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Changes in nuclear figures and in activities of nucleic acid and protein syntheses were observed mainly on Saccharomyces cerevisiae G2-2 during sporogenesis. Patterns of DNA synthesis and of meiosis show that the sporogenic process in yeast was divided into an induction phase (I-phase), a DNA-synthesizing phase (S-phase) and a maturation phase (M-phase). Meiotic figures appeared most frequently at the end of the S-phase at approximately 12 hr in sporulation culture. In M-phase visible spores formed. The amount of protein increased in the initial 7 hr culture of 1-phase, then decreased in the S- and M-phases. But in sporulation culture of the asporogenic diploid strain 3c × a, protein did not decrease. RNA increased within 3 hr of the I-phase then stopped increasing. DNA synthesis occurred critically during S-phase, i.e. between 7 and 12 hr. and was somewhat resumed during the later part of M-phase. Oligodeoxyri-bonucleotide content decreased in the I- and M-phases and increased temporarily. Deoxyribosides decreased linearly during the sporogenic processes. Based on these results and results of experiments estimating the incorporation of 14C-uracil into nucleic acid and 14C-amino acid mixture into protein fractions, the roles of nucleic acid synthesis activities in meiosis and in sporulation are discussed.  相似文献   

Extracts of uninduced thalli, induced thalli, stalks, antheridiophore and archegoniophore disks of Marchantia polymorpha were subjected to starch-gel zone electrophoresis. Developed gels were treated with appropriate reaction mixtures to detect sites of activity for 12 enzyme systems; only phosphatases, esterases, and peroxidases were observed. Although common sites of phosphatase, peroxidase, and esterase activity were detected in all tested extracts, additional sites of peroxidase and esterase activity were found in extracts from antheridiophore disks. The antheridia provided the additional esterases as determined by the electrophoresis of antheridial extracts and by a histochemical test for esterases in sections of antheridiophores.  相似文献   

A biochemical and quantitative morphologic study of presynaptic endings during postnatal development was carried out in subcellular fractions from cerebral cortex of 1, 4, 8, 12, and 18 day old and adult rats. Crude mitochondrial fractions were subfractionated in Ficoll gradients and all resulting fractions were examined in the electron microscope. Presynaptic terminals and other intact processes were counted. Protein content and enzyme activities were assayed in the fractions and in total brain homogenate. In the first and fourth day of life, most of the presynaptic terminals were found in two "light" fractions, between supernatant and 7.5% Ficoll, where they accounted, respectively, for 6 and 22% of all the processes. Progressively with age, more presynaptic terminals were found in the traditional "synaptosomal" fractions between 7.5 and 13% Ficoll. In that region of the gradient, 40, 54, 75, and 89% of the processes were presynaptic endings at 8, 12, and 18 postnatal days and in the adult animal, respectively. A similar shift from the lighter to the heavier fractions was observed in the distribution of choline acetyltransferase and acetylcholinesterase between days 8 and 12. The rate of increase of the specific activity of these two enzymes paralleled that of the percentage of the presynaptic endings after day 8. This study indicates that subcellular fractions can be used to study formation and maturation of synapses during postnatal development.  相似文献   

Uptake of amino acids is a complex process but in cells growing with ammonia as sole nitrogen source the initial uptake rate of amino acids is a measure of the transport capacity of the uptake system (permease). In synchronous cultures of Saccharomyces cerevisiae amino acids were transported at all stages of the cell cycle. However, for any one amino acid the initial uptake rate was constant for most of the cycle and doubled during a discrete part of the cycle. Thus, for a variety of amino acids the functioning amino acid transport capacity of the membrane doubles once per cycle at a characteristic stage of the cycle. Arginine, valine, and phenylalanine exhibit periodic doubling of uptake rate at different stages of the cell cycle indicating that the transport of these amino acids is mediated by three different systems. Serine, phenylalanine, and leucine exhibit periodic doubling of the uptake rate at the same stage of the cycle. However, it is unlikely that serine and phenylalanine share the same transport system since the uptake of one is not inhibited by the other amino acid. This phenomenon is analogous to the periodic synthesis of soluble enzymes observed in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

花生叶片衰老过程中氮素代谢指标变化   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
以鲁花11和辐8707两个花生(Arachis hypogea L.)品种为材料,对大田条件下花生叶片衰老过程中N素代谢指标变化进行了研究,结果表明,花生叶叶片展开至衰老过程中,蛋白酶活性逐渐升高,叶中N含量逐渐降低;硝酸还原酶(NR)活性、叶绿素、游离氨基酸和可溶性蛋白质含量呈抛物线型变化,最先开始降低的是NR活性,其次是叶绿素含量,最后是游离氨基酸和可溶性蛋白质含量。  相似文献   

Lovett, James S., and Edward C. Cantino. (Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan.) The relation between biochemical and morphological differentiation in Blastocladiella emersonii. II. Nitrogen metabolism in synchronous cultures. Amer. Jour. Bot. 47(7): 550–560. Illus, 1960.—A procedure was developed for growing well-synchronized, large-scale cultures of resistant-sporangial plants of Blastocladiella throughout one complete generation period in a glucose-peptone-yeast medium containing NaHCO3. The increase in size and dry weight of individual plants and a photomicrographic record of their developmental morphology were obtained during the growth of such cultures. The activity of glucosamine synthetase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, and phosphoglucoisomerase was determined during development in synchronous culture. The sequence for synthesis of chitin, lipid, melanin, and nitrogenous materials was also established. The free-N pools in developing resistant sporangial plants underwent both quantitative and qualitative changes during differentiation. The significance of the alteration in cellular components and their relationship to the structure and function of the developing thallus were discussed.  相似文献   

