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TLR4在哺乳动物对脂多糖反应中的作用   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
Toll信号转导通路在果蝇的发育和天然免疫反应中起重要作用.最近在小鼠进行的定点克隆研究表明Lps位座编码一种Toll样受体TLR4,该受体作为LPS受体复合物的跨膜成分而转导脂多糖(LPS)信号,而其相关蛋白TLR2则在其他病原体微生物介导的细胞反应中起作用.TLR4的发现使我们对LPS信号转导通路的认识前进了一大步.  相似文献   

易世杰  赵礼金 《蛇志》2013,25(2):183-187
Toll样受体(toll-like receptors,TLRs)因其积极的研究成果而成为近年来广受关注的一种病原体识别受体,TLRs分布相对比较广泛,不但在小肠上皮、呼吸上皮细胞表达,同时也在血管内皮细胞、树突状细胞[1]、大鼠脾及心肌细胞[2]等细胞中表达.研究证实,它属于模式识别受体(pattern recognition receptors,PRRs),病原相关分子模式(pathogen-associated molecule pattern,PAMPs)可被其辨别,然后引发一系列的信号转导,TLRs 是备受关注的一种PRRs.Toll样受体4(toll-like receptor 4,TLR4)是TLRs家族中极为重要的成员,是天然免疫系统识别病原微生物的主要受体,在天然免疫反应中扮演着关键性作用.细菌脂多糖(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)作为一类受体,主要作用是介导信号跨膜转导,尤其对革兰氏阴性菌所引起的感染性炎症起着极为关键的作用.由于近年来对TLR4介导的信号转导及TLR4与疾病的关系研究成为热点,本文就TLR4的信号转导、TLR4与LPS的关系及TLR4信号通路调节进行综述如下.  相似文献   

选择性剪接在Toll样受体4信号转导通路中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Toll样受体4(Toll-likereceptor4,TLR4)属于模式识别受体,可识别来自G-细菌细胞壁的脂多糖(lipopoly-saccharides,LPS),并通过MyD88依赖途径或MyD88非依赖途径进行信号转导,引发核因子-κB(NF-κB)和其他转录因子的表达,从而诱导细胞因子、化学趋化因子的产生,引起系统性炎症反应。选择性剪接是真核生物控制基因表达的一种重要机制,在TLR4通路中很多信号分子都存在着选择性剪接产生的异构体,且这些剪接异构体分子大都可负性调控TLR4信号转导通路。本文针对这方面的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Toll样受体4(Toll like receptor 4,TLR4)是广泛表达于哺乳动物的跨膜受体,由于TLR4在人体的高表达与各种炎症反应相关联,抑制过高的TLR4表达可能是控制机体炎症损伤的新途径.目前的研究主要是针对TLR4的直接阻断与对TLR4的信号转导通路的抑制.由于TLR4的信号转导通路已经较为明确,从而研究对TLR4信号转导通路的抑制可能会对机体过强的炎症反应及损伤的控制产生有益作用.本文就当前针对抑制TLR4信号转导通路的研究作一综述.  相似文献   

LPS受体及信号转导研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内毒素脂多糖(LPS)可激活单核/巨噬细胞,产生一系列炎症反应,而LPS跨膜信号转导是引起细胞效应的关键。本文主要综述LPS结合蛋白(LBP)、LPS受体(mCD14、sCD14)以及Toll群受体(TLRs)在LPS激活细胞及信号跨膜传递中的重要作用。推测LPS/LBP与细胞膜CD14结合后,TLRs以及细胞外富含亮氨酸片段的重复序列识别LPS,将LPS的刺激信号跨膜转导,激活NF-kB信号途径导致效应基因的表达。  相似文献   

Huang YZ  Mei L 《生理科学进展》2001,32(3):197-203
Neuregulins(NRG)是一在结构上相类似的多肽家族,它们由四个不同的基因编码。NRG有三种异构体(NRG1、2和3)。这些异构体在及脑内有高表达,包括发育中的脑和成熟的脑。这些异构体中,对NRG1研究最为广泛。NRG1对神经系统的发育有多种重要的调节作用。它能促进胶质细胞的生化和分化;也能调节小脑、颗粒细胞沿胶质细胞的迁移。在突触形成过程中,NRG1可诱导以下三种受体的表达:神经肌肉接头和中枢 神经系统内的乙酰胆碱受体的表达;小脑胶质细胞中NMDA受体的NR2C亚单位的表达;小脑胶质细胞中GABAA受体的表达。近年来的研究表明,NRG受体多分布于突触后膜致密区,提示NRG可能对突触的可塑性有重要的作用。本文综述了NRG的研究进展,特别对其功能及其信号转导机制有较多的讨论。  相似文献   

