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Research into the molecular and developmental biology of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans was begun in the early seventies by Sydney Brenner and it has since been used extensively as a model organism. C. elegans possesses key attributes such as simplicity, transparency and short life cycle that have made it a suitable experimental system for fundamental biological studies for many years. Discoveries in this nematode have broad implications because many cellular and molecular processes that control animal development are evolutionary conserved. C. elegans life cycle goes through an embryonic stage and four larval stages before animals reach adulthood. Development can take 2 to 4 days depending on the temperature. In each of the stages several characteristic traits can be observed. The knowledge of its complete cell lineage together with the deep annotation of its genome turn this nematode into a great model in fields as diverse as the neurobiology, aging, stem cell biology and germ line biology. An additional feature that makes C. elegans an attractive model to work with is the possibility of obtaining populations of worms synchronized at a specific stage through a relatively easy protocol. The ease of maintaining and propagating this nematode added to the possibility of synchronization provide a powerful tool to obtain large amounts of worms, which can be used for a wide variety of small or high-throughput experiments such as RNAi screens, microarrays, massive sequencing, immunoblot or in situ hybridization, among others. Because of its transparency, C. elegans structures can be distinguished under the microscope using Differential Interference Contrast microscopy, also known as Nomarski microscopy. The use of a fluorescent DNA binder, DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole), for instance, can lead to the specific identification and localization of individual cells, as well as subcellular structures/defects associated to them.  相似文献   

The genetically tractable model organism C. elegans has provided insights into a myriad of biological questions, enabled by its short generation time, ease of growth and small size. This small size, though, has disallowed a number of technical approaches found in other model systems. For example, blood transfusions in mammalian systems and grafting techniques in plants enable asking questions of circulatory system composition and signaling. The circulatory system of the worm, the pseudocoelom, has until recently been impossible to assay directly. To answer questions of intercellular signaling and circulatory system composition C. elegans researchers have traditionally turned to genetic analysis, cell/tissue specific rescue, and mosaic analysis. These techniques provide a means to infer what is happening between cells, but are not universally applicable in identification and characterization of extracellular molecules. Here we present a newly developed technique to directly assay the pseudocoelomic fluid of C. elegans. The technique begins with either genetic or physical manipulation to increase the volume of extracellular fluid. Afterward the animals are subjected to a vampiric reverse microinjection technique using a microinjection rig that allows fine balance pressure control. After isolation of extracellular fluid, the collected fluid can be assayed by transfer into other animals or by molecular means. To demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique we present a detailed approach to assay a specific example of extracellular signaling molecules, long dsRNA during a systemic RNAi response. Although characterization of systemic RNAi is a proof of principle example, we see this technique as being adaptable to answer a variety of questions of circulatory system composition and signaling.  相似文献   

The cuticle of C. elegans is a highly resistant structure that surrounds the exterior of the animal(1-4). The cuticle not only protects the animal from the environment, but also determines body shape and plays a role in motility(4-6). Several layers secreted by epidermal cells comprise the cuticle, including an outermost lipid layer(7). Circumferential ridges in the cuticle called annuli pattern the length of the animal and are present during all stages of development(8). Alae are longitudinal ridges that are present during specific stages of development, including L1, dauer, and adult stages(2,9). Mutations in genes that affect cuticular collagen organization can alter cuticular structure and animal body morphology(5,6,10,11). While cuticular imaging using compound microscopy with DIC optics is possible, current methods that highlight cuticular structures include fluorescent transgene expression(12), antibody staining(13), and electron microscopy(1). Labeled wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) has also been used to visualize cuticular glycoproteins, but is limited in resolving finer cuticular structures(14). Staining of cuticular surface using fluorescent dye has been observed, but never characterized in detail(15). We present a method to visualize cuticle in live C. elegans using the red fluorescent lipophilic dye DiI (1,1'-dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate), which is commonly used in C. elegans to visualize environmentally exposed neurons. This optimized protocol for DiI staining is a simple, robust method for high resolution fluorescent visualization of annuli, alae, vulva, male tail, and hermaphrodite tail spike in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Caenorhabdits elegans has been used extensively in the study of stress resistance, which is facilitated by the transparency of the adult and embryo stages as well as by the availability of genetic mutants and transgenic strains expressing a myriad of fusion proteins1-4. In addition, dynamic processes such as cell division can be viewed using fluorescently labeled reporter proteins. The study of mitosis can be facilitated through the use of time-lapse experiments in various systems including intact organisms; thus the early C. elegans embryo is well suited for this study. Presented here is a technique by which in vivo imaging of sub-cellular structures in response to anoxic (99.999% N2; <2 ppm O2) stress is possible using a simple gas flow through setup on a high-powered microscope. A microincubation chamber is used in conjunction with nitrogen gas flow through and a spinning disc confocal microscope to create a controlled environment in which animals can be imaged in vivo. Using GFP-tagged gamma tubulin and histone, the dynamics and arrest of cell division can be monitored before, during and after exposure to an oxygen-deprived environment. The results of this technique are high resolution, detailed videos and images of cellular structures within blastomeres of embryos exposed to oxygen deprivation.  相似文献   

