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The occurrence of 37-collar spined echinostome metacercariae in freshwater snails was investigated in 6 districts of Chiang Mai Province, Thailand, from October 2011 to April 2012. A total of 2,914 snails that belong to 12 species were examined, and 7 snail species (Clea helena, Eyriesia eyriesi, Bithynia funiculata, Bithynia siamensis siamensis, Filopaludina doliaris, Filopaludina sumatrensis polygramma, and Filopaludina martensi martensi) were found infected with echinostome metacercariae. The prevalence of metacercariae was the highest in Filopaludina spp. (38.5-58.7%) followed by B. funiculata (44.0%), E. eyriesi (12.5%), B. siamensis siamensis (8.2%), and C. helena (5.1%). Metacercariae were experimentally fed to hamsters and domestic chicks, and adult flukes were recovered from both hosts at days 15 and 20 post-infection. The adult flukes were identified based on morphological features, morphometrics, host-parasite relationships, and geographical distribution. They were compatible to Echinostoma revolutum or Echinostoma jurini, with only minor differences. As the adults were recovered from both hamsters and chicks, our specimens were more compatible to E. revolutum rather than E. jurini (reported only from mammals). This is the first report for metacercariae of E. revolutum in the snail host, C. helena, and also confirmed that Filopaludina spp., E. eryresi, and Bithynia spp. act as the second intermediate hosts of E. revolutum under natural conditions, which are indigenously distributed in Chiang Mai province.  相似文献   

Two species of fish-eating bird namely, Amaurornis phoenicurus and Ardeola bacchus were fed with infective larvae of Capillaria philippinensis in Gambusia holbrookii. Intestinal capillariasis was able to establish in all three A. phoenicurus and one of three A. bacchus. Prepatent period in A. phoenicurus ranged from 22 to 30 days, whereas in A. bacchus it was 16 days after infection. Auto-infection was observed in all susceptible birds and the protective immunity had developed in one of A. phoenicurus used.  相似文献   

Hirsch R. P. 1979. Distribution of Polymorphus minutus among its intermediate hosts. International journal for Parasitology10: 243–248. In 1971, Crofton investigated patterns of distribution of Polymorphus minutus in the intermediate host, Gammarus pulex. Among his conclusions were: (1) P. minutus populations occur in patterns similar to negative binomial distributions, and (2) parasite-induced host mortality results in patterns similar to truncated (high end) negative binomial distributions. Those conclusions, however, were not tested by statistical analyses. To test Crofton's observations, Chi-square goodness of fit tests were applied to data used by Crofton and an additional two stations sampled by Hynes & Nicholas in 1963. Analyses were expanded to include five theoretical distributions, four patterns of host mortality and various rates of host mortality. Truncated forms of negative binomial, positive binomial and Poisson distributions were also investigated where nontruncated distributions failed to fit observed distributions. It was found that negative binomial distributions most frequently describe patterns of P. minutus distribution with the exception of one population described by Poisson and another by positive binomial distributions. Crofton's assumption that truncated distributions result from parasite-induced host mortality seems unlikely in light of those analyses.  相似文献   

A survey was performed in order to determine the infection status of the metacercariae of heterophyid fluke in two goby species, Boleophthalmus pectinirostris and Scartelaos sp., collected from Gangjin-gun, and Shinangun, Sooncheon-shi, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea. A total of three metacercariae of Heterophyopsis continua was found in only one B. pectinirostris (10.0%) from Gangjin-gun. Heterophyes nocens metacercariae were detected in 24 B. pectinirostris (96.0%) and 14 Scartelaos sp. (63.6%) from Shinan-gun. Heterophyopsis continua metacercariae were found in 11 B. pectinirostris (44.0%) and 21 Scartelaos sp. (95.5%) from Shinan-gun. Stictodora fuscata metacercariae were detected in 18 B. pectinirostris (72.0%) from Shinan-gun. No metacercariae were detected in 20 B. pectinirostris from Sooncheon-shi. From the above results, this study is the first to prove that B. pectinirostris and Scartelaos sp. serve as the second intermediate hosts of some heterophyid flukes in Korea.  相似文献   

The distribution of estuarine and freshwater fish species caught during the Swedish-Russian Expedition' Tundra Ecology–94'is presented. Thirteen sites along the Russian part of the Arctic Sea coast were sampled and a total of 21 fish species of the families Salmonidae, Coregonidae, Thymallidae, Osmeridae, Cyprinidae, Catostomidae, Balitoridae, Gadidae, Gasterosteidae, Percidae, Cottidae, Pleuronectidae were recorded. Some records were new to particular basins.  相似文献   