内毒素耐受性与TLR4信号通路   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
内毒素(lipopolysaccharide,LPS)耐受性普遍存在,并与其他病原微生物致病因子(LAM、STF等)存在交叉耐受性。不同种类LPS产生耐受性的可能性与机制不同。TLR4作为LPS靶细胞膜上的跨膜受体,主要介导LPS信号的跨膜转导,TLR4结构与功能的改变,以及TLR4信号通路中各个环节(MD2、MyD88、IRAK、IκB、NF—κB、炎症因子)的功能缺陷,都将导致LPS耐受性的产生。  相似文献   

G蛋白偶联信号转导通路及β-arrestin在信号转导中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GTP偶联的调节蛋白(G蛋白)的功能在细胞信号转导和调节中是十分重要的.作为一种被广泛研究的参与蛋白直接或间接地调节一些生理过程.G蛋白有两种类型:包含3个不同亚基的“大G蛋白”和只有1个亚基的“小G蛋白”.最近的研究显示还有另外一种化学物质β-arrestin参与到了G蛋白信号转导通路中.  相似文献   

植物ABA受体及其介导的信号转导通路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
易文凯  王佳  杨辉  田云  卢向阳 《植物学报》2012,47(5):515-524
ABA是调控植物体生长发育和响应外界应激的重要植物激素之一。近年来, ABA受体的筛选和鉴定取得了突破性进展, 为植物中ABA信号转导通路的阐明奠定了重要基础。该文主要综述了ABA-binding protein/H subunit of Mgchelatase (ABAR/CHLH)、G protein-coupled receptor 2 (GCR2)、GPCR-type G protein 1/2 (GTG1/2)和pyrabactin resistant/PYR-like/regulatory component of ABA (PYR/PYL/RCAR)被报道为ABA受体的研究历程, 重点介绍了以ABAR/CHLH PYR/PYL/RCAR为受体的ABA信号转导通路模型的构建, 旨在为ABA受体及其信号转导通路的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

肿瘤干细胞是肿瘤中存在的一小群具有自我更新和分化潜能的细胞,也是存在于肿瘤 组织中具有干细胞样能力的肿瘤细胞亚群,在肿瘤的发生、发展中起着非常重要的作用.近年来发现,肿瘤干细胞的生长调控与Wnt、Notch、Hedgehog等多种信号转导通 路有关.本文简要综述了肿瘤干细胞生长相关信号转导通路的研究进展,旨在为肿瘤干细胞研究和临床应用提供理论依据.  相似文献   

郑晓云  刘先哲 《生命科学》2012,(10):1174-1178
动脉粥样硬化(atherosclerosis,AS)是多种细胞、炎性介质参与形成的慢性炎症性疾病。Toll样受体家族(Toll like receptors,TLRs)中的TLR4是机体重要的诱导分泌多种炎性因子的模式识别受体。现有证据表明,TLR4不仅产生多种炎性因子诱发血管炎症反应,而且促进AS斑块形成和发展,造成斑块不稳定,甚至破裂,对AS的发生、发展具有重要作用。因此,了解TLR4对AS的影响有助于发现新的治疗靶点和对策。主要对TLR4在AS发病机制和易损斑块发展中的作用进行综述。  相似文献   

