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真核翻译起始因子(eukaryotic translation initiation factors,eIFs)是一类在蛋白质翻译起始的过程中发挥各自不同作用的蛋白质。近年来的研究发现,eIFs除了在蛋白质翻译起始中起作用外,还具有其他的作用,而且多种eIFs均与肿瘤的发生和进展相关。现就eIFs、eIFs与肿瘤的相关性及其在肿瘤治疗方面的应用等研究进展作一综述。 相似文献
在蛋白质合成过程中,除核糖体、氨酰 tRNA和mRNA外,还有多种翻译因子参与其中。真核翻译起始因子5A(eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A, eIF5A)是维持细胞活性必不可少的翻译因子,在进化上高度保守。eIF5A是真核细胞中唯一含有羟腐胺赖氨酸(hypusine)的蛋白质,该翻译后修饰对eIF5A的活性至关重要。1978年,人们首次鉴定出eIF5A,认为它在翻译起始阶段促进第1个肽键的形成。直到2013年才证实它主要在翻译延伸阶段调控含多聚脯氨酸基序蛋白质的翻译。在经过四十多年研究后,人们对eIF5A的功能有了新的认识。近期基于核糖体图谱数据的分析表明,eIF5A能够缓解翻译延伸过程中核糖体在多种基序处的停滞,并不局限于多聚脯氨酸基序,并且它还能够通过促进肽链的释放增强翻译终止。此外,eIF5A还可以通过调控某些蛋白质的翻译,间接影响细胞内的各种生命活动。本文综述了eIF5A的多种翻译后修饰、在蛋白质合成和细胞自噬过程中的调控作用以及与人类疾病的关系,并与细菌及古细菌中的同源蛋白质进行了比较,探讨了该因子在进化中的保守性,以期为相关领域的研究提供一定的理论基础。 相似文献
蒋达和 《生物化学与生物物理进展》1992,19(6):422-427
真核mRNA在80S核糖体上翻译成蛋白质是一个复杂的过程,需要多步反应及多种因子参与,文章就真核蛋白质的生物合成机制简要综述翻译起始、延伸和终止因子的结构、功能和性质及其在肽链合成过程中的作用研究新进展. 相似文献
肾脏疾病的防治一直是医学研究的重点。真核翻译起始因子2α激酶(eIF2α)是哺乳动物细胞中代谢应激反应的关键因子,可诱导整体蛋白质翻译抑制,并在不同的细胞代谢应激下控制细胞存活。eIF2α激酶在维持机体的正常生理功能方面及肿瘤、免疫和代谢相关疾病等的发生发展过程中发挥重要作用。研究提示eIF2α激酶可能参与多种肾脏疾病的病理过程,因此,本文对eIF2α激酶家族及其在肾脏疾病中的可能作用等方面的研究进展进行归纳总结,以期为肾脏疾病的防治提供新的参考和理论依据。 相似文献
真核翻译起始因子3(Eukaryotic translation factor 3,eIF3)是由多个亚单位组成的复合因子,其中eIF3a是其最大的亚单位。很多研究表明在酵母和哺乳动物细胞中,eIF3都参与了m RNA翻译起始,并对蛋白质的合成有很好的调控作用。值得一提的是eIF3a通过调控一系列与肿瘤的生成、细胞周期的调控DNA修复等过程相关的m RNA的翻译从而在肿瘤的发生、演进和干预中发挥重要作用。此外,研究发现eIF3a对RAF-MEK-ERK信号通路有抑制作用。eIF3a对蛋白质翻译的调节及其对RAF-MEK-ERK信号通路的影响使其有望成为肿瘤治疗的新靶点。本文将着重围绕eIF3a在肿瘤发生、演进和干预中的作用进行概述。 相似文献
刘定干 《生物化学与生物物理进展》2000,27(5)
最近几年来,关于真核mRNA 3'UTR在肿瘤细胞恶性表型抑制中作用的研究, 取得了非常令人鼓舞的进展. 目前已经发现,3'UTR参与一些已知的癌基因和抗癌基因的功能调控; 一些抗癌基因的失活来源于其3'-UTR的结构变化;而且又发现了一些基因的3'UTR在转染恶性细胞后表现抗癌基因活性. 此外,3'UTR在mRNA表达调控中的作用也已研究得更加深入.现将最近几年来在这一领域的一部分研究进展情况,作一简单综述 相似文献
刘定干 《生物化学与生物物理进展》2000,27(5):472-476
最近几年来,关于真核mRNA 3′UTR在肿瘤细胞恶性表型抑制中作用的研究, 取得了非常令人鼓舞的进展. 目前已经发现,3′UTR参与一些已知的癌基因和抗癌基因的功能调控; 一些抗癌基因的失活来源于其3′-UTR的结构变化;而且又发现了一些基因的3′UTR在转染恶性细胞后表现抗癌基因活性. 此外,3′UTR在mRNA表达调控中的作用也已研究得更加深入.现将最近几年来在这一领域的一部分研究进展情况,作一简单综述. 相似文献
Apart from their role in translation, eukaryotic translation factors or their individual subunits may perform other functions, in particular, regulating nuclear processes. Primary structure analysis revealed four potential nuclear localization signals (NLS) in the human eIF3 large subunit, p170. NLS were tested for ability to direct p170 into the nucleus. For this purpose, cDNAs coding for p170 fragments fused with the green fluorescent protein were expressed in CV-1 and Cos-1 cultured monkey cells. The location of the expression product was studied by fluorescence microscopy. At least two of the four putative bipartite NLS proved to direct the corresponding p170 fragments into the nucleus. Larger p170 fragments with the same NLS were retained in the cytoplasm. It was assumed that, with the help of some specific factors or after limited proteolysis, p170 enters the nucleus and participates in regulating genome expression. Alternatively, the cytoplasmic function of p170 might be regulated via a reversible binding of integrins to NLS. 相似文献
Suong Nguyen Chrisopher Leija Lisa Kinch Sandesh Regmi Qiong Li Nick V. Grishin Margaret A. Phillips 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2015,290(32):19987-19998
The eukaryotic protozoan parasite Trypanosoma brucei is the causative agent of human African trypanosomiasis. Polyamine biosynthesis is essential in T. brucei, and the polyamine spermidine is required for synthesis of a novel cofactor called trypanothione and for deoxyhypusine modification of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 5A (eIF5A). eIF5A promotes translation of proteins containing polyprolyl tracts in mammals and yeast. To evaluate the function of eIF5A in T. brucei, we used RNA interference (RNAi) to knock down eIF5A levels and found that it is essential for T. brucei growth. The RNAi-induced growth defect was complemented by expression of wild-type human eIF5A but not by a Lys-50 mutant that blocks modification by deoxyhypusine. Bioinformatics analysis showed that 15% of the T. brucei proteome contains 3 or more consecutive prolines and that actin-related proteins and cysteine proteases were highly enriched in the group. Steady-state protein levels of representative proteins containing 9 consecutive prolines that are involved in actin assembly (formin and CAP/Srv2p) were significantly reduced by knockdown of eIF5A. Several T. brucei polyprolyl proteins are involved in flagellar assembly. Knockdown of TbeIF5A led to abnormal cell morphologies and detached flagella, suggesting that eIF5A is important for translation of proteins needed for these processes. Potential specialized functions for eIF5A in T. brucei in translation of variable surface glycoproteins were also uncovered. Inhibitors of deoxyhypusination would be expected to cause a pleomorphic effect on multiple cell processes, suggesting that deoxyhypusine/hypusine biosynthesis could be a promising drug target in not just T. brucei but in other eukaryotic pathogens. 