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The aim was to study the effects of dimethoate on enzymatic targets and on the growth of Helix aspersa for different times and modes of exposure under laboratory conditions. Young snails were exposed to increasing dimethoate concentrations in the food (D.exp) or in an artificial substrate (S.exp) for 1, 2, 7 and 14 days. Both acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and carboxylesterase (CaE) activities were measured in the foot of the snails for each concentration and exposure time tested. Growth was evaluated after 7 days of exposure. AChE inhibition, dose-dependent for all lengths of exposure, was stronger in S.exp. AChE was more sensitive than CaE for both modes of exposure. IC50(-7) days was 38.3 micrograms g-1 in D.exp and 11.7 micrograms g-1 in S.exp for AChE and was higher than 150 micrograms g-1 in two exposure modes for CaE. AChE activity decreased from the first day to reach maximum inhibition after 7 days of exposure. As noted for B-esterase activities, growth inhibition was stronger in S.exp and was only significant for AChE inhibition of > 90%. The present results show that AChE activity could be used to give early warning of toxic effects of dimethoate in terrestrial gastropods.  相似文献   

A series of 31 N,N-disubstituted 2-amino-5-halomethyl-2-thiazolines was designed, synthesized, and evaluated for inhibitory potential against acetylcholinesterase (AChE), butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) and carboxylesterase (CaE). The compounds did not inhibit AChE; the most active compounds inhibited BChE and CaE with IC50 values of 0.22–2.3 μM. Pyridine-containing compounds were more selective toward BChE; compounds with the para-OMe substituent in one of the two dibenzyl fragments were more selective toward CaE. Iodinated derivatives were more effective BChE inhibitors than brominated ones, while there was no influence of halogen type on CaE inhibition. Inhibition kinetics for the 9 most active compounds indicated non-competitive inhibition of CaE and varied mechanisms (competitive, non-competitive, or mixed-type) for inhibition of BChE. Docking simulations predicted key binding interactions of compounds with BChE and CaE and revealed that the best docked positions in BChE were at the bottom of the gorge in close proximity to the catalytic residues in the active site. In contrast, the best binding positions for CaE were clustered rather far from the active site at the top of the gorge. Thus, the docking results provided insight into differences in kinetic mechanisms and inhibitor activities of the tested compounds. A cytotoxicity test using the MTT assay showed that within solubility limits (<30 μM), none of the tested compounds significantly affected viability of human fetal mesenchymal stem cells. The results indicate that a new series of N,N-disubstituted 2-aminothiazolines could serve as BChE and CaE inhibitors for potential medicinal applications.  相似文献   

2000μg/ml合欢叶、黄花菊花和万寿菊叶乙醇提取物溶液处理根结线虫卵囊24h、48h和120h后,采用酶标仪分别对卵囊羧酸酯酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶活力进行了测定。结果表明各处理对根结线虫卵囊羧酸酯酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶的活性均有显著的抑制作用。与对照无菌水相比,合欢叶、黄花菊花和万寿菊叶乙醇提取物溶液处理卵囊120h后,卵囊羧酸酯酶活力抑制率分别为85.94%、86.16%和65.18%,乙酰胆碱酯酶活力抑制率分别为51.16%、46.51%和34.88%。并对3种植物乙醇提取物化学成分进行预分析。  相似文献   

Organophosphate (OP) and carbamate pesticides are anticholinesterasic agents also able to alter antioxidant defenses in different organisms. Amphibian larvae are naturally exposed to these pesticides in their aquatic environments located within agricultural areas. We studied the effect of the carbamate carbaryl (CB) and the OP azinphos methyl (AM), compounds extensively used in Northern Patagonian agricultural areas, on reduced glutathione (GSH) levels and the activities of esterases and antioxidant enzymes of the toad Rhinella arenarum larvae. Larvae were exposed 48 h to AM 3 and 6 mg/L or CB 10 and 20 mg/L. Cholinesterase and carboxylesterases were strongly inhibited by CB and AM. In insecticide-exposed larvae, carboxylesterases may serve as alternative targets protecting cholinesterase from inhibition. GSH-S-transferase (GST) activity was significantly increased by CB and AM. Superoxide dismutase activity increased in tadpoles exposed to 6 mg/L AM. Conversely, catalase (CAT) was significantly inhibited by both pesticides. GSH levels, GSH reductase and GSH peroxidase activities were not significantly affected by pesticide exposure. GST increase constitutes an important adaptive response to CB and AM exposure, as this enzyme has been related to pesticide tolerance in amphibian larvae. Besides, the ability to sustain GSH levels in spite of CAT inhibition indicates quite a good antioxidant response. In R. arenarum larvae, CAT and GST activities together with esterases could be used as biomarkers of CB and AM exposure.  相似文献   

