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Phenanthrene metabolites (phenols and dihydrodiols) and 1-hydroxypyrene excreted in the 24-h urine of smokers, non-smokers and lung cancer patients, who after heavy smoking became light smokers, were determined and compared. In contrast to 1- hydroxypyrene, no significant differences of the absolute amounts of phenanthrene metabolites were found between smokers and non-smokers. A ratio phenanthrene metabolites/l-hydroxypyrene of 10.4 was observed for non-smokers and 9.9 for lung cancer patients, but 4.2 for smokers. Significantly different ratios for the regiospecific oxidation of phenanthrene were found for smokers when compared with non-smokers (1,2-oxidation vs 3,4-oxidation was 1.45 in the case of smokers, but 2.34 in the case of non-smokers) indicating a cigarette smoke - but not PAH - caused induction of CYP 1A2 in smokers. As a consequence of the degree of PAH exposure the ratio dihydrodiols/phenols depends on the total amount of metabolites excreted. Phenols predominate, equally in smokers and non-smokers after low exposure, while dihydrodiols become more prominent in highly exposed persons (coke plant workers). Both (i) the regiospecific oxidation of PAH and (ii) the ratio of dihydrodiol vs phenol formation may be recognized from the urinary phenanthrene metabolite profile. This pattern mirrors the enzymatic status (balance of the CYP isoforms and epoxide hydrolase) in individuals. Accordingly, more detailed information may be obtained from the urinary metabolite pattern than from 1- hydroxypyrene, commonly used in PAH biomonitoring.  相似文献   

Komatsu Y  Hayashi H 《Peptides》1999,20(12):33-1409
Although it has been reported that hirudin was excreted in urine mainly as its nonmetabolized form in humans, dogs, and rabbits, no report has been published about the molecular nature of urinary metabolites in rats. We found that nonmetabolized hirudin could not be detected in rat urine after its i.v. administration and that urinary metabolites of recombinant hirudin CX-397 consisted of at least the following six C-terminal-truncated peptides: CX-3971–49, CX-3971–50, CX-3971–51, CX-3971–52, CX-3971–54, and CX-3971–55, in the ratio of roughly 11, 51, 3, 11, 19, and 5%, respectively. In conclusion, the urinary metabolism of recombinant hirudin in rats is different from that in humans, dogs, and rabbits, suggesting that the handling of hirudin in rat kidney is unique among them.  相似文献   

Three aerobic bacterial consortia GY2, GS3 and GM2 were enriched from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-contaminated soils with water-silicone oil biphasic systems. An aerobic bacterial strain utilizing phenanthrene as the sole carbon and energy source was isolated from bacterial consortium GY2 and identified as Sphingomonas sp. strain GY2B. Within 48 h and at 30°C the strain metabolized 99.1% of phenanthrene (100 mg/l) added to batch culture in mineral salts medium and the cell number increased by about 40-fold. Three metabolites 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid, 1-naphthol and salicylic acid, were identified by gas chromatographic mass spectrometry and UV–visible spectroscopy analysis. A degradation pathway was proposed based on the identified metabolites. In addition to phenanthrene, strain GY2B could use other aromatic compounds such as naphthalene, 2-naphthol, salicylic acid, catechol, phenol, benzene and toluene as a sole source of carbon and energy.  相似文献   

Sphingomonas sp. strain P2, which is capable of utilizing phenanthrene as a sole carbon and energy source, was isolated from petroleum-contaminated soil in Thailand. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and (1)H and (13)C nuclear magnetic resonance analyses revealed two novel metabolites from the phenanthrene degradation pathway. One was identified as 5,6-benzocoumarin, which was derived by dioxygenation at the 1- and 2-positions of phenanthrene, and the other was determined to be 1,5-dihydroxy-2-naphthoic acid. Other metabolites from phenanthrene degradation were identified as 7, 8-benzocoumarin, 1-hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid and coumarin. From these results, it is suggested that strain P2 can degrade phenanthrene via dioxygenation at both 1,2- and 3,4-positions followed by meta-cleavage.  相似文献   

