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The purposes of the present study are (1) to develop a sensitive analytical method to measure 1-bromopropane (1-BP) in urine, (2) to examine if 1-BP or bromide ion (Br) in urine is a useful biomarker of exposure to 1-BP, and (3) to identify the lowest 1-BP exposure concentration the method thus established can biomonitor. A factory survey was carried out on Friday, and 33 workers (all men) in cleaning and painting workshops participated; each worker was equipped with a diffusive sampler (carbon cloth KF-1500 as an adsorbent) to monitor 1-BP vapour for an 8-h shift, and offered a urine sample at the end of the shift for measurement of 1-BP and Br in urine. In addition, 10 non-exposed men offered urine samples as controls. The performance of the carbon cloth diffusive sampler was examined to confirm that the sampler is suitable for monitoring time-weighted average 1-BP vapour exposure. A head-space GC technique was employed for analysis of 1-BP in urine, whereas Br in urine was analysed by ECD-GC after derivatization to methyl bromide. The workers were exposed to vapours of seven other solvents (i.e. toluene, xylenes, ethylbenzene, acetone, etc.) in addition to 1-BP vapour; the 1-BP vapour concentration was 1.4 ppm as GM and 28 ppm as the maximum. Multiple regression analysis however showed that 1-BP was the only variable that influenced urinary 1-BP significantly. There was a close correlation between 1-BP in urine and 1-BP in air; the correlation coefficient (r) was >0.9 with a narrow variation range, and the regression line passed very close to the origin so that 2 ppm 1-BP exposure can be readily biomonitored. The correlation of Br in urine with 1-BP in air was also significant, but the r (about 0.7) was smaller than that for 1-BP, and the background Br level was also substantial (about 8 mg l-1). Thus, it was concluded that 1-BP in end-of-shift urine is a reliable biomarker of occupational exposure to 1-BP vapour, and that Br in urine is less reliable.  相似文献   

1-Hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) urinary excretion has been studied in subjects exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) from different sources (urban air pollution, cigarette smoking, food contamination or occupational exposure). In Study A, statistically significant differences among subjects categorized according to daily cigarette consumption were observed: 1-OHP median excretion of heavy smokers (more than 20 cigarettes per day; 1-OHP=371 ng l-1; n=6) was significantly increased over that of non-smokers (1-OHP=160 ng l-1; n=79), light smokers (less than 10 cigarettes per day,1-OHP=157 ng l-1; n=7) and also medium smokers (10-20 cigarettes per day, 1-OHP=154 ng l-1; n=13) (p<0.04). In smokers, 1-OHP excretion (y, ng l-1) increased with the intensity of cigarette consumption and was associated with self-reported number of cigarettes smoked daily (x, n) (y=20+16.6x; r=0.58, n=22, p<0.01), urinary thiocyanate (x, µmoll-1) (y=55+2.6x; r=0.57, n=20, p<0.01) and cotinine (x, µg l-1) (y=89+0.23x; r=0.62, n=17, p<0.01). In Study B the influence of smoked food consumption on 1-OHP excretion was evaluated: 1-OHP excretion began to increase as soon as 3 h after a PAH-rich meal and peak values were reached between 6 and 9 h after lunch. Maximum excretion mean values were respectively 525 ng l-1 for non-smokers (n=8) and 650 ng l-1 for smokers (n= 4). 1-OHP concentrations in next-morning samples were back to pre-lunch levels both for non-smokers and smokers. In Study C non-smoker workers (n=28) occupationally exposed to PAH in a steel plant were investigated. At values of airborne pyrene ranging between 6 and 30 µg m-3, excretion values of 1-OHP up to 80000 ng l-1 were observed. The use of urinary 1-OHP as a screening test to discriminate between smokers and non-smokers in the presence of uncorrected dietary influence has been calculated according to a cut-off value of 461 ng l-1 (reference group upper limit): the 1-OHP positive predictive value is 57%, its predictive negative value is 77%, sensitivity is 15% and specificity is 96%. In conclusion, 1-OHP appears to be a valuable biomarker of pyrene exposure. It will be nevertheless more accurate in assessing human PAH exposure from multiple sources if the influence of different kinetics for inhaled (particulate or gaseous) or ingested PAH are considered and if the role of oxidative polymorphism is adequately elucidated. The possibility of using 1-OHP to estimate the total burden of PAH from different sources or of screening groups with different PAH exposure appears to be a possible approach. However, the use of 1-OHP to evaluate the associated risk of cancer is still a premature target.  相似文献   