The residence time of a sinking particle in the euphotic layer is usually defined as the time taken by this particle to reach for the first time the bottom of the euphotic layer. According to this definition, the concept of residence time does not take into account the fact that many cells leaving the euphotic layer at some time can re-enter the euphotic layer at a later time. Therefore, the exposure time in the surface layer, i.e. the total time spent by the particles in the euphotic layer irrespective of their possible excursions outside the surface layer, is a more relevant concept to diagnose the effect of diffusion on the survival of phytoplankton cells sinking through the water column.While increasing the diffusion coefficient can induce both a decrease or an increase of the residence time, the exposure time in the euphotic layer increases monotonically with the diffusion coefficient, at least when the settling velocity does not increase with depth. Turbulence is therefore shown to increase the total time spent by phytoplankton cells in the euphotic layer.The generalization of the concept of exposure time to take into account the variations of the light intensity with depth or the functional response of phytoplankton cells to irradiance leads to the definition of the concepts of light exposure and effective light exposure. The former provides a measure of the total light energy received by the cells during their cycling through the water column while the latter diagnose the potential growth rate.The exposure time, the light exposure and the effective light exposure can all be computed as the solution of a differential problem that generalizes the adjoint approach introduced by Delhez et al. (2004) for the residence time. A general analytical solution of the 1D steady-state version of this equation is derived from which the properties of the different diagnostic tools can be obtained.  相似文献   

The stimulating effect of ionizing radiation in respect to dose rate and exposure time was studied using the tube growth of Pinus silvestris pollen. Stimulation was registered with a small dose (50 rad) supplied at low dose rates (0.5; 1.0; 3.0 and 5.0 rad/sec) and with higher doses (300, 800 and 1400 rad) supplied at higher dose rates (10; 40 and 50 rad/sec). This suggests that only the exposure time is of importance for radiation-induced stimulation provided that the exposure time does not exceed 100 sec.  相似文献   

Following acute and chronic exposures to various chemicals in vivo, the average SCE frequency in human and rabbit lymphocytes has generally been shown to decrease with time posttreatment. The rate of this decline varies, however, and little data have been published pertaining to the decrease in SCEs soon exposure. To gain more information about the immediate decline in SCEs with time, we injected rabbits with a single dose of 35 mg/kg cyclophosphamide (CP) and determined SCE levels in circulating lymphocytes at various times 5 h to 2 weeks after treatment. We observed a rapid decline in SCE frequencies within 5 days, and by 10 days post-exposure the SCE levels were back to control values. The distributions of SCEs among cells and the number of circulating lymphocytes were also analyzed at each time. Within 2–3 days posttreatment we observed a rapid loss of cells with high SCE levels concomitantly with a rapid decline in circulating lymphocytes and a decrease in the average SCE frequency. When the number of lymphocytes began to increase, the number of cells with normal SCE values also increased. By 10–11 days after CP, the lymphocyte count had recovered, the SCE frequency had returned to control levels, and the distribution of SCEs among cells was almost identical to the control distribution. These data, in addition to published information on rabbit lymphocyte lifespan, suggest that the decline in SCE levels with time posttreatment is a function of lymphocyte turnover.  相似文献   

Synopsis Young-of-the-year largemouth bass,Micropterus salmoides, were exposed to four concentrations of sulphuric acid (pH levels 7.2, 6.1, 4.8, and 3.7) for 30 days, and the frequencies of feeding acts and activity bouts, and time budgets were recorded. Juveniles at pH 6.1 and at pH 4.8 performed the two feeding acts, bites and orientations, more often, and spent more time feeding than bass at pH 7.2. Bass at pH 3.7, however, reduced feeding, and spent a significantly larger portion of their time hovering in the water column. Frequencies of comfort and agonistic acts increased with a decline in pH. Alterations of behavioural repertoires of young-of-the-year largemouth bass were useful indicators of sulphuric acid exposure.  相似文献   

