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Phototaxis mazes have been employed to select photopositive and photonegative strains of Drosophila simulans. The results suggest that phototactic behavior in D. simulans, as in other Drosophila species, is a polygenic trait. Hybridization using divergent strains revealed that the genes controlling negative phototactic behavior in D. simulans are autosomal, as opposed to D. melanogaster in which negative phototactic behavior is known to be very strongly sex-linked.  相似文献   

Synopsis We studied Sacramento River white sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, in the laboratory to develop a conceptual model of ontogenetic behavior and provide insight into probable behavior of wild sturgeon. After hatching, free embryos initiated a low intensity, brief downstream dispersal during which fish swam near the bottom and were photonegative. The weak, short dispersal style and behavior of white sturgeon free embryos contrasts greatly with the intense, long dispersal style and behavior (photopositive and swimming far above the bottom) of dispersing free embryos of other sturgeon species. If spawned eggs are concentrated within a few kilometers downstream of a spawning site, the adaptive significance of the free embryo dispersal is likely to move fish away from the egg deposition site to avoid predation and reduce fish density prior to feeding. Larvae foraged on the open bottom, swam <1 m above the bottom, aggregated, but did not disperse. Early juveniles initiated a strong dispersal with fish strongly vigorously swimming downstream. Duration of the juvenile dispersal is unknown, but the strong swimming likely disperses fish many kilometers. Recruitment failure in white sturgeon populations may be a mis-match between the innate fish dispersal and post-dispersal rearing habitat, which is now highly altered by damming and reservoirs. Sacramento River white sturgeon has a two-step downstream dispersal by the free embryo and juvenile life intervals. Diel activity of all life intervals peaked at night, whether fish were dispersing or foraging. Nocturnal behavior is likely a response to predation, which occurs during both activities. An intense black-tail body color was present on foraging larvae, but was weak or absent on the two life intervals that disperse. Black-tail color may be an adaptation for avoiding predation, signaling among aggregated larvae, or both, but not for dispersal.  相似文献   

Along the Mediterranean sandy shores, Eurydice affinis Hansen, Gastrosaccus mediterraneus Bacescu and Gastrosaccus spinifer (Goës) are present during the day in the sand of the beaches, either near the limit of the wave wash or in the superficial fringe of the infralittoral. In the evening there is a general emergence and the animals rejoin the planktonic populations of the open sea.All the three species when kept in aktographs under constant conditions and continuous darkness exhibit a circadian rhythm of emergence and swimming activity of nocturnal frequency. The rhythm is clear and in the two Gastrosaccinae persists for ten days at least; it has been observed over about fifty days in G. spinifer. In E. affinis, the rhythm is only on some occasions clear; one frequently observes a permanent burying in the sediment, in which case the swimming rhythm can be brought to light by a mechanical disturbance or the withdrawal of the sediment.A study of the changes in the photokinetic reactions in a horizontal beam of white light, with intensities varying from 4000 to 10?6 lux, allow the synchronization of the rhythms to be ascribed to a slight photonegative tendency of the animals at intensities > 1000 lux and a photopositive tendency, often marked, at lower intensities. The variations in the intensity of the reactions in the three species allows an explanation of the autonomous rhythms.A comparison between the photokinetic reactions of these species and those of the infralittoral Peracarida, which migrate in the nocturnal plankton, shows great differences with respect to light intensity. In the latter, the phototaxis is strongly negative and frequently accompanied by a strong photo-inhibition while in the former the phototaxis is still often positive and the kinesis is high. The photopositive reaction allows the animals to rejoin their daytime habitat soon after dawn when the swimming activity decreases.  相似文献   

Stage II nauplii of Balanus improvisus (Darwin) were obtained from laboratory-maintained adult barnacles. The immediate phototactic and photokinetic response of laboratory nauplii to light stimuli of known wavelength (460–540 nm) and quantal intensity was determined through use of closed-circuit videotape recordings quantified for computer analysis. Spectral and light intensity responses were compared with previous results using nauplii collected from the plankton. In both cases, nauplii exhibit a primary peak response to light near 480 nm and a secondary peak near 520 nm. Although the spectral response and basic patterns of photobehavior remain similar in field and laboratory nauplii, sensitivity to light intensity is significantly reduced in laboratory nauplii. Responses of fed and 24-h starved laboratory nauplii were also compared at three salinities (15, 20, 30‰). Starvation for 24 h, although inducing no major change in photopositive and photokinetic response of nauplii, can slightly depress spontaneous swimming speed and raise the threshold of intensity response for phototaxis.  相似文献   

The Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, is an anadromous protected species that presently only spawns in the Yangtze River. Using laboratory experiments, we examined the behavioral preference of young Chinese sturgeon to physical habitat (water depth, illumination intensity, substrate color, and cover) and monitored their downstream migration. Hatchling free embryos were photopositive, preferred open habitat, and immediately upon hatching, swam far above the bottom using swim-up and drift. Downstream migration peaked on days 0–1, decreased about 50% or more during days 2–7, and ceased by day 8. Days 0–1 migrants were active both day and night, but days 2–7 migrants were most active during the day. After ceasing migration, days 8–11 embryos were photonegative, preferred dark substrate and sought cover. Free embryos developed into larvae and began feeding on day 12, when another shift in behavior occurred–larvae returned to photopositive behavior and preferred white substrate. The selective factor favoring migration of free embryos upon hatching and swimming far above the bottom may be avoidance of benthic predatory fishes. Free embryos, which must rely on yolk energy for activity and growth, only used 19 cumulative temperature degree-days for peak migration compared to 234 degree-days for growth to first feeding larvae, a 1:12 ratio of cumulative temperature units. This ratio suggests that sturgeon species with large migratory embryos, like Chinese sturgeon, which require a high level of energy to swim during migration, may migrate only a short time to conserve most yolk energy for growth.  相似文献   

The timing of cercarial release from the intermediate host Nassarius obsoletus, was determined for two species of larval trematodes, Himasthla quissetensis and Lepocreadium setiferoides. In a light-dark schedule the cercariae of H. quissetensis emerged in the first few hours of darkness, while emergence of L. setiferoides was predominantly diurnal. Evidence from both species suggests endogenous control of release under constant conditions. Larvae of L. setiferoides, which possess pigmented eyespots, were photonegative in a light gradient; H. quissetensis larvae, which lack eyespots, showed no phototactic response.  相似文献   

《Biological Control》2013,64(2):101-105
Eriopis connexa (Germar) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) is an important predator with potential for biological control of insect pests. This research evaluated the development of E. connexa larvae fed on fresh eggs of Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) without (T1) or with (T2) scales or one-day (T3) or six-month (T4) frozen, or newly-hatched larvae of S. frugiperda (T5). The percentage of E. connexa adults was higher when larvae feeding on fresh S. frugiperda eggs with or without scales, or one-day frozen eggs of this prey and lower with eggs of this Lepidoptera after frozen for six months or with newly-hatched larvae of S. frugiperda. Duration of the larval period of E. connexa was 15.7, 15.8, 16.0, 17.6, and 17.3 days, respectively, with these diets. The high survival of E. connexa fed with eggs of S. frugiperda shows the potential use of this prey in the laboratory to maintain this natural enemy.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic behavior of Hudson River Atlantic sturgeon and Connecticut River shortnose sturgeon early life intervals were similar during laboratory observations. After hatching, free embryos were photonegative and sought cover. When embryos developed into larvae, fish left cover, were photopositive, and initiated downstream migration. Free embryos may remain at the spawning site instead of migrating downstream because the risk of predation at spawning sites is low. The two species are sympatric, but not closely related, so the similarities in innate behaviors suggest common adaptations, not phylogenetic relationship. Atlantic sturgeon migrated downstream for 12 days (peak, first 6 days), shortnose sturgeon migrated for 3 days, and year-0 juveniles of both species did not resume downstream migration. Short or long migrations of larvae may reflect different styles related to the total migratory distance from spawning sites to juvenile rearing areas. Atlantic sturgeon need to move a short distance to reach rearing areas and they had a long 1-step migration of 6–12 days. In contrast, shortnose sturgeon need to move a long distance to reach all rearing areas. This may be accomplished by a 2-step migration, of which the brief migration of larvae is only the first step. Early migrant Atlantic sturgeon were nocturnal, while late migrants were diurnal, and shortnose sturgeon were diurnal. These diel differences may also be adaptations for long (Atlantic sturgeon) or short (shortnose sturgeon) migrations. Cultured shortnose sturgeon, and possibly Atlantic sturgeon, have a dominance hierarchy with large fish dominant when competing for limited foraging space. Social behavior may be more important in the life history of wild sturgeons than is generally recognized.  相似文献   

