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The typical feeding response of the Crown of Thorns Starfish Acanthaster planci (L.) can be induced by mucoproteins of molecular weight greater than 200,000 daltons found in mucus obtained from corals of the genera Acropora and Fungia.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Eggs of bullhead ( Cottus gobio ) were found with damaged shells and with the contents removed. Experiments in laboratory aquaria indicated that the damage was caused by caddis larvae and that the type of caddis involved in egg predation might be identified by the nature of the shell damage.  相似文献   

Miller (1967) has indicated that the coexistence of Apodemus sylvaticus and A. flavicollis may be possible if A. flavicollis, a species with a more restricted niche, is competitively superior in interspecific encounters. Intra- and interspecific behaviour of male and female A. sylvaticus and A. flavicollis was examined in dyadic encounters in a small arena. Interactions between conspecifics indicate that intraspecific behaviour in A. sylvaticus and A. flavicollis is similar but, in interspecific interactions there were more submissive and agonistic acts, and less introductory and amicable behaviour. A. flavicollis was dominant to A. sylvaticus in 63 out of 70 encounters and A. sylvaticus dominant in only one. This superiority may contribute to the persistence of small, localized populations of A. flavicollis despite the presence of A. sylvaticus.  相似文献   

The predation potential of littoral mysid shrimps (Mysidacea) on Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras L.) eggs and yolk-sac larvae was studied experimentally. The results showed that littoral mysids feed actively on both eggs and yolk-sac larvae. It was shown that Neomysis integer preys on eggs, which are not attached to the substrate. Alternative food (yolk-sac larvae or zooplankton) did not decrease feeding rate on eggs. Only gravel as a bottom material lowered the ingestion rate to nearly zero. The largest of the mysid species Praunus flexuosus ate yolk-sac larvae more than other mysids and most efficiently. Mysids switched to feed on eggs when larvae and eggs were offered simultaneously, thus predation focused on eggs. It is possible that hydrodynamic signals of moving larvae induced mysids to prey and eggs were easier prey to catch as well as more numerous. In addition egg size is optimal and the nutritive value (measured as C:N ratio) is better compared with larvae. The results indicate that mysids may have local effects on populations of Baltic herring by eating the early life stages, mostly eggs. Especially when large swarms of N. integer shoal in the spawning areas. However, the effect on recruitment of herring is still hard to evaluate.  相似文献   

The structure of the brachiolar arms and adhesive disk of the brachiolaria larvae of Stichaster australis (Verrill) and Coscinasterias calamaria (Gray) was determined from light microscopy and from scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The structure of these organs was very similar in both species.The brachiolar arms are comprised of a stem region terminating in a crown of adhesive papillae which are made up of a variety of secretory cell types. Principal among these are elongated cells producing very electron-dense secretory particles, which are released at the free cell surface attached to cilia. Secretory particles appear to be important in temporary attachment of the brachiolar arms to the substratum. Ciliary sense cells, possibly used in the recognition of specific substrata are located at the tip of adhesive papillae.The adhesive disk is comprised of large cells packed with secretory droplets and elongated intracellular fibres. In the attached adhesive disk, secretory droplets are lost, having formed the cement that attaches the disk to the substratum. It appears that adhesive papillae lateral to the adhesive disk hold the disk in position close to the substratum during secretion and hardening of the cement. The intracellular fibres are the principal anchoring structures running from microvilli (locked into the attachment cement) on the surface of the disk to the underlying connective tissue of the attachment stalk.  相似文献   

Changes in the ‘free’ amino acids, betaine, and trimethylamine oxide during the development of the eggs of Balanus balanoides (L.) and B. balanus (L.) have been determined; the results are given in terms of μM/g dry wt, μM/g water, and μM/106 eggs. The amino acids are derived from the yolk proteins the net composition of which is known. Free amino acids are present in considerable quantity, as is commonly the case with crustacean tissue. Changes in the individual amino acids are discussed. B. balanus eggs contain large, and relatively constant, amounts of sarcosine; its function is unknown but large quantities are present in the more highly evolved cirripedes so far examined. A possible relation between betaine glycine, and sarcosine relative to choline metabolism is considered. Large amounts of taurine are present. There is a striking increase in β-alanine in the late stages of development; in B. balanoides it comes to be the most, and in B. balanus the third most common amino acid; its possible involvement in purine metabolism is considered. The relation between the amounts of the various entities in the eggs and in the bodies of the adult are examined.  相似文献   

The escape response of Atlantic cod larvae (Gadus morhua) 25 and 47 days post hatch (dph) - either fed or deprived of food for three days - was studied. Larval escape responses were provoked by water movement from the suction of a fixed-position pipette. Escape latency, distance, speed, burst speed, and vertical and lateral escape angles were quantified using motion tracking software designed for 3-D silhouette video recordings. Escape performance, expressed as escape distance and escape speed, improved with age. The escape angles were normally distributed and highly variable, ranging from − 170° to 170° and − 40° to 105° for lateral and vertical escape angles respectively. No food deprivation-induced effects in any of the behaviours were found, suggesting that there are no condition-related behavioural effects (size-independent effects) in escape response performance after 3 d of food deprivation. This may reflect a negligible difference in the cost/benefit equation for fed vs. food-deprived larvae in performing an escape response when under attack.  相似文献   

