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Rheogenic transport in the renal proximal tubule   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The electrophysiology of the renal Na-K ATPase was studied in isolated perfused amphibian proximal tubules during alterations in bath (serosal) potassium. Intracellular and extracellular ionic activity measurements permitted continuous evaluation of the Nernst potentials for Na+, K+, and Cl- across the basolateral membrane. The cell membrane and transepithelial potential differences and resistances were also determined. Return of K to the basal (serosal) solution after a 20-min incubation in K-free solution hyperpolarized the basolateral membrane to an electrical potential that was more negative than the Nernst potential for either Na, Cl, or K. This constitutes strong evidence that at least under stimulated conditions the Na-K ATPase located at the basolateral membrane of the renal proximal tubule mediates a rheogenic process which directly transfers net charge across the cell membrane. Interpretation of these data in terms of an electrical equivalent circuit permitted calculation of both the rheogenic current and the Na/K coupling ratio of the basolateral pump. During the period between 1 and 3 min after pump reactivation by return of bath K, the basolateral rheogenic current was directly proportional to the intracellular Na activity, and the pump stoichiometry transiently exceeded the coupling ratio of 3Na to 2K reported in other preparations.  相似文献   

Summary. In the kidney the proximal tubule is responsible for the uptake of amino acids. This occurs via a variety of functionally and structurally different amino acid transporters located in the luminal and basolateral membrane. Some of these transporters show an ion-dependence (e.g. Na+, Cl and K+) or use an H+-gradient to drive transport. Only a few amino acid transporters have been cloned or functionally characterized in detail so far and their structure is known, while little is known about a majority of amino acid transporters. Only few attempts have been untertaken looking at the regulation of amino acid transport. We summarized more recent information on amino acid transport in the renal proximal tubule emphasizing functional and regulatory aspects. Received August 8, 1999; Accepted April 20, 2000  相似文献   

Approximate equations for epithelial solute and water transport have been combined with the relations of mass conservation to yield a single differential equation representing volume flow along the proximal tubule. This flow equation is first order, quasilinear and may be integrated directly. For the steady state, the result is an implicit relation between volume flow and distance along the tubule. For two time-dependent problems (step change of tubule inlet velocity or osmolality) the trajectories (distance as a function of transit time) of a fluid element starting at the inlet are obtained. Differentiation of the steady-state relation with respect to the inlet velocity yields a first-order differential equation relating inlet and outlet velocity. This equation is considered in detail, particularly with regard to the influence of solute-linked water reabsorption. Model calculations with parameters representing rat proximal tubule indicate that it will be difficult to discern coupled water flux in this epithelium from only outlet and inlet flows. Calculations using lower transport rates and lower permeabilities suggest that this equation may be useful in quantifying coupled water flow in proximal tubules from other species.  相似文献   

Sulphate and phosphate transport in the renal proximal tubule   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Experiments performed on microperfused proximal tubules and brush-border membrane vesicles revealed that inorganic phosphate is actively reabsorbed in the proximal tubule involving a 2 Na+-HPO2-4 or H2PO-4 co-transport step in the brush-border membrane and a sodium-independent exit step in the basolateral cell membrane. Na+-phosphate co-transport is competitively inhibited by arsenate. The transtubular transport regulation is mirrored by the brush-border transport step: it is inhibited by parathyroid hormone intracellularly mediated by cyclic AMP. Transepithelial inorganic phosphate (Pi) transport and Na+-dependent Pi transport across the brush-border membrane correlates inversely with the Pi content of the diet. Intraluminal acidification as well as intracellular alkalinization led to a reduction of transepithelial Pi transport. Data from brush-border membrane vesicles indicate that high luminal H+ concentrations reduce the affinity for Na+ of the Na+-phosphate co-transport system, and that this mechanism might be responsible for the pH dependence of phosphate reabsorption. Contraluminal influx of Pi from the interstitium into the cell could be partly inhibited by 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid (DIDS). It is not, however, changed when dicarboxylic acids are present or when the pH of the perfusate is reduced to pH 6. Sulphate is actively reabsorbed, involving electroneutral 2 Na+-SO2-4 co-transport through the brush-border membrane. This transport step is inhibited by thiosulphate and molybdate, but not by phosphate or tungstate. The transtubular active sulphate reabsorption is not pH dependent, but is diminished by the absence of bicarbonate. The transport of sulphate through the contraluminal cell side is inhibited by DIDS and diminished when the capillary perfusate contains no bicarbonate or chloride. The latter data indicate the presence of an anion exchange system in the contraluminal cell membrane like that in the erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

