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The entire gastrointestinal tract is protected by a mucous layer, which contains complex glycoproteins called mucins. MUC2 is one such mucin that protects the colonic mucosa from invading microbes. The initial interaction between microbes and mucins is an important step for microbial pathogenesis. Hence, it was of interest to investigate the relationship between host (mucin) and pathogen interaction, including Shigella induced expression of MUC2 and IL-1β during shigellosis.


The mucin-Shigella interaction was revealed by an in vitro mucin-binding assay. Invasion of Shigella dysenteriae into HT-29 cells was analyzed by Transmission electron microscopy. Shigella induced mucin and IL-1β expression were analyzed by RT-PCR and Immunofluorescence.


The clinical isolates of Shigella were found to be virulent by a congo-red binding assay. The in vitro mucin-binding assay revealed both Shigella dysenteriae and Shigella flexneri have binding affinity in the increasing order of: guinea pig small intestinal mucinShigella dysenteriae into HT-29 cells occurs within 2 hours. Interestingly, in Shigella dysenteriae infected conditions, significant increases in mRNA expression of MUC2 and IL-1β were observed in a time dependent manner. Further, immunofluorescence analysis of MUC2 shows more positive cells in Shigella dysenteriae treated cells than untreated cells.


Our study concludes that the Shigella species specifically binds to guinea pig colonic mucin, but not to guinea pig small intestinal mucin. The guinea pig colonic mucin showed a greater binding parameter (R), and more saturable binding, suggesting the presence of a finite number of receptor binding sites in the colonic mucin of the host. In addition, modification of mucins with TFMS and sodium metaperiodate significantly reduced mucin-bacterial binding; suggesting that the mucin-Shigella interaction occurs through carbohydrate epitopes on the mucin backbones. Overproduction of MUC2 may alter adherence and invasion of Shigella dysenteriae into human colonic epithelial cells.  相似文献   

为探讨转化生长因子β1(TGF-β1)在蜕膜基质细胞中发挥免疫调节作用的机制,本研究以人妊娠初期的蜕膜基质细胞为研究对象,经0 ng/ml、1 ng/ml、5 ng/ml和10 ng/ml的TGF-β1处理后,运用RT-PCR方法检测趋化因子mRNA的表达,Western-blot检测趋化因子蛋白质的表达.结果表明:在mRNA水平和蛋白水平,高浓度的TGF-β1能够显著的下调蜕膜基质细胞中趋化因子配体CX3CL1、CXCL12和CXCL16的表达,有意义的上调趋化因子受体CXCR4和CXCR6的表达.研究结果提示,TGF-β1对趋化因子配体/受体有显著的调节作用,并通过趋化因子参与母胎界面的免疫调节.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells are essential to maintain immune homeostasis and prevent autoimmunity. Therapy with in vitro expanded human nTRegs is being tested to prevent graft versus host disease, which is a major cause for morbidity and mortality associated with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Their usefulness in therapy will depend on their capacity to survive, migrate appropriately and retain suppressive activity when introduced into a transplant recipient. The lack of a suitable animal model for studying the in vivo reconstitutive capability of human nTRegs is a major impediment for investigating the behavior of adoptively transferred nTRegs in vivo. We show that injection of a plasmid encoding human IL-2 is necessary and sufficient for long term engraftment of in vitro expanded nTRegs in NOD-SCID IL2rγcnull mice. We also demonstrate that these in vivo reconstituted TRegs traffic to different organs of the body and retain suppressive function. Finally, in an IL-2 accelerated GVHD model, we show that these in vivo reconstituted TRegs are capable of preventing severe xenogenic response of human PBMCs. Thus, this novel ‘hu-TReg mouse’ model offers a pre-clinical platform to study the in vivo function and stability of human nTRegs and their ability to modulate autoimmune diseases and GVHD.  相似文献   