Observations of biochemical changes in the pyloric caeca of Asterias rubens L. in different nutritional states and at different stages of the reproductive cycle show the existence of an annual cycle in the pyloric caeca. This pyloric cycle is closely related to that of the gonads. During the gonadal rest (May to September, when the gonads are barely visible) the pyloric caeca grow and store glycogen. During gonadal activity (October to April), they progressively autolyse and first accumulate, then liberate, lipid reserves. This winter pyloric autolysis provides the gonads with the structural material necessary for their annual growth. The summer pyloric growth must be interpreted as the accumulation of the structural material. Under normal conditions, during gonadal rest, the pyloric glycogen reserves ensure the survival of the animal. Pyloric lipid reserves appear only at the beginning of gonadal activity. Their synthesis is intimately related to the start of the gonadal activity of which they are the principal energy source. We believe that the pyloric cycle is under control of hormones that could be transported through the haemal system.The pyloric caeca are the only reserve organs of starfish. Neither the other digestive organs nor the body wall accumulate energy reserves. During starvation of medium duration (2 to 4 weeks) the pyloric caeca suffice to ensure the survival of the animal by liberating their reserve material and simultaneously starting to autolyse. During prolonged starvation, general autolysis occurs and the size of the starfish diminishes.  相似文献   

The pediveliger of Pecten maximus (L.) has a pair of statocysts situated at the base of the foot on either side of a bilobed pedal ganglion. The statocysts consist of a spherical sac connected to the mantle cavity by a cylindrical ciliated canal. Within the sac there are statoconia which are variable both in shape and structure. The cells of the sac are joined by septate desmosomes. There is a non-ciliated cell in each sac containing a variety of granules some of which resemble certain of the statoconia. The remainder of the sac is composed of hair cells, which bear a circular array of radiating cilia. The basal bodies and horizontal striated roots of these cilia are directed radially. The hair cells give rise to thin processes which probably join together to form the static nerve. This nerve runs from the static canal to the pleural ganglion.  相似文献   

A lectin that agglutinates human blood group B erythrocytes but not blood group A and O erythrocytes was isolated from eggs of Ayu sweet fish (Plecoglossus altivelis). The lectin also agglutinates Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells but not rat ascites hepatoma AH109 or rat sarcoma 150 cells tested. The lectin agglutination was most effectively inhibited by monosaccharides with the first type of configuration, i.e., L-rhamnose, L-mannose and L-lyxose at a concentration of 0.03 mM. The lectin agglutination was moderately inhibited by monosaccharides with the second type of configuration, i.e., D-galactose, D-fucose and D-galacturonic acid at a concentration of 0.4 mM. However, the agglutination was not inhibited by various other monosaccharides and oligosaccharides that have other types of configuration. The basis for an apparent B-specific hemagglutination may be due to the steric similarity of the C2 and C4 of the galactosyl series, the B-specific determinant, and the L-rhamnosyl series, which are the best inhibitors of the lectin activity. The lectin was affinity purified on an L-rhamnosyl-Sepharose column and was characterized as a homogeneous low molecular weight protein (Mr 14 000) with an abundance of hydrophobic amino acids and dicarboxylic amino acid.  相似文献   

Feeding behaviour is induced in the crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planet (L.), by two kinds of chemical stimulus originating in coral. One is macromolecular, and the other of low molecular weight, largely accounted for by small peptides and amino acids.It is found that, under experimental conditions, starfish rapidly habituate to a chemical stimulus which at first strongly induces feeding behaviour.The pronounced withdrawal response which occurs when a crude extract of coral is applied to the starfish (a response apparently identical with that evoked by contact with live coral) is caused by a component which corresponds closely in chromatographie behaviour with proline. Proline itself produces the response, but is present at too low a concentration in coral to account for the observed activity.  相似文献   

The settling behaviour is described and substratum preferences of advances brachiolaria larvae of Stichaster australis (Verrill) and Coscinasterias calamaria (Gray) were determined with larvae reared in the laboratory and the results correlated with field observations of habitat preferences of juvenile starfish at Maori Bay on the west coast of Auckland, New Zealand.C. calamaria larvae settled on almost any hard substratum provided it was coated with a ‘primary’ film. Recently metamorphosed C. calamaria could not be found at Maori Bay and it is inferred that there is low recruitment from the plankton to the Maori Bay population.S. australis larvae would only settle, metamorphose, and feed on the encrusting coralline alga Mesophyllum insigne (Foslie) Adey. Nursery areas of offshore boulders covered with this alga are present at Maori Bay and these were found to support populations of juvenile starfish. M. insigne appears to provide a stable and abundant food source for juvenile S. australis.  相似文献   

