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The trophic status of Okhotsk and Gizhiga-Kamchatka herring populations is defined more accurately through the analysis of their diet and ratios of stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes based on materials of trawl catches in the Sea of Okhotsk for the period from 2003 to 2010. The possibility of applying isotope analysis to the study of the stock characteristics of herring in the northern Sea of Okhotsk is evaluated.  相似文献   

The coefficients of linear and exponential equations approximating the correlation between the length (mass) of a predator and the length (mass) of its prey were considered. The feeding habits of Alaskan pollack, chum salmon, and Pacific herring, considered as predators, were assessed by the value of the angular coefficient of respective regression equations. The bimodal distribution of feeding objects of herring was recorded.  相似文献   

The differentiation of local herring populations from the Sea of Japan and the southern Sea of Okhotsk was assessed on the basis of mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) control region variability. Three samplings of sea herring and one sampling of lake herring were studied. The genetic analysis showed a significant (P < 0.01) difference between lake and sea herring samplings and no differentiation among sea samplings (P > 0.05). AMOVA analysis revealed that only 4.11% of the variability was attributed to the interpopulation component, while variability within populations was 95.89%. It is suggested that the reason for the weak differentiation of local sea herring populations may be an intensive gene flow.  相似文献   

In the northern Sea of Okhotsk, nekton and jellyfish consumed as many as 831 × 109 walleye pollock eggs per day in 2011. The nekton exerted the highest pressure, viz., 98.3% of the overall predation on pollock egg by aquatic animals. Of the entire quantity of consumed eggs, 55.9% were eaten by herring, 35.9% by walleye pollock, 6.5% by Sakhalin sole, and 1.7% by jellyfish. Among jellyfish, scyphomedusae Cyanea capillata and Chrysaora melonaster, as well as the hydromedusa Tima sachalinensis consumed the largest quantities of eggs. The total consumption of pollock egg by aquatic animals in 2011 was estimated at 42.4 × 1012, or 11.4% of the entire quantity of eggs that were spawned by walleye pollock in the waters of the northern part of the sea. The total amount of pollock eggs that were eaten by herring and pollock together for 51 days in 2011 amounted to 38.9 × 1012, which was 5.7 times as much as that in 2002. Thus, a significant growth of predation on pollock eggs by their main consumers, viz., herring and walleye pollock, was observed in 2011. This was caused by an increase in the populations of both species during the recent years and also by a higher concentration of pollock eggs.  相似文献   

The genetic variability of ten microsatellite loci was examined in samples of the herring from the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea. All loci were polymorphic; the expected heterozygosity estimates varied in the range of 0.3–94.3% (mean 66.7%). The degree of genetic differentiation of the herring was statistically significant (θ = 1.38%). The level of pairwise genetic differentiation FST was–0.002–0.046; RST was–0.003–0.166. Genetic differentiation of the herring from the Sea of Okhotsk and the Bering Sea correlated with the spatial-geographic structure of the species in the studied range on the basis of FST (P = 0.001).  相似文献   

Juvenile herring and capelin are the main stocks of plankton feeders in the Barents Sea, the cod is the dominant predator. Warm climate favours recruitment of herring and cod, but large stocks of juvenile herring hamper survival of the capelin fry. Since the early 1970s, the herring stock has been grossly overexploited, which could have led to an imbalance in the state of the predatorprey relationships in the Barents Sea. In the 1970s and early 80s, however, cod could feed on capelin which had excellent growth and recruitment conditions when the herring was absent. The consequences of the reduced herring stock were triggered in the mid 1980s, when excellent recruitment conditions for herring and cod occurred. Three abundant year classes of cod were recruited, but the herring stock was not sufficiently large to take full advantage of the favourable recruitment conditions. Given the lack of juvenile herring and a reduced capelin stock, the rapidly growing cod stock grazed down all other available prey species in the area, including its own progeny, and starved cod, seabirds and seals have in later years appeared on the north Norwegian coast. The capelin fishery collapsed, and the traditional coastal cod fisheries have been struck by the most serious crisis on record.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative composition of fish eggs and larvae in the stomach contents of Baltic herring and sprat was examined. The occurrence of fish eggs and larvae in the diet of herring was markedly higher, compared to sprat. Eggs of four and larvae of nine fish species were found in the herring stomachs. The prey species composition of the herring and sprat diets was related to the ichthyoplankton composition and to the degree of overlapping of the prey and predator distributions. Sprat eggs were the predominant prey in the herring diet in May and sprat larvae prevailed in August. The daily ration estimates indicate that the sprat larvae consumption by herring in August exceeded the sprat egg consumption in May by many times. Cod eggs in the herring stomachs were only found at the optimal oxygen content and salinity for the cod eggs in the near-bottom water layer.  相似文献   