相似文献
Feng-wei Wang Xin-yuan Guan Dan Xie 《International journal of biological sciences》2013,9(10):1013-1020
Eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF5A), the only known cellular protein containing the amino acid hypusine, is an essential component of translation elongation. eIF5A2, one of the two isoforms in the eIF5A family, is reported to be a novel oncogenic protein in many types of human cancer. Both in vitro and in vivo studies showed that eIF5A2 could initiate tumor formation, enhance cancer cell growth, and increase cancer cell motility and metastasis by inducing epithelial-mesenchymal transition. Accumulatied evidence suggests that eIF5A2 is a useful biomarker in the prediction of cancer prognoses and serves as an anticancer molecular target. In this review, we will focus on updating current knowledge of the EIF5A2 gene in human cancers. The molecular mechanisms of EIF5A2 related to tumorigenesis will also be discussed. 相似文献
Jagpreet S. Nanda Yuen-Nei Cheung Julie E. Takacs Adesh K. Saini Jon R. Lorsch 《Journal of molecular biology》2009,394(2):268-285
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor (eIF) 1 is a central mediator of start codon recognition. Dissociation of eIF1 from the preinitiation complex (PIC) allows release of phosphate from the G-protein factor eIF2, triggering downstream events in initiation. Mutations that weaken binding of eIF1 to the PIC decrease the fidelity of start codon recognition (Sui− phenotype) by allowing increased eIF1 release at non-AUG codons. Consistent with this, overexpression of these mutant proteins suppresses their Sui− phenotypes. Here, we have examined mutations at the penultimate residue of eIF1, G107, that produce Sui− phenotypes without increasing the rate of eIF1 release. We provide evidence that, in addition to its role in gating phosphate release, dissociation of eIF1 triggers conversion from an open, scanning-competent state of the PIC to a stable, closed one. We also show that eIF5 antagonizes binding of eIF1 to the complex and that key interactions of eIF1 with its partners are modulated by the charge at and around G107. Our data indicate that eIF1 plays multiple roles in start codon recognition and suggest that prior to AUG recognition it prevents eIF5 from binding to a key site in the PIC required for triggering downstream events. 相似文献
M. Duane Smith Yu Gu Jordi Querol-Audí Jacob M. Vogan Adam Nitido Jamie H. D. Cate 《PloS one》2013,8(11)
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3) is a key regulator of translation initiation, but its in vivo assembly and molecular functions remain unclear. Here we show that eIF3 from Neurospora crassa is structurally and compositionally similar to human eIF3. N. crassa eIF3 forms a stable 12-subunit complex linked genetically and biochemically to the 13th subunit, eIF3j, which in humans modulates mRNA start codon selection. Based on N. crassa genetic analysis, most subunits in eIF3 are essential. Subunits that can be deleted (e, h, k and l) map to the right side of the eIF3 complex, suggesting that they may coordinately regulate eIF3 function. Consistent with this model, subunits eIF3k and eIF3l are incorporated into the eIF3 complex as a pair, and their insertion depends on the presence of subunit eIF3h, a key regulator of vertebrate development. Comparisons to other eIF3 complexes suggest that eIF3 assembles around an eIF3a and eIF3c dimer, which may explain the coordinated regulation of human eIF3 levels. Taken together, these results show that Neurospora crassa eIF3 provides a tractable system for probing the structure and function of human-like eIF3 in the context of living cells. 相似文献