In vitro mimicking of the stimuli controlling in vivo-inducible bacterial promoters during infection of the host can be complex. Therefore, the use of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans was evaluated, as a surrogate host to examine the expression of Salmonella enterica promoters. Green fluorescent protein (GFP+) was put under the control of the promoters of the pagC, mgtB, sseA, pgtE and fur genes of S. enterica. After infection of C. elegans with an S. enterica serovar Typhimurium vaccine strain expressing these constructs, clear bacterial expression of GFP+ was observed under the control of all five promoters, although significant expression was not always obtained in vitro. It is concluded that C. elegans constitutes a useful model system for the study of the in vivo expression of Salmonella promoters.  相似文献   

C. elegans has proven to be a valuable model system for the discovery and functional characterization of many genes and gene pathways. More sophisticated tools and resources for studies in this system are facilitating continued discovery of genes with more subtle phenotypes or roles. Here we present a generalized protocol we adapted for identifying C. elegans genes with postembryonic phenotypes of interest using RNAi. This procedure is easily modified to assay the phenotype of choice, whether by light or fluorescence optics on a dissecting or compound microscope. This screening protocol capitalizes on the physical assets of the organism and molecular tools the C. elegans research community has produced. As an example, we demonstrate the use of an integrated transgene that expresses a fluorescent product in an RNAi screen to identify genes required for the normal localization of this product in late stage larvae and adults. First, we used a commercially available genomic RNAi library with full-length cDNA inserts. This library facilitates the rapid identification of multiple candidates by RNAi reduction of the candidate gene product. Second, we generated an integrated transgene that expresses our fluorecently tagged protein of interest in an RNAi-sensitive background. Third, by exposing hatched animals to RNAi, this screen permits identification of gene products that have a vital embryonic role that would otherwise mask a post-embryonic role in regulating the protein of interest. Lastly, this screen uses a compound microscope equipped for single cell resolution.  相似文献   

Amylopathy is a term that describes abnormal synthesis and accumulation of amyloid beta (Aβ) in tissues with time. Aβ is a hallmark of Alzheimer''s disease (AD) and is found in Lewy body dementia, inclusion body myositis and cerebral amyloid angiopathy 1-4. Amylopathies progressively develop with time. For this reason simple organisms with short lifespans may help to elucidate molecular aspects of these conditions. Here, we describe experimental protocols to study Aβ-mediated neurodegeneration using the worm Caenorhabditis elegans. Thus, we construct transgenic worms by injecting DNA encoding human Aβ42 into the syncytial gonads of adult hermaphrodites. Transformant lines are stabilized by a mutagenesis-induced integration. Nematodes are age synchronized by collecting and seeding their eggs. The function of neurons expressing Aβ42 is tested in opportune behavioral assays (chemotaxis assays). Primary neuronal cultures obtained from embryos are used to complement behavioral data and to test the neuroprotective effects of anti-apoptotic compounds.  相似文献   