Since 1960, landings of Atlantic herring have been the greatest of any marine species in Canada, surpassing Atlantic cod and accounting for 24% of the total seafood harvested in Atlantic Canada. The Scotian Shelf‐Bay of Fundy herring fisheries (NAFO Division 4VWX) is among Canada''s oldest and drives this productivity, accounting for up to 75% of the total herring catch in some years. The stocks’ productivity and overall health have declined since 1965. Despite management measures to promote recovery implemented since 2003, biomass remains low and is declining. The factors that drive the productivity of 4VWX herring are primarily unresolved, likely impeding the effectiveness of management actions on this stock. We evaluated potential drivers of herring variability by analyzing 52 time‐series that describe the temporal and spatial evolution of the 4VWX herring population and the physical, ecological, and anthropogenic factors that could affect them using structural equation models. Variation in herring biomass was best accounted for by the exploitation rate''s negative effect and the geographic distribution of fishing and recruitment. Thermal phenology and temperature adversely and egg predation positively impacted the early life stage mortality rate and, ultimately, adult biomass. These findings are broadly relevant to fisheries management, but particularly for 4VWX herring, where the current management approach does not consider their early life stage dynamics or assess them within the ecosystem or climate change contexts.  相似文献   

Genetic studies on Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus, have generally revealed a low level of genetic variation over large geographic areas. Genetically distinct herring populations in some of the Norwegian fjords are exceptions, and juvenile herring from the large oceanic herring, Norwegian Spring Spawners (NSS), are often found in mixture with local fjord populations as well as widely distributed in the Barents Sea. Research surveys in the eastern Barents Sea (Goose Bank) in 1993, 1994 and 2001 included collection of herring samples for allozyme analyses. As expected the results identified juveniles from NSS stock, but an additional unique group of herring (low vertebrae number), being almost fixed for alternative alleles at several allozyme loci, was detected. In some cases, the two groups of herring were taken in the same trawl catches as documented by highly significant departure from Hardy—Weinberg expectation with large excess of homozygotes providing evidence for population mixing. Large genetic differences (Nei's genetic distance = 1.53; FST = 0.754) were detected in pairwise comparisons based on five allozyme loci. The two herring groups were also compared with reference samples of Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi, including one sample from Japan Sea and three Alaskan samples. UPGMA dendrogram based on five allozyme loci revealed a close genetic relationship between the low vertebrae herring in the Barents Sea and the group of samples of Pacific herring. Although significant different in allele frequencies, one of the herring samples clustered together with the reference sample from Bering Sea with genetic distance of 0.008 and FST value of 0.032. The close genetic relationship found in this paper, suggest a re-evaluation of the taxonomic status of the Barents Sea herring populations investigated.  相似文献   

Protease activities with specificity toward synthetic substrates, Suc-Gly-Pro-Leu-Gly-Pro-MCA for prolyl endopeptidase or collagenase-like peptidase, and Suc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-MCA for chymotrypsin were identified in the detergent-soluble fraction of herring spermatozoa. The enzyme activities increased in the presence of herring sperm-activating protein (HSAP). Among them a prolyl endopeptidase [EC. 3. 4. 21. 26] was purified to near homogeneity from herring testis. The molecular mass of the enzyme was 79 kDa and the properties of the enzyme were quite similar to prolyl endopeptidase from other tissues or cells. Both the enzyme activation and the sperm motility activation by HSAP were inhibited by benzyloxycarbonyl-L-thioproline-thioprolinal, a specific inhibitor for prolyl endopeptidase. Furthermore, the motility activation by HSAP was inhibited by substrates of the prolyl endopeptidase. Western blotting with mouse anti-prolyl endopeptidase serum revealed the presence of 79 kDa prolyl endopeptidase in the tail fraction of herring sperm. These results suggest that prolyl endopeptidase exists on the surface of the sperm tail and interacts with the HSAP.  相似文献   