目的:观察右美托咪啶对脓毒症大鼠肾脏功能及Toll 受体4 表达的影响,探讨减轻脓毒症损害的潜在治疗方案。方法:选择 雄性SD 大鼠作为研究对象,采取盲肠结扎穿孔方法建立脓毒症模型;取模型制备成功的大鼠按照数字随机法分为3 组,A 组为 空白对照组,泵注1.0 mL/kg 生理盐水,B 组为对照组,术毕泵注1.0 mL/kg 生理盐水,维持10 min,持续泵注NS 1.0 mL/kg·h,C 组为实验组,术毕给予右美托咪定5 滋g/kg,维持10 min,持续泵注右美托咪定4.5 滋g/kg·h,3 组均持续泵注24 h,并于6 h、12 h、 24 h各组分别取8 只大鼠检测中性粒细胞明胶酶相关脂质运载蛋白(NGAL)表达水平进行比较,并观察比较3 组研究对象尿素 氮(BUN)、肌酐清除率(Ccr)以及肾脏组织Toll 受体4水平及TLR4 mRNA水平。结果:C 组大鼠应用右美托咪定后,BUN于6 h、 12 h、24 h分别为(13.4± 1.2)mmol/L、(12.5± 1.3)mmol/L、(11.4± 1.1)mmol/L,均低于A 组、B组,均P<0.05;Ccr 于6 h、12 h、24 h 分别为(77.4± 9.9)mL/min、(75.4± 10.2)mL/min、(78.5± 11.3)mL/min,均明显低于A 组、B 组,P<0.05;C 组6 h、12 h、24 h NGAL 表达水平分别为(39.2± 9.9)pg/mL、(41.6± 9.8)pg/mL、(38.2± 9.9)pg/mL,均明显低于A组、B组,P<0.05;C 组泵注6 h、12 h、24 h Toll受体4 水平及TLR4 mRNA 水平均低于A 组、B 组,P<0.05。结论:右美托咪啶可降低脓毒症大鼠Toll 受体4表达,有助于减 轻脓毒症炎性反应与减轻肾损害,具有重要临床价值。  相似文献   

目的研究Toll样受体2(Toll-like receptor2,TLR2)及Toll样受体4(TLR4)在实验性变应性鼻炎大鼠鼻黏膜中的表达及脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharide,LPS)对其表达的影响。方法SD大鼠48只随机分为正常对照组(A组);变应性鼻炎组(B组):经腹腔注射及鼻腔滴入卵清白蛋白(Ovalbumin,OVA)建立变应性鼻炎(Allergic rhinitis,AR)模型;变应性鼻炎+LPS刺激组(C组):大鼠激发成变应性鼻炎模型后再以LPS滴鼻。用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)方法检测鼻黏膜中TLR2 mRNA、TLR4 mRNA的表达。结果B、C组大鼠均成功激发为AR动物模型;各组鼻黏膜中均有TLR2 mRNA、TLR4 mRNA表达;各组间TLR2 mRNA的表达差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。B、C组TLR4 mRNA的表达较A组高(P〈0.01);C组TLR4 mRNA表达较B组增高(P〈0.01)。结论AR大鼠有TLLR4的表达增高;LPS刺激后TLR4表达进一步增高,说明TLR4可能参与AR的发病。TLR2在AR大鼠中的表达未见增高;LPS刺激后。TLR2表达未见进一步增高,TLR2与变应性鼻炎的关系有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a potent activator of cells of the immune and inflammatory systems, including macrophages, monocytes, and endothelial cells (EC). Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) has been identified as the primary receptor for LPS. Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) likely contribute significantly to the inflammation induced by low-level LPS in patients who are at risk for atherosclerosis. Previous study indicated that functional TLR4 was present in VSMCs. However, it remains unclear whether low levels of commercial LPS preparations can affect TLR4 expression in early stage. Here Real-time quantitative PCR analysis was used to detect TLR4 mRNA expression; Immunofluorescence, Western blot analysis and flow cytometry were used to examine TLR4 protein expression. It was shown that TLR4 was present in Human Aortic Smooth Muscle Cells (HASMCs). LPS can up-regulate TLR4 mRNA and protein expression in HASMCs in dose- and time-dependent manner. These data indicate that LPS regulate TLR4 expression in HASMCs.  相似文献   

