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Scavenging seabirds in the North Sea exploit discards with different success and by different feeding techniques. Northern gannet (Sula bassana) had the highest foraging success index, followed by lesser black-backed gull (Larus fuscus) and black-legged kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla). Northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis), mew gull (Larus canus) and black-headed gull (Larus ridibundus) were the least successful species. Ranking species according to the ratio of fish stolen from vs. lost to other species (=robbery index), northern gannet, great black-backed gull (Larus marinus) and great skua (Catharacta skua) were at the top, northern fulmar and black-legged kittiwake at the bottom. Varying compositions of the feeding flocks influenced the foraging success of the species significantly. Both body length and body mass of the birds can well explain species order in the robbery index but not in the foraging success index. Our hypothesis that the most successful species employ particular feeding techniques and/or exhibit the strongest kleptoparasitic abilities could be confirmed to a large extent but not totally. During reduced overall feeding rates, some less successful species and/or species with weaker kleptoparasitic capabilities fared better than during intense feeding rates as predicted, some others did not.  相似文献   

Squids are especially frequent as paratenic hosts of helminth parasites, particularly to those that have elasmobranchs and mammals as final hosts. Among those parasite species, anisakid nematode larvae and cestode plerocercoids are most effectively transferred through the trophic chain by oegopsid squids. A total of 439 short-finned squids, Illex coindetii (245 males, 190 females and 4 unsexed) were sampled in the central part of the eastern Adriatic Sea in order to assess their helminth component community and parasite dynamics with respect to host sex, maturity, seasonality, and feeding behavior. Two larval helminths were isolated, i.e., larvae of Anisakis pegreffii, characterized by molecular tools at the species level, and plerocercoids of Phyllobothrium sp., with prevalences of 30.5% and 2.3%, respectively. Highly significant seasonal variation in diet consumption, congruent with seasonal variation in anisakid intensity, was observed, underlining the tight role of squid prey in the trophic transmission of parasite. Likewise, the highest helminth prevalence and intensity of infection was recorded in autumn, when the fish prey, mostly Maurolicus muelleri, comprised the greatest proportion of diet. This helped to assign the Adriatic broadtail shortfin squid not as a first, but as a second, paratenic host for the anisakid, unlike as suggested previously. The presence of larval A. pegreffii confirms its previously reported zoogeographical distribution in the Mediterranean and Adriatic Seas. The presence of 2 helminths in I. coindetii describes the feeding patterns of the squid, as well as clearly defined and coevolved predator-prey relationships.  相似文献   

BB Land  RJ Dileone 《Neuron》2012,75(3):360-362
A recent paper in Nature (Lim et?al., 2012) describes the effects of melanocortin receptors in the nucleus accumbens. The studies connect a hypothalamic peptide system with brain reward centers and show effects on specific neuronal populations and behavioral components of mood.  相似文献   

Arctic benthic organisms of various taxa (Anthozoa, Polychaeta, Pantopoda, Crustacea, Echinodermata) were collected on the shelves off northeast Greenland, Spitsbergen and the western Barents Sea. Their fatty acid compositions were generally characterised by the predominance of the polyunsaturated fatty acids 20:5(n-3) and 22:6(n-3) together with the saturated fatty acid 16:0, which reflect the dominance of phospholipids. The fatty acid compositions of most benthic specimens were influenced by fatty acids of dietary origin. High amounts of the fatty acid 16:1(n-7), typical of diatoms, were found in different taxa from the northeast Greenland shelf. The 18:4(n-3) fatty acid, often typical of non-diatom input, was only dominant in Ophiopholis aculeata from the Spitsbergen shelf. In some taxa small amounts of wax esters were detected with alcohol moieties similar to those of the dominant Arctic copepods. The occurrence of intact wax esters, as well as the wax ester typical fatty acids 20:1(n-9) and 22:1(n-11), also suggested ingestion of large herbivorous copepods. An unusual fatty acid composition was found for most brittle stars, due to a ratio of the 18:1(n-9) and (n-7) fatty acid isomers below 1 with lowest ratios of 0.1. A similar low ratio was also detected in the polychaete Onuphis conchylega. The extremely low portions of the 18:1(n-9) fatty acid are striking, since carnivores are generally characterised by high levels of this fatty acid. A clear gradient from low 18:1(n-9) to (n-7) ratios in suspension feeders, via predatory decapods, to higher ratios in the scavenging amphipods was a major characteristic of the benthic species. Our investigations showed that lipid analyses can give important hints on trophic relationships of benthic species and may serve as means to establish the intensity of pelagic-benthic coupling.  相似文献   

