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刘福林  周瑾  张蔚  汪晖 《遗传》2017,39(4):263-275
胎盘介于胎儿与母体之间,是维持胎儿宫内生长发育的重要器官。在胎盘的正常发育过程中,子宫正常蜕膜化、滋养层细胞粘附与侵袭、胎盘血管生成与形成、胎盘印记基因表达都受到表观遗传修饰(如DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、非编码RNA等)的调控。研究已经证实环境因素如重金属、化合物、现代辅助生殖技术、营养物质均可导致胎盘上多种基因的表观遗传修饰异常。此外,胎盘基因表达存在性别差异也可能与表观遗传修饰有关。目前,在临床上可运用产前DNA甲基化水平分析技术检测异常的表观遗传修饰,并在疾病早期发现并做出诊断,从而为疾病预防及治疗提供依据。本文对胎盘正常发育过程中表观遗传修饰的调控及环境因素所致的胎盘基因表观遗传改变进行了综述,以期对胎盘相关疾病的诊断与治疗提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

表观遗传学与人类疾病的研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
张永彪  褚嘉祐 《遗传》2005,27(3):466-472
在过去的几年里,人们对表观遗传疾病的机理有了新的认识,这些疾病与染色质重塑、基因组印记、X染色体失活以及非编码RNA调控这4个表观遗传过程相关。这4个过程通过调节染色质结构,在染色体或基因簇水平上对基因表达进行调控;异常调控导致复杂的突变且表现为出生前后生长发育和神经功能的异常。对这些疾病的探讨为表观遗传机制的研究提供了很好的模型,进而有助于生物医学的研究。文章就表观遗传学和表观遗传疾病机制的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

印记基因是仅表达等位基因中的亲本一方,而亲本另一方基因沉默的表观遗传学现象.印记基因中双亲等位基因携带特异性表观遗传标记,通过不同的机制(例如,lncRNA模型、绝缘子模型)使相应的等位基因沉默或表达.印记基因的正常表达使得个体正常发育,而印记基因的异常表达则与肿瘤发生有关.主要概述印记基因的结构、表达机制及IGF2/...  相似文献   

哺乳动物X染色体失活机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
哺乳动物X染色体连锁基因的剂量平衡,是通过雌性胚胎发育早期随机或印记失活一条X染色体来实现的,这是一个复杂的过程,包括:启动、计数、选择、维持等一系列的步骤。X染色体失活中心是X染色体失活的主控开关座位,调节X失活的早期事件,失活发生后,X染色体的失活状态可稳定地存在并传递给后代,这一过程涉及基因组印记的形成。此外,在雄性动物,精原细胞减数分裂早期也存在着短暂的X染色体失活现象。现对哺乳动物X染色体失活机制的最新进展进行综述。  相似文献   

表观遗传学与人类表观基因组计划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
表观遗传学已被用来描述许多生物学过程,成为生物学与医学领域中热点的学科之一.本文简要介绍表观遗传学与表观遗传基因组学的概念、人类表观基因组计划研究的目标与意义,并阐述DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰、染色质重塑和非编码微小RNA等表观遗传学调控基因表达的机制.我们已经认识到人类疾病基因缺损可能部分或完全与表观遗传有关.所以,研究疾病状态下非突变的、可逆的表观遗传调节,以及治疗的可能性具有重要实际意义.  相似文献   

近日,北京大学生命科学院陶伟课题组和德国国家癌症研究所Ingrid Grummt教授合作,研究发现核糖体基因启动子区具有活跃和抑制性的表观遗传修饰调控。该项研究结果已于2012年5月8日在美国《国家科学院院刊》(PNAS)在线发表。  相似文献   

从经典遗传学理论上来讲,脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)是把生物的遗传信息传递给下一代的物质。上一代的生活经历一般不会影响下一代,因为DNA的序列不可能在如此短暂的时间内产生足以影响下一代性状的改变。然而对人和动物的观察表明,上一代的生活经历可以通过DNA序列以外的途径传给后代。这些途径主要包括组蛋白的乙酰化和DNA的甲基化。它们不改变DNA中核苷酸的序列,却能影响基因的表达。这些不通过DNA序列改变而影响身体性状,有时能遗传给后代的变化就叫做"表观遗传"修饰。  相似文献   