This paper updates previous reviews of the 1993 stock decline of Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) in Prince William Sound, Alaska, and focuses on hypotheses about subsequent poor recovery. Recent age structured assessment modeling with covariate analysis indicates that the population dynamics of the sound’s herring are influenced by oceanic factors, nutrition, and, most substantially, hatchery releases of juvenile pink salmon. For the 1993 decline, poor nutrition remains the most probable cause with disease a secondary response. Concerning poor recovery, we examined 16 potential factors and found three to be causal: oceanic factors, poor nutrition, and hatchery releases of juvenile pink salmon. Absences of strong year classes at both Sitka and Prince William Sound after 1993 indicate the action of large-scale ocean processes. Beyond regional-scale environmental factors, two factors specific to the sound influence the population dynamics of herring and are likely impeding recovery. First, pink salmon fry releases have increased to about 600 million annually and may disrupt feeding in young herring, which require adequate nutrition for growth and overwintering survival. Juvenile pink salmon and age-1 herring co-occur in nearshore areas of bays in late spring and summer, and available data on dietary overlap indicates potential competition between the age-1 juvenile herring and juvenile pink salmon. Field studies demonstrate that juvenile herring reduce food intake substantially in the presence of juvenile pink salmon. Second, overwintering humpback whales may consume potentially large amounts of adult herring, but further studies must confirm to what extent whale predation reduces herring biomass.  相似文献   

We examined the spatial and temporal variability of juvenile Pacific herring, Clupea pallasi, growth within Prince William Sound, Alaska. Pacific herring, ranging from post-larval to mature fish, were collected from four spatially segregated bays between October 1995 and March 1998. Linear growth equations from each bay were similar. However, growth rates and wet weight-at-length, reflecting condition, of juvenile Pacific herring cohorts varied seasonally and annually. The short term spatial variability in juvenile Pacific herring growth suggested that each bay was a unique nursery area. The physical and biological conditions within each bay appeared to dictate Pacific herring growth rate.  相似文献   

Confusion over the nomenclature of the Pacific herring is shown to have stemmed from the comparison of it with White Sea herring which was mistakenly assumed to be conspecific with Atlantic herring.  相似文献   

Biological features of the four common fish species, giant grenadier Albatrossia pectoralis (Macrouridae), Pacific herring Clupea pallasii (Clupeidae), Pacific rainbow smelt Osmerus mordax dentex, and Pacific capelin Mallotus villosus catervarius (Osmeridae), were studied under the 20-year dataset (1995?2015). These species inhabit the northwestern Bering Sea in the summer–autumn period and form the schoolings in the Olyutorsky-Navarin region. The size–age parameters of the fish caught by different sampling gear, as well as the peculiarities of the body length and body weight dynamics, spawning periods, spawning range, and conditions, were analyzed. The largest specimens of giant grenadier, Pacific herring, and Pacific rainbow smelt were observed in the catches performed by the bottom setline and the gill nets; the smallest fish were found in the trawl catches. The body length and body weight of Pacific herring were larger in the pelagic trawls compared to the bottom trawls; an opposite pattern was observed for the Pacific capelin. The abundant year-class in the species with short life cycle (capelin and herring) is well tracked on the longterm plots of the fish body size; this is accompanied by the decrease of their biological parameters. Herring stock covers large growing grounds; smaller body size was observed for the herring grazing in the coastal waters; young specimens dominate here.  相似文献   

The genetic variations among spawning groups of herrings from different spawning grounds of the northwestern part of the Sea of Okhotsk was assessed using ten microsatellite loci. All loci were polymorphic with the expected heterozygosity estimates varying at different loci in the range of 0.7–95.0% (with a mean of 68.5%). The degree of genetic differentiation displayed by the herrings from the Sea of Okhotsk was not statistically significant (θ = 0.74%). The level of pairwise genetic differentiation F ST varied in the range of 0.002–0.014, nor was it statistically significant in all comparison pairs between the herring samples.  相似文献   