Cells of a normal yeast strain and of its copper-resistant substrainwere more severely injured by copper treatment under sulfurdeficiency than under nitrogen or carbon deficiency. Even underthese starved conditions, the resistant substrain gave higherviable counts than the parent strain after the copper treatment.Several hours were needed for the sulfur-starved cells to recovertheir copper-resistance when resupplied with sulfur. The observed effect of the amount of sulfur supply on the cellyield was not contradictory to the idea that resistant cellsuse for their resistance mechanism a part of sulfur they absorb.Methionine made cells more sensitive to copper, and this effectwas antagonized by ethionine to some extent. The importance of sulfur metabolism in copper resistance isdiscussed. 1This work was supported by a Grant in Aid for Fundamental ScientificResearch, Ministry of Education, Japan. 2Present address: Konan University, Kobe, Japan. (Received October 8, 1959; )  相似文献   

Numerous nucleoli can be observed in the macronucleus of the logarithmically growing ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis; at late log phase the nucleoli aggregate and fuse. In stationary phase this fusion process continues, leaving a very few large vacuolated nuclear fusion bodies in the nucleus. When these stationary phase cells are placed into fresh enriched proteose peptone medium, the large fusion bodies begin to disaggregate during the 2.5-hour lag phase before cell division is initiated. By 3 to 6 hours after inoculation the appearance of the nucleoli in many cells returns to what it was in logarithmic cells. In view of the possible role of nucleoli in ribosome synthesis, attempts were made to correlate the morphological changes to changes in RNA and protein metabolism. The beginning of an increased RNA synthesis was concomitant with the beginning of disaggregation of the large fusion bodies into nucleoli, which was noticed in some cells by 1 hour after the return to fresh enriched proteose peptone medium. Increased protein synthesis then followed the increased RNA synthesis by 1 hour. The supply of RNA precursors (essential pyrimidines) were removed from cultures which were grown on a chemically defined synthetic medium, in order to study the relation between nucleolar fusion and synthesis of RNA and protein. Pyrimidine deprivation drastically curtailed RNA and protein synthesis, but did not cause fusion of nucleoli. When pyrimidines were added back to this culture medium, RNA synthesis was immediately stimulated and again preceded an increased protein synthesis by 1 hour. These studies suggest the involvement of unfused nucleoli in RNA and protein synthesis and demonstrate the extreme plasticity of nucleoli with respect to changes in their environment.  相似文献   

刘荣臻  王浩 《动物学研究》1987,8(3):287-294
本实验第一部分对鳙鱼卵及胚胎在不同的发育时期蛋白质合成的速度进行了研究,实验采用微量克氏定氮法,对鳙卵从未受精卵到受精卵、尾芽期和出膜期,共测定了十三个不同的发育时期。实验结果表明了在鱼的不同胚胎发育时期蛋白质合成速度有着明显的差异。 实验的第二部分对鳙鱼胚胎发育过程氨基酸组成和氨基酸含量进行了测定,其结果显示出鳙鱼卵和胚胎的各发育时期氨基酸的组分十分相似,但氨基酸的含量在各个时期是有差异的。  相似文献   

  1. Several factors affecting sporulation of a wild yeast, Hansenulasaturnus, especially carbon sources and the carbon-nitrogenratio of sporulation medium were studied.
  2. The sporulationis stimulated at a certain definite C/N ratioof glucose medium.
  3. Several carbon sources such as ethanol, acetate, lactate,glycerol,succinate, glucose, gluconate and citrate are utilizedby theorganism both for growth and sporulation.
  4. The numberof spores in an ascus depends on the C/N ratio ofthe medium.An increase in the ratio stimulates the yield of2-and 3-sporedasci, especially of the former. One-spored ascibecome abundantas this ratio decreases.
  5. Lysine promotes sporulation in anacetate medium, and its presencein a large amount in glucosemedium also stimulates sporulation,while a small amount isinhibitory. When lysine was employedas the sole nitrogen source,most of the asci were 1-spored.
  6. It is discussed that sporulationof yeast is induced by a balanceof metabolism, rather thanby one definite "sporulation substrate".
1 Present address: Laboratory of Microbiology, Department ofAgriculture, T{circumflex}hoku University, Sendai. (Received May 23, 1961; )  相似文献   

  1. The longer the period of stock culture, the more remarkableis the growth inhibition by 8-azaguanine in callus.
  2. Chloramphenicol,5-methyltryptophane and mitomycin C exert greaterinhibitionon growth in CCL than in CCS.
  3. Bud formation is inhibited bysome concentrations of chloramphenicolwithout accompanyinginhibition of the growth.
  4. Cell size and the contents of RNA,DNA, protein and lipid percell of CCL are greater than thoseof CCS, respectively. Thecontents per cell of RNA and lipidin "mitochondrial fraction"are higher in CCL than in CCS.
  5. Incorporationof guanine-8-14C into RNA of CCS occurs rapidlyin the first12 hr and slows down thereafter, but that in CCL-RNAincreasessteadily for 16 hr. This difference in rate of theincorporationafter 12 hr between CCS and CCL is principallydue to the differencein rate of the incorporation into RNAof nuclear, mitochondrialand soluble fractions.
  1. The rate of RNA breakdown in CCL wasnot so great as the rateof synthesis.
  2. 8-azaguanine (10–3and 10–4M) inhibits incorporationof guanine-8.14C intoRNA of both CCS and CCL during 14 hr,but thereafter (up to25 hr) it inhibits the incorporation intoCCL-RNA alone leavingthat into CCS-RNA unaffected.
  1. In CCL 510–5M 8.azaguaninedoes not affect total radioactivityincorporated into bulk RNA,but inhibits incorporation intoRNA of "mitochondrial fraction".
(Received December 23, 1964; )  相似文献   

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