Because of possible harmful health effects increased attention is being paid to the occupational exposure to cytostatic drugs of workers in hospitals and industry. In this study a biomarker for exposure to 5-fluorouracil (5FU) based on GC-MSMS was applied to study the occupational exposure of four workers in a pharmaceutical factory producing 5FU. The four workers all excreted-fluoro--alanine (FBAL), a metabolite of 5FU, via the urine (range excretion rates: 0-88 9 g per 8h). This is in accordance with the presence of 5FU and/or its precursor ethoxyfluorouracil (EFU) in stationary and personal air wipe samples taken from the the workplace.  相似文献   

This article reviews the published studies on urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) as a biomarker of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in work environments. Sampling and analysis strategies as well as a methodology for determining biological exposure indices (BEIs) of 1-OHP in urine for different work environments are proposed for the biological monitoring of occupational exposure to PAHs. Owing to the kinetics of absorption of pyrene by different exposure routes and excretion of 1-OHP in urine, in general, 1-OHP urinary excretion levels increase during the course of a workday, reaching maximum values 3-9 h after the end of work. When the contribution of dermal exposure is important, post-shift 1-OHP excretion can however be lower than pre-shift levels in the case where a worker has been exposed occupationally to PAHs on the day prior to sampling. In addition, 1-OHP excretion levels in either pre-shift, post-shift or evening samples increase during the course of a work-week, levelling off after three consecutive days of work. Consequently, ideally, for a first characterization of a work environment and for an indication of the major exposure route, considering a 5-day work-week (Monday to Friday), the best sampling strategy would be to collect all micturitions over 24 h starting on Monday morning. Alternatively, collection of pre-shift, post-shift and evening urine samples on the first day of the work-week and at the end of the work-week is recommended. For routine monitoring, pre-shift samples on Monday and post-shift samples on Friday should be collected when pulmonary exposure is the main route of exposure. On the other hand, pre-shift samples on Monday and Friday should be collected when the contribution of skin uptake is important. The difference between beginning and end of work-week excretion will give an indication of the average exposure over the workweek. Pre-shift samples on the first day of the work-week will indicate background values, and, hence, reflect general environment exposure and body burden of pyrene and/or its metabolites. On the other hand, since PAH profile can vary substantially in different work sites, a single BEI cannot apply to all workplaces. A simple equation was therefore developed to establish BEIs for workers exposed to PAHs in different work environments by using a BEI already established for a given work environment and by introducing a correction factor corresponding to the ratio of the airborne concentration of the sum of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) equivalent to that of pyrene. The sum of BaP equivalent concentrations represents the sum of carcinogenic PAH concentrations expressed as BaP using toxic equivalent factors. Based on a previously estimated BEI of 2.3 μmol 1-OHP mol-1 creatinine for coke-oven workers, BEIs of 4.4, 8.0 and 9.8 μmol 1-OHP mol-1 creatinine were respectively calculated for vertical pin Söderberg workers, anode workers and pre-bake workers of aluminium plants and a BEI of 1.2 μmol 1-OHP mol-1 creatinine was estimated for iron foundry workers. This approach will allow the potential risk of cancer in individuals occupationally exposed to PAHs to be assessed better.  相似文献   