Conventional theory postulates that associations between marine macrophytes and animals are generally positive. This paper presents evidence, however, that a common species of green macroalga, Ulva lactuca (L.), is detrimental to estuarine invertebrates due to the production of toxic exudates and low oxygen tensions which occur in the seaweed beds at night. Bioassays of the responses of zoeae of five species of estuarine crabs (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, Carcinus maenas L., Eurypanopeus depressus Smith, Neopanope texana savi Smith and Rhithropanopeus harissii Gould), using water in which Ulva lactuca was cultured for 24 h, produced 100% mortality after 22 days. No crabs survived the molt into megalopa. Hypoxic water, 0.5 ± 0.3 ppm oxygen, caused a decline in larval activity (movement), but there was no mortality over an 8-h period, Ulva-water purged to 0.4 ± 0.1 ppm oxygen caused 100% mortality in 13–40 min. These synergistic effects could be critical in estuaries where dense U. lactuca beds cause periods of low dissolved oxygen. We hypothesize larval recruitment may be limited in such systems, particularly in areas where flushing is poor.  相似文献   

Bos taurus indicus cattle are less susceptible to infestation with Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus than Bos taurus taurus cattle but the immunological basis of this difference is not understood. We compared the dynamics of leukocyte infiltrations (T cell subsets, B cells, major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-expressing cells, granulocytes) in the skin near the mouthparts of larvae of R. microplus in B. t. indicus and B. t. taurus cattle. Previously naïve cattle were infested with 50,000 larvae (B. t. indicus) or 10,000 larvae (B. t. taurus) weekly for 6 weeks. One week after the last infestation all of the animals were infested with 20,000 larvae of R. microplus. Skin punch biopsies were taken from all animals on the day before the primary infestation and from sites of larval attachment on the day after the first, second, fourth and final infestations. Infiltrations with CD3+, CD4+, CD8+ and γδ T cells followed the same pattern in both breeds, showing relatively little change during the first four weekly infestations, followed by substantial increases at 7 weeks post-primary infestation. There was a tendency for more of all cell types except granulocytes to be observed in the skin of B. t. indicus cattle but the differences between the two breeds were consistently significant only for γδ T cells. Granulocyte infiltrations increased more rapidly from the day after infestation and were higher in B. t. taurus cattle than in B. t. indicus. Granulocytes and MHC class II-expressing cells infiltrated the areas closest to the mouthparts of larvae. A large volume of granulocyte antigens was seen in the gut of attached, feeding larvae.  相似文献   

This study assesses the effects of commercial trawling on benthic fauna, by analysing differences in the population structure and diet of benthic organisms inhabiting fishing grounds. The study is focused on two epifaunal species collected from a fishing ground in the north-western Mediterranean, which included a portion of un-trawled seabed used as a reference of undisturbed community. The selected species were the flatfish Citharus linguatula, more abundant at the undisturbed site and previously characterised as a surface predator and vulnerable to trawling, and the starfish Astropecten irregularis, which dominated the epibenthic community and had been characterised as an opportunistic species with low vulnerability to trawling. Both species were selective feeders and ingested similar prey species at each of the two sites, although differences in the relative prey abundance found in the stomachs occurred between sites. A. irregularis at the fished site mainly ingested gastropods, whereas higher proportion of bivalves was ingested at the undisturbed site. C. linguatula diet mainly composed of crustaceans at both sites, but there was an increase in the ingestion of small fish at the fished site. Moreover, prey ingestion of these two species generally increased with fishing activity. Trawling appears to modify the diet of these two species in terms of relative abundance of ingested prey, nevertheless, increased opportunism due to trawling disturbance was not detected and the density of these predators over fishing grounds was more closely related to their vulnerability to trawling.  相似文献   

Data on the amount of ‘spawn’ of Littorina littorea (L.) held in the laboratory for varying periods of time during the breeding season have been used for an analysis of the pattern of egg production. It has been shown that there is good evidence for seasonality of breeding in the population studied, and that there are both diurnal and longer time scale fluctuations in spawn output. There is a strong indication of a lunar/tidal rhythm in spawning, but this is not conclusively proved. A limited number of experiments have failed to show any effect of temperature fluctuations on spawning, and there is no evidence of the entrainment of a rhythm when the snails are brought into the laboratory.  相似文献   

Synopsis Dispersal of eggs, embryos and larvae appears to be an effective mechanism for maintaining the densities of fish larvae at sea below levels at which competition for food becomes a critical survival factor. A hypothesis that competition is the selective agent for the evolution of dispersal, also involving unfavourable transportation as a trade-off of dispersal, is proposed. The validity of this hypothesis is investigated by seeking for adaptive connections between the dispersal or retention tendencies and the ecological or biological properties of the species.  相似文献   

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