The 1,2-fucosyltransferase family (1,2FT) is the largest familyof glycosyltransferases in the genome of the free-living nematodeCaenorhabditis elegans, and early evidence suggests that eachmember may have a unique activity. Here we describe a C. elegansgene (designated CE2FT-2) encoding an 1,2FT that has the potentialto generate the sequence Fuc1-2Galβ1-3GalNAc-R, which isthe H-type 3 blood group structure. The CE2FT-2 cDNA encodesa putative transmembrane protein that shows 42% amino acid identityto a previously cloned C. elegans 1,2FT (termed CE2FT-1), buthas a very low identity (16–20%) to 1,2FT sequences inhumans, rabbits, and mice. A recombinant form of CE2FT-2 expressedin human 293T cells has a high 1,2FT activity toward Galβ1-3GalNAc-O-pNP,but unexpectedly, the enzyme is inactive toward the acceptorGalβ-O-phenyl. Thus, CE2FT-2 differs from all other 1,2FTspreviously described from animals that all utilize Galβ-O-phenyl.CE2FT-2 is expressed at all stages of worm development, butremarkably, promoter analysis of the CE2FT-2 gene using greenfluorescent protein reporter constructs indicates that the CE2FT-2is expressed exclusively in pharyngeal cells of the worm fromembryo to an adult stage. Because pharyngeal cells are knownto secrete their glycoconjugates to the nematode surface, theseresults may indicate that products of CE2FT-2 contribute tointeractions of the nematode with its environment or are usedas ligands for bacterial attachment. These findings, along withthose on other 1,2FTs in C. elegans, suggest that each 1,2FTin this organism may have a unique acceptor specificity, expressionpattern, and biological function.  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans exhibits a complex behavior called thermotaxis in response to temperature. This behavior is defined as a form of associative learning, in which temperature pairs with the presence or absence of food. Different interpretations have been drawn from the diverse results obtained by several groups, mainly because of the application of different methodologies for the analysis of thermotaxis. To clarify the discrepancies in behavioral observations and subsequent interpretations by different laboratories, we attempted to systematize several parameters to observe thermotaxis behavior as originally defined by Hedgecock and Russell in 1975. In this study, we show clearly how C. elegans can show a conditioned migration toward colder or warmer areas on a thermal gradient, given certain criteria necessary for the observation of thermotaxis. We thus propose to distinguish thermotaxis from other temperature-related behaviors, such as the warm avoidance response displayed at temperature gradients of 1°C/cm and steeper.  相似文献   

Abstract: Extracts of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans contain five molecular forms of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity that can be separated by a combination of selective solubilization, velocity sedimentation, and ion-exchange chromatography. These are called form IA (5.2s), form IB (4.9.s), form II (6.7s), form III (11.3s), and form IV (13.0s). All except form III are present in significant amounts in rapidly prepared extracts and are probably native; form III is probably derived autolytically from form IV. Most of forms IA and IB can be solubilized by repeated extractions without detergent, whereas forms II, III, and IV require detergent for effective solubilization and may therefore be membrane-bound. High salt concentrations are not required for, and do not aid in, the solubilization of these forms. For all forms, molecular weights and frictional ratios have been estimated by a combination of gel permeation chromatography and velocity sedimentations in both H2O and D2O. The molecular weight estimates range from 83,000 to 357,000 and only form II shows extensive asymmetry. The separated forms have been characterized with respect to substrate affinity, substrate specificity, inhibitor sensitivity, thermal inactivation, and detergent sensitivity. Judging by these properties, C. elegans is like other invertebrates in that none of its cholinesterase forms resembles either the “true” or the “pseudo” cholinesterase of vertebrates. However, internal comparison of the C. elegans forms clearly distinguishes forms IA, III, and IV as a group from forms IB and II; the former are therefore designated “class A” forms, the latter “class B” forms. Genetic evidence indicates that separate genes control class A and class B forms, and that these two classes overlap functionally. Several factors, including kinetic properties, molecular asymmetry, molecular size, and solubility, all suggest that a molecular model of the multiple cholinesterase forms observed in vertebrate electric organs probably does not apply in C. elegans. Potential functional roles and subunit structures of the multiple AChE forms within each C. elegans class are discussed.  相似文献   