In order to ascertain whether the urinary excretion of D-glucaric acid (DGA) might be a suitable biomarker of effect in monitoring workers exposed to anaesthetic gases, we measured DGA before and after an operating session (and, in some workers, before and after a 2-week vacation) in 229 workers of surgical units and in 229 controls. In the former, we also measured urinary levels of nitrous oxide (N2O) and isofiurane after at least 4 h of exposure. For all subjects, information on age, smoking habits, daily intake of alcohol, coffee, and drugs, history of liver or kidney disease was collected. Study subjects were ranked according to: exposure (class 0: subjects not exposed; class 1: N2  相似文献   

Urine samples from 10 workers that had been exposed to n-heptane were analysed by the GC/MS technique to verify the concentrations and the relative abundances of its metabolites. The procedure of sample preparation has undergone some modifications with respect to the Perbellini method and the mass spectrometric detection was carried out in selected ions monitoring conditions. The analyses of samples collected during three different workshifts showed that 2 heptanol was not the main metabolite and that the remains of 2 heptanone, valerolactone and 2,5 heptanedione were present at the beginning of the successive work week at 12, 34 and 39 of the average values found at the end of the previous week. Overall, a very slow excretion rate was detected for the last metabolite. The main and significant metabolite at the end of the two workshifts was 2 heptanone which was detected in urine at average values of 413 and 238 μg g-1 creatinine. This urinary ketone correlated better than other metabolites with respect to the airborne n-heptane at the end of both the workshift and work week. These preliminary data suggest that further studies should be carried out to confirm whether 2 heptanone is really useful as an n-heptane marker in biological monitoring.  相似文献   

Because of possible harmful health effects increased attention is being paid to the occupational exposure to cytostatic drugs of workers in hospitals and industry. In this study a biomarker for exposure to 5-fluorouracil (5FU) based on GC-MSMS was applied to study the occupational exposure of four workers in a pharmaceutical factory producing 5FU. The four workers all excreted-fluoro--alanine (FBAL), a metabolite of 5FU, via the urine (range excretion rates: 0-88 9 g per 8h). This is in accordance with the presence of 5FU and/or its precursor ethoxyfluorouracil (EFU) in stationary and personal air wipe samples taken from the the workplace.  相似文献   

Studies were carried out on two populations occupationally exposed to ethylene oxide (EtO) using different physical and biological parameters. Blood samples were collected from 9 hospital workers (EI) and 15 factory workers (EII) engaged in sterilization of medical equipment with EtO and from matched controls (CI and CII). Average exposure levels during 4 months (the lifespan of erythrocytes) prior to blood sampling were estimated from levels of N-(2-hydroxyethyl)valine adducts in hemoglobin. They were significantly enhanced in EI and EII and corresponded to a 40-h time-weighted average of 0.025 ppm in EI and 5 ppm in EII. Exposures were usually received in bursts with EtO concentrations in air ranging from 22 to 72 ppm in EI and 14 to 400 ppm in EII. All samples were analyzed for HPRT mutants (MFs), chromosomal aberrations (CAs), micronuclei (MN) and SCEs. MFs were significantly enhanced by 60% in EII but not in EI. These results are the first demonstration of mutation induction in man by ethylene oxide. CAs were significantly enhanced in EI and EII by 130% and 260% respectively. MN were not enhanced in EI but significantly in EII(217%). The mean frequency of SCEs was significantly elevated by 20% in EI and by almost 100% in EII. SCE was the only parameter that allowed distinction between daily and occasionally exposed workers in EII. An interesting finding in exposed workers was the large increase of the percentage of cells with high frequencies of SCE (3–4 times in EI and 17-fold in EII).