  1. Mechanisms driving patterns of occurrence and co-occurrence among North American freshwater fishes are poorly understood. In particular, the influence of biotic interactions on coexistence among stream reaches and their effects on regional species distribution patterns is not well understood for congeneric headwater fishes.
  2. Occupancy models provide a useful framework for examining patterns of co-occurrence while also accounting for imperfect detection. Occupancy models may be extended to test for evidence that a dominant species influences the occurrence of a subordinate species and thus evaluate support for the hypothesis that species interactions drive patterns of coexistence.
  3. We examined patterns of occurrence and co-occurrence at the stream-reach scale among three species of darters (Percidae: Etheostomatinae) that occupy headwater streams within a Gulf Coastal Plain drainage in the south-eastern U.S.A. We assessed species occurrences at 97 sites in first- to third-order streams on one occasion each and used data from four sub-reaches sampled with equal effort at each site to estimate species-specific detection probabilities. Following sampling, a suite of habitat variables was collected at three equidistant points along each of the three transects established within a sub-reach. Coarse (stream-segment, catchment, network) scale variables were also incorporated using geospatial data. Single-species and two-species occupancy models were used to examine patterns of occupancy and coexistence.
  4. The occupancy of each species was influenced by distinct habitat variables. Goldstripe darters (Etheostoma parvipinne) were constrained by a stream size gradient, groundwater input appeared to influence the occurrence of Yazoo darters (Etheostoma raneyi), and local habitat heterogeneity (e.g. variation in depth and current velocity) appeared to influence the occupancy of redspot darters (Etheostoma artesiae).
  5. We found no evidence that the presence of one species influenced the occurrence of another within a stream-reach based on two-species occupancy models. Rather, species co-occurrences were best explained as independent occurrences within a stream-reach according to species-specific habitat associations.
  6. Occupancy modelling may provide a suitable framework for evaluating the influence of biotic interactions among congeneric stream fishes along species-specific habitat gradients at the stream reach scale. Our study offers insight into how habitat variation can influence coexistence of potential competitors across a large river system.

Abstract.  A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based assay was used for the specific detection of Habronema microstoma and Habronema muscae (Nematoda, Spirurida) in order to identify the intermediate hosts of both nematode species under field conditions. A total of 1087 netted and 165 laboratory-bred flies were tested. Flies were identified as Musca domestica Linnaeus 1758, Musca autumnalis De Geer 1776, Haematobia irritans (Linnaeus 1758), Haematobia titillans (De Geer 1907) and Stomoxys calcitrans (Linnaeus 1758) (Muscidae). Genomic DNA was extracted from pools of fly heads, thoraces and abdomens, and 703 samples were subjected to a duplex two-step semi-nested PCR assay to specifically detect diagnostic regions within the ribosomal ITS2 sequence of both H. microstoma and H. muscae . Stomoxys calcitrans specimens were positive for H. microstoma DNA and M. domestica specimens were positive for H. muscae DNA. In particular, PCR-positive samples derived from both farm-netted and laboratory-bred flies. The present study represents the first evidence of the vectorial competence of different fly species as intermediate hosts of Habronema stomachworms under field conditions. We discuss the roles of S. calcitrans and M. domestica in transmitting H. microstoma and H. muscae .  相似文献   

The infection rate of the first stage larval nematodes, Elaphostrongylus rangiferi, was studied experimentally, using the juvenile snail Arianta arbustorum as intermediate host. The nematode showed a linear, fivefold increase in infection rate within the temperature range of 4 to 28 C. The snails were exposed to the larval nematodes on three different substrates. The highest infection rate was recorded when snails were exposed in tap water and significantly slower infection rates were obtained when either lettuce or soil was used as the substrate. First stage larvae of E. rangiferi were infective for at least 2 months when stored at 12 C. Throughout this period, the infection rate showed a significant decline, while the motility of the larvae remained unchanged.  相似文献   

1. Freshwater mussels are critically endangered in North America, making it important to understand their environmental requirements at all life stages. As glochidia (larvae), they attach to fish hosts where they undergo substantial mortality, making this transition important in their life cycle. Larval host fish requirements have typically been described using data from laboratory infestations to determine suitable hosts. 2. Laboratory infestations circumvent many natural barriers that prevent infestation of physiologically compatible fishes by mussel larvae. While such methods are invaluable for identifying ‘physiological hosts,’ they cannot fully describe realised ‘ecological hosts’ in the field. 3. We studied Popenaias popeii in the Black River in New Mexico, because it is of conservation concern and it is the only mussel species present, facilitating identification of glochidial infestation. To explore the difference between physiological hosts and ecological hosts, we conducted a 3‐year field study of fishes infested by P. popeii glochidia. 4. Substantially fewer fish species were infested by P. popeii in the wild (10 of 20 observed) than had been identified as physiological hosts in laboratory trials (24 of 31). We combined data on fish abundance, proportion of fish hosts infested (prevalence) and the number of glochidia per fish (intensity) and identified three fish species that probably contributed substantially more to mussel recruitment by carrying more glochidia than other host species. 5. Similarities in behaviour among these fishes allowed us to hypothesise routes of infestation, such as benthos‐feeding by catostomids, that allow glochidia to infest these hosts at higher rates than other suitable hosts. Overall, this approach provides a method of quantifying the relative importance of different species of host fish in the mussel lifecycle.  相似文献   