The nervous system of C. elegans has a remarkable abundance of flp genes encoding FMRFamide‐like (FLP) neuropeptides. To provide insight into the physiological relevance of this neuropeptide diversity, we have tested more than 30 FLPs (encoded by 23 flps) for bioactivity on C. elegans pharynx. Eleven flp genes encode peptides that inhibit pharyngeal activity, while eight flp genes encode peptides that are excitatory. Three potent peptides (inhibitory, FLP‐13A, APEASPFIRFamide; excitatory, FLP‐17A, KSAFVRFamide; excitatory, FLP‐17B, KSQYIRFamide) are encoded by flp genes, which, according to reporter gene constructs, are expressed in pharyngeal motoneurons. Thus, they may act through receptors localized on the pharyngeal muscle. The two other potent peptides, FLP‐8 (excitatory AF1, KNEFIRFamide,) and FLP‐11A (inhibitory, AMRNALVRFamide), appear to be expressed in extrapharyngeal neurons and are therefore likely to act either indirectly or as neurohormones. Intriguingly, a single neuron can express peptides that have potent but opposing biological activity in the pharynx. Only five flp genes encode neuropeptides that have no observable effect on the pharynx, but none of these have shown reporter gene expression in the pharyngeal nervous system. To examine the roles of multiple peptides produced from single precursors, a comparison was made between the bioactivity of different neuropeptides for five flp genes (flp‐3, flp‐13, flp‐14, flp‐17, and flp‐18). For all but one gene (flp‐14), the effects of peptides encoded by the same gene were similar. Overall, this study demonstrates the impressive neurochemical complexity of the simple circuit that regulates feeding in the nematode, C. elegans. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2005  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has been a powerful model system for the study of key muscle genes relevant to human neuromuscular function and disorders. The behavioral robustness of C. elegans, however, has hindered its use in the study of certain neuromuscular disorders because many worm models of human disease show only subtle phenotypes while crawling. By contrast, in their natural habitat, C. elegans likely spends much of the time burrowing through the soil matrix. We developed a burrowing assay to challenge motor output by placing worms in agar‐filled pipettes of increasing densities. We find that burrowing involves distinct kinematics and turning strategies from crawling that vary with the properties of the substrate. We show that mutants mimicking Duchenne muscular dystrophy by lacking a functional ortholog of the dystrophin protein, DYS‐1, crawl normally but are severely impaired in burrowing. Muscular degeneration in the dys‐1 mutant is hastened and exacerbated by burrowing, while wild type shows no such damage. To test whether neuromuscular integrity might be compensated genetically in the dys‐1 mutant, we performed a genetic screen and isolated several suppressor mutants with proficient burrowing in a dys‐1 mutant background. Further study of burrowing in C. elegans will enhance the study of diseases affecting neuromuscular integrity, and will provide insights into the natural behavior of this and other nematodes.  相似文献   

Degradation of ornithine decarboxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme of polyamine biosynthesis, is promoted by the protein antizyme. Expression of antizyme is positively regulated by rising polyamine concentrations that induce a +1 translational frameshift required for production of the full-length protein. Antizyme itself is negatively regulated by the antizyme inhibitor. In our study, the regulation of Caenorhabditis elegans antizyme was investigated, and the antizyme inhibitor was identified. By applying a novel GFP-based method to monitor antizyme frameshifting in vivo, we show that the induction of translational frameshifting also occurs under stressful conditions. Interestingly, during starvation, the initiation of frameshifting was independent of polyamine concentrations. Because frameshifting was also prevalent in a polyamine auxotroph double mutant, a polyamine-independent regulation of antizyme frameshifting is suggested. Polyamine-independent induction of antizyme expression was found to be negatively regulated by the peptide transporter PEPT-1, as well as the target of rapamycin, but not by the daf-2 insulin signaling pathway. Stress-dependent expression of C. elegans antizyme occurred morely slowly than expression in response to increased polyamine levels, pointing to a more general reaction to unfavorable conditions and a diversion away from proliferation and reproduction toward conservation of energy. Interestingly, antizyme expression was found to drastically increase in aging individuals in a postreproductive manner. Although knockdown of antizyme did not affect the lifespan of C. elegans, knockdown of the antizyme inhibitor led to a significant reduction in lifespan. This is most likely caused by an increase in antizyme-mediated degradation of ornithine decarboxylase-1 and a resulting reduction in cellular polyamine levels.  相似文献   

自由基过度引起的氧化应激是多种疾病发生的因素。连翘花黄色素(forsythia flower yellow pigment, FFYP)中含有大量的抗氧化活性物质,但其对氧化应激的抵抗性仍不清楚。本文首先通过化学方法检测FFYP的体外抗氧化活性;用细胞内抗氧化活性(cellular antioxidant activity,CAA)方法检测FFYP细胞内抗氧化活性;然后以秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans,C. elegans)为模型,检测FFYP对线虫氧化应激抵抗力及体内抗氧化指标的影响;用Daf 16和Skn 1突变体线虫和qRT PCR实验探究其作用机制。研究结果表明,FFYP具有1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼(1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, DPPH)自由基清除能力,铁离子还原能力和活性氧自由基(reactive oxygen species, ROS)清除能力,并且具有浓度依赖性。用500 μmol/L的胡桃醌提供氧化应激压力时,FFYP能显著提高线虫在氧化应激下的寿命,表明FFYP可以提高线虫对氧化应激的抵抗力。进一步研究发现,FFYP可显著降低线虫体内ROS自由基含量,提高超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase, SOD)和过氧化氢酶(catalase, CAT)活性,增加还原型谷胱甘肽(glutathione, GSH)含量,表明FFYP通过提高线虫体内抗氧化防御系统活性清除自由基来提高线虫对氧化应激的抵抗力。突变体线虫实验显示,FFYP对线虫延长氧化应激下寿命的效应在Skn-1突变体线虫中完全消失,在Daf-16突变体中效应被减弱。qRT-PCR实验也显示,Daf-16和Skn-1靶基因的表达量均被提高。表明FFYP对线虫氧化应激抵抗力提高的作用是通过Daf-16和Skn-1共同作用。这预示着FFYP具有很好的抗氧化及抗应激药用价值,有潜力成为一种新的有生物活性的天然色素。  相似文献   