To contribute to the question of the putative role of cystatins in Alzheimer disease and in neuroprotection in general, we studied the interaction between human stefin B (cystatin B) and amyloid-β-(1–40) peptide (Aβ). Using surface plasmon resonance and electrospray mass spectrometry we were able to show a direct interaction between the two proteins. As an interesting new fact, we show that stefin B binding to Aβ is oligomer specific. The dimers and tetramers of stefin B, which bind Aβ, are domain-swapped as judged from structural studies. Consistent with the binding results, the same oligomers of stefin B inhibit Aβ fibril formation. When expressed in cultured cells, stefin B co-localizes with Aβ intracellular inclusions. It also co-immunoprecipitates with the APP fragment containing the Aβ epitope. Thus, stefin B is another APP/Aβ-binding protein in vitro and likely in cells.  相似文献   

The correction of disease-causing mutations by single-strand oligonucleotide-templated DNA repair (ssOR) is an attractive approach to gene therapy, but major improvements in ssOR efficiency and consistency are needed. The mechanism of ssOR is poorly understood but may involve annealing of oligonucleotides to transiently exposed single-stranded regions in the target duplex. In bacteria and yeast it has been shown that ssOR is promoted by expression of Redβ, a single-strand DNA annealing protein from bacteriophage lambda. Here we show that Redβ expression is well tolerated in a human cell line where it consistently promotes ssOR. By use of short interfering RNA, we also show that ssOR is stimulated by the transient depletion of the endogenous DNA mismatch repair protein MSH2. Furthermore, we find that the effects of Redβ expression and MSH2 depletion on ssOR can be combined with a degree of cooperativity. These results suggest that oligonucleotide annealing and mismatch recognition are distinct but interdependent events in ssOR that can be usefully modulated in gene correction strategies.  相似文献   

Human endothelial activity of ecto-5′-nucleotidase (E5′N) is several times higher than in pig endothelial cells. This may have implication for xenotransplantation due to the role this enzyme plays in conversion of pro-inflammatory and pro-aggreggatory nucleotides into anti-inflammatory and anti-aggregatory adenosine. We have shown in this study that human E5′N can be functionally expressed in pig endothelial cells leading to increased adenosine production from both extracellular AMP and ATP. We suggest that E5′N expression in transgenic pigs for xenotransplantation may help to prolong graft survival.  相似文献   

Within overall Th1-like human memory T cell responses, individual T cells may express only some of the characteristic Th1 cytokines when reactivated. In the Th1-oriented memory response to influenza, we have tested the contributions of two potential mechanisms for this diversity: variable expression of cytokines by a uniform population during activation, or different stable subsets that consistently expressed subsets of the Th1 cytokine pattern. To test for short-term variability, in vitro-stimulated influenza-specific human memory CD4+ T cells were sorted according to IL-2 and IFNγ expression, cultured briefly in vitro, and cytokine patterns measured after restimulation. Cells that were initially IFNγ+ and either IL-2+ or IL-2- converged rapidly, containing similar proportions of IL-2-IFNγ+ and IL-2+IFNγ+ cells after culture and restimulation. Both phenotypes expressed Tbet, and similar patterns of mRNA. Thus variability of IL-2 expression in IFNγ+ cells appeared to be regulated more by short-term variability than by stable differentiated subsets. In contrast, heterogeneous expression of IFNγ in IL-2+ influenza-specific T cells appeared to be due partly to stable T cell subsets. After sorting, culture and restimulation, influenza-specific IL-2+IFNγ- and IL-2+IFNγ+ cells maintained significantly biased ratios of IFNγ+ and IFNγ- cells. IL-2+IFNγ- cells included both Tbetlo and Tbethi cells, and showed more mRNA expression differences with either of the IFNγ+ populations. To test whether IL-2+IFNγ-Tbetlo cells were Thpp cells (primed but uncommitted memory cells, predominant in responses to protein vaccines), influenza-specific IL-2+IFNγ- and IL-2+IFNγ+ T cells were sorted and cultured in Th1- or Th2-generating conditions. Both cell types yielded IFNγ-secreting cells in Th1 conditions, but only IL-2+IFNγ- cells were able to differentiate into IL-4-producing cells. Thus expression of IL-2 in the anti-influenza response may be regulated mainly by short term variability, whereas different T cell subsets, Th1 and Thpp, may contribute to variability in IFNγ expression.  相似文献   

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