Freshwater fishes are an important but relatively little known component of the highly diverse fish fauna of Micronesia. Localities supporting communities of freshwater fishes include large high islands, with considerable habitat complexity, and smaller low islands, such as atolls and raised coral islands, with limited freshwater habitat. Both types of islands may support species with adult life history styles that are (a) amphidromous and catadromous, (b) euryhaline (often estuarine), or (c) marine species which enter freshwater from time to time. We compared patterns of species richness and similarity between Micronesian localities for amphidromous and catadromous, euryhaline and marine species (ACEM) pooled, and for amphidromous and catadromous species (ACFW). Species richness of both ACEM and ACFW fishes was greatest on larger high islands compared to smaller high and all low islands. Cluster analysis of similarity indices for ACEM species between localities revealed two faunal components: high islands and low islands. High islands were further partitioned into a Caroline Islands cluster and a separate Mariana Islands cluster. Cluster analysis of ACFW species was more complex. One cluster consisted of a low island and a small high island, both in the Carolines chain and with limited freshwater habitat. The second cluster was partitioned into high islands and low islands that reflected influences of both size and geographical location.  相似文献   

Various species of dung beetle serve as intermediate hosts after ingesting the embryonated eggs (11–15 × 30–37 µm) of Spirocerca lupi (Spirurida: Spirocercidae) in dog faeces. The feeding mechanisms of coprophagous dung beetles restrict the size of the food particles they can ingest and hence may determine which species can be efficient vectors for S. lupi. In this study, we aimed to exclude certain dung beetle species as possible hosts of S. lupi based on whether or not they ingested latex beads of known diameters mixed into fresh cattle dung. We found that the majority (11/14) of species tested can potentially serve as intermediate hosts of S. lupi because their mouthparts allow the passage of food particles larger than the minimum size range of the eggs of this parasite.  相似文献   

Despite ongoing efforts to protect species and ecosystems in Cuba, habitat degradation, overuse and introduction of alien species have posed serious challenges to native freshwater fish species. In spite of the accumulated knowledge on the systematics of this freshwater ichthyofauna, recent results suggested that we are far from having a complete picture of the Cuban freshwater fish diversity. It is estimated that 40% of freshwater Cuban fish are endemic; however, this number may be even higher. Partial sequences (652 bp) of the mitochondrial gene COI (cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) were used to barcode 126 individuals, representing 27 taxonomically recognized species in 17 genera and 10 families. Analysis was based on Kimura 2-parameter genetic distances, and for four genera a character-based analysis (population aggregation analysis) was also used. The mean conspecific, congeneric and confamiliar genetic distances were 0.6%, 9.1% and 20.2% respectively. Molecular species identification was in concordance with current taxonomical classification in 96.4% of cases, and based on the neighbour-joining trees, in all but one instance, members of a given genera clustered within the same clade. Within the genus Gambusia, genetic divergence analysis suggests that there may be at least four cryptic species. In contrast, low genetic divergence and a lack of diagnostic sites suggest that Rivulus insulaepinorum may be conspecific with Rivulus cylindraceus. Distance and character-based analysis were completely concordant, suggesting that they complement species identification. Overall, the results evidenced the usefulness of the DNA barcodes for cataloguing Cuban freshwater fish species and for identifying those groups that deserve further taxonomic attention.  相似文献   

Two parasitoids,Pteromalus cerealellae (Ashmead) andAnisopteromalus calandrae (Howard) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), were compared for their ability to parasitize two important internally-developing insect pests of stored maize (Zea mays L.). Parasitism byP. cerealellae was greater on Angoumois grain moth,Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier), than on maize weevil,Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, in no-choice experiments.Anisopteromalus calandrae parasitized more maize weevils than didP. cerealellae. The former parasitoid parasitized only a few Angoumois grain moths successfully in maize, but parasitized many in wheat if the hosts were younger than 3 weeks old. Thus, both host age and type of grain affect suitability for parasitism. The effects of parental host (species on which the female developed) and experimental host (species exposed to parasitism) on parasitism rate ofP. cerealellae were tested in a host-switching experiment. Parasitism by parasitoids reared on maize weevils was 23% lower than that of parasitoids reared on Angoumois grain moth. This effect was independent of which host the filial generation of parasitoids was tested on. However, the experimental host species had a much greater effect on parasitoid fecundity than the parental host species. Female progeny had smaller body sizes when emerging from maize weevil than from Angoumois grain moth, which may explain the parental host effect on fecundity. There was also a slight intergenerational effect of host species on parasitoid body size.  相似文献   