Tobacco-specific N-nitrosamines (TSNA) include 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), N′-nitrosonornicotine (NNN), N′-nitrosoanabasine (NAB) and N′-nitrosoanatabine (NAT) and are found in tobacco and tobacco smoke. TSNA are of interest for biomonitoring of tobacco-smoke exposure as they are associated with carcinogenesis. Both NNK and NNN are classified by IARC as Group 1 carcinogens. Samples of 24?h urine collections (n?=?108) were analysed from smokers and non-smokers, using a newly developed and validated LC-MS/MS method for determining total 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL, the major metabolite of NNK), and total NNN, NAB and NAT. TSNA levels in smokers’ urine were significantly higher than in non-smokers. In smokers, urinary excretion of total TSNA correlated significantly (r?>?0.5) with markers of smoking dose, such as daily cigarette consumption, salivary cotinine and urinary nicotine equivalents and increased with the ISO tar yield of cigarettes smoked. The correlation between urinary total NNN and the smoking dose was weaker (r?=?0.4–0.5). In conclusion, this new method is suitable for assessing tobacco use-related exposure to NNK, NNN, NAB and NAT.  相似文献   

Data from two clinical studies involving smokers and snuff users were analysed to address the estimation of nicotine intake using urinary and salivary nicotine metabolites. Comprehensive regression modelling is performed to determine which combinations of urinary nicotine metabolites provide better estimation of nicotine intake in these subjects than the predominant practice of basing nicotine intake on urinary cotinine analysis alone. Within-subject and between-subject variability is examined with regard to reliability of measurement and replicate sampling. Salivary cotinine models are compared to urinary metabolite models. Results suggest that estimation of nicotine intake is greatly improved by measuring urinary cotinine and additional metabolites (trans-3´-hydroxycotinine, and glucuronide conjugates) rather than measuring only cotinine. Analyses also indicate that replicate sampling on subjects greatly improves the reliability of the measurement. Based on these data, a model to predict nicotine equivalents based solely on saliva cotinine was severely inferior to any of the urinary models, including that of urinary cotinine alone.  相似文献   

An objective assessment of exposure to tobacco smoke may be accomplished by means of examining particular biomarkers in body fluids. The most common biomarker of tobacco smoke exposure is urinary, or serum, cotinine. In order to distinguish non-smokers from passive smokers and passive smokers from active smokers, it is necessary to estimate cotinine cut-off points. The objective of this article was to apply statistical distribution of urinary cotinine concentration to estimate cut-off points distinguishing the three above-mentioned groups. The examined group consisted of 327 volunteers (187 women and 140 men) who were ethnically homogenous inhabitants of the same urban agglomeration (Sosnowiec, Poland). The values which enabled differentiation of the examined population into groups and subgroups were as follows: 50 µg l-1 (differentiation of non-smokers from passive smokers), 170 µg l-1 (to divide the group of passive smokers into two subgroups: minimally and highly exposed to environmental tobacco smoke), 550 µg l-1 (differentiation of passive smokers from active smokers), and 2100 µg l-1 (to divide group of active smokers into two subgroups: minimally and highly exposed to tobacco smoke). The results suggest that statistical distribution of urinary cotinine concentration is useful for estimating urinary cotinine cut-off points and for assessing the smoking status of persons exposed to tobacco smoke.  相似文献   

Data from two clinical studies involving smokers and snuff users were analysed to address the estimation of nicotine intake using urinary and salivary nicotine metabolites. Comprehensive regression modelling is performed to determine which combinations of urinary nicotine metabolites provide better estimation of nicotine intake in these subjects than the predominant practice of basing nicotine intake on urinary cotinine analysis alone. Within-subject and between-subject variability is examined with regard to reliability of measurement and replicate sampling. Salivary cotinine models are compared to urinary metabolite models. Results suggest that estimation of nicotine intake is greatly improved by measuring urinary cotinine and additional metabolites (trans-3´-hydroxycotinine, and glucuronide conjugates) rather than measuring only cotinine. Analyses also indicate that replicate sampling on subjects greatly improves the reliability of the measurement. Based on these data, a model to predict nicotine equivalents based solely on saliva cotinine was severely inferior to any of the urinary models, including that of urinary cotinine alone.  相似文献   