The relative sensitivity of endpoints for detection of EtO exposure in the present investigation was in the following order: HOEtVal adducts > SCEs > chromosomal aberrations > micronuclei > HPRT mutants.  相似文献   

Methoxychlor, a currently used pesticide, is demethylated and hydroxylated by several hepatic microsomal cytochrome P450 enzymes. Also, methoxychlor undergoes metabolic activation, yielding a reactive intermediate (M*) that binds irreversibly and apparently covalently to microsomal proteins. The study investigated whether methoxychlor could inhibit or inactivate certain liver microsomal P450 enzymes. The regioselective and stereoselective hydrox-ylation of testosterone and the 2-hydroxylation of estradiol (E2) were utilized as markers of the P450 enzymes inhibited by methoxychlor. Both reversible and time-dependent inhibition were examined. Coincubation of methoxychlor and testosterone with liver microsomes from phenobarbital treated (PB-microsomes) male rats, yielded marked diminution of 2α- and 16α-testosterone hydroxylation, indicating strong inhibition of P4502C11 (P450h). Methoxychlor moderately inhibited 2β-, 7α-, 15α-, 15β-, and 16β-hydroxylation and androstenedi-one formation. There was only a weak inhibition of 6β-ydroxylation of testosterone. The methox-ychlor-mediated inhibition of 6β-hydroxylation was competitive. By contrast, when methoxychlor was permitted to be metabolized by PB-microsomes or by liver microsomes from pregnenolone-16α-car-bonitrile treated rats (PCN-microsomes) prior to addition of testosterone, a pronounced time-dependent inhibition of 6β-hydroxylation was observed, suggesting that methoxychlor inactivates the P450 3A isozyme(s). The di-demethylated methoxychlor (bis-OH-M) and the tris-hydroxy (ca-techol) methoxychlor metabolite (tris-OH-M) inhibited 6β-hydroxylation in PB-microsomes competitively and noncompetitively, respectively; however, these methoxychlor metabolites did not exhibit a time-dependent inhibition. Methoxychlor inhibited competitively the formation of 7α-hydroxytestosterone (7α-OH-T) and 16α-hydroxy-testosterone (16α-OH-T) but exhibited little or no time-dependent inhibition of generation of these metabolites, indicating that P450s 2A1, 2B1/B2, and 2C11 were inhibited but not inactivated. Methoxychlor inhibited in a time-dependent fashion the 2-hydroxylation of E2 in PB-microsomes. However, bis-OH-M exhibited solely reversible inhibition of the 2-hydroxylation, supporting our conclusion that the inactivation of P450s does not involve participation of the demethylated metabolites. Both competitive inhibition and time-dependent inactivation of human liver P450 3A (6β-hydroxylase) by methoxychlor, was observed. As with rat liver microsomes, the human 6β-hydroxylase was inhibited by bis-OH-M and tris-OH-M competitively and noncompetitively, respectively. Testosterone and estradiol strongly inhibited the irreversible binding of methoxychlor to microsomal proteins. This might explain the “clean” competitive inhibition by methoxychlor of the 6β-OH-T formation when the compounds were coin-cubated. Glutathione (GSH) has been shown to interfere with the irreversible binding of methoxychlor to PB-microsomal proteins. The finding that the coincubation of GSH with methoxychlor partially diminishes the time-dependent inhibition of 6β-hydroxylation provides supportive evidence that the inactivation of P450 3A isozymes by methoxychlor is related to the formation of M*.  相似文献   

为了探讨医务人员职业暴露危险因素及防护对策,对长江大学附属一医院2008年1月1日—2009年12月31日上报的职业暴露依据科室分布、感染途径及暴露原因进行了分析。结果显示,该医院共发生医务人员职业暴露94例,其中,护士62例,医生25例,其它人员7例,护士高于医生;35岁以下年轻护士及医生占88例,35岁以上者6例;大学本科以下学历60例,中级职称以下人员75例。因此需对医务人员加强培训,提高自我保护意识,规范操作,加强管理,注重预防。  相似文献   