Changes in the spatial distribution of Baltic herring larvaethrough time were investigated in the waters off Helsinki, thenorthern Baltic Sea. The average larval densities were comparableto the relatively low levels (mean around 2 larvae m–2)found in other studies in the Gulf of Finland. In shallow baysvirtually no herring larvae were found in early June. In lateJune and early July the densities of larvae longer than 10 mmincreased to 1–4 larvae m–2 in shallow areas (depth<2 m), i.e. to levels higher than those recorded in deeperwaters. In combination with data on the size distributions ofthe larvae, these observations suggest that a significant proportionof the herring larvae are found in shallow water after the yolksac stage. We conclude that shallow coastal waters are potentiallyimportant nursery areas for herring larvae and that this featureof herring larval biology should be taken into account in planningsampling programs for larval herring.  相似文献   

Growth efficiencies, ingestions rates and activity levels of walleye Sander vitreus were compared in lakes with and without lake herring Coregonus artedi . Yellow perch Perca flavescens were the main prey in lakes without lake herring. Walleye were sampled in September and October from 38 lakes in Ontario in 1998 and 1999, using multimesh monofilament gillnets. Ingestion rates were estimated from annual increments in somatic mercury and body mass, and the mercury content of yellow perch and lake herring. Walleye had higher growth efficiencies, and lower ingestion and activity rates in lakes with lake herring. Lake herring grow larger than yellow perch and therefore could provide more profitable prey for larger walleye. The results are consistent with optimal foraging theory that predicts that walleye feeding on optimal prey sizes should grow more efficiently, if the ratio of feeding benefit (energy) to cost (search and seizure) is a function of the ratio of predator and prey size.  相似文献   

Movement, site fidelity and connectivity have important consequences for the evolution of population structure and therefore the conservation and management of a species. In this study photographs of naturally marked killer whales collected from sites across the Northeast Atlantic are used to estimate fidelity to sampling locations and movement between locations, expressed as transition probabilities, pt, using maximum likelihood methods. High transition probabilities suggest there is high inter-annual site fidelity to all locations, and large-scale movement between the spawning and wintering grounds of both Norwegian and Iceland stocks of Atlantic herring. There was no evidence of movement between the Norwegian herring grounds and Icelandic herring grounds, or between the mackerel fishing grounds and the herring fishing grounds. Thus the movement of predictable and abundant prey resources can lead to intrinsic isolation in this species We also find movement between the Northern Isles, Scotland and East Iceland. An association network indicates that killer whales predating seals around the Northern Isles, Scotland are linked to the community of killer whales that follow the Icelandic summer-spawning herring. This adds support to existing evidence of a broad niche width in some populations.  相似文献   

The swimbladder-acoustico-lateralis system of the Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, is described and compared with that of the Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus. The system develops in the larva at a much earlier stage than the herring, being functional by about 2 mm tl. The volume of the gas-filled pro-otic bullae is five times that of the herring, and the gas ducts to the swimbladder, instead of being short and separate, are three times the length and join to form a common duct well in front of the swimbladder. The menhaden swimbladder is baggy and totally compliant when subjected to pressure changes. There is no toughened anterior end as in the herring, but the swimbladder is steeply angled in the body cavity, causing gas to collect at the anterior end after a pressure increase, unless the fish is diving very steeply. The guanine content of the swimbladder is comparable with that of the herring and makes the wall very impervious to gas diffusion. When subjected to quick pressure increases and decreases, the pro-otic membrane returns to its flat position with a time constant of 31-44 s. Very large quick pressure changes of about 3 atm burst the pro-otic membrane in adult fish but not in larvae.  相似文献   

Whole herring, Clupea harengus , were digested and emptied from cod stomachs much more slowly than meals of minced herring, showing that prey integrity is an important factor controlling emptying. Increasing the energy content of the minced herring by addition of fish meal and oil led to a reduction in the percentage of the meal emptied in the 24 h subsequent to feeding, but rates of energy throughput on the enriched herring diet were high. The physical form of the diet appears to be more important than energy content in the control of gastric emptying in cod. The results are discussed with respect to possible effects of dietary type on absorptive and metabolic processes.  相似文献   

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