An objective assessment of exposure to tobacco smoke may be accomplished by means of examining particular biomarkers in body fluids. The most common biomarker of tobacco smoke exposure is urinary, or serum, cotinine. In order to distinguish non-smokers from passive smokers and passive smokers from active smokers, it is necessary to estimate cotinine cut-off points. The objective of this article was to apply statistical distribution of urinary cotinine concentration to estimate cut-off points distinguishing the three above-mentioned groups. The examined group consisted of 327 volunteers (187 women and 140 men) who were ethnically homogenous inhabitants of the same urban agglomeration (Sosnowiec, Poland). The values which enabled differentiation of the examined population into groups and subgroups were as follows: 50 µg l?1 (differentiation of non-smokers from passive smokers), 170 µg l?1 (to divide the group of passive smokers into two subgroups: minimally and highly exposed to environmental tobacco smoke), 550 µg l?1 (differentiation of passive smokers from active smokers), and 2100 µg l?1 (to divide group of active smokers into two subgroups: minimally and highly exposed to tobacco smoke). The results suggest that statistical distribution of urinary cotinine concentration is useful for estimating urinary cotinine cut-off points and for assessing the smoking status of persons exposed to tobacco smoke.  相似文献   

The exposure of cokery workers to polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons at an Estonian oil shale processing plant was assessed by using occupational hygiene and biomonitoring measurements which were carried out twice, in midwinter and in the autumn. To assess the external dose of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene concentrations were measured from the breathing zone of workers during a workshift. Skin contamination with pyrene and benzo[a]pyrene was assessed by skin wipe sampling before and after the workshift. As a biomarker of overall exposure to polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, and as an integral of all absorption routes of pyrene, 1-hydroxypyrene concentration was measured from post shift urine samples. Of the personal air samples, 18% exceeded the Finnish threshold limit value of benzo[a]pyrene (10 μg m-3). Mean value (two separate measurements together) for benzo[a]pyrene was 5.7 μg m-3 and for pyrene, 8.1 μg m-3. Based on skin wipe sample analyses, the skin contamination was also obvious. The mean value of benzo[a]pyrene in the samples collected after the shift was 1.2 ng cm-2. Benzo[a]pyrene was not found in control samples. The mean value of urinary 1-hydroxypyrene concentration was 6.0 μmol mol-1 creatinine for the exposed workers and 0.5 μmol mol-1 creatinine for the controls. This study undoubtedly shows the usefulness of 1-hydroxypyrene as an indicator of internal dose of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons. It can be concluded that the cokery workers at the Kohtla-Järve plant are exposed to high concentrations of polynuclear aromatic compounds, and the exposure level is considerably higher during the winter measurements.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study was designed to compare the levels of copper/zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn SOD), peroxidase (POx) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH‐Px) in saliva of smokers and those in saliva of non‐smokers. Methods: Unstimulated saliva samples were collected from 88 elderly males (65 years old or over) who visited a private dental clinic. Forty‐four subjects were current smokers (more than 20 cigarettes daily for at least 30 years) and 44 were non‐smokers. The levels of salivary thiocyanate, Cu/Zn SOD, GSH‐Px, and POx activity were measured using standard procedures. Results: The mean levels of salivary thiocyanate (SCN?) and SOD were significantly higher (p < 0.01) in the smoking group than in the non‐smoking group, whereas the specific activity levels of POx and GSH‐Px were significantly higher (p < 0.05) in the non‐smoking group than in the smoking group. Significant correlation coefficients were found between the levels of SCN? and SOD (r = 0.37, p < 0.001). In the non‐smoking group, a significant positive association was found between specific activity of POx and age (r = 0.33, p < 0.05). Conclusion: Measurement of SCN? and Cu/Zn SOD in human saliva might be useful for estimating the level of oxidative stress caused by cigarette smoke. Despite increased H2O2 level as a defense system induced by SOD, detoxification of H2O2 might be deteriorated in the oral cavity of elderly smokers.  相似文献   