The present study was initiated in order to identify the best marker of occupational exposure to cyclohexanone among cyclohexanone and its metabolites in urine. To examine if diffusive samplers are applicable to personal monitoring of exposure to cyclohexanone in workroom air, the performance of carbon cloth to adsorb cyclohexanone in air was studied by experimental exposure of the cloth to cyclohexanone at 5, 10, 25 or 50 ppm (i.e. 20, 40, 100 or 200 mg m-3) for up to 8 h. Cyclohexanone in the exposed cloth was extracted with carbon disulphide followed by gas chromatographic (GC) analysis. The cloth adsorbed cyclohexanone in proportion to the concentration (up to 50 ppm) and the duration (up to 8 h), and responded quantitatively to a 15 min exposure at 100 ppm. In a field survey, end-of-shift urine samples were collected from 24 factory workers occupationally exposed to cyclohexanone (up to 9 ppm) in combination with toluene and other solvents. Urine samples were also collected from 10 subjects with no occupational exposure to solvents. The urine samples were treated with acid or an enzyme preparation for hydrolysis, and extracted with dichloromethane or ethyl acetate. The extracts were analysed by GC for cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol, and trans- and cis-isomers of 1,2- and 1,4-cyclohexanediol. Both cyclohexanol and trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol in urine correlated significantly with time-weighted average intensity of exposure to cyclohexanone. Although trans -1,4-isomer was also excreted, its quantitative relation with cyclohexanone exposure could not be established, because the solvent extraction rate was low and unstable. Excretion of cis-isomers was not confirmed. The two analytes, cyclohexanol and trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol, appeared to be equally valid as exposure markers, but the latter may be superior to the former in the sense that it is sensitive enough to separate the exposed from the non-exposed at 1 ppm or less cyclohexanone exposure.  相似文献   

The present study was initiated in order to identify the best marker of occupational exposure to cyclohexanone among cyclohexanone and its metabolites in urine. To examine if diffusive samplers are applicable to personal monitoring of exposure to cyclohexanone in workroom air, the performance of carbon cloth to adsorb cyclohexanone in air was studied by experimental exposure of the cloth to cyclohexanone at 5, 10, 25 or 50 ppm (i.e. 20, 40, 100 or 200 mg m-3) for up to 8 h. Cyclohexanone in the exposed cloth was extracted with carbon disulphide followed by gas chromatographic (GC) analysis. The cloth adsorbed cyclohexanone in proportion to the concentration (up to 50 ppm) and the duration (up to 8 h), and responded quantitatively to a 15 min exposure at 100 ppm. In a field survey, end-of-shift urine samples were collected from 24 factory workers occupationally exposed to cyclohexanone (up to 9 ppm) in combination with toluene and other solvents. Urine samples were also collected from 10 subjects with no occupational exposure to solvents. The urine samples were treated with acid or an enzyme preparation for hydrolysis, and extracted with dichloromethane or ethyl acetate. The extracts were analysed by GC for cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol, and trans- and cis-isomers of 1,2- and 1,4-cyclohexanediol. Both cyclohexanol and trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol in urine correlated significantly with time-weighted average intensity of exposure to cyclohexanone. Although trans -1,4-isomer was also excreted, its quantitative relation with cyclohexanone exposure could not be established, because the solvent extraction rate was low and unstable. Excretion of cis-isomers was not confirmed. The two analytes, cyclohexanol and trans-1,2-cyclohexanediol, appeared to be equally valid as exposure markers, but the latter may be superior to the former in the sense that it is sensitive enough to separate the exposed from the non-exposed at 1 ppm or less cyclohexanone exposure.  相似文献   