This paper examines those factors which determine the emergence of N. brasiliensis from the pulmonary circulation into the alveoli and bronchioles of the rat's lung. After injection into the superior vena cava, larvae were found to be distributed throughout the lobes of the lungs in direct relation to the mass of blood and tissue and it was concluded that this resulted from entirely random forces. Larvae which had been reversibly immobilized in piperazine were trapped in the capillaries of the lungs in the same way as untreated larvae; this accumulation was considered to be passive. Larvae could penetrate surgically collapsed lungs but did so in lower numbers than in functional lungs so host breathing movements may facilitate penetration but are not essential. Larvae could repeat their migrations in a succession of hosts, but only if removed from the lungs within 2 h, by 20 h they could not and were destroyed in the lung tissue. Larvae were passively trapped in the arterioles but can emerge only through their own behavioural efforts. Heavy larval doses (10,000) caused considerable reversible oedema and haemorrhage. This was due to the behaviour of the larvae and not the direct effect of mechanical blockage because the same was not true if 10,000 heat-killed larvae were injected. Larvae of Ancylostomatubae forme, which does not secrete enzymes, also caused haemorrhaging in rat lungs, demonstrating that larval motility alone can lead to emergence through rupturing arterioles. By 20 h larvae were active in the trachea but they showed no directional orientation and were carried passively in the mucus. At this stage they were strongly photonegative.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies indicated the following ontogenetic behavior and body color of wild Kootenai River White Sturgeon, Acipenser transmontanus, (hereafter, Kootenai Sturgeon), a landlocked population in the Kootenai River, a major tributary of the Columbia River (United States) and Kootenay Lake (Canada). Hatchling free embryos (hereafter, embryos) are photonegative and hide under cover at a spawning site, and have a grey body. Late-embryos are photopositive and weakly prefer white substrate, use cover less with age, and develop a black tail. Day 13 larvae forage in the day on the open bottom, use cover less with age, prefer bright habitat, have a light-grey body and black tail, and initiate a mostly nocturnal dispersal for about 21 days, and then, continue a weaker dispersal. As they age, the entire body and tail of larvae is a dark-grey color when they develop into juveniles (about 66 days). The common body and tail color of larvae from the Kootenai, Columbia, and Sacramento rivers indicate a common adaptation to signal conspecifics or avoid predators. Juveniles are variable for foraging height, do not hide in bottom cover, and continue a weak nocturnal downstream movement. Movement of larvae and juveniles in the artificial stream suggests wild Kootenai Sturgeon have a long slow dispersal style (disperse for months). The long dispersal style of young Kootenai Sturgeon may adapt larvae to dispersing all summer in a 100–200 km long reach with a low abundance of food. The final destination of Kootenai Sturgeon during their first rearing season is unknown, but the long dispersal suggests fish could easily move to the lower river or to Kootenay Lake. Ontogenetic behavior of Kootenai Sturgeon is slightly different from Columbia River White Sturgeon, which has a weak embryo dispersal, but both populations have a similar major dispersal by larvae. However, both of these populations differ qualitatively from Sacramento River White Sturgeon, in which juveniles initiate the major dispersal. Thus, major geographic behavioral variation exists among populations and should be considered in restoration programs.  相似文献   

Increased urbanization of coastal areas has led to increased contaminant levels in adjacent sediments and waters. Consequently, many studies have been conducted to determine the potential impacts on estuarine organisms, including the grass shrimp, Palaemonetes pugio. This study investigated baseline levels of four cellular biomarkers (glutathione (GSH), lipid peroxidation (LPx), acetylcholinesterase (AChE), and cholesterol (CHL)) in multiple life stages (stage IV, V, VI, and VII embryos, newly-hatched larvae, 18-day-old larvae, juveniles, and adults) of P. pugio to determine which biomarkers may potentially be useful as indicators of contaminant exposure. There was a similar pattern in both LPx and AChE levels, with a clear increase occurring from the embryonic to the adult stages. Detectable levels of AChE did not occur until embryo stage V. Glutathione shared a similar pattern to LPx and AChE from the newly-hatched larvae through the adult stage, however, it did not exhibit any distinguishable pattern overall with highly variable levels among all life stages. Likewise, CHL did not exhibit any distinguishable pattern, but in contrast, CHL levels were similar throughout all life stages. This research provides valuable background information that may be used in future assessments of grass shrimp population health.  相似文献   