We have studied the mechanisms of NaCl transport in the mammalian proximal tubule. Studies of isolated brush-border membrane vesicles confirmed the presence of Na+-H+ exchange and identified Cl(-)-formate and Cl(-)-oxalate exchangers as possible mechanisms of uphill Cl- entry. We found that formate and oxalate each stimulate NaCl absorption in microperfused proximal tubules. Stimulation of NaCl absorption by formate was blocked by the Na+-H+-exchange inhibitor EIPA, whereas stimulation by oxalate was blocked by omission of sulfate from the perfusion solutions. These observations were consistent with recycling of formate from lumen to cell by H+-coupled formate transport in parallel with Na+-H+ exchange and recycling of oxalate by oxalate-sulfate exchange in parallel with Na+-sulfate cotransport. Using isoform-specific antibodies, we found that NHE1 is present on the basolateral membrane of all nephron segments, whereas NHE3 is present on the apical membrane of cells in the proximal tubule and the loop of Henle. The inhibitor sensitivity of Na+-H+ exchange in renal brush-border vesicles and of HCO3- absorption in microperfused tubules suggested that NHE3 is responsible for most, if not all, apical membrane Na+-H+ exchange in the proximal tubule. The role of NHE3 in mediating proximal tubule HCO3- absorption and formate-dependent Cl- absorption was confirmed by studies in NHE3 null mice. Finally, we cloned and functionally expressed CFEX, an anion transporter expressed on the apical surface of proximal tubule cells and capable of mediating Cl(-)-formate exchange.  相似文献   

Experimental data suggest the proximal tubule as a major site of neurogenic influence on tubular function. The functional and anatomical axial heterogeneity of the proximal tubule prompted this study of the distribution of innervation sites along the early, mid, and late proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) of the rat. Serial section autoradiograms, with tritiated norepinephrine serving as a marker for monoaminergic nerves, were used in this study. Freehand clay models and graphic reconstructions of proximal tubules permitted a rough estimation of the location of the innervation sites along the PCT. In the subcapsular nephrons, the early PCT (first third) was devoid of innervation sites with most of the innervation occurring in the mid (middle third) and in the late (last third) PCT. Innervation sites were found in the early PCT in nephrons located deeper in the cortex. In juxtamedullary nephrons, innervation sites could be observed on the PCT as it left the glomerulus. This gradient of PCT innervation can be explained by the different tubulovascular relationships of nephrons at different levels of the cortex. The absence of innervation sites in the early PCT of subcapsular nephrons suggests that any influence of the renal nerves on the early PCT might be due to an effect of neurotransmitter released from renal nerves reaching the early PCT via the interstitium and/or capillaries.  相似文献   

In primary cell cultures of the avian (Gallus gallus) renal proximal tubule parathyroid hormone and cAMP activation generate a Cl-dependent short circuit current (ISC) response, consistent with net transepithelial Cl secretion. In this study we investigated the expression and physiological function of the Na-K-2Cl (NKCC) transporter and CFTR chloride channel, both associated with Cl secretion in a variety of tissues, in these proximal tubule cells. Using both RT-PCR and immunoblotting approaches, we showed that NKCC and CFTR are expressed, both in proximal tubule primary cultures and in a proximal tubule fraction of non-cultured (native tissue) fragments. We also used electrophysiological methods to assess the functional contribution of NKCC and CFTR to forskolin-activated ISC responses in filter grown cultured monolayers. Bumetanide (10 μM), a specific blocker of NKCC, inhibited forskolin activated ISC by about 40%, suggesting that basolateral uptake of Cl is partially mediated by NKCC transport. In monolayers permeabilized on the basolateral side with nystatin, forskolin activated an apical Cl conductance, manifested as bidirectional diffusion currents in the presence of oppositely directed Cl gradients. Under these conditions the apical conductance appeared to show some bias towards apical-to-basolateral Cl current. Two selective CFTR blockers, CFTR Inhibitor 172 and GlyH-101 (both at 20 μM) inhibited the forskolin activated diffusion currents by 38-68%, with GlyH-101 having a greater effect. These data support the conclusion that avian renal proximal tubules utilize an apical CFTR Cl channel to mediate cAMP-activated Cl secretion.  相似文献   