表观遗传学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
表观遗传学是在基因组DNA序列不发生变化的条件下,基因表达发生的改变也是可以遗传的,导致可遗传的表现型变化。表观遗传学主要包括DNA甲基化作用、组蛋白修饰作用、染色质重塑、遗传印记、随机染色体(X)失活及RNA世界等。与表观遗传学相关的疾病主要有肿瘤、心血管病、精神病和自身免疫系统性病等。现就表观遗传学与疾病进行综述。  相似文献   

葛少钦  康现江  段斐 《遗传》2010,32(4):289-294
卵胞浆内精子注射(Intracytoplasmic sperm injection, ICSI)技术可用于男性少精、弱精、精子畸形、无精子和常规体外受精周期失败等, 克服了精子数量不足甚至直接从附睾、睾丸获取精子来治疗不育。该技术直接将单个精子注射入卵子, 因违背自然受精的生物学法则而具有很大的遗传风险。文章对ICSI精子遗传缺陷和表观遗传缺陷及其相关疾病进行综述, 可进一步认识ICSI精子遗传与表观遗传缺陷导致后代遗传风险增加的分子的机理, 文章阐述了ICSI精子有待于通过DNA甲基化、组蛋白乙酰化等表观遗传因子进行严格质量控制, 切实降低ICSI遗传及表观遗传缺陷风险的必要性。  相似文献   

外因遗传学及其重要意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡楷 《遗传》2002,24(6):734-738
本文综述外因遗传学的提出、发展的各个主要阶段和该学科的确立。基因特性可以从两个层面来进行研究,(1)是遗传物质的传递,(2)是从基因型到表型这个过程。外因遗传学从1942年沃丁顿提出,经1987年霍利迪的发展,到现今在各类生物包括人类中积累了丰富的资料,并能够用化学分子来说明其作用机理。外因遗传学现代的定义为:基因功能的改变,凡未牵涉到DNA的序列,又可通过细胞的有丝或减数分裂而遗传者,称为外因遗传。作者介绍了外因遗传的范围,如:X染色体剂量补偿、基因组印记、分化细胞的基因组重新编程、癌基因、转录的分子调节、RNA介导的基因沉默、组蛋白码、着丝粒的遗传和进化以及外因遗传的进化。此外,还有科学界的反应和评价,包括其在人类生物学和医学方面的重要性和该理论的重大的意义。组蛋白码不同于DNA码,DNA码需要精确拷贝,而且是静止的;而外因遗传就不是如此之僵硬,而具有一定的弹性,因为组蛋白码是决定于其上下文的,可在不同场景下组合成不同的码,它是为其他的蛋白质所读的。遗传需要稳定性,也需要根据内因和外因的变化而有灵活性,DNA码和组蛋白码相辅相成,对复杂的生物是必备的。 The Meaning of Epigenetics HU Kai The Tropical Biology Center,Hainan University,Haikou,Hainan 570028,China Abstract:Epigenetics,the term was introduced by Conrad H.Waddington,in 1942,he said that to compare genetics with epigenetics,the study of the processes by which genotype gives rise to phenotype.In 1987,Robin Holliday redefined epigenetic as “Nuclear inheritance which is not based on differences in DNA sequence”.The author of this paper introduced that in Science,10 August 2001,there was a special collection of review articles focused on the topic of epigenetics.The new “histone code” hypothesis states that the highly modifiable amino termini could carry their own combinatorial codes to help control phenotype,and that part of this code is heritable.And in light of this hypothesis,researchers are approaching further possibilities in human biology and types of cancer and other diseases. Key words:epigenetics; gene expressing  相似文献   