1. Traits that benefit males through sexual selection are simultaneously expected to impair males by provoking costs through natural selection. If we consider the two male fitness components, mating success and viability, then we may expect that the increase in male mating success resulting from a larger trait size will be counterbalanced by an increase in viability costs.
2. We studied the benefits and costs of male mate searching and sexual signalling activity in the wolf spider Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata . In the field, males search females actively and court them by drumming dry leaves with their abdomen. Females have been shown to prefer males with high drumming rate. Male moving and especially drumming is energetically highly demanding and drumming results in significant mortality costs.
3. Our objective in this study was to determine whether male mate-searching activity or drumming activity affect male mating success and the risk of males being predated.
4. It was evident that both higher mate-searching activity and higher drumming activity benefited males by increasing their mating success. Higher mate-searching activity clearly impaired males by causing direct increase in predation risk. There was also a slight tendency that more actively drumming males had higher risk of predation and from all of the predated males 13.3% were caught directly after they had drummed. Furthermore, male drumming activity decreased drastically in the presence of the predator.
5. We conclude that in H. rubrofasciata both increased mate-searching activity and drumming activity benefit males through sexual selection, but at the same time natural selection provokes direct balancing costs on the same traits.  相似文献   

Erwin Chargaff was one of the more interesting and colourful figures of the historic decade that heralded the proposal of the double helical structure of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953. In describing Chargaff's important contribution to the study of DNA, particularly its base composition, this article seeks to suggest why, despite his substantial achievements, he failed to anticipate some of the key features of the Watson-Crick model, particularly complementarity between bases--a failure that left him deeply embittered for the rest of his life.  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate polymers》1987,7(3):183-224
This paper reviews the extensive and previously unpublished work on the interactions between agarose and 1,4-linked β-d-glycans carried out at Unilever Research, Colworth Laboratory, UK. The effect of the following variables is discussed: (i) galactose content of galactomannans; (ii) substitution patterns in the agarose molecule; (iii) structural variations in the 1,4-β-d-glycan main chain; and (iv) molecular size of the 1,4-β-d-glycans.Double helices of agarose, a non-substituted regular polysaccharide comprising 1,3-linked β-d-galactose and 1,4-linked 3,6-anhydro-α-l-galactose, bind in an ordered cooperative fashion to an extended ribbon ordered conformation of sequences of 1,4-linked β-d-mannopyranose residues in plant galactomannans to give mixed gelling systems. This interaction survives, in a modified form, substitution along the agarose molecule by O-methyl ether and O-sulphate esters at O6 of the d-galactose and O2 of the 3,6-anhydro-l-galactose, and 4,6-linked pyruvic acid ketal groups on the d-galactose. The higher the level of substitution on the agarose, the weaker the interaction with galactomannan.In general, the higher the level of galactose substitution in the galactomannan the lower the extent of interaction with agarose. Evidence is presented, however, which indicates that the fine structural distribution of galactose along the galactomannan molecule is also an important determinant for the co-gelling interaction. Substituted 1,4-linked β-d-glucomannans, β-d-glucans and β-d-xylans which can form closely similar extended ribbon order conformations to the galactomannans also participate in co-gelling interactions with agarose. These β-d-glycans are similar in structure to important skeletal polysaccharides such as hemicelluloses and cellulose. This suggests that the binding between agars and β-d-glycans might mimic biological cohesion between skeleton and gel phases in natural red seaweed cell walls. The sensitivity of the interactions studied to fine details of agar and β-d-glycan structure is what might be expected on biological grounds, since the wide and subtle variations of natural polysaccharide structure are presumed to represent a mechanism for control of their intermolecular interactions.  相似文献   

1. A tritrophic perspective is fundamental for understanding the drivers of insect–plant interactions. While host plant traits can directly affect insect herbivore performance by either inhibiting or altering the nutritional benefits of consumption, they can also have an indirect effect on herbivores by influencing rates of predation or parasitism. 2. Enhancing soil nutrients available to trees of the genus Eucalyptus consistently modifies plant traits, typically improving the nutritional quality of the foliage for insect herbivores. We hypothesised that resulting increases in volatile essential oils could have an indirect negative effect on eucalypt‐feeding herbivores by providing their natural enemies with stronger host/prey location cues. 3. Eucalyptus tereticornis Smith seedlings were grown under low‐ and high‐nutrient conditions and the consequences for the release of volatile cues from damaged plants were examined. The influence of 1,8‐cineole (the major volatile terpene in many Eucalyptus species) on rates of predation on model caterpillars in the field was then examined. 4. It was found that the emission of cineole increased significantly after damage (artificial or herbivore), but continued only when damage was sustained by herbivore feeding. Importantly, more cineole was emitted from high‐ than low‐nutrient seedlings given an equivalent amount of damage. In the field, predation was significantly greater on model caterpillars baited with cineole than on unbaited models. 5. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that any performance benefits insect herbivores derive from feeding on high‐nutrient eucalypt foliage could be at least partially offset by an increased risk of predation or parasitism via increased emission of attractive volatiles.  相似文献   

