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Messenger RNA polyadenylation is one of the processes that control gene expression in all eukaryotic cells and tissues. In mice, two forms of the regulatory polyadenylation protein CstF-64 are found. The gene Cstf2 on the X chromosome encodes this form, and it is expressed in all somatic tissues. The second form, tauCstF-64 (encoded by the autosomal gene Cstf2t), is expressed in a more limited set of tissues and cell types, largely in meiotic and postmeiotic male germ cells and, to a smaller extent, in brain. We report here that whereas CstF-64 and tauCstF-64 expression in rat tissues resembles their expression in mouse tissues, significant differences also are found. First, unlike in mice, in which CstF-64 was expressed in postmeiotic round and elongating spermatids, rat CstF-64 was absent in those cell types. Second, unlike in mice, tauCstF-64 was expressed at significant levels in rat liver. These differences in expression suggest interesting differences in X-chromosomal gene expression between these two rodent species.  相似文献   

Vertebrate polyadenylation sites are identified by the AAUAAA signal and by GU-rich sequences downstream of the cleavage site. These are recognized by a heterotrimeric protein complex (CstF) through its 64 kDa subunit (CstF-64); the strength of this interaction affects the efficiency of poly(A) site utilization. We present the structure of the RNA-binding domain of CstF-64 containing an RNA recognition motif (RRM) augmented by N- and C-terminal helices. The C-terminal helix unfolds upon RNA binding and extends into the hinge domain where interactions with factors responsible for assembly of the polyadenylation complex occur. We propose that this conformational change initiates assembly. Consecutive Us are required for a strong CstF-GU interaction and we show how UU dinucleotides are recognized. Contacts outside the UU pocket fine tune the protein-RNA interaction and provide different affinities for distinct GU-rich elements. The protein-RNA interface remains mobile, most likely a requirement to bind many GU-rich sequences and yet discriminate against other RNAs. The structural distinction between sequences that form stable and unstable complexes provides an operational distinction between weakly and strongly processed poly(A) sites.  相似文献   

Messenger RNA polyadenylation in male germ cells does not seem to require the AAUAAA polyadenylation signal required in all other cell types. To account for this difference, we found a variant form of the polyadenylation protein, the 64,000 Mr protein of the cleavage stimulation factor (CstF-64), in mouse meiotic and postmeiotic germ cells. This protein is a candidate to alter polyadenylation in those cells. More recently, we reported the cloning from mouse pachytene spermatocytes of mouse tauCstF-64 (gene symbol Cstf2t), which is a homolog of CstF-64 fitting the criteria we expected for the variant CstF-64 protein. Here we report the cloning and mapping of the human ortholog of mouse tauCstF-64. The human tauCstF-64 cDNA (gene symbol CSTF2T) is 2324 bp in length and encodes a protein of 616 amino acids (64,442.90 Da). Although most highly related to mouse tauCstF-64 (89.8% identity), human tauCstF-64 is also related to the human and mouse somatic CstF-64 (74.9% and 73.4% identity, respectively). Alignment of human tauCstF-64 with human genome sequence from chromosome 10 shows that CSTF2T lacks introns. Radiation hybrid mapping places the human tauCstF-64 gene at 10q22-q23, which is the site of a translocation that has been associated with human neurological problems and male infertility.  相似文献   



We have previously noted that there were differences in somatic and male germ cell polyadenylation site choices. First, male germ cells showed a lower incidence of the sequence AAUAAA (an important element for somatic polyadenylation site choice) near the polyadenylation site choice. Second, the polyadenylation sites chosen in male germ cells tended to be nearer the 5' end of the mRNA than those chosen in somatic cells. Finally, a number of mRNAs used a different polyadenylation site in male germ cells than in somatic cells. These differences suggested that male germ cell-specific polyadenylation sites may be poor substrates for polyadenylation in somatic cells. We therefore hypothesized that male germ cell-specific polyadenylation sites would be inefficiently used in somatic cells.  相似文献   

The single copy mouse Testis Brain RNA-Binding Protein (TB-RBP) gene encodes three mRNAs of 3.0, 1.7, and 1.0 kb which only differ in their 3' UTRs. The 1 kb TB-RBP mRNA predominates in testis, while somatic cells preferentially express the 3.0 kb TB-RBP mRNA. Here we show that the 1 kb mRNA is translated several-fold more efficiently than the 3 kb TB-RBP in rabbit reticulocyte lysates and cells with elevated levels of the 1 kB TB-RBP mRNA express high levels of TB-RBP. To determine if the cleavage stimulatory factor CstF 64 can modulate the alternative splicing of the TB-RBP pre-mRNA and therefore TB-RBP expression, CstF 64 levels and binding to alternative polyadenylation sites were examined. CstF 64 is abundant in the testis and preferentially binds to a distal site in the TB-RBP pre-mRNA that produces the 3 kb TB-RBP. Moreover, upregulation or overexpression of CstF 64 increases the poly(A) site selection for the 1 kb TB-RBP mRNA. We propose that the level of the polyadenylation factor CstF 64 modulates the level of TB-RBP synthesis in male germ cells by an alternative processing of the TB-RBP pre-mRNA.  相似文献   