The effect of soil contents and mass transfer rates on soil bioremediation was investigated. Phenanthrene, a 3-ring polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), was chosen as a model target compound. The biodegradation tests were performed in soil-slurry systems at two distinct mass transfer rates: fast in flasks tests at 150 rpm and slow in roller-bottle tests at 2 rpm. The rate of phenanthrene biodegradation was similar at low soil content (2 wt.%) in both slurry systems, but the rates at high soil contents (6 and 18 wt.%) were higher in the roller-bottle tests. The maximum utilization rate constant for sorbed-phase biodegradation obtained from curve fitting using a mathematical model was decreased in the flask tests with increasing soil content, while not decreased in the roller-bottle tests.  相似文献   

This article reviews the published studies on urinary 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) as a biomarker of exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in work environments. Sampling and analysis strategies as well as a methodology for determining biological exposure indices (BEIs) of 1-OHP in urine for different work environments are proposed for the biological monitoring of occupational exposure to PAHs. Owing to the kinetics of absorption of pyrene by different exposure routes and excretion of 1-OHP in urine, in general, 1-OHP urinary excretion levels increase during the course of a workday, reaching maximum values 3-9 h after the end of work. When the contribution of dermal exposure is important, post-shift 1-OHP excretion can however be lower than pre-shift levels in the case where a worker has been exposed occupationally to PAHs on the day prior to sampling. In addition, 1-OHP excretion levels in either pre-shift, post-shift or evening samples increase during the course of a work-week, levelling off after three consecutive days of work. Consequently, ideally, for a first characterization of a work environment and for an indication of the major exposure route, considering a 5-day work-week (Monday to Friday), the best sampling strategy would be to collect all micturitions over 24 h starting on Monday morning. Alternatively, collection of pre-shift, post-shift and evening urine samples on the first day of the work-week and at the end of the work-week is recommended. For routine monitoring, pre-shift samples on Monday and post-shift samples on Friday should be collected when pulmonary exposure is the main route of exposure. On the other hand, pre-shift samples on Monday and Friday should be collected when the contribution of skin uptake is important. The difference between beginning and end of work-week excretion will give an indication of the average exposure over the workweek. Pre-shift samples on the first day of the work-week will indicate background values, and, hence, reflect general environment exposure and body burden of pyrene and/or its metabolites. On the other hand, since PAH profile can vary substantially in different work sites, a single BEI cannot apply to all workplaces. A simple equation was therefore developed to establish BEIs for workers exposed to PAHs in different work environments by using a BEI already established for a given work environment and by introducing a correction factor corresponding to the ratio of the airborne concentration of the sum of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) equivalent to that of pyrene. The sum of BaP equivalent concentrations represents the sum of carcinogenic PAH concentrations expressed as BaP using toxic equivalent factors. Based on a previously estimated BEI of 2.3 μmol 1-OHP mol-1 creatinine for coke-oven workers, BEIs of 4.4, 8.0 and 9.8 μmol 1-OHP mol-1 creatinine were respectively calculated for vertical pin Söderberg workers, anode workers and pre-bake workers of aluminium plants and a BEI of 1.2 μmol 1-OHP mol-1 creatinine was estimated for iron foundry workers. This approach will allow the potential risk of cancer in individuals occupationally exposed to PAHs to be assessed better.  相似文献   