The structures of a class III ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) and pyruvate formate lyase exhibit striking homology within their active site domains with respect to each other and to the previously published structure of a class I RNR. The common structures and the common complex-radical-based chemistry of these systems, as well as of the class II RNRs, suggest that RNRs evolved by divergent evolution and provide an essential link between the RNA and DNA world.  相似文献   

Mitochondria and aging: a role for the permeability transition?   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
When mitochondria are subjected to oxidative stress and relatively high [Ca2+], they undergo a "permeability transition" in which the inner membrane becomes freely permeable to low-molecular-weight solutes. This phenomenon reflects reversible deformation of the adenine nucleotide translocase, the loss of its native gating properties and the stabilization of the deformed state by cyclophilin-D. The permeability transition may be a factor in cell dysfunction associated with aging. This can manifest in a number of ways ranging, in the most severe, from impaired energy transduction and compromised viability to more subtle influences on the propagation of Ca2+ signals. This article critically examines data relevant to this issue.  相似文献   

The robber fly Mallophora ruficauda is one of the principal apicultural pests in the Pampas region of Argentina. As adults, the flies prey on honey bees and other insects; while, as larvae, they parasitize scarab beetle larvae. Females of M. ruficauda lay eggs away from the host in tall grasses. After being dispersed by the wind, larvae drop to the ground, where they dig in search of their hosts. It is known that second instar larvae of M. ruficauda exhibit active host searching behaviour towards its preferred host, third instar larva of Cyclocephala signaticollis, using host-related chemical cues. Furthermore, previous works show that these chemical cues are produced in the posterior body half of hosts. However, the precise anatomical origin of these cues and whether they mediate any behaviour of C. signaticollis larvae remains yet unknown. In order to determine the precise origin of the chemical cue, we carried out olfactometer assays with different stimuli of extracts of the posterior C. signaticollis body half. Additionally, we tested whether C. signaticollis is attracted to any of the same extracts as in the previous experiments. We found that both second instar of M. ruficauda and third instar of C. signaticollis are attracted to extracts of the fermentation chamber (proctodeum). This is the first report of attraction of conspecific larvae in scarab beetles. We discuss a possible case of system communication exploitation in an immature parasitoid-host system.  相似文献   

Early-warning signals of a regime shift (EWS) indicate, for a wide range of systems, if a tipping-point is being approached. In ecology, EWS are well established from a theoretical perspective but are far from unequivocal when applied to field data. The gap between theory and application is caused by a set of limitations, like the lack of coherence between different EWS, data acquisition issues, and false results. Experiments assessing EWS may provide an empirical mechanistic understanding of why an EWS was observed (or failed to be observed), which often cannot be elucidated by simple computational modeling or pure environmental data. Here we focused on aquatic experiments to explore to what extent the existing EWS experiments can bridge the gap between the theory and real-world application. For that, we used the Thomson-ISI Web of Science© database to retrieve EWS experiments executed before early-2020, detailing their experimental designs and each EWS assessed. Success rates - correct anticipation of tipping points – were around 70% for the most used EWS (assessment of autocorrelation, variance, recovery, and shape of the distribution using abundance, Chlorophyll-a, Phycocyanin, and dissolved oxygen data). Yet, no EWS showed to be 100% reliable, and their use demands cautious interpretation. As a rule, we observed that experiments were not designed to tackle issues encountered in real-world situations. They lack a deep mechanistic understanding of why, when, and how an EWS was observed or not. When experiments did aim to assess issues encountered in the real world, the experimental designs were often of low ecological significance. We also investigated the relationship between sampling and the success rate of EWS, observing that the sampling regime might have to be tailor-made towards specific monitoring objectives. Moreover, experiments have taught us that the use of EWS can be more versatile than expected, going from monitoring the extinction of single populations to the anticipation of transient regime shifts. Most of the experiments presented here supported empirical proof of the existence of EWS in aquatic systems. Still, to bridge the gap between theory and application, experiments will have to move closer to real-world conditions and better support a mechanistic understanding of why EWS may succeed or fail to anticipate a regime shift. For that, we provide six elements to take into account when designing experiments that could enhance the capabilities of EWS to go beyond the stage of proof-of-concept.  相似文献   