Epizootiological studies of Nosema pyrausta in natural European corn borer populations show that while vertical transmission is the primary way in which N. pyrausta is transferred from one host generation to the next, it is horizontal transmission that is responsible for the annual build-up of infection in each nonoverlapping generation. During the first generation, larval corn borer migration to adjacent corn stalks is minimal and increases in the prevalence of N. pyrausta within the population result from horizontal transmission of infection among borers that inhabit the same stalk. During the second generation, corn borer larvae actively disperse to other corn plants and this results in an increased level of infection. Factors which facilitate pathogen dispersal in this generation include (1) higher host densities, (2) longer periods of larval development, (3) lower mortality among young larvae, and (4) possible mechanical transmission by the braconid parasitoid, Macrocentrus grandii.  相似文献   

We analysed how the assembling behaviour of Triatoma infestans is modulated by the convergence of chemical cues released by their faeces and the spectral quality of the light associated with refuges. Second-instar larvae were confronted with refuges associated with a visual stimulus (either blue, green or red lights having the same intensity, or darkness) and a chemical cue (presence or absence of faeces). In this context, faeces constitute a major attractant for bugs. In the absence of faeces, bugs always assembled in dark places. Green light was always rejected despite the presence of faeces, i.e. the assembling behaviour was controlled by a photonegative reaction to this light. In the presence of red light, orientation towards the chemical cue dominated over the bugs' photonegative reaction to this light. Such a light was avoided in the absence of faeces but not in their presence. Also, negative phototaxis to blue light could be counteracted by the presence of the chemical cue. Thus, a concrete interaction between visual and olfactory cues occurred in these experiments: the bugs' response changed depending on the specific combination of spectral light and faeces. Finally, bugs responded differentially to blue, red and green lights of the same intensity. They assembled preferentially on red, followed by blue and then by green. Thus, discrimination between lights of different spectral quality is possible, probably through an achromatic mechanism.  相似文献   

Behavioral responses to gravity and hydrostatic pressure have been investigated in two species of xanthid crabs Leptodius floridanus (Gibbes) and Panopeus herbstii Milne-Edwards to determine whether such responses provide a mechanism for depth regulation in the absence of light.In laboratory experiments, the four zoea stages and one megalopa stage of each species assume a differential vertical distribution in darkness, with succeeding stages showing a deeper overall distribution. Passive sinking rates increase in succeeding zoea stages and drop to an intermediate level after the molt to the megalopa stage. All zoea stages exhibit a negative geotaxis in the absence of light; the megalopa shows a positive geotaxis. The first zoea stage of Leptodius floridanus responds to an increase in hydrostatic pressure (up to 1 atmos above ambient) with an increase in swimming rate. This pressure response is shown to be reversible and not subject to short-term acclimation. The swimming rate of the last zoea stage does not increase in response to an increase in pressure.It is concluded that the responses of these larvae to gravity and hydrostatic pressure together with their characteristic passive sinking rates provide a mechanism for depth regulation in the absence of light that varies during ontogeny.  相似文献   

Photoresponses of isofemale strains of sympatric sibling species, Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis from MacDonald Ranch, California and D. pseudoobscura and D. miranda from Mather, California were compared at relative humidities of 95, 50 and 5% for a period of 30 min. The sympatric species could be distinguished behaviourally by their responses at the three humidities. Although the average photoresponses of all four populations were negative, D. pseudoobscura was significantly more photonegative than its sibling sympatric species in each habitat. There was no effect of humidity on light response over the short term duration of exposure to desiccating environments. A hypothesis is presented to account for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The development of amphibian sensory systems and behavior is generally considered to proceed normally without reference to sensory experience during embryonic or larval stages. Most of the supporting research, however, has concentrated on the retinotectal (visual) systems of anurans and has ignored behaviors directed by other sensory systems. We demonstrate that early exposure to light is necessary for the development of photopositive behavior in Xenopus laevis tadpoles, a behavior probably directed by the pineal complex. Light-deprivation during the tadpoles' first 10 days of development results in a long-lasting reduction in the tadpoles' light preference. The development of a strong light preference is not influenced by light-deprivation before the tadpoles are 2 days old or after the tadpoles are 10 days old, but light-deprived tadpoles recover a weak light preference after subsequent days of rearing in the light. Lengthening the tadpoles' exposure to light during the first 10 days of development produces increasingly strong light preferences. Considering the important role of the pineal complex in guiding phototactic behaviors in anurans, we suggest that light-deprivation alters photopositive behavior in Xenopus tadpoles by altering the development of the pineal complex.  相似文献   