Determination of human exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHs is challenging because they are so broadly distributed in the environment and often difficult to quantitate using questionnaire methods. To enhance the ability to non invasively evaluate markers of both internal dose and biologically effective dose we have developed methods for the identification and quantitation of 1 hydroxypyrene-glucuronide and r 7, t 8, t 9, c 10 tetrahydroxy 7,8,9,10 tetrahydrobenzo a pyrene BP 7,10 8,9 tetrol in human urine. In the current study we applied these assays to urine samples collected from 43 hospitalized psoriasis patients treated with coal tar medication and 39 non treated volunteer controls. BP 7,10 8,9 tetrol was detected in 20 of 43 47 patients, ranging from 1 not detected to 124 fmol mumol-1 creatinine. In contrast, BP 7,10 8,9 tetrol was detected in only 4 of 39 10 controls, range 1 to 20.6 fmol mumol-1 creatinine p = 0.0006, Wilcoxon rank sum test . A second, more polar PAH metabolite, identified as 1 hydroxypyrene-glucuronide, was present in all urine samples. Mean 1 hydroxypyreneglucuronide levels were 40.96 72.62 pmol mumol-1 creatinine in patients and 0.38 0.32 pmol mumol-1 creatinine in control subjects p 0.0001 . The ratio of urinary levels of BP 7,10 8,9 tetrol to 1 hydroxypyrene-glucuronide was examined in the coal tar treated patients. This ratio was found to vary by approximately 6000 fold. This parameter cannot be explained by measurement error because the coefficients of variation for these assays are only 12 and 10 respectively, nor can it be explained by use of different coal tar products. These results provide further evidence that substantial interindividual variation in activation of benzo a pyrene and other PAHs exists, which may have implications for disease risk.  相似文献   

Two mixed bacterial cultures (CB-BT and CI-AT) degraded phenanthrene when it was: (i) in the presence of either hexadecane as a non aqueous phase liquid or a montmorillonite–Al(OH)x-humic acid complex as a model organo-mineral matrix; (ii) sorbed to the complex, either alone or in the presence of hexadecane. The cultures had different kinetic behaviours towards phenanthrene with or without hexadecane. The degradation of Phe alone as well as that of Phe in hexadecane ended in 8 and 15 days with CB-BT and CI-AT cultures, respectively. Hexadecane increased Phe bioavailability for CI-AT bacteria which degraded Phe according to first-order kinetics. The same effect was observed for CB-BT bacteria, but with an initial 2 days lag phase and in accordance with zero-order kinetics. The presence of hexadecane did not affect the degradation of phenanthrene sorbed and aged on the complex by CI-AT culture. This capability was exhibited also after experimental aging of 30 days. The dynamics of the bacterial community composition was investigated through PCR-DGGE (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) of 16S rRNA gene fragments. Individual bands changed their intensity during the incubation time, implying that particular microbe’s relative abundance changed according to the culture conditions. Isolation of phenanthrene and/or hexadecane degraders was in accord with cultivation-independent data. Growth-dependent changes in the cell surface hydrophobicity of the two cultures and of the isolates suggested that modulation of cell surface hydrophobicity probably played an important role for an efficient phenanthrene assimilation/uptake.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the simultaneous determination of cilostazol, a quinolinone derivative, and its known metabolites OPC-13015, OPC-13213, OPC-13217, OPC-13366, OPC-13269, OPC-13326 and OPC-13388 in human plasma was developed and validated. Cilostazol, its metabolites and two internal standards, OPC-3930 and OPC-13112, were extracted from human plasma by a combination of liquid–liquid and liquid–solid phase extractions, with combined organic solvents of n-butanol, methanol, chloroform, methyl-tert.-butyl ether, and a Sep-Pak silica column. The combined extract was then evaporated and the residue was reconstituted in ammonium acetate buffer (pH 6.5). The reconstituted solution was injected onto a HPLC system and was subjected to reversed-phase HPLC on a 5 μm ODS-80TM column to obtain quality chromatograph and good peak resolution. A gradient mobile phase with different percentages of acetonitrile in acetate buffer (pH 6.5) was used for the resolution of analytes. Cilostazol, its metabolites and the two internal standards were well separated at baseline from each other with resolution factor being 74 and 138. This HPLC method was demonstrated to be specific for all analytes of interest with no significant interference from the endogenous substances of human plasma. The lower limit of quantitation was 20 ng/ml for cilostazol and all metabolites. The method was validated initially for an extended linear range of 20–600 ng/ml for all metabolites and cilostazol, and has been revised later for a linear range of 20–1200 ng/ml for cilostazol and two major and active metabolites OPC-13015 and OPC-13213. The overall accuracy (relative recovery) of this method was established to be 98.5% to 104.9% for analytes with overall precision (CV) being 1.5% to 9.0%. The long-term stability of clinical plasma samples was established for at least one year at −20°C. Two internal standards of OPC-3930 and OPC-13112 were evaluated and validated. However, the data indicated that there was no significant difference for all accuracy and precision obtained by using either OPC-3930 or OPC-13112. OPC-3930 was chosen as the internal standard for the analysis of plasma samples from clinical studies due to its shorter retention time. During the validation standard curves had correlation coefficients greater than or equal to 0.998 for cilostazol and the seven metabolites. These data clearly demonstrate the reliability and reproducibility of the method.  相似文献   