The administration of alcohol to male mice 2-6 h before the preparation of second meiotic metaphases from testes resulted in an approximately six-fold increase in aneuploidy. The timing employed indicates that the observed chromosome abnormalities were a result of nondisjunction and/or anaphase lagging at the first meiotic division. A similar effect has been described in the female mouse; however, the present results suggest that the aneuploidy-inducing effect of ethanol may be substantially greater in the female than in the male.  相似文献   

A 6-12S RNA fraction has been isolated following sucrose gradient fractionation of mouse testis RNA, and further resolved into poly A+ and poly A- RNA fractions by oligo-(dt)-cellulose chromatography. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of products formed in a reticulocyte lysate-dependent cell-free translation system has enabled identification of histone variants, H1t, H2S, H2A . X, an H4-like protein and a low Mr protein (presumably TP and/or protamine). Cell-free synthesis of a number of these histone variants appears to be directed by poly A+ mRNAs.  相似文献   

Many mRNAs in male germ cells lack the canonical AAUAAA but are normally polyadenylated (Wallace, A. M., Dass, B., Ravnik, S. E., Tonk, V., Jenkins, N. A., Gilbert, D. J., Copeland, N. G., and MacDonald, C. C. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad Sci. U. S. A. 96, 6763-6768). Previously, we demonstrated the presence of two distinct forms of the M(r) 64,000 protein of the cleavage stimulation factor (CstF-64) in mouse male germ cells and in brain, a somatic M(r) 64,000 form and a variant M(r) 70,000 form. The variant form was specific to meiotic and postmeiotic germ cells. We localized the gene for the somatic CstF-64 to the X chromosome, which would be inactivated during male meiosis. This suggested that the variant CstF-64 was an autosomal homolog activated during that time. We have named the variant form "tau CstF-64," and we describe here the cloning and characterization of the mouse tauCstF-64 cDNA, which maps to chromosome 19. The mouse tauCstF-64 protein fits the criteria of the variant CstF-64, including antibody reactivity, size, germ cell expression, and a common proteolytic digest pattern with tauCstF-64 from testis. Features of mtauCstF-64 that might allow it to promote the germ cell pattern of polyadenylation include a Pro --> Ser substitution in the RNA-binding domain and significant changes in the region that interacts with CstF-77.  相似文献   

Nuclear transplantation of male primordial germ cells in the mouse   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We examined the developmental ability of enucleated eggs receiving embryonic nuclei and male primordial germ cells (PGCs) in the mouse. Reconstituted eggs developed into the blastocyst stage only when an earlier 2-cell nucleus was transplanted (36%) but very rarely if the donor nucleus was derived from a later 2-cell, 8-cell, or inner cell mass of a blastocyst (0-3%). 54-100%, 11-67%, 6-43% and 6-20% of enucleated eggs receiving male PGCs developed to 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell and blastocyst stage, respectively, in culture. The overall success rate when taking into account the total number of attempts at introducing germ cells was actually 0-6%. Live fetuses were not obtained after transfer of reconstituted eggs to recipients, although implantation sites were observed. The developmental ability of reconstituted eggs in relation to embryonic genome activation and genomic imprinting is discussed.  相似文献   

Histamine synthesis in male reproductive tissues remains largely unknown. The interaction between stem cell factor and its receptor, c-Kit, has been found to be essential for the maturation of male germ cells and peripheral mast cells. Based on this analogy, we investigated the expression of histidine decarboxylase (HDC), the rate-limiting enzyme of histamine synthesis, in mouse male germ cells. Immunohistochemical analyses revealed that HDC is localized in the acrosomes of spermatids and spermatozoa. In the testis, epididymis, and spermatozoa, a significant amount of histamine and HDC activity were detected. W/W(V) mice, known to lack most of their germ cells in the seminiferous tubules, were found to lack HDC protein expression as well as HDC activity in the testis. An in vitro acrosome reaction induced by a calcium ionophore, caused the release of histamine from epididymal spermatozoa. Our observations indicate that histamine is produced in and released from the acrosomes.  相似文献   

Mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs) migrate from the base of the allantois to the genital ridge. They proliferate both during migration and after their arrival, until initiation of the sex-differentiation of fetal gonads. Then, PGCs enter into the prophase of the first meiotic division in the ovary to become oocytes, while those in the testis become mitotically arrested to become prospermatogonia. Growth regulation of mouse PGCs has been studied by culturing them on feeder cells. They show a limited period of proliferation in vitro and go into growth arrest, which is in good correlation with their developmental changes in vivo. However, in the presence of multiple growth signals, PGCs can restart rapid proliferation and transform into pluripotent embryonic germ (EG) cells. Observation of ectopic germ cells and studies of reaggregate cultures suggested that both male and female PGCs show cell-autonomous entry into meiosis and differentiation into oocytes if they were set apart from the male gonadal environments. Recently, we developed a two-dimensional dispersed culture system in which we can examine transition from the mitotic PGCs into the leptotene stage of the first meiotic division. Such entry into meiosis seems to be programmed in PGCs before reaching the genital ridges and unless it is inhibited by putative signals from the testicular somatic cells.  相似文献   