Rohan Pethiyagoda 《Hydrobiologia》1994,285(1-3):189-201
Sixty-two freshwater dispersant (26 endemic), 26 saltwater dispersant and 20 exotic fishes have been recorded from Sri Lanka's inland waters. The discovery of nine new species of freshwater fish during the past decade suggests that Sri Lanka's fish fauna is not yet well known and that further discoveries can be expected. All the new species, and almost all the endemic ones, have been recorded from forested areas in the foothills of the southwestern wet zone and the Knuckles hills. The known ranges of many species are exceedingly small; almost all of them are habitat specialists. 25 species have at least two strong habitat preferences (in almost all case, shade being one), though a majority (32 species) have none. Habitat alteration is therefore the greatest threat to their survival.Eight freshwater fish species are considered endangered and a further five, vulnerable. Three species are rare, 18 common and 13 abundant. All but two of the endangered species and all the vulnerable species are endemic in Sri Lanka. Nine species are each restricted to only one drainage basin, and seven have a known range < 50 km2. Three species of diadromous gobies known only from small populations are considered vulnerable.Examination of the existing threats suggest that deforestation, the widespread dispersion of exotics, pollution caused by agricultural chemicals and increasing pressure from the food fishery present the greatest threats to fish populations. While the endemic fishes are restricted to or most abundant in the wet zone, the overwhelming extent (> 95%) of Sri Lanka's nature reserve areas are in the dry zone. A programme to maintain self-sustaining captive populations of the endangered species is urgently necessary.  相似文献   

The efficient collection of fishes from structurally complex environments (e.g., coral reefs, kelp forests) is difficult because conventional collecting methods generally cannot be used and many of the fishes are mobile and active. We describe the design, operation, and application of a diver-propelled net for efficiently collecting many species of benthic fish that reside on coral reefs and on kelp-forested rocky reefs. The overall size of the net and mesh size of the netting can be adjusted according to the size and behavior of targeted species to minimize drag and damage to specimens. Altering these dimensions combined with proper use of the net can result in a high rate of capture success. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic data were analysed from 49 species of freshwater fish, 57 species of marine fish, and seven anadromous species. For each species, at least 15 individuals had been assayed for at least 15 loci in two or more subpopulations. The results showed that while average total heterozygosity ( T ) was approximately equal in freshwater and marine species (0·062 and 0·064 respectively), subpopulation heterozygosity ( s ) was significantly less in the former group (0·046 and 0·059 respectively). Consequently the average degree of genetic subpopulation differentiation ( ST ) was significantly greater for freshwater species (0·222 v. 0·062). On average, it is likely that marine subpopulations exchange between 10 and 100 times more migrants per generation than freshwater subpopulations, presumably because of the relative absence of barriers to dispersal in the marine environment. The reduced values of Hs in freshwater species are likely to reflect reduced effective subpopulation sizes relative to marine species. The few andromous species that have been analysed show intermediate levels of GST .  相似文献   

Synopsis The seasonal transmission ofRaphidascaris acus was studied in two small lakes on Manitoulin Island, Ontario. Dragonfly nymphs and caddisfly larvae, acting as paratenic hosts, contained second-stage larvae. Several fishes, including percids and cyprinids, were intermediate hosts with second, third, and fourth-stage larvae in the liver. Yellow perch,Perca flavescens, was the most important of these. Intensities were up to 928 and increased with length and age of the perch; prevalence was 100%. Abundance ofR. acus tended to be higher in females but was not related to condition of the perch. Second-stage larvae were acquired from invertebrates in summer and developed to the fourth stage by November. They became surrounded by fibrous capsules during the next summer but remained alive for at least another year. The longevity of larvae in the intermediate host may ensure survival of the parasite through periods of low host abundance after winterkill. Northern pike,Esox lucius, was the definitive host. Abundance ofR. acus tended to be greater in larger pike but was not related to sex or condition of the fish. The parasite was acquired in late fall. Prevalence was 100% and mean intensities were over 200 in winter and spring, declining to 64–100% and less than 15, respectively, in summer. Mature worms were present from early spring through summer. Seasonality of infection in the definitive host is not attributable to seasonal availability of larvae in perch. Instead it may be controlled by timing of predation on perch and rate of development and longevity of the parasite. Transmission to pike apparently continues in summer. Low intensity may result from low recruitment rate and rapid turnover of the parasite population.  相似文献   

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