研究了不同浓度(0-200μg.g^-1)菲胁迫和恢复培养后大豆幼苗生长、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性及丙二醛(MDA)含量的变化.结果表明,200μg.g^-1菲处理5d后大豆幼苗生长受到抑制,但幼苗恢复培养后经短暂停滞期后仍可恢复生长.菲污染对大豆幼苗SOD活性变化的剂量—效应关系的作用形式比较复杂,胁迫2d时为线性关系,胁迫5d和8d时为抛物线型.在菲处理前期(2d),幼苗SOD活性被100和200μg.g^-1菲显著诱导[分别为对照的1.15倍(P<0.05)和1.26倍(P<0.01)].菲暴露8d时,SOD活性显著降低,200μg.g^-1菲处理组SOD活性为对照的88%(P<0.05).菲处理5d后恢复培养2d和4d,50和100μg.g^-1菲处理组幼苗SOD活性得到恢复,而200μg.g^-1菲处理组幼苗SOD活性仍明显高于对照(P<0.05).试验亦反映出,100和200μg.g^-1菲处理5d和8d,幼苗MDA含量均比对照显著增加(P<0.05和P<0.01).可以认为,SOD活性可作为大豆幼苗遭受短期菲胁迫的生物标记物.  相似文献   

A simple, accurate and fully automated high-performance liquid-chromatographic method was developed for the simultaneous determination of antipyrine (AP), 3-hydroxymethylantipyrine (3HMA), 4-hydroxyantipyrine (4OHA) and norantipyrine (NORA) in urine. This method requires no extraction step and only one chromatographic run with the use of a reversed-phase system. The coefficient of variation (%) (n = 8 each) was: 4.14 for AP, 2.31 for 3HMA, 3.48 for 4OHA, and 2.71 for NORA. The method was applied to studies on AP metabolism in three smokers and three non-smokers who received an oral 10 mg/kg dose of AP. These preliminary results suggest that smokers appear to excrete more 4OHA and NORA in the urine than non-smokers.  相似文献   

Five sets of large and small subunits of terminal oxygenase (ahdA1[a-e] and ahdA2[a-e]) and a single gene set encoding ferredoxin (ahdA3) and ferredoxin reductase (ahdA4) were found to be scattered through 15.8- and 14-kb DNA fragments of phenanthrene-degrading Sphingobium sp. strain P2. RT-PCR analysis indicated the inducible and specific expression of ahdA3, ahdA4, and three sets of genes for terminal oxygenase (ahdA1[c-e] and ahdA2[c-e]) in this strain grown on phenanthrene. The biotransformation experiments with resting cells of Escherichia coli JM109 harboring recombinant ahd genes revealed that AhdA2cA1c, AhdA1dA2d, and AhdA1eA2e can all function as a salicylate 1-hydroxylase which converts salicylate, a metabolic intermediate of phenanthrene, to catechol in cooperation with the electron transport proteins AhdA3A4. The first two oxygenases exhibited a broad range of substrate specificities such that they also catalyzed the hydroxylation of methyl- and chloro-substituted salicylates to produce their corresponding substituted catechols.  相似文献   

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