The accumulation of α- and β-globin mRNA sequences in murine erythroleukemia cells (MELC) treated with various inducers has been studied using specific α- and β-globin complementary DNAs (cDNAs). In cells cultured with dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO), hexamethylene bisacetamide (HMBA) or butyric acid, accumulation of α-globin mRNA is detectable after 16, 12 and 8 hr of culture, respectively. An increase in β-globin mRNA sequences is not detected until 20–24 hr after culture. In cells exposed to hemin, both α- and β-globin mRNAs are detectable by 6 hr of culture, and a constant ratio of αβ-mRNA is maintained during induction. In maximally induced cells, the αβ-globin mRNA ratios are approximately 1 in cells induced by Me2SO and HMBA, and 0.66 and 0.3–0.50 in cells induced by butyric acid and hemin, respectively. Thus different inducers of erythroid differentiation in MELC lead to different times of onset of the expression of α- and β-like genes. In addition, the relative accumulation of α- and β-globin mRNAs in induced cells differs with various types of inducers.  相似文献   

Maintenance of mouse male germ line stem cells in vitro   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
The proliferation and differentiation of a stem cell are regulated intrinsically by the stem cell and extrinsically by the stem cell niche. Elucidation of regulatory mechanisms of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs), the stem cell of the postnatal male germ line, would be facilitated by in vitro studies that provide a defined microenvironment reconstituted ex vivo. We analyzed the effect of in vitro environment on the maintenance of adult and immature SSCs in a 7-day culture system. Although the number of adult and immature SSCs decreased in a time-dependent manner, nearly one in four stem cells (24%) could be maintained in vitro for 7 days. Stem cell maintenance was enhanced by coculture with OP9 bone marrow stroma or L fibroblast cell lines, addition of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor, or utilization of specific culture medium. In contrast, coculture with TM4 or SF7 Sertoli cell lines and addition of activin A or bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) reduced stem cell maintenance in vitro. Only 4% of the stem cells remained when cultured with TM4 cells or activin A, and 6% remained when cultured with SF7 cells or BMP4. These results lead to the hypothesis that suppression of germ cell differentiation improves in vitro maintenance of SSCs by interrupting the unidirectional cascade of spermatogenesis and blocking stem cell differentiation.  相似文献   

MgcRacGAP (RACGAP1) is a GTPase Activating Protein (GAP), highly produced in the mouse embryonic brain and in the human and mouse post-natal testis. MgcRacGAP negatively controls the activity of Rac and Cdc42, which are key molecular switches acting on the microtubule and actin cytoskeleton and controlling various cell processes such as proliferation, adhesion and motility. Previous studies demonstrated that MgcRacGAP plays a critical role in the cytokinesis of somatic cells; hence homozygous inactivation of the gene in the mouse and mutation in Caenorhabditis elegans led to embryonic lethality due to the inability of MgcRacGAP-null embryos to assemble the central spindle and to complete cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the human CstF-64 polyadenylation factor contains 12 nearly identical repeats of a consensus motif of five amino acid residues with the sequence MEAR(A/G). No known function has yet been ascribed to this motif; however, according to secondary structure prediction algorithms, it should form a helical structure in solution. To validate this theoretical prediction, we synthesized a 31 amino acid residue peptide (MEARA(6)) containing six repeats of the MEARA sequence and characterized its structure and stability by circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). No effects of concentration on the CD or DSC properties of MEARA(6) were observed, indicating that the peptide is monomeric in solution at concentrations up to 2 mM. The far UV-CD spectra of MEARA(6) indicates that at a low temperature (1 degrees C) the MEARA(6) peptide has a relatively high helical content (76% at pH 2.0 and 65% at pH 7.0). The effects of pH and ionic strength on the CD spectrum of MEARA(6) suggest that a number of electrostatic interactions (e.g., i, i + 3 Arg/Glu ion pair, charge-dipole interactions) contribute to the stability of the helical structure in this peptide. DSC profiles show that the melting of MEARA(6) helix is accompanied by positive change in the enthalpy. To determine thermodynamic parameters of helix-coil transition from DSC profiles for this peptide, we developed a new, semiempirical procedure based on the calculated function for the heat capacity of the coiled state for a broad temperature range. The application of this approach to the partial molar heat capacity function for MEARA(6) provides the enthalpy change for helix formation calculated per amino acid residue as 3.5 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

12 1/2-15 1/2 day embryonic mouse testes of 129/terSv and CBA/T6T6 strains were transplanted under the kidney capsule of adult hosts. After 3-5 days in 41% of CBA/T6T6 transplants and in 82% of 129/terSv transplants a limit number of germ cells began meiosis. The percentage of meiotic germ cells was inversely related to the total number of gonocytes and the organization of seminiferous cords. The presented evidence indicates that the ability of the germ cells to begin meiosis precociously depends on: 1) genotype of donor embryos; 2) age of transplanted testis, and 3) using whole of half of gonad for transplantation. After 10-15 days in two out of 46 129/terSv testes (4%) growing oocytes were observed.  相似文献   

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