The occurrence of acetylation phenotype has been studied in 76 patients with untreated hyperthyroidism. In 23 of these patients having the "fast" and in 42 having the "slow" acetylation phenotype the selected parameters of calcium-phosphate metabolism have been determined before, during and after propranolol therapy lasting six days. Propranolol was administered at a dose of 160 milligrams daily. A significant decrease in the blood serum level of calcium and urinary calcium excretion following propranolol administration was found only in patients with hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria. On the other hand, a significant decrease in the urinary excretion of hydroxyproline was observed in all the patients with hyperthyroidism treated with propranolol. The effect of propranolol on the measured parameters of calcium-phosphorus metabolism was similar in hyperthyroid patients with both "fast" and "slow" acetylation phenotypes, what suggests that it does not depend on the N-acetyltransferase activity.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity of cytosolic pH was studied with compounds that distribute between the cytosol and mitochondrial matrix in fundamentally different ways, i.e., according to the extent of ionization or according to the function of H+-coupled transport systems. Results show that the average cytosolic pH is considerably more alkaline than the region to which mitochondria are exposed. Because mitochondria are localized predominantly in the basal region, the results are consistent with a transcellular pH gradient within the cytosol of proximal tubule cells. Experiments analyzing the effects of inhibiting efflux of HCO3- at the basal surface and Na+-H+ exchange at the apical surface support the interpretation that the function of these systems contributes to the transcellular pH gradient. The existence of a heterogeneity in pH within the cytosol has important implications concerning the function and regulation of numerous cell processes.  相似文献   

In conclusion the present study has demonstrated the localization of 3 receptors for endocytosis in rat renal proximal tubule cells. The three receptors are located in the membranes of the vacuolar compartment involved in endocytosis in these cells and in addition in dense apical tubules responsible for membrane recycling in the proximal tubule.  相似文献   

The transepithelial shunt pathway of newt proximal tubule was examined with glass micro-electrode and electron microscopic methods. The input resistance of the peritubular (basal) membrane and tubular wall were found to be 4.2 ± 0.1 · 106 (mean ± S.E., n = 16) and 11.4 ± 0.2 · 104 (n = 11), respectively. The input resistance of the peritubular membrane was approximately 40-times larger than that of the tubular wall. When the kidneys were perfused in a lanthanum solution, the lanthanum ions were then observed in the junctional complexes and in the intercellular spaces on both the basal and apical sides. The results indicate that the electrical shunt pathway corresponds to the apical junctional complexes and the intercellular spaces, and that the tight junctions are not truly ‘tight’ for the transepithelial movement of small ions in the proximal tubule of the newt kidney.  相似文献   

Summary Water transport mechanisms in rabbit proximal convoluted cell membranes were examined by measurement of: (1) osmotic (P f ) and diffusional (P d ) water permeabilities, (2) inhibition ofP f by mercurials, and (3) activation energies (E a ) forP f .P f was measured in PCT brush border (BBMV) and basolateral membrane (BLMV) vesicles, and in viable PCT cells by stopped-flow light scattering;P d was measured in PCT cells by proton NMR Ti relaxation times using Mn as a paramagnetic quencher. In BLMV,P f (0.019 cm/sec, 23°C) was inhibited 65% by 5mm pCMBS and 75% by 300 m HgCl2 (K l =42 m);E a increased from 3.6 to 7.6 kcal/mole (15–40°C) with 300 m HgCl2. In BBMV,P f (0.073 cm/sec, 23°C,E a =2.8 kcal/mole, <33°C and 13.7 kcal/mole, >33°C) was inhibited 65% with HgCl2 withE a =9.4 kcal/mole (15–45°C). Mercurial inhibition in BLMV and BBMV was reversed with 10 m mercaptoethanol. Viable PCT cells were isolated from renal cortex by Dounce homogenization and differential seiving. Impedence sizing studies show that PCT cells are perfect osmometers (100–1000 mOsm). Assuming a cell surface-to-volume ratio of 25,000 cm–1,P f was 0.010±0.002 cm/sec (37°C) andP d was 0.0032 cm/sec.P f was independent of osmotic gradient size (25–1000 mOsm) withE a 2.5 kcal/mole (<27°C) and 12.7 kcal/mole (>27°C). CellP f was inhibited 53% by 300 m HgCl2 (23°C) withE a 6.2 kcal/mole. These findings indicate that cellP f is not restricted by extracellular or cytoplasmic unstirred layers and that cellP f is not flow-dependent. The high BLMV and BBMVP f , inhibition by HgCl2, lowE a which increases with inhibition, and the measuredP f /P d >1 in cells in the absence of unstirred layers provide strong evidence for the existence of water channels in proximal tubule brush border and basolateral membranes. These channels are similar to those found in erythrocytes and are likely required for rapid PCT transcellular water flow.  相似文献   