Atrazine is a herbicide widely used on agricultural commodities. Existing analytical methods to analyze atrazine and its metabolites in biological matrices have various drawbacks. Thus, further development of such methods will be needed to correlate the growing number of toxicological effects associated with atrazine exposure with the concentrations of this compound and its metabolites in plasma, urine, and tissues. The purpose of this study was to develop a broad and sensitive LC-MS method for the analysis of atrazine and its metabolites in mouse urine and plasma. We were able to simultaneously measure atrazine and its major mammalian metabolites, which include didealkyl atrazine, desisopropyl atrazine, desethyl atrazine, atrazine-glutathione conjugate, and atrazine-mercapturate, using preparation procedures that used small sample volumes of plasma and urine (0.25 and 0.5 ml, respectively). Furthermore, derivatization of analytes prior to analysis was unnecessary. This method was used to analyze plasma and urine samples following single in vivo oral exposures of a limited number of mice to atrazine (doses, 5-250 mg/kg body weight) to demonstrate the utility of this LC-MS method. The data obtained from this study suggest that atrazine is rapidly metabolized in mice. Didealkyl atrazine was the most abundant metabolite detected in the urine and plasma samples (approximately 1000 microM in 24-h urine and approximately 100 microM in plasma following the highest dose of atrazine), with lesser quantities of mono N-dealkylated metabolites and thio conjugates of atrazine observed. We also used this methodology in a preliminary study of cytochrome P450-catalyzed metabolism of atrazine in vitro. The results obtained in this study suggest that this method will be a useful tool for the determination of atrazine and its metabolites in future pharmacokinetic studies and for the subsequent development and refinement of biologically based models of atrazine disposition.  相似文献   

