggests adaptive evolution related to female development. This provides the first example of Darwinian evolution of a gene restricted to the female genome of any organism. Given that HINTW exists in multiple copies on W, similar to some testis-specific genes amplified on mammalian Y, avian HINTW may thus potentially represent a female parallel to the organization and evolution of Y chromosome genes involved in male reproduction and development.  相似文献   

Because porcine chromosome (SSC) 8 has become the focal point of many efforts aimed at identifying quantitative trait loci affecting ovulation rate, genes distributed across human chromosome (HSA) 4 were physically mapped in the pig. A more refined comparative map of this region for these two species was produced. In this study, four genes were selected based on their location in the human genome, the availability of nucleotide sequence and their genomic organization. The genes selected were fibroblast growth factor basic (FGF2; HSA 4q25-27), gonadotropin releasing hormone receptor (GNRHR; HSA 4q13), phosphodiesterase 6 B (PDE6B; HSA 4p16.3) and aminopeptidase S (PEPS; HSA 4p11-q12). Genomic libraries were screened via PCR and clones were physically assigned using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). These four genes from HSA 4 were physically mapped to SSC 8p2.3 (PDE6B), 8p1.1 (PEPS), 8q1.1-1.2 (GNRHR) and 8q2.2-2.4 (FGF2). These assignments provide additional benchmarks for the comparative map and help define the level of gene order conserved between HSA 4 and SSC 8.  相似文献   

Females and males often exhibit different survival in nature, and it has been hypothesized that sex chromosomes may play a role in driving differential survival rates. For instance, the Y chromosome in mammals and the W chromosome in birds are often degenerated, with reduced numbers of genes, and loss of the Y chromosome in old men is associated with shorter life expectancy. However, mosaic loss of sex chromosomes has not been investigated in any non-human species. Here, we tested whether mosaic loss of the W chromosome (LOW) occurs with ageing in wild birds as a natural consequence of cellular senescence. Using loci-specific PCR and a target sequencing approach we estimated LOW in both young and adult individuals of two long-lived bird species and showed that the copy number of W chromosomes remains constant across age groups. Our results suggest that LOW is not a consequence of cellular ageing in birds. We concluded that the inheritance of the W chromosome in birds, unlike the Y chromosome in mammals, is more stable.  相似文献   

Skinner BM  Griffin DK 《Heredity》2012,108(1):37-41
It is generally believed that the organization of avian genomes remains highly conserved in evolution as chromosome number is constant and comparative chromosome painting demonstrated there to be very few interchromosomal rearrangements. The recent sequencing of the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) genome allowed an assessment of the number of intrachromosomal rearrangements between it and the chicken (Gallus gallus) genome, revealing a surprisingly high number of intrachromosomal rearrangements. With the publication of the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) genome it has become possible to describe intrachromosomal rearrangements between these three important avian species, gain insight into the direction of evolutionary change and assess whether breakpoint regions are reused in birds. To this end, we aligned entire chromosomes between chicken, turkey and zebra finch, identifying syntenic blocks of at least 250 kb. Potential optimal pathways of rearrangements between each of the three genomes were determined, as was a potential Galliform ancestral organization. From this, our data suggest that around one-third of chromosomal breakpoint regions may recur during avian evolution, with 10% of breakpoints apparently recurring in different lineages. This agrees with our previous hypothesis that mechanisms of genome evolution are driven by hotspots of non-allelic homologous recombination.  相似文献   

How the avian sex chromosomes first evolved from autosomes remains elusive as 100 million years (My) of divergence and degeneration obscure their evolutionary history. The Sylvioidea group of songbirds is interesting for understanding avian sex chromosome evolution because a chromosome fusion event ∼24 Ma formed “neo-sex chromosomes” consisting of an added (new) and an ancestral (old) part. Here, we report the complete female genome (ZW) of one Sylvioidea species, the great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). Our long-read assembly shows that the added region has been translocated to both Z and W, and whereas the added-Z has retained its gene order the added-W part has been heavily rearranged. Phylogenetic analyses show that recombination between the homologous added-Z and -W regions continued after the fusion event, and that recombination suppression across this region took several million years to be completed. Moreover, recombination suppression was initiated across multiple positions over the added-Z, which is not consistent with a simple linear progression starting from the fusion point. As expected following recombination suppression, the added-W show signs of degeneration including repeat accumulation and gene loss. Finally, we present evidence for nonrandom maintenance of slowly evolving and dosage-sensitive genes on both ancestral- and added-W, a process causing correlated evolution among orthologous genes across broad taxonomic groups, regardless of sex linkage.  相似文献   

Summary A technique for avian leukocyte culture and chromosome analysis is described. The method is simple and allows karyotypic analysis by a variety of chromosome banding methods. It is applicable to a wide variety of species and may be useful in determining the genetic sex of monotypic species in captivity or for population studies of specimens in the wild. This work was supported by Medical Research Council (Canada) Grant MA-4655. B. M. B. is a recipient of a Medical Research Council Fellowship.  相似文献   