Summary The aminoglycoside antibiotic streptomycin is a known nephrotoxin in vivo and a common component of cell culture media. The effects of streptomycin (100 μg/ml) on transepithelial electrical properties, glucose transport, glycolytic metabolism, and morphology were examined in primary proximal tubule cell cultures from winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) kidney. Streptomycin treatment on either Days 2 to 12 or Days 8 to 13 abolished the transepithelial potential difference and short-circuit current across the monolayer but had no effect on transepithelial resistance in confluent 12 to 13-dcultures, suggesting the loss of active transepithelial transport. Consistent with these findings, mucosal-to-serosal glucose fluxes were greatly reduced in streptomycin-treated cultures and insensitive to the transport inhibitor phlorizin, indicating the absence of the apical Na-dependent glucose transport system associated with net glucose reabsorption. In addition to transport processes, antibiotic treatment also interfered with cellular energy metabolism as judged by the rapid reduction in glycolytic lactate production observed in the presence of streptomycin. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy revealed that streptomycin-treated culture were composed of cuboidal-to-columnar shaped cells which maintained intact tight junctions similar to control cultures. However, apical microvilli, the presumed sites of mucosal transport systems, were severely reduced in number in streptomycin-treated cultures. We concluded that streptomycin, at a dose commonly used in cell culture, inhibited the expression of differentiated function by flounder proximal tubule cell cultures. These cell cultures may provide a suitable model system for examination of the mechanisms of aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity. This investigation was supported by the University of Connecticut Research Foundation and by grant PCM-8003452 from the National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.  相似文献   

Endocytosis of gentamicin in a proximal tubular renal cell line.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The mechanisms by which aminoglycosides are accumulated in renal proximal tubular cells remain unclear. Adsorptive mediated endocytosis, via a common pathway for cationic proteins, or receptor endocytosis, mediated by the glycoprotein 330/megalin, have been proposed to be involved in gentamicin transport in renal cells. We used the LLC-PK1 cell line, derived from the pig proximal tubule, to explore further the regulation of gentamicin endocytosis in these cells and to determine the role of clathrin mediated endocytosis and G proteins in this function. Gentamicin endocytosis was strictly temperature dependent, whereas total uptake (endocytosis plus binding) did not significantly differ at 4 or 37 degrees C. Substances that suppress receptor mediated, clathrin dependent endocytosis, such as monensin, phenylarsine oxide and dansylcadaverine, or inhibit caveolae mediated endocytosis, such as nystatin, did not affect gentamicin entrance in LLC-PK1 cells. Among substances that disrupt the actin cytoskeleton, only cytochalasin D, that is active also on fluid phase endocytosis, significantly reduced the intracellular concentrations of the aminoglycoside. Other maneuvers that perturb clathrin dependent endocytosis without affecting clathrin independent pathway, such as acidification of cytosol or incubation in hypertonic medium, were also without effect. Mastoparan, a well known stimulator of heterotrimeric G proteins, strongly increased endocytosis of gentamicin, and the same effect was evident with two other G protein stimulators, aluminum fluoride and fluoride alone; however the effect seems not to be mediated by an activation of adenylyl cyclase. In conclusion, gentamicin endocytosis in LLC-PK1 cells is probably clathrin independent, limited by cytochalasin D, which interacts with cytoskeleton, and increased by substances like mastoparan and aluminum fluoride, which activate heterotrimeric G proteins.  相似文献   

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