Althoff DM  Segraves KA  Sparks JP 《Oecologia》2004,140(2):321-327
Yucca moths are most well known for their obligate pollination mutualism with yuccas, where pollinator moths provide yuccas with pollen and, in exchange, the moth larvae feed on a subset of the developing yucca seeds. The pollinators, however, comprise only two of the three genera of yucca moths. Members of the third genus, Prodoxus, are the bogus yucca moths and are sister to the pollinator moths. Adult Prodoxus lack the specialized mouthparts used for pollination and the larvae feed on plant tissues other than seeds. Prodoxus larvae feed within the same plants as pollinator larvae and have the potential to influence yucca reproductive success directly by drawing resources away from flowers and fruit, or indirectly by modifying the costs of the mutualism with pollinators. We examined the interaction between the scape-feeding bogus yucca moth, Prodoxus decipiens, and one of its yucca hosts, Yucca filamentosa, by comparing female reproductive success of plants with and without moth larvae. We determined reproductive success by measuring a set of common reproductive traits such as flowering characteristics, seed set, and seed germination. In addition, we also quantified the percent total nitrogen in the seeds to determine whether the presence of larvae could potentially reduce seed quality. Flowering characteristics, seed set, and seed germination were not significantly different between plants with and without bogus yucca moth larvae. In contrast, the percent total nitrogen content of seeds was significantly lower in plants with P. decipiens larvae, and nitrogen content was negatively correlated with the number of larvae feeding within the inflorescence scape. Surveys of percent total nitrogen at three time periods during the flowering and fruiting of Y. filamentosa also showed that larval feeding decreased the amount of nitrogen in fruit tissue. Taken together, the results suggest that although P. decipiens influences nitrogen distribution in Y. filamentosa, this physiological effect does not appear to impact the female components of reproductive success.  相似文献   

Candolin U 《Animal behaviour》1999,58(6):1261-1267
Honest sexual signalling requires that the level of advertisement reveals mate quality. In the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, females base their mate choice mainly on the intensity of the males' red breeding coloration. Different results have, however, been obtained on the relationship between red breeding coloration and physical condition. In this study, the relationship was curvilinear in a natural population, with males in good and poor condition (measured as lipid content) having larger red areas than males of intermediate condition. By manipulating food intake and thus male condition prior to breeding, I further show that poor condition can induce an increase in signalling effort. This effect was further strengthened when the predation cost of signalling was increased by exposing the males to predators. This suggests that the reason for the high signalling effort of males in poor condition is their low probability of future reproduction and thus lower cost of signalling in terms of loss of future reproductive opportunities. Males in poor condition signal as a terminal effort and take larger risks and invest more in current reproduction than males in good condition. Finally, I discuss whether an effect of decreasing residual reproductive value on signalling effort could result in the breakdown of the honesty of the signal. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Wildlife pathogens can alter host fitness. Low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV) infection is thought to have negligible impacts on wild birds; however, effects of infection in free‐living birds are largely unstudied. We investigated the extent to which LPAIV infection and shedding were associated with body condition and immune status in free‐living mallards (Anas platyrhynchos), a partially migratory key LPAIV host species. We sampled mallards throughout the species' annual autumn LPAIV infection peak, and we classified individuals according to age, sex, and migratory strategy (based on stable hydrogen isotope analysis) when analyzing data on body mass and five indices of immune status. Body mass was similar for LPAIV‐infected and noninfected birds. The degree of virus shedding from the cloaca and oropharynx was not associated with body mass. LPAIV infection and shedding were not associated with natural antibody (NAbs) and complement titers (first lines of defense against infections), concentrations of the acute phase protein haptoglobin (Hp), ratios of heterophils to lymphocytes (H:L ratio), and avian influenza virus (AIV)‐specific antibody concentrations. NAbs titers were higher in LPAIV‐infected males and local (i.e., short distance) migrants than in infected females and distant (i.e., long distance) migrants. Hp concentrations were higher in LPAIV‐infected juveniles and females compared to infected adults and males. NAbs, complement, and Hp levels were lower in LPAIV‐infected mallards in early autumn. Our study demonstrates weak associations between infection with and shedding of LPAIV and the body condition and immune status of free‐living mallards. These results may support the role of mallards as asymptomatic carriers of LPAIV and raise questions about possible coevolution between virus and host.  相似文献   

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