Host genetic factors are known to determine disease susceptibility in dengue virus infection. Therefore, in this study association of gene polymorphisms of Vitamin D Receptor [rs731236 (Taq) and rs7975232 (Apa1)], Toll-like receptor 2 [rs5743708 (Arg735Gln) and rs5743704 (Pro631His)] and Toll-like receptor 4 [rs4986790A/G(Asp299Gly13843) and rs4986791 C/T(Thr399Ile)] were studied in cases with dengue as compared to controls. Total 98 cases of confirmed dengue virus infection and 98 age, sex and geographically matched healthy controls were enrolled and their genetic polymorphisms for the above mentioned regions were studied by Sanger sequencing. Mutant genotypes CC of VDR rs731236 (Taq1) [(OR 3.808, p value =0.02, CI 1.160-12.498)], GG of VDR rs7975232 (Apa1) [(OR 3.485, p value =0.02, CI 1.162-10.45)] and heterozygous genotypes of TLR4 rs4986790 A/G Asp299Gly [OR 2.40, p value= 0.02, CI 1.12-5.14], TLR4 rs4986791 C/T Thr399Ile [OR 2.09, p value=0.02, CI 1.12-5.14] were found to be significantly more in cases with dengue virus infection as compared to the controls. Also, at these positions mutant alleles were observed in significantly higher number of cases than controls. The values for C allele at VDR rs731236 (Taq1) were OR 1.86, p value 0.009, CI 1.162-3.001; for allele G at rs7975232( Apa1) were OR 2.71, p value 0.006, CI 1.196-2.98 for allele G at TLR4s rs4986790 A/G Asp299Gly were OR 2.35, p value 0.009, CI 1.23-4.50 and for allele T at rs4986791 C/T Thr399Ile were OR 2.36, p value=0.006, CI 1.28-4.38. VDR and TLR4 but not TLR2 gene polymorphisms were found to be associated with dengue susceptibility in Indian population.  相似文献   

目的:探讨Toll样受体4(TLR4)在哮喘状态下气道平滑肌细胞(ASMCs)增殖、凋亡中的作用.方法:建立哮喘大鼠模型,分离、培养哮喘大鼠气道平滑肌细胞,应用小分子RNA干扰技术、脂质体转染法进行小分子RNA-TLR4的转染、MTT,法检测细胞增殖、TUNNEL法检测细胞凋亡情况、逆转录聚合酶链式反应(RT-PCR)...  相似文献   

The melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) is a Family A G protein-coupled receptor that plays an essential role in regulating energy homeostasis, including both energy intake and expenditure. Mutations leading to a reduced MC4R function confer a major gene effect for obesity. More than 170 distinct mutations have been identified in humans. In addition to the conventional Gs-stimulated cAMP pathway, the MC4R also activates MAPKs, especially ERK1/2. We also showed there is biased signaling in the two signaling pathways, with inverse agonists in the Gs-cAMP pathway acting as agonists for the ERK1/2 pathway. In the current study, we sought to determine whether defects in basal or agonist-induced ERK1/2 activation in MC4R mutants might potentially contribute to obesity pathogenesis in patients carrying these mutations. The constitutive and ligand-stimulated ERK1/2 activation were measured in wild type and 73 naturally occurring MC4R mutations. We showed that nineteen mutants had significantly decreased basal pERK1/2 level, and five Class V variants (where no functional defects have been identified previously), C40R, V50M, T112M, A154D and S295P, had impaired ligand-stimulated ERK1/2 activation. Our studies demonstrated for the first time that decreased basal or ligand-stimulated ERK1/2 signaling might contribute to obesity pathogenesis caused by mutations in the MC4R gene. We also observed biased signaling in 25 naturally occurring mutations in the Gs-cAMP and ERK1/2 pathways.  相似文献   

How Location Governs Toll-Like Receptor Signaling   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are a family of innate immune system receptors responsible for recognizing conserved pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). PAMP binding to TLRs initiates intracellular signaling pathways that lead to the upregulation of a variety of costimulatory molecules and the synthesis and secretion of various cytokines and interferons by cells of the innate immune system. TLR-induced innate immune responses are a prerequisite for the generation of most adaptive immune responses, and in the case of B cells, TLRs directly regulate signaling from the antigen-specific B-cell receptor. The outcome of TLR signaling is determined, in part, by the cells in which they are expressed and by the selective use of signaling adaptors. Recent studies suggest that, in addition, both the ligand recognition by TLRs and the functional outcome of ligand binding are governed by the subcellular location of the TLRs and their signaling adaptors. In this review we describe what is known about the intracellular trafficking and compartmentalization of TLRs in innate system's dendritic cells and macrophages and in adaptive system's B cells, highlighting how location regulates TLR function.  相似文献   

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