Ostrich‐like birds (Palaeognathae) show very little taxonomic diversity while their sister taxon (Neognathae) contains roughly 10,000 species. The main anatomical differences between the two taxa are in the crania. Palaeognaths lack an element in the bill called the lateral bar that is present in both ancestral theropods and modern neognaths, and have thin zones in the bones of the bill, and robust bony elements on the ventral surface of their crania. Here we use a combination of modeling and developmental experiments to investigate the processes that might have led to these differences. Engineering‐based finite element analyses indicate that removing the lateral bars from a neognath increases mechanical stress in the upper bill and the ventral elements of the skull, regions that are either more robust or more flexible in palaeognaths. Surgically removing the lateral bar from neognath hatchlings led to similar changes. These results indicate that the lateral bar is load‐bearing and suggest that this function was transferred to other bony elements when it was lost in palaeognaths. It is possible that the loss of the load‐bearing lateral bar might have constrained diversification of skull morphology in palaeognaths and thus limited taxonomic diversity within the group.  相似文献   

The distribution of the Leporinus elongatus LeSpeI repetitive sequence in other Leporinus species was studied in an attempt to elucidate the evolutionary history of sex chromosomes in this genus using chromosome fluorescence in situ hybridization. The presence of fluorescent signals only in species that have differentiated sex chromosomes suggests that this sequence is related to the differentiation of sex chromosomes in this genus. Thus, these data will contribute to a better understanding of chromosome evolution, especially for sex chromosomes, in the Leporinus genus.  相似文献   

Precursors of neurohypophysial hormones are small proteins processed into nonapeptide hormones and neurophysins during axonal transport to the neurohypophysis. In mammals, oxytocin is associated with VLDV-neurophysin and vasopressin with MSEL-neurophysin. In birds, mesotocin and vasotocin are found instead of mammalian oxytocin and vasopressin. From goose, chicken and ostrich posterior pituitary glands, two types of neurophysins related to mammalian VLDV-and MSEL-neurophysins, respectively, have been identified by their N-terminal sequences. It is assumed that, as in mammals, hormonal peptide and the first 9 residues of the corresponding neurophysin are encoded by a common exon and that mesotocin and vasotocin, evolutionary predecessors of oxytocin and vasopressin, are associated in the precursors with VLDV-neurophysin and MSEL-neurophysin, respectively.  相似文献   

In eutherian mammals, the X and Y chromosomes undergo meiotic sex chromosome inactivation (MSCI) during spermatogenesis in males. However, following fertilization, both the paternally (Xp) and maternally (Xm) inherited X chromosomes are active in the inner cell mass of the female blastocyst, and then random inactivation of one X chromosome occurs in each cell, leading to a mosaic pattern of X-chromosome activity in adult female tissues. In contrast, marsupial females show a nonrandom pattern of X chromosome activity, with repression of the Xp in all somatic tissues. Here, we show that MSCI also occurs during spermatogenesis in marsupials in a manner similar to, but more stable than that in eutherians. These findings support the suggestion that MSCI may have provided the basis for an early dosage compensation mechanism in mammals based solely on gametogenic events, and that random X-chromosome inactivation during embryogenesis may have evolved subsequently in eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

We examine the relationships between primary feather length (f(prim)) and total arm length (ta) (sum of humerus, ulna and manus lengths) in Mesozoic fossil birds to address one aspect of avian wing shape evolution. Analyses show that there are significant differences in the composition of the wing between the known lineages of basal birds and that mean f(prim) (relative to ta length) is significantly shorter in Archaeopteryx and enantiornithines than it is in Confuciusornithidae and in living birds. Based on outgroup comparisons with nonavian theropods that preserve forelimb primary feathers, we show that the possession of a relatively shorter f(prim) (relative to ta length) must be the primitive condition for Aves. There is also a clear phylogenetic trend in relative primary feather length throughout bird evolution: our analyses demonstrate that the f(prim)/ta ratio increases among successive lineages of Mesozoic birds towards the crown of the tree ('modern birds'; Neornithes). Variance in this ratio also coincides with the enormous evolutionary radiation at the base of Neornithes. Because the f(prim)/ta ratio is linked to flight mode and performance in living birds, further comparisons of wing proportions among Mesozoic avians will prove informative and certainly imply that the aerial locomotion of the Early Cretaceous Confuciusornis was very different to other extinct and living birds.  相似文献   

Hummingbirds (Trochilidae) are one of the most enigmatic avian groups, and also among the most diverse, with approximately 360 recognized species in 106 genera, of which 43 are monotypic. This fact has generated considerable interest in the evolutionary biology of the hummingbirds, which is reflected in a number of DNA-based studies. However, only a few of them explored chromosomal data. Given this, the present study provides an analysis of the karyotypes of three species of Neotropical hummingbirds, Anthracothorax nigricollis (ANI), Campylopterus largipennis (CLA), and Hylocharis chrysura (HCH), in order to analyze the chromosomal processes associated with the evolution of the Trochilidae. The diploid number of ANI is 2n=80 chromosomes, while CLA and HCH have identical karyotypes, with 2n=78. Chromosome painting with Gallus gallus probes (GGA1-12) shows that the hummingbirds have a karyotype close to the proposed ancestral bird karyotype. Despite this, an informative rearrangement was detected: an in-tandem fusion between GGA7 and GGA9 found in CLA and HCH, but absent in ANI. A comparative analysis with the tree of life of the hummingbirds indicated that this fusion must have arisen following the divergence of a number of hummingbird species.  相似文献   

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