表遗传学推动新一轮遗传学的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
薛开先 《遗传》2005,27(1):155-159
科学的发展孕育着突破,表遗传学研究推动着新一轮的遗传学的发展。表遗传学是研究没有DNA序列变化的、可遗传的表达改变。表遗传学不仅对医学和农业有重要的实践意义,而且还提供了理解遗传和进化的新观点。研究表明,人类基因组含有两类遗传信息,遗传学信息提供了合成生命所必需蛋白质的模板,而表遗传学信息提供了何时、何地和怎样地应用遗传学信息的指令;遗传学和表遗传学的关系有如“阴阳”,它们既相区别又协同参与调节生命活动。同时还讨论了基因的概念、进化和epigenetics的中文译名等问题。表遗传学研究应引起国内学术界的关注。Abstract: Scientific development is pregnant with a breakthrough, epigenetic studies are pushing the genetics forward. Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression that occurs without a change in DNA sequence. Epigenetics not only has practical significance for medicine and agriculture, but also provides new views on understanding heredity and evolution. Human genome contains information in two forms: the genetic information provides the blueprint for the manufacture of all the proteins necessary to create a living thing while the epigenetic information provides instructions on how, where, and when the genetic information should be used. The interrelationship of genetics and epigenetics is like a yin-yan, they are different from each other, and cooperatively take part in regulation of a variety of living activities. In this paper concept of gene and problems of evolution has been also discussed according to epigenetic viewpoints.  相似文献   

Epigenetics and plant evolution   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A fundamental precept of evolutionary biology is that natural selection acts on phenotypes determined by DNA sequence variation within natural populations. Recent advances in our understanding of gene regulation, however, have elucidated a spectrum of epigenetic molecular phenomena capable of altering the temporal, spatial, and abundance patterns of gene expression. These modifications may have morphological, physiological, and ecological consequences, and are heritable across generations, suggesting they are important in evolution. A corollary is that genetic variation per se is not always a prerequisite to evolutionary change. Here, we provide an introduction to epigenetic mechanisms in plants, and highlight some of the empirical studies illustrative of the possible connections between evolution and epigenetically mediated alterations in gene expression and morphology.  相似文献   

International experts gathered at the Mayo Clinic (Rochester MN, USA) on February 27th-28th, 2017 for a meeting entitled ‘Basic and Translational Facets of the Epigenetics of GI Diseases’. This workshop summarized recent advances on the role of epigenetics in the pathobiology of gastrointestinal (GI) diseases. Highlights of the meeting included recent advances on the involvement of different epigenetic mechanisms in malignant and nonmalignant GI disorders and the epigenetic heterogeneity exhibited in these diseases. The translational value of epigenetic drugs, as well as the current and future use of epigenetic changes (i.e., DNA methylation patterns) as biomarkers for early detection tools or disease stratification were also important topics of discussion.  相似文献   

促使体细胞核重编程的方法很多,除了传统的体细胞核移植方法外,科学家们努力寻求从法律、道德、伦理等方面更易被人们接受的新方法.近年来多能干细胞与体细胞融合、多能细胞的抽提物与体细胞共孵育以及将编码多潜能因子的基因导入体细胞中等方法都能使体细胞核发生重新编程,将已分化的体细胞转变为一种全能的胚胎状态.主要论述了生殖细胞及早期胚胎、体细胞核移植和其他形式的体细胞核重编程的表观遗传学的改变,对表观遗传学的深入研究将有助于我们进一步了解体细胞核重编程的机制,从而不断完善各种技术促进供体核的重新编程,使其更好地应用于基础研究和生产实践.  相似文献   

表遗传学与肿瘤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
表遗传学通过对核小体上D NA和组蛋白的结构修饰以及其后导致的染色质结构改变而对局部或整体的基因表达产生重要的调控作用.肿瘤分子生物学研究表明,表遗传学的紊乱与基因的变异一起参与了包括肿瘤细胞生长和分化、细胞周期的调控、D N A修复与重新表达、原癌基因的激活、肿瘤细胞的转移及肿瘤细胞逃避宿主免疫监视等肿瘤发生发展的整个过程.相对于基因变异而言,可逆的表遗传学调控为肿瘤的治疗提供一个全新的方向,而对其分子机制的研究为抗肿瘤药物的设计也提供了一个全新的靶点,从而对肿瘤的临床治疗具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