Propetamphos is a member of the vinyl phosphate group of insecticides and is mainly used for sheep dipping. There have been no published metabolic studies on the effect of propetamphos in man to date, although the present authors have published the identification of a metabolite. The present paper presents data from a human volunteer study investigating the toxicokinetics of the organophosphorus pesticide propetamphos following oral and dermal exposure. Five volunteers ingested a propetamphos dose of 10 μg kg-1 (35nmol kg-1) body weight. Following a washout of 4 weeks, a 100mg (356 μmol) dermal dose of propetamphos was applied, occluded to 80cm2 of the inner forearm, for 8 h to the same five volunteers. In a pilot study (several weeks before the main study), one volunteer also received an occluded dermal dose of 50 mg (178 μmol) propetamphos. Unabsorbed propetamphos on the skin was washed off after 8 h and collected. Blood and urine samples were collected over 30 and 54 h for the oral and dermal exposures respectively. Blood samples were analysed for plasma and erythrocyte cholinesterase. Urine samples were analysed for a urinary metabolite of propetamphos: methylethylphosphoramidothioate (MEPT). Following oral and dermal exposure, peak urinary MEPT levels occurred at 1 and 10-12 h respectively. The apparent urinary elimination half-lives of MEPT had means of 1.7h (oral exposure) and 3.8 h (dermal exposure). Approximately 40% of the oral dose and 1% of the dermal dose were recovered as urinary MEPT or metabolites, which could be hydrolysed to MEPT. Approximately 90% of the dermal dose was recovered from the skin washings. Data from a volunteer showed that a doubling of the dermal dose resulted in approximately double the concentration of total MEPT. Alkaline hydrolysis of urine samples increased the level of MEPT detected after both oral and dermal doses. The increase was greater and statistically significant (p < 0.001, paired t-test) for the dermal dose. This increase in MEPT suggests the presence of other MEPT-containing metabolites or conjugates. The difference in the increase between oral and dermal doses raises the question of a difference in metabolism between the two routes. No individual showed a significant depression compared with their pre-exposure levels of erythrocyte acetyl cholinesterase or plasma cholinesterase activity for either dosing route. However, on a group basis, there was a statistically significant mean depression in plasma cholinesterase activity at 8 and 24 h for oral exposure, with a maximum mean depression of 7% from pre-exposure levels at 8 h. Hydrolysis of urine samples had the effect of reducing the interindividual coefficient of variation (CV) for total excretion of MEPT following both oral (CV reduced from 36 to 8%) and dermal (CV reduced from 40 to 17%) exposure. The ability to detect and follow the elimination of low doses of propetamphos by measurement of 'total' (after hydrolysis) urinary MEPT suggests it is a suitable biomarker of propetamphos exposure. The comparatively short elimination half-lives suggest a strategy for biological monitoring of occupational exposure based on samples collected at the end of the shift.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether haemoglobin adducts Hb of hexahydrophthalic anhydride HHPA and HHPA specific immunoglobulin G IgG can be used as biomarkers of exposure to HHPA. The exposures of HHPA in 10 workers were determined from the mean urinary hexahydrophthalic acid HHP acid levels range 76-3300 nmol HHP acid mmol-1 creatinine during a period of 4 weeks. Blood was collected at the end of the period and Hb-HHPA adducts were analysed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The Hb-HHPA adduct levels ranged from 0.45 to 24.7 pmol g-1 Hb. There was a close correlation between the urinary HHP acid levels and the amount of Hb-HHPA adducts r = 0.87 . One day exposures to HHPA and methylhexahydrophthalic anhydride MHHPA in 142 workers were determined from analysis of urinary HHP acid range 0-3300 nmol HHP acid mmol-1 creatinine and methylhexahydrophthalic acid MHHP acid; range 0-1700 nmol MHHP acid mmol-1 creatinine. HHPA specific IgG were analysed in the 142 workers with an ELISA method. The optical density for HHPA specific IgG varied between 0 and 1.25. There was no statistically significant correlation between the sum of the urinary HHP acid and MHHP acid and the HHPA specific IgG r = 0.12; p = 0.14 . Thus, Hb-HHPA adducts seem to be applicable as biomarkers of exposure to HHPA while the possible role of HHPA specific IgG as an indicator of exposure has to be further evaluated.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether haemoglobin adducts Hb of hexahydrophthalic anhydride HHPA and HHPA specific immunoglobulin G IgG can be used as biomarkers of exposure to HHPA. The exposures of HHPA in 10 workers were determined from the mean urinary hexahydrophthalic acid HHP acid levels range 76-3300 nmol HHP acid mmol-1 creatinine during a period of 4 weeks. Blood was collected at the end of the period and Hb-HHPA adducts were analysed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The Hb-HHPA adduct levels ranged from 0.45 to 24.7 pmol g-1 Hb. There was a close correlation between the urinary HHP acid levels and the amount of Hb-HHPA adducts r = 0.87 . One day exposures to HHPA and methylhexahydrophthalic anhydride MHHPA in 142 workers were determined from analysis of urinary HHP acid range 0-3300 nmol HHP acid mmol-1 creatinine and methylhexahydrophthalic acid MHHP acid; range 0-1700 nmol MHHP acid mmol-1 creatinine . HHPA specific IgG were analysed in the 142 workers with an ELISA method. The optical density for HHPA specific IgG varied between 0 and 1.25. There was no statistically significant correlation between the sum of the urinary HHP acid and MHHP acid and the HHPA specific IgG r = 0.12; p = 0.14 . Thus, Hb-HHPA adducts seem to be applicable as biomarkers of exposure to HHPA while the possible role of HHPA specific IgG as an indicator of exposure has to be further evaluated.  相似文献   

Occupational exposure to anaesthetic gases is one of the major hazards to healthcare personnel. We evaluated the cytogenetic effects of chronic exposure to low concentrations of anaesthetic gases in operating theatres. The study included 21 anesthetists and 21 control subjects who matched in age and gender. Chromosome aberrations (CAs) and sister chromatid exchanges (SCEs) assays were performed. All subjects were also genotyped for glutathione S‐transferase T1 (GSTT1) gene polymorphisms. Significant differences were found between exposed and controls in terms of SCEs frequency (P = 0.001) and replication index value (P = 0.005), but not in terms of CAs (P = 0.201) and aberrant cells (P = 0.227) frequencies. Regression analyses indicated that age and the years of employment did not influence the level of chromosomal damage in both groups. Finally, among anesthetists, GSTT1 null individuals showed a significant higher frequency of SCE with respect to GSTT1‐positive subjects.  相似文献   

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