Phototactic responses of light-adapted zoeae IV, glaucothoe, and first stage juveniles of the red king crab to three intensities of white light were quantitatively measured under laboratory conditions. All stages observed were photopositive to all light intensities tested, except for late glaucothoe (10 days since moulting) which did not respond to light stimuli. Phototactic response changed in the early life history of the red king crab. The extent of photopositive movement decreased after each metamorphosis. Peak phototactic response in zoea IV were observed at a light intensity of 1.9 × 1013 q cm-2 s-1, in early glaucothoe at 1.1 × 1010 q cm-2 s-1 and in juveniles at 1.3 × 109 q cm-2 s-1. The data on behavioural responses to light may provide a better understanding of the early life history, survival and recruitment of the red king crab and assist the development of feasible methods and techniques for aquaculture of this species.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of selection for positive and negative phototactic behavior in populations of Drosophila melanogaster heterozygous for various multiple inversions was compared using the method of realized heritability. Selection in the presence of FM6, SM1 or TM3 alone was as effective as in populations carrying no inversions. However, the presence of FM6 and TM3 together reduced the effectiveness of selection for photopositive behavior and FM6 and SM1 and TM3 restricted the response to selection for negative phototactic behavior. The results are discussed in terms of the organization of genes influencing phototactic behavior in this species.  相似文献   

There has been considerable focus on the natural enemies of snails, particularly those of medical and veterinary significance. Much attention has focussed on members of the Family Sciomyzidae (Diptera), the majority of which feed on a range of mollusc species. However, little is known about the influence of first snail meal on subsequent prey choices, an important consideration in biocontrol. We examined neonate larval responses of Ilione albiseta to fresh and aged snail mucus trails of three snail species. Median neonate response rates to aged mucus trails for all three snail species tested were significantly (P < 0.001) weaker than for fresh mucus trails indicating a strategy which enhances the likelihood of reaching prey snail species without expending energy following “cold” trails. More than 78% of first instar larvae, fed on one snail species (Radix peregra or Stagnicola palustris) and subsequently offered a choice of these two snail species for the second snail meal, selected the snail species of the first snail meal suggesting that the first snail meal influences subsequent prey selection. However, the impact of the first snail meal on larval trail-following behavior is less clear-cut. While there may be some preference for the mucus trail of the snail species on which neonate larvae have fed, this does not exclude the larvae from following the mucus trails of other snail species. The results are discussed in the context of the potential use of I. albiseta as a biocontrol agent of vectors of snail borne diseases.  相似文献   

The distinction between worker and reproductive castes of social insects is receiving increased attention from a developmental rather than adaptive perspective. In the wasp genus Polistes, colonies are founded by one or more females, and the female offspring that emerge in that colony are either non-reproducing workers or future reproductives of the following generation (gynes). A growing number of studies now indicate that workers emerge with activated reproductive physiology, whereas the future reproductive gynes do not. Low nourishment levels for larvae during the worker-rearing phase of the colony cycle and higher nourishment levels for larvae when gynes are reared are now strongly suspected of playing a major role in this difference.Here, we present the results of a laboratory rearing experiment in which Polistes metricus single foundresses were held in environmental conditions with a higher level of control than in any previously published study, and the amount of protein nourishment made available to feed larvae was the only input variable. Three experimental feeding treatments were tested: restricted, unrestricted, and hand-supplemented. Analysis of multiple response variables shows that wasps reared on restricted protein nourishment, which would be the case for wasps reared in field conditions that subsequently become workers, tend toward trait values that characterize active reproductive physiology. Wasps reared on unrestricted and hand-supplemented protein, which replicates higher feeding levels for larvae in field conditions that subsequently become gynes, tend toward trait values that characterize inactive reproductive physiology. Although the experiment was not designed to test for worker behavior per se, our results further implicate activated reproductive physiology as a developmental response to low larval nourishment as a fundamental aspect of worker behavior in Polistes.  相似文献   

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