Yu R  Lai B  Vogt S  Chandran K 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e21255
The elemental composition of single cells of Nitrosomonas europaea 19718 was studied via synchrotron X-ray fluorescence microscopy (XFM) as a function of inhibition by divalent copper (Cu(II)) and batch growth phase. Based on XFM, the intracellular Cu concentrations in exponential phase cultures of N. europaea exposed to Cu(II) were statistically higher than in stationary phase cultures at the 95% confidence interval (α = 0.05). However, the impact of Cu inferred from specific oxygen uptake rate (sOUR) measurements at the two physiological states was statistically not dissimilar at the Cu(II) doses tested, except at 1000 µM Cu(II), at which exponential phase cultures were significantly more inhibited. Furthermore, the elemental composition in uninhibited exponential and stationary phase N. europaea cultures was similar. Notably, the molar fractions of Cu and Fe, relative to other elements in N. europaea cultures were statistically higher than those recently reported in Pseudomonas fluorescens possibly owing to the preponderance of metal cofactor rich catalytic enzymes (such as ammonia monooxygenase) and electron transport mechanisms in N. europaea.  相似文献   

Fetal exposure to high doses of glucocorticoids slows cellular development and impairs organ performance, in association with growth retardation. Nevertheless, low doses of glucocorticoids may enhance cell differentiation and accelerate specific functions. The current study examined this apparent paradox in the developing rat kidney, using doses of dexamethasone that span the threshold for growth impairment: 0.05 or 0.2 mg/kg given on gestational days 17, 18 and 19. At the lower dose, which did not significantly retard body growth, the postnatal development of tubular reabsorptive capabilities for sodium, potassium, osmotic particles, water and urea was accelerated. These effects were less notable at the higher dose, which caused initial body growth impairment. The selectivity toward promotion of tubular function was evidenced by the absence of effect of either dose of dexamethasone on development of glomerular filtration rate. Because of the wide spectrum of dexamethasone's effects on tubular function, we also assessed fetal kidney adenylate cyclase as a means of detecting altered cell differentiation in the prenatal period during which dexamethasone was given. Either glucocorticoid dose increased the total adenylate cyclase catalytic activity (assessed with forskolin). Thus, the net effect of fetal dexamethasone exposure on development of renal excretory capabilities probably represents the summation of promoted cell differentiation and slowed development consequent to growth retardation. At low dose levels, the former effect predominates, leading to enhanced functional development, whereas higher doses that interfere with general growth and development can offset the direct promotional effect.  相似文献   

T he association between exposure intensity and serum levels of immunoglobulins E and G against low molecular weight compounds was evaluated. The decay of levels of specific IgE and IgG antibodies was studied after cessation of exposure in workers exposed to the inhalant allergen methyltetrahydrophthalic anhydride in a plant using epoxy resins. Sera have been collected in workers for 18-84 (mean value 54) months after cessation of exposure. Specific IgE and IgG was assessed by RAST and ELISA, respectively. The mean of individual half-times for IgE ( N = 10) and IgG ( N = 8) was 0 9 (range 0 1-1 8) and 0 4 (range 0 2-0 6) years, respectively, after total avoidance of exposure. Corresponding decreases of IgE and IgG were also observed after reduction, but not total elimination, of exposure. No correlation was seen between biologic halftimes of specific IgE and total IgE, atopy, smoking habits or gender. The results indicate that the levels of specific antibodies in sensitized individuals reflect long term exposure, and may persist for years after the end of exposure.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted (with crossbred beef heifers) to determine the effects of dose and route of administration of cloprostenol on luteolysis, estrus and ovulation. In Experiment 1, 19 heifers with a CL > or = 17 mm in diameter were randomly allocated to receive cloprostenol as follows: 100 microg s.c., 250 microg s.c., or 500 microg i.m. Heifers given 100 microg s.c. had a longer (P<0.03) interval (120.0 h+/-10.7 h; mean+/-S.E.M.) from treatment to ovulation than those given either 250 microg s.c. or 500 microg i.m. (92.0 h+/-7.4 h and 84.0 h+/-8.2 h, respectively). In Experiment 2, 28 heifers were given porcine LH (pLH), followed in 7 days by cloprostenol (same doses and routes as in Experiment 1), and a second dose of pLH 48 h after cloprostenol. Luteolysis occurred in all heifers, and no difference was detected among treatment groups in the interval from cloprostenol treatment to ovulation (mean, 101 h; P<0.9). In Experiment 3, 38 heifers at random stages of the estrous cycle (but with plasma progesterone concentrations > or =1.0 ng/ml) received 500 or 125 microg cloprostenol by either i.m. or s.c. injection (2/2 factorial design). There was no difference (P<0.4) among groups in the proportions of heifers that were detected in estrus or that ovulated. However, the interval from cloprostenol treatment to estrus was shorter (P<0.02) in the group that received 500 microg i.m. (58.5h) than in the other three groups (500 microg s.c., 75.0 h; 125 microg i.m., 78.0 h; and 125 microg s.c., 82.3h). In Experiment 4, 36 heifers were treated (as in Experiment 3) on Day 7 after ovulation. The proportions of heifers detected in estrus and ovulating after 125 microg s.c. (33 and 44%, respectively) or 125 microg i.m. (55 and 55%) were lower (P<0.05) than in those that received 500 microg s.c. (100 and 100%), but not different from those receiving 500 microg i.m. (78 and 89%, respectively). Overall, ovulation was detected in 9/18 heifers given 125 microg and 17/18 heifers given 500 microg of cloprostenol, on Day 7 (P<0.01) and was detected in 17/20 heifers given 125 microg and 18/18 heifers given 500 microg of cloprostenol, at random stages of the estrous cycle (P>0.05). Although there was no significant difference in luteolytic efficacy between i.m. and s.c. injections of the recommended dose (500 microg) of cloprostenol, variability in responsiveness to a reduced dose depended upon CL sensitivity, therefore, reduced doses cannot be recommended for routine use.  相似文献   

The fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), and southwestern corn borer, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar, are major insect pests of maize, Zea mays L., in the southern USA. Both insects feed extensively on leaves of plants in the whorl stage of growth. A diallel cross of seven inbred lines with different levels of susceptibility to leaf feeding damage in the field was evaluated in a laboratory bioassay for fall armyworm and southwestern corn borer larval growth. Diets were prepared from lyophilized leaf tissue of field-grown plants of the inbred lines and their 21 F1 hybrids. One inbred line, Tx601, exhibited heavy leaf damage in field tests but showed moderate resistance in the laboratory bioassay. Both general and specific combining ability were highly significant sources of variation in the inheritance of fall armyworm and south-western corn borer larval growth in the laboratory bioassay. Tx601 showed excellent general combining ability for reduced larval growth of both species.This article is a contribution of the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, in cooperation with the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station. Journal No. J-8525  相似文献   

Aporrectodea caliginosa is the most common endogeic (topsoil) earthworm in New Zealand and, because of its habitat, is potentially vulnerable to surface-applied pesticides. Lysosomal damage to earthworms, which can be visualized by the use of the neutral red retention assay (NRRA) has been evaluated in this species as a biomarker of organophosphate exposure. Earthworms were exposed in the laboratory to sub-lethal concentrations of chlorpyrifos and diazinon. In a semi-field experiment, earthworms were placed in mesocosms in a field sprayed with these pesticides at the rate recommended for a vegetable crop. In the laboratory, the neutral red retention time (NRRT) was significantly reduced following exposure to both pesticides compared with controls. In the semi-field experiment, earthworm NRRT was significantly reduced by both pesticides. These experiments have shown that the NRRA is very sensitive to exposure to chlorpyrifos and diazinon even at field rates. It therefore shows promise as a potential biomarker of contamination of soil by organophosphates.  相似文献   

Aporrectodea caliginosa is the most common endogeic (topsoil) earthworm in New Zealand and, because of its habitat, is potentially vulnerable to surface-applied pesticides. Lysosomal damage to earthworms, which can be visualized by the use of the neutral red retention assay (NRRA) has been evaluated in this species as a biomarker of organophosphate exposure. Earthworms were exposed in the laboratory to sub-lethal concentrations of chlorpyrifos and diazinon. In a semi-field experiment, earthworms were placed in mesocosms in a field sprayed with these pesticides at the rate recommended for a vegetable crop. In the laboratory, the neutral red retention time (NRRT) was significantly reduced following exposure to both pesticides compared with controls. In the semi-field experiment, earthworm NRRT was significantly reduced by both pesticides. These experiments have shown that the NRRA is very sensitive to exposure to chlorpyrifos and diazinon even at field rates. It therefore shows promise as a potential biomarker of contamination of soil by organophosphates.  相似文献   

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