In a process known as quorum sensing, bacteria use chemicals called autoinducers for cell-cell communication. Population-wide detection of autoinducers enables bacteria to orchestrate collective behaviors. In the animal kingdom detection of chemicals is vital for success in locating food, finding hosts, and avoiding predators. This behavior, termed chemotaxis, is especially well studied in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Here we demonstrate that the Vibrio cholerae autoinducer (S)-3-hydroxytridecan-4-one, termed CAI-1, influences chemotaxis in C. elegans. C. elegans prefers V. cholerae that produces CAI-1 over a V. cholerae mutant defective for CAI-1 production. The position of the CAI-1 ketone moiety is the key feature driving CAI-1-directed nematode behavior. CAI-1 is detected by the C. elegans amphid sensory neuron AWCON. Laser ablation of the AWCON cell, but not other amphid sensory neurons, abolished chemoattraction to CAI-1. These analyses define the structural features of a bacterial-produced signal and the nematode chemosensory neuron that permit cross-kingdom interaction.  相似文献   

More than fifty FMRFamide‐like neuropeptides have been identified in nematodes. We addressed the role of a subset of these in the control of nematode feeding by electrophysiological recording of the activity of C. elegans pharynx. AF1 (KNEFIRFamide), AF2 (KHEYLRFamide), AF8 (KSAYMRFamide), and GAKFIRFamide (encoded by the C. elegans genes flp‐8, flp‐14, flp‐6, and flp‐5, respectively) increased pharyngeal action potential frequency, in a manner similar to 5‐HT. In contrast, SDPNFLRFamide, SADPNFLRFamide, SAEPFGTMRFamide, KPSVRFamide, APEASPFIRFamide, and AQTVRFamide (encoded by the C. elegans genes flp‐1; flp‐1; flp‐3; flp‐9; flp‐13, and flp‐16, respectively) inhibited the pharynx in a manner similar to octopamine. Only three of the neuropeptides had potent effects at low nanomolar concentrations, consistent with a physiological role in pharyngeal regulation. Therefore, we assessed whether these three peptides mediated their actions either directly on the pharynx or indirectly via the neural circuit controlling its activity by comparing actions between wild‐type and mutants with deficits in synaptic signaling. Our data support the conclusion that AF1 and SAEPFGTMRFamide regulate the activity of the pharynx indirectly, whereas APEASPFIRFamide exerts its action directly. These results are in agreement with the expression pattern for the genes encoding the neuropeptides (Kim and Li, 1999) as both flp‐8 and flp‐3 are expressed in extrapharyngeal neurons, whereas flp‐13 is expressed in I5, a neuron with synaptic output to the pharyngeal muscle. These results provide the first, direct, functional information on the action of neuropeptides in C. elegans. Furthermore, we provide evidence for a putative inhibitory peptidergic synapse, which is likely to have a role in the control of feeding. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 49: 235–244, 2001  相似文献   

目的:直接针对秀丽线虫进行PCR反应,以便快速扩增基因组DNA,从而提高钓取目的基因和鉴定基因组是否发生突变的效率.方法:根据生物信息学分析,针对不同基因设计单重或多重PCR引物;在不含砌DNA聚合酶的PCR反应体系中加入蛋白酶K消化秀丽线虫染色体中的组蛋白,然后加入Taq酶,直接针对野生型或突变型秀丽线虫个体进行PC...  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans has become one of the most widely used model systems for the study of aging, yet very little is known about how C. elegans age. The development of the worm, from egg to young adult has been completely mapped at the cellular level, but such detailed studies have not been extended throughout the adult lifespan. Numerous single gene mutations, drug treatments and environmental manipulations have been found to extend worm lifespan. To interpret the mechanism of action of such aging interventions, studies to characterize normal worm aging, similar to those used to study worm development are necessary. We have used 4',6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole hydrochloride staining and quantitative polymerase chain reaction to investigate the integrity of nuclei and quantify the nuclear genome copy number of C. elegans with age. We report both systematic loss of nuclei or nuclear DNA, as well as dramatic age-related changes in nuclear genome copy number. These changes are delayed or attenuated in long-lived daf-2 mutants. We propose that these changes are important pathobiological characteristics of aging nematodes.  相似文献   

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