Recent evidence of intergenerational epigenetic programming of disease risk broadens the scope of public health preventive interventions to future generations, i.e. non existing people. Due to the transmission of epigenetic predispositions, lifestyles such as smoking or unhealthy diet might affect the health of populations across several generations. While public policy for the health of future generations can be justified through impersonal considerations, such as maximizing aggregate well‐being, in this article we explore whether there are rights‐based obligations supervening on intergenerational epigenetic programming despite the non‐identity argument, which challenges this rationale in case of policies that affect the number and identity of future people. We propose that rights based obligations grounded in the interests of non‐existing people might fall upon existing people when generations overlap. In particular, if environmental exposure in F0 (i.e. existing people) will affect the health of F2 (i.e. non‐existing people) through epigenetic programming, then F1 (i.e. existing and overlapping with both F0 and F2) might face increased costs to address F2's condition in the future: this might generate obligations upon F0 from various distributive principles, such as the principle of equal opportunity for well being.  相似文献   

Emerging evidence is shedding light on a large and complex network of epigenetic modifications at play in human stem cells. This “epigenetic landscape” governs the fine-tuning and precision of gene expression programs that define the molecular basis of stem cell pluripotency, differentiation and reprogramming. This review will focus on recent progress in our understanding of the processes that govern this landscape in stem cells, such as histone modification, DNA methylation, alterations of chromatin structure due to chromatin remodeling and non-coding RNA activity. Further investigation into stem cell epigenetics promises to provide novel advances in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide array of human diseases.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity is an important mechanism for populations to buffer themselves from environmental change. While it has long been appreciated that natural populations possess genetic variation in the extent of plasticity, a surge of recent evidence suggests that epigenetic variation could also play an important role in shaping phenotypic responses. Compared with genetic variation, epigenetic variation is more likely to have higher spontaneous rates of mutation and a more sensitive reaction to environmental inputs. In our review, we first provide an overview of recent studies on epigenetically encoded thermal plasticity in animals to illustrate environmentally‐mediated epigenetic effects within and across generations. Second, we discuss the role of epigenetic effects during adaptation by exploring population epigenetics in natural animal populations. Finally, we evaluate the evolutionary potential of epigenetic variation depending on its autonomy from genetic variation and its transgenerational stability. Although many of the causal links between epigenetic variation and phenotypic plasticity remain elusive, new data has explored the role of epigenetic variation in facilitating evolution in natural populations. This recent progress in ecological epigenetics will be helpful for generating predictive models of the capacity of organisms to adapt to changing climates.  相似文献   

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis and no longer is considered as an absolute consequence of joint mechanical use (wear and tear); rather recent data demonstrate the pivotal role of inflammatory mediators in the development and progression of this disease. This multifactorial disease results from several environmental and inherited factors. Genetic cannot solely explain all the contribution share of inheritance and, this way, it is speculated that epigenetics can play a role, too. Moreover, environmental factors can induce local epigenetic changes. The epigenetic contribution to OA pathogenesis occurs at all of its levels, DNA methylation, histone modification, microRNA, and long noncoding RNA. In fact, during early phases of OA pathogenesis, environmental factors employ epigenetic mechanisms to provide a positive feedback for the OA-related pathogenic mechanisms and pathways with an ultimate outcome of a well-established clinical OA. These epigenetic changes stay during clinical disease and prevent the body natural healing and regenerative processes to work properly, resulting in an incurable disease condition. In this review article, we aimed to have an overview on the studies performed with regard to understanding the role of epigenetics in the etiopathogenesis of OA and highlighted the importance of such kind of regulatory mechanisms within this context.  相似文献   

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